This interview is a mixture of questions submitted by readers and unanswered questions from Samuel’s most recent Sunday night Q&A session. With Frank and Stuart present, it developed into more of a conversation than usual, so the speakers are identified.
It is exciting to hear about the trip to Greece. What can you tell us about it at this time?
The energy of the temples at Delphi, particularly the one to Apollo, which is where the oracle was, is very alive even now. If you come straight off the coast, you are going to go through a very ancient olive grove. To be right by a few thousand-year-old trees is nice for grounding.
Also, you might want to carry a crystal around with you, because it will store some of that frequency and help you remember as well as your photos will. And it will do a whole lot to amplify the energies that you’re experiencing.
It just reeks of age everywhere. And particularly for Western culture, it’s very familiar because so much of that culture is based on Greece.
But the StarGate that is there simply isn’t readjusted at this point, and I think it will take the group to do that.
What is the roadmap for opening different energy portals or Gates on Earth and how will this sequential opening of energy Gates go forward if the group is limited in the amount of travel for one reason or another?
I’m guessing that what is being asked there has to do with places in the world that you really cannot go now. As individuals you could visit the pyramids, but taking a group of Americans there is not such a good idea.
I would like to send you to the Mesopotamian area but, of course, again America has sort of led the way in getting that closed down as well. So there are places where it is not safe for a group to go.
Nevertheless, working at Fifth Density has effectually reset what it’s going to take to work through the various Gates and portals that are available right now. So in that vein, with the group ideally at Fifth Density, it will be able to open a few key points and do work from there.
Before Fifth Density there were three main points—many in the group remember Nevis as one of them—meaning that multiple works could be done from them. Now there are about twelve points that can easily be opened into StarGates that can work with any other StarGate. The Elemental Gates are probably going to take a little longer to stabilize to a point that they can be worked on.

Samuel says he only reminds us of what we already know, but the tools and insight he has provided over the years have been invaluable to me. The hugest gift I’ve received from Samuel is the reminder that I am not here to be the world’s greatest actor/artist/writer/fill-in-the-blank; I’m not here to be the next Martin Luther King, Jr. or Mother Theresa. I am here to be Source in form, so that no matter what I’m doing, no matter how long or short my to-accomplish list, I have value here. I am adding to the Greater Good by living the Love that I Am. That means, if my acting career finds me waiting tables (as it often has), I still go to work smiling because I know I am touching hearts, as I compacted to do. Every moment is sacred.

Participating in Samuel’s work over the last 20 years has been the most transformative experience of my life. It’s been the perfect method for me to discover, develop and be the best of what I am. I’ve gained the tools necessary for effective leadership, healthy relationships and emotional well-being. I’ve always been able to depend on getting pushed to the next level when I get too comfortable within my understanding of things, which has challenged me in all the right ways to expand my consciousness. I continue to participate in the work, because it gives me an outlet for my loving service and I get to use that service to fulfill my destiny.

Samuel has inspired me to explore many aspects of this beautiful life. Though he would say he simply reminds us what we already know, I know his teachings to be wise, resonant with my heart, making brilliant sense, and bringing truly remarkable results!