• During Samuel’s first talk of 2016, his discussions prepare us for what lies ahead in the coming year. The discussion, complete with many “how to’s,” includes: how gratitude helps in releasing core issues; how to recognize core issues, and how to release them; and more!

    During Samuel’s first talk of 2016, his discussions prepare us for what lies ahead in the coming year. The discussion, complete with many “how to’s,” includes: how gratitude helps in releasing core issues; how to recognize core issues, and how to release them; the reason we take on other’s pain; the best way to respond to a bully; why we shouldn’t base our actions on truth, justice, and fairness; how to know when our greater selves are acting rather than our human selves; and, a discussion of the coming year’s energy transmissions and what it will mean in our lives and world.
  • Samuel speaks about energy emanations coming through the end of the year, and the clarity it offers us. He then begins his holiday discussion explaining that most ancient holidays at this time of year are about light coming to the world, and that light is—the Light of Love. He discusses: the practical gifts this change of seasons brings; the role expectation plays in holiday season overwhelm; a brief exercise to help us identify changes we can make to be more free of holiday expectations; the importance of being willing to give ourselves what we most often give others; being filled and fulfilled by receiving and giving Love; the difference between giving out of desire and giving out of obligation; the gift of realizing that the world won’t come to a stop if we say “no”; the importance of releasing expectation and accepting change; understanding that the basis of gifting is about wanting to express love.
  • Samuel uses the life cycle of trees, and especially the autumn trees as the back drop of this post-Samhain (Halloween) meeting in which his discussions include: the cost of choosing to be human rather than moving beyond the “costume” of humanity; three elements to all of our paths; the gift of releasing and renewing like a tree does; the energy transmissions of this month; recognizing what is and is not true in our lives; how to let go, and what truly letting go means; and why it’s important to accept our selves as we release and become changed beings.
  • Samuel begins this meeting emphasizing its main focus by saying: “You are here to channel what you are through who you are, and doing that transforms you and the world around you." The topics discussed include: two ways to identify our core issues; what the “core” of us really consists of; why issues develop that wall off our core being; the challenges presented by our brain’s functioning through associative process; anchoring into our minds, hearts, and bodies the wonderful joy of Overcoming; our continuing choice to act or react; why expectations lead to reactions rather than actions; more on understanding what we are as opposed to who we are; and the consequences of getting lost in all that our bodies have to offer.
  • Though Samuel's main focus during this evening's teaching is forgiveness, "an issue that tends to hold up the living and the dead," he touches on several other issues as well. The topics discussed include: why our expectations, rather than the actions or words of another, need to be forgiven; how we can change our expectations; eliminating situations that will require forgiveness by acknowledging and communicating our expectations; understanding the role expectations play in creating painful real-life situations; why those closest to us are the most difficult to communicate with; recognizing fear as the root of our anger in any given situation; the negative impact of our expectation that others value, love, or appreciate us; knowing when you have forgiven and what forgiveness "looks like;" forgiveness as an act of love; the life review we go through immediately after death; and learning to recognize the many aspects of a situation in which forgiveness is needed.


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