April 3, 2016

Samuel: Well greetings, dears.

Hi, Samuel.

S: Let’s fill in the middle a little more. Aye, you don’t have to move. You’re right there. Oh, good.

Hello, dear.


S: There is so much going on in your world right now. Are you feeling the buzz of it all?


S: Do you feel as though so much has been happening that it’s a little bit hard to keep up because so many doors are opening, so many things are showing up in your life? Everything toward ensuring that you are where you need to be, doing what you have said you would come here to do. And a lot of times that means letting go of a few things, and sometimes that means opening up to a few things. Being willing for both in your life is going to be the key to your happiness. Remember that.

I see Source [Samuel’s nickname for whomever he designates to sit on the podium and read the audience’s questions] has made it. So why don’t you come up?

Now, you have always known that Source was small and with red hair, right?

Oh yes,

S: More so now.

Questions and answers. Yes?


S: This is how we’re going? All right. Then, I think Stuart wants to take part. Then in that case, if you have not sent yours up front yet, please go ahead and do so now.

And let’s get going. How are you doing?

I’m good. How are you?

S: Excellent, always.

Good. I’m glad to hear that. My life’s a little topsy-turvy just like everybody else’s. All the changes.

S: You think?

March was an interesting month.

S: March was a very interesting month, but a good one, wouldn’t you say?

Yes, I would.

S: Yes, you would all say that, of course, right?

Of course.

S: March was an excellent month, yes. “Yes, it was, it was!” Would you want to repeat it?


S: There’s the key!

Well let’s see what we can do.

Okay. Can you hear me?


All righty. Ready to start?

S: Ready.

“Once we have awakened, you said we need to activate. What do you mean by activate? And is there a difference in what “to activate” means from person to person? Thank you.”

S: Activation is when you recognize it’s no longer all about yourself, but it is about giving, serving, the world—that simple.

Awakening: “I recognize that I am a being of Spirit, something more than what it looks like here; that I’m not just this human self.” Activation is that point in which you recognize, “I want to give back. I want to serve.” That is Activation: service.

That was easy. [Questioner tosses question] Good work. Little practice needed.

Little practice needed.

S: Aye, watch out front row.

I’ve got two here that kind of dovetail with each other.

S: All right, we’ll see.

And what I’ve discovered in reading these is instead of one question, I usually have two or three to a particular topic that they’re asking—like more than one thing involved in it. Is that all right with you?

S: Sure, we’ll give it a whack.

We’ll give it a whack. Okay. So these two dovetail.

S: So she says.

“Samuel, at the Inner Light Festival, you mentioned that many Guardians who work with you come from [. . .], which is outside of our galaxy. How does our origin from there and other Milky Way star systems such as Lyra, Andromeda work? How do we do we step, as Source, through these star systems into the Earth?”

And the other one that I think dovetails into this: “What does it mean that we go through filters to incarnate here?”

S: Filters is easy. Try to . . .

Distill this one?

S: Distill that one, and I’ll answer filters while you’re thinking of the distillation, all right?


S: Your energy is magnificent and powerful and amazing. It registers at a frequency here in this dimensional reality. So your frequency is a very high frequency. The higher a frequency you have then, for the practical purposes of discussion—although it’s not fully accurate—then, you can, say the more in touch you are with your spiritual nature. Again, that’s not accurate, but for all practical purposes it is.

But let’s say that you have this magnificent spiritual power, but you’re going to go to a land in which that kind of power would get you, we’ll say, burned at the stake. All right? Now, you would probably power down a notch or two, wouldn’t you, in order to be the best fit in that place? That just makes sense, right? And ultimately that powering down is the filter. And the reason is for you to be able to best function in that density, that dimension, that form that you’ve chosen to work in.

I recently used the illustration of a coffee filter, keeping the greater grinds out of your beverage, because you don’t want little chunks floating around in what you drink, right? The filter allows for your focused purpose to be best served. And depending upon precisely where your filter and portal are—that should be filters, portals are—so is your form and your purpose going to be reflected.

All right, got that distilled?

Yes. Okay. If Guardians are from all of these different star systems . . .

S: All right.

. . . and they need to step down, how do they step down to come into Earth?

S: Hah! By way of your filter. That was simple.

Very simple.

I’m wondering if part of that is like, what does it mean to come from a different star system? I mean is that a physical incarnation? Is that a spiritual thing? Is that just a symbolic thing to say you come from there?

S: Did you write that question?

No, I did.


S: Toss it. No.


S: No. No weasels, that’s right.

Okay. “Samuel . . .”

S: This group is going to learn how to write a question eventually.

I know. They’re just rowdy, aren’t they? Just squeeze in anything they can get. I just don’t understand it at all.

Okay. “Samuel, I have a crystal I work with on a daily basis, which has turned clear and lost some of its energy. Is there a way to help it gain its energy back?”

S: Yes, two ways. The first one is, let it rest. It’s not unusual for a crystal that is, for instance, this perfectly clear to start becoming less clear once it has rested. And that’s because—second reason—through your bond with it, it has activated its ability to receive and transmit information to you. Therefore what you are doing is using up the information and allowing it to fill back as you need it.

The key is the bond. The bond. Without that bond, it’s only going to be able to give you what it originated with. Once the bond is made, you’ve turned on the radio. So make sure you are merging with your stones so that they can give to you what they’re here to give you.


“You have recently spoken about another solar system that intersects with ours. Please tell us more about this solar system. Why does it intersect ours? What are the effects that it has on us or we have on it?”

S: I don’t know that some of those questions are going to have particular answers for you.

It’s your science that has counted this grouping of planets as a single solar system. I never would have. However, it’s all right if you want to see it as separate ones. If you had a much higher perspective and were looking down upon it, you would see that it is a system that is not the perfect little oval that you like to think your system is. Even your own system alone isn’t a little oval. It just doesn’t work that way.

Nonetheless, the system that you are a part with Earth has—I don’t know—a wart at which it’s a little growth—are you seeing this?


S: A little growth off of the edge of it so that it intersects. Now, you will rarely come across any solar system that has not, through its process of continual evolution, done the very same thing. Maybe a more interesting question is, which one is first, ours or the wart? The answer is, the wart. Nonetheless, the only parts of that solar system that matters to you are the intersection points, because they are portals from one to the other.

This solar system—your wart—is functioning with ascended planets and essentially outside of this time-space dimension. Therefore it’s not at all unusual when you are dream-schooling, for instance, that you actually move into that solar system. If you went into many ancient teachings right here from your planet, one of the things that you would find is reference to planets as though they are a part of this system that you’ve never counted or heard of, or of visitors from a system quite nearby. And your science would be quick to tell you that the closest one is a few light years away. Whereas you actually function in a dual system in which one part of it has already evolved in its ascendancy and the other part is going there and has only reached that in pieces.

It’s not new information. I think, if your science hasn’t already started recognizing it, that will come out very soon, because this isn’t hidden, and there’s too much activity going on from one to the other now that it’s going to have to be recognized.

Oh, better.

“Several years ago . . .”

S: Uh-oh.

“. . . someone asked about global warming. I seem to remember that in responding to this question you said to the person to think about more of an ice age than global warming. Can you elaborate on your response? Are we approaching a tipping point that might usher in a new Ice Age.

S: Well, first you want to remember that global warming is a misnomer. You should go with climate change. And that’s because what is happening is your climate systems are being so affected by the slow warming of your oceans that you are having, depending upon where you live, either much warmer or much colder seasons. Your seasons are being greatly affected.

However, I believe that what I was more than likely referring to at that point was that your earth has been destroyed several times, by fire, by ice. It’s time again for ice, not fire, not water.

If you are looking on a geologic time scale, then sure, ice age, but what you are more likely going to find instead is that when it’s cold it’s colder; when it’s hot, it’s hotter. When it starts warming up is a different time than when it used to warm up. And even right here in temperate land, you’re dealing with “Well, I can’t decide what I’m going to do. I think I’ll be warm today. No, I’m going to be cold today. No I’m going to be warm today,” because you’re still in a state of flux. Don’t call it global warming. Climate change is the danger.

Ah, good.

S: Better and better.

I think I’ve distilled this one down to the question. “Do you have any tips to have Guardians easily detach? Tips that help to willingly allow everything to be, not only with the mind and heart, as well as to create a more joyful existence.”

S: I’m going to answer that one in two ways. The first one is through you, because I want you to read through that again and then I want you to answer it.

How do you have a more joyful existence? How do you raise that frequency and keep that going and going and going?

Do you have any tips to have Guardians easily detach, tips that help to willingly allow everything to be, not only with the mind but heart as well, to create a more joyful existence.

S: How do you detach?

The first thought that comes to my mind is to have trust in a bigger picture. That there’s more than my version of what’s happening or what I see happening. There’s a much bigger picture at work.

S: Trust. Excellent. Excellent.


Service in even simple ways like giving, maybe making a card for somebody, and your whole thought is to help that person feel better, to love that person.

S: Lovely.

And doing that, concentrating on that joy and that love [. . .]

S: Lovely, lovely.


S: Your recent teachings that we are from distant star systems helped me realize that we are deep, deep under cover, that we have forgotten that we are under cover.

S: True.

And that really help me detach, but sometimes it makes me detach too much. Then I have to consciously serve and consciously immerse, and that actually balances.

S: Good.

But just that constant knowing that I am just here for a purpose.

S: That’s good, that’s good. Aye.

For me it’s living in my now.

S: Good.

Because I don’t worry about what happened yesterday, or worry about what’s going to happen tomorrow.

S: Lovely, lovely.


S: Good. Good, yes.

I look for static, what I call static, in myself. It’s what doesn’t feel quite right. And I pay attention to that and I move away from it. And the more I do that, the less attachment I have, because attachment is not part of my path. It helps me define where I’m going. It just feels like a little disturbance. And if I just . . .

S: In the Force.

[Laughing] Right. Right. And if I just keep moving away from that, I end up in a place of less attachment and love and joy.

S: The more you are on your path, doing what you are here to do, the less you have time or inclination toward those things that take you off of your path and off of what you are here to do.

Attachment is an ego issue. So everything that you have heard plus attachment is an ego issue. You are attached to those things that you believe you need, but what do you need? Well, air, that’s a good one, that helps. You need to love and be loved, and that makes a difference. You need occasional food, a good amount of clean water, and you need the activity that keeps your body functioning.

You don’t need all the stuff, be it personal drama or attire, because what you need is never going to be something you hold onto. That’s just what you want.

To detach first, remember that attachment means “I’m sitting in the midst of my human self,” and you want to get out of that. You want to remember that detaching does not mean not having; it means it’s not running you. Your life isn’t about making sure you have enough of whatever that happens to be. Your life is about . . . well, that leads right into the next section. Your life is about living love, because that and only that is what will make you happy, but not the kind of living love that involves the predominance of your own ego.

So once again, if you want happiness you’re going to need to detach. If you want to maintain that happiness you need to be detached from the idea that happiness is something that is attained, instead of realizing that it is a symptom, an outgrowth—a wart—an outgrowth of your doing what you’re here to do.

So what is it that makes you happy? What is it that allows you to experience a life in which you’re not grasping and attaching, and in which you can consistently experience joy?

Bottom line—we’ll all go there—is you live love, but how do you do that? Well, within the things that were mentioned about detaching are also that secrets involved in making sure that you are functioning on your path, and one great big one is trust. Trusting that there is more. Trusting that you are enough for what comes into your path. Trusting that you’re not alone in this, and seeking that connection with Source and with others who function the way you do.

Physically, mentally, and emotionally there are all kinds of tips, but the fact of it is, as long as a high-frequency being is in form, the only thing that will cause that high-frequency being to fill, fulfilled enough, that they can actually be happy is by expressing that high frequency. And the highest of frequencies is love.

So what you do to do the loving thing, to be the loving one, to take the roadway less travelled, which is putting love at every footstep, only then will high-energy beings ever be happy. And if you think, “Well I’m doing what I need to be doing. I’m doing my spiritual service, “blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,” but you’re not happy, then you’re doing spiritual service, not your spiritual service. And that’s only if you’re not fooling yourself, and you’re not really just serving yourself, because a lot of spiritual service is somebody serving themselves to help those poor people out there.

So what you might want to ask when you’re not happy is, “What can I do to give of the love I am to this world, to others?” That’s where you’re going to find that great joy.

All right. She’s practiced. Now she’s got it.

“Assuming animals have dream states, what is it like and what is the purpose?”

S: How many of you have watched a dog in their sleep? Or wag their tail in their sleep? You see it more often with dogs though, because they’re not very controlled in their dream states. Cats are pretty much always controlled.

[. . .]

S: Sure. Not all creatures dream, because it takes a higher consciousness for that to be possible, but most dream. And like you, their dreams tend to be, well, there’s the working out of the day as the brain is readjusting itself and putting everything into an order that it thinks will be efficient and workable.

And then there are the dreams that are messages, because creatures come out of a group soul situation. I think often of bees because you are familiar with the phrase “hive mind,” so bees are a good way to think of it.

A group soul of the canines, for instance, will have the worker bees that are, maybe, the herding dogs and the wolves and the fox, and . . . . and then it will have the queen bee, which has to be all of those little yappy dogs, right, that get carried around and dressed, don’t you think?

I think so.

S: I think something like that.

Something like that.

S: But they all have a connection with one another. And so if you had a small herd of dogs, say you had . . . it probably would take four or more before this started happening, but let’s say three, four, five dogs. Anybody here have three, four, five dogs? Not at this point, eh?

Gayle and Charlotte maybe have three or four.

We have three.

S: Three. And, yes, they might could relate to this. Are you listening? Can you relate to this? In which the dogs start communicating with each other by way of their dreams, and very often you’ll see two or three of them asleep, and a couple of them are running through the fields together.

The difference is they don’t have the dreams that take them into inter-dimensional and trans-dimensional travel. They don’t leave their body the way you can in some of your dream states. They can communicate through the group soul but not outside of it until they are individuated. And although there are more of those now, as a whole over the animal kingdom there are not many.

“As long as I can remember you’ve said Toning is the most important thing Guardians can do until Absorption because it raises our frequency, helps our body adapt to higher frequency, and helps the planet. Has this changed? And if it has, please explain. Thank you.”

S: Yes it has. The most important thing you can be doing between now and Absorption is not Toning. That’s not saying that Toning is not a very important part of what you can be doing between now and Absorption, however. And do not misunderstand that. However, the most important thing? No, it’s not.

Now, Toning has been all about helping you transfigure. Helping you become spirit running form by allowing your physical essence to become, if you will, hardened to the fire that you are within. Toning by way of sound and by way of group intent, and by way of specific ritual within that Toning process, and by way of creating a community that shares needs and delights, has all of the aspects within it that bring about spiritual change.

Those of you who Tone know that it changes you, and many of you have said that you feel better after Toning, because you’re solidifying the spiritual experience in this world. It’s an active meditation. So particularly for those who do not have regular access to a trained meditative response, Toning is particularly helpful, because it pulls in everything.

However, since the last Solstice and the transfiguration and the DNA activations that have come about since June of ’15, you have been changing. There are few who can do without the Toning activity, but you are going to be finding, as a natural change in you, that the more you are connected—except for the community aspects of it—the less you are drawn to Tone.

Now, let me put a quick hold on that. This is not talking about those whose totem animal is the sloth; not talking about those who are just too lazy to get themselves up and going, and there have justified why they’re not taking part. That’s not what I’m saying at all. I am saying, however, that for those who are functioning at a particularly high frequency and who have that regular communication going, you are going to start finding that the need to Tone isn’t there as much. Then it becomes a gift you give yourself rather than something you’ve got to do. And that’s a big leap and an important leap. But I think it’s going to be some time before the majority are there. I think it will be glacial for most. So until that point, you need to take a look at, “Why am I not taking part?” And look at your reasoning, because if you’re not clear and complete in all areas of your life, then you should be Toning. But if you have that clarity and you have that disciplined function of constant connection, then you’re good. Take a break, but you probably should keep Toning.

That’s what I’m going to say. I’m going to be coming to Toning.

“As someone who is new on the path of wanting to know more, what is most important to know? How to pursue the knowledge most beneficial?”

S: Well the very first thing that you need to remember is that there is no such thing as somebody who is new on the path—no such thing. Why is that? Somebody tell me why that’s the case. All right.

Well, you’re on the path when you get born. I mean everybody’s path is different. I mean if that person who wrote that question means it might be they’re just newly awakened, maybe that’s what they’re saying, they’re newly awakened to more and they just discovered you. But that they’ve been on their path which has taken them to that which has awoken them. So, and everybody’s path, like I said, is different.

S: That’s good. That’s very much in there.

If they were new on the path, they wouldn’t have been here to hear you.

S: Without running.

Here is the thing: this world right now is in the time of great transition, and transition takes a while. I know that you’d really like to think “Oh, my lifetime. Poof! Over!” Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn’t.

I believe that for most of you in here you are going to find that by the end of this lifetime, this transition has completed itself, but until that point, when the world is in times of transition, high-frequency energy often chooses to incarnate for the purpose of helping that transition come about.

These are those who are born into this world and suddenly find “I know I’m here to do something” early on. No matter when you think you have awoken, no matter when you think you became spiritually active, no matter when you think you became aware or started searching, really you came here aware, and all you’re searching for are little kicks in the memory to help you remember what you are so that you can do what you’re here to do.

So, you recognize that so much of what’s around you isn’t satisfactory, but you don’t know what is satisfactory, and you think that’s the search. But that’s not the search; that’s not the search at all. The actual search, if you want to say there is one, is from who you are to what you are.

And you’re not going to miss it this time around. There isn’t a possibility for you to miss releasing ego and accepting spirit, and the reason for that is because right now, in this world, certainly over the last close-to-fifty years there has been a huge change in awareness. Over the last forty years, then over the last twenty more or less, and then over the last four, you have had massive leaps happening on your planet with regard to spiritual awareness, spiritual evolution. And those leaps are creating a whole new kind of a being.

Those who started at a high frequency are not being jostled into “I am spiritually aware, I think.” They’re being jostled into “I am a function of power in this world, here to serve love and with love.” It’s not about awakening to your spirit for you; it’s about awakening to your power.

And here is how that awakening comes about: only ever through love. “Samuel, why do you harp so much on love? We all like love. Love is a nice thing. All right already. There’s all kinds of love. We get that.” But the love I’m speaking of is, as you would see white light, I see love.

As light comes into this universe and Vesta Helios breaks it into the multiple facets that you think of as color and sound, so it all is only Source. But Source functioning at this slow a frequency—no matter how high it may seem to you—is impossible. So it is expressed—its greatest function in this universe—as love. And the love that I have for you and the love that you have for each other is only a shadow, and a pitiful shadow, of that greater love.

So what is the best thing to do? Love with everything you’ve got, at all times, with no excuses. Because truly giving love is going to change you while it changes the world you’re a part of.

While you are doing that, remember two important things. The first one is, don’t follow your passion, because your passion is based on what you had for breakfast, and if you’ve gotten enough exercise today, and where you went to school, and what your parents drove into your brain for eight thousand years. Your passion changes—thank all the gods. If it did not change, you’d still be doing what you were so excited about in fourth grade. Oh, that’s a scary thought.

Don’t follow your passion, follow your heart. And the way you follow your heart is, you listen to the beats very carefully, and . . . no, not that heart, the metaphorical heart. The way that you follow your truest love is by doing what makes you happy. Mind you, I did not say, “What brings you happiness,” because that’s like passion.

Or shopping. Sorry.

S: Or cooking, or walking dogs, or . . .

What makes you happy is part of the tuning you went through in filtering here. So there are parts of you that are only going to be happy doing certain things, and you’re happy about them because you’re good at them. “Oh, wait, no, no, no, no, that can’t be right. Remember, no pain, no gain.” Right. Not at all.

In fact one of the signs that you’re not following your heart is you’ve got lots of pain, because you’re constantly beating your head up against the wall, because you’re not following the path where things are flowing with your ease. Instead, you took the easy road. “Samuel, I have not taken an easy road. I am here to tell you it’s not easy and I work very, very hard.” No, you chose the road that would allow you to have the things you wanted in life. And what you need to look at is, “What do the things I have in life say about what I want?” What’s important to you shows up in the world around you, and for some people they’re going to learn that apparently what they really want is chaos, or what they really want is to feel kind of alone and unhappy because that’s what they have. That’s taking the easy way, because you’ll only be unhappy.

But when you are happy, you begin to find that anything works. The old “go with the flow, baby” or maybe dude, I’m not sure. Go with the flow is all about not banging your head up against the wall. And when you find you are head-banging and it’s not a heavy-metal rock concert, then you need to recognize that you’re off the path, you’re doing the wrong thing, and it’s time to start looking at what makes your heart happy, because that’s going to be that flow that you need.

Poof! You’re a great Source.

Why, thank you. I appreciate that.

“Are the Aishy or Twathadadonen real now? Where are they? How do we communicate with them?”

S: Although it is a terrible way to refer to them, you would think of them as the fairy folk. All right? But Fay’ene is a better word. Fay’ene.

[. . .]

S: No, Fay’ene

Fay’ene. Fay’ene.

S: Yes, that’s very close to it. Yes.


S: Or maybe better still, the elemental kingdom, because that’s probably the easiest way.

Remember that just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Just because you can’t smell it doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a smell. You have a very limited system—I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry—and because you have this very limited system there are all kinds of things going on in this very room right now that I know you’re not seeing because you’re looking at me. And you would be looking all around you otherwise. I appreciate you looking at me. Thank you very much. I like to be looked at. However . . .

What do you see?

S: Stop it, Bonnie.

However, there are ways to see. And the Fay’ene are pretty easy to see. Yes, you can do it by putting out a little bread and honey, but you may find that you draw more bugs than folk you are not used to looking at. But ask. Ask! You know how, when you’re trying to explain something to somebody, that you have certain assumptions that go on with it. And those assumptions are “I don’t need to tell you to breathe. You’re going to do that automatically. And I don’t need to tell you that this is light, because you understand what light is.” When you’re conversing with somebody it’s not all that unusual that you have certain assumptions.

I tend to have the assumption that, of course, you’re going to ask the Universe to help you with something, and yet I have found that is an improper assumption. So let me say, ask the Universe, “Universe I would to see the Fay’ene. I think it would probably be easiest if I started seeing them in my dream states so I’d know what I was looking for, but I’m all right with anything.”

These folk love to do this to you when you least expect it. No, you don’t usually go “oh.” You usually go [gasp], don’t you? “Something touched me!” or “Something sat on the bed,” or the dog is going . . . and you thought it was a squirrel didn’t you? It’s not.

So what you want to remember is that they are here, but you’re going to have to retrain yourself to see. And part of that reason is because for so long humanity has done nothing but harm these beings. And so they have receded, stepped back. But they can be seen. But you must be willing to see them, and that’s going to involve a certain amount of self-confidence and trust. Ask! Start looking. Look in clouds. Look especially in shrubbery, especially in areas very densely populated with the earth and plant kingdom, large blank spots. Look particularly at new and full moons. Keep it in your mind, but ask.

Once you’ve asked and the first time you see something that makes you say, “you know that could be eyes looking at me,” then start asking to see and hear so that you may communicate. And you might need to say “And speak in a language I can understand.” And when it happens that you think you’ve seen something, and you are particularly in a natural area—in your house it might just be spirit nudging—but you’re particularly in a natural area and you think you’ve seen something, greet it with reverence—respect, that’s the word I should have used. Respect, and love. “Greetings, my friend, if you’re there.” Don’t look directly at it; use the sides of your eyes, and ask it to come forth.

Now, having said all of that, be careful what you ask for. The Fay’ene are not joy guides and they’re very powerful beings on their own. They are not what you read about in stories, even though many stories convey a lot of what they’re about. They’re not little tiny winged beings. They’re not great big tall, hunky, pointy-eared beings. These are beings with a job, and you don’t want to just be taking up their time for the benefit of your ego. “Oh, I saw a fairy.”

The work that I gave in Nevis about opening portals is also excellent for calling fairies.

We’re just not going to get through them all are we? All right.

All right. “In September you spoke about the dire conditions of the financial markets. Could you follow up with your observations on the current financial situation in as much detail as possible?”

S: Well, first I will say get in contact with Dan Ascani. All right? You know my friend, Dan, and if you don’t you can ask somebody. He lives in Florida and his whole work is proving exactly what I said. Sorry, Dan. That’s where you’ll get all of the details that you want, all of them, because he has followed this all over the world.

The second part of it is, if it were not for your Federal Reserve, who is now inching those rates up, you would be in very dire straits. And as I said, your country’s government and, even beyond that, those financial makers who pretty much run the government are going to do everything they can to hide their injustices in order to keep you tame. Just that blunt. Just that clear.

Your economy—I’m talking about your world, not your country—your economy is in massive collapse. Read the news that actually tells you something. Pay attention. Your countries around your planet are on a precipice. The United States is as well, and if you look underneath, you’ll see it pretty clearly. Interest rates are going up, and people don’t have what they need when a small group does.

In addition, you are in a galactic time of revolution. You put hard-working yet oppressed across your world together with the frequency of revolution, something’s going to change. I don’t see that things are better. I don’t see that they are horribly worse for you, but you’re not Europe, Asia, and Africa, and not so much South America, because they’re already pretty destitute, because if you were, you would say “We are in crisis.” Keep your eyes open.

“Samuel, at the Inner Light Festival you spoke of Ascension versus harvest. What is harvest?”

S: Starting over very, very quickly.

“I’ve heard that the energy in Lexington is special. What makes that so?”

S: You. Really.

This is a crossing point of multiple energy lines. It is a vast portal area. It is a part of old prophesies. The area here is very powerful and it draws powerful to it—like attracts like. So when I say you, I mean that. That’s not saying that all are awake and active, but it is saying that there are massive amounts of very powerful energies here, below the earth, on the earth, around the earth, here, and that includes you.

“For many years you have designed and had [Phoenix’s] Program Development Committee implement The Guardianship Program, a program designed to make Guardians the best they can be. But this year you didn’t. Please explain why you didn’t create a Guardianship Program this year. Thank you.”

S: Because I thought it was time for you to create your own instead of constantly waiting for me to create it for you. I think that’s true with a whole lot of things, not just The Guardianship Program.

Okay, I hope get this. There are some spellings I’m not sure about.

“What other types of seeding besides caldera do Star Seeds occur?” [or] “What other types of settings besides caldera do Star Seeds occur?”

S: Try another . . . mainly because when a question starts with something that isn’t accurate, I can’t answer it without going through “Let’s make this more accurate this way.”

However, what’s behind that question would make a great interview, so consider clarifying it and making it an interview.

“Are we all ETs or have ET aspects wanting to ascend to star level?”

S: You are all ETs, but all that means is you are not originally of earth, and you already know that, don’t you? You could not be. But if you are referring to it as are we all Martians? No, you’re not.

I try not to say this all that often because it just sounds so darn cultish, and I don’t like that, but, if you stop and think about it, my work is not about waking people up. I don’t work with babies. I don’t! You are drawn to this work for one reason only, and that is because you function at a high enough frequency that you don’t run out of here pulling your hair out, screaming, because something touches you. And what it is that’s touching you is the compact that you made to be a part of helping this earth now, which is what my work is about.

I don’t work with those who are awakening; I work with the awakened. And the next phase of your recognition in that is that that’s going to mean that you are not on the earth wheel, that you are here for a specific purpose, and that what you are is a function from the stars.

Now, “the stars,” that sounds pretty. For you, the origin of your spirit essence, your creation point, for you that is simply home. And so, precisely when you awaken to that is that point in which you have started activating those genetic strands beyond your currently recognized double, double helix, and you have activated enough that you realize you’re not human. You recognize that by realizing that typical human activities aren’t satisfying you. You want more. And when you move outside of yourself, you find a sense of “I’m not from this dimension.” And it will whisper to you occasionally, and you start listening, and you begin changing more. And then you’re not of this domain, and you are not of this cycle, and you are not of this universe. You’ll never, in this life, be able to confirm that. What would be the purpose? But you will know it in yourself, and that, that, requires your paying attention to you. Being able to move beyond the mores of earth, and getting stuck in the humanness, until you allow yourself to no longer be human, you’ll never be able to touch the stars you are from.

So the big key: stop wallowing in your humanity; ask and it will be opened to you. And I mean that. You’ll wake up one night, and sitting on your bed looking at you, or you’re laying on your back looking at the stars, and crossing the sky in front of you, the universe will let you know. It’s not hard. It wants you to know, but it’s not going to let you know as long as there’s no purpose for it, you can’t do anything with it, or it scares the bejesus out of you. Guaranteed.

All right, the rest of these need to wait. I have gotten every signal I can get from more than just Stuart: “You’ve got to stop.” They’re going to run out of film.

You did a great job.

Thank you.

S: You’re a good Source.

I learned from the best.

S: Aye, well, there’s a lot of the best in here, that’s true.

You can keep writing questions because they make excellent newsletter interview and Responds questions. I particularly like the one about the seedings because it’s pretty easy to expand that out into an interview, so play with that. That could be fun.

In the meantime, April. No, don’t get excited. You’re going to have a lot of solar activity, but not big energetic transmissions. So, hopefully, you’ll be able to take a break. Use it as the opportunity to grow and expand and change without having to get hit over your head for it to happen. Let this be an easy month for you. 


Thank you.

S: You are so welcome.