August 2, 2015
Samuel: Greetings, dears.
Hi, Samuel.
S: All right. Greetings to you. So, how are you?
I’m good.
How did we do yesterday?
I mean Friday. Excuse me.
S: Full moon.
S: Very well?
Rumblings in the heavens.
S: About?
All of the other goddesses had a little party.
S: Got it. Got it. Well, you know, as a group you’ve gotten so very good at rituals that it’s not very surprising that you might be pretty good at it. It would be surprising if you were not good at it actually. Much more so, at any rate.
So what’s the deal with the empty spaces up here?
[Makes chicken noises]
S: You don’t want to be in spitting distance? Is that it? Aye. [Some people move up to the front row, one with a dog.]
Remember Annabelle?
S: And how are you, my love? And well she was. That was what the wag was all about, but now she’s saying, “He’s looking at me!” And how are you. Do you remember? Yes, you do. Oh, and have you met Quinn?
She has played with Quinn at Paula and David’s house.
S: Well, you know, Quinn will play with anybody.
He really loves it.
S: Yes, this is a dog-friendly zone.
She sweet.
S: July was a very, very big month, really big month.
In what way?
S: Lot of energetic changes.
[Still talking about seating] All right, I’m not going to like this. That’s right. Why?
This is a much better . . .
S: All right. Those who can . . . come on. Those who can, do. What if I just don’t look to the sides? That’ll change things up. Thank you.
In June you had a lot of pretty massive energy transmissions that had to do with the Earth’s making some big changes that were promised very long ago. However, July’s changes had to do with—and you’ve had the hint about this already—what were July’s changes about?
Changes in our RNA and DNA.
S: Oh, come on. You got a OneHeart about this.
Wasn’t it more emotional. Well, we were . . .
S: The emotions were the reaction to it.
Was it about rethinking all the different aspects of your life and seeing if you’re needing change?
S: There. That’s the word I’m looking for. Change. Rethinking. Big, big change. Change. Been dealing with change? Been looking at your life and thinking, “I’m ready to make some changes.” And in little ways you’re looking at things like, “I’m ready to throw out some stuff.” But in big ways, you are throwing out some stuff, or maybe you need to. And if you’re not, then you’re finding yourself in a place in which you’re dealing with a lot of fears. Change. Fear. Or, change, relief, feeling good. Change, manifestation, prosperity.
Peaking at the equinox and flowing through until the end of the year, be it fears and difficulties, or balance, beauty—oh, I can’t help myself; I’ve got to do this—and bravery. I love alliteration. So what is it for you?
Now from 2012 through ’17 these changes are going to be continuing, because your world right now is undergoing all kinds of gifts. That’s what these are, gifts to you. These energies are wonderful changes coming your way, because they’re all about the evolution of the spirit. And that’s a good thing. Waking up. That’s a good thing.
But it’s important to remember that it’s not only those who have been spiritually asleep who are waking up. It’s also those who have been serving who are waking up, those who are spiritually awake who are waking up, because you are waking up further. You are waking up to a greater awareness of what you are about, and what more you can do.
And since mid-July, much of your world has been looking at that portion right there. What am I here to do? And for many people that has turned into a real . . . what is that joke when people turn fifty and they go out and buy sport cars?
Mid-life crisis.
S: Yes, that. That kind of thing where you quit your marriage and quit your job and you go and buy a sports car kind of thing. What am I doing in my life? Have I made a difference? Am I doing enough?
Is that waking up?
S: Well, it is. Taking a look and wondering, “Am I making a difference?” And that’s really what I want to talk to you about. Are you making a difference? So I want you to think about that for a moment. How are you making a difference?
If you have not been questioning yourself at this point, you’re going to, so why don’t you be proactive—don’t you love it when I use the big words?—and ask yourself ahead of time? Have that answer ahead of time. What is it that you want the world to be able to say you’ve done to touch the lives of others? What’s going to be written on your tombstone? What will be said at your memorial service? “Oh no worries, Samuel, I’m just going to ascend. I’ll just float to the clouds. There won’t be a memorial service. At the very least I’ll be cremated. Nothing’s going to happen.” Denial, denial, denial.
Just what if. What do you want said of you? “Stuart was a friend to everyone. He was even willing to clean the toilets at Phoenix.” You laugh. Were you? “Jerry asked all the right questions.”
And never got any answers.
S: But he sure got a lot of them.
And he never quit asking.
S: Yes, Jerry defined persistence. “Never stopped being loving.”
“What do you want said of you?” is how you want to ask that question. “What do you want said of you?” and then look at your life, and does it match? Does what you want said of you fit with how you are leading your life, and are there things that you can do to fulfill it? And here comes the big part of it, are there things you can maybe stop doing to better fit.
Here is the thing: this energy right now is neutral, but it’s about change and where people are discontented. Change creates fear. If you have discontent, you have what?
S: Let’s take it a step back. Before you get to fear you’ve got . . .
S: Resistance. Paula had it. You’ve gotten so telepathic with me. Too many interviews. Resistance. Resistance is one of the ways fear keeps a hold of you. Resistance to a thing is a way you keep away from you because you fear it. It’s a way to not have to deal with it. It’s just one more version of not changing.
Now, the problem for most of the world with this situation is that it leads them into a pathway in which a domino effect becomes normal life. Pain, resistance, poor communication habits, negativity, constant drama, poor self-talk, blaming behaviors, spiraling ever, ever into constant self-oriented behaviors, and further and further out of the heart and into the head—always the signal that a person is functioning in fear.
A quick aside, be it a Guardian—so this speaks to you—be it a very spiritual person, be it somebody unawakened altogether, anybody, be it Annabelle functioning on instinct—anybody, all right?—the more you think about yourself, the more you function in fear. The more you think about yourself, the more you function in the past, because your fear is based in your past and worrying about your future. It’s not in your now.
A second quick aside: Next time you’re in a conversation with somebody—now if you’re in a conversation with somebody who is in this room, that was at this meeting, it might be a little difficult because they’re going to remember this and you might not have any kind of conversation at all because of it, but give it a try—next time you’re in a conversation with somebody and you just sort of let a part of yourself notice, see what they’re talking about, and kind of notice if they’re not talking about themselves. You might be surprised how often you have a conversation with somebody that thinks they had a great conversation with you and all they did was talk about themselves.
And you might also be surprised when that person is talking about themselves, the things that they’re talking about you might not even think that those things mean that they are fearful, because they’re talking about plans that they have going on, and that’s not fearful, but they’re chattering away about their own self because they’re stuck. And that’s what you want to pay attention to. And I’m telling you to pay attention to that. You pay attention to that. Pay attention to that in your own self that you are not one of those. Don’t be stuck. Don’t let fear grab you.
Now, there is a good side to all of this. The good side is, this is also a time of great power, a time of great manifestation and creation energy. How do you make use of creation energy right now? I’ll give you a hint: Bonnie asked about Friday night’s ritual.
It’s Intent.
S: Intent. Always it’s Intent. What your focus is on. But, Bonnie, what was Friday night’s ritual about?
I guess it was claiming my sacred goddess energy and seeing that in everyone else, and acknowledging that energy, bringing it to our awareness.
S: I’ll change that up just a little. All of that was correct, but rather than saying goddess, I’m going to say Divine Feminine. Divine Feminine encompasses much more than goddess.
S: Thank you, Stuart, I recognize that.
Focusing on the creative aspect—and when I say focusing on the creative aspect, I’m not telling you to go out and be creative, although that is a good way to stimulate your creative aspect—what I’m telling you is to use your creative self . . . what do I mean by that? Any ideas?
S: Yes in a certain way, yes.
S: Yes, yes, as a quality, absolutely.
We can’t hear those.
S: She said flexibility. She said visualization.
Yes. I’m going to help by putting this into a category. By recognizing and accessing the Divine Feminine aspect of Source, remembering that the Divine Feminine aspect of Source is the creative force of Source, which has been called goddess, which has been called Holy Spirit, which has been called wisdom and compassion, and is also thought of as feminine qualities but is much more than that, and is not any one of those. So I don’t want you thinking of it as any one of those, but to see it as qualities that you would put into a practice used toward manifesting. You see? Not as a behavior but a lifestyle. Yes?
So, yes, flexibility, and yes, visualization.
To me it means listening to that inner self, to that connection with spirit . . .
S: Good.
. . . that helps you put all these things out into the world.
S: Good. Good. Did you hear that?
To me, it reminds me to keep in mind on an ongoing basis my ability to create, whether it’s through sympathetic magic we use in Temple Team when we’re going to the building, but also the way I manifest both positive and negative elements in my life. It’s all part of that creative process, and to accept that I am the one creating it. For me, that’s the key, and not to, say, put it off on somebody else’s being the person that’s making that creation. That it’s really me and that part of my own Divine Feminine self that is the creator.
S: Well said, very well said. I like that. Did you get that?
S: Good. Good.
I think of it as dreaming up the possibilities of what could be in your world, and constantly being open to the potential and making it happen.
S: Nice. Good. Good. More.
I’m noticing that in manifesting now the most subtle thoughts that go through seem to have the more power because there’s no attachment, there’s no need, if it is just a wish. And it may involve, you know, another person and it will just float through my mind, and then all of sudden they will call and say exactly what I was thinking. So it’s a very easy connection without anything holding it.
S: Lovely. Lovely.
I was thinking of floating.
S: Floating.
In the light and open.
S: I like that.
I really connected with what she was saying.
S: And the idea of floating in light works very, very well with visualization, works very, very well with that Divine Feminine and the manifestation all brings in that Light-filled infilling.
You’re giving up the heaviness.
S: Aye. So be it. So be it always. Aye. Aye.
Change is always going to be in your life, always. Sometimes change is easy. Sometimes change is rapid fire, one thing after another and you start . . . oh, what was it the Form was saying not long ago? It’s beaver time, something like that.
Hammer time.
S: Hammer time, that was it. No, it was . . .
One damn thing after another.
S: That was it. That was it. It was one dam after another, or one dam thing after another. It was beavers, and then it was hammers. It was both. Yes. One after another, yes. It was fun.
It’s not about the energy, it’s always what you’re doing with it. This energy is affecting a lot of old stuff, because it’s bringing up a lot of last clearing. What hasn’t been finalized is going to get finalized, which is why I asked “What do you want written on your tombstone?” Annabelle.
More treats.
S: That’s what everyone wants.
Before the meeting started and we were giving gifts, Kathy talked about all the different groups and people and friends that she’s been involved with expressing their gratitude for her and the love they felt for her, and she’s said she got to hear it before her funeral. So she was given feedback of how much she had meant in everyone’s life, so she gets to see her tombstone played out without having to die right now.
S: Not quite.
[To members of the audience who are moving] I will miss you two.
When it brings up those things, and you start finding yourself wondering “Am I doing the right thing?” “Am I in the right place?” “Am I in the right relationship?” “Am I in the right job?” “Am I in the right life?” or you’re around people who are wondering those things, and the way that you know that they are wondering them is that they are grumpy, grumpy, grumpy, because that’s what beaver time does to you. Been around them?
Drama. Lots of self-importance. Lots of ego. Lack of personal responsibility and blame. All of those things that come with too much ego. And those things come with fear, and fear comes with deep-seated core issues being brought up. Individuals have managed to hide these issues for years, lifetimes, and here they come showing up. So what do you do? Well, you ignore it, right? You run as far as you can and you dig a hole and you stick your head right in it, just like you’ve always done. And you train everybody you know to do the same, because that’s the example and that’s what you’ve always done and it’s worked for you. Right? No, of course not.
Say it again, Megan.
You acknowledge it, because it’s too much work otherwise.
S: Aye, it is. Because when you’re able to recognize it, you’re ninety-five percent over it. Ninety-five percent of curing a thing is simply recognizing it. Once you’ve recognized it, you’re almost home. Is that amazing? From there it’s just rewiring bad habits, really. You let go of pink elephants by replacing them with purple rhinoceri. Let go. Replace.
Heal. You are an adult. Do not let who you were get in the way of who you are meant to be. Do not let who you were yesterday, five years ago, fifty years ago, fifty lives ago, get in the way of who you are meant to be. No more. Let it go. Let it go. You are new. You are new, let it go.
This is the time to shine, because you are Light. So shine. Be the Light you are. Glow, baby, glow. Every day choose to see beauty. Consciously see beauty. Purposefully forgive. Little things, especially big things; the grumbly people need it really badly—your forgiveness. Be the example. Stop mistaking compassion for something smart and good. Samuel! What did you just say? I said forgive, I did not say make excuses and justify.
Remember, in the fourth density there is compassion, in the fifth density, compassion becomes a detour. [Referring to Annabelle] And she knows it. “I was hurt and I was sick.”
You’re so sweet.
S: Keep your heart open. Keep your mind open. Keep your feet open. But keep none of them so open you get stupid. Stay loving, and never forget that you are on this planet to live love. It’s what there is. It’s what you are. It’s what matters. It’s the hardest, easiest thing. And at the equinox, you’re going to find this start getting a lot easier. But remember until that time, it doesn’t have to be hard. It’s all attitude. It’s all intent. This doesn’t have to be hard at all, and if you start finding yourself getting grumpy, being in fear, stop yourself. Back up. Move into beauty. Move into gratitude, Move into forgiveness. Start it with yourself. Move out of ego. Move out of fear. Move into love. Change is good.
But Minnesota? [where they are moving to]
S: Glochanumora. Happy trails.
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