December 4, 2011
Samuel: Hello dears.
Hello, Samuel.
S: There are many spaces up front. Come take them. Do.
Happy December. How did your November holiday go? Was good? Was interesting? Was . . . aye!
Mine was great because I told my kids to keep the turkey and stuff it, and we had vegan friends over.
S: Well said, well said. “Take your turkey and stuff it.”
It was wonderful to have a Thanksgiving dinner that was absolutely delicious and we didn’t have to worry about eating any of it, and it was gluten-free, and it was absolutely wonderful. And it was lovely to have friends to share it with.
S: Yes. Because that’s what you’re thankful for, the love in your life.
I had a really lovely Thanksgiving. I actually had two of them. And one of them was with a group of people that I had met within the past year. And it was just nice to have new people in my life, because I’d been working on manifesting more connections with people outside of Phoenix. No offense to Phoenix people, but it was really nice. A diverse group, they were all vegan. I really enjoyed it.
S: Lovely. I want to see [Lakshmi’s dress].
This is the American debut of the Indian outfit.
S: Nice. Yes. I notice that I’m not getting any tonight. How many times do I need to say, “I really like those!” for the form to get it, eh?
If there was one thing you could have changed about your holiday—don’t answer me, just answer to yourself—what would you have changed? And what you’re telling yourself right there is the issue you’re dealing with the most right now. Now some of you didn’t have one, and that’s very nice, very nice. And some of you, it’s not really a big thing or you’ve already turned it into wisdom so that you know what you would do to make change there. But realize that the Universe is constantly giving you new beginnings. Human to human, that is not such a common thing, to be allowed to start fresh. You come with a lot of baggage into most of your relationships and that baggage just hangs around. But the Universe, where every day there is new growth in every function of life force on the planet, it is constantly new beginnings. Well, Guardians have those same new beginnings. Every day, look to the day before, or maybe at the end of the day, before you go to bed, “What would I have changed about this day? All right, that’s letting me know what I need to work on.” And do that. Wake up the next day brand new: new way of understanding, new way of seeing yourself, new way of being in the world. That’s a gift you can give to yourself in this season of gifting. I know you’re supposed to say “holiday season” or something like that, but I think in this culture it’s the season of gifting. So give yourself a gift—the gift of starting anew. A new self every day. Not only do you need it, but the world needs it.
My holiday story is going to be a little different than usual tonight. I’m going to start by asking you to answer a question for me. What does Santa Claus look like?
Depends on what country you live in.
S: Why?
Because of the different cultures and the different principles of giving behind it.
S: Can you, anybody, give me some examples of the differences in the different cultures? All right, it’s been a long time, hasn’t it? I’ll help you out here. Americans have a Santa Claus who wears a red suit with lots of white fur trim on it, and he lives in the North Pole, and he’s a right jolly elf with a jelly stomach or something like that.
Well, in England, he’s known as Father Christmas.
S: Lovely. What’s the difference?
In the name?
S: No, in the look.
Actually, he looks almost exactly the same; however, if you go to the Scandinavian countries, a lot of time he’s dressed in blue instead of red.
S: Nice. Well, the Father Christmas I was thinking of tends to be in a very long coat, rather than the short, over-the-jelly coat.
In Switzerland we have two people coming. There’s one good, and one for the naughty children.
S: Lovely, lovely, yes, yes! St. Nicholas.
Southern European countries . . .
S: Where it pretty much began with the idea of giving to others—St. Nicholas—also in Europe. Anyone . . . more?
Sometimes he’s dressed like a bishop.
S: All right. I think that would probably be the St. Nicholas part. But it’s probably frightening for you Coca-Cola-Santa Claus people to see the big pointed hat and the clerical robes and think Santa Claus at the same time. More.
I don’t know about what the Santa Claus looks like—probably the same as we have here—the Coca-Cola version, but I was really surprised a couple of years ago when we were in Egypt on January 2 and it was all decorated for Christmas. And they were celebrating not necessarily the birth of Christ, but the gifting idea and the secular Christmas. They have a Christian minority there, maybe ten percent, that celebrate I think it’s called Twelve Nights, so it would be January 6. But we were surprised to see all the Christmas decorations in Egypt when we were there.
S: Aye, aye.
Recently I saw a painting of Santa Claus that was done before the poem “The Night Before Christmas” was written, and the point of the article that accompanied it was that most of our impression of Santa Claus comes from an illustration based on that poem. But this picture showed Santa Claus looking almost like a trickster, a prankster. He was thin, much smaller, and didn’t look at all like the jolly, benevolent . . . looked like somebody who would take your gifts. [Laughter]
S: But are they, as different as they are, a part of Christmas? If you lived in Switzerland, would it still be Christmas? If you lived in Egypt? If you lived in Germany? And I ask that because it’s an important part of that new story that I want to tell you tonight. To realize that different cultures have different versions of the same thing and it’s just as right what you have here as it is what another culture has there. It doesn’t matter what it looks like, because truly it is the spirit of the thing that it’s really all about.
Long, long ago, truly in a galaxy far, far away – gosh that’s old, isn’t it? Are you warm in here?
[ . . .] DC doesn’t have her hat on here.
S: Source—that was long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away—Source released creative energy. That is the energy to be creative. And into the dimension of earth, on the Avataric function line, came twelve. It was not the first time that twelve had been released, nor was it even anywhere near the last time. But twelve were released. Now, remind me please, because I am much older than old, what is the Avataric function line? Somebody? Ken.
It’s the new beginning.
S: Good, yes, yes. That works. More. Stuart.
I’m thinking there’s been a line of masters who have visited Earth over the millennia who have shown us a way of living, that we call them part of the Avataric function line.
S: Good, good. Yes. Aye.
They’ve been the ones who have held the seed of creation in this experiment, and a part of them remains here to keep that flowing, and they come in form now and then to amplify it, to maybe change it.
S: At times of need, at times of great transition, the Twelve comes here to put a focus onto that change, in order to allow the new beginning, as a means to establish greater creativity for greater change.
Happy birthday, Harvey! Look at him glow! That’s what birthday energy looks like to me. Just a big glow. A lot of power.
It is twelve as a representation of the greater Twelve that did the original work to seed life force into the planet. Twelve coming on the Avataric function line. Why twelve? Why not just send an avatar?
You need a backup.
S: Exactly.
If one refuses, or can’t do it, there has to be something else to replace it.
S: Believe it or not, even if you absolutely let the Universe know, “I will go, I will be the one, I will be the focus of change, I will work to bring about the completion of the Plan for this planet and all Life Force on it . . . ,” when life gets in the way, the Universe has plan B, and C, and D, and on and on. In this particular case twelve were sent. And at different places around the planet, twelve amazing babies were born.
Now, another little aside: Long before Jesus that became the Christ was born, long before, earlier civilizations celebrated the sons of God coming to earth, born of a virgin, leading a precocious childhood, moving into an adulthood of teaching and a sacrifice. Some actually were crucified. The story’s not new. Different cultures have different versions. Different cultures have different Avataric work or workers.
So the Universe watches these remarkable babies grow and occasionally does a universal cringe—it probably shows up like an earthquake here—when one of the other of the children goes through something difficult. Many of you who are parents, I’m sure can relate to just hating to see your child learn the hard way, and also being proud of your child when he or she overcomes. Well, the Universe is no less a proud, somewhat parental kind of figure in its anthropomorphized version of it, watching lovingly as these beings grow up.
And when the time came, when the being who was the chosen one came to a point in life in which it was time to make a decision, “What are you going to do?”
The chosen one said, “Oh my gosh. I don’t know what to do. This is a very, very difficult decision because you see, from the time in my childhood, I have been very, very enthusiastic and found I have a great charisma and I realize I can reach people and teach people. If I’m a chosen one, it’s going to turn off so many people and turn them away. I can’t do it.”
So Source says, “All right. Plan B. It’s time,” and says to the second, “It’s time.”
And the second says, “Oh gosh, I never thought it would ever actually be something I’d be called upon to do. I seem to have come with a talent to dance and please, and I’m going to reach people that way.”
And Source says, “All right, all right.” Goes to the next one. “It is time.”
And she says, “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry. I thought I probably wasn’t ever going to be called upon because I was not the chosen one. I was simply one who maybe could be available, but I’ve got this really great job, and this job keeps me busy, it’s what I’ve loved. I get to be with animals. It means so much . . . I think that really I could have a greater effect in the world if I wasn’t the chosen one and instead could pursue my career.”
And Source said, “All right.” Goes to the next one. This one started a garage band when she was young and really turned out that she was pretty good, and the band was enjoyed and appreciated and time came that there was an opportunity to get on American Idol. Do bands get onto that?
America’s Got Talent.
S: And becomes a rising star, an Internet sensation. And Source says this is the perfect time. You have access that others do not have. I wish for you to be the chosen one. And that chosen one says, “No! I know that there was a time that I was interested in that kind of thing, but I am reaching many more people now in this way using my gifts and talents in the world in a way I would not be able to do otherwise. I will say no.”
Is anybody even slightly aware of what I’m going with here? Lakshmi.
Samuel, we have a key to this whole thing and we are so blinded sometimes by this human costume we wear, thinking in terms of how many people we can reach, whereas we can change the whole thing. It’s not about how many people we can reach, it’s not about how much money we make, it’s not about how famous we are. It’s like we’re holding the earth in our hands and we’re not aware of that.
S: So true. So true.
We or one among us is number twelve.
S: Well, not exactly. Let me keep going and we’ll see how far it gets. What number am I on?
S: The fourth one. All right. Source goes to the next choice. The next choice says, “Oh, Source, I really am honored that you would ask, but I’m just going to say it right out. No. I am much too afraid to do that. People might throw sticks at me, or they might make fun of me, or they might somehow make me an object of scorn or ridicule, and I cannot do that. I say no.”
Went to the next, who was a farmer. “I must take care of this land that I’ve inherited and has been in our family for generations. I cannot follow through.”
And the next, “I have children, I must wait until the children are born.” Born? “Raised, gone.” Well, I guess born would be in there, too.
The next, too busy in the pursuit of having riches and wanting those to keep going. And yet again, said no.
It seems like the common pattern is that they are all identifying with their humanity and attempting to honor their humanity whether that’s being the good parent, or the talented dancer, or whatever, instead of surrendering it to what they truly are. What confuses me is how do they know they’re saying no if they’re using their gifts and talents and being the best they are through that expression?
S: Well, where I’m going here is, using your gifts and talents isn’t enough. Using them as a tool instead of the destination would make the difference.
“I don’t have all of my education yet.” “I’m not smart enough.” “I‘m not what . . .” “I have this special thing going over here and don’t want to disturb it.” “I’m in this great relationship but this person doesn’t want to be Mrs. God.”
Finally there was one left. Now again, metaphorically speaking. Source has gone through the whole circle and is at number twelve. Can’t you just see Source sitting there, biting on fingernails, really worried: “Is this the right time to ask? I don’t want to get rejected, you know? They’ve all betrayed me. I feel so abandoned.” What to do? Well, one thing could be, when you’re in a jam, manipulate. You go to that person and you say, “Everyone else has said no. This whole age is on your shoulders. Will you say yes?” There is that. Not necessarily the best way to do it, but that seems to be a choice many go with. Source determined that it would just ask like everyone else. “You came here on the Avataric function line to be the chosen one. And you are all the chosen ones where you are, but for this age as a whole, one is needed, will you be that one?”
There wasn’t an immediate yes that time, a little victory dance, “Oh boy, it’s me! It’s me!” Instead, this one thought. And many of those same fears, and justifications and excuses and perfectly good reasons went through this one’s mind. And she, he, doesn’t matter, chose to rise above that and instead recognize and fulfill a commitment that was made, and that in her or his heart knew was made long before the skin covered the body, and said, “Yes. I will be that one.”
I’m wanting to tell you that not to make you laugh or to make you uncomfortable, but the fact of it is, over the last couple of transitions, it has been pretty much that hard. Because this life gets in the way in a way that is unprecedented in the history of Source working on earth. That’s saying a lot. There has never been a time in which it has been harder to let go of the trappings of Earth and accept the power of what you are. And I know that too many of you, I’ve been hearing you say it: It’s an outrageous thought to even imagine saying no to such a commitment. And yet chosen ones do it all the time, and they do it in many different ways. It might be because they truly believe that they are offering a great service to the world themselves, and although fame and fortune are difficult to deal with, they will somehow manage for the good of the planet and all Life Force upon it. Some are just afraid. Some allow what they perceive to be their faults, their baggage, their issues, the “What I am not is so much greater than what I am [that] I could never do this, and it will come out on the Internet, and you know what happens then.”
I was actually creating a list based on twelve drummers drumming. “I have this special talent—and eleven lords a-leaping, ten ladies dancing, and nine lords,” no . . .
[ . . .]
S: Lords a-leaping, eight maids milking—working with the animals, you know, and the swans a-swimming . . . that’s where I was going with that.
Well, you can actually follow it all the way through and read it as a justification and an excuse in another version, which is sort of like Santa Claus in Czechoslovakia. There is always an excuse, there is always a justification, always a perfectly good reason. I call them excuses and justifications because nobody would ever, ever say no without a good reason. And yet, no is said over and over and over. It’s too hard here because girls just want to have fun.
Samuel, what I’m hearing you say is that when we come here, you always say that we set up our lives in a way to have gifts and abilities to help us be as effective as we can. We develop them, and along the way we forget who we are instead of using them as a way to serve, to create . . .
S: Tools.
As tools, yes, choosing them to do it. We think that that’s all there is. The moment we think that’s all there is, then we put a cap on what it is that we can do with it. That’s how we say no, because we think, I have this job, I have this thing to do, I have this home that I need to take care of—and thinking that taking care of this home is the way we serve this world. You can do the same thing but with a different awareness around it and see it as a service. And when we do that, we allow for so much more to flow through it and into the world.
S: Yes! You become the gift you are meant to be into this world at this time, where the world is waiting on that gift. What she said. It’s very, very easy to get caught up and forget. And yet the truth of it is, you really cannot forget. It’s etched into your bones. You don’t have enough of a “want to” to truly put aside that you are here to make a difference. You know it. And you don’t, sometimes, know what you’ll do or how you’ll do it, but even from when you were very young, you had a drive to do, to be. You knew. And it wasn’t a difference that was bad and you knew that; but it was a difference that felt a little unique in a slightly alone kind of way. And some of you even were able to put the very words to it: I want to help this world. I want to make it a better place. I want to be a part of helping. The ‘what you are’ is so close to the surface that not only did you know that something about you was a bit different, you knew that you wanted to help. And out of that group, some of you even knew you wanted to lead. “I want to teach others.” In fact, very often you made a life of it whether you wanted to or not because it’s so natural to you. So natural that you came to discount its power, to think, Well if it’s how I feel, I’m not special so it must not be something special.
I want you to think about a child in this society, in this society, who . . . it’s Christmas eve and they know that tonight is the night that the Santa Claus is going to come and visit, and that when they go to bed something magical is going to happen and when they wake up in the morning there is going to be booty everywhere. Pirate’s treasure. Treasure. No, not that [kind of booty]! Oops. Sorry! Didn’t realize there were extra meanings there. Oops! Was thinking of pirates there.
They come tearing down the stairs, down from their room—like little pirates, eh? You were one of them once, looking for “what did the Santa bring to me?” And you know certainly at the beginning, there wasn’t any “This isn’t what I wanted,” putting it away. Three-year-olds don’t re-gift. They play them out. It’s absolute excitement that this magical thing has happened and they’ve gotten a gift, or maybe a whole bunch, because of it, and what they don’t do is stop and carefully examine each thing, and if it’s socks and underwear and new toothbrushes they’re not going to run right away and start using them. They’re going to look at them and move right on to the next thing. See what else there is. Because magic has happened and they have received something amazing.
Guardians come into this world having received something amazing and filled with the magic and the joy that time changes. And that absolutely-overjoyed-and-filled-with-magic-and-delight four-year-old becomes an overworked-and-underpaid, and too-much-to-do, pleasing-too-many-people-and-not-themselves and needs-a-vacation-but-can’t-take-one forty-year-old making it good for someone else, because that’s how doing good for others has worked out.
You are going to come into a new year very soon, and it is a year so filled with promise and hope. And you need to ask yourself the question every day of it, “You are the chosen one, will you say yes?” And that’s your question, “Will I say yes today? Will I say yes today?” There will always be five golden rings, and a partridge in a pear tree, and cows to milk, and songs to sing, careers to take care of. There will always be things that you can do in your life that are good things just short of saying yes.
When Jesus the Christ came into the world he said, “I am here to create a new covenant. I represent that new covenant.” Now, scholars would probably say that that was the change from what you think of as Old Testament law that was the Hebraic way of expressing their religious preferences, to a new way. Jesus said, “I change the covenant.” But the covenant was not changing religious behavior, as Christians like to say it was. It was the covenant with God. Because what Jesus did is changed the single chosen-one system. And from that time, there has never been a Twelve with back-ups, a one with eleven backups. There has been committed Guardians coming through the Avataric function line: the chosen one. That would be you. And you, and you, and you. And you are the celebration of Source’s great gift to this world. You are the celebration of what this world needs now. You are the gift. And although you don’t have a great mythology written up around you—yet, not all of you anyway, a few of you are on Facebook and that sort of goes in that direction. (Laughter) You are here to change this world.
And I want you to think about how you’re answering that question. What are you doing with your gifts? Are they your life or are they your tools? What are you giving back? You are what this world needs. What do you think about that? What do you think about Source if you are what this world needs? “Well, Source is kind of crazy.” Do you believe it, and if you believe it, do you live it? And if you live it, are you saying yes? Or is your life living you? It holds the reins, not you. Is your focus a bit clouded? Have you maybe forgotten?
In the interview with David and Paula and Stuart recently, we had a little bit of a conversation about how animals communicate, and we talked a little bit about dolphins—I’ll use those because you’re most familiar with them—that you think they’re not real clever because they can’t talk to you and tell you how clever they are. And yet science is all of a sudden beginning to realize that all of those clicking noises seem to have meaning. And that one dolphin to another knows what it means. That perhaps with enough study one could learn what it means. They’re actually already doing this. And they can give the sounds back and create a communication. Sometimes I think that you think Source is that dolphin language—it’s just all [dolphin sounds] and you’re not real clear what’s trying to be said.
Well, I will translate for you. Mary Claire, where are you? Will you give me a dolphin laugh?
It’s been so long, I don’t know if I could.
S: Try?
S: It goes [makes sound]. That’s all right. Source is saying, “Will you say yes? Will you say yes? Will you say yes? Will you say yes?”
The holidays are about a fat jolly elf making magic. Well, I guess I see you as fat jolly elves because in this season and every season I know that you are the one who puts the magic into this world. And as you give of yourself you are bringing the gifts this world needs. And you’ve done it, well, far before the day you were born here. And in some ways you’ve done it ever since you were born here. But imagine the difference it would mean to this world if you, who all of your life have known you were here to make a difference, saw your life as the tool to help you be the gift you are meant to be instead of why you’re here.
And I guess what I’m saying is, as the world would see it, you, my friend, are a Santa Claus. And as I would see it, you are the chosen one of this age and Source is waiting to hear your answer. What say you? Source in this world is love, and the light of this world is love, but any light, be it an oil lamp or spotlights, somebody has to turn it on. Be that one.
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