July 5, 2015

Samuel: Greetings, dears.

Greetings, Samuel.

S: All right.

Where did you come from? Oh, we can’t ask that question, can we?

S: You’ve been there. You should know.

So, feeling good?

Great, thank you.

S: Good.

[. . .]

S: Aye, well, there’s a reason for that.

It’s good to remember that when you come into these bodies you choose the time and the technology. And as with anything, balance is needed. It doesn’t mean go heave-ho with everything or anything. It means balance, and use all that’s out there, which is always a smart thing to do. So that’s what you’re doing, and that’s very wise.

So Source One and Source Two. How do you do?

Very well, thank you.


And you?

S: Always excellent.


S: So, how are you doing.



S: Renewed?


S: Tired?

Me? A little, but great.

S: Puppy?

Doing better, so much better. It’s just a continuation of miracles.

S: You know why.


S: Good. Good. You call, they answer. Key there?


S: Got it.

I got it. I was saved at the ritual. I was saved.

S: Well, we’ve got a few questions. Maybe you’ve got a few answers. Let’s go for it.

Stuart, you’re way over there. It works?

You’re obviously over there. This is where I always stay.

S: All right. Well smile pretty.

We can trade places if you want.

S: I’d rather not.

You want to go first?


“Okay. After the Solstice ritual it was my understanding that the energy has/is shifting, and our ability to make use of that energy has changed. Should we make any modifications in the way we are manifesting directly from the Source Field, and if so what specific changes should we make in the process?”

S: All right. The first question is, which energy is being referred to there that you believe is shifting?

Mmm, that “the energy has/is shifting.”

S: All right, which energy are you referring to there?

I guess the . . . um, the one that was coming in from . . . the . . .

S: All right, the energy at the ritual itself. Well the cosmic energy that’s coming forth is . . . that was culminating at the solstice, that energy that moved into the Earth itself and then moved up through you for the purpose of balance, that energy isn’t continuing to change because that energy is complete. However, until ’17 energy is continuing to come to Earth. Energy as a whole, however, is constantly shifting because you are constantly changing.

So there are several ways this question can be answered, and I’m looking for some direction from the writer of the question as to how you’re wanting me to answer it. It’s really not an anonymous thing here.

Well, actually, Samuel, this is from Rebecca.

S: Ah, don’t you know. All right. Any idea?

She didn’t specify. I think it was the energy at the solstice.

S: All right, so the energy of the solstice then. All right, let’s tune in to Rebecca and let’s help with that then.

Well, Rebecca, as a whole that particular energy and what was done at the ritual, and what you did by igniting another level within your Light Body, and what that’s going to be doing for you, and what you want to be doing to keep that balance going—let’s answer it that way, all right, because that’s going to be really important.

Here are things you can do for that, because that’s going to probably be good information for all of you and all of your life. First, remember that you want to be functioning at your highest and best frequency any time, all the time. So what are the things you can be doing to be functioning at your best, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually as a whole anyway?

Well, that’s not so hard to answer, because you’ve been working on that every day of your life and you know those answers. So what might be new? What is something that you might really want to be focusing on right now?

And I’m going to be giving you a couple of things that you might really want to be focusing, and unfortunately I’m going to be giving it to you not as some positives, like I usually try to do. I’m going to give them to you, unfortunately, as negatives, as “Don’t do this,” instead of “Do this,” mainly because it’s going to be faster and easier.

Go for it.

S: [Laughing] Go for it.

Right now there’s a lot happening with fear manipulation. Don’t fall into that trap. There’s way too much of that going on. You’re very vulnerable right now. Don’t fall into it. The world’s not going to end. The world as you know it isn’t going to end in the next few months or in the next couple of years. It can’t. It won’t. It’s not going to happen. I’ll tell you why another time. Not until the Plan is complete. It’s not there yet. All right? No worries. Don’t fall into the trap. It’s a manipulation.

Next thing: don’t take on a survivalist mentality. It’s another fear manipulation.

Do not fall into separation mentality. Unity, unity, unity. Say that word.


S: Unity.

Next thing: do you understand what non-judgment means? Do you understand what it means with regard to other individuals’ freedom of choice? Do you understand what it means with regard to their choices, with regard to what they wear, what they eat, what they choose to do with their bodies, with their exercise plans, with their money, with their . . . whatever else. Stop judging your friends, your friends’ spirituality. “Samuel, I don’t do that!” Stop judging yourself. Bingo.

Big one right now, if you’re taking notes, here is the note. Make it big across the top: Stop denying your power. Hear this, you really are getting, hearing, seeing, it.

Next thing to write right under that: “I’m not making it up,” because you’re going to be getting a lot more of it, and it’s important that you get used to it. But right in line with that needs to be a firm handle on discernment, and you need to learn balance with that. I’m still answering the same question.

And all of this is going to be coming, and the cherry on top with the button of issues with authority, and your issues that come with “What am I doing with my life? Am I fulfilling my dreams, my purpose, my desires? Am I doing the right thing?” All of that kind of thing. And I want to remind you—and this is kind of harsh, if you will—the Universe really doesn’t mind what your job is. You’re here to serve. How you support that is up to you. It’s not about I’m here to write a book, or teach a class, or sculpt a horse, or . . . You’re here because you compacted to be here, because this world is here at a time of transition, and everything else is an illusion. Everything else is about supporting that compact.

That’s the cold heart of it. It’s a tough habit to support. And it’s very, very easy to get very caught up in the human life of it all and all the trappings of its success. And that’s not to say that that lovely success can’t be a means to serve, because it certainly can, but when it becomes the purpose, you’ve lost, and that’s dangerous.

I knew there was something there. She’s decorating her feet.


Thank you [. . .]

S: Good work.

“How were all of the nine locations on the planet opened as a result of the Solstice working at Serpent Mound.”

S: Because when one was opened, they were all opened, that’s how. That was quick and easy.

Oh, okay.

S: There was something [. . .] over here. He was protecting you.

I see.

S: Aye.

That’s all.

S: Too bad you guys.

“You have counseled us to minimize time around electronics when it’s work related. Luminosity is an online program of brain exercises, simple games meant to sharpen different cognitive skills such as memory, problem-solving and to . . .”

S: I’m not impressed.

That’s my question. Let me reword that because I’ve probably made it an advertisement. I realized that after I wrote it.

S: Doesn’t matter. I’m not impressed.

Well, do you think it’s a detrimental thing to spend time doing?

S: Detrimental?

In the sense of the energy impact of sitting at your computer.

S: Probably not, but I suggest that you limit tremendously. And that you remember that you’re getting so much electromagnetic frequency from so many sources that are impacting your not only physical and mental body, but they’re also affecting your auric self and having an effect that is very disruptive to your greater energy, making it challenging for strong, consistent, high-level frequency that you need to sure that you are cutting out as much as you can, and that your pineal is as clear as possible if you are going to purposefully be putting in even more. And you need to be sure that there is definite science behind what you’re doing.

This is kind of a follow-up to my previous question. “What might be the impact of the other eight sites activating? And they also ask where their location [is], but we know that you’re not going to consider that.”

S: The very same impact, because the idea is the same that the energy will, in balance, move forward across the planet and into all life force, creating a higher frequency. And as a result of that, a more balanced move toward Sacred Status. That is always, always, always, the destination, the desired result.

Do you want to give any other locations besides Serpent Mound?

S: One in northwest India, two in Egypt, one in Scotland—guess who was there taking care of it, representing the world. Two . . . one in Africa, and one in the Pacific. One partial in a land mass that is in development that I won’t go into. And is that all of them?

One more.

S: Have you counted Serpent Mound?


S: All right, let me go around. Did I say South Africa?

You said one in Africa.

S: I said one in Africa.

And two in Egypt.

S: Okay, two in Egypt, that’s one, two . . . all right, South Africa. Egypt’s . . . Africa’s very, very large. And also the Pacific, yes?


S: All right, good. Got that.

Is there two in Africa.

S: Well, actually there’s a total of four. One, two, three, four.

I actually was going to have a map created that pinpointed all of them. Maybe I’ll still do that for you. Perhaps put it on the website. We’ll see if that can be done.

Still protecting you.

“Please talk about the reasons that a soul would choose a transgender experience. Is it to bring more diversity to the human experience in order to facilitate acceptance and tolerance? Is it a sacrifice of love for that soul, or is it more generally a life lesson they have chosen. And if it is the latter, what would that life lesson be?”

S: I know that it may seem, particularly in this society, that it would be a very difficult and harsh lesson to choose a transgender experience, but in actuality it’s very important to remember that spirit itself is asexual, and that the higher your frequency, the less sexual you become. And in reality, the more your soul evolves the less you experience a relationship with either masculine or feminine gender experience at all.

So the very idea of coming in with a definite gender experience tends to be an average experience, and choosing transgenderism tends to be something that those of a higher frequency choose as are gays, bisexuals, or asexualism, polysexualism. Any of the alternative sexualisms tend to be a higher frequency type, because it’s going against that which . . . it’s a transition in society’s thinking; that’s the easiest way to say it. But when it is the actual physical bodies, the body itself has a soul that . . . that recognizes that the body is different than its own energy is. Do you understand what I’m saying there?


S: That, oh, the body and the physical energy itself are two different things here. What’s happened here? That’s a very definite choice, because you choose the body. Remember that. So that lesson has been chosen, and only a high-frequency being would make that choice.

Now, you’ve got to remember, just like perhaps your . . . whom you would think of as maybe your very worst enemy, once you are out of the body you find was indeed your truest soul mate, who chose to take that role because it was the only way you would learn the lessons you truly, truly needed.

Only a high-frequency being could know that taking a life that difficult would allow the opportunities for that kind of growth and change here, at this time, in this society where so many changes are coming about.

There are some real awakenings happening through a lot of pain, a lot of sacrifice. Some very hard choices have been made by some very high-frequency beings, many who even now don’t remember that. So you remember that, when you are with those beings—they don’t always remember. So it’s usually unremembered, but always the choice of a high-frequency being.

Thank you.

“In the past you have encouraged us to get involved in fostering change in writing our representatives, etc. In the last Lifescapes you talked about the different densities. Being concerned with social and political issues seems to be a part of a lower density.”

I’ll say like three or four.

S: Agreed.

How can one do both—function at a higher density and work at a social and political level?

S: Send energy.

[To Source Two] You get all the long questions tonight don’t you? Lower density speed.

“How has the cosmic energy that came to the planet on the solstice quickened our movement toward Sacred Status? Does it look like it will happen within the next decade?”

S: Well, as long as there is free will, I cannot see the future.

But you see potentialities.

S: Potentially? I sure hope so. That was a short one. That was for you. Somebody out there is saying, “Darn!”

“If Antarctica was free of its ice cover, what would be the nature of the civilization and its archeological sites that would be revealed?”


S: Palm trees and hula girls? Well, not far from that.

A lot of mountains along the coast—is this what you’re asking?—a lot of mountains along the coast; further inland, fairly flat tending towards a lot of British Gaelic-like terrain, and much higher technology in the second and third Earths.

It was pretty pastoral for quite some time. It went through . . . I’m not real sure what’s being asked. Can you help?

At one time you mentioned three different possible race . . . not . . . species. So was Antarctica Homo sapiens, or was it one of those Neanderthal, or there was the big tall . . .

S: Ah.

I mean, like, whose civilization is it also? Oh, I kind of knew something beyond the intent of the question, didn’t I?

S: Antarctica was . . . it was a star base. Is that what you wanted to know?

Yes. Thanks.

S: Did you get that, Stuart?


S: All right. In this . . . let’s see . . . in the Sirian version, it was a star base. So you can have fun with that.

More at the upcoming Lifescapes?

S: Probably the one after that. It’s all right you made up for it with that one. It’s averaging.

Please share some ways to connect with the crystal that we received at the Summer Solstice so that we might know how to work with them.

S: I don’t think anybody got this at the Summer Solstice. Somebody planted it in their garden. Whoa.

All right. That’s more likely.

All right. Anybody have their crystal from that night? All right. You just . . . well, of course, there are many ways to connect with your crystals, and everybody’s going to have a different way. I very much like the way that the Form does it, but everybody’s going to have their own version. But generally speaking, what you might want to do is just let yourself remember. And how do you let yourself remember a thing? So how do you let yourself remember?

Well, a big help is being in proximity to what you’re trying to remember and the people involved.

S: Well, having your crystal from the event is going to help you remember. So having it in hand is going to help you remember. So put it between your hands and that’s going to help.

Do you ask to merge with the crystal?

S: Well, the Form’s version of it, to ask to merge your crystalline being with its crystalline being, and that’s a very good thing to do. But to remember you want to remind yourself of where you were, and put it into Sensurround. And by that I mean give yourself the memory of the time and the place, what it sounded like, smelled like, felt like, looked like. Put yourself there. Put yourself into a specific scene. As much as you can, put yourself into a time of power there, and hold that crystal in your hand, and ask yourself to remember, and ask it to help you remember. And let your mind accept what you remember.

Now, I have told you before that the mineral kingdom is Ascended, and has all kinds of information for you, and that what it is wanting right now is to communicate. It’s not at all difficult to get information from it. What is difficult is for you to accept what you’re getting. That’s the hard part—for you to be willing to say, “Oh, I got that.” So it’s more about you trusting than it is you receiving. So you work on that.

What would you call this other than one big honking crystal?

It’s sold as an Isis crystal, a goddess crystal.

S: Isis crystal.

It’s from Brazil. I got it on eBay for Phyllis. It’s just got the perfect hand-hold right here, and . . .

[. . .]


S: I love the names you all give these crystals.

It gets called an Isis crystal because it’s got a five-sided facet. I wouldn’t have called it an Isis crystal per se, but it was sold that way and that’s good. It’s got great balance to it. You might even say it’s Lemurian based on the striations, but it’s definitely Brazilian.

S: Why?

It’s got the sides, the shape, the clarity—they’re all very Brazilian.

S: And it just has Iponema written all over it, doesn’t it?

I love it!

[Humming the song]

S: I was waiting. All right.

Is it you?

“Hi, Samuel.”

S: Hi.

“How karma works for individuals is fairly straightforward, so please explain how karma works for corporations as to how they, their policies and their products affect individuals in the world, both inside the corporations and out.”

S: Actually, the very same way. It really isn’t different. That’s why I warn Phoenix regularly, “You get karma. Don’t think you don’t.” When your government said, “Corporations are people,” one of the things that they did not say, “and they get karma.”

That’s one of the things that need to be taken into account when you are working with a business that’s making decisions that are very shady. You need to, in order to clear yourself, you need to make a statement. “Now, I may be old but I’m not stupid.” And by that what I’m saying is I recognize that some of you are working in very large corporations that you will never, ever, ever see the person that’s making the big decisions—I understand that. Or the policy was made so long ago and you’ll never have anything to do with that.

What I am saying is you can speak to your supervisor and say, “I disagree with this policy, and I want it to be official that this is something that I find morally wrong. I cannot quit my job over it, but I want to officially say that I don’t think this is the right thing to do.”

But you really should take a look at finding another job, you really should, because you’re not honoring yourself by remaining in a place that’s hurting your heart because they’re doing things that cause you to have to go to your supervisor and say, “I really don’t agree with what’s going on here,” and you feel you tied in because they have money over you. Do you see what I’m saying there?

I recognize that happens. I understand how your world is working at this point, but consider that a short-term option and be looking for something else.

Watch out.

S: Now the gods are looking out for you aren’t they?

“Please explain why you made the changes you did in the Star Weaving and Toning, and what effect those changes will have on us.”

S: Ah, because I am capricious and like change, and because I thought you were capricious and would enjoy change. Not a good enough answer. All right. Something else.

Well, other than the above is all true, you’re very, very different now. Of course, you are different every day, but with the energy that’s been coming through over the last—certainly eighteen months, but especially since the last five years—you don’t function with the same response to Toning that you have been, and you have needed this change. And after the work at the Solstice, in order to maintain the balance work, Star Weaving is a ritual of its own, and it works to balance what the tone of Toning does to the body.

So when it changed, the pitch changed, in order to keep that balance going, the ritual of Star Weaving changed, and all of it reflects maintaining the balance of the work of the Solstice. So it’s all about your change.

“Before the solstice, you made a change in the seventh statement to “I AM a manifestation of Source consciousness in the world.” Why did you make that change?”

S: Because most of you had moved beyond Avataric consciousness, and it was no longer necessary to hold that as a reflection.

I also asked what affect those changes have on us. That was the last part of it.

S: Well, I answered that.


“Do we still continue to use the 528 [Hz] chime as the last part of the DNA exercise, or do we shift to the new chime frequency, which would be 432 [Hz].”

S: Your choice. Your choice. Generally speaking, if you took part . . . here is a good rule: if you took part in the Summer Solstice ritual, move to 432 [Hz]. If you did not, remain with 528 [Hz].

If you took part in the Summer Solstice ritual but you weren’t all there, or you were distracted, or maybe you’re doing the DNA work and you’re not really feeling it that day, stick with the 528 [Hz]. It’s always good for you. It will never hurt. It’s yesterday; it’s not today. But it’ll never hurt. Whereas 432 [Hz] is tomorrow. It’s not going to hurt you, but it might do nothing, and I’d rather have something than nothing, you see?

I wouldn’t know which one [of several nearly identical questions] to throw out.

S: Because they’re all about chimes?

Well, they’ve been covered for the most part. This kind of plays off if I can . . .

“We deal with frequencies. Does the lower frequency, namely 432 [Hz], keep Guardians from achieving their optimum frequency?”

S: How?

I don’t know. Maybe we could get verification.

That was my question, and my question is concerned with frequency. You went from here down to here, and we are dealing with a lower frequency. Is it going to be more difficult for us to reach our optimum frequency from using the lower in Toning?

S: Well if you’re referring spiritually, not at all. If you’re referring physically, meaning insofar as intonation, I would think so, [it] might even be easier for a lot of people. Spiritually speaking though, it’s actually easier on the energy system because you’re functioning at an energy that works better with that particular frequency.

Thank you.

S: My pleasure.

[. . .]

It’s a boomerang question.

“What kind of physical beings anywhere out there in space?”

S: Again.

“What kind of physical beings anywhere out there in space?”

Well they’ve scratched out “are there,” but . . .

“Are there physical beings out there in space?”

S: Yes.

What kind?

S: Different kinds? All kinds? I’m not sure how to answer that. Maybe a little more specificity? Out there in outer space, there are some people in the . . .

Space station.

S: . . . space station. Humans. Non-humans. What you think of as angels—I don’t call them that.

Well, on the sci-fi channel they have reptilians too.

S: Reptilians.


S: That’s like lizards right?


You’ve been watching Star Trek.

Let’s see. So, “Samuel, by participating in a lot of rituals, I seem to have accumulated a lot of crystals. Would these be ideal to take to Nevis and leave behind like the trip instructions say?”

S: Well, only if you’re wanting to leave them behind. There are a lot of other things you could do with them, but you definitely are going to need to have some with you that you are willing to leave behind, because you are going to be doing some work there that is going to involve planting them for specific purposes.

So we might not want to leave our favorites down there.

S: I don’t recommend it. That would be . . .


S: Well, you know they bond to you, and that would be sort of sad. Well, how many of you have crystals that have grown fond of you and you of it? Exactly. And so if you left it behind it would sort of . . . might have its feelings hurt. That would be kind of sad.

For a member of an ascended kingdom to have its feelings hurt?

S: It could happen.

We’ll take more questions. The leftovers will go into the newsletter.

S: What’s happening to the time, Stuart?

We’ve been an hour and three minutes.

S: That’s good to know insofar as what the . . .


S: Marion, I should ask you.

It doesn’t matter anymore.

S: Really?


S: Well, good.


S: We used to have to limit it for the public access, that’s right, for the television thing. So we can indeed take a few more. Well, good. Why don’t you call?


Thank you. I have found out that . . . I don’t have complete genes in certain categories, and it affects . . .

S: Sallie!

I won’t tell who didn’t, but I was wondering if with the bringing in of the new DNA, is it possible, and how might I make it happen, to correct or fill in the genetic structure that might be missing, if I know what it is?

S: It depends. It depends upon whether or not it’s a part of the compact you’ve made and therefore the blueprint that you’ve created with regard to that compact. And what I’m saying there is, certain things within your compact specifically have to do with the nature of the work that you’re doing. If you have a particular disability that is a part of what you’re going to be doing here, then healing that would mean you’re not going to be able to do part of your work here. So, no, you won’t fix that because you will have put a failsafe on that.

On the other hand, if it’s something that has mutated, and you have mutated so many things all the time—right now, constantly mutating, which is really a very, very, very good thing—yes, you can even mutate very big things. And that’s because you are constantly repairing very small things all the time. Remember that. So.

Is there a way to go about that that will be most effective, if there are such things that would be okay to change?

S: Well, actually, your DNA exercises are a very, very good way to do it, but the first step needs to be taking a very good look at what your compacts are, and whether or not this is going to be something that is related to . . . is this a part of what your life is about or not?

But for you particularly, I think specifically for you, you want to be looking at vibratory ways for healing, because you relate so strongly to that. So for you I would look more in that direction.

Thank you.

S: Very welcome. Greg’s turn.


Samuel, my question is, with all of the shift in the energy now that is coming in, the work we’ve done with the Solstice, we are still dealing in the planet with political behaviors such as China and Russia, Syria. What direction is that going to kind of take it in? Is it going to kind of calm down? Are the people going to kind of get things moving their way. Bumps in the road to come, something like . . . what is the energy going [. . .]

S: I bet a whole bunch of you in here could answer that question. Somebody.

It depends.

S: Well, that’s probably a pretty good answer.

Free will.

S: Free will is a pretty good answer, but someone could be a little more . . .

I’m seeing changes already.

S: Good.

In mass consciousness.

S: Yes.

And in different countries where there’s major conflict zones. I am seeing greater balance coming into the human experience.

S: Absolutely. Good.

I am seeing communication enlarging and encompassing perhaps [. . .] beyond people’s comfort zones that I didn’t see before. I am seeing what would have been considered disparate groups actually coming together over issues where they’re finding common ground, and that’s one of the things we’ve been working on for a while, to bring that into our own lives. I’m seeing reflections out in the larger world of things that, as a group collectively, we’ve been working on.

S: Good. Good.

I’m going to . . . Tess, are you willing to talk to me?


S: What are you seeing amongst people your age? Are you seeing people being friendly, unfriendly. What are you seeing?

Unfriendly people.

S: Unfriendly. And when you see unfriendly people, what’s your response?

I just don’t talk to them.

S: And the reason I am asking is because you are a very good age. You’re kind of the . . . well, you’re the future. That’s what you are. You’re the future. You’re tomorrow. You are. You’re tomorrow. You’re the reflection, and what you’re seeing out there is what Donna was seeing in major countries. People not wanting to talk to each other. People not being very friendly. She’s seeing that reflection in people around her.

And the reflection it gives to her—or the feeling it gives back to her—is, well, she doesn’t want to talk to people who are being unfriendly. That’s pretty natural wouldn’t you say? You’re not really drawn to people who are . . .



S: Snarky. True. But that doesn’t change anything. Nothing gets changed that way. That’s the old way. So how do you change that?

You said that was the old way, and yet my recall is that as a child we were much freer and open to . . . now, it’s if you’re not wearing the right hairdo or the right clothes or saying the right things, it’s hard on them.

S: Well, that’s true, but I was thinking more on a political level, the old way being countries being unfriendly rather than looking on a global level—we’re all in this together; we’re all here together.

I think the best way to bridge is to find some kind of common ground, and that means maybe you share common issues, and when you start to negotiate with those common issues, then you have to really listen to each other first, rather than position yourself. So we generally do it just the reverse, you know: take our position, defend it and then listen.

So that. And as individuals you’ve always recommended to us, well, sit down and have a meal together. It’s a good way to make a bridge.

S: It requires being nice, anyway. Not thinking of yourself, your own country, being the good guy, anyway. As Guardians, you want to do the loving thing anyway.

But, you’re not here to be politicians, so when you see Syrian conflict in the news you send love to those leaders, you send energy about that situation. You create that full moon ritual about that situation, and you’ve got that group directing specific Intent to that situation. That’s what you do.

It’s . . . I’m not denying that war is in your world. I’m not denying that it’s horrible. But, you know, your media is so biased and fear-mongering, and there are so many wars going on you know so little about, and you are so focused on the wrong stuff. This is such an illusion all designed so that you focus on the world instead of what is beyond it.

Your work is about what you can do when you are working together, not in separation, and that is what frightens. Ultimately, that’s what war is about. Separation. Separation. Separation. Don’t fall into that.

Let’s take just two more, all right?


Hi, Samuel.

S: Hi.

What is a Star Seeding? What is its purpose, and how can we use it?

S: Whoa, that’s three. Which one?

How can we use it?

S: Well, remember that I don’t tend to go with usual versions of popular words, all right? How can you use it?

Because I think I’ll be going to a place that’s a Star Seeding at least once a year.

S: Oh, you will. You’ll be able to use it to regenerate your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy to remember your big-E Entity connections; more than likely to better be able to . . . if you’re able to do those big-E Entity connections then you ought to be able to very easily move interdimensionally simply because you’re making those Entity connections. But simply, by that Entity connection, it should be a very easy, good connection all around.

It was.

S: That’s why you’re there.


This is a question a two-year old would ask, and it’s going to come down to one word, which is “Why?”

S: I knew that.

Me too.

They’re usually three.

My question is, we have this separation from Source, and we came down here, we’re going through Sacred Status, get back together, blah, blah. [It] seems like a cosmic game. It’s very often not fun to play. Why is this experiment? Why are we here? I mean not just to say to achieve Sacred Status. It’s like why did we decide to have the game to achieve Sacred Status.

Why not?

S: Well it wasn’t a why-not thing, it was more of a . . . it was more of an evolution, actually. The out-breath of Source released life force, and life force established function. And you know the pattern began, and that pattern established a process, and that process ultimately became life.

Life organized. That organization ultimately became what you recognize as a universe that ultimately became—and here you are. But it’s an evolutionary process that to this which looks like is a thing, to Source is a piece. Do you see what I’m saying there? And this thing has a will of its own that is by far beyond any original idea. So it was interesting to let it continue and see, but it’s not the only thing, it’s a piece, but kind of like an ant colony that thinks it’s the whole world. You don’t want to stop it from thinking that, because if you did it would no longer be the same ant colony would it? But you know it’s not. But on the other hand you also realize that there are going to be some ants that are quite remarkable, and they are going to come to the top of the heap, and they are going to recognize that there is quite a different world out there. And they might even take over the colony. And they might even start some new colonies. And they might even create their own worlds, and keep the whole thing going.

But you see that’s what throws it all off. Nobody wants to think that . . . creation stories want to make it purposeful. In the beginning God created man. Well, heaven and earth first, right, but man, but it all evolved this way [blows out] sort of, and like it.

And here is the important part of it: it’s you. You’re that piece. You’re that breath, that Intent, that evolution, that Source that blew it out there. This body you are borrowing for a short while because it’s handy, sitting in this universe because it’s handy, asking why because there is a piece of you that knows something isn’t exactly right. It doesn’t quite make sense. “Why in the heck would I do this?”

What was I thinking?

S: It doesn’t really make sense. They’re not really nice. They don’t quite get it. I know there’s more out there. There really has to be more.” And there is. It is true. You are carbon; you are hydrogen; you are star dust, and you are so much more because what you are is Source.

And the why is because it happens. And it’s not that it happened, it’s that it didn’t stop. That’s the thing. It’s not the why, it’s the why not? It’s always the why not? It’s always, always, always why not?

There is magic in your world, and you are about to watch it come back. It’s time don’t you think? I’m ready, aren’t you?


S: Good Source.
