• During this fun and insightful meeting Samuel talks about the only two laws we need to know to bring financial prosperity into our lives. After a brief discussion about activities in the month of April, he focused on US tax time to transition to his main message about using Creator energy to bring prosperity into our lives. Unlike many current teachings about manifesting abundance, Samuel says there are only two steps—two laws—to financial (and any other kind) manifestation. He begins with a discussion of fear that, he says, repels positive creation force. Within this framework he talks about masculine energy (as experienced through money, father figures, and this culture’s version of God) and our relationship of fear surrounding that energy. He then moves to positivity and its manifestations in our physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual energy fields, and its importance in our directed-consciousness behaviors. He discusses ways to bring the attraction principle of positivity into our daily lives, and how to recognize the negative repulsion principle so we can release it. Throughout his talk Samuel uses audience interactions for real-world examples of both laws, explaining what doesn’t work and why. He playfully closes the meeting with jokes about tax time.
  • Balancing the Extremes

    At this meeting Samuel discusses how to overcome exhaustion, burn-out, and lack of passion by bringing balance to the extremes in our lives. During his teaching Samuel discuses: an interesting benefit of extremely positive or negative experiences; what it takes to have a peak experience; understanding what balance means; the difference between creating a state of joy for ourselves and of doing it for others; two miracles that happen when our body, mind and spirit are healthy; how to avoid exhaustion in times of sensory overload; and the amazing benefits of feeling in control of ourselves rather than of the situation.
  • Questions & Answers

    Samuel shares new and exciting and new information this during one of his favorite teaching methods, Questions and Answers. The topics covered include: the nature and makeup of Star Gates; whether we can use sound to move material as the ancients did; what is needed for nations to acknowledge the involvement and visitation of advanced civilizations; the process of a soul choosing and entering a newborn; what we should be paying attention to during the Year of the Watchers; the best way to realize our multidimensional self other than through diet and being a loving person; forgiving the “unforgivable”; making the best use of July’s upcoming solar and lunar eclipse energy; whether we will remember this life and recognize others when we die; why Samuel’s private session availability rules are so stringent; and why Samuel sometimes shows emotion.
  • Samuel begins his always-popular annual Christmas meeting by first revisiting last month’s meeting about “soldiering on,” and included insightful discussion about learning what we can and cannot change. Samuel then shifted to his main points of this year’s Christmas meeting which include: the destructive nature stress has on our health and our lives; ways to reduce stress; a different way to look at the Christmas story; seeing Jesus’ birth as ushering in a new way of thinking; the real reason we celebrate Christmas today; what it means that Jesus was the last Messiah; and the gift Guardians give the world.
  • A Soldier’s Story

    During this fun and insightful meeting, Samuel uses Veterans’ Day to show the similarities and differences between a soldier’s life of service and that of spiritual warriors who come to this planet to serve all life force. The topics discussed include: options available to serve within and without the Earth dimension; why there are no misfit spiritual warrior heroes like we see in Hollywood military movies; the role served by the two Grids that surround the earth; the spiritual warriors’—Guardians’—role on planet earth; and, why it’s especially important now to look at the mission we’re on, the type of soldier we are, how we are doing on our mission, and to determine how we can make things better.
  • Samuel uses the Samhain to flavor this evening’s wonderful teaching during which he discusses: the importance of dreaming and sleep; what we can do to sleep better: developing good sleep hygiene; a brief visualization to help us relax; and an exercise to help us consciously connect with the unseen.

  • With Labor Day as the backdrop for this meeting, Samuel focuses on the power of Love. His discussions include: the many ways we show love in our lives; the ways we know “this is love”; the spiritual purpose of Atlantis; how the Atlantean misuse of power began and it’s disastrous effect; how our lives parallel the Atlantis story; what we can do to keep our personal version of Atlantis from destruction; and the power of loving all, always.
  • Relationship Roadblocks

    During this meeting, Samuel focuses on the growth of our relationships with ourselves, the world, those around us, and the Divine. The topics he covers in this meeting include: the evolution of our personal awareness from birth through spiritual awareness; two ways we respond to the awakening of our spiritual self; the roles that anger, judgment, and others’ perceptions of us play in our relationships; the wholeness of relationships that “just click”; how our relationships with our mother and father impact our views of and relationships with the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine; why each challenge, problem, or difficulty can bring us a tiny death, or rebirth and renewal; and coming to the point of realizing that each relationship is perfect for us at the time, and that we are perfect, whole, powerful, and good.
  • Samuel’s overall topic for this meeting is change and revolution. The topics he discusses include: why the summer solstice energy transmissions are being recognized by more of the world than ever before, and how that’s affecting the world; that current world energy is similar to that of 50 years ago; what this energy will show us about ourselves; the steps required to create a perfect revolution; the importance of using the current energy to bring about positive change is absolutely what’s needed right now in the world and our lives; and the the ultimate answer to every question that comes up.
  • Questions and Answers

    Samuel begins this special meeting saying: “Tonight is probably my favorite kind of night because it is teaching through questions and answers.” He then begins answering the audience’s questions including: how we are different from the most advanced civilizations; ways to help domesticated animals be their best selves; the cause of the joy and elation experienced by people with near death experiences; how visiting aliens appear to us and why; our connection with galactic beings; the most positive action we can take in response to school shootings; the effect of dementia on a person’s personality; ways of coping with depression; the effect of negative thinking on our pineal gland; and what Samuel means when he refers to the “matrix.”
  • During Samuel’s May Sunday night meeting he focuses on relationships of all kinds, why they need resetting and how to do that. The topics he discusses include: how to know when to listen to the “little voice in your head”; the importance of looking at things going on in the world positively; and the many ways to reset your relationships, whether they are casual or intimate. Samuel then shifts to the powerful spiritual teachings of how to connect Spirit to Spirit within a relationship; the most important relationship for a spiritual being functioning in this world; and something to remember that will change all your relationships.
  • Samuel focuses on the importance of preparing for the future as he refers to the vernal equinox and the power of being a fool during his April 1 meeting. During this teaching Samuel shares a powerful set of exercises designed for us to create more of what we want in our lives, and less of the “I’d rather not go through that again” parts of our lives. From there he discusses: how asking “what do I need?” opens us to have and be what we want rather than falling back into the illusion; avoiding the disempowerment of society’s behavioral expectations and it’s resultant embarrassment and self-judgment; the powerful role the fool plays in changing perspective; ways we can be foolish and help others change their version of the world; and that being foolish takes courage because it represents moving fearlessly forward.


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