September 6, 2015
Samuel: Hello, dears.
Hello, Samuel.
S: All right. How are you doing? Are you filled with labor?
Labor Day.
S: Hello, love.
Brought my granddaughter.
S: Hello, darling. Didn’t you choose an interesting family. Don’t you just occasionally stop yourself and say, “How is it I have grandchildren?” And do you ever pull yourself back and look across the skein of time and say, “How did this happen?”
Every day, every moment. Yes.
S: So September is about labor, yes? Or so you are led to believe, eh? But this September is about a whole lot more than starting it off with a celebration of labor. Although I suppose in a bigger picture, pretty much everything is about labor, right? Because here, more or less, it’s all about what you do, right? Whereas in reality it’s about what you are, right? It’s not who you are, it’s what you are. And what are you?
A goddess.
S: Light and love and power and magnificent energy that is here to guide and guard life force to bring about change in this world at this time in which it needs that change so very much. That change is happening right now. Right now. It’s an important time, a very important time. A time that you have been laboring for—all of your—say that out loud.
S: That’s right. Lives. All right, life. Lives. Life. Lives. Life, lifes.
All right, let’s start with celebrating labor. Let’s get that over with, all right?
It’s very, very important that you stay conscious of everything that you do. When you give of yourself, give all of yourself, consciously, with love, or it’s not worth doing. However, don’t follow your passion. “Did he say that? Really? Anathema.” Are there Greeks in here?
[. . .]
S: No, in the room. I thought I’d throw out a word you did not know.
Geeks not Greeks.
S: Geeks not Greeks. Or creeps. Or creaks. But “Don’t follow your passion.” Why would I say that? I say that because your passions will mislead you. Your passions will teach you about yourself. They will teach you a direction to follow, but if you let them lead you, well think about it for a moment. What you were passionate about when you were ten you may not be passionate at all about now. You may be passionate about ten different things in your life. You may be passionate about chocolate. Can you make your whole life centered about chocolate?
S: Well, maybe there are a few people who can, but probably not every one of you, no matter how hard you try. There maybe a few ways in life you can center your life around chocolate, but probably not every way in life. You may be passionate about your art. You may be passionate about—you fill in the blank.
Your passions should change as you change. But do not be fooled. Your passions, like your feelings, are meant to show you the door. They’re not meant to be the destination. They are the guide, not the journey, so be careful following your passion.
When you look at your labor, look at what you love as a teacher, not as the end-all. And then ask yourself, “How can I make it work for me?” because you want to have passion and love and joy in everything that you do, but it doesn’t mean everything you do is going to come equipped with passion and love and joy. You might have to put that passion and love and joy into what you do, and that’s how you make your labor your life, instead of your death, your stressful, it’s-killing-me death.
S: Okay, Labor Day over. That was easy. I need that button.
I’ll get that to you.
S: Oh no, the Form has one. Thank you.
Your life has been in great change. Have you noticed that? But this is a good thing; it’s a very good thing. This is the best time your world has ever experienced. Now, of course if you look around you would not necessarily know that. And maybe that’s because I see things just a bit differently than you do. Sometimes change creates fear instead of excitement. Have you noticed that in your own life? Duh!
We used to.
S: Good answer. A lie, but a good answer.
A goal.
S: A goal, yes, a good goal. Yes.
The human nature is that the unknown creates fear. Of course, the higher nature immediately steps in and says, “Don’t fear, don’t fear. You’ve done this before. Don’t worry. You can be safe. You have . . .” and it starts listing off all of the reasons that you might not need to worry. For instance, you’ve succeeded at this before. This situation is somewhat like it and therefore you’ve had the success. Or maybe that’s never happened before—this is a brand new situation—so maybe the reason might be, “Well, you’ve got these friends who supports you; You’ve got this family that supports you. Don’t worry. You’ve got this handled. It’s all right,” Or, “You’re a friendly person; you’ll attract people to you.”Or, “You’ve got this tool to help you, and you can work with the Source Field and manifest what you need.” Or, You know Laura, who can manifest—what was that you were manifesting?
Dental implements. Go figure.
S: Dental implements. Go.
And so you know you can call on her if things get tough, and she’ll help you out.
Or clean your teeth.
S: Or clean your teeth if necessary. No, that would be Lillibeth.
Been there, done that.
S: So who are you going to listen to? That self that says, “There’s bears in them woods. Run. Hide.” Or that self that says, “Trust.” Well, I think the expression is something to the effect of it depends on which one you’re feeding, right? Or which one is the most well fed, actually. So in your life, which one is the most well-fed? The run-and-hide? Which one has the most experience in your life? The “fear it,” think the worst first, or be positive, trust.
There’s been a lot of change, and fear creates a need to control one’s environment. It often creates a chaotic behavior in people. If you look at your news media, you see a lot of manipulative behavior—drama, a lot of drama.
I’m going to sound like that same kind of drama right now, and I’m very, very sorry for it. I don’t mean to sound like that, and here is what I want you to be sure to do. It’s very, very important to me that you do this. I need you to remember that nothing I tell you is set. Nothing I tell you is set. Everything I say is about tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, and who rules tomorrow?
We do.
S: You do. Everything I am telling you is all about probables. All right. Probables. It’s not about definite. I am telling you, however, that it’s real probable. And I see it all is very good, and about time, and all vital.
I also would like to remind you that it’s really important that you remember that nothing I say should be new to you in the big picture, and that you should run it through your own heart. Listen to yourself before you listen to me, all right?” No “Well, I only believe it because Samuel said it,” all right? None of that. Listen to it because you want to think it, all right? Don’t cult me up here, all right?
Having said that, here we go.
The Grid around this planet was shifted in order to allow life force on the planet to evolve without outside help, and that Grid has been slowly healing. That Grid is, for all practical purposes, healed. With that healing you have been receiving very powerful and transformative energy transmissions, as you are very aware of. Those energy transmissions have been having a very . . . “strong” is such a small word I kind of chuckle to use it—has been having a very strong effect on you since approximately 2011 and ’12, but particularly this year. Since around March, and specifically since the summer solstice, you have been somewhat adrift. Many of you have been noticing that sense of “What am I doing?” Not feeling satisfied where you are, not feeling . . . I used to call it “occupied and satisfied,” needing more. Needing life change. A midlife crisis that you’re too young or too old for. A recognition that change is needed, relationships, job, internal, external, a deep dissatisfaction with what is, a desire for freedom, a desire to let go of—fill in the blank. But that’s because . . . wait. Let me add one more. And for many, that has meant quitting. Sometimes quitting relationships you’ve been in for a very long time, friendships that you’ve been a part of for a very long time. Jobs: retiring or quitting. I even spoke to Leadership about that, and I’m seeing that. It’s a dissatisfaction, a need to fill something that isn’t being filled. A general striving for more, more, more. And for some, it’s almost frenetic. And for those around you, it’s obnoxious.
Anybody noticed? If any of you need to work off any of that, there are a lot of volunteer opportunities.
Now, there’s some good news and some bad news. The good news is, around the middle of the month toward the equinox, that’s going to be coming to a point and then settling down from there. The bad news is, only if you’ve worked through the core issues that took you there.
Here is why: This time has been about becoming alive. Becoming alive. If you have not been living to your fullest, if you have parts of you that have been hidden and dead—and I mean that—and you know what I mean by that. If there are parts of you that have been behind a mask and not truly yourself, if you’ve been waiting.
You know, a lot of depression is because of that sense of death. That death, that not being truly alive. Those core issues that you’ve not dealt with, that have been keeping you from being alive, well now is the time to start living. What has kept you from feeling truly free, from truly loving, from truly experiencing your best self, being in strong and good relationships? What has kept you from being truthful with yourself and others? Why do you still have fear in your life?
Core issues. Core issues tend to show up as sex, money, and body fat. That was a joke, but they do show up as sex and money most of the time, really, and self-image in one way or another. Sex, money and body fat isn’t so far off. That’s a Pittsburgh joke. [To one of the Pittsburgh visitors.] Are you laughing, Pittsburgh?
Yes. Right.
S: Right.
It’s only Pittsburgh that has that problem.
S: It’s a very old Pittsburgh joke. You were there.
S: So, as the transformation has been coming about and helping information has been coming through, individuals have been making change, or they have been resisting change, because they’ve not been willing to deal with these core issues. Not making change because they’ve been fearing instead, and as a result of the fear and the resistance, creating chaos. Open the newspaper and you’ll see the results of chaos.
So, sending in the cavalry in. Any trumpets? Toot, too-doo-doo. I can’t do a trumpet. I don’t know the tune. Nobody, eh?
S: Is that it?
Ta, dada, dada.
S: I don’t know. Something. Such an uncreative bunch. Do it, Donna Cassidy.
[Someone sings the call to charge of a cavalry trumpet.]
S: Somebody knows it. There.
And so the thirteenth comes about. Well, what happens on the thirteenth?
They save the day.
Spiritual awakening. Energy coming into the planet.
S: Well, yes, that’s a preview. I was going a little bit simpler than that. New moon. New moon and eclipse—yes—which is going to become a doorway. And at that doorway . . .
Spiritual awakening for the planet! Wahoo!
S: Well, that’s actually the start there, because it is a doorway, an energetic doorway. I’m not going to get into a lot of detail, because this is Sunday night and I want to go a little further, and Stuart’s already giving me hand signals. But! I have others to lead to, but that is going to open a doorway right there. I want you to write that down. This is an important date, the thirteenth.
The thirteenth through the seventeenth. I need you to pay very much important attention to what’s happening financially. There’s a lot happening right now to do with trust and truth, and the truth being made known. And this is going to also affect your whole-world financial system.
You remember, I can’t tell your future. You remember that, all right? But also remember that I’m looking at dominoes here, all right, and I’ve never seen dominoes this clearly. So the thirteenth through the seventeenth, if everything continues the way it is right now, this really looks like if truth is coming out. It’s already looking like it. Your banking system and your people raising up and saying, “We’re tired of this,” is going to come to something. I’m telling EarthLight, “You pay attention. You have investments,” it’s hard to imagine [scoffing], but if you do, I’d move them.
S: I said if you had investments I would move them. I told EarthLight. I don’t know what you would do, but that’s what I told EarthLight. But that’s you; you do what you have to do.
But, you know, maybe on the thirteenth, the fourteenth, the fifteenth, the sixteenth, the seventeenth, nothing will happen, because you, who have such power, will keep things balanced. But I’m looking at dominoes, and I’m looking at what everything is looking like right now, and I’m looking at massive world change that won’t change if the system continues.
So I rather hope there is some change.
You have movement to the equinox, where you’re going to have a massive energy transmission, and a stabilization point there.
A clarification point of relationships where you did not know trust and truth clarification, and through to the twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth, sort of like aftershocks of an earthquake, continued power transmissions, and bringing strong and . . . and I would say very good stabilization back. But at that point you’re going to be experiencing a lot of . . . well, by that point you’ll be experiencing two things. A lot of communication issues, and by that I mean not Mercury-in-retrograde-type things; I mean backtrack-cover-your-butt kinds of things, you know. “That didn’t just happen. What are you talking about? There’s somebody standing there? What do you mean? I don’t see anybody standing there. What are you talking about? That didn’t just happen.”
S: Denial, yes, absolutely. Not the typical covering up. It’s not going to work. It can’t work. It won’t work, because what has been seen won’t be unseen. Your world, well this is what you’ve been working for. Not me; you. And those of you who have been going with the flow and making these changes are going to be experiencing a real joy and peace, and a real flow. And you know, don’t you, that none of this, nothing I am talking about, none of this is bad stuff—none of it—because if it was I wouldn’t tell you.
You took the words right out of my mouth.
S: Which would be so unsanitary.
It’s the fullness of what you’ve waited on. It’s the time. It’s just another month, but this one has a lot more promise.
So, you see, there’s a lot, but it’s all about your perspective, and always is. It always is, and that’s important to remember.
I could tell you everything from this moment forward is going to be raining million-dollar bills and puppy-dogs and kittens, and chocolate, and there would be people who would say, “I don’t buy into the cash system, and I’m allergic to dogs and cats, and I don’t like chocolate, so none of this helps me, and I’m left out, and I don’t want it.” Really. And I could say, “It’s going to harsh and horrible, and the apocalypse and the worst you can imagine and you’re going to wear rags and your knees will bleed.
Stock up on Band-Aids.
S: Now.
[. . .]
S: And there will be people who will say, “Great! I’ve been watching zombie shows. I know just what to do. I’m ready!”
It’s all here . . . here . . . and sure enough, here. [Indicating head, heart] You run it through here [heart] and you keep it conscious here [head].
It’s not about what is going out there. It’s what’s going on in here. You choose how you feel. You choose whether you’re going to react to what is happening or respond by choice. It’s up to you.
Educate yourself. You decide.
I think you have been looking at yourself for a very long time. Figure out what issues you still need to look at, and look at them. Get rid of them.
And here is the key: Love ‘em away. It’s the only way to ever truly release anything.
You can’t stop thinking about pink elephants until you change it out with pink rhinoceri. That’s how it works. You can’t let go of the fear until you replace it . . . with pure love. It’s the only thing that’s going to change the world—one by one by one. It’s the only thing that’s going to change you. Baby step by baby step by baby step.
So, now’s the time. You’ve got a few days. Sit back, relax, you’ve got internal work to do. Do it now. Happy trails.
[admiring the crystals on the podium] Lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely rocks. I know the Form would be very, very unhappy I just said that.
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