November 10, 1985
Samuel: And greetings, dearests.
Greetings, Samuel.
S: Well, most welcome, each of you. So how are your creations this week, eh? Well, let me put it another way. Gifts! Aye, dear.
There is a new spirit in my life. I don’t know if this is going to be a long-term thing, but, at least one new one, and it could have been a combination, you know, creation and whatnot, too, but I’m very excited about the presence of this, and I think it’s going to help me achieve some personal goals of mine.
S: You know, one of the most wonderful things about energy is your feeling it, recognizing it. That is a gift for both sides, dear.
My trip was just so full at every turn, from my sister and I turning in to a parking lot and it being just loaded with cars and saying, “We need a parking place,” and having two people run out and get into their cars, and … take your pick. And the people, family, friends. I felt like every day was filled with an opportunity to share with people. It was just perfect. Every day, wherever I was. Just going into a store, and being talking to my sister about a Cayce formula that she should use for her skin, and having the little salesgirl say, “Oh, I have this rash,” and I ended up giving her this formula. Just that kind of constant sharing. A whole month of doing this. To me it was an incredible gift.
S: Well, it is a gift for us to have you back here sharing with us. Welcome.
I could feel the energy as I was headed home. I got in my car yesterday at 12:00, and drove right on through, and the only stops I made were for gas and pit stops for myself, and that was it. And I just feel that I flow on the energy of the people, and put my trips in the box, and just go with it. And it’s incredible how that happens.
Well, I’ve had an experience. I don’t know how to explain it really, but it seems like something way down inside of me just popped, and my whole experience has changed over the last five to ten days. It has just really been an amazing thing. My whole reality has just turned around as much as I can remember it ever turning around in such a short time.
S: You’re making a very big step, dear.
I feel that. It’s been really amazing.
S: Welcome, darling. It has been awhile.
It sure has. I feel like your analogy one time, of being able to visit the dining room after being in the living room for two months.
S: It is good to have you here. Gifts!
The first of October I decided I needed a new car, because my old one was worn out. I had no idea how I was going to get one, so I just put the energy out. October 31 I got a brand new car, and I didn’t have to pay for it. The company paid for it. And it’s a Chrysler New Yorker.
S: And what is so delightful about that, darling, is that you’ve been learning about creating that reality, and creating those things about you. I am so proud of you. Good work. I suppose anybody that needs lessons can follow G— around, eh.
Sometimes you must give up in order to get, even if it means giving up something that seems like you cannot do without it. Like transportation. And then you get.
Aye, dear.
My co-worker and I got a new boss last Monday, and that was a real gift. He came from Philadelphia, which was great. We thought we were going to get another country bumpkin to lead us around. So I’m grateful to have a boss who’s been in the business a long time and knows what he’s doing, and can teach us a lot of things.
And a Yankee, too.
S: One more gift, eh.
I’ve had lots of gifts, but I think the most important one is being able to hear my inner self and listen to that.
S: Good. Aye. Of course you understand that what she’s saying is that she’s talking to herself and following it. Aye?
She’s talking to herself and listening to her Higher Self.
S: And I know that’s what you’re saying, dear. I just thought I’d make a point. There is a difference. As you become more aware of your Higher Self, you hear that difference. You recognize the change of energy that comes with it, and you know when you’re just talking to yourself and listening, and that’s the gift that she’s sharing. She’s learning that difference.
Well, who here is absolutely confused about time? Good.
Well, what are you asking about?
S: Oh, I must back up even further, eh. Are there questions about last week? Aye, dear.
I have an observation. More—a couple of them. I’ve been thinking about all the holograms and other people I’ve met in my life that I’ve had an instant attraction to, like they were just part of me. And I can think of two people, at least, that … we don’t have a lot in common, and we didn’t really have a lot to talk about, but there was some attraction to that person at different times. It’s more of the hologram. I bet they were one of them. And also thinking about time. It opens up so much space. I forget that I have a Higher Self, and I forget a lot of things. I think that time goes from when I was born to the time that I die, and that’s all there is, but then when I think that there’s time happening all over, it opens up the space so much, it’s a relief.
S: Aye, and that’s as it should be. It’s such a delight to have somebody so new be so eager to learn and remember so fast. You are a delight. I do appreciate your energy here.
Have you noticed how those here, those that you meet here, connect so fast with you? Have you noticed how quickly you get to know one another, and how good you feel? So very fast. Of course not everybody here, but most. And have you noticed perhaps, too, that somewhere in your heart you do feel a connection with the old farmer up front, that it feels not so very odd to be talking to a dead man, eh? Well think about that, dears, when you think about the connections you’ve made, and remember that, too, every time I tell you that nobody is here without having worked it out first. ‘Tis not your usual method of learning about ancient things, by hearing it channeled through a wee woman, eh. ‘Tis not. This is an opportunity that is not common, and yet you are a part of it. Think about that, too, and what it says about your development and growth, knowing that like attracts like, and that you’re at a high vibrational level to be learning from a source. Think about that, too.
Now, if everybody will just pat themselves on the back just a bit, we’ll get going.
To continue our work: Somebody please find the string that has been tying all of our weeks together, and discuss a bit what we have been teaching here. G—, you are excused from this. Aye, dear.
Well, what I remember of the last few is emphasis on the now. The now is the seat that we find ourselves in in front of the control panel, which is now in reach. The now is the only place that we have grasp of the controls, because that’s where we are; that’s where our consciousness is focussed. Realizing this, we take ourselves where we truly want to be.
S: Well, the form said to you, this last meeting, “Well, he spoke about time,” and now again. Why would that be? Why would it be that I’m repeatedly discussing this?
There is nothing I wish for you more than the understanding of your own power here. It is understanding what you are capable of, that you then have the choice to use it or not, but if you do not know what you are capable of, then you’ve no choice. And you need that choice. And what you do with it from there is up to you. There are many things that you can do when you understand your own power, and that’s a bit of what we’re going to be discussing tonight. But first, let’s go a little bit further back into what you have been learning. All right, would you like a hint?
S: April first.
That’s when our six months is up.
S: Thank you, dear. Aye, dear.
We talk about time so much because it’s a major thing that holds me back. Ah, there isn’t enough time. I better do this now. You know, I’m going to die tomorrow. I’m going to die in four months. But I don’t act that way. I use time as a weapon against myself rather than as a motivator.
S: That is a fine observation. Too much to do, too little time to do it in, eh?
In everybody’s mind, time is a limiting factor. It’s like it creates barriers. And yet, when you make up your mind that you’re going to do certain things, and get the idea that you’re going to do those things, it’s amazing how you end up doing every single one of them. I had this experience when I got together with my daughter in Los Angeles—we would say, “Well, we’d like to do this, this, this”; it would be just a tremendous amount—how we would end up with always just enough time to do it. We just simply would do it.
S: You were stealing time, eh?
We went to Disneyland, and she said, “Oh, we’ve got to do that, and we’ve got to do that,” so we were running out, getting right in line, going right through, and just doing these things, and at the end it was like, “Maybe we could do this one as my most favorite again.” And they’re ready to close the park, and we walk by this one, and we go in, and I’m sitting there thinking it’s all going to work out, and it did. And I think we were the last people to go on this particular ride. And I knew that just by saying we were going to do all of these things somehow, we had the time, and it all worked beautifully. There was never a sense of rush, just a sense of knowing we were going to do those things.
S: Powerful creating, eh? So try it, dears.
You have changed rooms from the exploding chimney.
That’s right. We were afraid of that one. We were going to die in six months if we stayed there.
S: So you have moved yourselves.
That’s right. Now the roof’s going to fall in on us.
S: The lesson is just as important, dear ones. The lessons of change, the lessons of acceptance, the lessons of responsibility which come from your thinking you have just six months to live. What would you do? Well, it has changed many of your lives already. You have made some priorities, and changed your thinking in many ways. That’s good. Continue thinking April will soon be here. How will your life have changed. You know, dear ones, as we discussed that label for change that we call death, that label death simply represents a very major change in your life. So why do you not vow that April 1, your day of death, you will have experienced a very big change in your life. You will have tossed aside those worn-out convictions, those things that are depriving you of the air that you need. You will make room in your life for the new, that you will have let go of those things that are killing you bit by bit, and you will be new. You will have that transition. Set yourself that date. Play with time that way. All right, so we discussed that, which led into, then, the responsibilities involved in some of those changes. What is that you fear? You fear that the changes may be good for you, and yet you’ve been very strongly programmed that you cannot accept those things that are good. Or else you fear that they may be bad, and you do not accept a new situation for the fear of something that you’ve not even experienced. So we discussed that. And the reponsibilities involved in accepting change. And then somewhere in there, we took a time track, and you got a better understanding of how you rob yourself. You’re either not giving yourself a chance or you’re not giving yourself a chance by taking from your past or your future. Who would care to explain that a bit?
We only have the now that we are in.
S: The seat of power, eh?
That’s right. And if we dwell too much on the past, we are limiting our growth. We are being tied to our past, and not being open to new experiences.
S: An example of that?
Well, if I say, “Here comes Peggy down the street, and last week when I saw her she was mean to me, so I won’t be friendly to her,” and I scurry by, whereas Peggy was in a very loving mood, and she was going to share with me loving energy and brighten up my entire day, and I’ve lost it because I scurried by. And with the future, you also limit your growth, because you set future ideas in concrete and limit your growth. You don’t allow for the growth that takes place between the now and the future.
S: Who are you to determine what you are going to be tomorrow? And yet you set up so many futures based on what you are today. You say the future will be this way because your present is, and you’re growing and changing every moment. So it’s not worth your time to take from the future like that. Deny it. Deny yourself. An example.
Well, a lot of times I have expectations of a future event, maybe a social setting. And I know that people are going to be there and act a certain way, and I prepare for that, and it’s totally different because people have changed, the setting has changed, and I have changed. And I’m not open for it, and I can’t get the most out of that now because I’ve based it on what’s in the past.
S: Aye, dear.
There have been about three instances in the last week where I took charge and did not go and do something that my habit pattern was getting me to wanting to do. I said, “I am making my own reality, I do not know what all this means. It means whatever I am going to lay onto it. And just this once,”—and this happened in three instances—”I’m not going to lay on it what I usually lay on it.” And it’s really scary. You can preach and carry on and read about it and listen to it all you want to, but to realize that every moment it’s a free ball-game, every moment it’s being made up, the whole past, future, and everything, that you are as free as you’re ever going to be.
S: But that’s so unrealistic in this day and age to think that way. Gracious. You’ve created your own reality? Come, now. Everything is set already for us, and we’ve no control over anything we do. Surely you know that’s so, eh?
Well, you can know it’s so, and you can know it’s not so. You don’t know a damn thing. You are making it up inch by inch, and if you’re going to really make it up, be crazy. Why not? What have you got to lose?
S: It is time for a commercial here. Who will do it? All right, another hint. Gracious, dear ones. Aye dear.
The hardest thing for me was to have belief in your own energy, and confidence. Coming here, I did not really know how to get to your new location, and I got lost twice, and I kept saying I’m going to get there in time, I’m going to find the new location, and I did. I was on time, and I changed four stop lights from red to green. You have to put back any doubt. You have to have belief in your own energy.
S: That’s true. It’s important for you to learn about yourself, and that’s what we’re discussing this night. To learn about creating your own reality.
A new series of classes will be starting the first of the year.
S: Thank you. I would advise those of you that are not sure about how to create your own reality and feel that you are not doing as good a job as G— is, for instance, that you make a point of doing yourself a favor and grow. So, the Samuel stamp of approval.
So what good is it in your life to know the power of your now? It seems, when you’re in the now, all the experience there is is available in that moment, and you have free, creative choice over what to do with it.
S: If you do not steal from the future or your past, get yourself caught up in those little webs, then all time is available to you.
And everything becomes centered in that one moment, and that’s the point of power.
S: But what good is it for you? What practical good is it for you? Why is it worth it to you to bother working on finding your now?
There’s a few ways of going through this earth thing, and one of them is to think we’re deadlocked into whatever the gods have in store for us, or however we perceive this. And you can learn and grow going through life in this way. We learn certain constructive things in the long run, but what an unnecessarily painful way that is to go through life. We can learn so much quicker, so much more confidently, more completely, if we put ourselves in the right kind of circumstances, if we create for ourselves the right kind of circumstances. We get the job done in a better, more desirable way if we’re all beings on all levels.
S: But darling…
S: We’ve got a little bit of a problem here. Are you trying to tell me that it’s not supposed to be hard? Are you trying to say…
It’s going to be hard anyway.
S: Is that right?
We still have to have so much sleep, a certain amount.
S: Do you, now?
A certain amount. We can change that, too, but certain things are—what was that term we used last week? Absolute things, and then things that were at our disposal to change.
S: That’s the difference between a root assumption and a belief. However, you made a little statement in there. One of the things that so many, even in here, are having to come up against is a very strong belief that you do not deserve the very best. A belief that it should be difficult as some sort of punishment for existence.
Those people learn much, too. On a different level.
S: Do you believe that it’s important to learn the hard way.
It depends.
It does not have to be hard. We make it hard.
S: Aye, that’s right. Why do you make it hard?
Everybody loves a challenge.
S: Everybody loves a challenge. Good, dear. Think about something you’re up against right now. Think about something you’re up against that’s disturbing you, and ask yourself, “Why is this hard for me?”
I think because we don’t deserve it, and it has to be hard or else it’s not worth it. I know if things come to me easily, I think, “There must be something wrong with this,” you know.
It’s conditioning.
Or it hasn’t happened in the past, and therefore it won’t happen now.
I think it’s a belief of many people’s circumstances, too, that you get a record played to you as a child that such and such is difficult, and you get that played enough times and you get to believe it. You just don’t think of any other way to exist outside of that framework.
The Protestant ethic.
S: The Protestant work ethic.
Uh-huh, that if you work hard then you will earn things, and if you don’t work hard and it’s not a struggle, then you’re not only not going to get them, but you don’t deserve to get them.
Or you just suffer in this reality so you can reap the rewards of heaven.
A lot of what I do, I’ve just realized, is when you reach your goal after having battled it through, you can feel a lot prouder about it. And so much of what we’ve been trained and taught isn’t the person who worked themselves up through the poverty and is now a rich person a much better person in this society than someone who’s born into it. We’re trained that it’s better to have reached your goals through adversity than through ease. I think that part of what I’ve done is, when I have something I’m trying to reach, the harder it is to overcome and to reach the goal….
S: Well, it must be, then, a root assumption, and not a belief?
Maybe it’s a root belief.
S: All right, let us coin that one, eh. A root belief. Now what is wrong with that belief?
When I’m acting in the now, it’s the time when I’m having the most joy, the most satisfaction, the most value I am to the people around me, and the most value I see in them. And that’s the point of it, I think.
S: Aye. Do you know that that process that takes you to whatever your goal is—that process that you have determined must be difficult or it’s not worth it—you have become entangled in the process in order to make your goal feel good anymore, whereas when you are a part of the now, you have the joy that the goal would give you every moment. What is it that you’re looking for when you reach your goal? That joy, that satisfaction, that good feeling, the power of knowing you’ve done something fine. But you’ve become so entangled in the process of it, the striving, the work, the difficulty—”I must be very good, for I’m working very hard, and nobody is working as hard as I am, and nobody can do it as well as I can, and I am the only one that is working this hard….”
Sacrificing, too, while you’re working.
In this case, many people take good care not to reach their goal, because […]. [laughter].
S: Good, darling, good. And so that belief system, taking you from your now and keeping you forever borrowing from the future and living off the past, is actually keeping you from your goals and your now, eh?
What about if you could readjust your thinking processes to enjoin the process, as opposed to putting the overlay of this, that, and the other thing that you’ve always heard, and putting your own little record to the process part of it? The process part of it could be just as enjoyable as the end part, your goal, if you didn’t have a mental overlay that said, “This is drudgery. I’m sacrificing on this,” if you add all this extra garbage on there that doesn’t have to be there.
S: All right. And what would that do to the materialization of the thought you were after?
It would dampen it down.
S: Well, the negative would. But to change your belief system about that process would put so much positive energy onto that thought that you would materialize it in this plane so much faster, dear, that you may even find—gracious, Samuel, will you say this?—you may even find that all of your needs are constantly met as soon as you wish for it. Talk about apports. Now, who has seen that happen.
S: Well, I’d rather that we discuss the positive aspect rather than the negative. You have wished for a thing to be a part of your life, and then it was there.
I had something phenomenal happen. There’s a friend of mine that I haven’t seen or talked to in eleven years, and the night before last was one of those nights I was restless and I couldn’t sleep, and I thought, “Gee, I wish I had Tommy to talk to.” The next morning the telephone rang. Eleven years, and it was Tommy. And he said, “You know, I was on a camping trip, and I woke up in the middle of the night, and I saw you.” And this is my mother’s phone that he’s calling. And he got in his car and drove down to see me yesterday from Indiana. So I was so pleased! It’s true. Just a little wish.
S: There was not that intensive work surrounding it, saying, “This has got to be difficult. I will probably never hear from him. In order to make this creation, I have to work very hard at it.”
Samuel, would you clarify something?
S: Probably not.
Would someone else in the group? You’re working on creating your reality, and in the process of doing so, you’re basically trying to stay out of the future expectations. However, that’s a real fine line, and I’m trying to work with that, trying not to set up expectation of that, but yet create my own reality. And that’s what I’m asking. How do you weigh that out?
S: What is the difference between setting up a goal that you are wanting to create, setting up a thought form, and not borrowing from the future? Aye, dear.
Well, it’s a creative process.
S: Aye, sounds like you’ve heard this, eh.
When you’re creating your reality, it’s a creative process that comes from your now, and when you’re dodging something because of something that happened in the past or something you’re afraid might happen, then you’re denying it that moment to be creative the way it should be.
S: Good, dear. Are you hearing that? Would someone like to say it again in different words?
What I have found … you’re talking about vibrations? Well, when you get on the atomic level—a smaller and smaller particle—everything has a positive and a negative. The smallest atom. And your thought forms can have a positive side and a negative side, and you can have a scale, and if you think negative, you’ll experience negative, and if you think positive, you’ll think positive.
S: Sure, and if you’re thinking about like attracting like, the energy that you’re putting forth in worrying about your future is quite a bit different from setting up a creation, eh.
It’s called polarity.
S: It’s called creating your own reality. Aye, good, dear.
Well, I’ve got the same question. Are you saying that as long as you keep yourself connected with your goal and are creating, rather than setting up separate….
S: And fretting.
… and fretting over it, then it’s not that you’re borrowing from the future, but you’re creating it.
It’s sort of a matter of flexibility, because you could have a great five-year plan to be president, or something, but you could be emperor of the world. I mean stay flexible with what you get. If you’re creating it, it’s a constant process, and you’re not fixated on a set goal, but whatever is best. And you may have no idea, but keep working on it.
So it’s more like setting directions, rather than points.
Last week my mother’s portion of the family jewels got all fouled up and in a blind alley, so I messed with my own head, and I pictured myself in the future, looking at them and holding them, and I said, “They will be found.” And the doubts and the recriminations of this and that, I just moved away from. They were probably still all going on over on this side of my head, but I just moved out of the way, and when it started to come up again, I moved my thought over to the positive, and it took quite some time to make sure—I had to stay alert so that when the machinery of “goddamn them”—you know, I moved out of the way of it. It was a little sticky there for a long time, because I knew that if I got all upset and angry and stormed, that it wouldn’t work out, and the enticements were so great, let alone the monetary value. I practiced a long time, too. You practice on little things, and you learn.
S: All right, explain it to P—.
Get a copy of the tape.
S: Let J— try.
I think that as you create your own reality, that it’s the acceptance in the now that it’s created. You’re not projecting on the future, you’re creating something you accept now has been created.
S: And now, and now, and now. [End of side of tape]
… and I mean that from a root assumption, versus a belief.
S: A matter of trial and error involved in creating your reality? Nay. Do you know there is no such thing as trial and error. That is a part of the Protestant work ethic—trial and error is a belief system only.
Would a more accurate rewording of that be something like “experimentation and learning” or “decision and learning?” You try something, and maybe it works and maybe it doesn’t work. We choose things and, depending on the outcome of it, we learn. You know, it’s trial and error…. The words, man, you know.
Well, be careful of what you want. You may get it. The trial and error comes in that you learn after a certain number of years that you’d better not want that because you can’t handle it, and stick to something…. And learn to control your own thoughts.
S: If you’re in touch with your Higher Self, that’s why there’s no trial and error.
S: Good, dear.
If you’re listening to that, you’re not going to have to experience trial and error.
S: That’s exactly right.
It seems that you’re always creating your reality. It’s a matter of your awareness of whether or not this is what you intended or this is not what you intended. But like she was saying, if you’re in your Higher Self, you realize that you created it, you didn’t try to create it and not do it. You did, and it’s just a matter of awareness, seeing that this is what you created for yourself.
Also, I think that one of the things that comes up over and over again for people is, do you give it your all right now, or do you save a little bit somewhere and not get into it completely, because what if something happens where you really can’t do that? I have had an incident recently where, regardless of what the reality of the situation was, I said, “Well, I’m going to go and do this and this and this, and be positive about whatever outcome comes around,? and I had no idea what was going to come, and some fantastic things came out of just doing my best at whatever was given. I would get a message in my mind to do this and this and this, and I would just follow through and do those things, instead of kind of going into an old pattern of, “Well, this is what’s happening over here, and there’s no sense doing this over here.” But as soon as I moved off of that thing, and started just continuing along the way I was thinking that I should go anyway, and giving it everything I had, it made all the difference in the world.
S: All right, let us chat briefly for a moment. I speak, you listen. That’s a chat, eh.
We have discussed your now, that the power in your life comes from understanding your now. But we’ve also discussed that it’s very difficult in this society, on this plane, while in this form, to live in the now. It is totally a matter of reprogramming in order to do it, and that can be a slow process, fraught with questions of whether or not you’re doing the right thing, lest it come easier. I said last week that when you put yourself in this form, you take on certain limitations that make the understanding of time difficult. And because you have become so attached to the idea that time is a matter of segments of which you are a part, and that parts of you are in a segment of the past and parts of you are in a segment of the future, and there is no change, it can be difficult to get out of the habit of thinking that way and understanding that all you have is the now. So let us all give ourselves permission right now that it is okay to have understood that life had been very difficult; it is okay. Give yourself permission to have once had that acceptance. “Self, what you once believed is okay.” However, now give yourself permission to change that, that although that was okay for then, it is not okay for your life right now, and give yourself permission to accept a different understanding about time and the belief systems that are holding you back from dealing better with the world you are actually a part of. Now what good will it do to give yourself permission to do those things? Well, you’re contacting yourself, and you’re saying, “All right, let’s work on this, let’s do it.” You’re making a pact with yourself, so to speak. You’ll find that change happening. And here’s why, darlings. You’ve spent a good amount of time chatting tonight, but I feel it was a good chat, a good give and take here, to help us better understand your now so that next week, then, we’ll discuss what good it is.
So I want you to think about it. Your homework, all right, is to look at what good it is to know where your power is, all right? What good is it for you? Why does it matter at all? Look for it in practical matters. F— gave two very good illustrations. Look for them in your own life. When it is a thought about your past holding you back, and your recognition that you were thinking about the past, your moment of enlightenment, all right, as it changes your now, your future because it’s changing your now. Look for those moments. Be aware, be aware. Now we’ve spent the whole evening discussing why you care for your now, and different belief systems that you can be aware of that will catch you up. When you catch yourself thinking, “This is difficult,” a little buzzer will go off in your head now. “Difficult! Oh gracious, why? What is it I’m thinking that is making it this way?” Be aware, darlings. Spend this week in awareness. Find the times that you’re in the now. Now, perhaps you’re finding you’re in the now, it’s because you realize that you’ve been putting the past or the future into it, and when you think that, that’ll put you back into the now.
Look for a pattern, and you’ll be very surprised that you each have your own patterns in which you rely the most on what will be happening, or what has happened. Look for that. Look for your pattern. You have given yourself permission to see these things. You are here in the aura of each other and the energy you each have, and you made this compact with yourself. Draw from the energy of each other as each of you do the same thing. And use that to boost you as you go through the week learning.
Now let me tell you this, dear ones. The reason that you’re doing this is because it’s most likely to be the single most important tool you take on this plane. I will say it again. If you do your homework, darlings, and understand what has been discussed, it will change your life and give you the power to create everything that you’re wishing for. Aye, would that be worth the effort of your week? Now, that’s no carrot, dear ones. It’s one you get to have. Work on that, dears. Let it strengthen you, and come back to discuss it.
Well, I suppose if you’re not here next week, we’ll know that you’ve lost your now, eh. “Oh Samuel, I’m still at last week. I cannot get beyond it.”
You will be amazed at how it shakes you up. You will find many jokes you have been playing on yourself. Do laugh, darlings, do laugh. It is not worth doing anything but laughing.
Love strongly this week and love yourself the most. The way to cut through the fog of belief systems is love, dears. Love yourself first; love yourself strongly. Give yourself all the breaks, eh. You do deserve it. Your now is where your power is, and you will learn it this week. Do not be afraid of it.
Very good meeting. Your minds are working very well. I do not feel as though we have been held up. I believe that this has been a very good stepping-stone, but use it, dear ones, use it. Give yourself permission for one more thing: to remember this night.
Much love, dear ones.
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