July 1, 2012
Samuel: Hello, dears.
Hello, Samuel.
S: So, how are you?
S: Than what?
This big push of energy was coming through, and all these changes were going to happen, and I thought I’d feel something.
S: Why would you think you’d feel something?
Just because there was a lot of big change coming.
S: Although it’s not exactly what you’re saying here, I want to put out the reminder that when you get the “feel” of it, I’m really not impressed. Totally. And that’s because when you “feel” it, you get the heebie-jeebies. It’s the biggest statement in the world that it’s not normal for you, that what you’re experiencing is sometimes so different than what you are that it rattles you. Now, if you were just pipsqueaks, that might be different, because everything would be new and unusual. But the fact of it is, you are already there and what you’re doing is remembering it. And it’s by your remembering it that you come to accept that power, that sense of wonder, that access to more. One of the easiest ways in this world to get yourself off base is to start thinking that your feelings count.
“Wait a minute Samuel! My feelings do count.”
Your feelings count to me, Samuel.
S: Thank you, love.
But you can be manipulated more easily by working at your feelings, your emotions, more than anything else. What you feel isn’t what you are, and what you are is something much bigger than anything that you can recognize, that when there is a great outpouring of energy and you say, “I thought I’d feel something,” I’m proud of you. I’m glad about it. But when you say, “Oooo, I just felt jittery all over.” What are some of the things people say?
Shivers up my spine.
S: I got goose bumps? Sounds like a pimple on a duck.
When you pluck the hairs out of the poultry, there’s a bump.
S: Vegan.
I’ll tell you how you’re doing. The what you are is enjoying things. The who you are . . . is just always keeping one eye open. The what you are is enjoying this experience. The who you are is wondering when the sky is going to fall. The more you do to pay attention to what you are, the easier things will be for who you are. That’s how it works.
I am talking tonight about people who make a big difference. And because this is July, and you start the month with your Independence Day celebration—yes?—I want to start with the people who have made a difference for your country. Now, if I were to ask you who are those people in the history of your nation that have made a big difference, there would be all kinds of names you could come up with, wouldn’t there? I want you to think about those who came over to leave a difficult situation where they came from. Now, throughout your country’s history you have had a long line of people who have done that. You still have that line of people who are doing that. When you became a separate country . . . how long ago?
Two hundred thirty-six years ago.
S: People are trained to add.
What was involved to make that happen? What was involved?
S: Fight about what
To break a bad connection with England.
S: To become independent of those who they believed were holding power over them in a way that was, hmm . . . not good for their continued life experience. Lot of people like that in life, aren’t there?
There was an intent to make a new country.
S: Before that, even before the intent of “Let us create a new country,” it started out with one of the most important decisions that somebody can make in their life. “This situation doesn’t work for me; I’m getting out of here.” Now, that may not seem like such a huge decision, and yet the fact of it is, you would not have the country you have today if there were not people that said, “This is not tolerable anymore. There must be more.” You have the life that you are experiencing today because somebody said, “No more.” How good are you at saying the same thing?
Now what did it take for these early patriots to reach that point where they said, “No more.” What was going on, what was it that they did not want more of?
There was an imbalance of power. There was a lack of voice. Decisions were being made for them.
S: Decisions made for them, did not have a voice in it, forced to do things they didn’t want to do. That was called taxation without representation? (Never know what’s still lurking up there [in the Form’s mind].) They were being forced to live a life based on rules that no longer were appropriate for who they became. Rules that were not appropriate to what their needs were all about. Most people in this world put up with a tremendous amount of tyranny simply because they are afraid to change from what is known to what is unknown.
I want you to take a moment and think in your own life. There is a time you can relate to— for some you’re living it right now—there is a time that you can relate to in which you said, “The life I am living is not a reflection of who I wish to be, of what I wish to do.” Did you change things? What was the cost? Unlike so many of the patriots, I can tell you this: It did not cost you your life, or you wouldn’t be sitting here. But sometimes it doesn’t have to actually separate you from the soul you are to have taken life. You can be walking around breathing and eating and all of the things that that brings about and be pretty dead. Sometimes change is because the lack of it has already cost your life. And you need to live again.
As you think back on the experience, and in all likelihood the experiences in your life, in which what you wanted was being withheld from you, what did you do to change things? Well I can tell you that one of the things you did is you reached a point where you decided, “Enough was enough.”
What did it take to get you there? How hard do you have to be hit—and that doesn’t necessarily represent a physical blow—how hard do you have to be hit before you are willing to say, “Enough.” How safe do you have to be before you are willing to step out of line? What do you require to have lined up and set steady before you’ll make a change? “Well, once this has happened, once this is complete, once I have this ——.” Fill in the blank—this job, this income, this ——. I can tell you the word is security, no matter what label is put on it.
So how much security do you require before you’re willing to step out of line? The ones that your history recognizes as having such a powerful effect on making your country its own land, its own nation, many of them gave up their lives. Many of them were not leaders. Many of them were not wealthy. Many of them were not even particularly angry at the enemy. But they wanted their life more than they wanted the life that was being put onto them. They wanted their freedom more than the restrictions that they were experiencing. When is it that stopped in your life? When is it that not making waves got so important? Why is it that being like everyone else matters so much?
You live in a culture that was started by people who weren’t afraid to stand up for what they believed. And of course that was a representation of many, many kinds of belief. Some were very strict religious beliefs, some of them were very stringent beliefs as to what made a community. Not all of them came here because they wanted freedom. Some of them came because what they wanted was the opportunity to make a whole bunch of money. Or to start all over. And they got caught up in it, too.
It’s easy to think when you look back on your history, back two hundred seventy years ago or whatever—no, surely not that long—that all of that time ago everybody was for independence. They weren’t. Easy to think that everybody fought—they did not; that they were all heroes—they were not. And the reason that it’s so easy to think it is because, you see, history doesn’t tell the story of those who don’t step forward. It tells the story of those willing to stand up.
Are you standing up for anything these days? What do you risk to hold the beliefs that you do, to come to this odd place and do this weird stuff? Good grief, last time we were together we were sending energy to the plants! How weird is that? Are you heard or are you a part of the herd? Do you make difference, or do you fear being different? Is there anything in your life that you need to be released from? And what are you doing to make that happen? “I’m waiting for my ship to come in.” What are you doing to create a new world and to be a new person in that new world? And now, here is the question: Does anybody important to you know what you are doing to help create a new world, to become a new person in that new world? Or are you still in bondage to the herd? Are you still without a voice? Are you still a slave to your own fears?
Independence: in this country it’s called a right. In a whole lot of countries it’s called a dream. Independence is a gift you give yourself. And as you and you and you and you give yourselves that gift, then those common behaviors draw you together. Energy works that way. You draw to you what you are. So take a quick look. What and who do you draw to you? Who keeps you in bondage? You know the bottom line to that, don’t you?
S: That’s right. You keep you in bondage.
So the question that comes with that is, Why? And how bad does it have to get before you stand up and say “Enough.” Yes it’s a risk. It’s a really big risk. You might get the king mad at you. So I say, “You might get the king mad at you,” and of course I’m thinking of the king, and somebody in here is thinking Elvis. Different king. Different one.
Or you might get tossed out of the city. Or your family might not understand. Or . . . or . . . or. Or you decide that you want so much to keep the peace that you are willing to have no peace of your own to make it okay for the others. Oh yes, that’s bondage, and not the fun kind.
This country was built by those who said, “I just want to do what’s right for me.” And that’s pretty much true with most humans. You’ll never be able to do it—to find what’s right for you—if you never step away from the ‘same old same old.’
Independence is a function of change. And change is a function of power. Do not fear your power. Do not need pack approval. Do not be afraid to stand up for what you believe even if it means you stand alone. Of course, to do that you’ve got to know what you believe. And although this is not a room full of people who fit what I’m about to say, the fact of it is, a whole lot of people don’t know what they believe. How can you stand up for it if you don’t know what it is?
What do you really want? Is it worth it? If it is, let’s talk. I think there’s a country we could put together, a planet not so far away.
This Independence Day, please really think about independence. Think about what it took, because it’s the same thing as what it takes. Think about what you need to do to be free. Think about if you want to be free. Think about what might be keeping you from that freedom.
This country was not built by sheep. Don’t be one.
Happy celebration of freedom.
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