When George W. Bush put US soldiers in Iraq, I joined thousands of people and marched in Washington DC against the war. I’ve honked in solidarity with pickets, and supported multiple different protests. I was a good, liberal white person, like so many of my friends.
I thought of myself as open-minded. I mean, how could I not be—look at what I do in life! Right? I saw myself as open-hearted, and onto myself, willing to take internal deep-dives and work on core issues like a good Guardian. Lots of people told me what a nice person I was. I was one of the good guys—right?
But I was fooling myself. I was hiding from a truth that turned my lily-white, liberal world around—the truth that I am a racist. By not recognizing that fact, and what the roots of racism are in my own life, I was actually perpetuating a racist system that is unjust, inequitable, and desperately in need of change. I was being the person I protested against in a vital issue that I had allowed myself to be ignorant about.
Can you imagine what that did to my view of the world and myself? Me, the “loving” one; me, the leader; me, working toward Ascension, for Pete’s sake—and me, safe and smug in my lack of recognition of a world-changing issue. I was unwilling and unaware of even the need to move outside of my comfortable little box of a white-centered life!
It’s embarrassing to me how old I was able to get before educating myself about racism (something that had to do with “someone else” and not me), because every year represents a year of not seeing and not doing anything about the racist system I benefitted from, nor of the suffering and pain that nice white people bring to our world.
Then 2020 came and brought a pandemic along with it. Quarantine brought about meetings with Samuel through Jitsi and Zoom where he repeatedly spoke about the need to use this time to change the fear-based, third Density paradigms that are at the the foundation of multiple aspects of our world—education, commerce, entertainment, law, economics, employment, the corporatocracy, as he called it, and more. When, during this time, George Floyd was brutally murdered and nightly protests began across the world, Samuel told us that the paradigm of racism, especially in the US, was the paradigm that would change all the others, because the roots of racism were thoroughly enmeshed throughout our society and embedded in conscious and unconscious experiences of white privilege and white supremacy. He told us repeatedly to educate ourselves and take action.
This is a recent quote from Samuel about the importance of changing the paradigm—as well as what needs to happen FIRST amongst the Guardianship, and from there out through the world.
Be warned, dear white friends reading this, this is hard to read and might be harder to accept. But if you DO follow through and begin educating yourself to recognize the racism present in the world and in our lives, and how white people have benefitted from a racist system, you WILL become a part of the solution. And being a part of the solution is exactly why all Guardians are here, right?
Here’s what Samuel said:
“The paradigm of racism is at the top of the precipice now. This paradigm has deep roots throughout your world. American racism right now is really out of control. And the biggest reason it’s out of control is because it is ignored, allowed, accepted by well-intentioned white people who do not believe that just because they let it get by, because they don’t like to confront, or ‘it didn’t seem that bad,’ ‘nobody seemed to mind,’ or ‘I have black friends,’ it’s referring to [them].
“Until white people are able to see that perpetuating the problem means you ARE the problem, whether you meant to or not, not taking action, not getting it, not educating yourself with step one—admitting YOU have grown up in a racist society which is so imprinted in your bones, whether you want it there or not, whether you agree with it or not, are some racist beliefs.
“My darlin’s, this opportunity has passed too many times. There are things you can do. Step one is admit you’re a part of the problem, whether you think you are or not. Step two is start educating yourself on the problems because if you shift this paradigm, think of all the functions in your world that would shift as well.”
Below are resources that have been very helpful to me, Frank, and Stuart in giving ourselves the start of what will be a life-long education process about racism, the 400+ year old oppressive, discriminatory, slavery-based “dirty little secret” that nice white people are keeping away from their conscious minds. But this is far from anything but a start. The internet has a multitude of good information on the subjects surrounding racism and learning to be a good ally. Do a search on youtube for “white fragility,” “racial justice,” or even “explaining racism,” and you’ll be able to learn as much as you can take in; search the internet for “wealth gap,” or “school to prison pipeline,” or “police union contracts,” and you’ll have thousands of articles available to you to sort through and find the direction you want to start in. The list below is only a beginning because, as I said, this is a lifetime learning process!
This is a time of change for our world, and as Samuel has said for…ever, “You are here to change this world. But you can’t change this world without changing yourself first, and you can only change yourself with Love.” We’re here in this time of transition to help our world move toward Ascension—and racism is a paradigm so rooted in the many areas of third Density, fear-based functions that focusing on racism will bring some of the most in-depth, across-the-board change desperately needed now. Silence is violence.
So You Want to Talk About Race – Ijeoma Oluo
In So You Want to Talk About Race, Ijeoma Oluo guides readers of all races through subjects ranging from intersectionality and affirmative action to “model minorities” in an attempt to make the seemingly impossible possible: honest conversations about race and racism, and how they infect almost every aspect of American life.
Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor by Layla Saad
Using a step-by-step reflection process, she encourages people with white privilege to examine their racist thoughts and behaviors. Thousands of people participated in the challenge, and more than ninety thousand people downloaded the Me and White Supremacy Workbook. Since then, the work has spread to families, book clubs, educational institutions, nonprofits, corporations, event spaces, and more.
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard For White People To Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo
Robin DiAngelo deftly illuminates the phenomenon of white fragility and “allows us to understand racism as a practice not restricted to ‘bad people’ (Claudia Rankine). Referring to the defensive moves that white people make when challenged racially, white fragility is characterized by emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and by behaviors including argumentation and silence.
How to Be an Antiracist, by Ibram X. Kendi
Antiracism is a transformative concept that reorients and reenergizes the conversation about racism—and, even more fundamentally, points us toward liberating new ways of thinking about ourselves and each other.
1619, by the New York Times, hosted by Nicole Hannah-Jones
An audio series on how slavery has transformed America, connecting past and present through the oldest form of storytelling.
The Untold Story: Policing, by Lemonada Media
A seemingly impenetrable system stands in the way of ending police violence. Join host and actor Jay Ellis as he explores the untold story of policing. Jay’s mission: demystify police union contracts, separate truth from fiction, and deliver some concrete steps that can end violent police misconduct across the United States
White Fragility
University of Washington professor Dr. Robin DiAngelo reads from her book “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism,” explains the phenomenon, and discusses how white people can develop their capacity to engage more constructively across race. I hour 23.5 minutes
“What does defunding really mean?” One of the clearest videos to help explain “Defunding.” (about 10+ min.)
Race–The Power of an Illusion: How the Racial Wealth Gap Was Created (29 min.)
13th: a Netflix documentary directed by Ava DuVernay
4 Steps That I and Other White People Can Take to Fight Racism (includes a fabulous list of references on all four steps)
Anti-Oppression Resources website lists relevant Podcasts & Interviews, Books, and Articles
Dearest Lea,
Thank you for your wonderful article and for listing resources in one place. I’m learning so much and will continue to learn for the rest of my life–seeing and unpacking what as been invisible to me, deconstructing, recreating, learning to be an ally of BIPOC. The hope for me is as I learn, increase my awareness and expand my consciousness, it helps the shift into a love-based paradigm.
I am so grateful for you and your work.
I love you,
Mary Claire
Dearest Mary Claire,
Thanks for your comment! There are SO MANY good resources out there, the listed ones are just skimming the surface, as you know. I like the way you stated this journey: seeing, unpacking, deconstructing, and re-creating. It takes all of that to not only learn, but change, and keep those changes going in our lives until they’re (heart) muscle memory. And re-creation means ACTION if we want the changes to come the most quickly and last the longest. Yep: lifetime journey. And Mary Claire, I’m grateful for you, too.
I love you!
Dearest Lea,
I am touched and grateful for your honesty, vulnerability, passion and leadership. I have been participating in a few webinars and meetings about racial injustice and inequality in situations/systems happening today across our country. Sometimes my heart hurts so much I can hardly breathe and sometimes I sadly have to admit that I lose hope. Yet I am also daily uplifted by seeing your loving face along with all of the others doing the noon focus and my hope is restored as well as my resolve to keep on keeping on, within myself and in the world in whatever ways I’m able. I know this is a life long process for all of us white folks and I’m pretty sure the process of change in this country and the world will go on far beyond my life, at least I’m counting on that. You and the others in this group truly are holding me up and I’m deeply grateful.
I love and appreciate you bunches, Lea.
Dear Karen, Thank you for your love-filled comment. Personally I’ve found that there’s a fine line—a balancing act—to find that space between covering my eyes so I don’t see and know, and allowing my emotions to overwhelm me (there’s even a name for that, “white tears”) which make me unhelpful and unable to take the deep dives necessary to become an educated, aware anti-racist and hopeful ally. After all, a white person’s pain is NOTHING compared to that our BIPoC friends, so focusing on the Love I take a lot of deep breaths and keep going forward—right?! I love you!
Thank you, Lea, for helping us Guardians see the reality of this issue! While racism is the primary issue, wrapped around that is that of white male supremacy and the fact that if we are going to tackle racism to the ground, we need to face the fact that our government is controlled right now by white males. Thus women of color face not only racial inequality but the additional burden that they are women in a male-dominated society. Kimberle Crenshaw calls that intersectionality–fighting not one but two systems of injustice.
Thank you, dear Paula, for your helpful comment. Racism has its tentacles in every major aspect of our society, and our society is patriarchal and white in areas of power. Breaking apart the paradigm of racism might provide a killing blow to the white patriarchy, or at least wound it big enough for everyone to see the giant behind so many of society’s ills. But you know what? I believe Guardians’ choices now can start this vital breakdown happening. Let’s do this! I love you!
Thank you so much, Lea, for your vulnerability, honesty, and courage. And thank you for your example because if you, as the spiritual leader of Phoenix, are racist, then who among the good white folks at Phoenix (me included) can deny their own racism.
Along with your wonderful list of resources, I’d like to add the book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Era of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander.
From Amazon: “With dazzling candor, legal scholar Michelle Alexander argues that ‘we have not ended racial caste in America; we have merely redesigned it.’ By targeting black men through the War on Drugs and decimating communities of color, the U.S. criminal justice system functions as a contemporary system of racial control—relegating millions to a permanent second-class status—even as it formally adheres to the principle of colorblindness. In the words of Benjamin Todd Jealous, president and CEO of the NAACP, this book is a ‘call to action.'”
Thank you for the additional resource, Suzanne! And thank you, too, for your willingness to see hope in my changing awareness, and that which is beginning to bloom among Guardians. Good information like the book you’re suggesting, “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Era of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander” will help us all put feet on that hope. Bless you!
Thank you Lea. I really appreciate the resources. When I think of my journey to understand racism and become anti-racist, I think of a fish trying to understand water. My complete immersion in a racist society and how it has shaped my entire world and environment s something I am only beginning to see and understand. Recognizing my participation and how I have upheld that is not only something I am learning to understand on mental level, but more importantly on heart level. I am working on that now. Much gratitude to you for your part in opening my eyes to truly see.
Thank you, dear Kathy! Yep, fish explaining water! 🙂 I can only hope that BIPoC will be as patient with me as I learn, fail, try again, keep learning … as so many have been with my oblivious, white supremacist self. I truly believe your example will lead to big changes. Thank you for putting the work out there! I love you!
Lea, thank you for this powerfully written piece, for your vulnerability and courage. Thank you for being such a loving strong example for all of us. Big Love. Jill
Big love back to you, Jill! Thank you for your uplifting comments—they were a wonderful way to start my day. Bless you, I love you!
Dearest Lea,
This was so on-point, impactful, and powerfully written. Thank you for the enormous time and effort it took to bring this message to all who read it …. and much appreciation for the wealth of resources you gave us.
This journey IS hard, and sometimes painful, but the reward will be beyond our current ability to internalize (for me, at least).
Bless you, dear Lea, for being willing to lead by example …. and for showing the world what it looks like to lead with honesty, integrity, and love.
Eileen 💗
Thank you, Eileen, for your love and kind words—it means so much coming from you. There are few things Samuel has ever said could, on its own, change our world as much as the racism paradigm change could. That inspires me, as do you. I love you!
Love this and Love you!!
Love you back!
Thank you for sharing these resources toward further educating myself on my racism. I read and/or listen to educational materials on racism in its many forms and how I am/have been a part of it (unintentionally). I am grateful for the opportunity to realize my racism and to walk the long road to healing. I am grateful to you, Frank, Stuart and all of the Phoenix community for a safe place where healing can begin.
Hi, Janet! I’m so glad you feel the resources will be helpful. There are so many more that this just touches the surface. It’s a sobering but vital journey to recognize the privilege and unconscious biases white people live their lives with. I’m glad we’re on this journey together. I love you!
Many thanks and much appreciation Lea!
This is truly extraordinary! H
Blessings Dina, Dale, and Harvey for your loving comments. Thank you for taking the time to read my post. BIG LOVE to you!
Thank you Lea! Love you and deeply appreciate your vision and your leadership.
Thanks and so much love to you, dear Lea!