February 6, 2022
Samuel shares a compelling message as he prepares us for this month’s and this year’s powerful energy shifts. He begins by asking a few self-empowering “checkup” questions for us to use regularly during the year. Then Samuel discuses: how best to respond to masculine/father energy; ways of manifesting a dream; different journaling techniques to bring about specific changes in our lives; using the powerful gift of good rest in order to renew and regroup; enriching our lives by looking at the experiences within our days as symbolic/prophetic dreams; a warning about the “mass madness” that occurs when people are in pain, feel insecure, or see the world spinning out of control; the dangerous consequences of people feeling unheard; why we must be willing to shift, be flexible, and not limit possibilities or our perspectives; a powerful viewpoint needed for this time; and the beginning of the Chinese Year of the Tiger, during which Samuel tells us that our tiger lives in our heart and how “caring” for that tiger can help us during this time.
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