During this humor and love-filled event, Samuel focuses on manifesting relationships that reflect our true being as he discusses the energy of transcendence and enlightenment coming to our planet. The topics Samuel covers include:enlightenment and biophotons; how to know when we are “hearing” the voice of spirit; signs of living a spirit-led life; the difference between “power of” and “power over”; three keys to Ascended relationships; the amazing power of “I love you”; how to create Ascended communication; how being “too open” or “too closed” damages a relationship; and a magical exercise for new creations and to change how we function in Ascension.
During his second of this series, Samuel focuses on manifesting relationships that reflect our Ascended selves as he discusses the energy of transcendence and enlightenment coming to our planet. The topics Samuel covers include: The revolution changing us and every relationship we have; the difference between ascended relationships and relationships from the old paradigm; the power of spiritual vulnerability; three keys for ascended relationships to work; how compassion differs from sympathy, empathy, and judgment; expressing love without sexualizing it; the biggest hurdle to good relationships; power with another versus power over another; and an exercise using an ancient way to manifest your desires.
While discussing the energies of transcendence and enlightenment during his last Lifescapes of this series, Samuel focused on manifesting relationships that reflect our Ascended selves.. The topics Samuel covers include: the importance of any revolution being a heart-centered one; the natural process of relationships moving from physical to mental/emotional, and finally to spirit or love-based experiences; the correlation between knowing we’re limitless and having difficulty with relationships; the number one relationship killer; the three keys to relationships; why being “too open” or “too closed” moves an ascended relationship back to a “plain old one”; and a magical exercise to manifest what you want in your life.
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