February 3, 2008
Samuel: Hello, dears.
Hello, Samuel.
S: How are you?
S: Good. Better. Then evil laugh.
Well, the first thing that I want to talk to you about tonight is a little energy toward David, who seems to have gone transparent.
That’s one way of saying, “Get up here.”
S: Welcome, dear. Does that fit for you?
S: Good. Good. Aye, that’s quite a set-up, isn’t it?
So this is what Martin went through all those years.
S: Martin did, Paula did. Actually there’s a very nice group of people who have learned the art of questions and answers. Have you been practicing?
Actually I did.
S: Good. Good. That helps.
Playing Frisbee helps.
S: Does it?
Yes. It’s in the toss.
S: Frisbee is?
It’s like throwing plates.
S: Like a rock.
A lot of people throw them and play with their dogs.
S: Dog toy.
Yes. People toy, too.
But they fly through the air, and another person’s supposed to catch it.
A flying saucer.
Ask Hapi.
It’s about the size of a plate.
S: All right, so tonight we’re going to do some questions and answers, but it’s a very specific set of questions and answers. One of the advantages now and again of making a point of the Wednesday morning toning is that when I’m going to do questions and answers, I’m going to ask that group. Or at least that’s how it worked out this time. Maybe it’ll work out that way another time.
The reason I want specifically that group’s questions and answers is not because I wanted to leave out anybody, and if we should actually get through—not likely—if we should actually get through, we can, of course, take more.
There are some more here. I don’t know if they are part. These are part of the Wednesday-morning group?
S: That was there Wednesday morning?
One isn’t . . . in there.
S: I don’t know how you would take out what is and what isn’t.
We’ll just try and get to them all.
The one that wasn’t there is the question about leadership.
S: And the reason that I wanted that group particularly is because they are one that has been working together for years and years and years. And at that particular Wednesday, it was a smaller group than usual, and it was a group that really is tight. So it occurred to me to mine those minds. Could be interesting, if nothing else.
So, the first thing that I want to suggest is that you might want to fill in a bit. You who are further back, between Jerry and Bonnie, and Bonnie and Cindy. That’s probably where you were sitting, isn’t it?
I was right there.
S: Aye, but you’re here now, so there is one there between Laura and Greg. Aye. No moves?
I moved.
I don’t bite.
S: Bathed and everything, aye.
Now, Stuart, is it possible for you to actually direct the camera more than simply watching it sitting there?
Yes. I have the both of you in the frame right now.
S: Excellent. Perfect.
Just as a reminder, what are question and answer rules?
We can ask what we want, and you’ll answer what you want.
S: That’s the one! You can ask whatever you want, and I will answer whatever I want. It’s been a long time since questions and answers were regular, and because of that it’s also easy to forget that I will pretty much answer what you asked, and that means you need to have asked it well. If you ask a question that can be answered “yes” or “no,” that’s what you’ll get.
I believe that this is a group that isn’t going be disappointing the crowd in that way, but the rule for you, love, is you’ve got to read what’s written. You cannot fix it or make it work.
That’s one question [shows both sides of a card]. It’s got a pre-ramble. But it’s a good way to start off.
S: So I hope that tonight is as much fun for you as I can guarantee it is for me, because I enjoy so much your questions. I like it when you’re able to get in something nice and specific. So let us start, my love.
This starts with a reminiscence. “First I’d like to briefly share one of my most memorable Samuel stories, and then ask a related question. Many years ago, a public meeting in Pittsburgh was the same night as the NBA play-offs. As you were preparing to leave and everyone was basking in the love, a person seemingly broke the magical moment by blurting out, ‘Samuel, are the Celtics going to win the game?’ There was hushed gasps in room. Everyone was horrified that someone would ask such a mundane question, especially when the love in the room was so palpable. We weren’t sure how, or even if, you were going to respond to such a question. After only the briefest pause, and with a twinkle in your eye, you kindly replied directly to him, ‘My dear, the Celts lost a long time ago.’ It was the perfect response that defused what many considered an awkward situation, and we all laughed in hysterics. Thanks for that memory. That’s one I’ll take back to the Crystal Palace with me.
Tonight is the Super Bowl—the final football game of the year. Millions of people will be watching this game. Mass consciousness in our society is very involved with sports We’re down to the question: What, if any, lessons for Guardians can be gleaned from watching or participating in sporting events?
S: I believe that if you knew whose questions that was you would get it. You would just fully understand why it took that whole story to get to the questions. I’ll give you a hint: As you can tell, it is a performer. All right, won’t go any further than that. That performer’s genes sort of thing.
There’s a lot you can learn from sports. Kay, were you starting an answer in there? Did you have your hand up?
S: All right, I knew that.
Anything that brings together a group of people, a challenge, and a goal can pretty much be considered a sport in your world. The sport of showing a dog; the sport of super-bowling—super-bowling; that’s not it is it?
S: Football.
It’s called the Super Bowl, but it’s a football game actually.
S: But there is bowling?
It’s a different sport.
It’s a place.
Bowling’s another sport.
S: I knew that.
Anything that can be used to create unity, and at the same time brings people together, provides challenge, and has you working for a goal, anything—particularly the huge sports events that you see around the world now, which especially become important when the society is depressed. I don’t mean emotionally depressed, but that might be in it too; economically depressed, because the athletes become themselves.
This is a very healthy thing. And sports can be fun, they can be playful, they can be learning opportunities, they can be cruel, they can be divisive, they can separate groups of people. Sports are a lovely, lovely example of mass consciousness.
Guardians do well to remember that, you know, it’s really all a game. Don’t get too competitive, don’t let your ego do it, but be the best, the brightest, the healthiest you can, and go to win.
[Watches David toss the card.] Pretty good work. Not bad.
It’s hard to get repeatability. But anyway . . .
S: It’s the sport of question-tossing.
Yes. “Please explain the benefits of star weaving and toning, individually and collectively, and how they help facilitate completion.”
S: Gosh, that’s going to be a lot put into there.
Star weaving and toning: all right. First thing—get it tattooed—“The most important thing that you—that you, you, that you—can do.” “Can do” is important in that. The most important things you, Guardians who have chosen to be in this world, at this time, to be a part of creating the transition into the completion of Sacred Status—you, you—is toning.
Toning involves your physical, your mental, your emotional and your spiritual selves. It creates unity in a group. It establishes a common focus. It allows a heart to reach out to a heart, and a heart, and a heart. And just in case you were not sure of this, now and again a group will say to me, “You know, we really don’t have time to do the love circle and the requests, so can we take those off?” And once I finish with the [gasps theatrically]—it’s horrifying isn’t it, just a horrifying question?—once I get over that, then I will say . . . ?
S: “No, you cannot.” Because, you see, the toning needs balance. The toning affects you, you as a Guardian. “Wait a minute, Samuel. Is it not that the tone is out there affecting the world?” Well, only in the broadest way. Really, toning is to change you. And if you want to think of it this way—it’s not a lovely way to think of it, but you could think of it this way—it’s sort of like putting you a newly made bowl, or a vase, or a cup, into the fire.
Now, what happens? The impurities start pouring out, and if you’re not very good at the making of it, then that’s when you’re going to find out that things are going to crumble. The impurities pour out, and what is left becomes strong, strong enough—ideally—to become what it was created for.
Toning is magic. It’s not the “disappear an airplane” magic, but it’s the magic of that which you do not see having a profound effect on that which is seen. You are using your physical body as an instrument, and a vehicle, for that magic, for a very specific frequency to work through your personal instrument. And as it goes out and combines with—hopefully—a large group of others that are making pretty much the same sound, your vessel—the vessel that is you—begins to change. You become better able to maintain high-frequency energy. Thank goodness.
That must be balanced, because where you are shoring up, if you will—shoring up? You say that, yes. All right. As you are [doing] that, then a very important need comes about. Do you know what that is? To give. To give. You must take action, but not just any action; very high-level, spiritual action to . . . oh, think of it perhaps as letting the newly hardened vessel that you are see that it really can act as the creation it’s meant to be.
So the first thing that you do is you put love around the circle. It is a visualization process. It’s a visualization process in which everybody’s thinking the same thing. There is great power, and great magic in that. In whatever way works for you, you are directing energy to the individual as love. The second thing you’re going to do is put out specific requests for energy. You’re going to express a gratitude, hopefully first, but it really doesn’t matter all that much, so that you are then creating a means for that balanced magic to become useful.
So, toning is all about a balance of power. But, you know, so is star weaving. Now, I’m not going to give as long an answer to star weaving as I did with toning—aren’t you relieved—the star weaving is a series of awakening. It is what in 5:3:2 would be thought of as an initiatory process. You are activating by claiming what is seeded in you. You begin by sending a function of light out of the heart, up over the back of the head, up, so that you are constantly creating what?
Stand up a moment. All right. Now, you stand sideways here, and then I’ll do it on the other side. This is what you’re picturing. [Demonstrating] And then here and here. Now, do you need to see that on this side too? It goes . . . you’re constantly creating. And a very careful graphic—thank you, love–was made for that. I’m only bringing that out because most of you are missing this part. So don’t miss that part. You are claiming, hopefully long enough and loud enough, that you’ll come to believe it. This creates a very solid double anchor in the world, and it allows you a much stronger doorway for the greater you to come to work.
“Dear Samuel, what is it about the energy coming in that leaves me spacey and forgetful?”
S: The sugar and the wheat. And it is actually.
[Aside to Hapi] Hello, there. They did not say, “Dear Hapi.” He said he heard his name though. I was talking about magic and his name is Hapi Magic, yes? So . . . little cold, Frank. Well, I was hearing some teeth chatter. I looked over at D.C., and it was not D.C. She’s a good barometer for me, but she’s got it all on.
I started out this way.
S: Aye, never a good sign is it? Are you cold?
I’m fine.
S: Good.
But it is cool in here. But I sweat in air conditioning.
S: So does the Form. So are you having this kidney, high-blood pressure thing going on for you as well.
No thank you.
S: No. It’s all right. So let’s go to that question again. What was it?
“What is it about the energy coming in that leaves me spacey and forgetful?”
S: All right, the first thing that you need to be aware of whenever you find yourself spacey and forgetful, the first thing that you probably should do, and I mean this, is before you automatically blame it on your incredibly great spiritual energy—which really isn’t supposed to make you dysfunctional in this world, but make you more functional in this world—the first thing that you want to look at is maybe what your doctor has to say about your being spacey and forgetful, and maybe any other things that you’ve not put two and two together with.
Another reason that I strongly encourage you to speak to your physician about such things is because you might have something going on totally unrelated that can be found out earlier than later. Because a lot of you are probably going to start getting bored enough with the time it’s taking to reach the completion of Sacred Status—oh, wait, maybe that’s just me—that you might start saying, “Hmm, I wonder if I’ve got any extra portals that I could just check out on ahead of time?” Wimp! And in that case, you might know ahead of time that there’s something you can do to make yourself sicker, or more well—healthier. Another good thing is because it takes excuses away. There you go. The real one. A really good reason to go to your physician other than the amazing diagnostic ability that you have here is that you find out that there is either something that is causing a problem or there’s not.
Now, if you find that there’s not, I know that the next step is, “I am so sensitive. And Samuel says that we cannot be normal. And, of course, the doctors, they just deal with normal people, and I am so sensitive, and it’s so much harder for a doctor to know that I am special, and that something that’s just a little bit of irritation for someone else is horrible for me.” But after tonight you probably won’t do that. It’s hard to do it that well, dear. Somebody’s really got to be milking it for that.
The fact of it is, your diet has a whole lot to do with how you feel. You know that, compared to many countries in the world, the American diet is just known for being dangerous, deadly. But don’t worry; the world’s catching up.
One of the things that changed in a very big way at 5:3:2 was the nature of the plant kingdom’s work within the other kingdoms of the planet. Instead of wheat being . . . [tape break]
“. . . dream world qualities. At the same time, my dream world is becoming more real. However, I’m not necessarily aware in my dreams that I’m dreaming. Could you recommend some ways to use the dream world to help us manifest in this so-called real world?”
S: Did you get that? Sounds sort of like an illustration I used just a bit ago, didn’t it? Sort of familiar sounding in that way.
Let’s don’t toss it. Just put it back and give another.
“Dear Samuel, you often stress the importance of our working with the manifestation process of Intent, Thought, Word and Deed. I’ve heard it said that ‘The road to hell is paved with good intentions.’”
S: Different intent there.
“For me that means that we can often have undesirable results regardless of our best intentions. What can we do to ensure that our end results—our Deeds—are the best reflection of our original good intentions. Thanks and love.”
S: Oh, you’re so welcome.
You always manifest the truth about you. You manifest what you really believe, and so a manifestation process is always good because it’s going to help you manifest truth: the truth of what’s in your way, the truth of the power of laughter and joy, the truth of your awareness of what you really need now.
When you are working to manifest that which is a part of your work here—the blueprint, the what you need to do what you’re here to do—you can pretty well count on [the fact ] that, unless there is a lack of clarity of what you’re capable of, you are going to bring forth what you’re working to manifest.
You can also pretty well guarantee that when it’s all about you, and you are the center of it and the ego is what’s running it, and all of these beliefs that don’t work so much anymore, and all of these parts that aren’t useful get in the way, that you’re going to have the opportunity to feel pretty badly about yourself and what you’ve manifested. You always manifest. You cannot be here and not manifest. It’s what you are manifesting that’s important.
It’s not about what you need to support your habit of being you. It’s what you need to be the best you. And what you want to manifest is a really easy process to that you. You’ll start seeing more results—more positive ones.
“Hi Samuel.”
S: Hi.
“How are we as Guardians doing with raising our vibrations so spirit can finish this work. Thank you.”
S: You’re very welcome. Compared to what? Because, you see . . .
S: Compared to non-Guardians, most of the time you’re doing pretty well. Compared to what you really are?
Let’s stick with the non-Guardians.
S: Just don’t stop.
“We aren’t using B-flat in toning now since we’ve done the work of dissolving the rock.”
S: [Laughing] Sorry!
Now, now, we all know what they mean. “Is the B-flat only useful for group work, or can we also use it individually for manifesting what we want. Please explain how we can use the B-flat both individually and as a group at this time for the highest good.”
S: Weasel, weasel, weasel.
You cannot use it individually. You would dissolve like the rock. It wasn’t dissolving!
You mean now or any time, this time? Will there come a point where we can use B-flat?
S: Individually?
S: No. No. No, you don’t want to do that. And when you want to do that, just smack it back and say “No!”
Your power is not in what you can do. Your power is what you are. You access what you are through unity that amplifies the love. “Where three or more are gathered . . . ,” that’s when you use the B-flat. Do you remember what that frequency round about it is for?
Wholeness [. . .]?
It fills in the gaps.
S: Of what, though?
B-flat is, whatever you’re focused on it will make that happen, will make that come into this world.
S: Think of a sponge, such as yourself. You’re a sponge, you know. Little tiny pores all over your body just sucking in all kinds of stuff. That’s why it’s risky to be on the front row. A sponge fills up and appears to change state, but when what it has become—I’m going to sound like that other question—when what has become is released, it’s back to its original state. Correct? No. No. It is forever changed by.
B-flat, toning, coming together in unity, working One Mind, One Heart with others to create positive change in the world—every time you do this, it affects you, and that is going to have a profound effect on your ability to recognize what is needed for what you are, to recognize the next step.
The more you do as one—nice little place in Egypt—the more you become what you’re seeking. That’s a promise; that’s a threat.
“Dear Samuel, in recent years studies have shown that moderate daily alcohol consumption—two drinks for a male, and one drink for a female—benefitted a person’s heart. Red wine was found to be particularly beneficial in this regard. In recent weeks another study was released which supported this information but went further, saying this level of daily alcohol consumption reduces heart disease by thirty percent, the same amount as exercise.”
I can see where this is going.
S: And it’s a dirty, little path, isn’t it. They used to put televisions up for you to get distracted with what you’re doing. Now they just have a little bar nearby.
“Since moderate consumption of alcohol is proving to be good for heart health, why do you ban it from your Guardianship Program?”
S: Oh, I’m so cruel that way.
“Based on recent studies, it seems that daily alcohol consumption would be great daily requirement to add to the program, don’t you think?
S: Bunch of heathens.
“Please let us know your reasons for having Guardians remove alcohol consumption from their lives for the duration of your Guardianship Program, and the benefits you hope they experience as a result of doing so.”
S: Well, I’m probably not going to go into a whole lot of depth with that, but I will say this: The Guardianship Program isn’t about keeping your heart beating. It’s about keeping your heart truly alive.
You know, The Guardianship Program, for the biggest part of it, is about success, giving you opportunities for constant change on every level, and doing it by one of the very hardest things there is to do as a human—through discipline. “I want that glass of wine, but I’m not going to have it. I want that piece of candy, but I’m not going to have it, but I’m going to have five extra rolls, because I did not give up wheat!”
It is “persecution built the church.” True. True. You can get together and say, “Oh, I just don’t have any time. I’m not able to do anything on my own. I’m getting to bed late. I’m just so tired, and I want a glass of wine.” And the other people, who are being sympathetic to you drive you home that night, hold your hand. “You can manage. Don’t worry.” You know, persecution built the church.
Particularly this Guardianship Program is all about you giving yourself a chance, and to like what you see. I made it easier. Sort of.
You know, those studies are more like in your life you have a huge rubbish pile, and it has your name on it. And it’s all of the stuff that you think that’s rubbish, and you feel that’s rubbish, and that you cultivate within the glorious garden of your heart that’s just all rubbish. It’s just compost breaking down and stinking. And you’ve got this huge pile of it, and so the government says, “What can we do to help make a little difference there. We’ve tried to get them to exercise, what can we do? I know! Let’s play with this so that we can come up with ‘If you drink one glass of wine or two, it’s going to be good for your heart.’” Well, that’s sort of like a Guardianship Program for most Americans. You’ve got a better one, because you are better.
When what you want is something that takes the shine off the spirit you are—“To relax! I just deal with so much stress. Just helps me relax a little.”—when what you want is something that it takes a while to get used to because your body doesn’t really want it, but your society does, when what you want is something wonderful and healthy and grand, but you’re still obsessing and being compulsive and undisciplined with it, any of those—all of those—those things are you damaging you. And before you start measuring out the wine on the treadmill, ask yourself why? Why? And with alcohol, why do you think you need something that pulls the curtain back down? Because it does.
Sounds like we’ve got to exercise.
S: One more?
“Samuel, your work is done in three very different cities—Lexington, Pittsburgh and Atlanta.”
S: You think?
“Why do you have it set up that way, and what function does each city play in the composite picture, and how come there are so few people drawn to your work in Atlanta?”
S: Choose one.
“What function does each city play in the composite picture.
S: All right. This is the United States, all right? And Lexington is here, and Pittsburgh is there, and that’s Atlanta. And you’ve left out a very huge part of the work, because there aren’t just three cities. There are three official groups, perhaps, one of which has tax-exempt status like Lexington does. So two are official that way, but there is an ever-growing number of those who do not have the advantages you do, and who have a very big purpose. And that is to embarrass Pittsburgh and Lexington and Atlanta into seeing how incredibly special you have it with people you can tone with and people that you can run into at the church of Wild Oats that say, “Wheat or sugar?” and they’ll get it.
It’s an amazing heart those outlanders have, and a strong vision, so please don’t ever leave them out when you are thinking about this work.
Atlanta’s energy’s changing. For many, many, it has been an energy of transition. People come and go out of there. It is a spot that you would move to to get started in your career and then move on from. It was a place that was young and has a lot of growth and change energy, which tends to make for a somewhat lack of commitment energy. Atlanta has drawn to it some of this work’s most powerful, amazing people—a lot of whom are here now. Atlanta is changing because the nature of the energy there is changing. It’s beginning to shift into a more solid energy, and I don’t really know what that’s going to look like. I do know that there is a pretty large group of people who want to ride that horse.
Atlanta’s [group’s] smaller size tends to make for very interesting teaching sessions, because if there was only half of you in here, you’d get a lot more attention than if there was not only that extra half, but more again.
In the past, Atlanta has been very concerned about the physical result of the work they’re doing, whereas Pittsburgh on the other hand tends to be very in touch with the inside work of it. They will want to know, not as Atlanta might— they don’t want to ask “How can I put this in the world when the person I work with is going to be snarky to me, and I get afraid?” Pittsburgh will ask, “What do I need to be to make that stop happening?” Pittsburgh is not ashamed of this work, unlike Atlanta, that spent a lot of time being a bit afraid of it.
Lexington is home base. And that used to always mean that I would expect a lot more out of you, because you have all the advantages. Lexington is very much looked at as the elder brother or sister, and I hope that they live up to that.
You know that thing about it’s not the size that counts, it’s what you can do with it? It’s true. They’re all huge and incredible groups, and they’re learning how to deal with it.
We’ve got to stop. Did you see Stuart doing the signals? He went . . . you thought it was “Peace,” didn’t you? “Peace, brother.” It was “Tape almost gone.”
You have done delightfully well.
Thank you.
S: I loved it.
I did too.
S: We’ll do it again.
S: Once a quarter at least. These, if there are those extras, give them to Paula. Aye. And she’ll recombine them in a way that makes them work for [an] interview.
Thank you for this. You remind me how much fun it is to just play with you.
This is a month dedicated to love. Do what you can to show this world what love really, really, is.
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