Lea Schultz image

About Lea Schultz

I'm Lea and I channel Samuel, something I'm still amazed about after all of these years. I feel deeply fortunate to do the work I do because I get to be surrounded by people who are choosing to be their best and help this world in whatever way they can. I happily live with my boys, the two human ones—Frank and Stuart, and our two wild and wonderful pups, Cullen and Finn.


Smudging is a quick and easy tool for purifying a physical space through a conscious act of love. The space will feel lighter and fresher when the smudging is completed. You’ll need ONE of the following: a lit stick of sandalwood or amber incense salt that can be sprinkled (though we suggest you don’t sprinkle […]

By |2021-06-17T10:29:05-04:00June 16th, 2021|Practical Tool|0 Comments

A 2021 message from Samuel

Occasionally Samuel feels the need to pass along information that he feels we’ll need “between visits,” and that results in emails/posts in like this. This is sort of a continuation of his first-Sunday of January discussion about what we’d be seeing in 2021. I believe this will be a magnificent year—with some hiccups here and […]

By |2021-01-10T16:36:40-05:00January 10th, 2021|Uncategorized|4 Comments

Paradigm Change, One White Person at a Time

When George W. Bush put US soldiers in Iraq, I joined thousands of people and marched in Washington DC against the war. I’ve honked in solidarity with pickets, and supported multiple different protests. I was a good, liberal white person, like so many of my friends. I thought of myself as open-minded. I mean, how […]

By |2020-10-15T12:45:14-04:00October 14th, 2020|Uncategorized|22 Comments

Intent for Peaceful, Loving, Change

At the June 6, 2020, Weekend Update with Samuel, he suggested Guardians give themselves a few minutes daily the next couple weeks to do this meditation/visualization. This was from Phoenix Institute Atlanta’s June Full Moon ritual written by Nancy Petersen. Thank you, Nancy for this beautiful intent! June 5, 2020 Full Moon Intent Close your […]

By |2020-06-16T17:36:37-04:00June 6th, 2020|Meditation|2 Comments

This Wild Ride

Most beloved friends, Blessings and love to each of you, every day and in every way! For those of you who take part in OneHeart, the email digest for letting each other know about energy requests and successes with those requests, then you know that the three of us have had an “interesting” February so […]

By |2020-02-21T21:20:45-05:00February 21st, 2020|Energy Transmissions|19 Comments

Dreaming: How to Remember Your Dreams

Part 2 of 2

“I had the most wonderful dream last night!” “What do you think this dream means?” “I had a nightmare.” What is it about dreams that make them the topic of so much thought and conversation, including conversations people have had with Samuel over the years? In part-two of this blog post I’m going to condense […]

By |2019-12-12T14:12:16-05:00December 12th, 2019|Practical Tool|1 Comment

7 Ways to Grow Spiritually

With all that has been going on over the last few months, our spiritual connections are more important than ever. When those spiritual connections involve knowing more about incoming energy transmissions for the rest of this year and into 2019, then it’s vital to be “in the know.” That’s what this post is for—letting you […]

By |2018-11-05T17:00:46-05:00November 5th, 2018|Uncategorized|2 Comments

Sun Gazing—Bonding with the Sun

During Samuel’s July Sunday night meeting he commented that since the Activation of Bolivia’s Solar StarGate our experience of sun gazing would be different than it was before the Solar StarGate was made active. Because of that we wanted to share with you the Sun Gazing exercise that Samuel gave the group several years ago. […]

By |2022-03-10T10:20:56-05:00July 9th, 2018|Practical Tool|4 Comments


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