March 5, 2006

Samuel: Greetings, dears.

Greetings, Samuel.

S: All right, I’m going to be starting with a question that has a very natural progression that goes with it, but I want you to think about all the different sorts of levels that I am asking this question in. And that is, What did you do to live today? What did you do to live today? And what do you think the natural progression to that is? Hello! Lakshmi.

Physically, emotionally, spiritually, that’s the progression that comes to my mind.

S: That works well. That would fit with the different ways that you might ask yourself about life. Where do you go with it, Cam?

I was going to say, What did you do to die today?

S: That was my question. What did you do to live today and what did you do to die? And there are several ways that those questions can be answered. What’s yours? What did you do to live today, Gwendolyn?

I start my stretching with a meditation where I send energy to the toning circles and OneHeart and what have you. I find that on the mornings that I miss that for some reason or another, my day does not get a great start.

S: Nice.

Just the stretching thing. I felt so wonderful this morning, and my daughter somehow picked up on my wanting to do chores this morning, that kind of gift for her, but also a gift for me.

S: Doing chores is a gift for her daughter?

Yes, she . . . the feeding of the animals and what have you, that’s the chores, which is a very nice thing, really. They’re so happy to see you because you’re bringing food. But you know you can turn that into whatever you want.

S: That’s such a treat for most of the people in here, you know. Bring food, they’re happy to see you.

They all come running, you know, like you’re the most important person there, and that’s a nice thing. But strangely, she called me before I was going to go down and tell her that I was going to do that for her, so that was a nice connection.

S: Synchronicity, very nice.


S: Gwendolyn said at the beginning of her statement that one of the things that she did this morning to amplify or to recognize or to be alive, was to stretch and do some energy work, sending energy, connecting in. I have a question. How many of you have stretched today that are not in The Guardianship Program? Oh, good for you. Good for you. Because that is, that’s a very good reminder that you have this costume that needs care and it helps to do it. That’s good. More signs of life. Bonnie.

I actually got outside. I haven’t been outside a lot recently.

S: So daring of you.

I got outside, and as funny as it sounds, I cleaned up the leftovers from fall, getting ready for the spring. I had leaves that . . .

S: Good.

I have a tree that drops all its berries, and I let the birds eat those all winter, but time for the grass to grow. I got those all cleaned up and so it was just nice to just be outside. It wasn’t exactly a really warm day, but it was kind of getting rid of the old and looking forward to spring.

S: So doing some grounding ground work, getting out into the world. That’s good. That’s good. Tell me another way that you’re recognizing life today. Aye there.

This didn’t happen today; it was just yesterday actually.

S: Works.

I went to my wife, who was sitting watching television, and I told her, “I don’t tell you this very often, but I have a great deal of respect for you and I love you very much,” and felt it.

S: All right, he wins. And there are many ways that you recognize life, that you amplify life, that you live, but the highest use of it is to live love, to function in love, to act in love. So really, I mean that; you win.

Now, what did you do to die today? And I’ll give you a hint if you can’t think of anything: that probably means you did it well. Jean.

Well, I’ve made a commitment to myself to have a much more healthy diet, and that includes the elimination of all refined wheat products, which I should have been doing all along.

S: It’s hard to do.

And the elimination of milk from my diet in any way. And this morning I thought, Well, I’ll just have a bagel. Well, I’ve suffered all day, and it was a very good reminder that it’s just not worth it. And I can accept that.

S: When the body says no, it gets listened to, doesn’t it? Yes, indeed it does, but what were you dying to there, that self that could eat wheat and dairy or releasing beliefs that had to do with can and cannot, or . . .

Really both of those in a big way, but also respecting myself, respecting who I am and acknowledging why I came here and wanting to live up to that.

S: Good, Aye.

Well, today I spent a good amount of time really focusing on the things I wanted to accomplish, because it seems like for the past several months I’ve just been on a whirlwind activity of life. And so I sat down and wrote out what I’d like to do over the next several months and came up with several goals and action steps and sub-goals. I haven’t done that in a very, very long time, but even though it seems like it’s a dying to unconsciousness, because I was purposely putting into my life the things I want to do.

S: Are you recognizing that in the very same way that you can say, [just as] life functions through the physical and the mental, emotional and spiritual selves, so does death, death to the unconscious, death to the physical habits that aren’t working right now, death to what else? Good.

Mary Claire

Well, I consciously am working on a process of death with some compulsions that I have. One of them is to work too much, and so I made a conscious . . . I had this impulse to go into my computer and to do some work, and I said no to that, because I want to die to that compulsion that keeps me working so much that I get exhausted.

S: Now let me ask you a question. When you are in the process of dying to that self that functions in a compulsive way, does that mean you will never again have a compulsive behavior?


S: Does it mean that your work will be less conscious and less focused?


S: No, it means you are choosing to release those parts that, once again, aren’t working for you, because what you do to live every day has something to do with love. And what you do to die every day has something to do with an area of your life where there is not that love. And that will show itself up in several ways. The thing about life and death is, it’s all the same thing if you are not paying attention. There are people who can walk and talk and eat and breathe and be as dead as you can imagine. And there are people for whom death, of a certain type means better life. What sort of type of death might that be? Well, the death that has been discussed thus far; the death to behaviors that no longer work; the death to attitudes that no longer fit; the death to those things that claim life.

Now I have another question for you, and then I’m going to answer some. And that question is, What did you do to live today, and what did you do to die today? And it’s important that every day—tattoo it on your forehead—that you look into a mirror and you see “Live or die? Make it a choice.” Every level of your being, every aspect of your physical and mental, all of the beliefs and attitudes that float around with that, the emotions that are a part of it, and your spiritual life: live or die, but get on with it.

Now, I have a rather different sort of questions and answers today.

[ . . . ]

S: Good. Excellent. Do you mind coming up and sitting here? Are you ready? Good. We try to do questions and answers now and again, mainly because it keeps me entertained, but one of the things that we don’t very often do is bring in questions from some of the other places that this work is existing [in]. So, this is an opportunity for just a few of those questions to get in, and they either will all get answered, [or], if they do not, then of course they will be given to the newsletter editors, Paula and David, so that they will put it into the questions for the [Samuel] Responds section of the newsletter. Or maybe they’ll just get one or two answered tonight, who’s to say? And since you’re the one having to be up in front of everybody doing this, how about you just flip through, decide which one you want to do and we’ll ask them from there. It’s all about living and dying.

Ready? “What are the most challenging possibilities ahead of us over the next few months?”

S: Over the next few months, what are the most challenging possibilities ahead of us? You recognize that that’s somebody who knows how to ask, don’t you? The most challenging possibilities. You see, Oma’s already excited about it.

She’s great.

S: She really is, too. She’s just as calm as can be waiting to do her thing, and the minute the energy changes in here she just perks right up. I love that, and I know Cindy does not love it, but I do. I like it.

Why is it that I am impressed at the way that was asked? Well, particularly because it was said, “possibilities ahead of us.” Why is that an important twist to it?

Because with free will, you, or really any of us, could not, cannot accurately depict what will happen.

S: So with that in mind and with the desire to get through these quickly, I’m going to just hop right into answering that question.

Obviously everything that’s in your future is there because you’re letting it be there. And just like living and dying is one of those issues that you can look at many ways, one of the things that humans like to do is not recognize their power over their future. You, however, can’t get away with that, can you? You have a very hard time not being honest with yourself. You have a very hard time not listening to that still voice, that small voice within you, because it says, pretty loudly, “Stop” or “Go.” You make your future out of the ingredients of your now just as if you were making a cake, and you pull it all together and somewhere along the line you stick it into the oven, and a little while after that you have cake. Anybody in here ever had a cake that did not work? You put it in the oven and something did not work. Ever have that happen in your life? You put all the ingredients together, you stuck it in the oven, you did everything you thought you were supposed to be doing and it did not quite come up the way you thought. And I want you to remember that that’s why it’s possibilities, because as long as your life crosses the life of another person, and in reality, as long as your life is, same thing is true. That was the sentence: as long as your life is, as long as you are a life.

Having said all of that, [here are] a few possibilities looking at a much larger view, all right? You are going to be seeing a lot of changes in matters electrical, be it body, be it communication, be it technology. Now that’s a very easy thing to say, but what I want to have you just looking for is that you’re going to be seeing disruptive influences, and although that might be interesting insofar as technology change, that might be interested [sic] insofar as electrical issues, the one that concerns me has to do with your electrical issues. How many of you in here have found that you really cannot wear a watch? Several of you. That’s the kind of electrical issue I’m talking about. The communication between the synapse and the pathway is maybe not going to be so sticky, if you want to think of it that way. And I can say that as a whole because of the nature of the changes generally going through so many of you.

Now that’s a very simple, easy one to mention. Let me go a little bit further in from there.

You are going to be dealing quite a bit with financial issues over the next few months. It’s just the nature of the energy coming through. If you do not have financial issues down pat and taken care of, this is the time you need to be doing that. Whether it is because you are going to perhaps be not so careful with the way you spend or not so clear with the way you bring it in, you need to be very, very aware of what’s going on financially. Know what you need, know what you want, and stay clear with it. Know how you spend. Know what you want to do with it. And be very clear with it.

The world as a whole, in that very same kind of energy, is going to be looking at financial issues in all likelihood on governmental levels. Anything going on in the big picture is showing up in the small picture. Anything going on in your small picture is going to show up in the larger one. Pay attention to financial issues.

Communication and relationships are the way that everything in your life shows up, so be very aware right now that there is a lot of change going on in the nature of relationships as a whole, and by that I am actually talking about a massive change in consciousness with regard to relationships. For you I would hope that it’s a move toward greater intimacy on all levels, in all manner of relationships. On some levels it is to learn how to have relationships at all, how to commit to what works and move from what does not work. Communication is already in the process. Over the last six weeks or so, there have been amazing changes in what—let’s put it on the national level right here—what your country is saying they will put up with or not put up with in regard to what they have been told by your government, by what they will accept as truth or no longer accept as truth. You’re going to see those same changes in your own life with your own awareness. But here is what you need to be careful of: It also means that you are, very likely . . . I’m not trying to be a psychic here, I realize that it is starting to sound like some sort of “next week you are going to meet a person wearing red.” The nature of the communications that you are going to find yourself dealing with have a whole lot to do with personal truth and your personal beliefs. What is your truth? Do you know? What really matters to you? How do you define, and then fill in the blank, because there’s a whole lot of things there that you might need to take a look at? Your honesty might come into question, and frankly, I hope it does. Those are a few things, all right?

Yes, toss it. There you go.

“You said financial issues are the first and last thing a Guardian deals with.”

S: Well, isn’t that handy? Nice transition, eh?

I thought so. “Why?” And two: “How can we successfully manage our finances?”

S: Is this where we pass the hat? No.

Financial issues are the first and the last thing that Guardians tend to deal with, and let me explain that briefly. Financial issues have very little to do with money, and it’s very important to remember that, particularly when you are going through times in which you don’t have what you think of as enough of it, or you don’t know what to do with what you have of it. There’s probably a whole room full of people who would be happy to give you suggestions if you need any. It is about—oh, what the heck, I’ll just go there with it—your ways of dealing with money have everything to do with your relationship with the masculine function of parental authority, and I say the masculine function because, it might be your mother that held the traditionally—stereotypic, if you will—masculine role. You may not have had a father, or you might have had a father that was not in any way an authority figure, so I want to say to do with the parental influence of masculine energy. For the sake of making that an easier statement, I’ll say it has everything to do with the way you deal with father and—hold onto your seat here—God. Why? Because money issues have everything to do with your authority and control issues, everything to do with your authority and control issues. Question: Do you have authority issues?


S: Not at all. Back up. [Are] any of you controlling? Of course not, and to come into this world with a purpose of making it better means that you’re on a very specific pathway. To come into this world on that pathway, here in this culture—and those of you have come to this culture more recently don’t get an out there—in this culture— well, all right, I’m going to say it—money pretty much is God, isn’t it. But God is that great set-apart authority, knows all, feels all, tells all, punishes all—sort of like dad.

And just to play with you a little bit on the explanation of that, let me ask you this: Those of you who know that the way you handle money is not as effective as you would like it to be, or that the amount of money that you get to handle is not as much, maybe, as you would like it to be—has that covered everyone yet?—I want you to ask yourself, what was your relationship with the father figure in your household at the age of seven, at the age of fourteen, and now?

What you are very likely going to be noticing, if you are dealing with these money issues that I mentioned, is that you learned about being let down. Somewhere in that neighborhood [where] you were those particular ages, you were developing your resistance to authority. That has an effect upon your financial dealings. Resistance to authority comes about because you are afraid of loss, and when the major authority figure in your life lets you down, and I must tell you it happens, not because that authority figure was uncaring or unkind or unloving, none of that, but because you’re a child and the way that you see what’s going on is a very limited perspective, but it shapes you nonetheless.

So for those of you who are starting to get itchy because you think that I’m saying that your daddy wasn’t a nice man, that’s not what I’m saying—except to those of you whose daddies weren’t nice men. For those of you who are finding that money slips through your fingers, then I would ask you to look at what ways you had an absentee father. For those of you who find that you tend to be—what’s the word I’m looking for here—oblivious to the money that you spend, you just keep hoping for it to be there, and in all likelihood you’ve probably created a life in which you pretty much have it show up there like that, and you’ve learned that that works, you’ve probably found that your father was the indulgent do-whatever-you-want, the mother was the one who set the standards for discipline. You know how that works.

The first thing that you deal with because it is the way in which you begin setting down the boundaries of your life in this culture, the last thing because it is the easiest way to insure that all of your issues are going to come up. You have enough; you don’t have enough. You do everything you can, it doesn’t work. You want more. There is not more. You want less, never mind, wrong audience. So, father, money, and there’s a lot that’s involved in that, but for these five minutes that works. All right.

“What do you consider the most important things we can do to be successful Guardians?”

S: Any ideas for an answer there?


And The Guardianship Program.

S: All right, we’ll let toning be first at the top of the list, all right, and that’s because what toning does is it tunes you. It helps your physical experience become more comfortable with the current spiritual experience that you’re living through. So toning is very good. Give me a few more, the most important things that you can be doing now.

Know who you are.

S: Well, yes. Know who you are. But let’s take it just a little bit further than that. Know what it is you want, what it is you don’t want. Know what you enjoy and what you don’t enjoy. Know what works, doesn’t work, what makes you happy, absolutely, what makes you alive, what takes that life away from you, sure. Know yourself; but even before know yourself, what else?

Die to ego.

S: Die to ego or live enough to recognize where it is grabbing a hold of you and not letting go, because you’re not going to actually ever be rid of ego as long as you’re in the body, are you? And the way that I use ego is “the means by which you express yourself in the world, those characteristics that are you,” or in this case, him. Ego is a part of this experience. The trick is not to let it run you, but for you to be on to yourself and know yourself, and know yourself well enough that you run it.

But even before that there is something else, and that is . . . ?

Live love.

S: Live love. Live the love that you are, the love that you have, the love that you feel, the love that you don’t feel because you tripped on the doorway and hurt your toe, and you’re sort of angry about that, and live love anyway. It’s the easiest thing to say and the hardest thing to do that there is. Living love requires moving love out of the bedroom, although it has a very firm place there, if you’re lucky.

So tone, so live love, so get to know who you are and what you’re about and what works and what doesn’t work. Get to know you in all of the ways that you function in this world and don’t function in this world.


“There are so many dangerous things going on in the world today: humans not just behaving badly, but downright terribly. Is there anything I can do to help turn the tide of pain and suffering on a global scale?”

Live love.

S: Well, actually there is a lot to be said for that sort of joking answer. There are a lot of terrible things going on in the world, is what that writer says. And here’s where I’m going to smack you on top of the head, all right? There are terrible things going on in this world because there are terrible things going on in your world, and when I say “your world” this time, I don’t mean one of the planets, I mean your personal experience. The terrible things going on in your world [the planet] [are] because there are terrible things going on in your [inner] world. And what are you doing to change that? “Wait a minute, Samuel. Are you insinuating, implying, that the pain and suffering in the world will lessen if I take more responsibility for doing those things like toning and living love and knowing myself, and things like that that have nothing to do with the nuclear capabilities of countries in the eastern hemisphere and of the financial workings of third-world countries or, is that really what you’re saying?” Well, tell me. Is that what I’m saying?


S: Why?

We’re prototypes.

S: Because you’re the prototypes.

A few years back one “Questions and Answers”—more than a few years back, but still relevant—somebody asked a question about school shootings, and yes, as violent and awful, and heartbreaking as that is, I wouldn’t quote your answer exactly, but you did say something to the effect of, you can do harm with your words. You asked people what they were doing in their own world and [said] that they could do some of that stuff without a gun. And then, yes, we are the prototypes, but we can do many of those things that maybe that seems the extreme version of, but we could still do many of those things with our actions and words to each other.

S: You want to think that you don’t have much effect in this big world. You want to think that. You want to come up with all sorts of excuses as to why one person doesn’t make a difference. You want not to be responsible for what’s going on in your hearing, and you know with internets and televisions, your hearing has gotten very large. In your seeing, and again very large. You want to pretend what you do doesn’t matter so that you will not be responsible. All I want to say is this: Go ahead, try. Try to think that way. Go ahead, try, and those of you who have, already know it doesn’t work. You wish that it were not so, but listen to your heart. Turn your brain off for a moment and listen to your heart that breaks when you read the newspaper, and so you have learned to be cynical, or to make jokes, or to just not even process it. You’ve learned to guard yourself against, to pad yourself from.

And I want you to take a look at why you have established all of those interesting ways of not being affected, because it shows you how much you are affected. And you see, my love, you feel it because your heart knows there’s something you can do.

Now, old illustration, probably a bit boring, but still effective: Out in front of you is a beautiful pond, a still pond. Maybe it’s a mud puddle, whatever, a pond; and you pick up a handful of rocks and you toss them in. And ripples just go everywhere don’t they? Really fast, too, don’t they? All right, it’s still again and you pick up one rock, doesn’t even have to be a big rock, just a little rock, and you throw that in. Well, obviously it’s just a little tiny rock, there’s only one of them, it just sinks right down, has no effect at all, right? Wrong, it may not be as quick, but the effect is there, all the way to the edge of the pond.

Years ago I said, “One by one by one, you can change this world. And you change this world by changing yourself. Starting with yourself, you change yourself with love.” But you’re in a new world right now in so many ways, and the means by which that world change comes about is slightly different, hugely different. One with one with one. And one of the hardest things that there is for controlling, authority-resistant people to do is reach out for that “with one, with one.” And it’s hard because it involves trust; it involves even small amounts of commitment, but it’s in there—oh, the “c” word. It involves dealing with other people. It involves maybe expanding your perspective the slightest bit, but again, look at your life. You have a touch nobody else does. You go places, meet people, do things nobody else does, and it is by your living your life as an example of love in action that creates the possibility for others to do the same thing, and you are seeing that in your life. You are seeing that in your life because people are talking to you about the darnedest things these days. People find you when you think you are off wandering on your own. You have conversations in the grocery store, in the shoe store, in the bathroom. You are becoming some kind of interesting love magnet. Is somebody singing to me? Stop it. You help this world change by being an example of positive change.


Let’s see, do we have time for one or two more?

S: Stuart? If I work really fast?

“At this workshop you are discussing coming attractions and major distractions. Please explain why this is your teaching direction right now, what some of the major attractions are, and what some of the major distractions are.”

S: All right. Coming attractions are . . . coming attractions and major distractions are a part of what I’m wanting to pass along right now because, as a Guardian it’s the sort of thing that helps you function better. When you have a sense of what’s going to be coming your way and what you can do about it, that works.

The distractions part is because I have noticed that sometimes, even when you know what the coming attractions are, you still do not necessarily make those moves that would help bring about some of the positive versions of those attractions. Have you ever noticed that—in others of course, not in your own self? I have noticed that, so actually the next few workshops, well, as I said in Pittsburgh, it’s going to sort of be like, “Will you please stop doing this?” Won’t that be fun? So that’s why.

And what is a coming attraction? Well, I sort of mentioned that a bit earlier with things that are going to be showing up in the next few months, but let me toss in one nice coming attraction. You’re getting more light into your days and pretty soon the days and nights are going to be balanced.

That’s good.

S: And it’s a very lovely example, Miss Smarty, of the law of extremes that, by your understanding, will help you be able to recognize where balance is needed. Of course I’m not going to tell you what it is. You’ve got to come to the workshop for it, ha-ha.

And a major distraction in your lifetime?

Not enough or too much.

S: Really, yes.

“We are Guardians. What is your job in this world?”

S: I am a Guardian wrangler. I like that. That works. I think I would have said I’m the pusher, in every possible way.

We know.

S: All right. Wrangler

“Several years ago you gave a series of teachings about sacred sex. As a reminder, what is the purpose of sacred sex, and what do my partner and I need to do to be having sacred sex as opposed to non-sacred sex?”

S: And you remember that Kathy’s choosing these questions up here. Let’s break that down again and I’ll try to answer in pieces very quickly.

“Several years ago you gave a series of teachings about sacred sex.”

S: That’s true.

“As a reminder, what is the purpose of sacred sex and what can my partner and I . . .”

S: All right, what is the purpose? Fun. All right, that’s a symptom, that’s not a cause. The purpose behind sacred sex is, through the act of orgasm—Sanat’s  [child in audience] not listening is he?—having the ability to really turn your energy around. With Fusion, that has claimed another step, which actually would be a good reason to also put this into the newsletter, this question. I could go into a bit more detail there, but ultimately, it becomes a means of manifesting what you need in this world, to do what it is you’re here to do. It’s not the only means, it is a means.

Now, a question that ought to come up with that is, What if you don’t have a partner? It doesn’t matter. You are able to do a version on your own. That was polite enough, don’t you think? The next part of that . . .

“What do my partner and I need to do to be having sacred sex as opposed to non-sacred sex?”

S: All right.

A private session.

S: Again.

A private session.

S: That actually would not help too much. What is the thing that my partner and I can do to begin experiencing sacred sex? Well, that answer, interesting enough, is not anything exciting at all. It is, however, vital, and that is you need to be sharing a common vision, and for that time together, those two or three hours, or minutes, as the case may be—I suppose that could happen—you also need to have a vision of what the two of you are doing together during that small amount of time.

So, there’s two versions of the common vision that is necessary there. If there’s nothing else, you’re on the road there, and I will go through more detail of that in the newsletter, if it makes it in.

“Why is it important, or is it still important?”

S: Actually, that’s a very important part of that question. That’s good. Why is it important to manifest based on a common vision and a commitment to work with that vision? Why is that important? Maybe because in this life you have few opportunities to do just that. In this world where relationships are disposable and feared, and, judging by this crowd, hard to come by—I thought that was going to be funnier than it was but—having a specific means to make use of the highest function of your physical to bring about the highest function of your spiritual is rare. More often, than not, your spiritual is raising up the physical. Sacred sex is a means of activating yourself and your partner, awakening yourself and your partner, accelerating yourself and your partner, readapting the blueprint—which is a real big one that needs to be discussed further. And literally, in the largest picture, it is a viable way to throw a rock in that pond and change the world.

Time for one more, Stuart?

Weasel it in

Okay, there is one more. “Why is there differences between your workshops in the different cities even though they’re all titled the same?”

S: Somebody’s getting a little irritated at that, is it? “Samuel, I just went to the workshop in Pittsburgh and I went to the one in Atlanta and they were totally different. How could that be? And I know that if I go to the one in Atlanta and I go to the one in Pittsburgh, then I have to go to the one in Lexington because it’s going to talk about a lot of things that weren’t brought up at all. Why does that happen?”

Different combination of beings in attendance and . . .

S: Absolutely.

. . . addressing another aspect of it goes into it.

S: Absolutely, absolutely. I know that what I’m about to say is probably one of the hardest things that you deal with in life, and I’m so sorry about that, but you see, here it comes: Truth doesn’t come in rules. It would be so much nicer if it did, don’t you think, in which you could always say, Look, this is how it works; every time if you do this, it’ll work. Wouldn’t that be nice?

No, boring.

S: Boring perhaps, but surely there are maybe a couple of weeks of every year when you just want the world to run by your rules.


S: I don’t ever teach for the words; I teach for the effect. And if I am talking to a room full of people like I am right now, who are functioning at very high levels of energy, the way that I’m able to get that information through is different than if I’m talking to a group of people who don’t have the foggiest idea what I am talking about. I talk to you. And as you know, sometimes I talk directly to you. And if you weren’t in Pittsburgh, then you need to hear it the way that will touch you and those people around you, or Atlanta, or Lexington. It’s not about the what, it’s about the how.

And that, my friends, is my entertainment for the night.

You did a very good job with that. Thank you very much.

It was my pleasure.

S: Thank you. Interesting times you are living in. Choose to live in them.
