May 3, 1998

Samuel: Well, greetings, dears.

Greetings, Samuel.

S: So, has it been a month to remember? Aye. Or has it been a month to forget?

Aye. Good group.

Close your eyes and imagine you’re a candle. You don’t have to close your eyes to do it, but sometimes it’s easier to imagine when your eyes are closed. Imagine that you’re a candle and that your head is the flame. All right. And let that flame extend until it’s about the area of your heart, so that essentially the whole upper half of your body is in flame. And let flame grow until you are the fullness of the flame and the planet is the candle. And let that flame spread all around each of you until it is one great fire. And let it burn out the dross, the difficulty, the tension, the frustration. Let it burn out the parts that you see as an impurity. Let the flame cleanse and clarify. And let yourself recognize the touching of that fire, one to another. And that you are a light on this planet.

And with your eyes opened or closed, I want your mind to go to mothers. All right. Now you know that this is a trick question: Are you a mother? And every one of you should be answering that you indeed are a mother. And no, I’m not saying that! Oh, what a wild group is here.

That everyone of you had a mother is the nature of this existence. That you are always someone’s child is another, whether your mother is here or not. But you are a mother, because what is a mother? Much more than that which gives birth to another human. But it’s the ability to create. The holder of life force energy. So allow yourself to recognize the mother you are; and to do that might require forgiving the mother you’ve been or the mother you’ve had. But doing that opens your creative creation doors again. So, as a creator that is the flame of light on the candle of the planet itself, create greater light. Make more. And that’s how I wanted to start you tonight.

Now, although you have not been warned about this, when last we were together, we talked quite a bit about the previous month and fitted it into the last month we were together. We’ve talked about the hole and the money. Aye. So it occurred to me it was probably time for questions and answers, don’t you think? Because I have noticed that, as clear as I was, you seem to still have a few questions about it. So let’s see, how about you ask this time? Anyone. [Long pause] Not, then. Should I just instead go into a Mother’s Day scenario?


S: All right, a minute. And while you’re thinking about your questions then, let me also remind you that you’ve passed one of the most powerful days on your planet. Do you know what it is?



S: The cross-quarter day, Beltane. And what’s that day about.


S: Birth. Relationships. More.



S: Creation. Potential. More.

The merging of the god and goddess, and their two elements.

S: The merging of god and goddess. The merging of that which is without in the world, and that which is within, of form and spirit. It’s a celebration of unity. And if you were to look back on your week and, if you would like, forecast into your coming week, everything has been about unity. Unity.

You are not alone, no matter how much you want to be. Yes, you can run. And it is a time in which you recognize the relationships in your life, and you look at them in response to bringing together the god and the goddess within all. Now that’s not saying the Source within you, that is saying that which acts in the world and that which acts through the heart, if you will. It’s putting your spiritual essence onto feet and leading it practically. That’s what this time is about, and unity is therefore the filter through which all of your lessons are coming right now.

Your ability to commit to anything is a result of the unity you have experienced in your life, and it is absolutely parallel to the amount of fear you still hold in your life, which is to say that while you are working through unity issues, so you will also be very aware of commitment issues. So you will also be aware of fear. So you will also be aware of the things in your life that have told you how relationships are likely to be. Should be an interesting week.

Questions yet? Aye.

Well, you brought up fear, and one of the things you had indicated about the stock market continuing to go up and up and up was the result of … that that was being driven by fear. And I would be very curious to have your perception of that process.

S: Whether that’s a statement of fear?

No, if that is still the case. Where are we now? Are we just wallowing in great amounts of fear?

S: And by “we”?

Meaning our culture, and specifically is that what is currently driving the stock market? I know you hate to answer this type of stuff so I […]

S: No, no, no. Not at all. It’s not a difficult one at all. It’s that it’s a long answer—what a surprise!—because it’s important that you remember where it’s coming from.

Recalibration brought about massive changes in your world. When was Recalibration?

October twelfth.

S: October twelfth.

Nineteen ninety-six.

S: So how long ago is that from you?

A year and a half.

S: All right. And if you were to be looking …


S: Again.


S: If you were to be looking at things going on within your own life, things going on in your world over the last year and a half or so, one of the things that you’d be seeing is change, change, change. Now, change is something that you’re always going to be dealing with, but these are changes in regard to the constructs by which you view security in your society. Be it stable government or a stable economic system or a stable personal system of relationships, those things that you judge your security by, the constructs by which you judge your civilization by, have been making massive changes across the planet.

Now, the whole purpose of Recalibration was to help create a stronger form, be that the form of your personal body or be that the form of the structure through which a governmental body, for instance, works. The changes going on in form were for the purpose of creating a stronger vessel for the much greater, higher frequency, if you want to think of it that way- -energy coming to you and hopefully through you.

Now, you have been seeing it perhaps as everything you always thought you could depend on was changing. Maybe relationships that had been around for a long time. Perhaps as personal as your beliefs. Perhaps you’ve been recognizing over the last year and a half, without ever necessarily tagging it anything in particular, that you have questioned or made changes in regard to everything going on with you. How many of you have made changes in the way you eat? Or maybe as something as simple as the way you sleep? Or what you’ve been learning are things you’ve always believed. You’ve started looking in other places, and you cannot sit in this room and tell me you’re not doing that. The constructs are changing.

I have heard a phrase called dishwasher art. Dishwasher art. What is that? Aye.

That’s when you try and wash something in the dishwasher that’s a thin plastic, and when it comes back out of the dishwasher, you have this very nice modern sculpture.

S: That’s it. All right. And why does that happen? Why does it change its structure.

Too hot for it.

S: It got too hot for it. That’s right. It got too hot for it. Now, when it gets too hot for you, what do you do?

Change shape.

S: Probably. You start looking to change something—the easiest thing possible to change. If it’s easy to change what you’re wearing, you might start undressing. Aye. If you’re in a situation in which undressing is not going to be the easiest thing to do, you might fan yourself, or open a window, or fiddle with the thermostat. But you look for the easiest means by which to bring comfort to you. With humanity that does not mean leaping around, looking for something new and different to do when things get a bit hot, when too much change is going on. No. The human tendency instead is to dig in. Maybe just bury the head. But to entrench, to make safe with what is familiar. So right along with massive amounts of change going along in the structure, you are seeing within the individuals massive amounts of unsureness, because all of a sudden their job, or their educational loan, or their belief system, or their … and on and on it goes— their government, their housing—is in the midst of change, and therefore it is especially important to make themselves safe.

Safe shows up for most individuals in two ways. One of them is right. Safe is right. When I am right I am safe. When I am correct. Is that one better? Correct. Because if I am correct, then I am doing what I need to be doing. Problem with that? It makes individuals that must be correct, who must only involve themselves in those things by which they will be correct. Safe things. The known. Individuals who need to control what they are taking part in in order that they might be able to be correct in the midst of it. The other thing that they find for safety is to seek those systems that have satisfied them before, that don’t require that risk I mentioned earlier, that will allow them to preserve.

And in economics, that’s the best and the worst sort of thing that can happen. When you have a whole economy working to preserve their own selves, then you’re going to find individuals who are not investing, for instance, in the stock market or other riskier ventures, or you’re going to find them greatly investing in the stock market and riskier ventures.

Wait a minute. How can that be? Two very opposite extremes. Why? Because no one individual handles everything the same. There are those who simply choose when their back is up against the wall, when their back is up against the wall, they make a great leap. How many of you in your life have done that very same thing? “This looks good. I’m going to do it.” Out of fear. Not out of a well researched, knowing position. “Well, here is what I need to do,” and then a week, an hour, a month later, “Oops, could have handled that a bit differently.” So you know what I mean about there being the two different sorts of individuals, both in an economy. To have those taking great risk without a lot of education behind it, or to totally choose not to risk, is difficult.

In your planet, amidst the massive changes of constructs, you have economic systems failing on national levels. America has had so many years of bounty that it’s been able to forget that it’s attached to the same planet that those countries are, as well. And it is becoming harder and harder to see that connection, that what happens to Sallie has an effect on what happens to Jeanean. And where the opportunity to reach out, pay attention, becomes instead more reason to protect oneself. Then there becomes a greater need to invest in those opportunities that are going to bring about a greater payoff to ensure that you have your future taken care of. And ensuring it in a system that isn’t stable.

Your market will go up, and indeed, sure enough, it has. And that’s good. And it will continue to go up, which may not be so good, until you are aware of the need for a global view of the economy, and you’re not functioning out of fear. You are going to find both in your personal life and in your society’s life massive events that teach you how to be more secure. How not to be secure.

Now there were a lot of conversations that went on in that particular interview when I spoke about the stock market. Did that answer where you were going?

Yes, it did.

S: Good. More.

Does that apply to religions, too?

S: Absolutely. Absolutely. Aye.

You once said that …

S: Uh-oh!

You talked about how our government reflects who we are personally. And last month you talked a lot about our personal financial situations and how a relationship to our father was a way of getting down underneath and understanding our relationship with finances. And I did that, and it was incredible, because I learned some things about my spending habits that … and my relationship with my father which explained a lot. But I was wondering how much our handling of our personal finances affects the economy as a whole, because, you know, if you’re saying that our government is a reflection of who we are, then how much is our economy a reflection of how we handle our own money? Can you talk a little bit about that?

S: Do not answer by raising your hand on this one, for I don’t want to embarrass you. Much. How many of you have had situations in your life in which you paid way too much for something? Perhaps it was not—whatever the story is—four hundred dollars for a wrench. Aye. Something like that. But you’ve had a situation where you’ve paid way too much. Perhaps you’ve had a situation in your life in which you have been so surrounded by advisors who advised you to go a particular direction that turned out not to be what you wish you’d gone with. You followed someone else’s heart rather than your own. Have you had a situation in which you wrote a check on money you did not have? Oops! And have you had a situation where it came back to you that you’d done it? Have you had a time in your life in which you’ve had plenty and you did not share, but you stored it up? And have you had times where you had plenty, and you did share?

As outrageous as it may sound in today’s political system, your government is just like you. It’s written the rubber checks. It’s had a lot. It’s not had a lot. It’s spent it wisely. It’s not spent it wisely. The greatest difficulty, in my not very humble opinion—so just we’re being honest here, aye—is that your representatives are listening to someone else’s heart. The squeaky wheels are being heard, and those squeaky wheels are, more often than not, not you. Because when you have a friend who has money troubles, and they say, “What can I do?” what are the sorts of things you might tell them? What have you learned? What are the things you might tell them?

Write down everything that you spend money on. Make a little notebook; then keep track of it so you can be aware of where it’s gone.

S: Good. Be aware of what you had and where it’s going. That alone could make a big difference, couldn’t it? More. What else would you tell them?

Be joyful when you put your money out.

S: Aye. And so grateful. I’m so glad that I got this electric bill, because it’s light at a touch. Heat when I want it. Sure. More.

Be aware whether your purchases are purchases you want or things you need.

S: Pay attention to your desires. Are you spending because it makes you feel good or because it’s something that you’re needing? And as you can see, as simple as these things sound, if you were to apply it innocently and probably naively to a governmental level, it could make changes. Now tell me why that’s not going to happen any time soon.

There’s not the consequences. The government doesn’t face the same consequences we do when we’re irresponsible with our monies.

S: Indeed. Right there. Bottom line. That’s it. I thought we might go a few people before we hit that one. But that’s right.

So the system would have to change. But what’s happening within the system right now? It’s in great change across the planet. Therefore, what’s happening in your government? Well, a couple of things are happening. They are shoring up the old, and they are making outrageous leaps into the new without a lot of paying attention. It is fulfilling the same cycle that you are going through in your own life. It is why, my friends, it will change when you do. That which is around you always is a reflection of that which is in you. And it is indeed one by one by one that this world changes. When those consequences are painful, then you learn that change comes by fear. Therefore, when the consequences are joyful, you learn that change is safe. To bring about change by affirming the positive and the good has faster effects than the bad. You know that in your own life.

So how can you bring about change by applying that to your government? One idea. How about instead of writing your representatives every time you’re really mad, you write them every time they did something you’re proud of? Letting them know not how to correct, but how to stay on that path instead. What if you did that with everyone else in your life? If the squeaky wheels that were getting the power were squeaky wheels of praise? Of “well done”? Of good? Of encouraging the benefit, and—dare I say it?—of love. My goodness! Is it possible that one by one by one, this world can be changed, but it can only be changed with love? Ah, there it is. More. Aye.

This is probably made in hope, and it goes back to something regarding the stock market, and something you said in answering Jean’s question. And you mentioned something about global events bringing about a change of awareness and maybe greater unity. And so, not really knowing that this was going to be questions and answers, I’m going to try and make this as clear a question as I possibly can, but I don’t know how successful I’ll be, but …

S: […]

I’m wondering if one of these events that bring about massive change might be coming up at the change of the millennium when we all of a sudden have a new decade where, I mean a new century, where we start with the numbers two-zero and all of our computers are set to have the date on the computers start with a one-nine. And there are a lot of people who are talking sort of doom and gloom about the situation, saying at least we will have a major drop in the stock market, a recession, and many bankruptcies all the way up to the extreme of governments collapsing, because computer systems are so interdependent, and if one company does correct the problem, they probably rely on many different suppliers and things, that maybe they haven’t made this change in their computer system. And I’m wondering if you see if this is anything that could have an effect on the market that you were referring to, as far as an event that could bring about massive changes in consciousness across the planet. And bring about awareness of the interdependence. If you have anything to say about it?


S: No.

As a follow-up to that question [audience laughs], I have always had the inclination that a transformation into something greater—sacred status—was going to come abruptly. Is it going to be an event? Or are we gradually going to slip into it?

S: Probably events of destruction happen abruptly. And that would be why individuals tend to fear change, because the bad ones happen quickly and you cannot plan. There you are, driving along minding your own business, you’re suddenly trying to drive up a tree. However, those events that have to do with transformation are not something that are going to have the greatest effect because there was an instantaneous working. And I would go so far as to say none of them are. Birth is a process. However, I must say that the interesting computer connection there aside, I want to remind you that sacred status is the working of the majority of the people on the planet having awakened. So, it’s not quite like going into Disney World—or Land or Planet—and being the four-millionth visitor. This is the one! Boom! We will celebrate now. And it’s not that the change in awareness happened to that one that allowed it to flow over and become the majority all of a sudden. It’s the effects that that has in your life, because awakening opens the door to ascending. And what you think of as the massive transformation is the result of the ascension process, not the awakening process. How many of you as children were awake? You knew you were. You knew that you knew things even as a child.

And it got me in a lot of trouble, too.

S: Indeed. Being awake isn’t enough. Acting on it is all that’s acceptable now. And the acting on it is a process that brings about some pretty marvelous things. It brings about when Laura makes an ascension process real in her life, that Heidi sees it can be done. It also makes every issue you get worked through in order that you might put love and recreate with Source energy behind it. And that builds momentum, indeed, and you’re seeing it somewhat, even now. But if it were an event, you could discount it. And you would. Even you would. But when instead you began finding things like … Jim, love, could your business have lived in this town twenty years ago? Not. Not by a long shot. Could the type of counselling that you do have been acceptable fifteen years ago? How about people that you meet? Are you finding that there are more and more people that seem amenable to alternatives in medicine? Relationships? Spiritual understanding? And maybe what you have is the great explosion of normalcy. I’d wish it for you.

More. Aye.

Since last we met, particularly on April twenty-third, there was—by reasons of having a computer and therefore to connect to people—a prayer.

S: A computer […] nineteen-something.

That’s what made me think about it.

S: Sorry, Stuart.

Some companies are dumping computers on us, because they’re that way. But anyway, they need electric […] affect it.

S: What are the results of the Great Experiment, you’re asking.


S: And did it have a great effect? You cannot throw a rock in the water and not have an effect. However, when you throw a rock in the churning ocean, for instance, you might miss that effect, because there are so many things going around that seem much more awesome. Such a good word, isn’t it? Some awe. Don’t miss the effects that you are making. In fact, if you were to make it a point in your life to look for those things that confirm the good you do, you might have a better life.

Cosmically speaking, it was probably one of the greatest workings of unity that has been in a very long time—proving not so much that whole rigmarole about putting minds together with a common intent, making something happen, because indeed that’s been known for a very, very long time. Let’s see, twenty-six and a half million years, give or take six months…. But it made it very, very clear how quickly—and that had more to do with the experiment than many other things that were discussed—how quickly an event with that sort of impact can be brought about. Of course, that makes the Phoenix Board rather nervous, doesn’t it? Samuel, stop giving us events a month before they happen! We need a year to plan. Aye. And because it had the trappings—and I only mean the trappings—it had the outward form of a scientifically correct means, it allowed many individuals to reach in that would not have otherwise.

Remember as you look at your news—and I would ask you over and over and over, never let yourself get all of your news from one source.

Or your information.

S: Get all your information, not all of your news. Right. Get as many different perspectives as you can, or else you’re not going to be properly educated as to what’s going on.

When you’re looking after a cosmic event of one sort or another—and they happen all the time—pay attention to both extremes, as I talked about earlier. You’ll find the old guard doing their best to strengthen up and keep the old the same, and you’ll find some new unwrappings of a work of love. When you’re only finding one or the other, nothing happened. But when you find both, you’re making big changes.

You know, darlings, it’s not always a pathway that’s beautifully tamped down and swept off in front of you. Sometimes there is a little pebble or two in the way. Sometimes they look like boulders. But when you walk that path you will step on toes. I’m sorry. That’s true, you will. But it shows you’re walking, you’re moving, and that’s a key. Keep moving.

More. Aye.

I have a question about … I do notice that there seem to be more people who are willing to open up spiritually as time goes on. I’ve noticed that, anyway. Is it kind of predestined that this would be a time when a lot of souls would be doing that? Or is it individual choices of people making a difference?

S: Yes. And it’s not an answer that is a “which one, then?” It is both. And that’s because of this tricky little thing called free will. You voted for it; I did not. Free will in which I’ve got the most lovely chocolate dessert for you here. Now give me a good one, all right. It is …

Chocolate mousse.

S: Chocolate mousse. Chocolate mousse? Is that sort of like at Easter, and you eat the ears off first? Is that it? The chocolate mouse? Devil’s food cake.

S: Chocolate mousse and devil’s food cake.

What about death by chocolate?

S: There we go. So I’ve got it right here for you, and it’s excellent. You’ll love it. It’s my own recipe. Do you want it? Well, many of you would want it. Some of you would not. Of those of you who wanted it, some of you would be brave enough to come up and take it, some of you would not. Some of you would wait to make sure that nobody fell over after the first bite or two, and then you might come forward to try a bite, and some of you will just wait outside and complain that they’re serving chocolate in there, and that you’ve done without chocolate all your life and you’re not going to start it now. And then there will be those that won’t even stand outside to do it; they’ll just remain in their own cozy beds, perhaps saying, “I’ll never do chocolate, I’ll never do chocolate, I’ll never do chocolate.” That was the covers over the head there.

And forgiving that metaphor, you cannot experience love without opening up. Love expands, extends and embraces. It does not exclude; it includes. And as you and others like you are putting love into the world, as love is becoming acceptable … I have a friend, truly, who is speaking to an international conference in China in a few days, and he is saying, “Unity is what the world needs, and it’s only going to happen when we love one another, ourselves, that indeed it is one by one.” It’s when that becomes acceptable and individuals risk for that love, chocolate, and find that the person eating it next to them is not quite so bad, that it’s better than they thought, but it’s always their choice. And the hardest part, my darling, is for individuals who work at a frequency like you do to be patient with those who don’t want the chocolate. To allow that it’s their choice. To not need to spoonfeed them or force-feed them. That’s the hard part.

All right, who has the most important question so far that has not been asked yet? Go for it.

There has been quite a bit of writing in the esoteric literature concerning the Mayan, and the calendar date of two thousand and twelve.

S: Depending on how the calendar’s read, it could also be …

Could you comment on the significance of that event? Why the two thousand and twelve?

S: Because it’s a portal. Because, just like in your own life you have a final moment in which you will go, no matter what, you also have those that are probables. Within your own life, you have opportunities to make a major exit. And if it’s not a portal for you, you can get hit by a train and not die. Remember that. But remember, too, that what’s being referred to is change, massive change, and of course there is no greater change in your life than the one in which your spirit is released from the form it’s in now, is there? Which is why so many times a prophet, who can only see in partiality, based on what the brain is able to translate—in this room right here, the very words that I’ve spoken or as many one of you as there are in here, there will be different versions of what was said, because it filtered through you. Now that’s good, but that also makes it easy to misconstrue. So when it is put forth that there is massive change, that society might have seen things that look like massive destruction, certain death, or it might have seen rebirth and recognized that there had to have been an ending of the old for the new to come, what I would ask you is, twenty- twelve, are you willing to wait that long for massive rebirth in your society? Yes, you are willing if you fear it must come by doom and gloom. You’ll set up massive teachings about the doom and the gloom. And you will teach people how to protect themselves and save themselves from the doom and the gloom. Dig holes. Store up food. Gather arms. [Waving arms] Two’s not enough. Or you can begin now with a different version of how to bring about change. It’s a portal. Absolutely.

[To Stuart on video camera] Time for one more love? I’m asking. The keepers of time. Not so. All right. Oh, you tease me so.

‘Tis a powerful time of creating bonds of love.

I thought you said buns of love.

S: Aye, that works up there with buns of steel. Aye. Bonds. Like this, bonds of love. Aye. To remember the mother within you, that creates, that creates life out of love. New hope for a new time is what a mother puts forth. And this world needs you as a mother. It is a time in which the very energy of your world for thousands of years has recognized as an open door for creation. If you don’t choose—that free will stuff again—to make a difference with love, I promise you there are plenty who are already making a difference without it. You can chart this course. Enjoy.

Glochanumora, my friends. Happy trails.