• February 2, 2025 MP3

    In this empowering meeting, Samuel urges us to recognize we are creators of our own experience, exploring the energetic shifts unfolding, and explaining how they stir deep transformation on both personal and collective levels. With humor and wisdom, he reminds us fear thrives where love is absent—and that we can consciously replace old patterns of struggle with love-based choices. He emphasizes creativity as a key to navigating change, encouraging us to find new ways to express our inner wisdom. He also touches on Imbolc, the power of the divine feminine, and the importance of setting clear intentions for growth. Samuel offers practical guidance for maintaining balance, reducing overwhelm, and stepping more fully into our role as conscious co-creators of a Fifth Density world.

  • January 5, 2025 MP3

    During this meeting, Samuel offers an inspiring roadmap for building a meaningful and joyful life in 2025 (or any year), providing the insight and encouragement to create something extraordinary. Using the metaphor of baking a cake, Samuel explores the opportunities and challenges of 2025 and reflects on the transitions of 2024. His discussions include: the importance of consciously selecting “ingredients” that include love, adaptability, and service to others to create a life aligned with Fifth Density consciousness; releasing outdated patterns and fear-based thinking; navigating major global shifts in governance, technology, and social systems; embracing personal responsibility and making conscious choices; understanding the emergence of Fifth Density consciousness and its impact; practical tools for daily growth and aligning with higher frequencies; insights into the year’s key energy patterns and their significance; as well as sharing participant reflections on methods for adapting to change.

  • December 1, 2024 MP3

    Samuel’s December meetings always set the tone for the coming holiday month. During this enlightening meeting, Samuel’s discussions include: looking at December as a time of transformative energy; the power of gratitude, intentional living, and spiritual growth; shaping our perception of the world and navigating challenges with hope and love; how to use the time of our birthdays as opportunities for reflection, completion, and setting intentions for our coming year; a way to shift energy and improve relationships; recognizing the spiritual significance of December holidays, such as the winter solstice, as celebrations of light overcoming darkness; the impact of embracing the concept of personal avatarship; ways to prepare for spiritual awakening; the power of shining our inner light despite challenges; and recognizing the times we’re in as an opportunity for spiritual empowerment and growth.

  • November 3, 2024 MP3

    During this practical and informative meeting Samuel’s discussions include: gratitude as a spiritual practice including; two exercises to raise our frequency, magnetize positive experiences, and transform our lives; understanding our emotional reactions as opportunities for growth; the concept of downloads, light codes, and awakenings; the roles dreams play during energetic transitions; extraterrestrial life and personal reality; what, extraterrestrials get from the Earth experiment; a teaser about alternate dimensional structures and how they affect human experience; the role of inflammation in our bodies and how to prevent/limit it; ways to promote overall health; cancer treatments and personalized medicine; the Daily Focus as a tool for global and personal transformation; an easy way to positively affect our genetic structure; the concept of multiple lifetimes and what’s carries over between life experiences; the impact of reacting negatively to others' actions; and why to keep the pineal gland as clear as possible.

  • October 6, 2024 MP3

    During this empowering meeting, Samuel focuses on navigating the intense energy shifts facing the world and helping us learn how to successfully live through any time of intense challenge and/or change. His discussions include: the upcoming energy shifts and their physical, emotional and spiritual impact; ways to address emotional challenges; the importance of recognizing and avoiding fear-based behaviors; the personal and global dangers of people-pleasing and manipulation; how to respond (and not respond) to potential changes in financial, governmental, and corporate systems; the importance of embracing love as a power, not just an emotion; reassurances for those maintaining a loving perspective; reaching out to connect with others for support and the importance of not facing the coming months alone; the importance of self-awareness and emotional intelligence; and how to best avoid being negatively affected by these changes.

  • September 1, 2024 MP3

    During this inspiring meeting, Samuel discusses: why Guardians experience change before the rest of the world does; Guardians’ roles as agents of change and why someone would choose to be a Guardian; the importance of focusing on Living Love while not being distracted by fear, the crumbling of old paradigms, or the need for comfort; what the world’s shift toward Individualized Unity means; why resistance to change is futile; remaining true to our authentic selves while allowing transformation to unfold; and the backlash from those who have benefited by keeping Guardians down.

  • August 4, 2024 MP3

    During this exciting meeting Samuel discusses what he means when he says we are functions of Source in this world; what the foundation of all creation is; why we are here to embody and express the different facets of Love; an upcoming shift that will allow 1) those Awakened to become Activated, 2) create profound changes in the world, and 3) challenge deeply held beliefs and the ways we present ourselves; individuated unity—what it means and the importance of moving toward it and away from simple individuation; our roles in helping during this time of great power to disrupt fear-based thinking held over from previous Densities; and the necessity of showing others how to “be the Love.”

  • July 7, 2024 MP3

    During this transformative meeting, Samuel discusses topics including: strategies for living authentically without being constrained by societal norms; the role of meditation in connecting with our higher self and making decisions; the concept that service involves personal sacrifice and transformation; finding and pursuing true happiness; the role happiness plays in guiding our decisions and life path; creating a new world based on compassion, love, and understanding; maintaining balance while navigating uncertainty during times of change; the impact of cosmic changes on personal and collective growth; and the importance of “building bridges” and renewing connections with loved ones.

  • June 2, 2024 MP3

    During this insightful meeting, Samuel helps us prepare for upcoming transformation discussing: becoming our own superheroes; observing family dynamics with love and compassion; practical techniques to shift and raise our energy; preparing to rip through the fabric of reality; how to become a beacon of love and inspiration for others; contributing to the collective evolution of consciousness; and the power and importance of loving and accepting ourselves fully.

  • May 5, 2024 MP3

    During this inspiring meeting, Samuel’s discussions include the "cleansing and clearing process” that will help us align with the Fifth Density frequency of Ascension; the importance of letting go of people-pleasing tendencies and of being authentic and transparent—true to oneself; embracing the 'new' in order to align with the incoming Fifth Density; how intense energy influxes from the Sun are facilitating the birth of the Fifth Density experience on Earth; insights into societal issues like bias and the importance of inner strength; the power of authenticity and compassion in overcoming life’s challenges; choosing for Love, for growth, and transformation; and the transformative power of empathy and self-reflection.

  • April 14, 2024 MP3

    This is Samuel’s first meeting after the recent total solar eclipse event which set the final anchors of Fifth Density into the world. His teachings include: practical guidance on personal growth, self-love, and self-care; ways to maintain balance amidst chaotic energy shifts and societal pressures; the need to lighten up, find joy, and focus on consistency in life; practical guidance on navigating mental and emotional obstacles; ways to recognize our inherent worth rather than seeking external validation, becoming people-pleasers, and/or perfectionists; and avoiding drama, manipulation, and fear-based illusions.

  • March 3, 2024 MP3

    During this insightful meeting, Samuel, with his usual wit and wisdom, takes us on a journey of self-discovery as he addresses topics including: our challenge of identity amidst chaos; how recent times have influenced changes in our personal identity and life circumstances; the declining health of the world's oceans, its impact on environmental change, and the collective responsibility for healing them; medically assisted death and its implications on spiritual passage; the common stories of “archangels;” the nuances of karma; the interconnectedness of our personal well-being and environmental health; love as the key to personal and global transformation; essential elements for achieving mental, emotional, and spiritual balance; the significance of the upcoming solar eclipse and its energetic effects; Samuel’s definition of Guardianship and its responsibility to guide and guard life force; the anchoring of 5th Density and the transformative shift in global consciousness; and finally, the mastery and awareness of time-space and space-time dynamics.


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