April 3, 2005

Samuel: Well greetings, dears. Right. [Lea had surgery on her right thumb two days before the meeting. Samuel holds bandaged arm up.] And there were a lot of you doing that just then. Are you up against me here?

Just helping out.

I solemnly swear to hold my arm up.

That’ll make her shoulders sore.

S: Most of the time you are not aware of how incredibly fragile forms are, or you’re way too aware of how fragile they are. But that, ideally, should keep you remembering how important they are, because they are how you get to do what you’re here to do. So it helps to take care of them.

Progress report. Dreams. Mary Claire, then Heidi.

Well, I started your dream journaling years ago, so usually I remember them pretty well, but since last Sunday—the last first-Sunday—I’ve been remembering not just one a night, like I usually do, but four or five dreams a night. And they’re really interesting, and different dimensions of dreams I’ve had before, but different ways—perspectives—in the dreams that are really nice as far as the dream’s concerned. And I’ve had these dreams all along, but then I’ve been taking up the dream journal again, so that not just the one spectacular dream, but also the smaller ones I’m writing down, even though they’re snippets. And now it’s a regular thing to have more than one that I remember.

S: Good. Good.

And some have absolutely been life-changing ones, as far as the possibilities of magic that are in there. They’re just amazing.

S: That’s nice. Heidi.

I’ve noticed—and I dream a lot, I’ve always dreamt a lot, and there have been times when I’ve wondered if you can dream too much, because every time you’d wake up, go back to sleep, there’d be dreams. And they’re wonderful, but what I’ve noticed since last first-Sunday was really understanding the differences in the kinds of sleep dreams. There’ve been times when I know I’m in a classroom and I’m being taught spiritual level things, where I knew I was at the Crystal Palace. And I’ve not always been aware of that level of magic in the dreams. And some of them—I saw the dog Einstein and got to know he’s okay—that took me through all day just with the sense of just peace and tranquility, and that’s been a real change.

S: Very, very nice. Jim, Chris, Kathy.

For most of my life I’ve not remembered my dreams, I would say, you know, maybe once or twice a year, or maybe once a month at the most that I would remember a dream. And since your talk, except for like about two nights, I know that at least I have dreamed. Probably about twenty of those thirty dreams, or whatever it’s been, that I’ve been able to write down several things.

S: Good work.

I know that I now dream in color, and there are several people in this room that have been in various dreams. There have been a few dreams that I’ve got some real—how do I say?— practical messages . . .

S: Good. Good.

. . . out of [them]. Most of kind of like I don’t know what they’re about kind of thing, but I now know I’m getting them, and just, you know, consciously put in the body that I am dreaming, that I’m able to remember them, and the next step is to get useful information out of them.

S: Good. Good.

I have found that what I would normally conceive to be irrelevant relationships, not in so much the person’s significance, but like why they’re in my life to really bleed into the dream, and to demonstrate a personal symbology as to why that person is there.

S: Good.

So like employees of mine that normally I would dismiss are showing up in my dreams, and we’re arguing in the dream with each other. And that really is valuable, because it’s bleeding through into my awareness on other levels, so that I can pay attention more, when I am awake and about, to the symbology that those relationships mean. So it has been tremendously helpful in learning my personal symbology and how relationships with what I would normally deem to be insignificant, you know, types are extremely important as far as how they all connect to one another.

S: And when you’re able to see connections like that, you are giving yourself a great gift, a great gift, because—for instance in this case—somebody that you might not think of as a person that you interact a lot with, that you know very well, that you connect to, shows up in your dream, well there’s a couple of things that could be happening there. And one of them is simply—although it’s not simple, it’s important—you are receiving information that that person symbolizes. But one of the things that you may well find, particularly when you’re functioning at a very high frequency, and that is that you might find that these dreams with others are showing you a pathway to move beyond, to avoid, to “here is a maybe,” “as things are going now, it’s on its way,” “do something about it,” as, for instance, you were arguing. Well, you had the opportunity right there to recognize that there is some sort of dissention in there, so do what you can, take what you’ve learned, apply it.

[Hearing the sound of a squirrel from the attic, and looking up at ceiling] Still here are you? It’s bats in the belfry. It’s not really bats in the belfry.

Particularly this past week, I have found that my dreams have been very, very helpful, a lot of clarity in my dreams, and I was just so grateful for those awarenesses, because I was thinking, “Gosh, I am so glad I work this out in my dream state before it manifests in my life.” You know, it’s like the awarenesses that I get one night, I would think about it the next day and then that night I’d dream again, and I could see the connections between the dreams.

S: Very nice.

You know with the days, and it’s just been . . . totally, totally has changed my awareness in certain areas, and it’s been profoundly healing.

S: I’m so glad.

Me too.

S: Now what do you think happens to your dreams as a next step? What would be “kick it up a notch”? What’s there for you?

You could purposefully work with them by asking for information. It could become prophetic. You could be in touch with things in other areas geographically and know what’s going on simultaneously through your dreams.

S: Dreams are a doorway, and your consciously working with that doorway allows you access to what—oh, this is not going to sound very intelligent—it gives you access to those things that dreams access. Sorry.

Let me explain a bit. Now, you’re having a dream, you’re enjoying it. Suddenly you realize you’re having a dream and enjoying it. Have you had that happen? One step beyond that is “I am aware that I am having the dream and enjoying it.” Now that isn’t just “I’m having a dream and enjoying it.” It’s “I am aware that I am having a dream.” Consciously putting out there in that sleep state that you’re aware of it. Now, that’s a step one, because some may never experience that, or some may experience it but not put a conscious impression into it. “I am aware that I am aware within this dream.” That’s good.

Second step: change something or add something. Change something such as, “This doesn’t look like a happy situation—there, now it’s better.” Or “There is a glass in the dream and it is filled with water, and I am going to take a drink of that water.” And you manipulate the dream figure to do that. That is a profound step.


I recently had a dream, and as the dream . . . as I was waking up I was aware that I didn’t like what was going on in the dream so I allowed myself to go back into the dream and change it.

S: You went back to sleep, continued it, and put changes in it. Good work. Good work.

Now, this is so because dreams—dreams at the level that you are able to manipulate them—dreams are a function of creation energy, so at this time, when manifestation in all ways is working so strongly for you, think about your dreams as a way of telling you how to glean more . . . wisdom, cosmic life force, day-to-day prosperity. Use them. Use them, but whatever you do don’t get impatient. That’s important. Do not get impatient with that process, because you will shut yourself down very quickly because of that.

[Looking up at ceiling again] One of these days, that little squirrel is just going to plop right down here, isn’t it? Welcome to the meeting. I think that it would be much more afraid of you.


I think that could be why when this started, I had some nice dreams that I was writing, and then now it’s been “I know I dreamt, but I can’t remember anything.” Do you think I’m putting too much pressure on myself?

S: Definitely one of the easiest ways to stop most anything happening on a subtle level is to begin focusing on it. And that’s true throughout your life. Those subtle energy works do not flourish with high impact force put on them. So patience is always important with such subtle things, but you might also have simply been experiencing a shift; a shift from your dreams brought you an awareness, that awareness took you to here. You started dreaming, enjoying them, looking into them, but it changed your baseline, and so now you’re learning to function on this higher level. As you add into your dream states higher functions—be it awareness, be it manipulation within the dream, you’re going to start over. Or you may find that you’re going to start over.

And where this is going, is that tonight I want to do questions and answers. And because of that, I wanted to remind you about your dream states as a means of manifestation. I want you to remember that you dream in several different ways, including dream as a function of passion, a function of manifestation—“I wish to bring a new car into my life,” or whatever it is you might be saying. “I have a dream to have this or to have that.” You have your daydreams. You have your night dreams. You have your nightmares. You have your day-mares. And when you are recognizing dreams as a part of manifestation, you should be finding yourself manifesting more quickly in your world because of it. So put that in your mind.

Next thing to put into your mind to remind you things to ask questions about, that is: When you are manifesting—no, that’s not the word I want to use—when you are channeling high frequencies, you have changes that show up in your life as a result of that. I’m happy for you to ask about that.

As a whole, this year, you have been functioning with manifestation energy. With manifestation energy, look at your life, because I promise you, you are manifesting. The key is always, “Are you manifesting what you think you want?” because you are bringing into your life what you seem to want based on the way you think or the way you act. So you might want to think a bit about that in relation to manifestation and making better use of your manifestation power. And then, of course, there might be other things that pop up along with that.

And we’ll start with Bobbi.

Well I don’t know if I had a question. I was . . . sort of along the same line and progress reports.

S: That’s all right.

Okay, but this is dreaming, not . . . this is consciously dreaming and having a dream, and what happened was . . . 

S: As in passion.

As in passion.

S: Good.

What happened was that Jean and Wendy and I have held a dream, and that dream is to live in the country. And so we decided consciously to not let . . . to not let anything into our dreams that was a negative, that we weren’t going to worry about how that would ever manifest, we were just going to really work with this dream.

And so we were just having a ball with it, to the point where we were designing things and like that, and Wendy found this ad, and we went out and visited this farm on a Saturday. And we had the most out-of-this-world the whole time. It was such an example for me of the power of dreaming, and the power of dreaming when you don’t put those disclaimers in it, when you just let the dream roar. I mean the whole trip we were only in Bourbon County, but I swear we were everywhere. It was truly out of this world.

S: And let me ask you a couple of questions about that just to make a couple of extra points around it. So did you buy that farm?


S: So this thing that you were passionate about and enjoying so much—and you went to this place that was the catalyst for so many other wonderful experiences—wasn’t an actual point of manifestation. What was it?

What it was for me was it was a demonstration like I have never had of the power of dreaming.

S: Nice.

Yes, and I’ve been so excited since it happened because I want to do it again. It was such an incredible experience.

S: And you will.

One of the things that is very easy to forget, because you don’t want to remember it—one of the things that it’s very easy to forget is that you are not—no, change the way I say that—you are always manifesting your dream, but sometimes the part of it that you are manifesting has to do with becoming what will eventually access that final piece. And that becoming might be a recognition of magical, of multi-dimensional manifestation awareness. It might be cutting out a couple of old bay’unz. It might be changing a part of you to see differently. But that’s manifestation. You are getting your dream until you start cutting it off saying, “Oh no, that’s not what I put out there,” but it is what’s out there to make you what is needed for that next step.

And, you know, it’s sometimes, unfortunately, possible that your dream is here and you’re here, and there are going to be a lot of steps that take you there. And you’ve got to be willing to work with those steps, rather than cutting them off because they’re not what you asked for. Now, there is a very big question that will come with that, and I imagine it will show up in a bit.


You’d said that you were okay with asking questions about what changes happen in the body when you’re working with higher frequency. I have a question in relationship to some of the strictures that you have provided through The Guardianship Program, and it’s wonderful ability to prevent dishwasher art insofar as the way that you function as a Guardian in the world.

My question is—is probably somewhat personal, and that is—if those strictures aren’t followed, and you don’t take really good proper care of your form, then naturally I’ve noticed, one, security issues always pop up, which are sex, money and body fat, but two, does it promote an unnatural sense of the aging process, because there are moments where I have experienced in the last few months things that are not natural for the linear age of my body to be experiencing, i.e. an ulcer. And so that has forced me to question what are some of the things that I’m not doing that being in a twenty-four-year-old body might require insofar as working with higher frequency and not having my body evolve to the level to where it could really function with it.

S: Comfortably.


S: Without . . .

Dishwasher art.

S: Yes. Kay.

Samuel, where does the information . . .

S: Hold, I thought you were going to be answering part of this, or going with part of it. Sorry.

Chris’s question is particularly because of The Guardianship Program that asks for some specific—although short-term—changes to be made in your life with diet, with exercise, stretching, giving, receiving, all of that very important thing that surely you want to keep going for the rest of your life, not just The Guardianship Program—right? Right.

As he has been making changes, he has also witnessed two things. One of them he said and one of them he did not. Two things: one of them is he has become more aware of his physical experience and of negative displays of that experience—an ulcer in this particular case—and the negative experience of it seems to be something to do with the internal body expressing itself in ways that a twenty-four-year-old should not be expressing, that makes him think of the illustration of dishwasher art.

And as a whole, when you are channeling—and I mean channeling—high-frequency energy through you, your physical essence is profoundly affected, but it will not affect you in a negative way. It will affect you in a way that you might not like, but it’s not a negative way.

And the difference that I mean there is channeling the energy won’t give you an ulcer. Channeling the energy will make you aware of exactly how you got it, though, which it has.

What it might do, however, is cause you to become very aware of the imbalances that you might have in your physical system. It causes you to be aware of it, because if your, for instance, feet hurt a lot, or your digestive system—sensitive areas of your body act sensitively at times other than what you would usually consider “This is going to make my feet hurt.”

Why am I saying “feet hurt”? Why might somebody’s feet [hurt], insofar as working with high frequency energy? Anything come to mind?


S: Well, if you’re going to be doing it symbolically like that, but I actually was thinking more of traveling.

Well, I was thinking about that you’ve told us before that when we’re working with goddess energy that we can become more sensitive.

S: Bingo. Yes. And Hawaii was where that came up, so traveler was the connection. Because there are certain types of energy that are going to be translated by your brain into a physical apparition usually showing up as you’re functioning with very high-frequency feminine energy, and it causes your balancing and grounding mechanism to be off. And what it’s saying is, balance is needed.

As a whole, in your life, as a whole, if you seek balance in all things, you might bore yourself to death, but you’ll never hurt you. Really. On the other hand, taking control of the peaks so that they are peaking at a time in which you are going to be able to manage it is going to make you stronger. On the other hand—am I at like three hands now?


S: On yet another hand, when those peaks happen, but they are not positive functions . . . it’s an incredibly out of this world awful time. You are working under a lot of stress. You are having mental and physical and emotional challenges daily. Well now that’s a peak, but it’s not one that’s going to manifest what you want, is it?

[. . .]

S: And I suppose there might be some who, well, think of it this way, think of what the other choices could have been.

When your peak has to do with a physical experience, when the peak has to do with negative functions for you, in the world—stress objects—when that is what your peak is about, then your physical essence is going to pay for it. When the peak, however, is about working at higher functions of even chaos energy, even creation energy at its most potent, the reactions in your physical body are only going to be related to your beliefs. What you get from those frequency ones are relational experiences. The body absorbs and defines, it translates it. If it’s able to hook into a negative belief system that goes with it, then you are likely to act out that energy in a negative sort of way. Do you see how that works?

The energy itself doesn’t hurt you. It’s what that energy connects with in you so that if high-frequency energy is hitting you at a time when your whole world is upside down, then you’re going to immediately be having conflict, and that conflict is going to chew on you—maybe literally—until you recognize what needs to be put aside, put it aside, and continue forward in a more positive function of it.

What do you do, however, what do you do if the nature of your work itself is very stressful? And several of you in here have very stressful jobs—the sort of job that takes its toll on the body, and it may not even be something you’re unhappy with. It might be a job you love, but it takes its toll. What do you do about that? Really.

Well there’s a couple of things that you can do. One of them is you can absolutely make sure that you have built into your day even fifteen minutes—fifteen minutes is better than no minutes—of one of these sorts of activities: you can alternate them—fifteen minutes of this, and fifteen minutes of that, and fifteen minutes of this, and fifteen minutes of that—if you like, through a week. One of them is creativity, a creative outlet. Now, what sorts of things are creative outlets?

For me it’s all kinds of things, but cooking for me is a creative outlet.

S: All right. All right.

Lately I have one of those jobs that can be very stressful sometimes, and I didn’t do today, but I sometimes, even when I can’t sleep real well, I’ve started singing.

S: Lovely. Singing. Yes. Yes. Making it up as you go.


S: Art, yes. And there are several forms that that can take place. Give yourself creative time. Now, it needs to be doing, not thinking—creative doing. So just give a few ideas about things that one can do creatively to take up a few minutes. Instead of saying “art,” give me something specific. Kay.

I’ve lately got really into stamping.

S: Stamping.

Stamping, and making cards so that not only is it very creative for me to be making this with stamping, but . . .

Rubber stamps.

Art. Like stamped.

On paper.

The Form’s gotten some from me.

[Samuel stamps his feet]

That’s stomping.

S: Got it.

You have artistic designs on a stamp, and you can stamp it.

S: All right. And how much can you do in about fifteen minutes?

You can make a card.

S: Indeed?

You can easily make a card.

S: Lovely.

And nine times out of ten, I make it for someone else, so there’s a double creative [aspect], because I’m giving.

S: Lovely.

As I’m giving to myself, and then I’m making it for someone else, and that has become a real outlet for me.

S: Well, and that’s moving right into one of them as well. Hold on to that.

Suzanne. I’m looking for creative actions.

This is one that requires no talent at all—it’s to put a CD on the player when nobody’s in the house, and just dance to it. Make up a dance.

S: Nice. Nice. Catherine.

Repot a plant.

S: Repot a plant.

Put it in a newer pot.

S: Got it. Got it. Yes. Yes. Sure, and you’re working with life force there when you’re doing that, so that too is going to have an additional [effect].

I can spend fifteen minutes writing a song or a poem.

S: Lovely. Lovely. Yes.

The needle arts, be it crocheting, embroidery, cross-stitching, whatever.

S: Have it ready that you can take it up, start it out, give it fifteen minutes.

Playing music, I mean actually playing an instrument.

S: Yes. Yes. And the key here is doing. Fifteen minutes of a creative activity—doing it.

Another thing that you could give yourself is fifteen minutes without speaking, looking at an object with life force. Now, are you up with what I’m saying there? You’re looking at a plant, for instance, or you’re looking at a dog or a cat or a—might not be fifteen minutes of silence for some of you, if that’s what you’re dealing with—but with your attention on a living object, you’re going to begin merging, even without conscious process, you’re going to begin merging with that, and that is going to help build you up.

The silence is important why? One of the reasons that it’s important is because it makes you aware of how much your mind chatters away. And it’s beneficial for you because of that. I don’t have a problem with your mind chattering away. I have a problem with you not having a hold on it. Your mind chatters, so recognize it and keep going. Don’t let it take you off, unless that’s required for your creative activity.

Another thing that you . . . David.

Do cut flowers still have life force energy for that.

S: Usually. It depends, of course, on how long ago they were cut. If they were cut this day, you’ve got it. As a whole, life force exists approximately three days beyond the release of the form itself. So, you cut a flower, there [will] be, even if it’s an imprint of the life force, for three days. Now lovely flowers such as this—oh, and they are, aren’t they?—lovely flowers such as that, they’ve been cut, they might last longer than three days, so you might think that that life force is still there, but it’s not.

Now, a creative action, a focus without speaking on a life force. And the reason that I’m saying life force is that there is life force in some things that you might not think are living. [Laughing] You got it. Good. Well, think of a rock, for instance. A rock is living, but you don’t think of it as living. You think of it as a rock. So, that with life force.


You said without speaking, and a few minutes ago you were talking mental chatter, and then you talked about looking at it with focus. Are you including the mental chatter with speaking? Or was that . . . you said look at a living object—with no mental chatter and no physical chatter?

S: I want you to be able to direct your mental chatter if it’s there, but when I said not speaking, I meant physically not talking to it. Usually you use your speaking as a means of focusing yourself. All of you who talk to yourself, that’s what you’re doing. Oh, come on, don’t act so innocent. You talk to yourself because you’re pulling yourself into a focus, but you want to be careful about that. You don’t want to get into the habit of focus being an exercise of the brain. You want to learn that focus to be an exercise of your spiritual self, or, for this case, the heart. So one thing that you can do while you are looking on this object is your mind starts chattering, “Oh, what are we going to have for dinner? No, let’s look back.” What you can do, what is fully legal if you will, is that you are looking at this plant, and you are allowing your mind to chatter about the plant. “Green leaves. Nice. Pretty. Little white flower.” Your mind’s saying this. That’s all right. The reason that that is all right is because it’s the first step of drawing your focus in. And also because as soon as you run out of things to say there, your mind’s not going to keep bothering you, so it helps you turn it off that much faster.

All right. You can add . . . I said there are things that . . . several that you could add every day, if you wish, fifteen minutes of. Another thing that you could bring in is what Kay brought up. Kay, do you remember where it was?

Yes. Yes, Samuel, in being creative you can do two things at one time, and be creative to give from yourself by that creation to someone else, which will create ripple effects.

S: Lovely. And the awareness that it creates ripple effects pushes its frequency that much higher.

Take fifteen minutes to do something for someone else. That does so much for you. Not for yourself, not something you’re going to benefit from, something for somebody else. One of the things that that does for you is that it makes you feel good. I’m going to make a startling statement. It’s only startling to those of you who have experienced depression, but here it is.

Most depression can be headed off at the pass. Now, before I go too far there, I want you to understand that I’m talking early in the game. Most can be headed off at the pass with regular, consistent, volunteering to work with others.

And exercise. Oh, don’t you hate that part? Physical exercise on a regular basis, that which makes you sweat—now that’s talking of a particular level there—physical exercise changes your chemistry, and that’s a good thing.

Doing for another activates the nature of your spirit, and that’s a good thing. Those two things, when you start feeling yourself heading down, make this your week that every day you’re going to spend fifteen minutes doing something for someone else. What are a few quick examples of things you can do for someone else? Kay mentioned making a card. It’s not only a creative activity, it’s something in which you’re going to give a lift, a boost, a love note to another person, and that’s always good for you. And it’s nice because it’s also good for them.

Mary Claire.

When I make soup for the Temple Team, I just love doing that.

S: That’s right.

And they enjoy it, and that makes me feel really good.

S: Making food for somebody. That’s very nice. How many in here would like it if somebody made food for you? Just in case you were wondering, there it is.


You could write a note of appreciation to a co-worker, thanking them for how they helped you.

S: Sure. Excellent.

What’s really nice, Samuel, is those . . . in the grocery line, letting someone go in front of you.

S: Good.

Letting someone go ahead and have that parking spot. Those always give me a good feeling. They seem to be appreciated.

S: You could wander around downtown Lexington—I’m not sure that Lexington’s large enough for this—and look for somebody who’s confused and say, “Can I help you? Can I show you how to get from here to there?” Not big enough.

You can seek ways to—and insofar as The Guardianship Program, this is a requirement—you seek ways to anonymously give to another, because when you cannot put your ego into it, get credit from the other, that’s a very big boost to your internal self-worth when you do it anyway. That’s important to remember.

Doing for another is one of those things; giving yourself a fifteen minute period of that can be very, very helpful; journaling for fifteen minutes in the old expression of journaling. Take a subject—draw them out of a hat, if you wish—just come up with the first thing you heard on the news, and write that at the top of your paper, and for fifteen solid minutes write about that. And while you are writing about it, you are going to find yourself shifting gears, shifting gears perhaps to the point that you are actually hearing yourself giving yourself some really good advice, and out it comes.

You can help you in so many ways. It’s worth the effort.


That segues right into my question.

S: Lovely.

When you said that you can give your own self some advice, that you can give you, I’ve had some dreams that were life-changing epiphanies, that, I mean, absolutely changed the way I was viewing myself in the world and all my relationships.

Is this—I don’t want a yes or no answer from you—is this connection to our Higher Self, our entity, our muses, our guides, because sometimes it always seems very familiar to me—where I’m getting this information? Is that information coming from us, that when we have these life-changing epiphany, these dreams that are so symbolic to us, or is there a way to connect to that energy more easily than to have it just come along happenstance?

S: I thought you did not want a yes or no question.

I don’t want yes or nos. Elaborate.

S: One of the most important functions of awareness that you can have happen to you in this life, one of the most important because it is the foundation of everything good that’s ever going to come out of your life, is the recognition that what you are is so much more than what you see, what you think, what you feel. I’m not going through the senses there—I meant those three forms of recognition—what you see, what you think, what you feel.

To come to a point of awareness that this [touching skin] is a very small piece of something so much greater, to recognize that can absolutely change your world tremendously. That small, simple—well, maybe not so simple—but very small awareness is what opens the door for your Guardianship to function in this world. But when you are aware of that as every one of you—most of you—act like you think you are, your . . . I’m looking for a good word, and I don’t think I’m going to come up with a particularly good one. When you are aware of your Guardianship, you open the doorway to higher functions of manifestation. The human response is to begin judging yourself by those manifestations, and that’s where you run into trouble, but once you’ve got that door open—that was gravy off the side there—once you’ve got that door open, one of the things that’s going to be happening in your life is that you are going to become aware of the input that the personality receives from—and here’s where it starts—from other experiences. This person, aye this personality has had in the river of time, so to speak. Access to other personalities that are a part of the greater entity that you are, of other entities that are a part of the Greater Entity—the function line—that you’re a part of. The more awake you are, the more access you have to the perspectives of higher consciousness. Those perspectives are doorways, not journey in—in, stop.

So that you have a dream, this Kay self here has this dream, that is phenomenal—literally—and you come back from it totally aware that you have learning and you have been receiving, and it’s incredible. And you’re convinced that you were talking to God, not realizing that that would be you. When you let yourself have a glimmer of what you truly are, when you let you let yourself work in a function of One Heart, One Mind, One Body those two together show up as the awareness of your avataric function in the world.

And, quickly, let me throw this out as well. In some societies you would already be considered God. Oh, that throws people off when I say things like that, doesn’t it? In some societies in your world, right here, right now, maybe in your neighborhood, the sorts of things that you know and do, the way you manifest—maybe not consistently enough for your satisfaction—but the things you are capable of knowing and doing and saying and being is exactly what a whole lot of people in this world consider the realm of holy.

Now you don’t much want to see it that way, because you recognize that it comes with a certain responsibility, and you’re right, it does. That’s why I try to hit you with it as often as I can.

Did I answer anywhere around that? Good. More.


This is about interpreting dreams. You said earlier that sometimes a dream can show you a pathway, or something you should, maybe, act on. How do you determine the difference between something that’s in your pathway that’s good information to act on, and something that you’re just processing through because you have a fear that you’re focused on.

S: Excellent. That’s the one I was hoping for. Good.

How do you know if the dream is giving you a doorway to walk through, or if it’s your own internal fears or beliefs showing you a scenario to be afraid of or back off from, or slow down about? What might be another way to ask that question?

How do you filter your own stuff from the spirit that you are trying to communicate with you?

S: Good. Good. And how do you do that?


I would think getting in touch with the feelings around it.

S: Excellent. Give yourself a quick review. What is it I’m feeling about this? Now, you’ve got to be careful. Your feelings should never be the determining factor in anything—really! They will fool you. They will lead you astray. They will keep you solid when you should be flying. They will keep you flying when it’s time for solid, but they are a barometer.

And I’ve noticed that my dog has not been a barometer tonight. She’s in harness. Even I know what that means. She’s working, and that’s all right.

More than feelings, though, what else might you look at?


Review past experiences.

S: Good. Good. Excellent.

See what happened in the past that you can apply to what you’re seeing there.

S: Very good. Very good. And if you find that it was all a lot of real negative stuff, and you have attached to it a feeling of dread, that’s all right, you don’t have to do that.

The Universe never knocks once—never! If you didn’t get it the first time, you’ll see it again, coming around, soon, maybe for years.


Or you can . . . if it’s come through a dream and you don’t know what it is you can, the next night or if you’ve woken up with that dream, is ask for more information about it.

S: Lovely. Yes, that’s also true. That’s very true, but I’m going to shift away from it. As a whole, it’s the very same for dreaming as it is for waking. It’s the very same. What is the information that I am being given good for? That’s what you’re asking yourself. What’s it good for? And if what it’s good for is a higher function of love, a greater way to express joy, it’s not going to create havoc in your life as it is now—that’s important—it’s not going to throw you into a tail spin of “Samuel said that I must quit my job, now!” Well you can pretty, pretty well guarantee that that will never be accurate, because until you know where you’re going, you don’t leave where you are. Until you know what it is that is going to take care of you, don’t let go of what has been taking care of you.

The Universe does not request you to stop functioning in this world in a way that allows you to live and be in a way that is good for you. The Universe will not ask you things that are not good. You will not get “Suzie, you should kill that person.” It doesn’t give it to you like that. So look at . . . “Suzie, don’t kill that person!” Look at the information that you have received as the way it fits into your world, it fits in with what you know. It should be a small step that will give you success, not a huge leap that risks it all. You might like working in that sort of drama, but the Universe—I assure you—does not find it effective. And that’s important.


I’ve been getting a lot of synchronicity lately.

S: No doubt.

But I’ve been unable to decode it. I’m wondering, is there a particular way you decode synchronicity or do the usual general rules follow?

S: Actually, the general rules about looking for a pattern and what that then means to you, and only you—don’t go look it up in the book and say, “Aha! This is a train, and a train means . . . “ It doesn’t work that way. That’s typical, but add to it let yourself enjoy it. Don’t immediately run it into the brain and start dissecting it. Let yourself enjoy those synchronistic experiences, because you let them fill you up and before too long you realize that they’re actually manifestations, they’re actually illuminations, they’re actually angels showing up in your life. Let yourself go with that one.

For fifteen minutes.

S: Well, actually, that would help—truly—it would.


Samuel, sometimes I’ve dreamed of being with the Phoenix group, and I’m trying to discern when I’m actually in dream school and when I’m actually tapping into work that we’re doing outside of form. Do . . . can we have, like, classmates in our dream school?

S: Yes.

And when we do . . . because sometimes I dream about rituals and things that we’re doing, and can that be manipulated, like the way you were mentioning other dreams can?

S: All right, it depends here. That’s a very nice airy-fairy question, and it will be the last one. Will that work? Stuart’s been saying [shows Stuart’s gestures about time].

Dream school is very different from regular dreaming, and one of the differences is that you recognize that you’re actually learning something. You are watching it. It’s a real dream with a start, a middle, and an end, and you are watching, and you are aware of what is going on. When you wake up from those dreams, you are aware of what you dreamed and, in fact, you see the way that it affects your life. You get the message that was a part of that dream seed left in you.

Now, in dream school, you always have those in this world that have made the same compact you have, and it is not at all unusual to see them in those dreams. In those dreams you are not very likely to come to a group of strangers, even if to this self they are. So realize that when you are in a meeting with thirty other people and you look around and you don’t know anyone there, you do. And you could give yourself the assignment to figure out what that connection is.

All right. What more do I need to add to that?

You’ve explained that one. What about where we’re doing rituals with other people?

S: Should you consciously manipulate something within the ritual? If you are having a dream school, real dream, and it comes to you, “Do this,” do it. Do it. If it comes to you in that circumstance, do it. It’s the safest place for you to do it. Then you pay attention to the ripples.

Of course, that’s high level work in your life anytime, paying attention to the ripples. The stone that’s thrown into the pond that goes all the way out, edge to edge, throw another stone in and the ripples cross over the ripples, and ultimately, that’s what life is all about.

It’s nice when you’re the one throwing the stone, instead of the one caught in the middle of all the ripples. And you know that this life is all about throwing the stone, and sometimes treading water through the ripples.

You have, first, so much more to you than you usually even want to know. And putting yourself on a track in which you are exploring what that more of you is is most easily done by giving yourself small amounts of time through the day—that’s as opposed to twenty-four/seven, monk on the mountain—small amounts of time through the day in which you start learning you, activating the parts that respond to love, creation-manifestation force, that becomes creative activities, doing for others. And learning your own voice, which is when you’re sitting there looking at that life force object, and you’re turning the chatter down, down, down, until you’re aware of the chatter that is appropriate to that. That sounds like a pretty easy assignment. It’s not. It’s really good not to set yourself up to thinking that’s going to be easy, because it’s not.

Be aware of what you let yourself hear, of what you let yourself see, of what you let yourself do in this world. Do not purposefully put yourself into the midst of painful chaos. Seek balance—balance—and that means—although I’m not speaking in a Zen sort of way—it means the balance of even good things, because you can get just as much off-track by being absolutely, dramatically delighted with everything going on around you as you can by being absolutely depressingly upset at everything that happens. Seek that place of balance.

You are in this world for a purpose and that purpose has nothing to do with your parents getting together and making babies—although that was the doorway. You are in this world because you have chosen—and just in case you missed it, I’m going to say it again—you are in this world because you have chosen to be here at this powerful time of transformation. And what that means is the human you will be constantly in the process of transformation so that the doorway is open for the spiritual you to make use of that self. Transformation is change, true, but it’s also magic. Shape-changing. This is a time in your life in which you are shape-changing, and that’s not sex, money, body-fat shape-changing I’m talking about.

You are right now in the middle of one of the most incredible times that your world has ever known. You are right here, in the middle of seeing without even trying, seeing the power of spirit force becoming vital in this world. You are seeing miracles, magical feats, regularly. And, of course, that’s scaring the daylights out of most of the world. Don’t let it scare you as well.

You really are the hope, and that’s what you came here to be. And this world needs that. What are you doing that adds to the stockpile of good in this world? What are you doing to add to the side of hope? How much love have you given today?

Next time we are doing this, it will be very interesting times. That’s a good thing. Make use of the things we’ve discussed this night. Put into your awareness a consciousness of that which is loving, that which is generous, giving, that which stimulates wholeness. Practicing those things can help your truest existence, so that your truest existence does not frighten away the most obvious one. There, did you get all that? Your truest existence should not frighten away the most obvious one. [Touching someone in front row] This is the most obvious one. Not just him. This stuff.

At the Retreat, there is going to be an exercise, and that exercise is: every night before you go to bed, speak out loud three to five things that you have been grateful for that day. Now, that changes you. That simple. It puts you on the right footing, right there. You go to bed filled with gratitude, you are likely to have a profound effect on your night dreams that you see come forth in your day dreams. So for those of you who are frequency piggies, start now. Three to five. [It] might be hard at first—I hope not—but before you know it, it’ll be hard to limit it. Three to five. Grateful.

Glochanumora. Good, good work this night.