January 6, 1991

(This was the first meeting with Samuel in the new building on Lima Drive in Lexington.)

Samuel: Hello, dears.

Hello, Samuel.

S: (Looking around at the new location) So how is it for you? It’s like strapping into a new car. You smell that?

A blank sheet. There are no imprints on it.

S: Oh, sure there are. And some of it is even your imprint. This place is so imprinted with the hours and hours of loving labor and—some of it not so loving; where’s Martin when you need to poke fun at him—that have gone into making this complete. It is imprinted, surely.

And it’s … just right. But we do need very soon to do something about having something for you to sit on, don’t you think. Or have not quite so tall a chair here. Goodness, some of you are going to get neck cramps, eh.

I think that this wonderful occasion has dragged some old friends out of the closet—to show up. How pleasing that is!

Is it as good as you thought it would look, Brad, dear?

It’s wonderful.

S: Aye. So, since it’s your taste that did it. And it looks so good filled with so much love, don’t you think. That’s the sort of color you can’t put into any apartment or house or business. It has to create there.

All right. Let’s let this night happen, eh! How about gifts?

Well, I helped with the working and planning for Lea’s birthday party, and there was a lot of stuff that was going on, and I wanted to be a big part of everything I could do, and it kind of dwindled down to be a small part. And I felt good about it, and I had to let go of some of the other parts I wanted to be responsible for, and just kind of hoped that everything would work out, because I had a tendency to say, “Oh, I can do what I can do best.” So I worked through this, and when it all came together the night when we were all to meet here, all the little pieces that I’d heard about and heard rumors about and talked with people that kind of knew what was going on in each area, all sort of pulled together, and even the little piece I did went in with all the bigger pieces, and it turned out to be such a gift for me, because I thought, you know, teamwork really works. We had … all of us had a common goal of doing what we thought was the best for Lea, not what we wanted. And so it kind of took out a lot of that “Oh, I think it should be this way,” or “I want it to be that way.” It was “whatever you think; this is great.” It just went together. I really felt good. I still felt good about it. It was really beautiful.

S: Indeed it was. And, you know, the beautiful thing about such events as that is that it doesn’t ever stop. Indeed it is continuing, because what happens is that, as long as you have the memory, the event continues. You know, darling, the key to unity is adaptability. That’s what you’re saying you experienced. Good work.

Another. Are you calling me? Is that what you’re doing? Calling out madly, “Me! Me! Me!”

[Two long-time Phoenix friends present a painting to Samuel, and read a letter of thanks to Lea, Samuel, and Phoenix.]

S: The two of you who have given so very much of yourselves, in your thank-you’s you even give. Blessed be you to the highest.

You want to explain that [the abstract picture]?

Kathleen and I have been working together, each of us using our own gifts. I receive verbally; she receives through her hands. I talk to her, giving her what I’m hearing, and she paints it.

S: Individuals are looking at it and saying, “Hmm, what is that?”

Well, there is a story that I heard that goes along with it.

S: How quickly can you read?

Someone else could read more quickly than I could.

S: Because you stop every so often to think?

[The paper is given to someone else to read] “The Creation of Phoenix, as dictated to Kathleen and Jennifer by Samuel. [Samuel looks surprised] We created a thought form which we desire to manifest in the form of love in action. It is this love in action which we call Phoenix Institute. This thought form manifested itself in the work of a being who desired to work with the planet earth, for it was this planet which it was his desire to see developed into the flower of the Universe. From his point of view, he could see that all proceeded well according to plan. There were matters of concern, yet the concern was not great. The greatness of this plan was what predominated his view. This plan was a manifestation of love through form. He desired many beings to join in the efforts of the work. These beings all volunteered….”

S: Let’s hold back here. I’m not sure that we’re wanting to go through a long dissertation about what my plans are. Let’s move to the part which specifically discusses what is here [the painting].

(Kathleen) I don’t know. I just did it.

(Jennifer) In synopsis, this is in recognition, in gratitude for all of those beings, in form and out of form, who have been here in whatever way they have chosen to be here, to create that which is known as Phoenix.

S: You look at a painting and you say, “This represents …, and this represents….”

This is what I understand to be God. This is the thought forms of God, to create that which is known as Phoenix, created of the people in form and out of form, all the energy about assisting. With the love and the spirit in form and out of form.

S: […] magnificent. Thank you.

All right, somebody, beat that with a gift, eh.

Let us instead move on.

You know, it is so very fitting that there be a gifting as an opening, don’t you think? Very fitting.

Unity … and leadership … for ‘91.

This is the year you do it. This is the year you do it. Having completed the Year of the Magician, in which, through the year, you had the lovely opportunity of finding out just what you are made of, didn’t you? And I mean that. You found out this year just what you could handle. How much joyfulness, how much change, how much sorrow, now and again. You found out what sort of decision-maker, what sort of friend, what sort of leader that you have the potential to be, and you found it out in one of the hardest—plus I would say one of the best—years you’ve ever had. Ninety-one has a very different feel to it, and at this time of beginning, in which so much of those that adhere to the current calendar system are celebrating New Year, as they are creating their—what you call them—hopes, choices. Resolutions. Determinations. You’ve come to hear me talk a bit about the very same.

What have you resolved for your new year? What would you do for the planet. Be careful; this is a trick question. It’s a tough one. What do you want for the planet this year? Anybody?


S: Peace. That’s nice.






S: Prosperity for the planet. Do you think that means a great proliferation of vegetables this year?

Why not?


S: What you wish for the large is because you see the need for it in your own self. So ask yourself, “What do I want for the planet now?” Very quickly, it’s easy to say, “I want peace.” But you know your planet has had war in one form or another for all of its existence. Perhaps you mean, “I want this country to have peace,” which is different.

To want unity, prosperity, is because you see a need for those things in your own life, which is exactly accurate. Peacefulness, which leads to joy. Consistent security, safety, in all the things which that means, part of which is financially. Who here this year wants financial abundance? And for those of you that have not raised your hand, in six months remember that, all right?

Of course these are things you are wanting. The whole experience out there is seeing there because your eyes are open in here.

What the planet needs is unity … and leadership. And what you need is unity, and you are to be that leader.

So what am I talking about? What is unity? Are you united here? In one sense you are. You have the commonality of this room, this space, this particular event. In that sense you certainly are united. But what am I talking about—unity?

All right, I can tell that in ‘91 there are going to be a lot of training sessions. You open your mouth, you breathe out over your vocal chords while you are manipulating your tongue in conjunction with your lips to match the thought going through your head. And more often than not a word will pop out when you do that. Give it a try. What does unity mean?

Unity of purpose.

S: Unity of purpose. All right, that’s a good part of it. Purpose. And so let me, as these come in, turn them right back to you. Unity of purpose—what is your purpose now? Let’s ask the big one: What are you here for as a human being in that remarkable, amazing, so healing—in case you forgot—body?

To manifest love through form.

S: Aye. Your purpose upon this planet is to, through overcoming fear, more often than not, because the stretch and the power and the success that gives you when you go beyond something you’re afraid of and “Oh, it’s over! Thank goodness” brings you to such an understanding of your own self.

Manifesting love, putting love into action. Whatever that means to you. You know, that’s an important one to remember. It’s not manifesting love as I see it. You can’t do it anyway. It’s not manifesting love as Hugh Hefner sees it, but that could be fun. For some, it could be. It’s manifesting love as you know it at the moment. Manifesting love through form by doing the best you can where you are with what you have at the moment. Making love happen by determining in everything you do what would be the loving thing to do here. How can I express my loving nature. That’s not so hard. That’s what you’re here for, and everything you have experienced up until this moment, and this one and this one, everything you have experienced has been helping you create the ability to do just that, until it becomes a habit, until you don’t even think about it anymore. At which time you are likely to ascend, and someone will grab your ankles and hope they do, too.

The very first sort of unity that this planet needs is that essential recognition: “I am here to manifest love through form.” Can you imagine what that united thought could do? Can you imagine? The Scriptures of Christianity say, “Where two or more are gathered together in my name”—meaning Jesus Christ—”where two or more are gathered together in my name, there I will be, also.” Do you think that’s a party invitation? That’s saying there’s power in group thinking. So imagine what a group this size can do.

Right now, just for a moment, unite your thoughts in sending love and peace and joy to this planet. Just for a moment close your eyes. See what happens. And you know, if you could get together and do that on a regular basis, just two or more of you—and if that doesn’t work call all of your own selves together and say, “Let’s have a group meeting here, all right, Self … and Self and Self?” You’ve got your Higher Selves, you’ve got your Child Selves, you’ve got your Business Selves, you’ve got your Lover Selves. You’ve got all those selves. Just call them all in and say, “All right, let’s discuss things, all right?” It works.

What is unity? More.

There’s a song out now called “From a Distance,” and it describes what I think of as unity. It talks about looking at people from a distance and how much we all look alike until we scrutinize everything and look for the differences, that we look for the sameness and look for unity.

S: Unity is the ability to find the common connection, rather than emphasizing the differences. How often you do that one. And you know what the best part is? For the most part the human form—they’re all alike. You’ve got that in common. You can connect with everybody in here, if for no other reason than because they’ve got two eyes or two arms, or at most everybody here has hair. Things such as that.

Look for what’s common. Over the last 1500 years this world has seen some of the most amazing, bloody hateful war, based upon religious differences. I will tell you this—sacred opinion time, eh—how you can have a religious war is beyond my imagining. “Well, you see, you might have a god of love, but I’ve got a god of war, and my god says beat you up.” That’s the only way you could do it. “You mean my god of love tells me to go beat you up?” Well, I guess it depends upon what sort of god you want, doesn’t it? If you’re feeling especially powerless and you’re in the habit of putting your power outside of you, then you’re going to have a god that wants you to go and beat everybody up, aren’t you?

There are so many common denominators through the major religious systems of the world that I do not understand why the Buddhists, the Hindu, the Moslems, the Hebrews, and the Christians don’t get along, needless to say why the Baptists can’t do it, or the Protestants and the Catholics.

When you have fear, you must have separation. And you have fear where there is no trust, and there is no trust when there is no relationship that is successful. Unity, seeing what is the common rather than looking for the differences.

All right, you can get very technical. Sherry, dear, you come here, and Mary, you come here, and Elise—you’re pretty blonde—you come here, and Kathleen, you’re a good one. You come here. Just stand here for a moment. Now, tell me, of this group, what color hair do they have?


S: Is that so? Are there variations? How is that? Why would there be variations?

So you can tell them apart.

S: It’s the way it happens. Say again.

The bottles.

S: All right, Peggy, I want you, and Craig, dear, you. And Frank, give me you. Jean, dear, also you. Come here.

All right, tell me what unity is.

They’re all beautiful.

S: They’re all beautiful. I like that. All right, that might be one thing. They’re all beautiful. Sometimes only a mother would agree with that, but that works.

They’re all human.

S: Good. At the very least that’s a fairly good guess. At the very least. That’s likely to be accurate. Now with Frank in the middle of the group there is some question.

They’re all loving this attention.

S: They’re all having a good time. I’m not exactly sure that one’s accurate, dear, but nice projection.

They all have hearts and minds.

S: Good.

They all have fair skin, and they all have clothes on.

S: Fair skin, clothes, good.

They all need love.

S: Excuse me, Jean dear, do you believe you need love?


S: Peggy, would you say that you need love?

In a pinch.

S: You’re right, they all need, and in fact they just said they wanted it, so be sure to lather it on before you go.

They’re all a piece of the Source.

S: They’re all a piece of the Source. You know, it wouldn’t be very hard at all to get this crew up here and start saying what’s different about them. Thank you, darlings. It wouldn’t be very hard at all to do that. You have to train yourself to look for that common ground in the very same way you train yourself to love.

What else? Unity is…. Aye.

Practicing the art of cooperation by working together so that everybody wins.

S: Practicing the art … the art … the art. Haven’t you always wanted to be an artist? Practicing the art of cooperation by making sure—did you say—that everybody wins? Aye. Donna says it as a gift. She saw people’s focus not being “I want myself, I want my wonderful words, I want my wonderful ideas to be the ones that are done here.” But instead, here is that common goal.

You cannot cooperate if you have not a focus. Many of you have experienced the wildness that is Phoenix. At different stages of its growth, it has been absolutely, outrageously hard to work with and work in. Would you say that’s true, Phyllis, dear? And yet, when Phoenix has a project, everything flows everywhere, not just with that project, but fairly well with everything. When there is a project. Why is that? This isn’t hard; I just told you.

They’re focused on a goal.

S: Because there is that common goal that individuals understand, know what they can do to take part in it, and see it happening. When you are finding yourself separated, distracted, feeling lonely and apart, when you are feeling that you’re in a time in your experience in which things are fairly nuts all around you, don’t look and say, “All right, what’s going on with all these people? Why can’t they get their act together.” First, start it at home. “What’s my focus? What’s the focus of those with whom I am working?” Has it ever occurred to you to get together with your friends before you go out and say, “What’s our purpose tonight?” “We’re going to drink until we fall over.” Well, at least you know that’s what you’re doing, and you can stay single-minded, and when somebody starts getting off the track, you’ll all carry each one into it again.

All right, perhaps it’s “We’re out to have a good time.” And having made that statement, even in a casual sort of way, you can be somewhat the trickster getting that in. “So what is it we’re doing tonight, anyway?” “Oh, I don’t know.” Won’t you have fun? Any little negative, gossipy, tired, cranky, complaining comment that slips in is going to become the rule. And I’m not saying that it means you’re going to end up becoming the monitor—”wait a minute, that’s not what we talked about.” It’s the magic that happens when focus is stated. “We’re out to have a good time tonight. We’re going to go see the film and have a dinner and just really enjoy one another’s company.” And the magic that happens is the crankiness and the irritation and the gossipy, negative comments don’t show up. And when they do show up, they seem to just die there. It works.

Unity means the group has a focus, and with that focus the action is taken to bring that about. You are working toward that highest good, and the magic that happens is that it no longer becomes the circus of “let me put in my idea and let’s see if I can make it happen my way” and “well, now, this doesn’t quite fit with all of that, but I want to talk about it, anyway.” Because the goal is understood.

Aye, cooperation.

Sounds like you’ve got a very good idea of what unity should be. Knowledge is nothing, however, until you’ve put it into your life and acted it out a bit, for it to become wisdom. And in order to be able to put it into your life, it’s going to require leadership. Leadership is the direct result of two things only: intent and action. That simple. Intent and action equals leadership.

Intent means what you’re thinking?

An idea of action.

S: Intent means an idea of action. It’s a desire. Clearly, intent is much more than just what you’re thinking about.

A vision?

A plan.

A purpose.

S: A vision. A plan. A purpose. We could do this all night, couldn’t we?

Intent recognizes a fully thought out—meaning you’ve looked at all of the options—a fully thought out direction, which involves both an action without and an action within. You have set your mind to do this. “My intention is to express love in all that I do this day,” which implies action through the day. Intent. And intending the action. Doing it.

Do not ever forget this, my souls, don’t ever forget this. This planet is so hungry for leadership that anybody who steps out there gets to be a leader. That is why the planet is where it is right now. Imagine what it could be if you, with your minds and your hearts and your abilities, choose to make a stand, to be a leader, in even one small area of your life.

“All right. I’m not going to preach it to everybody I work with. I’m going to start my own recycling program at work. And I’m going to do it. And I’ll certainly be recycling my own stuff, if nobody else does it.” And you do it. You go out with your own meager earnings and you buy another receptacle to put more paper in, and you begin separating your own paper or bringing your own utensils, or whatever would be involved in your particular work place to do that.

An amazing thing will happen. People will notice. Oh, the long and unnecessary metaphysical version is, thoughts create a magnetic response, essentially because you are an electrical being. That magnetic response sends out very small microscopic bees that go and sting everybody. [Laughter] All right, it’s not actually microscopic bees, but it is an emanation, just like magnetism. You’re willing to understand sexual magnetism; well, that magnetism works with everything. You intend to do something, you take action on it, and you start emanating “I am recycling!” Why not? And people start noticing. They don’t know why they’re drawn over to your cubicle, but they do notice: “Now, look what this one’s doing.” And if they feel guilty about it, they’ll make fun of you. You just keep doing it. Pretty soon you might find a few more cubicles of recycling, or you might find people bringing—so no one else will see—their recyclables over to you.

Recycling is just a silly example of an intent to take action. Give me a few more that would be good things to do, hypothetically, of course.

I did it with food. About four or five years ago I decided to change my diet and put only healthy foods and whole foods in my diet, which meant I carried food around with me in little bags all the time. People called me the bag lady. They made fun of what I ate, and they said, “Ooh, nuts and berries, what a strange person you are!” And I just said, “Well, that’s fine. I feel so wonderful.” And I continued, and people were hanging around my table, “Well, what have you got to eat in there? Where did you get this?”

S: So, by intending to make changes in your diet to become more healthy, to be able to make yourself stronger, better, clearer, perhaps to take responsibility in your guardianship of the creatures or of the chain of life on this planet, you choose to make a stand with food. Well, not everybody’s going to pay attention, but somebody’s likely to.

What’s another? Give me one more.


S: Service. Thank you. Thank you. Can you explain that a bit?

Well, if in your daily life you set a loving example of service in whatever manner, through church or an organization, or just your day-to-day life in your service, then other people see that example, and it can catch fire.

S: Aye. It does. This world is so hungry for answers that when it sees somebody consistently living love, they start flocking to you. You get to become the group shoulder to cry on, because somehow people think that you know something they don’t, so some of your wisdom might be helpful. You get to become the brunt of some jokes—that’s true—of those people who don’t understand the direction you’re flowing with. Service can be fairly antisocial, can’t it?

This world is so touch-deprived that somebody who just gives casual touches of love starts being followed about. People want leadership. People need loving leadership. People now, in this year, need a focus of love … and you can be that example. In very, very simple ways, or very bold statements. You have that choice.

Unity … and leadership. Coming together means very little if there’s not a common purpose. And the one who has the most clear vision, which has action that can be lived, gets to be the greatest leader.

What is it you want to do this year? What do you want to see? Where is your focus? As I am preparing to leave, let me ask you to think on one or two things. Think about where you can lead in your life. Loving leadership. In very simple or even very bold ways, but specifically to your own self, think about things you can do. It’s not all that frightening, is it? It’s not all that outrageous; it doesn’t seem impossible. And yet this night you have been able to imagine what a difference it would make.

Now think about unity. Where are the areas you want camaraderie? Aren’t you tired of being alone? It’s time for more.

Unity and leadership.

And some of you are running out of time to make your stand. Don’t waste this year.

All right. I’ll stop.

Happy trails, dearest ones.
