March 1, 2009
[Samuel was joined on the podium by Heidi Shedlow.]
Samuel: Hello, dears. Do you have questions already?
Heidi: I do. Some came on to the website.
S: Lovely.
Heidi: And some were handed to me earlier. And there may be more.
S: And since this is Questions and Answers night, if you have a question that you want asked, pass it right up, and if it does not get answered this week then the . . . what number?
Heidi: Fifteenth. March fifteenth.
S: We are good to do it again. I love questions and answers for a couple of reasons. One of them is because it always gives me an interesting perspective as to what you are thinking about these days. Sometimes it is sort of scary, but.
And I enjoy sharing the answering process with you. Because you know don’t you, that if you can ask it, you know what the answer is. It works that way: if you can ask it, you know what the answer is. At least a part of you; sometimes it’s a part that is hidden enough that you don’t quite remember that you know the answer to it, but when other people give it to you in the words of everyday life, sometimes it clicks right in and you say, Yeah, that’s what I thought, that’s what I thought. And that’s pretty good.
We’ve got the dogs here, excellent.
Is it [the dog’s leash] just attached?
S: We can make it about that much longer.
[To Hapi] Hello, dear, don’t you wish you could just lay day up here and sleep with your girlfriend Heidi?
[To Heidi] And you’re going to be Source tonight?
Heidi: I am. A girl Source. When the boy sources are away the girls get to play.
S: Excellent, excellent, kind of way, mini me. Aye, I think I stole that from Frank’s brain. And as Source, you know the rules?
Heidi: Yes, and I want to clarify something. I think your instructions were only one question per card per sheet?
S: They were. And you have a bunch of cheaters?
Heidi: I have a couple, yes.
S: Don’t you know, don’t you know. And try to aim them right about there at that Hapi dog when you toss them out.
Heidi: I will do that; and that we ask and you can say whatever you want.
S: It’s going to begin with my asking you a question. Now, first, what do you think that question is?
What have you done to make somebody’s day better and brighter?
S: What have you done to make somebody’s life better and brighter today? How about a few of those? All right, love
I made a birthday cake for somebody.
S: And did you get to share it yet.
We had it and ate it together today.
S: Excellent, excellent. Aye.
Cindy wasn’t feeling well tonight, and she did not have any food, so I ran by her house and brought her some.
S: And, you know, that’s making a whole lot of people better and brighter. How about one from over here? Hmm, these are the “not doing better and brighter” bunch. Lakshmi, love you made my life better and brighter with your very lovely set of announcements, thank you very much. Well done. And what is it you were going to offer?
I was going to say that I taught about twenty-five to thirty girls dance today, and I hopefully infused their lives with light and love and of Source to them and gave them a lot of positive reinforcement and taught them how they could work with their bodies better.
S: Excellent, excellent. And, of course that is not only a gift for now, but one of those gifts goes on and on and on.
[Hapi approaches Samuel.] Hello, dear; you remember me? We have done this already. There you go, look it over. No, I will not look it over. The first thing that you need to remember is that everyone of these beings here, everyone of them, are here because they have chosen to guide and guard all life force, so they love you; you are safe here. Obviously not safe enough to be let go, but pretty close or not. Well, you know that he knows the story is that he is supposed to curl up in the back there and go to sleep, but he says there is no room, and it is so?
One more, better and brighter—how did you do it? All right.
I took an opportunity to read the OneHeart, putting my walk off until after dark, and I sent e-mails to three different people who had posted energy requests, because that made me feel better.
S: And it does so much to the person who put the request out there; it helps so much, you know that.
Questions and answers: You have questions, I have answers; sometimes they fit together. Let’s go.
Heidi: All right. “Samuel, in a brief discussion about the completion of Sacred Status you have said all structures will come down. Were you referring to governments, banks, churches, social, etc? If so, does this also mean that the U.S. and/or any other country will lose its sovereignty when government disintegrates?”
S: How many questions was that weaseled into that one?
Heidi: That’s only . . .
S: I heard three. What did you hear, eh? Before we go into the cheating questions, let’s just try single questions, and then let me say to get to that one, everything is in the process of change, everything. Change is a version of chaos for somebody that’s involved in a part of it, and very often the very chaos that troubles the world of someone you know, for you it might be the best thing that ever came about. And, it’s important to remember to teach your brain to stop being so centered on your own view of things, to be able to recognize “how it seems to me is,” or “am I wondering about because given how I see it,” as opposed to a broad generalization that assumes everybody thinks the way you do . . . ouch!
I don’t usually start off quite that much on a First Sunday, do I? But it’s an important point to remember. This is an amazing year that you are coming into, a year in which energy is going to be flowing with you in ways that it maybe hasn’t in the last couple of years. You want to be ready for it, but if your whole world is centered around you, you are going to miss it. Look out and gain, and having said that I will also throw this in: but also make sure that what you are looking out from is as clear and wise and coming from a place of great love as you can; those make big differences.
So now let’s start. Yes.
Heidi: “In the Crystal Palace meditation that is available on CD, you guide us up a staircase and mention that there are three hallways: one that goes to the left, one that goes straight ahead and one that goes to the right. Then we are led to go down the hallway on the right to the very last room where the healing room is located. Please explain the functionality behind this architectural design.”
S: Well, you might know it might not be too functional actually insofar as an architect would say in looking at it. However, what’s the visualization about, what’s the magic of the visualization?
Give your brain a roadmap.
S: Focus, give your brain a roadmap. Both of those, excellent. With the reminder of focus and with the reminder of giving your brain a roadmap, let me ask you this now: what is the Crystal Palace?
It’s a state of being for me, connecting to a larger wheel.
S: That’s good. Suzie, you said?
Whatever you want it to be.
S: That’s good. Gayle.
S: Yes, indeed it is that as well. Any more?
A spiritual connection.
S: A spiritual connection, absolutely.
A way to connect to wholeness and healing.
S: Yes, particularly so. When I am with you, when I am working with you one on one, you get it—what I am about to say and have not—in such an intense fashion that you cannot miss it. When you are sitting there right in the front row you can also get it in a pretty intense way. When I am sharing time with you, you are getting all of your selves pushed, shined and polished, fluffed. When we are sharing time together you are learning on a lot of different levels; we are conversing on a lot of different levels at any given moment, and, interestingly enough, certainly for those of you that have experienced it through the videos, through the magnetic resonance, through the different forms of sharing information that energy keeps touching through, it’s a lovely kind of magic.
When we are together even in a large group like this, I am basing everything that I say on what’s going on with your energy. As a result of that, there are a few roadside signs or way-markers—buoys in the great ocean of life, something like that—that I am trying to create in your own mind and heart, and the Crystal Palace is one of those. The Crystal Palace as I would describe it goes very much with Gayle’s description. Do you remember what it was?
S: Yes, home. A place in which your energy rests. It is really nice when you can do that. A place where your energy rests and your personality deactivates for a while so that you are not getting all that brain stuff, and at the same time you are getting some good heart stuff. But I’ve got to use that brain to get you there, though, and to make it as safe and familiar as possible.
So I do that by walking you up a mountain, because after all the journey of life is a lot of times an uphill hike isn’t it? And when you reach the top, you look across an expanse of land and you see a very interesting kind of configuration of stones: you see two large stones with lintel over the top looking very much like a doorway, and when you walk through that doorway, everything changes. And you see before you a place that your heart finds very familiar, that even your physical self is drawn to it, and it is the Crystal Palace. Now, how you see the Crystal Palace really doesn’t matter all that much to me; it could be made of something as beautiful as this [a crystal on the footrest in from of him], which would make it a living being, you know—never forget that when you are playing with crystals—or it could look something like the bricks and sticks that make up your house today.
I have you go up a certain amount of steps, and the number of those steps is usually the same, but now and again it changes depending on who is there and what they are listening to. Usually the door opens on its own, and sometimes there is somebody there greeting you, but usually not; usually you are taking yourself through. Now, you neglected to mention in the question that sometimes there is a walk through the downstairs that takes you to the kitchen—a lot of interesting things go on in the kitchen; it’s its own version of healing—that there are pictures on the wall that are sure enough you at various times of your life, a life that covers what you would think of in this world as probably thousands of years, why not?
As you go up the stairs, which is where you go if I am taking you to the healing room, there are a certain number of stairs that you go up. That again has to do with the energy of those in the room. You know that the next question next week is going to be, “What does each stair represent?” And you go up. You have three choices. Now, in the world of form the most easy three choices are the choices that every decision that you make in this world is a part of, and that is—anybody want to make a guess at it?
Right, left or straight ahead.
S: There you go: right, left, straight ahead. Thank you, Frank. Every decision that you make right now is the culmination of the wisdom that you have gained from your past. It is a step toward a new future and it is a decision made in your place of power, the now.
So three choices: the past, the present, the future. You turn into your future and you go down a bit of a journey, and it’s not just right there. You go down into your future to the last door on the right—and that’s my little own joke and I will not tell you about it. The door opens as you get to it and, depending upon what the purpose is of that particular visualization, you immediately see bright, shining beings of great love and power or you walk in and it’s something like an oddly fancy bedroom. And you are very drawn to the bed to lie down and rest. At any rate, the walls are sheets of clear crystal, allowing the light to be magnified, and the prismatic effect puts rainbows all over the room, much of that falling right into that bed where you are now laying.
All right, that gets you that far, now listen for the rest.
Heidi: It doesn’t go that easily.
S: It’s harder than it looks; you know it is; it’s harder than it looks.
Heidi: It’s easier with the card.
S: Oh, well.
Heidi: I have three questions, separate people, separate questions, but I thought that they fit together. The first one is, “What is meant by a pattern keeper?”
It’s in the newsletter.
S: All right. Don’t need that one, it’s in the newsletter. We just did the interview, which I think you will find very interesting and pattern-keeper questions are discussed in detail.
Heidi: Okay, well, I will put those behind.
S: Maybe you can throw them all at the same time.
Heidi: I hope that the job isn’t dependant on the toss.
S: Ah, well.
Heidi: “In the history of humanity has there ever been a civilization in which the culture shared spiritual beliefs were not politicized into a religion?” Only reading the first part because there are two questions.
S: [Pause] It’s not because I do not know the answer and it’s not because I am having to sift back through time studying it all. No, I am trying to think if it is even possible to have more than one person with a spiritual belief, to have a person with a spiritual belief have more than one other person there, any two people there . . . see I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to say that, and I am still doing that. As long as there are two people on the planet there is going to be religion, and the reason for that sort of sad thing is, first, you are going to have to realize, based upon religion being the definition of a spiritual belief, that is constructed in a specific fashion with things to do and not to do and beliefs you should have and not have. That relates to what you should do to best live that religious sentiment in your life. All right, I was trying to say had dogma, but I did not think I could say that nicely, so that is the best I could do with that.
Now here is why you are going to have it. You may have noticed this in your own life: humans are opinionated. Have you noticed that?
All the time.
S: Indeed, they are, and due to a very natural response to fear there is a strong need to control that which is around you so that you will not need to fear it. So from the beginning of time you have a human and you have another human, and they both have a need to control the other so that they will be safe, and in that need to control, they come up with a book of rules that they should live by in order to. So you have the picture now. The answer there is: As long as there is humanity, as long as there is dogma, as long as there is fear, there will be religion.
Now just a small and gentle aside: Religion isn’t about them. It is a desire to create a means by which the spiritual self can flourish. You just want to be careful that it’s what you need for your spirit to flourish and it’s not something that you have done so long that you do not even think about it anymore—you don’t really listen, you don’t really put it into your heart, because you should. Whatever it is that you are choosing to do in your life, your whole heart should be a part of it, and if it’s not, you want to ask yourself why. Because you don’t have enough time in your life to waste what you have.
Heidi: [throws the card crookedly] Sorry, I will pick it up.
We have a couple of questions on Egypt. “Can you please tell us, as accurately as you can, when the seeding of the river Nile occurred?”
S: As accurately as I could do it: in the second seeding.
Heidi: I am finding a technique.
S: Wad it up, throw it away.
Heidi: “Which sacred sites in Egypt are significant for the group’s Dragon work?”
S: The Nile.
Heidi: “If Hapi is the God of the Nile, which goddess brought him in to being?”
S: Hapi is creator god, which is brought in by the breath of the great creator; Hapi is a self-created being. Now, that is referring to the original mythology, not the dog; he just acts like a self-created being.
Heidi: “On several occasions during the President Bush era, you told us it did matter who the president was. Forty days into the presidency of Barak Obama do you stand by that statement?”
S: Yes.
Heidi: “In the last newsletter you implied . . .”
S: Pittsburgh
Heidi: “. . . you implied that there were more basic building blocks of cosmology than matter, energy, space and time. What are the other ones?”
S: All right, let’s take it in small pieces.
Heidi: “In the last newsletter you implied that there were basic building blocks of cosmology than matter, energy, space and time. What are the other ones?”
S: Do you have a pen with you?
Heidi: I do now.
S: Can you write a note that says, “Dear most beloved Paula and David, would you please make this an interview question, so that Samuel might be able to go into detail in a way he cannot in a short meeting like this?” Good.
I will give you a very short answer to it, an answer that is not a whole lot of fun to give. But the short answer is, remember this, anything in the world of form is cut down to nothing; it is only a factual. It’s only capable of being within its own limited rules. Anything that is form is a very boxed version; a very small and tiny piece of All That Is. The limitation means that even the explanation is a great limitation because it is form. But I will give it my best shot. Be sure that there are a few other questions, all right, because somewhere in the middle of the explanation you might say forget this, this doesn’t seem like it’s going to work.
Heidi: “You have been talking to us recently about facing our fears. You have also explained to us many times that fear is the opposite of love. I am assuming that anger must be included in the emotions that we are labeling as fear, as are the emotions of hurt, sadness and depression, since none of these emotions seems to be examples of love, at least on the surface. Can you explain how anger relates to fear?”
S: Can you explain how anger relates to fear. Now, this is one of those things that seems to me to be pretty obvious, so run that through your heart for a moment. Think about that: how is it, why is it, anger relates to fear.
For me it’s camouflage. It is easier to be angry, it feels safer to be angry, than it is to be fearful.
S: That’s good, that’s good. At least with anger you are in charge. Bobbi?
I think that when I am angry that I am wanting to rebel against whatever is out there, because I’m in a state of fear and I’m want to move away from it.
S: Good, good and certainly anger will do that. Lakshmi, Suzanne, Steven, Harvey, Gayle.
Fear for me leads to expectations. That leads to controlling behavior so that expectations are not met and I cannot control something, and then I get angry.
S: Aye, that’s good, that’s good.
When I am angry I find that it’s masking my fear of failure, I feel that I am angry at something because I feel that I have not been able to succeed at something, and so I am really angry because I do not want to feel like I am not enough.
S: Good, good.
When I am angry and things are not going the way that I want them to go, that gets back to a fear I am not enough, or the situation is not enough and I am judging it that I am not enough.
S: Good.
Sometimes it’s like I have an egotistical self-righteousness.
S: I love that part too; when you’re angry, you would not think that you are being your most egocentric at all, because you are right to be angry. And then, when things have settled a bit and you are back in your mind, you look back at that anger and you sort of feel badly about it, because anger requires you to look at you the whole time, and you don’t comfortably work that way anymore, I hope. That’s a good one.
It gives me the illusion that I have power, and if I can actually realize the fear by knowing the fear, if it looks like that, then I know that I do not have power over it. Then that is two illusions working together there keeping me from functioning.
S: Aye.
If I can step back and be aware that neither one functions in my best interest.
S: That’s good, that’s good.
In your life, everything is going your way; you are filled with love and joy, you are cherishing your experience every day. You have people in your life that you love, that love you, you have friends to play with, you are the happiest two day old baby in the world. The first day you are getting over the effects of getting here. And somewhere after that you begin finding that, for some atrocious reason, there are people in the world specifically here to make sure that you don’t get what you want. It’s awful; it’s terrible, and you spend the whole first five years of your life screaming loud about it, learning how to deal with it. And so the release begins, which is the way I often describe the consciousness of fear. You have a happy life within the group of the tribe you are with, and then you have the warning: “Don’t go into the woods.” Because if you go into the woods, what’s going to happen? The bear will eat you, you will die, it will be terrible, messy, awful. Don’t go into the woods.
Now the first version that you might have gotten of that when you were a child was sort of like, “Now, don’t go into the closet, the boogey-man will get you,” or maybe the one, “Don’t come down before morning or Santa Claus won’t leave you presents.” There are all kinds of ways to manipulate people through fear, but the fact of it is, fear is a great motivator. Do I think that’s a good idea? No. Does it work? Yes. If you stop making it work, you won’t have to deal with it so much.
All right. So, the purpose, ancestrally speaking, of the fear is to keep you alive, keep you a part of the community, keep you here. Does the one-year-old . . . well, maybe I better go back to that two-day-old, assuming that it has somewhat forgotten what happened the day before, which is not exactly true, but we will just pretend, all right? Does that two-day-old have love or fear? Ooh, good question.
Trick question. If I were just to say, Does it have fear, what would you say? No. Does it have love? Yes, to both of them. But it does not have love and fear as an actual presence in its life; it has it as a possibility, as a construct of form itself. Form has the possibility seeded within it, and it is there because of that instinctual stay-alive declaration. Stay alive, stay safe. And the motivation to bring that about is fear. The two-day-old child however does not have an experience that goes with it. Experience causes the trouble.
What is the most effective way to torture somebody? Well, I will tell you how to do it.
S: And if I tell you how to do it, I don’t want to start bringing up a lot of past-life experiences, since a few of you have been pretty close to that. Just shove that aside. All right, I am playing with you.
The first thing that you do is that you tell them what it is you are going to do, and you tell it in as much graphic detail as you can. And indeed, as you hear this you are going to relate it to other things as well. The second thing that you do is that you show them the implements that you are going to use to do it.
It sounds like going to the dentist.
S: She says, it sounds like going to the dentist. Here is what we are going to do today, Marion and I am going to take this little drill right here.
It’s like a can opener.
S: A can opener?
It seems like it takes longer to knock me out than a lot of people and so I always have to see the instruments as they brought them closer and closer.
S: Got it.
And then, you tend to the least harmful of them that you use only in the smallest way. By that time, your patient, your victim’s imagination has added so much to the experience that you win. Now you don’t have that kind of need to have the button of “there is nothing I can do about this, I am weak, and when this thing comes about, I am helpless.”
Fear is meant to be something to keep you alive, but it has become something instead that keeps you from acting. It has become an excuse. Ultimately fear is, “I am not enough to take care of this situation, to be safe, I must get away from this situation,” and the way that modern people get away from it, this thing they fear, is to make power over it by making everybody else wrong and themselves right: “I fear that I am not going to be able to keep my job in this economy, but it is just with a bunch of idiot people anyway, so I don’t really want that job, I don’t really like it, I don’t need it, I’m going to find something else anyway. They don’t know what they are doing; I know what it’s about.”
When that doesn’t work, the response very often is the full separation that is brought about by anger. Anger is when your brain doesn’t know what to do; anger is when your brain goes on vacation; anger is when you need to need to become two days old and ignorant once again. Anger as a reaction to fear is most often useless, except to continue the power of the fear.
“But Samuel, I thought that you said that some anger is justified, that Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple, and that wasn’t so bad.” And there are times that anger is justified. And when you have that discernment, you might be capable of making that decision as to whether something is justified or not. Until then, remember that love overcomes fear, and moving your pain out of the realm of saving your own self, getting away from the bears; moving your pain away from the justifiable need to prove you are right, you are far more likely to move into anger. Gosh, that was a long answer to a pretty short question, wasn’t it?
Let’s try another one.
Heidi: All right. “I want to embody Ellic energy.”
S: Good luck with that.
Thank you. “What are the most important things that I can do at this time to facilitate that besides toning, exercising, eating well, sleeping well, and laughing regularly?”
S: Good. Let’s go over that list again.
S: Toning, which is the use of sound frequency to bring about changes not only in the physical structure of your being in order to be able to maintain a higher frequency, but it also brings about a change in the world you are in. Toning—everything else is gravy, but there is some good gravy. But toning is vital, and you can tone with a group, as you tone with your computer, as you can tone with somebody else, and all of those have different effects, but they affect you, and you are what it’s about. Toning is your spirit singing to you. After toning there is also?
S: Exercise, exercise. What’s my favorite exercise?
S: Pretty much anything that you are willing to do. And yes, walking is probably the least amount that you can do that you will do, so I am delighted to add it to the Guardianship Program for instance, half an hour of walking every day. Aye, it’s not that it has to be outside; just walk, walk, walk. Put yourself on one of those little hamster wheel things, and walk on that for a half an hour if that’s all you can do. Just do it: walk.
Stretch, stretch, stretch. Yes, stretch your heart, stretch your mind and stretch your body. Important exercise, important. And if you are wanting to stretch your body with something that will give you a good all-over stretch, what might be a good suggestion?
Salute to the sun.
S: Salute to the sun. It’s a yoga move that most anybody in this room pretty much could tell how it works, even if they are remembering from a long distant past. But I have assured you that if you ever want to talk about all kinds of different exercises that are good for you, you pretty much could come up with anything and I would say that it’s good, and say, go ahead do it, give it a try, go ahead and do it. Just remember the rules. What’s one of those rules?
Do it in small increments.
S: Thank you. Now help me with this, you probably know it better than I. I am pulling it out of the brain. If ever you are going to start an exercise preprogram, first consult your . . .
S: . . physician, that’s it—your physician to ensure that you are healthy enough to do the program, you are wanting to start. That work, Mr. Lawyer?
S: All right, good. So there is that. Then there is: go slowly; start slowly, so that you don’t hurt yourself out of it. “Oh, I love to exercise,” the Form says—all right, maybe she has never said that, but—“love to exercise, but every time I do, I wind up getting hurt and then I can’t do it for four or five days and then it’s like starting over. [Samuel knocks on his head three or four times]. Just do it.
And how do you get past that? I’ll tell you. When you find something you love to do, you will do it. How long did it take the Form to be able to get her foot up into the stirrup and over the horse? It took a while, didn’t it? She exercised at home to be able to ride a horse. You’ve got the motivation, you do it.
“Samuel, what is a good motivation for taking care of myself so that I might be the best possible human that I can be and complete my work here as part of the Guardianship here at this time of transition, holding such a high and beautiful frequency within me that it’s absolutely such an amazing and marvelous thing to be in this world every day? What would be a motivation for me to exercise?”
What else does it say?
Eat well.
S: Eat well. Absolutely. Eat well, well, well, well. I must say that I am so often amazed by what you put in your mouth, that you forget the part that what you put in is supposed to fuel you to do what you are supposed to do. So it makes me think that you really do not want to do much because so much of what you eat makes you cranky, causes your bowels to become, well, difficult, more cranky, causes your heart to work harder, keeps you somewhat dehydrated, brings about headaches, causes your immune system to have to work a lot harder to keep you healthy for a lot less time. It generally does not do much but keep you upright.
Everybody in here, including those who are the most stringent with their diets, if I were to ask you honestly—and I am not—to think of two things you could do to improve your diet, you’d come up with something, wouldn’t you? You see? You could be doing more right there. The good news about it all is that the hardest parts of the dietary changes pretty much come on their own. When you start feeling a lot better just because you are not eating wheat or processed foods, or on and on and on, it sort of makes you want to keep on doing it.
Just one.
Sleep well.
S: Sleep well. Can I take a few moments to slam the door, there come the lights? May I take a couple of moments to harangue with you about sleep? If you are dreaming, if you are having real dreams, those that have a beginning, middle, and end, it’s sort of like a film and you know what is going on inside in it, as opposed to the one where your brain is just kind of stuff, here you are at the meeting then you are on top of a mountain, and the next thing you know you are in the healing room at the Crystal Palace. . . . Wait, that is a visualization.
As long as you are experiencing your dream state, I am fine with if you have three hours of sleep a night, or one if you are lucky, or twelve or fifteen. It doesn’t matter. If you are getting your dream states, that’s good; if you’re not getting your dream states, then physically, mentally, and emotionally you are going to start breaking down quickly, and that’s not good.
Most of you in here do nothing to set your life up and make it as easy as possible, something ideally you are spending near half your day doing. Most of you stay up taking part in activities that have your brain going, going, going. What might that be?
S: You’re getting it, and you get tired and so you go to bed, and sometimes you even brag about falling asleep at it because you just . . . You would do so much better if you had a consistent time when you went to bed and consistent time when you got up from bed. If you gave yourself about two hours of just slowly winding down your day, if your last thoughts at night were positive ones—gratitudes are a good one for that—if your conversations with people are positive rather than stressful, negative; if you are not being physically active except in the way that allows you to get ready to go to bed, to relax, you settle down; don’t exercise a couple of hours before you are wanting to go to bed—what are you thinking? Well, it was the only time I could get there and do it. Don’t eat foods that are going to cause your body to be very active while you are sleeping in whatever way you might want to imagine I am referring to, yes.
Have a bed that works for you; if you have a nice little crater that you sleep in because your mattress is so old, you might do better with a better mattress. If you have the same pillow that you brought with you from your mother’s house when you were a child, I can tell you that you will not be having an easy sleep from that. Have the air in the room at a comfortable temperature and have it as clean as possible, and in fact if it can be gently ionized it’s a lot better.
Give your body the chance it needs, and allow it time to believe you that it really is going to be the time when I am going to bed and it really is going to be when I wake up. Give it consistency and it will give you give you six, seven, eight hours of healing, entertaining, empowering rest.
“Samuel, I just cannot get all that sleep in.” So take naps. “I’m still tired anyway.” Change your diet; get some exercise; tone.
And then it said?
S: What do you do every day to be sure to get laughter in? If you are not thinking of anything, you need to add something. Every day you need to laugh, and some of you need a sense of humor. Well, I was going to say a sense of humor reminder, I really do have one.
And you may notice that I am not giving any great deep secrets in any of this, and I am not adding to all of these things. And the reason for that is that you are not doing all of these things. So why don’t you try them, because it can make some amazing changes in your life if you do?
Now just a moment, we have just a bit of bad news here. Stuart, it’s time, isn’t it. Do you have a really quick one in there? Do you remember looking through one that just says one word, that’s it?
Heidi: Yeah, I think this fits perfectly; I’ll do this one. “Please explain if it is possible or likely that one person can take on another person’s illness or issue to help that person ease the problem. I’m not talking about karma; I am talking about the illness or issue itself.”
S: This a short answer? Yes, I will do a short answer. And we’re not talking germs or . . . ?
Sort of psychic.
S: Heidi sneezes and everyone on the front row comes up a week later with a cold? Not that, right?
S: No, you cannot. She knew it was a quick one.
I like the way it was said, and so I repeat it in that particular translation regularly: Greater is that which is in you than that which is in the world. Greater is that which is in you, what’s in you, your Source-self could be a way to say it, going back to that translation. Greater is that which is in you than that which is in the world. You take on what you believe you should have, forgetting that what you take on should be what you believe you are. There’s nothing in this world that can harm you without your permission.
And of course the key there is permission. The more conscientious you are in your everyday workings of yourself, then the more you are able to know “This works for me, this does not; there’s fear here, watch out.”
There’s nothing in this world bigger than you. When you come to believe that—no, no, too easy to be misunderstood—and when you know that, then the world will be yours, won’t it?
You’re good at this.
Heidi: Thank you.
S: Thank you, good work. Our lovely Heidi Shedlow. Thank you. Goddess source or source of goddess, or something like that.
Heidi: And I am standing.
S: This is a month in which the equinox shows up, which is to say that it is a time in which your whole half of the world is working toward balance as new growth is coming about. Maybe the other half of the world is looking at balance as things are closing down and going away. Let your life reflect that balance. Seek it in all that you do, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Balance.
This is going to be a good year, be available to enjoy it.
Thanks for the fun. Glochanumora. Thank you.
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