November 24, 1985
Samuel: Fine energy. Good group. I do like this. ‘Tis much easier to see your smiling faces. So. Gifts, eh. Do you have homework?
Are we going to discuss gifts or homework?
S: Both. Aye, dear, you would ask, wouldn’t you?
I don’t want to discuss the wrong thing. I found that I had discussions—I think the homework was to observe different conversations with people that would spring up through the week on metaphysical ideas and topics, and I found that a lot of topics came up this week that were really discussing metaphysical and spiritual ideas, but we weren’t using those labels at all. It was things that were really spiritual, but we weren’t using those labels. So it was like underlying messages.
S: You were to become aware of how fast the New Age is approaching by how often you find yourself in conversations that were New Age-related.
I, the very next day, had an appointment that I kept…
S: Good.
…with a member of Phoenix, and we find ourselves in these kinds of conversations every time, but apparently the timing was really good, and we shared what we’ve learned here, which I …. I feel this is a wonderful way to be with other people, to experience that love that goes back and forth, an to feel you’re really connectedness with everyone. There were several occasions this past week where just going into a hardware store and just feeling good that other people respond to this feeling. And total strangers say, “Hi. I just really wanted to say hi.” It feels so wonderful to have that feeling that you’re trying to project the love that we’re learning here. People do, they respond.
S: Sure. So is that gift or is that homework?
I think it’s both. It’s a wonderful gift in that it is just saying so clearly how that is—how perfectly that expresses that. There was a young man working on the house next to mine that apparently had himself convinced somehow that house is a bad house. And I have no idea how I find myself in these situations, but …
S: Nor have I, darling.
I was very open to it. I know that that is part of it. By going into the house and talking to him, it seemed to make a difference. It made a difference, because I went into the house, saying to myself with a feeling of love that he would sense this, and sense that it was a good place. Gifts and homework.
S: Aye. Good work. Aye, dear.
This is kind of a little bit of both. I had an awareness this week of creating—you’re always radiating energy, and people respond to that whether they realize it or not. That has to do with love. Like you radiate love, and that’s going to click something on in whatever you’re around, and so, like with Stuart, he was talking to someone, and they found themselves talking about metaphysical reality. Even though the labels were different, that energy was radiating and was stirring up a resonance.
S: Tripp, dear, you’re not telling Stuart’s homework, are you?
No. that was an example. This was just an awareness that was coming to me. For example, you’re talking to someone, and you are projecting, you’re radiating that energy, and I have seen how that bounces off and stimulates the people that you are with, regardless. And as far as the New Age is concerned, the more people that there are who are radiating this kind of energy, the more it’s going to stimulate the people around them. That’s how the whole energy transformation happens. Just the awareness of that this week has changed me a lot.
S: You never know how you affect another, eh? Everything you do. Unfortunately, everything you do.
Even thoughts, you know. It really clicked in to how even the thoughts you have really affect your environment, and that you’re always creating that. You always have such a wide variety of choices at each moment, and it’s up to you to figure out which choice is going to—it has to do with responsibility, too. You’re responsible for your choices, too.
S: Let’s hear a very definite gift. Good, dear.
I have one. Over the past weekend, and Monday I was in a definite landslide, with boulders falling in. These were my problems. And it was so bad that a year ago, if I had been in the same position, I probably would have looked to join you in the spirit. This week alone, I couldn’t come to the study group Monday night, so I sent a message to be put in the box for my three problems. One of them is resolved, the biggy. One of them is much, much better, and the third one, which is kind of attached to the first one, is on the way home. So I ran into three members of Phoenix this week, and just when I needed them. So I’m fine again.
S: Peggy, dear, what did you say that box was? She said it was a golden crutch. Do you know why that is?
Because it scared people too much to think that they’re doing something directly, and they have to lay it on to the box, and the box is doing the magic, where…. You’ve just got to get up and get the nerve up to do it yourself.
S: Oh, but it’s a fine crutch. I do like it, darling. But I like you to know the power that you’ve got there. You’re making your reality good for you.
I didn’t think it would take four whole days, though.
But it is this crutch, admittedly, and also a point of focus. To put your mind to putting it down and doing something with it, and it seems like, with that focus, since we are in the form, it really helps to have a kind of procedure sometimes, so that your mental activity is directed.
S: Sure. That’s why it’s called a crutch, dear. Aye. Exactly.
Whatever it takes to get the job done.
S: That’s right. But I’d like you to know that you are getting the job done. It is a miracle box, eh, but you are creating those miracles. Good work.
Aye, dear.
Well, I’ve had a lot of gifts, and I’ve had—it started off Monday night with a discussion of sending love, and he was saying he knows that when he sends love he’s going to get it back, and I got to thinking on that which led to a whole envelope of ideas, and my thought was that in the sending love, the reward is the feeling that the love uses you as a channel. I’ve been working all week on changing my beliefs, and I’ve watched the TV, and I watched the thing on the summit, and I turned off my usual my comments, the usual mold that I look at that sort of thing with, and I said, “Well, what the hell. I’m going to make it up that I’m as simple as I was as a child, and I’m not cynical. This is going to be a great event.” And I watched it and I listened to it with a straight face, and projected all this belief that this is—I mean the world worked fine until I got cynical, and so I decide to change it and change me, and just put it on my—when I think of things, make damn sure that I think the nice things. I have a choice, and I’m not making a jackass out of myself. This is the way I’m making it up, and it feels better this way, and why not?
S: Aye. It is a gift to yourself, eh?
Yeah. This has led to all sorts of other ideas. I felt once or twice I did have some direction into what I ….
S: Another thought or two.
Yes. And this is very effective, and I’m practicing on it. And it’s been a real great week.
S: We here at Phoenix are very Pollyanna.
This morning I went to see—in New York there’s a man named Eric Butterworth who is a Unity minister, and he preaches about self-worth and everything. This morning he talked about Pollyanna. In the dictionary it defines Pollyanna as being weak and insipid, and this is how—you know, people say, “well, you’re so Pollyanna,” they put you down because they think you have no guts, no character, and—you know—just want to smile all the time. It was interesting that you said that and he talked about it this morning.
There was a book written about 1910 about this little girl who—there were many books of that sort—she was an orphan, her father was a minister, and she was sent to live with the old maid aunt, who was cranky as hell, and the idea of Pollyanna was that she—her father taught her to find one thing each day to be glad about. Even if something seems to be going very badly, you can always find something in any event to be glad about. And so this where it got into—in a very simple-minded age—which, it was then—Pollyanna had some good ideas, but then we all got wise and New Yorky.
S: But, actually, it is a positive attitude, another way to create your own reality, eh? Another way to attract to you that which you are putting out. Well, you will anyway.
Well, that is perhaps a good topic to start with. This evening I get to sit back, and you are going to teach, right? It is time, now and again, to be able to have your own soapbox, eh. To be able to have the opportunity to express what you are doing in your life. You have been sitting and listening and tossing and changing, and it’s time to look for your own scarlet thread. Have I lost you now? That scarlet thread that runs through you all, that connecting piece. Look to see, as I toss out a topic, and one of you starts with what you’ve learned on it, for the next to add to that, and the next to that, with what you have learned. Each of you has connected in one way or another. This may help you to see it.
What are some other reasons that it is good to do this, Frank?
It lets us see how we change and what we’ve learned, and to add together what each of us has learned, and to grow with one another, and to realize that we are, in addition to being individuals, we’re all interdependent on each other and our learning and in being together in the world.
S: And you can relate better to one another. It is not a pop quiz, dear ones. I’m asking you to share what comes into your head—either teachings directly that you’ve learned or how the teaching has touched you. A time to share. And then we’re going to have a few minutes at the end in which we’ll just have some questions and answers. It seems as though you’ve been so shy lately to ask questions unless it’s in the middle of a subject. So perhaps a few questions and answers would be good.
So, let’s start with that Pollyanna, eh. What are you doing about, or what have you ben learning about the positive aspects of things in your life, eh?
Like attracts like.
S: Good. Sounds familiar, eh?
And the more you’re happy and joyful, the more happy and joyful people and situations you will draw to yourself. And I noticed the other morning—my car’s in the shop and I was walking to work, and I happened to wake up and for some reason I was in a horrible mood.
S: While you were walking to work you woke up, eh?
That’s right. But I had awakened before, and as I was walking to work I was really just angry, and it suddenly clicked, and I said, “Well, I’ll do affirmations.” And I just kept repeating, “I am peaceful and calm and happy,” and just repeated it the whole walk into work, and by the time I got to work I was … peaceful and calm and happy, and my whole day was peaceful and calm and happy. And so it taught me not only that that works, but that like attracting like—even if I’m not in a happy and positive mood, if I’m attempting to project it, I will draw it to myself, because the happiness and positiveness and love are very powerful, and if you open a little crack it pours itself through.
S: Good. Does that bring to mind anything for anyone else?
Yeah. I, too, have had some fun. I call it sitting at the controls, because that’s what we do.
S: I do like that.
Our attitude, the attitude with which we approach our goings in and out. I can—at work I’m just immersed in a laboratory of people, very strange people sometimes I have to deal with.
S: They say the same thing.
And according to the attitude that I start dealing with them, that just kind of sets the tone for the way that it always tends to develop. You know, if I’m really up and happy, and start myself off pretending that I’m glad to see this person—you know, it’s an enjoyable and positive thing. It’s a good interaction.
S: Is it dishonest to pretend like that?
Well, I think not, because this interaction—well, in this particular case especially, this interaction has to take place. A person comes in and needs something—this interaction has to take place; you might as well make it a good, positive thing, you know. This exchange of whatever it is that seeps through the ethers.
S: Sure, but is it dishonest.
If where we all come from is love, then whenever we don’t express that, there just are limitations that are put on there. So it’s not really dishonest because ….
S: That’s right. Good. Aye. And that is what you’re doing here. You’re just bringing out that which is there for you. Aye. It is good of you to do that, too. And if each of you would remember that in most situations…. It is hard to force yourself to act a certain way: happy. Sometimes the proper response is sadness, and you do not feel the sadness. In fact, there is a—I mean that there’s something in you that says, “Well, you deserved it,” or whatever it may be.
It’s simply a matter of putting into motion the physical, and the emotional will follow. What is that called?
It’s a word we use all the time.
Metapsychic, or something like that.
S: Good, dear, that’s close enough.
The opposite of psychosomatic.
S: Somatopsychic.
It seems to me that what we know of ourselves is conditioned by what we tell ourselves we are, and this lifetime of saying, “I’m this, I’m that,” defining ourselves, sets up a chemical reaction. We are addicted to our stories of ourself, and when you get to the point of realizing that you have made yourself into what you are, and by varying—start conditioning yourself on the drugs put out by different emotions—better emotions, higher emotions—you are changing your whole somatic structure.
S: That’s right. I think that we should write that out, eh, so that everybody can read it and understand it.
Peggy’s making sense tonight.
You’re just getting smart enough to hear it.
S: Well, who here has experienced a change in beliefs? Do you care to discuss it any?
Realizing at some point where I understood, and that the only way to get the benefits was to put it into my life and act on it. It’s one thing to talk about it, like, “I really get this.” It’s quite another thing to create the intensified awareness that you want it.
S: To change that addiction.
To have it in your life, to act. It’s like living every moment with the awareness—that sign saying pay attention to how you’re thinking or how you’re talking to somebody or how you’re reacting to anything, so that your now is like protected, so that that now that you’re having is going to create all your nows that follow, and you protect and guard that—that it is lived in a way that you now are aware.
S: And you have learned to do that?
I’m working on it.
S: I would say, dear, that you are doing a very good job of it.
Thank you, Samuel.
S: You’ve gone through some intensive testing about it.
I know, and it’s wonderful. It is so freeing, so that I knew some time back that if I could really just stay up—alert—I keep wanting to say guarding my nows, that the time would come when I could relax with it, because I would finally have started letting go of those old beliefs, those old reactions, those old thought patterns that stuck everything down and limited it instead of pushing it all back.
S: All right. Let’s go at that, then. What have you learned about your now that is helping you change your beliefs?
I’m getting the feeling lately that to completely live in the now we have to give up all of our identity, which is a complete fiction. That is, the beliefs that we have associated with the past, when this enters into our present and we’re thinking about this, then we’re not able to concentrate on our …
S: Do you mean to say, dear, that we are changing all the time? That I cannot take what I did yesterday as what I may do today? Can that be so?
I’m talking about limiting beliefs about our past and our character.
S: As I.
And this has to do with who we think we are, which is our identity, which seems to be a complete fiction.
S: Sure.
And this has to be given up to totally live in the present.
S: Gracious. Your identity is a fiction, eh? How would that be?
I notice that the past myselfs are all based—well, it’s the past; it doesn’t exist.
S: Good, dear. Good. You know what he said here? Darlings, you’re getting good training here.
You let go of the limitations created by the routine or the definition of yourself.
S: And doesn’t that cause you to lose out on some things?
S: If you let go of something, aren’t you losing it?
The trade is pretty incredible.
S: Well, let’s talk trade, then, eh. Who has experienced incredible trade? Aye, dear.
This was a trade I had with a member of the vegetable kingdom, or whatever, and it had to do with what Harvey was saying. This was about a week ago, and I was walking back to Preston Court from here, and I was in a real high state—a real aware state—and I had been thinking a lot.
S: Did that have to do with the vegetable kingdom?
It was a tree. It was a tree. I was really aware of my now. I felt like I was really in my now, and this particular event has really helped me as far as dealing with every now that I’ve had. So, anyway, I was walking home, and I was really aware of how the wind was blowing. I didn’t think ,oh, the winds is blowing. I just experienced it, and then I came upon this tree. Instead of limiting it to the past definition I had of this is a tree, here it is and I’m going to walk by it again for the thirty-millionth time, for some reason I realized that I could create a relationship with this tree, and instead of thinking of it as a tree it was there, and it stood for me in that exact moment, because it was a transference of consciousness going on, because it was a—I noticed it was a particular shade of color the light was hitting it a particular way that only happened at that exact now, the wind was making a sound with it that was exactly—at that time—what it was doing. And the leaves were a particular color. And at that point I realized that I was the same way, that there were particular elements going on in my life that were hitting me in ways that were particular to that exact moment, and I wasn’t the same me that had walked up and down that road every day. It was a different experience. So I had a trade-off with that tree, and I experienced the tree in a new way, and, doing that, I experienced myself in a new way.
S: Darling, that’s fine.
That was a real transforming experience.
S: But not everybody is quite able to exchange consciousness with trees. Has anybody been able to experience that sort of trade-off with perhaps another human?
Maybe with myself. When I’m really practicing being in the now, suddenly, my God, I’m really here. It’s a way I know to describe it. It’s a whole different sensation of myself.
S: Good.
And it’s like, “Ah, I’m here.”
S: Unfortunately, so often, whenever that “ah” is experienced, the learning is lost. And so, what you are needing to do is learn not to let that “ah” shock you so, for it to become every day.
This is delightful. You are learning. The language you are learning, I would say, is perhaps something we should contend with, eh. What is this you are saying about your now? What about your now? Teach me here. What is now, Jim.
Well, now is what you feel or experience at any given time.
S: Now. So what is so very difficult about that?
I guess through programming as you’re brought up, or as you come to a situation where you can just stay in the now, you maybe float off into the future or pull yourself back into the past, and so you take away from the now.
S: Is there anybody here who has experienced that, losing from their now? Aye. And what does it do to you?
Limits you. Puts you back in time.
S: You know, you’re such an amazing entity. You, you are so much more than this form. You are what?
S: Thank you, dears. Thought we’d lost that one. You are energy, and energy is limitless.
Someone once told us that we’re focussed on this little part of what we are.
S: What a wise person, eh?
A very wise person.
S: And it is because you’ve put yourself into the limits of this form in order to learn certain things that you run into problems here and there, that it’s easy to forget who you truly are, what you truly are. But experiencing your now, and not being involved in what was or what might be puts you back to what you are and the power that is there. [The clock strikes.]
Wrong time, wrong place. Aye, dear.
The other night—this wasn’t the first night; this was the second night I watched the TV, out of it, away from it, without condemning it, without—just watched it, and I felt the words give a response in my body, in my form. I saw the dramatics, the whole acting procedure that was going on. I was withdrawn from it, I was really enjoying myself because I was learning, but every time there would be certain cadences, certain words used, certain words in a dramatic sense, I would feel the emotion start up in my body, but I was not captured by it.
S: Are you saying that there could be something as innocent as words that could push a button and cause a response? Do you know, each of you, your own words, your own magic words that you could probably throw out, those that push your emotional buttons and make you react instead of act. If you are in your now, experiencing those words, you will see them. You recognize them as button pushers.
Now I don’t talk to myself, because the only thing we really know about time is the tenses in our language. So that what—now I don’t think in words. It’s pictures.
S: It’s vibration, dear. Which is why words push buttons by you, for they are vibration.
We’re conditioned to them.
S: Sure.
We spend a great part of our life—at first we don’t know words, and we respond to everything there is, and then the focussing down…. I remember going through the learning of words and meanings of things, and it was incredibly confusing, because you’re torn away form your natural being into a set of meaning which are artificial to you.
S: And very socialized to your own geographical location.
Your position on the chess board. You are defined as such and such by your family, and if you trust them overmuch, which—some fortunate people do have parents—or unfortunate. Anyway, if you trust them overmuch, you believe every word, and it’s incredibly difficult, then, to get back to the feeling….
S: It’s possible, and each of you has that ability.
All right, let’s continue our game a little differently now, right? Mid way: change the rules. I want you to think—just whatever should pop into your head, and say it aloud. What comes into your head when I say energy?
All of creation.
We’re immersed in a sea of energy, and we’re connected by it. We all breathe it. It is us.
S: Thank you, dear. Love is energy?
It connects us all.
It’s the highest energy.
The most powerful energy.
It’s glue. Gravity. The connecting link.
It’s most effective because it resonates a spark in you, that it is the love, and that’s why it’s so powerful.
It really does make the world go ‘round.
S: You are to love yourself. I’ve not stopped playing the game, dear ones.
It reminds me of an incident. Some of the most basic lessons I learn about are driving, man, in traffic. There’s several places in the city where some people will react in some ways toward and others in other ways, and you can kind of tell things about people by the way they drive in different situations. I don’t know how to verbalize this, but I had a notion yesterday that I was looking down on everyone, and here we all were, and I wasn’t making—I was trying to drive in a Zen mode, you know, keeping myself out of the picture—I am a block, I am moving with this block of cars, I’m fitting right between and my focus is how to make the whole thing flow very smoothly, as though I were not in the picture at all. That’s a good thing to kind of be mindful of, group motion. Here we all go, and you’re looking at a group that includes yourself, and moving in a way that excludes you directly from your picture by your will. I just had fun with that, and I think we can advance and speed up the advancement of others quicker if we are more mindful of that.
S: And strive to see that connection, use the power of the connection, and strive to never lose your own individuality through it all. Aye.
I’ve been cursed by old people. Old people have cursed me. It’s notorious through my whole family. Every time I get behind the wheel of a car, if I have to be at destination B by such and such time, an old person is going to crawl out. Anywhere I go. Some lady out here tonight, some old person, strolled out in front of me, and I’m doing fifty down Lane Allen Road, so I slam on the brakes, and I’m rolling along, and normally I would get angry and I would be calling the person things, and this time we pulled up to the stop sign, and I’m going to turn right and she’s going to turn left, and I looked over at her, and there she was behind the wheel, and I looked at her and I said, you know they’re not cursing me. The reason this happens to me is because they know they’re safe. They know if they pull out in front of me I’m going to slow right down and I’m not going to hit them, so now I don’t feel cursed any more.
S: Darling, there’s quite a few lessons in that, I would say. More than the one that you’ve come up with on your own there.
Why do you always make up the old people who turn up and slow you down?
I don’t know. Maybe I was trying to tell myself something. I just got it. It’s taken years..
S: You’re doing good work dear.
I love them everywhere else but behind the wheel of a car.
S: And you will learn to love them behind the wheel of a car.
You’re making them be the governor of your speeding. It’s like the cops. It’s the same thing.
S: Well, whatever it is that you need to watch your driving habits, I suppose that you’ll create what is necessary, eh?
It definitely slowed me down.
S: To go back to the horse would be much easier, eh? Sure.
So love: it is that vibration that brings out the best in you. Now, that brings us back to Pollyanna, eh? We do teach Pollyanna here. For all the things that you have been so learning and repeating back out—I feel like a proud papa, eh?—what dear ones here that have been learning so much, those that have spoken and those that have not, you’ve been learning that you are energy that has taken a form, and that because you have taken that form there are times that it is easy to forget exactly who you are, the vastness. You must go to sleep at night to let go of this reality enough to remember that you float and fly, and that you’re light and beautiful. But you are learning to love yourself as you are, and that does change your outlook, and that, dear ones, changes your reality.
Well, in this day and age I suppose that is a bit simple sounding, perhaps a bit unrealistic, eh, but you have seen it work. You have seen it change your own life and those about you. You’re learning about manipulating reality. By changing your thoughts just a bit, it’s you that creates that magic. Welcome to the guild, eh? You have much power, and the only way that you can wield it is with love, for it is the only thing. It is only that vibration that will connect you to who you are and what you are reaching for.
Oh, darlings, you have taught a very good lesson. Have you questions? Well, if you’ve no questions, we can go right along. Aye, dear.
I have a question. I never like people to give me advice unless I ask for it. It always pissed me off. But sometimes just lately, I’ve run into two situations, and I have shared things with people that I hope will help them in their situation. Sometimes I think I see something they don’t see, and I just wonder if that’s appropriate, if that’s all right to do. I just feel compelled to do it.
S: Mary, dear. Just Monday night we discussed a bit about that very thing. Mary had the opportunity to share something that she was learning in an open situation such as this, and the reception of it was quite disturbing.
Still is.
S: But you are working on it.
Oh, yes.
S: What was the final conclusion there.
It’s where you come with that sharing. If you’re coming from loving and sharing is done from that space, however it is received is just simply the way that it’s received.
S: Now, unfortunately there are times when the reception of it is quite negative, and then you must learn to overcome the automatic response there which says, “Now, I’ve given myself a very good piece of myself here, and look what you’ve done with it.” That’s another lesson, eh.
It’s opened up all sorts of areas, because in practicing with these people in trying to send love I am so conscious of all the other critical thoughts I have I’m just constantly thinking love, because I didn’t realize how critical I was in my mind. And so it was a good experience.
S: As was said by Gwendolyn, you are growing, you are learning, you are working on your path. You’re learning to start everything with love. You are learning to follow that inner voice, you higher self, eh. And when that highest self says, “Perhaps you could share a bit here,” and you do it with love, then you are doing what you should be. That’s all you can do. You can share, and they may respond as you did. However, it may touch the right not, and if not it will be touched by another. You may simply be preparing the ground.
But, dear ones, when you are working in love, and you are working to bring out the very highest of vibrations, and that is your motivation, do you think it’s wrong to follow your impulses?
You have to follow your impulse. That’s part of the now.
S: Well, sure, that is the truth behind it.
You really need to separate yourself from—like Peggy was saying—sit back and observe, your motivations, that you’re doing it with love, and then right afterwards not sending on the things on the tail of love.
S: Sure.
You’re not putting conditions or rules on it. Saying, I’m sending love only if you believe I’m right.
I find more and more that when I am nasty, I survey the scene and say, “Okay, I feel—I’m nasty.” And then I just ignore it and go somewhere else.
S: Do not beat yourself for it, eh? Good. Do not beat yourself for it. Recognize what you’ve done and go onward.
Don’t hold grudges against yourself.
S: Good, dear.
I got, also, this week—and I knew this—but things that you know, that come floating about and you reach up and grab them, it takes sometimes years to bring it down to your everyday consciousness, and I got …
S: We are working to change that, dear ones. It should not take years.
There was no right and wrong. I’m sitting here thinking, and criticizing somebody for doing something that I wouldn’t do because it’s not in my blueprint like that, but it’s in their’s so shut up.
S: Oh, gracious, how that would change the way we respond to one another, if we could understand not everyone is to act the way we do, eh.
That is the most difficult thing: to really love someone, and clearly your perception of what they’re doing is so outrageous, and …. I have a friend whom people here know, and I have to stop myself and say, I truly love this person, and whatever they’re doing is just fine, it’s okay, and their path is their path, and wish them well on it. And that really …
S: Is it nothing to allow another make a mistake?
The earth is a laboratory where you make your mistakes. We’ll all get over it one of these eons. Whatever happens, we’ll get over it. If something harmful is drifted toward us, it’ll pass. It’s okay. This seems to be the place to let things slide. And a lot of people’s own personal growth is dependent on their own boo-boos anyway.
S: Would you add to that? Is it all right to let another make a mistake?
If you think you can help, I think you have to use your own best judgement, and let them learn it from your mistake instead of their own sometimes.
S: Sure. Now, here’s the question: is it a mistake?
How do you know whether they’re making a mistake?
S: Good, dear.
You might think it’s a mistake, but it might not be.
S: Good. Exactly.
I believe, at this moment, at this now, that I needed to make every mistake that I made. I am quite sure that if I jump over into another reality right beside this one, I can say, “Oh, well, you’re just saying that.” But I learned something. I may finally learn enough that I learn to stop it.
S: Good. Aye.
You’re not seeing someone else’s mistake. You’re seeing what’s going on with you and you’re projecting onto someone else. It’s not a mistake for them. It’s a mirror. You’re seeing a mistake within you, and that’s why it’s there in another person.
S: Aye. Dear ones, you have done good work this night. You have expressed truths that will not only help yourself for the expression of it, but will help one another for the hearing of it. You pick up so much—much more than what is said these nights. Oh, you put them together; they work in your head, and then you live them. Whether you wish to or not, you live them, and that is where the learning comes in, eh. You’re doing good work.
Grow. Work in that growth. Grow with love. ‘Tis not Pollyanna. ‘Tis the connecting string. Go with that.
We will continue next week. Perhaps we can cook up, as homework, some things we’re very thankful for, eh? It is time for this country to spend one day being thankful for food, eh?
Well, I’m thankful for you, Samuel.
S: And I for you, dear. Aye. For both the clarity of what you say and the stimulation it does give. Aye.
Do think about what you are learning every day. How you are affecting others. Think about how you express love to yourself. And next week we will go back to our usual format, eh. But this has been quite refreshing. Your energy is good. If you saw each other as the light you are, you would be very happy to see how much brighter you each are in this short time.
As I go, why don’t you sit quietly and just feel the energy, the energy that you have with one another. Feel who you are in this grand scheme. Your heartbeat reminds you of the energy you are, your breath. The warmth as you reach to touch another. This all works to remind you of who you are: energy, never-ending, vast, floating freely, flying.
I love you each very much, dear ones. You are very strong.
Zatit now. Shall we all leave together? Just float out through the top?
Happy trails.
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