June 6, 2004
Samuel: Well, hello, dear. Greetings. How are you tonight?
S: Good? Good as in “All is well,” or good as in “I’m making everything good”?
Making everything good.
The latter.
S: A little of both. A little of both. Well, that’s not too unexpected. That’s not too unusual. However, you are moving into a very big manifestation time, and you want to keep that in mind because with your conscious manifestation, you’re able to bring into your life good things that you want and need. With your unconscious manifestation, you’re just making the rut a little deeper, the pits a little softer, so use your creative, loving choices to guide you, particularly over the next couple of weeks as you move up to the Solstice. Doors are going to be opening. You’re going to have choices in front of you. You’re going to see what you need to do, so choose well.
Tonight we have one of my very favorite things to do, and that is questions and answers. I like it because you can ask absolutely anything you want, and I can answer anything I want. I have noticed over the last few questions and answers that you’re getting very good at asking them in a way that they can really be answered. I will try to go quickly, and all I can do is promise to try, and the reason is because sometimes your question takes a little more than a few words to get the answer out.
So, if you’re going to be adding questions, if it is indeed possible for us to reach them, I would like for them particularly to be about specific issues of communication you might have going on right now, since, ultimately, every relationship that you have in this world requires communication in one form or another, yes?
S: Communication is going to have to do with a whole lot of the doors you are opening or closing over these next few weeks. So particularly your questions about that I would feel most happy to help you with. In the meantime, we’ll just start where we are.
Now, you do not have Marion and Don over there, so have you warned them?
No. Do you know I’ll be throwing . . .
I do. Diane does not remember.
I’ll try not to hit you in the face. Usually they just go on the floor, but when I’m done with a question, I’ll fling it.
S: It’s very stylized, you see.
I’m working on my approach.
The wrist action.
From the last month we had a number of questions about work. [Samuel looks at her glasses] It’s the aging process.
S: Don’t you love it?
Oh, I love it.
S: Aye, entropy happens.
“Many Guardians are out of work and looking for jobs. What can they do to find that work, and what can we do to help them?”
S: Well, just for a minute, I want you to think about a time in which you lost something. Maybe you lost your keys. Maybe you lost a piece of jewelry. Or pretend you’ve lost something. What’s the first thing that you do?
Start looking for it.
S: I swear I will never do this again. He meant curse, though, didn’t he? All right, what’s the first thing that you’re likely to do? Colleen.
Just run around in a hurry or impulsively look in any place that you might find them, instead of sometimes stopping, taking a deep breath, and really kind of thinking where they might be.
S: So very often the first impulse is just to waste a whole lot of energy running around doing all sorts of things, looking in all sorts of places that . . . really you may not have even been there in a few years, so it’s not particularly likely that what you’re looking for is going to be there. Sometimes it takes a bit before you settle yourself in and say, “All right, let’s think about this. Where could this be?”
Do any of you have different ways to begin searching for something? Lillibeth.
Well, I’ve learned after my initial response of what you were talking about that doesn’t work, I start asking the Universe immediately and saying, “Can you help me find it?” And it works so fast.
S: And some of you, in that same vein, call upon the house fairies or the house elves or the under-the-bed gnomes, or something like that to bring it back to you, because what else would the kingdom have to do but find things you’ve lost?
[. . .]
S: And do you tell her where things are? Good, good. So that means two bodies, one brain. Lakshmi.
I’m trying not to build the image of what I’m looking for because then what happens is I narrow my spectrum of what I’m looking for. If it’s in a different angle or if it’s in a different way, I miss it. So I try not to think about how it looks, and I just look for it and feel for it. Most of the time it gets back to me.
S: And, for instance, if you are looking for your car keys, you’re trying not to see them as car keys because the little wad of keys together in a corner, out of place, might be just left out as dirty clothes or something—I’m trying here. That’s generally a good idea.
When I’m not really attached to finding it right away, it’s much easier for me to ask for help, and then just kind of let it go. Ask the Universe to put it into my mind, and I’m so surprised many times when I just stop and pause somewhere and look and there it is.
S: Lovely. And that is also very often the case another part of the way your mind works when you’re trying . . . when you’ve lost someone’s name or maybe the title of a book, and you’re thinking, you’re thinking, you’re thinking, you’re thinking. You’re narrowing that tunnel more and more and more, and it’s when you let it go that it shows up.
Well, the reason that I’m going through all of that is because, believe it or not, those same sorts of skills are useful for you in seeking work. One of the things that you want to remember to do is to try not to narrow the doorway. One of the ways that you very often narrow that doorway is by insisting that, “Universe, I am desperate for work, I need the money, but here are all the things I will not do.”
Now, that does not mean that the Universe is not going to—like a well-trained puppy dog—do what you wish, but you must be aware that in order for that manifestation to happen through that exceedingly narrow doorway that you left it, it might not show up in your current lifetime.
So, one of the best things for you to do is allow yourself to be open as possible and let your determining factors be based on what you absolutely need. [I] did not say want, said need. I have these responsibilities and commitments and must have this much to be able to eat and pay rent and have electricity and. . . . And remember, a reasonable part of your needs has entertainment involved in it, has your having the ability to have creative play—I am just saying, realize that you are also in need and budget yourself into that as well, but remember that it’s a budget that you’re doing with what you need and then the wants come there.
Begin looking outside of the box that you usually put into these things. Be willing to even go outside of what you might think of as your area of expertise if you are getting closer and closer to dire straits.
[Stops and listens] Music? All right. You never know.
Take what meets your needs. Commit to giving your best to that. Let it flow. Let it happen. And when you have the essential pressure of “I’ve got to have something immediately!” off of you, you are more likely, in the very same way that you remember that name once you have let it go, you are much more likely going to find that you are able to manifest the job of your dreams rather than the job of your current needs.
Now, I want you to realize here that I am saying something that sounds dreadfully like, “Make a commitment to a job, and when your dream job comes up, quit it and keep going.” Sounded like that, didn’t it? And that’s because that’s what I’m saying, and here is why I’m saying that. The first reason is I am not telling you to be dishonest to your employer. I think that those of you in here who are employers are much more willing to take somebody who says, “I will give you one hundred percent of what I am, but I want to let you know, honestly, that if something comes up with working at the White House under the new president—that was not a political statement, nor was it a prediction, it had more to do with my lack of job knowledge—I will be taking that. Well, your potential employer is probably thinking, “Hah, that’ll never happen. I’ve got them for life.” But at least they are also realizing that you are saying, “I am going to give you everything I have and am,” because you’re a Guardian and impeccability is the only thing that makes you happy. Right?
S: And you are also saying, “But all of my training, all of my knowledge, all of my work is for this, and should that come up, that’s where I’m going to want to go.” Be honest in that way.
Now, why is it that Guardians are experiencing this so much now? They’re not experiencing so much more than usual; it’s just you’re aware of it more than usual.
[Heidi tosses question card] Aye, you did not warn the second row. You’ve been practicing, haven’t you?
Sure. A couple of cards stapled together. Before I go on, let me retape you.
S: Why?
Because it . . . I don’t want. . . okay.
“How do we know . . .”
S: She’s not dressed me for years. Lifetimes.
I’ve missed it.
“How do we know what’s in our physical blueprint, and is there any way we can change our blueprint?”
S: Two things: How do you know that it’s in your physical blueprint? It won’t go away. Is it possible to change it? To a certain extent. With the advent of Fusion and 5:3:2—if you want to know more about what that means, check in the library. All of you in here who are willing to answer questions because you know what these weird statements are about, just raise your hand real quick. And those of you who want definitions and information like that, look at these hands and go ask these people. The Fusion of Masculine and Feminine Energy and 5:3:2 has created a profound change in the sort of energy that’s capable of coming into this world at this time, the cosmic energy, more or less.
Your physical vessel, which is your blueprint, your physical vessel is designed to hold only so much of a frequency, but with these changes those who have been regularly and consistently working on creating a vessel that is best able to hold that higher frequency—pop quiz in a moment—you are going to find that your blueprint is already changing in response to the nature of the energy that’s coming at this point.
Now, having said that, I’m going to use a word that is not going to sound pleasant, but really it’s just a word. And that’s because the nature of this cosmic energy mutates you, but that’s a good thing. It’s a mutation designed to harden, if you will, the vessel in order to manage that higher energy.
Now here is the pop quiz: what is it that someone might be doing that specifically works to help that vessel manage a higher frequency? Frank.
S: Bingo! Right the first time, because toning is a work with sound and energy that is specifically there to help your form make those changes. Now, a quick warning, for those of you who have been working in toning over the last few years, and you can tone by yourself. It’s better when you tone with a group. If you tone by yourself, you need to use either . . . Stuart, correct me if this isn’t going to be correct. The web site has the toning information and the sound?
S: Good. Or you want to get the CD. Yes. So that you’re able to have the sound accurately.
Those of you who have been toning for a very long time, just mention a few of the sorts of changes you have been noticing in your physical body.
I became allergic to foods that I’ve eaten all my life.
S: Don’t you love it when that happens?
I’m more easily able to balance my own energy and the energies that affect me from the environment.
S: Good.
Or even perhaps in a private session.
S: Good.
I’ve noticed if I’ve had a physical pain, that I’ve had, actually when I’m in the act of toning, it goes for the time I’m toning.
S: Isn’t that nice? Lovely.
I tend to heal more quickly.
S: Good. Good.
My body needs different levels of hormones, synthetic hormones.
S: And that’s also true for most anybody on a regular medication dosage. It changes you pretty quickly.
Also such things as you become more sensitive in hearing, you might become more light sensitive. You go out in the very bright light and you feel like you’re just not quite adjusting that much.
Some people experience—and this isn’t going to make it sound like fun at all—extra allergies and more forgetfulness or such things as that.
I forgot that I was going to mention that.
S: And it’s because you are in the process of very fundamental change as a thank-you from toning, so . . . [Heidi throws card] watch out over there. Everything but the front row, aren’t you.
I wasn’t very good in sports.
“Is there a connection between the frequency of constellations of stars and certain places on earth? For example, Draco the Dragon and Angkor Wat in Cambodia, or Orion’s Belt and the Great Pyramids. Do they resonate with each other? Are they different levels of similar frequencies?”
S: You’re probably not going to like my answer to this very much. The better way to ask that would be, “At the building of Angkor Wat, when over that few-hundred-year period in which the recognition of its sacred place in the world was being memorialized in stone, was the overhead star system at that point and that time having a particular effect?”
I want not to discourage you from learning everything you can about the world you live in, but I want you to realize in a thousand different ways greater is that that is in you—greater is that which is you—than that that is in the world or the sky or deep space. And what I’m saying by that is, yes, the configuration of stars and planets absolutely has an effect, absolutely there are specific points on the earth that were built directly because they were, at that time, a receptacle of profound energy coming into the planet for particular reasons. Yes, all of that is so. But it doesn’t make a bit of difference to you, not a bit, unless you are particularly, specifically, purposefully tuned into that particular area of the sky, if you will, just as if you were a radio station or a radio looking for a station. Is that how that works?
S: That’s the word I’m looking for. Good. Just as if you were a receiver tuning to a very specific part of the frequency spectrum. Your conscious connection there will, of course, have a purpose, will of course create a change, but generally speaking the energy is such a subtle frequency that it’s not going to have the effect on you whose energy—whether you want to think of it that way or not—is huge. Within 4:3:2 . . . I’m not going to go there. We’ll keep going.
Good one!
“What are some particularly effective ways to connect with the Guardians of the other kingdoms—dogs, crystals, evergreens, dolphins and, if possible, octopus, or octopi—in order to best use the energy of this time?”
S: Very much just like with the stars in the sky, it requires a specific, conscious connection. Now, one of the easiest things for you to do—truly—is to get a pet. If you want to learn how to receive love, get yourself a dog. If you want to learn how to give love, get yourself a cat or a fish or other things that don’t take particular interest in your coming and going. There’s some people you know like that, isn’t there? Get yourself one of those examples from that kingdom you’re wanting to make a connection with—really—for the easiest part of it. How many of you have a pet? How many of you who have a pet, you know what that beloved creature wants? It talks to you in its own special way, like this. And in its little head is “Look at me! Look at me. I want to go outside!” And don’t worry, the creatures know how hard it is to train humans. So, by doing that you’re to get a sense of how that communication works, and that’s very helpful, because it really isn’t different from that.
What is required? Number one, what is required is your willingness to make the connection, and your willingness to turn off your own head. You’re not going to make a connection with the dryad, a tree, if you’re insisting on hearing it in American-English words. It’s not going to happen. How is it more likely to happen?
[. . . ]
S: Every time. Mary Claire.
It could come in in the form of thought that comes into your head, or it could be a feeling that something’s drawing you to it and there’s a connection there.
S: Thank you, love. A few moments ago somebody—Jim, it was you—you said you lost something, let it go, and then all of a sudden you just think “Oh, look here,” and there it is. It’s that same thing, that sense of do this, do that, but if you do not have our own brain turned off, your own expectations, your own beliefs about what is and is not possible, you’re not going to be able to translate the information of any sort that you may or may not be receiving.
The second thing that you want to do is release your disbelief. I want you to remember that . . . [coughing, and indicating a vase of flowers next to him.] You know, it might be good to just move those a bit. Sorry, darling, I never know what’s going to set it off. Oh, such lovely color. And the flowers too. Thank you, love.
. . . suspending your disbelief that you’re getting what you’re getting. Not suspend your disbelief that the dog can talk to you, or that you can communicate with your flower garden; suspend your disbelief that you’re “getting” it. Have I answered that through?
Yes. “Please explain the power behind the weaving of the stars. In other words, why do we bother with the cord and the concept of stars?”
S: You bother because it’s training your brain that you’re doing something so that you can do it without having to think so much about it as you progress with it. And that’s all I’m going to say here about that.
“In our now, is there energy that has taken on a life of its own as a result of focused beliefs of mass consciousness? And, if so, how do we identify it to determine if it is appropriate for us, and if not, how do we transfigure or transmute it or neutralize it?”
S: Let’s break it into pieces.
Okay. “Is there an energy that has taken on a life of its own as a result of focused beliefs of mass consciousness?”
S: Yes, there is.
Okay. “If so, yes, how do we identify it [to] determine if it is appropriate for us? And then, how do we . . .”
S: Hold up.
S: The first thing that you want to remember is there is not an energy, there is a lot of energy that has translated into a manifestation of function in this world. So, identifying it, as is the case with identifying anything, requires the very two processes that getting that communication going also requires.
The first thing is, it requires you to consciously choose to make that connection, and I’m not exactly sure why you would for some of those. Quick example, silly example: the Easter Bunny. Really. Tooth Fairy. You’ve got Tinkerbelle. Tinderbelle, right?
[. . .]
S: You mean they’re not real? And the boogie man. It just goes further. It’s about the manifestation of a thought form, and you know, you who can manifest a parking place at Christmas at the mall, you who can manifest your keys in the middle of your kitchen table when you’ve scoured your kitchen already, you know that you can manifest what you put specific focused thought into. You know that you can manifest what you put specific focused thought into. There are such manifestations in this world. You identify what it is you are seeking, and you’d better be clear that you’re seeking it, and you’d better have a good reason for seeking it. And your awareness will tune toward that frequency. It’s a yellow Volkswagen thing there.
The second thing is the very same. You’ve got to suspend your disbelief, because most of what you manifest does not show up in the package you ordered it in. Right? Have you noticed that in your life? And if it’s the Easter Bunny, you might find that it’s not dropping little eggs everywhere it goes or some other weird thing that you have a rabbit do.
If you are going to take something out of ancient religious history, why don’t you just keep it ancient religious history where it’s going to make sense? Instead of turning it into a fairy tale that doesn’t make sense. All right, lecture over.
So, direct yourself to it and suspend that disbelief that you are sensing or seeing what you are sensing or seeing.
Now, having said that, I’m also going to tell you this as earlier: greater is that which is in you than that which is in the world. There is no manifestation in form of any kind that’s bigger than you are. Do not forget that. There is not one thing, no matter how strong and old that manifestation would be, that is greater than you. You. You’re made of star dust and Source love; ain’t nothin’ that beats that.
“Determine if it is appropriate for us, and if not, how do we transfigure or transmute it.”
S: Ignore it, it goes away just like everything else in this world.
There were a number of questions about the conflicts over in Iraq, so I picked out one that, hopefully, will summarize most of it.
“I have been very troubled by the actions of the present U.S. government. You said at the retreat that it didn’t matter who was elected. I find that hard to believe. Please explain what needs to be done to set this country on the right course.”
S: That’s three very different sections there. I’m glad that you’re troubled. Being troubled is not a bad thing. Your figuring out how it is that you would best . . . [Sound of baby crying] It’s this automatic thing that happens, isn’t it? Baby cries, mothers jump—several of them. Doesn’t matter whose baby.
I would find it strange and very sad if a painful world did not hurt your heart. I would wonder about your ability to live love if you were so hardened to other people’s pain that you could, with cynicism, ignore war, slavery, and the many, many other versions of hate in this world. It’s what they all are. Judgment, negative judgment. Greed. Seeking power that is not one’s own. It doesn’t matter, it’s all means of putting pain in this world. And when that time comes that you are no longer looking at the news and getting sick at your stomach, well, perhaps that’s a good time to maybe have a good talk with yourself.
I don’t have a problem with your concern. I do have a problem if it becomes your obsession, because that takes you from what ultimately your work in this world is. And just remind me, if you will, what is it you’re here to do?
Live love.
S: And those of you who know that you are here as a function of Guardianship energy, which, by the way, those of you who don’t know that, that [doesn’t mean that] you aren’t. It means that you just don’t know it—yet. Those of you who know that you are Guardianship energy also know that your work is to bring Sacred Status to its highest possible function, which is the completion of the Plan for this planet and all life force upon it.
If your obsession with the political process, or the liberation of Sudan, or the ancient animosity that shows itself up as constant war of one sort or another between religious factions, if that’s where your focus is, you’re not doing what you’re here to do.
But if your focus is doing what you are here to do, and a part of that is you give time to whatever it happens to be, that works and that’s good.
You have a responsibility not only to live to the highest possible standard that you can impeccably; you are here already perfect, and your job is to come to that place in which you realize it, and consciously live it. If you find that there are things going on within your own back yard that are not allowing for that perfect experience, you really do need to see what you can do to bring about that change.
Here is what I said: “Something in your back yard.” Now that would make you think locally. No, I mean your back yard. I mean you. I mean your life. And the next step from there is your surroundings. And the next step from there is your neighbor’s yard. And your next step . . . what is the bumper sticker, Bonnie, for this? The bumper-sticker queen. Suzanne.
Think local, but . . .
S: Say again.
Think local, act global.
No, think globally, act locally.
S: Which?
Think globally, act locally.
S: And that’s the one, right. It is. It is what I was going for, but I wasn’t sure if I had not turned it around because I was hearing several things in there.
Everything you do in your life, everything you do in your life, affects everything done in the world. Everything you do creates change, and for Guardianship, here is the scary part of it, everything you think, everything you intend, creates change.
So to avoid being the pot that calls the kettle, I highly recommend that you purify and ensure that what you are is rightly functioning as a perfected being before you start calling names and leading marches against other dirty kettles. And that you look to see what you can do to bring about change in your own place and space and neighborhood and city.
And having said all of that, I’m going to move closely on a line that is, as I understand it, moving toward illegal here. Close over your ears, Frank. Do this [covers up his ears with his hands] nah nah nah nah nah.
The reason that it doesn’t much matter who is elected is because there are a whole lot more people in power than one single person that is called the President of this country. And, in fact, the President—some times more than other times—is surrounded by those whose influence creates what you know of as “the President.” But even with that, you have other branches of your government that ideally represent you, and your number-one responsibility when you move out of your personal space is to contact those representatives so that they will know it is that you want them to represent.
Can you imagine what it would be like if it was just you, needless to say Guardians throughout this country, but if it was just you contacting your local and your state and your national representatives and telling your thoughts and voting in and out those who are representing you?
One by one by one you change this world, but you’re only going to change this world by changing yourself first.
[Watching Heidi toss the card] Aye, she’s gotten shy now.
It was a heavy one.
“At the last first-Sunday and in response to the question about depression, you said, ‘I am saying that some have a genetic predisposition in this way. Someday ask me why somebody would choose something like that.’ Some day is here. I would like to ask you why would somebody choose to have a genetic predisposition for depression?”
S: A couple of reasons, and actually this is fitting for several versions of devastatingly chronic illness, not only depression, which is a devastatingly chronic illness when it is a genetic predisposition, a blueprint. Bottom line, sometimes there is more that you do in the lives of others by getting back up and moving on than you would ever do if you had not fallen. It’s not about dealing with it. It’s about not letting it control your life. You do the best you can, where you are, with what you have. And today what you have might be different than what you have tomorrow, but you give it your best.
In addition to that—[baby cries out] as Sanat is giving it his best—in addition to that, it’s also important to realize that any form of chronic illness puts into your life people who would never have been there otherwise, doesn’t it? And that’s not to say that one of your jobs here is to transform and awaken the Guardianship out of the medical world, but if you look around here, you might think that was something.
“What is the means by which we can create positive change in our lives and avoid crisis situations as Guardians, such as relying on drama and the two-by-fours?”
S: Now what do you think that person’s asking there? How can I avoid two-by-fours and not be a part of the great cosmic drama? That one?
S: All right, first let’s get the “you are expecting to hear this because I say them over and over and over and over, and in fact have said them a couple of times tonight already.” What’s the bottom line?
Live love.
S: All right, live love’s always a good bottom line. Let’s keep going with it.
Do the best you can with what you have at the time where you are.
S: That’s good.
And create consciously, rather than let your unconscious rule and take over. Be conscious of what [. . .]
S: Stuart, what were you saying.
That which is within you is greater than that which is in the world.
S: All good. All good. Any more you want to just toss in for fun?
Get over it.
S: Get over it is always a good one. Kay, you do that one.
The stop whining? I knew you were going to ask me to do this tonight [. . .] Stop whining and ascend!
S: So good. So amidst all of that, all of that good airy-fairy, sweet, “do the best you can where you are,” “conscious function,” “stop whining and ascend,” you get two-by-fours because you don’t listen. You are excellent at justifying your ego’s needs. Your security system goes into effect so that you are not functioning at your highest good, but you are functioning in protect-me-from-evil mode, evil being no job, no money, no friends, poor health, whatever it happens to be. There’s lots that you can fill up that particular blank with, and every one of you, truly in one way or another, have experienced most of it. And some of you latch in and go back to that word that I said earlier. You latch on to it and . . .
S: Obsess. And you send out so much energy about that that the manifestation mode kicks in and you get to have more of that. It really is a problem.
You focus on what’s wrong with your life and you get to see a whole lot more of what’s wrong with your life. Gratitude is not a few words; it is a very big, life-changing function, that has a lot of technology written into the word gratitide, because you have to have a totally turned-around brain to reach that point that you can look at the suffering you’re experiencing, the difficulties you have going on in your life, the two-by-fours that are breaking your head open and causing you to bleed tears, you are looking at those things so much more intently than what works, than at how you have overcome much the same thing in the past and how that success [patting]—that was not about this little cord back here.
S: That was you patting yourself on the back that success can be repeated and repeated and repeated in all manner of different ways. You don’t look to see what you’re getting out of the constant, debilitating, pain-causing patterns. “Samuel, I know what I’m out of it. I’m getting discouraged and unhappy and angry and . . . ,”but that’s not gratitude—looking to see what it has given you.
[Coughs] Someday I’m going to do that and something’s just going to pop right out, isn’t it? Could be fun if she did not have her own teeth. Where is Suzie when you need her? There are those who don’t have their own teeth, and if you put out a really good cough like that, could you dislodge it? I think it would be fun.
The Shamu warning on the doors that says “Caution, those in the front rows may get wet.”
S: All right, where was I with that? Was I harping yet?
S: Harping? All right. You get yourself involved in what’s not working and you begin manifesting more of what’s not working. You get yourself looking at the most positive version of a thing, such as “I’m really miserable about this, but gosh, I know what I don’t want now.” And even as pitiful as that might be, it’s a start. Do those things that you know help keep you up and going.
And—here is a big one—when in your life you feel that you are getting hit on the head, more than not, I absolutely recommend one thing: do everything you can, at every moment you can to serve others. It will do two things for you. One of them is, particularly if you are serving others by, for instance, serving meals at the shelter or—and I suppose there are enough of you here in the mental health professions that you could come up with a few good suggestions if asked—especially if you are doing things for those who admit they are more downtrodden than you are, you are going to find your perspective changing. The second thing that it does for you is that it opens the heart back up so that you can receive that which is good from having closed it down so much while you focused on what was not [working].
[Referring to tossing of card] Whoa, look at that!
“What is the energetic purpose, spiritual purpose and intended result in the tribe of the work to be done in Britain in October?”
S: Oh, read that again. It’s a good one.
“What is the energetic purpose, spiritual purpose and intended result in the tribe of the work to be done in Britain in October?”
S: Thank you very much. The first thing that I want to say, because there is only a limited number of people who can go, it’s not the only place this work is going to be done, but it’s the first place it’s going to be done. And the work is about reactivating the Dragon, or amplifying serpent energy until it transforms to dragon energy.
Now, the very brief version of what that’s about. If you take a look through your historic philosophies and teachings, you are going to find that, interestingly enough floating through every major spiritual teaching, the older the better by the way, there is going to be reference of one sort or another to serpent or dragon energy. If you look in the legends, the mythologies of old cultures, you are going to find serpent or dragon energy referenced, and what it is a reference to can be many different versions of a powerful function of earth energy that stimulates life force across the planet, specifically in areas of ancient and not so ancient, but specifically in areas in which the function of the Grid is designed to bring about massive change in a particular people. Awakening the Dragon ultimately will activate the Perfected—the eleven, the twelve, the thirteen, Perfected Ones that are going to open the door for the Greater One.
And, Britain is easy because its places of power, for the most part, are already awakening. Britain is easy because in both spiritual, religious—and my putting those two together is a very tenuous connection—and historic understanding says that the Dragon will return, and when it returns the doorway, the light, the—I’m going to use a word that I think fits, but it’s just handy—the Heroes will return. So they have to get poked so they remember.
Stuart, what’s happening, love.
We’ve gone as long as we normally do.
S: And how much more do you have?
A bunch.
Let’s do a few more.
S: Tell her, Bonnie. [Bonnie makes piggy noises.]
And how will it work for you? Stuart, you.
We have fourteen minutes before we run out of tape.
S: How about I go just another couple then.
“You said yesterday, that misunderstandings . . .”
S: Yesterday?
Yesterday at the workshop.
S: Oh, you’ve gotten into new ones.
S: Good.
“You said yesterday at the workshop that misunderstanding involves, number one, assumption and number two, the lack of a bridge. Could you please elaborate on that?”
S: Probably not. I thought that made a lot of good sense. What part do you think doesn’t make sense?
I’m not sure.
Probably the lack of a bridge, because I think of myself . . . I may be reluctant to give that bridge if someone is saying something that I totally don’t identify with, and rather than just say “I understand,” you know, knowing and understanding that, that’s what that person’s experiencing and coming, to just give that bridge rather than to say “No, no, it’s really this way.”
S: Which is really a delightful thing for the ego to be able to be right and hand out the proper understanding and . . . the bridge is not for them, it’s for you. Don’t forget that. You’re not creating a bridge to another because it’s going to allow them to understand you; it’s going to allow you to embrace and accept them.
But if what you’re doing is based on a misunderstanding, that requires clarity, and I don’t have any problem in your world at all with your being certain that you are clear in what you say or that you are understanding what the other one says. And what I mean by that is, one of the quickest ways to find a common denominator is to ignore the jargon, and instead say, “Particularly, what do you mean by that?” and, “How do you translate that particular word never? Just how long is ‘never’ to you?” Because getting that clarity is going to show you doorways every time. And at the very least, remember, you’re looking at yourself when you stare into that other face. It’s a different part of you so love those parts, if you did nothing else but that. Reach that place within you that your heart was expanded enough to love those that you disagree with, that you’re angry with, that you know in your heart of hearts are absolutely wrong. That opens the door.
There was a second question. Should I?
S: Sure.
“You also said free will involves not knowing. I am puzzled somewhat since to me ignorance with free will seems like a deadly combination, like giving a gun to little children.”
S: That’s true.
“Please explain.”
S: The choice was full knowledge or free will. Now, in this society, [a] very easy version of the mythology surrounding that choice is that you had Adam and Eve. Lilith was already gone by that time, right? Clearly you have not read the front of your Bible, or you would know that it speaks of two separate creations. And when Lilith said, “No more!” well, Jehovah started over.
All right, so you’ve got Adam and you’ve got Eve, and they’re in this lovely, beautiful garden that’s waiting for the Dragon to be activated, and out of this tree shows a snake. And that snake says, “Oh, Eve, guess what I have for you. This lovely delicious piece of fruit that you can’t have.” “I can’t have it? Why not?” “Because God said you shall not eat out of this tree.” “Well, why? What is this tree?” “Well, it’s the knowledge of good and evil. It’s the function of separation, the division.” “Well, I want to eat that fruit. I should be able to have anything I want. I should be able to manifest just by thinking. I should not have anybody saying to me I cannot have.”
And so, symbolically speaking, more or less, she made the choice. “I want to know the difference between good and bad.” But if you did not have that dichotomy, that separation, you wouldn’t have to choose between good and bad, which is what free will is all about, because you would understand the wholeness that’s involved; you would be able to see the larger picture; you would be able to understand from a perspective that’s not so stuck in your stomach, as in “I want to eat that apple.”
What a choice: all knowledge or free will. Well, free will means you are making choices, and indeed, as much as I laugh, sometimes with you, about making that choice, it’s what the experiment is all about. The choices you make make you, and the gift you have in this world is the ability to make right choices. And the defeat that you experience in this world is because of your ability to not make right choices.
All right, I’m going to stop. Quick question: how many more have you here?
Around ten.
S: And about how manydo you think we actually covered tonight?
S: Thank you. Do you want to finish them up next first-Sunday? Frank.
If we do that, you may not want to allow new questions in, because the reason we have so many. . .
S: Exactly. Or are you ready to just move on in to the summer and talk about what you did or did not do with manifestation this past month.
Move on.
S: It’s more fun when it’s just now and again. Good. That’s what we’ll do.
And Heidi, you were great!
Thank you.
S: And you did this well too.
Thank you.
Do you want newsletter to get the rest?
S: They always do.
In that case do you care whether or not we find out who asked what question or is it not relevent?
S: It’s not particularly.
You have work to do in this world. You have decisions to make, doors that are going to be open. You’ve been through a lot. Don’t let the hard stuff become the signpost of your journey. Don’t let it be the way you make your choices and direct your life. You know what works.
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