Last spring Samuel let us know that over the next couple of years we would likely experience many losses because people, and even plants and animals, would be leaving earth—dying. I know that we’ve personally experienced the loss of dear friends and a beloved four-legged family member, and the loss of these dear ones leaves a hole in our lives that heals slowly. It has been a hard year in this way.
We’re putting Samuel’s anointing instructions on the website because so many of us are close to people who are “choosing to leave earth,” as Samuel puts it.
Samuel says anointing someone who is in the dying process is a gift not only to them, but to you as well, because anointing helps all parties let go. It helps the Spirit release from the physical form, and it helps us release our emotional hold on our dying friend or family member, or even outmoded patterns and memories.
You can vary this ritual to make it work for your circumstances by, for instance, anointing only the heart, forehead and crown if you don’t have access to more of the body; or you could even do this anointing as a visualization (meditation) if you don’t have access to the person at all. You are giving and receiving a gift, so although doing the whole anointing is ideal, doing any of it at all is very helpful.
Interestingly enough, Samuel has said this ritual can also be adapted for use to help you create a new beginning after a great loss. Consider using this ritual on yourself to help let go of old patterns and begin anew with fresh opportunities!
If you’ve used this ritual and found it helpful, please tell us how it helped you in the comments, below.
With our Love,
Lea, Frank, and Stuart
Samuel says our physical bodies have a very strong drive to continue living even when it is breaking or broken down and no longer able to hold the Spirit. He says the anointing process is really about letting the physical body know that it’s all right, it can safely let go and release the Spirit.
What you’ll need:
- a bowl of pure water; and
- a small plate or bowl containing a few drops of either sandalwood or amber essential (concentrated) oil mixed with a small amount of pure oil base, such as almond oil or an unscented massage oil in a small bowl or container.
Step One
Think about what you are going to do and why you are doing it so that the actual anointing is the last bit of work left in the final release. This is setting your Intent. (Examples could be: “My Intent here is to help my friend make her transition in the easiest possible way,” or “I am anointing myself to let go of my debilitating childhood memories.”
Remember that gratitude is a sign of letting go, so immerse yourself in gratitude for this person (or situation), and, on a mental level throughout the anointing process continue expressing your gratitude —“I am grateful for your presence in my life;” “I am grateful for the wisdom you’ve shared with me;” “I am grateful for your sense of humor/big heart/good memories/service to the world …”
Step Two
As the anointer, you are first going to symbolically purify yourself by touching the fingers of either hand into the bowl of water then, with those wet fingers, touching the top of your head, your heart, your left and then right palm, and finally, at the point where the toes meet the foot, your left and then right foot (Samuel says there is actually no specific order as long as each of these spots is symbolically purified).
It is time to anoint for release. Again, while continuing to express gratitude for this person’s role in your life (the role the experience played in your life), specifically acknowledge that it is time for your friend to leave this world, and visualize them moving out of their body and into a place of bright, white Light filled with peace and love.
Step Three:
Touching energy points
While you are mentally expressing gratitude rub a small amount of the oil mixture into:
- the center of first one and then the other of their palms. This is a chakra area where energy comes in and goes out of the body;
- the heart, which is a recognition of the energy that maintains the physical body. Before describing the spot to touch, Samuel warns us not to fall into polite modesty and just touch any point on the middle of the chest. He goes on to say, “There are two places on the chest where you can feel the heartbeat the best, one a little higher than the other.” Find the spot between the two to touch your oil to. (This spot will be on the pectoral muscle, slightly to the right (their left) of center as you are looking at them.)
- the slight indentation (the “soft spot”) at the very top of their head. Samuel says to recognize this spot as the point of completion for their human energy, for it is from this spot that the energy of “that which makes you human” flows; finally,
- the bottom and top of each foot where the toes meet the foot. This area has concentrated nerve endings that affect the whole body.
When you’ve completed these four areas (hands, heart, top of the head, feet) remember to thank yourself for giving and receiving this gift, and thank them for allowing you to serve in this manner.
Anointing a person who is in the process of dying is a powerful gift to give them. This will not “kill them,” and may not even speed up the dying process, but it will allow their Spirit to more easily separate from the physical body if they have a portal (which Samuel calls a cosmic opportunity to die).
This information was compiled from a teaching Samuel gave at the October 6, 2002 Sunday night meeting at Phoenix Institute. Since that time he has updated this ritual a little with the information that if someone has been through a long and difficult dying process, you can anoint every major joint in the body (shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles), as well as those mentioned already; additionally, anoint the “third eye” area of the forehead while both visualizing white light pouring into this area and mentally seeing their Spirit departing on that beam of white light.
We’re concluding here with a list of very condensed instructions:
- Set Intent
- Fill yourself with Gratitude
- Symbolically purify self (water on palms, heart, crown, feet)
- Symbolically release (oil on palms, heart, crown, feet)
- Gratitude
I was first introduced to Samuel many years ago, and have just this past year, was honored to participate in this process. My dear friend, Howard Parker, was truly wanting to go “off-planet” and I was able to assist. Just this past Nov. 4th, my beloved Husband Victor left for what I pray will be a calmer, pain free environment. I asked him months ago if I could do the anointing with him, and he said he’d let me know. Knowing life and all it’s complexities, we forgot, however, his last night, I fed him his favorite food, cuddled, kissed, listened to his fave Classic R & Roll music and I gave him permission to leave while letting him know that I would be just fine. He turned to me and said “ I really needed that!). Gone the next day.
So, U R AN HONEST MIRACLE🙏🏻❤️ I began to feel as though had I not gone through Howard’s Journey first that I wouldn’t be able to let my Victor go. I’m not ok now but I believe in time, I will be.
Having the Annointing Ritual in front of me will help tremendously
Holly L. Barbanell 😘🙏🏻❤️🎶
How wonderful to hear from you, Holly! I’m so glad that these teachings helped you through what had to be a really, really hard time. I, too, have found the anointing ritual to be profoundly helpful in the releasing process—I think it must bring out some ancient part of ourselves that recognizes the power of a sacred ritual like this. Blessings and love to you, dear Holly!