Sound healing can be a powerful way to help release blockages, attachments, and obstacles in our life. This happens when we put conscious intent behind the sounds we’re experiencing. These might be sounds produced by a Tibetan or crystal singing bowl, a tuning fork, a drum, or our own voice.
Samuel has used sound as a tool for change for as long as I can remember. Over the years, I have experienced variations of sound healing on many occasions on group trips, retreats, Lifescapes, and other events.
In this blog post, I want to discuss a specific technique Samuel gave in which we make the sounds with our own voice. Samuel says the three universal sounds—“Ah,” “Oh,” and “Hu”—along with our conscious intent can help bring about higher levels of consciousness regarding our core issues that are holding us back.
It’s important that I point out that while this exercise from Samuel can be very powerful, it’s not going to auto-magically eliminate all of your core issues. But, many people, myself included, have found it helpful in the process of changing the ways we look at and deal with core issues.
What are core issues? A core issue refers to those beliefs and behaviors that repeatedly come up in our lives making us feel unhappy, badly about ourselves, or generally just stop us from enjoying each moment to the fullest. The key is “repeatedly.” You know it’s a core issue because it’s one of those things that you thought you’d already worked through and figured out … until it comes back in another version, then back again, and …
Some examples of core issues are beliefs like “I am not enough;” “I don’t deserve to be happy;” “I will never be successful in life;” “I am not smart (or special or pretty or deserving of a good relationship).”
By the way, Samuel recommends we use this sound healing exercise for working with and overcoming core issues only, not for everyday issues. That’s because this exercise can leave you spacey—or worse, feeling hungover (according to one friend who practiced it several days in a row).
Let’s get started
To get the most out of this exercise you need to first think about what issue you want to work on. Also, think about what new belief you want to replace it with. For example, you might write, “I am releasing my core issue of fear of being judged by others.” Then determine what positive thoughts or feeling you want to replace the fear (of being judged) with. We know that if you don’t replace the core fear it will just keep coming back around—as they say, “nature abhors a vacuum.” An example of a replacement thought could be, “I am whole, happy, and I am everything I need to be in the world.”
Then, here are the steps to follow:
- Start with your intent of releasing a core issue. Know exactly what you want to release. Then, determine the feelings, thoughts, or beliefs you wish to replace the negative core issue with. I find it helpful to write both of these down.
- Sit in a comfortable position and begin by toning “Ah,”* feeling the vibration of it in the area of your heart, while visualizing (in whatever way works best for you) yourself releasing the fear around your core issue.
- Next tone “Oh,”* in as low a pitch as you comfortably can while allowing it to resonate in the area of your pelvis. While toning “Oh,” put forth the belief you are using to replace the negative core issue.
- Finally, tone “Hu” at the highest pitch you comfortably can allowing it to resonate at the top of your head. Visualize the sound of “Hu” connecting you to the cosmic Source Field.
* Do each sound until it feels like time to stop.
So, now you can practice this sound healing technique.
Give it a try and then let me know how it’s working for you by leaving a comment below.
Also, check out this great article with more information on how to work with fears and core issues:
Continuing to use this exercise, which is very powerful. Doing it is vitally helpful to me in the current energy inflows of this year. Thank you again!
Dear Marion, So glad to hear you’re finding this exercise effective. Love you!
Thank you so much for posting this. I know all of you worked on it.
You’re very welcome, Marion! We had it on our previous website and some folks asked us to bring it back, so we did. And you’re right, it was a group effort and always is. 🙂 Thanks for your comment and for visiting our website! Love and hugs to you!