September 16, 2012

Samuel: Hello dears.

Hello, Samuel!

S: Now, what are we making up for tonight?


S: But you also missed the first Sunday of September. Let’s make this that one. Because it’s still September, right? I think that might make a little more sense.

How are you?

[As people change seats in front of Samuel] Why don’t you close in a little bit. I can pretty well guarantee Angela took a bath. Thank you Frank, and oh, Louise, very good! That was looking kind of pitiful there. There we go, yes, yes! Thank you. She says, “please don’t get that close.”

September starts with a celebration of workers, right? And anytime—good, thank you, love—anytime there is a celebration of workers, of course it always has me thinking of you. And I want you to understand that the work that you do for this world by being yourself is making a huge difference. You as Guardians have been going through so much over these last, well, truly the last few years, but definitely many months, last eighteen months or so have been filled with chaos. And you have had the opportunity to figure out whether or not you can take that chaos energy and turn it into Creation Force. Creating a new you. A new world. A new way of thinking and seeing. Opening the door.

Your work is becoming so visible that even you can see it. What do I mean by that? I mean that most of the time when you are doing good into the world, you don’t usually see the result of that. More often than not, you see, oh, maybe some nice things come your way, here or there, but you do not generally see the end product of something you have started. But you are seeing your thoughts showing up on the world wide stage. You are seeing actions you have taken opening doors for others. You are seeing what you are doing actually showing up in the world. Now, I don’t mean to do too much “I told you so,”

[To Cam, dressed as Cambo, arriving] Greetings, love. I love it when clowns arrive. When officially in costume, rather than dressed up otherwise. You’re all a bit of a clown, don’t you think? Sometimes it’s hard to find that clown, but it’s always important to keep it around.

You are seeing the truth of my constantly saying to you, “Guardians open doors.” You are opening the door for mass consciousness. You are seeing that come about. You are seeing your thoughts manifest more quickly, your intent bringing about creation more quickly. You are seeing changes in how you think and you are seeing where change is needed more quickly than ever before, because you are working to be the best you can be. You are working to make a positive difference in this world. You are working to live love consciously. And I think that if there is going to be a Labor Day celebration it should be for the kind of work you are doing. By far more than any other work, I am seeing more good coming from your efforts than I have seen in many years. And many means a lot to me. That’s very good. That’s very good. Aye.

To pull in the good that you have been talking about, you have for a while asked us to send energy to kingdoms of Earth, and the planet itself, for the purpose of, I think you said, punching holes in a layer of fear built up around the planet.

S: Don’t stop.

How is that looking so far? Can you tell us if you are dissipating the fear or . . . ?

S: You’ve got to keep in mind you’ve been doing it for a very few weeks, and there are years of negativity built up at this point. I realize that in order to keep your mind focused on the positive, many are not looking at the newspaper so much anymore, but if you were, in America anyway, I think that you would probably be seeing that they’re getting repeats of stories that would not have run quite so long ago. They are making big news out of things that may not have been big news so long ago. News is all about catching your attention so that you will keep coming back to it. It’s an addictive process, and they’re working to get you tied in.

So just like with any kind of marketing, they’re looking to see what’s going to grab you. They have learned doom and gloom grabs you; it worries you, because you want to check up on it, you want to see more and more. I like the idea, and at this point there is not enough of a difference that it’s more than an idea—I like the idea that you’re going to change the nature of the news.

And I would like to continue the work that you are doing giving energy to the kingdoms, because one of the effects that is having is that in the mineral and the plant and the animal kingdoms, big things are happening. Many changes are going on. Things are being found. Science is discovering a lot is happening in those realms.

And I think you can do that with humans, too. It doesn’t have to be birds mourning their dead. It can be humans learning to become healthier, less resistant, more forgiving. Gentler, less manipulative, less controlling. Happier. Focused on what works instead of what does not. Living in the now instead of the past or the future. And you do that. You make that happen by living that yourself.

How much change? I can’t quantify it that way. But I see many supposedly small things that are being affected. Don’t stop.

I’ve talked to some of you regarding relationships. And you talk to me about “It’s not like it used to be. We don’t share the same things, and we don’t have the same ideas. We don’t even like the same foods. It’s different.” And I very often say, “Go back to what worked in the beginning. Go back to remembering what you loved back then.” It makes an amazing difference when something works, keep it going. When it stops working, move back to when it worked. Pull forward into this now, those successes. Visualize the world you want to live in. Convince yourself it’s how things are and live it. And you will see it happen.

Don’t stop doing what works. As one small reminder in that, sometimes what makes a very big difference for you is ensuring you are at your best, and one of the easiest things you can do to help you be capable of handling these energy changes and being better able to bring about these changes in the world and do the work you are here to do, is toning. It works. Don’t stop doing it. Keep it up.

All right. I think that many of you are wondering if I’m going to be talking about death. It’s not my intention, unless that is something that you just want. But what I was going to talk about, aside from how proud I am of you that you are such good workers, is an issue that seems to hold up the living and dead. And that issue is forgiveness.

What needs forgiveness? What causes you the need to forgive? Steven?

What needs forgiveness is what hasn’t been released or accepted. Also what needs forgiveness for me is my judgment that I have been harmed in some way or wronged.

S: Yes, and that’s not saying you haven’t in some way been harmed or wronged.

Right. Sometimes it’s wanting to stay angry about something and being justified in staying there. It means letting go.

S: Yes. What needs forgiveness?


S: Yourself. That’s true, very true. Forgive yourself first for being in a situation that requires forgiveness, whatever that situation might be. Sure.


What I’ve found is if there’s something in my life or a situation with a person or whatever that I cannot be grateful for, then that’s telling me I need to forgive.

S: A sign that you have that forgiveness is you have gratitude. You may not have officially thought to yourself, I forgive this situation/person, but when you can look at them and be grateful and see the positive that’s come out of a negative and even painful situation, that lets you know forgiveness is at work there.

I will tell you what the word is I’m looking for here: what needs to be forgiven are your expectations. That is the cause for the need to forgive. Somebody says something to you. So what? Except if it’s somebody that you have a particular expectation regarding the way that you communicate or should communicate, or whatever it happens to be, it punches a button in you.

It’s not the deed or lack of it, ever, and you don’t hear me say that very often—“ever.” What lies under it is your expectation that sets a ball going. I’m going to say again, this does not mean you have not been injured, you have not been hurt, you have not been abandoned or betrayed, or on and on and on.

How many of you in here are parents? And a whole lot of you have heard me use this example many times that you can relate to it. So your two-year-old says to you, “This is what I want. You are so mean, I hate you, I hate you!” And are you just broken-hearted and can’t manage, and oh, no, what are you going to do in life, and nothing is ever going to be the same again in that relationship. It’s horribly broken and . . . No.

Why? Because he’s two. Because it’s temporary. Because you don’t have an expectation that says, Every word you speak writes itself onto my heart and changes my life. It says instead, You’re learning the ropes of this. I get it. You’re angry. That happens in this life.

You don’t change your world when the two-year-old hates you, but you sure change the world when the thirty-year-old throws that tantrum, or 40 or 50 or 60 throws that tantrum and says, “I want it my way!” And instead of being able to step back like you do from a two-year-old, you have all this stuff attached. Things such as, I need to have this job so therefore this person needs to be satisfied with me at all given moments. Security issues.

Or, If this person doesn’t love me I am unworthy: issues about yourself, expectations you have about how a loving relationship should be. Expectations that you have about what a parent or sibling or lover or friend should be doing, should be saying, all based on what you want from them, and rarely based on what you truly have.

Expectations not only of others but of your own self create the majority of problems that are going on in your life. Not that you have any problems, of course, none. Expectations that could be changed but are not. How do you change an expectation?

Move beyond what your needs are and you take a look at the situation with a different perspective to see what is going on there.

S: Absolutely makes a difference.

To become aware that you do have an expectation.

S: Very good, very good. David.

After you are aware that you have an expectation you need to communicate that expectation.

S: Yes.

Because it’s not fair to the other party if they don’t know it. And, then it’s up to the other person to renegotiate or work with you to compromise. It’s not necessarily wrong to have an expectation. In some people or in some relationship some aren’t going to be able to fulfill that and it’s okay. If I want Frank to be my bestest buddy and he doesn’t want to, that’s Frank’s decision, even though he’ll rot in a deepest pits of hell. [laughter]

S: It’s a good thing that he doesn’t believe in that.

But that was the key I was looking for. The uncommunicated expectation is what the need for forgiveness hinges itself on, where it sticks its little claws into you. You have a need. You have seen Vickie be so kind and loving and healing and helpful to so many people and you go over and mention, “Hi, how are you doing.” “I’m fine, how are you?” “Oh, I’m not really feeling so good.” And you think, “Give me healing, help me, help me.” She says, “I’m so sorry to hear that; I hope you will be feeling much better and I’ll be sending energy your way.”

And that unmet expectation says, She doesn’t like me. She doesn’t want to be my friend. How is it possible that someone does not want to be my friend. I’m a good person. I do the right things. I go to toning. There’s something wrong with her. She’s not a good person.

And that thinking affects your behaviors, your words, and eventually something blows up. Whereas, perhaps if you had said, “I’m not feeling so good. Do you have time to do one of those healing things you do sometimes on other people, to me?” and she might say yes or she might say, “I can’t right now, but I can teach you something to do yourself. Or, “I can’t right now. Let’s get together another time.” Or maybe, “I can’t right now, I’d never touch you in all of my life. I wish you’d just go away forever and ever.”

But that’s what keeps you from asking. Not the reality of “you put out what you need and maybe it will all work out, yippee-aye-o.” And maybe it won’t work out exactly the way you wanted; it’s going to be put off for a bit. But what you fear is the worst thing your brain can come up with, and so, you don’t communicate your need. What if she thinks I’m stupid, what if she thinks I’m a lesser person, that she thinks I can do it myself, what if she’s one of those people who thinks if you’re sick you haven’t gone to toning enough?

And that expectation is definitely a problem, but it’s a problem because that negative turn based on your fear is going to bring about a negative situation that will eliminate future opportunities for healthy communication. It’s heart breaking how often that happens.


Okay, let’s say that I have a situation where someone has had an expectation of me and then has a tantrum. I would maybe have an expectation that they would not have that expectation and not have that tantrum, which seems to me to be reasonable.

S: Because you are trying to see the best in another person and not wanting to think they are going to bite you. Right?

And yet that fosters some anger in me, that that person . . .

S: Why does it foster anger?

Because I was hurt.

S: No, that’s not why it fosters anger in you. I saw a hand go up.

It was an expectation that the other person would “be better than that,” take a higher road or more spiritual. Whatever.

S: You would not be hurt by it if you did not have that expectation that that behavior wouldn’t come out of this situation. David said a little earlier, “Well, not all expectations are wrong. It’s when they’re not communicated.” How do you communicate to somebody, “Well, just a moment.”

I want to toss in here, right now, that the most difficult people to communicate with are at extremes. They are the ones you know really well, called family, and they are the ones you don’t know well, called strangers. Because in both those situations you tend to base what you believe about that person on unknown factors. You are expecting a particular behavior perhaps because they look like nice people, they seem to speak well, present themselves well and not on guard.

Or it’s a family member and you grew up together, rolled on the floor together, you had all kinds of fun together, and you know that you love each other and you are looking out for each other’s best interests, and both of those things are serious expectations that do not get communicated and as a result, those kinds of relationships go wrong.

The easiest are the in-between there, where you are with a person enough that you feel good enough about that person to say, “Can I ask you for a favor?” and not going to feel totally rejected if it does not work out. If ask somebody from this end and they said no, all the ideas about what that deep knowing of a relationship should be come up.

With a stranger, you’re making an assumption and you’re wrong about it and it’s probably a little easier to recognize that you’re wrong about it, but it’s a very hard situation with a stranger to start out honestly communicating, no different than it is over here, although the reason behind it is very different. So you have somebody that you have an expectation about, but you are close enough to them that they can make you angry. What is anger the result of?


S: Fear, absolutely. So what is it you fear in this situation? Any number of things could be coming up. The expectation is not what made you angry. The fear is what made you angry. Now take me back where you were with your original this and this and this.

The person had their expectation.

S: Had it been communicated to you?

Only after the fact.

S: After the fact.

After the expectation wasn’t met. And then it was communicated with anger and hostility and the intent to . . .

S: Hurt you, because they were so upset wanted to take vengeance.

Yep. That person has a learning curve. And you know, there’s not much I can do about that because that person is now incommunicado, and so I have to resolve my feelings and let them be.

S: I’m looking for a question here.

The question is, I guess I’d like to see it heal, but the only healing I can do is within myself.

S: You’re right.

All right.

S: That worked out okay. David.

I see some different levels of things on that fulcrum of strangers and family. Because the unspoken stuff with strangers is going to be that you’re not going to hurt me. It’s going to be un-negative expectations. For instance, I don’t expect somebody to throw a brick through my windshield and I’m not going to put a sign on my car that says, “Don’t throw a brick through my windshield,” because that’s sort of an invitation for somebody to throw a brick through my windshield. But if somebody does, my anger usually is that I now have all kinds of work to do, that caused a tremendous inconvenience to me with whatever they’ve done. It’s a different anger than I feel toward a family member where my unspoken expectations about nurture and support enter in.

S: They’re not going to hurt you.

Well, no, that’s a given, but they will. [laughter]

S: Because you grew up with them.

The fear that is always there and that I am learning to deal with, the fear is, is this something I’m going to have to continue to put up with?

S: Yes. And continue to have to put up with why?

Because I don’t communicate that I will not put up with that or I don’t move away if their behavior doesn’t change. For instance, the first time somebody does something wrong, I can say, “Wow, that didn’t work for me. That hurt. Can we try that again?” And things can move on. And then when it happens again, and again, and again, there are some repeat patterns in there. And so, the fear is, “There’s so-and-so. I’m going to get a brick in the face again.” And I have to work out within myself if I’ve communicated expectations at that point and they’ve decided not to meet them. I need to sever that. That’s actually scary.

S: Because they are family?

Because it’s the Lake of the Unknown, and we tend to stick with people and things and situations that we know, and then that gets into a self-loathing thing: “There, I’m doing this because I think I can’t do any better and I’m allowing myself to be the rug.” It’s a hard cycle to break. It’s not necessarily easy for me to say what is forgiveness and how to achieve that to bring those things to peace and harmony.

S: I’m going to make a pretty wild statement, and it fits both of those situations, and it probably is going to seem on the surface, no, you dig all the way through this one, it’s going to seem it all the way through. It’s going to be what will appear, and I do mean appear, to be a very negative statement.

You must get over the idea that everybody is going to love you as much as you deserve to beloved. Appreciate, accept, want and need you as much as you deserve all of those things. Now, first little warning sign should be “deserve,” because when I use deserve it’s going to come into a little lesson right there. What do you deserve? Well, you deserve whatever you need to be able to keep your body going to remain here. But that might be scouring the forest for roots and berries and not living like the prince you were meant to be.

Letting go of the idea that other people should see your value can turn your life around and change you in ways that are very, very good if you don’t take it a step too far, which is “because I have no value.” When you accept you, you can handle those who do not. When you are happy with you, when you are clear about your intentions, honest in your thoughts, loving in your actions to the best of your ability, and you know that and you are happy with that.

First realize that doesn’t mean you have done your best, you have been as wonderful and loving and good as you think you are. It doesn’t mean that you were at that pinnacle. But it means you did the best you knew how at the moment. And that allows you to accept you with the knowing that you don’t have the whole picture, you don’t have the whole story. That’s why I said, “You think you’ve done the best you can,” but I can tell you, some of you have low expectations about self and what you can do, low belief in what you are capable of.

Many of you relate too much to the tantrum two-year-old and not enough to the adult being attacked that’s able to say, “I understand where you’re coming from. It’s not where I’m coming from.” You need to get this out of your system. You need to step away from it. You are forgiving the person that way even if you’re not at a place where you forgive the situation. Do you understand that? You can forgive this person who done you wrong, stole your dog and your truck and–what’s that other one? Your wife? It goes with “done you wrong,” right?

You accept the differences, and that allows you to forgive. When you cannot accept the differences, you want everyone to see it like you do and to act like you do, and wouldn’t the world be better? And you cannot forgive that situation.

Lakshmi, David, Stuart, did you have your hand up again? Okay.

I have a situation when somebody wronged me, and I’m angry, and I feel I’ve been wronged. I’ll forgive, tell them whatever I told them, but I also realize I have the attachment to them, and since I have told them that they will see the wrong in their way, and they will say that they are sorry.

S: Sometimes that happens.

Sometimes it does happen, but many times it doesn’t. And that was a sore point, because I couldn’t proceed in the relationship for a long time because I had to heal that. I had to work on releasing that. That’s when I truly forgave because that’s when I didn’t have any expectations. I said, That’s your process. I know what to look out for, I know what to watch out for in the future, but that’s gone. That was harder than the initial forgiving.

S: Forgive doesn’t mean you get stupid, it means that you have forgiven; because you are choosing the high road, to be an adult.


Question: some of the reading I’ve done in books on forgiveness say there’s been this Christian ideal pushed on us that if somebody wrongs us you turn around and forgive them. They say it’s done wonders for increasing the amount of money psychiatrists and psychologists make because it really is totally ineffective and not true. You should say “I forgive you” when you’re forgiving someone, and not before, because you are trying to force yourself into a view that you really do not hold, until you do. You need to work on that.

S: And I think your original point about communication has a lot to do with making that work.

The question I have, I am finding it real hard to answer, but I find it confusing because I have no idea what forgiveness looks like. There are times I have felt that I have forgiven actions, etc., and people tell me that I have not forgiven. It’s like “Why are you saying that I have not forgiven?” Because it doesn’t bother me anymore. It sucked when it happened, I didn’t like it then, but I don’t harbor any ill will toward that person. You know, sometimes when things have happened, I’ve spent weeks thinking about them driving their car off a cliff [laughter], Okay, now that’s an extreme. Maybe it wasn’t a car off a cliff. So those feelings can be totally natural. I think humans in general have a tendency to want revenge. You punched me, I’ll punch you, you know; that’s how we have wars. I don’t know if in fact people are correct when they tell me I haven’t forgiven people or situations and things. I don’t know what forgiveness looks like.

S: Sure, Harvey.

I think sometimes amends go along with forgiveness, and that kind of gives it a stronger effect to have amends along with the forgiveness.

Don’t the amends go with the apology?

S: Right.

Forgiveness doesn’t require that you forget. I’ve had situations in my life and don’t harbor any ill will over the jobs I’ve lost, and I’ve lost plenty of them. And some of them were definitely my fault because I hated them; I did things that they were not really expecting of me and that’s no big shock there. And there were times that there were layoffs because the company lost the contract and they had to let go half the company. Well, okay, I’ll find another job. I’m not happy about it, but I don’t harbor any ill will about it.

S: Because you don’t see that as a personal attack on you.

Particularly when they were continual attacks; it’s over. Some of them were in the past and some were very severe, but I don’t dream about them anymore. The only dream I still have that I hate is my Coast Guard Academy dreams, but that  . . . It’s not like the things dwell on me. I think that I’m over it. Just because I do not want to be buddy-buddy friends with them anymore, people will tell me, “You haven’t forgiven that person,” and I don’t know if I’m making the wrong judgment or they think I haven’t forgiven them because I’m not buddy-buddy. Or that I’m doing something else that demonstrates that I really haven’t forgiven them.

S: Beware of people who are not in your heart telling you what is in your heart. Now, if you get a whole lot of the same statement, take a look. What’s going on there that is missing and they’re interpreting this way? Am I all right with that? You know, as Guardians, you’re going to do things that this world doesn’t necessarily understand. You’re going to see things in ways that others do not necessarily see it. They’re going to want to make you wrong. Or push your buttons to prove that they’re right and you’re not.

Everybody manages this world differently. Forgiveness is known to be there. You know it without a doubt—not when you’ve forgotten the incident, but when it doesn’t affect how you think, how you speak, how you act. And when you know that that attachment isn’t there, let them be wrong.

People want to elevate themselves sometimes by stepping on someone else. “Well, you are doing this wrong and I’m doing it right.” They may even realize that’s what they’re doing. So communication is vital in there. We don’t communicate because we are afraid of losing the relationship; we don’t communicate because we are afraid it means we’re not good enough; we don’t communicate because it might change dynamics that you are comfortable with.

But usually because you’re afraid that, instead of having somebody who wants to understand, you’ll get a bully who wants to yell at you more. Because that’s how people do it. And you are showing a paradigm they don’t understand. What do you mean it doesn’t bother you? How could this not bother you? Because this bothers me. And everybody’s like me.

Now again, you have a whole bunch of people saying you sure act like it bothers you, take a look at it. Forgiveness looks like it doesn’t matter. I don’t mean that it doesn’t matter what forgiveness looks like. I mean what it looks like is, this doesn’t matter. It does not mean that we are going to be best friends the rest of our lives, tra-la-la. It means, depending on the situation, maybe we can start over, maybe we can’t. You’re the Guardian. You should be on the side of “maybe we can.” But if you’ve been smacked in the face enough times, “maybe we can’t,” might be the better answer until you get the right shielding worked up.

When you leave this world, there is one judgment that gets put onto your whole life: Did you do the loving thing? How could this situation have had more love in it? The form’s mother has died and she had the opportunity to speak to her friends and tell her how much she loved them and how much they meant to her. And all of that is wonderful. But the moment she is released from that body, the question is, “Where was love in this?” and forgiveness is an act of love. And the reason that people can’t go and the reason that people have a fear of leaving is because their heart knows that their love has not been enough to let go of the pain that made them feel alive, the issue that they could be right about, or the fear that they were not enough keeping them from being more.

Look in your life. Think through your memories. When you’re hurt, forgive yourself for not knowing any better. Forgive the other for fighting right along with you. The loving thing might be not sticking your face in front of them, letting them run the relationship even though it will mean, Cam, there is not relationship. The loving thing might be [to] try again.

You don’t know until you’re in that situation and you ask, “What is the loving thing?” because that is the judgment you’re going to put onto every action in your life. The judgment you are going to put onto it because when you leave this body, those issues don’t matter anymore. When you leave this body, you touch back into a divine knowing of what is right and good and loving and you look at that life and you can see those places that don’t meet that standard.

Now is the time to forgive. Forgive yourself for the beliefs, the thoughts, the assumptions, the expectations; forgive the other for the very same things. Does it require a face-to-face conversation to make it happen? No. If it’s possible, sure. But it might not be possible. As Harvey said, apologies that come with amends create easy forgiveness. Those aren’t the problems.

You are not here to live forever. If you have negative thoughts and reactions, unhappiness, addictive behaviors, attachments to things, anger, greed—these are things that are going to haunt you until you have forgiven yourself, forgiven that situation, and—don’t forget the big one—forgiven Source for not rescuing you away from it all. For not plucking you out and putting you elsewhere, for not writing on the wall, “You idiot! You’re doing it wrong!”

You want things to change? You need peace? I promise you, there is some forgiveness you still need to do. And here is the unpleasant part: it’s an onion. You peel off that first layer and the top of it’s gone, but there’s still another. You grow and change because of this good loving action and, whoa, it’s still an onion, because there are so many facets of you and everybody around you.

The form opened a banana today and it had a big spot on it. And her little prissy self said, “Oooh!” And so she just took a little slice of that banana and it was still there and pretty soon it looked like the banana had a large scoop taken out of it, because all of those layers were still brown. Finally, it was just a tiny little spot. Apparently that was acceptable. She gave it to Frank.

My point is, it’s like that, life. You master the top of it and you think you have it all; and you think you have it figured out and it shows up again. “But I’ve really got it now,” and it shows up again. And it will continue showing up until love outweighs the fear. And when love outweighs the fear, it doesn’t mean it won’t have a spot anymore; it means the spot won’t keep you from enjoying your breakfast or life, because then you have truly forgiven on all of those levels.

Quickly, Cam. I am overdone.

While I’m living I review my life, as you said we do when we leave form. And I look back on times when I wasn’t as loving. I wonder how does that affect my karma or prepare me for that afterlife when that review is done? How much can I accomplish while I’m still in form?

S: I want to remind you of something very, very powerful. Time is an illusion. There is no time, there is no space. When you look back on a situation that you wish you’d known enough to put more love into, look for a way to make it right. That’s something you do for you. If there isn’t anything that can be done, then cover that situation.

Here’s what you do for the spirit you are. In love, and visualize thoroughly that right action. And put it into the place of that which was not right. And send energy to that. One of two things are going to happen, I guarantee it. Something about that situation—perhaps that person—is going to pop up to give you the opportunity to make it right. “The last time we were together, I didn’t behave as lovingly as I know I should have. In these years, I’ve learned a lot and I’ve learned that I’m not that child anymore. I’m sorry. What can I do to make it right?” Or, you will be released. The situation will come up into your face or you’ve done all the detaching that’s needed and it’s released. I guarantee it.

Love forgives. Fear holds on. If this was a world of people who forgave faster than they took vengeance, what kind of world do you think it would be? If you could do something to open the door to be an example of the behavior to show that it could be done, wouldn’t you?

What you want, what you think, what you say and what you do changes this world. It opens the door to others being able to see differently, think differently, act differently. Love and forgiveness will change this world. But you must bring it into your life and not wait till the end of it. This might be the end of it. Clear it up. Clean it up. Work it out. Clear it up, clean it up, work it out. Clear it up, clean it up, change it. Work it out, quickly.

If we’re not on the trip, what are we going to do?

S: Go to Pittsburgh, for that working.

[. . .]

S: Well, love, you know a bit ago I said that there is no time and space. Be there. Add that energy.

You change this world by being here. You change it for the better when you are here with love first, love second, love always. Do not put off making yourself as clean and clear as you are working to make your body and your mind. Don’t wait.

Glochanumora. Happy trails.