March 2, 2003

Samuel: Greetings, dears.

Greetings, Samuel.

S: All right. What is it about these seats right here?

I don’t know.

S: Hmm. Prime seating right here. Frank, do you dare?

Come on, Frank.

S: Well, you know, at the workshop you did so very well sitting in front, and as most of you here know, it’s an acquired taste.

Sometimes it’s hard sitting on the front row.

S: Right.

You’ve got many different levels to see out of.

S: Really.

Yes. One of the joys of form.

S: Well, it is, actually, and the more you do to learn to see out of all three of those levels, the better it gets. Aye.

This has been a rather remarkable couple of weeks within the month, wouldn’t you say. Things going on within your world and in most of your lives that have been bringing into action your ability to cope with change. Have you been having a good time of it, a challenging time of it, or an awful time of it? Or all of the above. I suppose that’s also an option. All of the above, aye.

What’s the easy stuff?

The easy stuff is having such an outpouring of love and good nature from people who are helping me out, and also I’m sure they’re helping out others, too. It’s been a real gift to be able to receive so much kindness from people.

S: That’s a lovely, lovely attitude. A lot of power in that. The good that you see in the world is a reflection of the good you allow yourself to experience with your own self. You know, when things are . . . when you don’t feel good about you, when you’re feeling quite lost, then you tend to see the world through a negative and cynical view. When you’re seeing the love and the joy and the beauty and the goodness and the kindness, it’s because you have adjusted, adapted, claimed that for yourself. You’re allowed to have those things in your world because you see them. You see them, because you allow yourself to have those things. A lot of power to that. That’s good.

Now, I asked what’s the good stuff? Aye.

I thought the ice storm was beautiful. Absolutely magnificent. It was like a winter wonderland, and it lasted for several days, which is unusual. Usually it melts, and luckily it didn’t get so cold that pipes froze, it just stayed at that ice temperature weather and sparkled.

S: Nice. That’s good. Aye.

People keep appearing just when things that I need . . . just when I think I’m needing them. Like the other day, I drove home thinking, Gee, you know, we’re just about out of firewood, and I don’t know where I’m going to get some. And I arrived at the house and here’s this guy unloading all this firewood that he’s cutting from somebody else’s property, and he said that he had to get rid of it, and so he knew that I used firewood and he just brought it to me. And then, the next thing I knew I was standing in my kitchen and looked in my driveway, and somebody’s taking a grader blade along my road grading it out, and I didn’t recognize the person. And I thought maybe he’ll come back for another swathe, but he never came back, and he just did mine. You know, things like that just keep popping up. It’s just incredibly delightful.

S: And the manifestation of the—and I hesitate to say “small things”, because getting in and out of your house and being able to stay warm are very large things when you live out in the sticks and rocks—but realize that. You do good. Good comes back to you. Do you think that those people disappeared right after they left your place? They could have.

I will tell you a good thing. Will all of those who spent part of their day cleaning this place stand up? These are very good, good things. I’ll tell you what the difference is. Your energy stays here. That says that you’re doing it with consciousness, that you’re doing it with the idea of pouring love into what you’re doing. And it feels it. Do you feel that? It just feels it. I am very grateful. Thank you. Yes.

As a gift to all of you this building sparkles with light. It’s a gift to me, and I am grateful for it.

Now, that’s what’s good. What’s difficult over this last couple of weeks? The things that you’ve been dealing with that seem difficult? Aye.

Well, the storm really changed my patterns, and I was in a particular pattern of life before the storm, and the storm came and everything changed. And this week I’ve been going through a process of kind of questioning and wanting to get back into the old patterns, but saying, Do I really want to get back into those old patterns?

S: Good.

And, you know, looking at it and having some confusion there, and, you know, it’s not real clear yet what patterns I want to reestablish or what new ones I ‘d like to bring in.

S: Well, and you might give yourself just a bit of time before you make solid those decisions. Let yourself see how you’re doing with a changed system, because right now you’re still at a point where nothing is solid. You have those options. Take them. That’s good. That’s good. Aye.

For a while it seemed that all that was needed during that time was skills that I didn’t have. I didn’t have skills for the chain saw, I didn’t have skills to repair a furnace, I didn’t have skills to . . . you know, so it felt very . . . I had all this energy to help, to do, but I didn’t have anywhere to put it. And I was getting this incredible help from other people, which was wonderful, and so I just thought, “ Okay, I’m just going to put out that I’ll do whatever is needed when that comes up.” And then I had the most wonderful request that really came right to a talent that I have. One of the people that I work with asked if they could possibly come over and I could tune his son’s cello. And I thought, “I can do that!”

S: In fact, that was rather a gift for you, wasn’t it? And indeed that is how it works at its best. When you come to a situation in which you find that you are feeling somewhat powerless because there is nothing you can do, because your skills are not the ones that are being used, you can allow that to be an opportunity to take a look and figure out why they are not your skills.

If they are your skills and you really need them, well, then you can look toward taking them on, getting them. But if they are not your skills because you don’t need them and you don’t want them—rejoice! And function exactly as you did, doing the best you could where you were with what you had, doing what you could, being very grateful to the gifts coming your way from those who could do and did, and seeking opportunities to give back in whatever way you can.

Guardians always seek balance. It’s one of the curses you deal with, you know. Always seeking balance in a situation. And sometimes that can be a burden to you if you don’t realize that what you give is not always measured in the same coin. What you do and what you are count for much. Don’t let your need to give rule out another’s gift to you. On the other hand, do not only seek the gifts, look also on how to give back. Keep it in balance.

I’m going to do something tonight that I’ve not done in a very long time.

Stuart, do we work with all of these lights on? You see, when he darkens you up, I can see you better. Not see your faces and your clothing, but see your energy differently. With all of the white light, it just sort of fuzzes out into one large billow.

What I’d like to do this night is questions and answers. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? It’s about time, don’t you think? Questions and answers are one of my most pleasurable opportunities with you, because questions and answers tend to be more fun, for one thing, a lot more fun for me, mainly because I get to make fun of your questions, and they’re fun for you because you get to make fun of your questions and my answers. Because it’s an opportunity to be playful with each other, because it’s an opportunity to know where you are with certain concepts, ideas, things going on with your life, because your questions express what you know. So your questions speak as well in what’s under what you’re asking, as well as the asking itself.

Generally speaking, I like to put questions and answers on a particular subject. More often of late, questions have been more or less falling into certain patterns anyway, so I’m not going to put a limit on that. Be aware that questions tend to start slowly, and as answers whet your mind—would that be right?—all right, close enough, that’s right—and pull up questions for you, then the questions start coming more often and more often, and because there is only a very limited amount of time, it usually means that there’s not likely going to be a way that all questions will get to be answered. And if nobody has questions, and there’s really nowhere for us to go this night, then I’ll pat you on the head and send you on your way. So, who’s first. Well, good. Already, good. We will go Jean.

At the last workshop you said that the completion of Sacred Status could happen in ten years. And from chatting with a variety of fellow Guardians, our interpretation of what that would mean for the Guardianship varied quite a bit. And so my question is, Does that mean if we do reach completion of Sacred Status, that the Guardianship would have death of the physical form, or are you talking of a different type of death?

S: All right. Where does the ten years fit into that at all?

Probably not at all.

S: All right, so that’s not in reference to your question. At the completion of Sacred Status, what happens to the Guardians? Is that what you’re asking?

In physicality.

S: Right.


S: Your compact is for the establishment of Sacred Status for all life force on this planet and including the planet, but there is another piece of that. It is the completion of the Plan, which is Sacred Status for the planet and all life force upon it.

Most of you will not remain, and physically speaking what that means is, yes, you go, you die. you , not all of you, because for various reasons there are a few amongst you who have connections into the reestablishment for the fulfillment of Absorption. There are those coming in now whose work is exactly that. There are those who have come in who have a part of that work. For the most part, the Guardians will go.

Now, the next part of that answer: and as soon as they go with the completion of Sacred Status, that also means that they have the option to return at will. And that’s, that’s when it gets good. Kathy.

I would like to know what the specific qualities are for A, D, C and F sharp, and how they work together in completing the Plan. And also—I’m being a weasel—why we are still doing the A.

S: As long as you are working on this planet, you will do A, because it’s the foundation for life force itself. It’s the glue.

Depending upon what you would be asking with the rest of those, there’s several ways it can be answered. When you’re in a toning practice, those particular sounds have a different effect than when you are in a ceremony with me. They have a different effect depending on the ratio of masculine and feminine energy.

Ultimately, they work on the wholeness of your physical and your mental and your spiritual self as it functions in form. And the harmonics that are created out of the perfectly sounded notes activate a dimensional quality that you have not yet had to deal with.


You have suggested, you have told us, that we should pray for peace and be focusing on peace rather than anything else during this time of crisis.

S: That’s not exactly right. Somebody want to . . .

To focus on peace, but not anti-war.

S: It’s not don’t focus on anything else, it’s don’t focus on war.

But I am getting a number of pieces of information, and I think it’s so important that we as the people in the country know a certain amount of information as to what’s going on, and so I get this information about our government, and it’s things that I think that other people ought to know, and so I always have to question,  if I send this on am I overstepping the line? Should I do it or should I not do it, because I want to do what you ask? Can you help me with this?

S: I hope I’m not the only one who can help you with this. Anybody got a comment or two with that? Your thoughts about where I’m going to go with that? Ken.

An easy analogy is, if you’re spending all of your time fighting with Bush and Cheney and that crowd, you’re not making peace, you’re making war. And that’s the way I would look at things, that you have to forward in just that context, and if it seems to stir up more controversy than it does peace, then just leave it in your machine.

S: I like that. That’s good. More. This side of the room has not awakened yet. Is that right? It’s too dark over here. Stuart, they’re falling asleep. Stuart, did you have your hand up?


S: Hello, yes.

I guess I’m going in the direction of intent, and if the intent is a focus on getting political information out, then maybe it’s best not to put it out there. If the intent is so that that person or other persons can focus more on peace to intensify their thoughts of peace to whatever counteracts this, then maybe they should know.

S: Good, that works as well. Intent as the key there with that one. Very good. Frank.

Well, I know some of the information I receive is information on positions or speeches or information that people have given. By receiving that, I can send those people information or I can send energy that that information be accepted by those that can act on it.

S: I think I need you to be a bit more specific in there.

Well, generals who are speaking out against the war. By knowing that, I can be sending energy to those people who are in positions in the military who are not for the war.

S: Good.

And I can know where to be sending energy, and it can also help me have hope that things are going on in a way, with the power of the government and the country.

S: All right. Steven.

Most information I get like that takes a position, and the moment I find information I like, I’ve taken that position. And when I send it out I’m wanting other people to take that position, because I think it’s important enough to send out.

S: That fits with Sallie saying “I feel they ought to know.”

But the problem with that is, I’m buying into dichotomy by taking that position rather than asking for peace and for an outcome that’s for the highest good.

S: Good. I think that it’s extremely important—and it’s hard for me to be able, using your language, to stress how important it is—for you to be educated. I think one of the things that you run into in your life that causes trouble for you is that you have these beliefs, but you don’t know why you believe them. You have these opinions, but you’ve not done the research to see what’s going on there to know if it really is something you disagree with or if it’s just popular to disagree or agree. And it’s extremely important that you live in this world, and you should take the responsibility to learn what you can about those aspects of this world that affect you.

The question is your right to send your opinions out to others. That’s what you want to be careful with. If it is somebody who has said I want to know, send it on. It’s as simple as putting out a phone call or an e-mail or a letter to your friend saying, “You know, I have access to a lot of this information, I process a lot of it through, I throw a lot of it out, but there are some things now and again that interest my awareness of government policies, or whatever. If you are interested in something like that, I’d love to pass them on now and again. If you’re not, I won’t. Let me know.” Well, that way you’ve given due warning, and you’re simply [saying], “I think you should know this.” “I am a controlling person and I am sticking it into your face, so there’s nothing you can do about it”—you’re avoiding that. Ask. Ask. Ask. Don’t presume. Ask. Maybe even somebody who sends you that sort of thing, still, ask.

And although that is true with what’s going on governmentally now—with your administration, with your politics—what other areas of life does that also apply to?


S: Yes. Everything works. Everything works. You have a responsibility to know why you believe what you do, but you don’t have the right to push that belief on others because you know it’s good for them. Most of you have spent all of your life resisting that in certain areas of your experience, and now all of a sudden with politics it’s all right? I think not.

Is it a question, love?

It seems like in humanity, at least, I’m always trying to figure things out, and I realize that I can’t. Even you’re saying get educated and take on as much information or research, even so when I put it all together, I have learned to open up the end and say, “For the best. For the highest and best good.”

S: That’s good.

And that seems to apply to everything from my point of view. And yet you can’t know everything. You’re saying be educated. It doesn’t seem like you can know all the information.

S: And maybe I should have said, “Educate yourself to the fulfillment of your desire to learn more. Go as far as you can before it just doesn’t make sense any more.” You have those points now and again, don’t you? All right, I’ve checked out every particular source I can—oh, that sounds good, doesn’t it?—and there’s just too much information, and I cannot process it all. I’ve just got to step back, take a break from it, and let your interests do the guiding for you.

However, that does not mean that there is an excuse for not learning what you can, doing what you can. Martin.

You know, Samuel, I came into toning one night, and I asked for energy for my neck, the degenerative arthritis in my neck, and everybody on this side of the circle had the same thing, and I’m wondering, is there some change that we could make, or I could make, in the diet or the exercise that would help with whatever that is with the arthritis?

S: Something that would turn the clock back you mean. Yes and no. Generally speaking, with your pain receptors, your body’s response to pain, everybody experiences . . . everybody’s reality is different insofar as pain. Same hammer, same force, hit it on Suzie’s foot, hit it on Frank’s foot, and you’re going to have two totally different responses to that pain. Who do you think will hop around and whine the most?


S: I don’t know, Frank’s pretty tough, pretty tough. However, you did play right into where I was going.

One of the ways that you can help your body not feel it so much, not be quite as sensitive to it, is to eliminate a lot of the acid out of your diet. Your acid foods set you up chemically for that sensitivity. Now, acid foods, unfortunately, in the typical American diet, processing changes most of your food into an acid response within the body.

Citrus, obviously. Such things as citrus fruit, and strawberries—help me here—peppers, and . . .


S: Tomatoes, sure.

Tomatoes not in season.

S: Sure, not quite ripened, is that what you mean? Sure, sure. Onions and highly processed sugar. Sugar? Turns acid in your body? Yes, actually it does. A lot of your processed snack foods end up becoming a pain receptor in your body. Simply cutting out, if you can—cutting severely back if you can’t—on acid foods is going to make a profound difference.

Second thing you can do: become aware of those foods that cause you to retain water or swell, and there is a difference between those two things. You can retain water or you can swell, or you can do both—and then you’re a really big balloon, because that causes your whole body to be functioning under truly pressure, and that causes different responses that trigger your pain receptors.

Remember that your body triggers pain here. I’ll back off a step: You have an infant, and the infant is hungry. What does it do?


S: And the infant has a need for a clean nappy, and what does it do?


S: And it wants to be held, what does it do?


S: And from that point forward, what is instilled into that child? “When I need to have my needs met, what should I do?”


S: So there is also an aspect of yourself in which your pain response is your body’s way of trying to get your attention about something. It is not at all unusual for this society to have very, very many high numbers of arthritic responses. Again, that has a lot to do with the high amount of acid that you put into your diet.

The body, more or less . . .  think of it this way, and this isn’t going to be exactly accurate, but it’s close enough: think of it as your body trying to shield itself.

Now, what’s arthritis?

It’s from trouble in the bones.

S: Right.


S: Right. And, of course, where it grits and pushes and grinds and wears, you feel that and that hurts. Now, I am not saying that when you learn to let down your shields, your arthritis goes away. That’s why I said I don’t want to say that this is exactly the same, but it is a safety response within the body. The body is on security mode.

Think for a moment. Arthritis is something that your grandparents get. Right? Arthritis is something old people have, not people in their thirties and forties, but here you are, already experiencing those changes.

Now, some of the things that you want to look at is how do you manage stress? Part of that shielding with many people is that they tense themselves up. They tense themselves up like a turtle with a shell [cracks bones], hear that? They tense themselves up holding their hands and fists, standing rigid. Their hands, their knees, their feet start hurting. They try stiffening, yes. They try to build a shell to protect you, more or less.

Not only stress, also certain genetic traits. Some of you naturally have within your body certain programs that click into place after so many insults to it, finally giving it that last insult, and it says, “All right. I’m giving out.” So you want to make sure that you see your medical professional to make sure that there isn’t something like that going on with you, and that it is things that you can work with.

For stress and security, a certain amount of genetic effect, these things with the body, responding with pain here and here, by being flexible, by doing strength work, by keeping yourself active, by eating foods that feed your body instead of scare it, generally by taking care of yourself, you can have a certain effect.

Now, having said that—all right?—and for all of you who have bodies particularly here and at the lower back here, that are in pain, there can be a possible explanation there as well. Anybody that’s been at the workshops remember what that’s about?

I’m thinking back to the Pittsburgh workshop, and I think you talked about it then, that the energy coming in at this time, that we receive a lot of that energy through our neck.

S: Actually, you’re not receiving it through your neck, but your neck is holding it.

And that that can cause . . . we can respond to that with resistance and stress, and also that the lower back can become very loose as a result of that. I used to have a lot of lower back problems. Now I’m having it in my neck, so, you know, it’s moving around. I thought that was interesting when you made that distinction about the problems that we’re having with the neck now and then.

S: Take it at the top and bottom, yes. Yes. Anybody want to add to that? Anybody that isn’t Jean want to add to that? Because of the fusion of masculine and feminine energy, and the doorway to a much more higher frequency of energy flowing into the earth right now, those who function with Guardianship energy and are functioning at a very high frequency of that Guardianship energy are functioning as what? Magnets, drawing it to them, receptors. Something like that. Channels is what you are, drawing that energy through you as it then transforms, as you filter it, and moves out into the Grid—a lot of airy-fairy tonight. Nobody want to ask real plain questions like why is the grass green, or something like that?—all right, as it moves out into the Grid, that effect is going to have an effect based upon your resistance and based upon your ability to constantly filter high frequency like that. If you are not being fed, if you are not taking care of your spiritual self, if you are not feeding that frequency, you are going to do the burnout, because you can only let so much of that flow without getting some feeding for it.

On the other hand, that flow moving through you makes you feel so good, and it’s not a twenty-four-hours-a-day kind of flow so you may be finding that at two o’clock one day, you just get giddy and happy and feel good, and you’re fun to be around for three or four hours, and then you start wearing out. You start wearing out, so what’s the first thing you do? “Wow, I am so tired I am going to go take a nap.” Worst thing you could be doing for you.

Go outside and take your half-hour walk at that point, with fifteen minutes of that walk being silent, allowing yourself to be conscious of the beauty and the gifts, and putting out love, like little footprints everywhere you go, because that feeds your spirit and strengthens your ability to channel that higher-frequency energy.

Give yourself spiritual feeding. You may begin to find, as well, that here in Lexington, anyway, on Sunday nights and Monday nights and Wednesday days and Thursday nights that you start having those energy surges for longer periods of time and more often, because your—well, I’m going to say spiritual body, but I don’t like that phrase, but it’s going to have to work—your spiritual body has learned that its going to get a really strong dose of feeding, a very balanced response. So you start channeling through that energy, and by the time you make it to toning, you might be starting down, but that feeds you again and keeps you going. So, physically speaking, there’s a lot that’s going on, there’s a lot that’s going on with you on many levels, not the least of which is that your body is working very, very hard to make sure you’re not stuck here. As a result, you are experiencing its slow breakdown, and that’s a good thing. Remember that, it’s a good thing. Think of what the alternative would be. It’s not pretty.

Be aware of what you can do to make it better. Be aware of what you eat. Be aware of how you move. Be aware of your responses to stress. Pay attention to you. And then, along with all of that, realize that there is another dimension to this, and if you are indeed functioning as a channel for that outpouring of energy, and you are finding that your experiencing those delightful moods now and again, and you’re realizing that that’s a part of the pattern too, then do what you know to do to feed your spirit, to feed yourself spiritually so that that bounce doesn’t happen and you can keep that high that much longer.

More. Jennifer.

Thank you.

S: You are welcome.

I actually have two questions which are not related. [Samuel snorts piggishly.] Well, you get your hand in when you can.

One is I notice that I’m doing some very subtle levels of completions, and within those completions there may be some opening doors of new things within the same context of people and places. How do we discriminate between the old and completing the new and letting it go, versus some new?

And the second question concerns . . . 

S: Let’s do the first one.

Remember that letting go does not mean not having. Letting go is not about “I have let go of this glass of water and I will not have it in my life ever again because I am complete with it, and it is more or less empty.”

And when you have completions in your life, which you should be having all the time . . . stand up, Frank. There, he completed sitting. Sit down, Frank. He completed standing. And although you think that’s sort of funny, the fact of it is that’s just the microcosm of the whole thing.

Completions with other people. Well, let me tell you, you never ever in your life have a total completion with anyone in your life. You let go of your expectations in regard to that situation, and that establishes a whole new beginning. What’s done with it at that point is not a part of the “Written Law for Jennifer’s Life” or your life. That’s why she said there are these small completions and I see doorways opening, and windows opening and opportunities showing up in those regards. But generally speaking, don’t be thinking that, because you have a completion, it means they’re out of your life. It means that that particular situation, as it was, is complete for you. It may not be complete for them, you know.

So remember that letting go does not mean not having. Now, generally I say that because most of the time you don’t let go, because you’re afraid of not having, and so you hold on to things that are no longer useful to you, be it all that stuff in your back closet or be it that relationship that doesn’t really feed you very much any more at all, but keeps you in shoes. I always like to pay attention to who laughs at stuff like that.

Letting go does not mean not having. Now, move to that second one.

The second one in part encompasses Sallie’s earlier question. When events are happening, how do we know when to respond, when not to respond to a situation other than, as Gwen said, to send energy for the highest good? Things are very complicated. I can see a lot of benefits for Bush’s drama, because I see the UN becoming an international governing body for the world, which is long overdue. I really like seeing what’s happening there. I like seeing what’s happening with other countries saying, “No, United States, you can’t bully us this time.” And in my meditations I send energy to the world leaders and to the people of the UN, but I suspect that there are going to be other circumstances, not necessarily as clear as that. How do we know when and how to respond?

S: Who wants to answer that? Everybody is asking that same thing, I suppose. Heidi.

Well, you can always send energy.

S: Well, yes, always, and that is a very powerful, useful, important thing to do. Do not ever think otherwise. Send energy. Keep it in your prayers, your thoughts. Whatever words you want to use, it’s the same thing. You are visualizing a positive outcome, the highest possible good of a situation, whatever you call it. It works, it has an effect. Yes, you always can send energy, and always should be. More than that though. Aye.

You can send energy that they choose to act in the highest level of what they can at the time.

S: All right. That’s a good one, too. More specific in that sending of energy.

You can take action.

S: But what she’s saying is, How do you know when to take action?

I think that you have to examine within yourself if you think that something is needed that you can give and that you can offer.

S: Good. That works.

And, for me, when I realize that there’s something that I can give, I’m looking at the places where, if you’re evaluating something and you’re saying, “I like it that the UN is getting stronger,” then it’s very much an opportunity to send something to the representatives of the UN and say, “Thank you for what you’re doing.”

Another way is, if you see something that is not progressing in a way that is for the highest good as you understand it and as you maybe think you could give some clarification to or give some points to or create some dialogue, then you could send your opinion, and you can say, “And here’s a reference point.This is something that I think illustrates what I would like to see you consider.”

S: Theoretically they are representing you. So give them your thoughts.

And it’s also a good idea to remind them that they’re representing you, I think.

S: Let me go ahead and stop you there, because you’re moving on a very good track. Let me try to make it even more basic than that.

If it’s touching your life, it’s there because there’s something you can do. If it’s touching your life, it’s there because there is something you can do. So the very first thing you’ve got to ask is, Is this touching my life? Well, you’re going to be able to answer that on several levels, because, of course, in the largest picture, it absolutely does touch your life, in the greater picture.

But balancing that greater picture, you have, as has already been pointed out, you have that, Well, in the greater picture I also know that everything is going to work out for the highest good and I can see that. And that’s a good balance. For the greatest picture, that’s a good one to keep in mind. Ultimately, this is all going to work for good.

So bring it a step closer. All right, how else does this affect me. Now, Hester and Gwendolyn are walking down the path, and there is a tiny snail, a slug. Are a snail and a slug the same thing?

No, a snail has a shell. It’s a slug with a shell.

S: Slug with a shell. All right, that’s the one. Snail is walking across the path, and Hester looks and she can tell that if Gwendolyn continues walking as she is, she is going to crush this creature. And that just breaks Hester’s heart, because she knows that it would not only destroy that small working life force, but it would break Gwendolyn’s heart.  And so she says, “Gwen, stop, quick, where you are! Stop!” And she goes over and moves that little snail. Takes it out of the path and keeps on going then. All right. And Gwendolyn says, “Oh, thank you. I would hate to have stepped on that. That would have been such a mess.” And Hester says, “Well, I could see that you were going to that place and it was about to happen, and I had to do something, I could not just stop there.”

And the little snail is saying, “Oh, great. It took me years to get in the path of somebody to help me get out of here! Now what?”

The Form has a song she sings to me when I do that. It’s called “Interference. Interference. La, la, la.”

I saved a turtle from the middle of a highway, took it home to our country. . . well, we lived in the country, put it back in the woods. The same day I ran over it with the lawn mower.

S: Now that was quite a powerful turtle, and you’re quite a powerful person to get all of that lined up again. I would say, that actually speaks very well of you, Bonnie love.

Now you know somewhere in all of that, there’s a point, don’t you? You know that there is a point in there somewhere, because it is also your responsibility to be sure, as we said earlier, that you’re not stepping on, “You ought to know this. You ought to do this. You have to live your life my way. You have to do things my way.” You have to be very careful that you’re not doing that.

You want to educate yourself to those things that show up in your path, because they show up for you to do that. And because you educate yourself—you’re not educating others, you’re educating yourself—then when the trees in your front yard fall apart in the ice storm, and the tree crew comes and cuts them up, and you go out to talk to them and they say, “Golly, I am just so irritated with the American administration for doing this constant bullying of the world,” you can say, “Well, you know, I’ve been thinking of that very same thing. Here are some things I have learned.”

Now, tell me a point—very quickly—that you noticed with that. There was a rule in there. Suzanne.

They brought it up.

S: Good. Yes. They brought it up, but you were prepared.

Now, Lillibeth made some very good remarks about you having in your country an elected representation in government. They are, ideally, representing you. So as you educate yourself, take advantage of knowing that they are there because they are representing, and they need to know what you want in that representation.

Does that mean you must do it? No. Does it mean you have to be good at it? Yes, because you are just one more crackpot letter unless you’ve done your homework, unless you are speaking to them. “I’ve looked at your record, and here’s what I know. And I think what I’m saying here works with what you have said you wanted here.” You’re making it real, you’re being personal. You’re not spamming Congress. You’re taking part in what affects you. You are training yourself about what’s out there to know and not know. You are available when the subject comes up, and yes, it’s all right now and again if you even do a little maneuvering to get that subject to come up, but you are not here to save the government. You’re here to save the world. And I mean that.

What’s happening with your government is a part of the picture, it’s not the whole picture. Don’t get caught up in how many millions of children have already died in Iraq because of United States policies, and not caring at all about how many millions and millions have died in Africa or Antarctica. Well, they don’t have two legs and two arms, but they are just as much a part of your world.

[. . . ]

S: No, more like seals and penguins.

As it touches you, you have a responsibility. How much it touches you should be a signal as to how much you need to do with it, and it’s different for every one of you. Everybody on this row has a different version of what they are required to do, required by themselves. Remember that.

Stuart, what’s happening timewise? Sorry. Now and again, he’s waving at me back there.

All right, Jerry.

I’ve been following you, doing everything that you asked, or trying to, since I’ve been here.

S: I think the word “trying” is the key one there.

And I still don’t know where we’re going. I still don’t know what it looks like. And my curiosity keeps pulling me. “Well, what’s it going to look like? What’s that mean?” So if someone were to ask me to describe what Absorption was or Sacred Status—what the world is going to look like when we reach that point, I wouldn’t know what to tell them, because I don’t know.

S: You’re right.

Do you know? Can you tell me what it’s going to look like, what I could tell them so that they could understand.

S: All right, first, explain why it is I cannot tell you definitively.

Free will.

S: Right. Thank you, Jerry. Insofar as free will determines reactions and responses, then there is a certain amount of “well, it would be very nice to say that at Sacred Status the lion lies down with the lamb.” Is that right? A really stupid lamb. Or a really full lion. You see, that’s why Israel and Palestine cannot get along, because it is literally the lion and the lamb. All right.

However, in everything, remember that what you experience is a portion of the greater whole, and therefore by looking at your experience, that is indeed a version of a greater whole.

So, the completion of Sacred Status, is that point in which all of life force, specifically mass consciousness, has awakened to their spiritual experience in human form. Sacred Status does not eliminate human form. Sacred Status is that point . . . well, let me begin this a little more. Sacred Status is a journey that begins when the majority on the planet are aware of a spiritual aspect to themselves. It ends when that spiritual aspect is activated, which starts a whole different experience altogether.

For yourself, your acknowledgment of your spiritual self, your awareness, what did that do to you? How were you changed? What happened in your world because of that?

Second, when you found a friend or a community, or when you found a place in which there were others who were seeking to do something with that spiritual acknowledgment, how did that change you? What were your responses at that point?

Now, the completion of Sacred Status is going to be [when] all life force upon this planet recognizes, acknowledges, and activates its spiritual connection. Although you cannot say across the board all people are going to feel this way, because there is still free will, you can say what is based on your own experience? You can say, number one, but there’s going to be a whole lot of frustrated people in this world, because all of their issues about self-judgment, about am I doing enough, am I enough, their issues about communicating with others and expressing safely their spiritual selves, are all going to be coming through in many different levels. While this community over here has found that they are very adapted in the more esoteric version of things and these over here are still doing it very much through the religious version of things, and that’s all right, because the major change that is the result of Sacred Status is that there is a global awareness of One. An awareness that you may call it Allah, and you may call it Buddha and you may call it Sallie, but it’s all about that spiritual awakening. There is the spiritual component put into it all.

At the completion of Sacred Status, the acknowledgment moves into activation. And it’s at the activation that Absorption begins, absorption begins. Absorption, insofar as the Guardians are concerned, has begun, because Guardians are beginning, due to the fusion, to have access to transdimensional activity. That’s what Absorption is about. This planet moves from a fully physical dimension into activation on other-dimensional . . . oh, what’s a good way to say this? Just other dimension, I’ll just say it that way. What that’s going to mean is when I said to Kathy, “And do you think some of those people disappeared once they left?” that’s going to be much more common.

Now, very quickly, what do you think people on the slow end of Sacred Status and Absorption are going to think with that?

They may not even have the awareness of it.

S: You’re right. They may not. Yes?

They could also see that as the end of the world.

S: Sure.

They could be very afraid by then.

S: Sure. Got a lot of that now already though, don’t you?

The most important thing that there is is for Guardians to fulfill their promise. By Guardianship energy fulfilling its work here, at this time of transition, you are creating doorways that are going to make it so much easier for that final transition.

The absorption of form does not eliminate it. It eliminates the need for it. That happens now in singular moments, but at Absorption, that becomes normal.

[. . . ] everyone on the planet at that point in time, is that what you’re saying?

S: That becomes normal for all who experience it. Well, let me explain what I mean by that. I can hear that Mary has had all sorts of interesting experiences in which people show up and leave, and she seems to just have a pact with the angels who help her out, and I think, you know, she really needs to get back into therapy. I think it could help a lot. They have medication for that now, you know, which is what most of you think now when you hear stories like that. It’s really different when it happens to you.

Well, right now you’re not aware of it happening to you, because you have the veil, you still function in free will that says, Uh-oh, I did not see that. And your resistance keeps it out of your awareness. But when it’s happening more often and there are a greater number of those for whom that’s reality, it’s going to be a lot harder to say no to it.

So when it becomes a part of your reality, you have a choice. Quick question: How different is that now? Because, indeed, you have any number of incredible experiences that come into your life and sometimes you think it to death, and sometimes you simply reject it whole, and sometimes you convince yourself that you’re not good enough, and sometimes you say, “Why not? Sure. Hit me with your best stuff.”

Here is where you are. Here is where your power is. This, this, is your moment of proof. There is not yesterday, there is not tomorrow. You have right now. What you are doing with it determines what you see tomorrow.

Remind me to do this more often. I like it.

This is an important month, a lot going on. When you think of your planet and governments and people, think healing, wholeness, a big Band-Aid across the planet, whatever it is that for you represents a healer’s touch. The energy of healing is what is needed.

Be good to you. Do what you need to do to be what you are here to be. Stop resisting.
