April 16, 2000

Samuel: Hello, dears.

Hello, Samuel.

S: So my lovely assistant tonight is invisible?

[Frank] I didn’t know if you wanted me right away, or if you wanted to chat a little bit.

S: Well, both. It’s been a long time since Frank’s been up here.


S: Aye. So you know the routine?


S: Aye.

I’ve been briefed.

S: And you feel absolutely competent already?

As much as I can.

S: Good. That works.

So how has your day been?


Climatically perfect.

S: Climatically perfect.

Absolutely perfect.

S: Aye.

I’ve [. . .] perfection this day.

S: Enjoy it.

I felt that after yesterday’s workshop, in a large part of my life, I’ve often intellectualized things, and I just felt like I really couldn’t do that as much. I find myself less and less able to do that, and either you cast a spell over us, or I was listening with my heart and my brain wasn’t really functioning that well. I don’t know that I could explain what it was about yesterday.

S: Now, beloved, listening with your heart does not mean your brain is not functioning well.

Even though it came through yesterday, I don’t know, it just didn’t take.

S: One of the things that are very hard to do in this world, particularly in this society, is to learn to run things through your heart rather than through your brain first off. Now, of course, there’s a lot of things you need to run through your brain, aren’t there? What sorts of things need to run through your brain?


Traffic signals.

S: Actually, I was thinking more along that line of when you’re driving, it’s nice to be using your head, although putting your heart in there too could be useful, don’t you think? But there is something to be said for listening with your heart. What do I mean when I say that, because much of what we talk about tonight, if the questions are anything like what they have been through these series of talks, you’ll need to be listening with your heart. So what do I mean by that?

See everything through the eyes of love.

S: Always, always, see everything through the eyes of love. Balance it with love. Sure.

Let it . . . just give it enough space to resonate more on a cellular level than through linear logic.

S: Don’t feel the absolute need to understand every little piece of it and therefore connect it into everything that you already know or have already heard. Humans work on an associative process. As a result of that, the tendency is everything that you hear you run it in according to what you’ve already heard. Now that has its disadvantages, doesn’t it? For instance, what if it’s not exactly like what you’ve already heard, but you’re already presuming it is, so you’ve already leapt ahead to what you think is going to be said, and you therefore miss what is being said. Not that that would ever happen to you, of course. Not that you‘ve ever done that before, of course. But because of that associative thinking process, to not be so quick to run it through “do I know this? —do I agree with this?—how do I understand every small bit of it?”, but to actually just let it reside a bit. You might find that you know more than you thought you did, that you gain deeper information than what you thought you would, and that it moves directly into wisdom, because you’re able to connect on levels that you cannot usually when you’re automatically using that mental process.

Looks as though there’s a lot here. So perhaps we should just get started. Are you anywhere near ready?

I’m ready.

S: Aye. All right, what are your rules?

My rules are not to ask a similar question twice.

S: Right.

To limit the questions to things that relate to Earth Link 2000 or this last series or workshops.

S: And to try not to let somebody weasel in fifteen questions on one.

Right. I see that there’s a lot of questions about one topic, with a couple of separate points. I’m trying to put them together so I can say there’s a question about this, and these were questions about it.

S: All right. Here is the deal. Frank gets to use his head; you get to use your heart. All right. So let’s go.

“Yesterday, you said it was possible to be human and unlimited for more than a glimpse. What would this be like, and how do we get there?”

S: It’s possible to be perfected, to go beyond perfected moments into eventually perfected experience. First, remember that you are perfect. That’s the big picture, right? All that you are, all that you do, all that you think is working to catch up with that.

Now, the first thing that you’ve got to know—and I’m not saying that I’m going to tell you, but that you’ve got to know—is what is “perfected” like for you? And the reason that I could not say “Here is what perfection would be like” is that in this world it is individuated. Form allows for that. And through that individuation, everything that you have experienced comes together to bring about everything that you are and every way that you translate what you are through what you have experienced. So by your becoming aware of what a perfect moment is for you, you’ll be aware when you have the next one, and the next one. And the idea is that you have more and more of them, but to the point that you call them up on your own.

Now, think for a moment what has been a perfect moment for you. And probably for every division of your life, you have something that you can recognize is that moment of perfection. In this relationship, doing this activity, I am functioning at my highest possible frequency. Can you remember a time in which you were functioning in pure, unconditional love? I assure you, you have, and your experience of it, claim it, keep it, come back to it. Claim that, keep it, come back to it. That’s the only way it works. It’s not a magical realm that by looking in a mirror, holding a candle under your face long enough, drinking the small potion, you walk into the rabbit hole . . . that’s just not how it works, because the perfection you experience here is the perfection you experience here. Claim it.


“Is there a sun universe, a sun slash universe, that has become activated recently because of earth’s evolutionary path and/or sacred status? If so, what’s its purpose and function?”

S: Not as a result of the earth’s experience.

“Is there any chance earth could change her mind and not work with humanity?”

S: No.

“Unity and One Heart . . .

S: This is easy!

“Unity and One Heart are essential for our coming work. Can there be diverse . . .

S: Yes!

Can there be diversity in unity and One Heart, and if so, to what degree?

S: What are you asking there? Can there be diversity in One Heart in the sense, again, that you are unique, different from one another, but choosing to come together to function with the highest of your ability, to love? You will all do it differently. Can there be a will, issues that are not worked out, irritation at one another, and such things as that? There will be, but then it’s not One Heart.

So, if by saying “Can there be diversity in that” you are expressing something other than your highest possible function of love, that you are choosing something other than to live it, no. If it is [that] the way each [person] expresses [that function] will be different, absolutely. Do you think that answered that? All right.

Let me ask a rule question.

S: A what?

A rule question.

S: Do I have rules?

Just for these. Was one of the rules one question per person?

S: I usually only answer one.


S: Not per person, per moment.

Okay. Because I see from handwriting several people have asked a number of questions.

S: You don’t think there’s any little piggies out there?

“I heard you say in the workshop yesterday that the American economy is changing, and you weren’t referring to the stock market. How is the American economy changing?”

S: The most vital way that the American economy is changing has to do with the separation between the rich and the poor in your country, and the attitudes of those who are handling money, and the attitudes of those who are spending it.

On your side is that you are in an election year. Now, why is it that I always, every few years, however often it is you do it, say that that’s good news for you? Why is that?

Because you can get something you might have been wanting.

S: But why?

The chance for change.

The issues are brought forth again. People think about them.

They try and keep things more stable.

S: There! Say it again.

They try and keep things more stable.

S: Sure. Why?

Because you don’t want things going out of control going into an election.

S: And “I want to look good. Look what we’ve done for you. We’re good at this. Keep us in here.” Sure. And so that always is an advantage for you in that sense.

Right now you have a stock market that has a lot of people very excited and very fooled. Now, what is it that I say about the stock market? Do you remember? I don’t say it very often, because I just generally don’t talk finances in that way. Anybody remember?

Buy low. Sell high.

S: Did I say that?

You’ve always said, don’t use any money in the stock market that you aren’t willing to lose.

S: Right. More.

It’s a risk, even in the best of times.

S: Sure. More.

That the market is going up based on fear.

S: Indeed. And what I was looking for was that it’s gambling. And, of course, there’s not a moral issue regarding that, unless you have a moral issue regarding that, but you’ve got to recognize that that’s what you’re doing. It’s an extra-curricular activity. Don’t put out what you don’t have.

But what happens?—and it’s something that happens in regard to anything in the economy, particularly in this current one, through which so much of the consumer attitudes are based on what’s happening in the stock market, whether they’re a part of it or not. Do you understand that, what I’m saying there? It’s “Oh, look. Everything’s good, and it’s high, and people are getting rich,” and you have a sense that it’s not real money. I bought this stock, it has gone up this high, so I have this money to spend. And you spend it, and it may not have been that high by the time you sell it. Aye.

But that sort of thinking is throughout the economy, in a very strong—unfortunately—way. I’ve made this money. I’ve gotten this raise. I’ve not seen a penny of it, but I’m changing my lifestyle to fit it. Across the world, that’s going on. China? Big time. Beware. Beware of that. Russia has been moving through it. America’s functioning in it. Europe, which is going through some of its own interesting changes as a result of the—isn’t it odd to call it Euro? Aye. Euro? You’re a what?—is not functioning in enough of a unity to be able to establish a baseline that satisfies all of the participants within that economic community.

So you are in a situation in your world, economically, in which it looks like things are going very well. And they are; you’re in an election year. They are, insofar as your country is concerned—in many ways, they are. But what is keeping it floating is not as strong as the reactions around it.

Now, there’s a lot to be said for the manifestation of an event by common thought, isn’t there? You know that it can be done, don’t you? But more often than not, money-based things are manifested out of fear, not out of the flow. All of these are warnings essentially because it is continuing the division. Your planet has a higher—a break. What’s the word I’m looking for here?


S: Gap. Gap. A greater gap between those who have and those who have not—so much that they can hardly imagine having—than ever before. And with the continued climatic changes that you’re experiencing across the world, with the planetary changes expressing themselves through geologic change—you’re losing massive crop areas, drought produces starvation, flood produces starvation, volcanoes, erratic weather—and those that do not have are having a much harder time. I could, as you could tell, create quite a soap box here, because it is a very important issue, but I think I’ve probably answered what’s been asked.

“The workshop was about the end of the experiment, the universe and the dimension. You implied this end would be within twenty years.”

S: That’s not exactly accurate.

“Are you saying the cosmos that we know will come . . . will cease to exist in physical form within twenty years? If not, what are you saying?”

S: No, that’s not what I’m saying.

And if you’ll expand it. There must be twenty questions that are variations of that, and extensions of that question.

S: About the end of things.

And what you were meaning when you were talking about the end of the experiment.

S: Are you worried about the idea that things are coming to a close? Is that on your mind?

I think about what it would mean to my grandchildren. I mean, I didn’t ask that question, that’s not my question, but it is something that I’ve thought about. What would it mean in the lives of my grandchildren, who are still very young? Are the changes going to be . . .

S: Well, if it’s absolutely the end of the cosmos, as that writer suggested, I would say that your grandchildren—it won’t matter.

All right, let’s do a bit of review here. The Omega Transformation. Why Omega? What does that mean?

The end.

S: And what is an end?

A beginning.

S: All right, you’ve got the words.

You said the end as we know it.

So what’s the beginning? That’s what these questions are about.

What we don’t know.

S: But that too is not something that is necessarily known. The choices that are in front of you are based on the choices that you made that are in back of you. The choices that you are going to be making are going to determine how you play the rest of your life. And that’s true every moment. That was true last week. That was true yesterday. That’s true next year.

There are so many things in your world that you have no control over. Oh, don’t you hate that? I know you do. So many things you have no control over. Now, keep it simple. Let’s don’t get too deep here, because I’m making a very simple statement, but name me a few of those things you have no control over.


Free will.

Other people.

S: Someone else’s free will. You do have control over your taxes, those of you who immediately popped out with that one. Is it that time again? Is that it?

Yesterday. So it’s tomorrow they have be filed. Those that don’t have extensions, yes.

S: Now see this is the world you live in. Is it that time again? Yesterday, so tomorrow they have to be filed.

It’s a weekend.

S: And you think that I’m rather airy-fairy. You don’t have control over . . .

The weather.

S: The weather that you wake up to, for instance. Although there may be things you can do, for the most part, you don’t have control over it.

Getting older.

S: You’re going to get older. Thank goodness.

You’re going to die eventually.

S: Aye, you’re eventually going to die. Sure. Sure. You don’t want to be stuck in this for that long now, do you?

Gas prices.

S: Not a lot you can do when you go to the gas store and you get gas.

You have control over the car you buy, however.

S: Which . . .

Helps with the gas prices.

S: . . . is where that point goes. That sort of gas. There you go. All right, I thought maybe it had something to do with tofu, but I was going to be polite. Not that. All right.

There are a lot of things in this world that you have no control over, but you have control of . . .

Your reactions.

S: Your response. How you choose to function has everything to do with what happens. This is not a statement given to the world at large. I want you to understand it as I speak to those who know they are here for a purpose. You’ve come here to make a difference in this world. You signed up: “Will live love on planet earth.” All right. Go and have fun. “Will function as a guardian.” “Will do what I can to help the Plan come to completion.”

You are the prototype. What you do allows mass consciousness to know it can be done. You are the example, and yes, that also translates as target. But what you do opens a door. How you control yourself through change, which is what transition is about, and this is a time of transition. Through change, which is what endings are about, and this is a time of endings. How you manage yourself is opening the doorway for others to follow suit. The prophets of every generation throughout generations, age beyond age, have recognized “the sky is falling, the sky is falling,” and indeed it is, at its own rate, in its own time. But, you know, it’s not how you handle the major catastrophes that are going to make the difference in the function of the Plan in this world. It’s how you managed the moment-by-moment experiences. It’s how you manage the disappointments of your expectations. It’s how you manage the rejections of your love. It’s how you manage when you don’t get your way. It’s how you manage when you do.

The world has always been ending. The Plan has always had a final point. The experiment is going to end eventually, and humanity has speeded up so much, so fast, that the prophet’s general, easily misinterpreted statements for which every generation has said, “We have fulfilled the prophesies,” the prophet’s statements look like this is the time. That means less to me than what you look like, because you look like this is the time. And you look like this is the time because you are making massive changes. You have awakened to the possibility of what you are, and you pulled your head up out of the sand. Now, maybe you’re not walking around, strutting your head. Look, out of the sand. Nice, eh? See what I found down there? No more eating worms.

And you are doing more than simply loving. It’s not enough for you. That’s a lot. For most, that’s enough. How many of you in here know how hard it is—what a joke it is—when I say that you’re here to live love and it’s that simple, and you know it’s not. Do you know that? And why do you know that? Because you’ve been doing it. Because you’ve smacked yourself into walls of indifference with your love, and you’ve been seeing them come down, haven’t you? Because when you woke up, and when I say “you” of whom am I speaking? You. Yes, you. Every one of you in here. But there’s more. Who else? [Long pause] This is not a hard question.

Those who came as primary non-earth energies in guardianship to help the Plan work out.

S: That’s it. Across the planet, functioning through many different versions of flow. To guard and to guide. You woke up, and you recognized that love was not a hormonal experience. Darn! But it was an imperative to live. But not enough, because once you started living that, you recognized that you needed to work with others, somehow, some way, that in fact you had a responsibility to do so.

And so you are learning and doing, and therefore learning more and therefore doing more, and sometimes falling on your nose, and sometimes skinning your knees in the process. But—here is where the hope comes in—but you get back up and you keep going. In this world in which the expression is, when the going gets tough . . .

The tough get going.

S: You see. That’s not it. It’s when the going gets tough, the tough go shopping, or something like that.

In a world in which you’re expected to just fall flat, life is unpleasant and then you die, in which cynicism is an acceptable function of the educated elite, in this world in which it is so acceptable to fall on your face and get a bloody nose and skin your knees, and that puts you in a special club of people who can stand around and laugh at others who try, you get up and you keep loving. And slowly change your world.

You grab ahold of that vision like a pit bull. And even when the vision lets you down, the ghost lets you down, when your expectations don’t work out, when you’ve been stupid—hypothetically, of course, you can imagine somebody has sometime, [but] surely not you—you don’t stop. Oh, you might stop and regroup, but you don’t stop. That’s why humanity’s changing: because you are changing it.

I think I answered that. Did I?

Yes. “At the Omega Transformation workshop, you said that this group would not be doing the work, but we would be showing that it can be done by being the example. Who are the example for, humanity or spirit?”

S: Interesting question, but you’re the example for humanity. You are showing humanity. But it does bring up some interesting concepts, doesn’t it?

Don’t stop there.

S: All right.

“You said at the workshop . . .”

S: He doesn’t have your wrist action at all does he?

No. Not at all.

S: Don’t you miss that?

I was trying to be calm.

[. . .]

S: Indeed.

“You said at the workshop yesterday that Earth Link is a doorway to which do and be work together. . .”

S: All together now.

[Audience singing] Doo-be-doo-be-doo.

“Please explain how and why do and be will work together. How our group will participate in this work, and why it needs a doorway.”

S: Good grief!

Let’s all be good little doobies.

S: It’s torture. All right. What is do, and what is be?

Energies that are . . .

S: [Imitates muttering of phrase with nonsense syllables]

Mumbling meditation.

S: That’s it. I think so. And with that on [referring to headphones], do you hear it the same way as just a little murmur running through the crowd, Stuart?

You have taught that there are basically two types of energies working in this dimension. There are the energies that do, that take an active role in bringing about change, and then there are energies that be, that work to sustain creation basically.

S: All right. That works. However, I want to go back to the illustration that’s a little more at hand for you, moving it out of a spiritual sort of hierarchy. Those energies that do, those energies that be, that’s mirrored in the microcosm here. It’s mirrored in you. You who have both that aspect of you that does and that aspect of you that “be’s.” (Be’s? It’s your language. And most of you aren’t any better at it than I am.)

If you want to think of it as masculine and feminine energy, and I’m not saying gender, remember that, in which feminine energy is usually considered that energy that is the creative spark that the masculine energy takes action with, aye. So it is the feminine, goddess aspect that would be, for instance, wisdom, but the gaining of the knowledge would be the masculine, the god aspect, the things that you do that bring you wisdom, the wisdom that you gain from the things that you do. The feminine activates the action. That can work. All right. Well, then let’s take it that way.

The energy to be—the work that is to sustain creation, that holds the frequency, that is the creative spark, the beginning, the intent, if you will—puts forth into this world of action that idea. It goes from be to do, but here is where the magic happens: at do, it comes carrying another be with it. You have an idea—I’m going to wear this blue dress, because I would look very pretty in it—and so you take that action, and you are wearing the blue dress. And in so wearing that blue dress, you look at it, and you like what you see, and you like what happens when you’re wearing it, and you think, I’m going to start wearing more blue. And so the next time you go shopping, you buy more blue. You’re doing it right there. Do becomes be becomes do becomes be becomes . . .


S: There you go. Now, is there a part of that that needs to be clarified more?

I think you answered how and why do and be will work together. How our group will participate in this work, and why it needs a doorway?

S:  How will this group participate in that work. Well, I wish I could tell you. But instead, you have to tell me, because ultimately you’re the one in charge here, aren’t you? You’re the one living in the trenches. You’re the one who has the power. You’re the one who makes the decisions. You’re the one who voted for free will, and you’re living it now. Na-nana-na.

You didn’t say that correctly.

S: Say what correctly?

You don’t hit the right rhythm. [Audience demonstrates] It’s supposed to be na-nana-na-na.

[. . .]

S: And that helps too, right?

It’s the rhythm.

S: Na-na-na. Better. You can teach me to say disciples, and you can teach me to say six. You can teach me to say na-na. I’ll work on it.

So, where that was was, you’re the one in charge. You’re the one who’s making the decisions. You are the one who is determining how it is going to work out, and the more awareness you have that you are functioning in a part of a process and then realizing that this process is a part of a greater flow, and that what you desire to do is to become a part of that flow—that changes things.

Here is the river of you, all right? Here is the great universal flow. Somewhere down the track, they are going to merge. It’s going to happen. They’re going to merge. Until they merge, your track is always going to be seeking that greater flow. You can’t help it. It’s the only thing that satisfies you. Think about it. Oh, you think of all the stuff you’ve collected, and all the things that you’ve done, and all the memories you’ve stuffed in here, and all of the people, and all of the relationships, and all of the things earth offers. And yet your memories that remind you that this is a good life, that you are fulfilled and have joy. I promise you, it’s a situation in which you are giving—hopefully also receiving—but giving love, because, Baby, that’s what you’re here for, so it’s the only thing that fills you. And I’m not sorry about that, but I know sometimes you are. It would be so nice if drink could fill up that hole, if drugs could fill up that hole, if Thursday-night television could fill up that hole.

So you are seeking that flow. When you choose to just dig a trench and become a part of that flow, digging a trench is hard. It’s dirty work. It’s not a lot of fun. But once you’ve dug that trench and you’re a part of the greater flow, all of a sudden your life is totally different.

And you have help like you’ve never had before, because when you are functioning as a part of that flow, all of a sudden you’re in league with the Universe itself. And you’re wanting what it wants, and it’s bigger than you. It’s a good partner.

You are here to help this world change at a time of imperative, important transition. Face up, you’re not going to be happy unless you’re doing it. That’s it. You’re not. You’ll fill your life with all sorts of things that do that, fill your life. Getting to be a part of that flow is an activity of trust. I did not say faith; I said trust. Trust is something that’s built. It comes over time, which is to say that it is a co-creative relationship, and [as] with any relationship, you learn to live it. Sort of digging a trench. It’s keeping you from being lonely when the world would say you were alone. To fill . . . filled . . . feel . . . filled when you don’t have riches. It’s what you’re here for.

“How will Earth Link establish the doorway for do and be to work together, and how might this working together manifest in the world?”

S: Earth Link is a function of One Heart acting in One Mind. Everything you do shows itself up in the world in one way or another. The microcosm is a reflection of the macrocosm over and over and over in every possible tiny corner of your life. Everything that you see out there is something you have seen in here. Everything that you recognize in here you will see out there.

When a person first wakes up to the nature of their spiritual experience, their need is to experience their individuation, to learn what feeds them, what makes them grow, what gives them the strength to move through the next day. Stage two, to begin developing and taking part in a community of others with whom they can grow, teach, learn, and become leaders, because step three is moving from ‘the whole world is that one’ to ‘the whole world is one.’ To move from ‘what’s going on with me is all that matters’ to ‘what’s going on with me does not matter.’ How does what’s going on fulfill the greater vision?

Working together, One Heart, One Mind for a common purpose changes things. We’ll sprinkle it with fairy dust and magic and tune in to a particular cosmic flow, and allow it to hitch on to a black hole that will suck you all into it and end the world as you know it. [Laughter]

“Will Earth Link 2000 help the planet and mass consciousness move towards 5:3:2?”

S: Yes.

“When we reestablished and re-anchored the grid, please tell us some of the ways we can use it for the Plan, for the planet and for ourselves.”

S: Ultimately, by reestablishing and then anchoring that grid, you are then functioning in all of those particular directions. The grid is the means by which energy coming to this planet is translated into energy that can be used on this planet. It is a means by which the energy coming from this planet can be used in the greater function of what this world is about, in the greater spiritual hierarchy.

[To Stuart] You’re not waving at me; you’re giving me time notices, aren’t you? He’s back there going [waving].

It’s not so much what will happen if the grid manifests, it’s what will happen if it does not. All right, next. All right. Because simply speaking, what will happen if it will not is that you get to have the doom and gloom you’re trying so hard to believe. Dishwasher art. What do you expect? Dishwasher art. Someone want to translate that one? Dishwasher art.

You put a piece of Tupperware in the dishwasher on the bottom rack by accident, and then . . . or on purpose, but when you open the dishwasher after it’s finished drying, it’s melted and it has become dishwasher art.


But it doesn’t function any more for what it was created. Continued use is finished.

S: Because it was not designed to sustain the energy levels that the enclosed situation provided for it. Have more headaches than you used to? More autoimmune diseases in your world than there have been? Tired almost all the time? Finding interesting little physical quirks going on? And you know, it’s hormones, all right, it’s aging, all right, it’s too much estrogen, except it’s everyone, everywhere, because the container is already beginning to function with more energy than it’s designed for. Why? You’re going to blow open and have an earthquake. You’re going to spout out your magma, meaning that the planet’s doing the same thing.

“Samuel, haven’t you said—oh, I did not write this one down, did I?—haven’t you said that it’s not that there’s so much more of these things, but that communication is so much different now that we’re more aware of them?” That has been true until the last nine months or so. Everything is sped up. Fast. Let’s see how much we can do.

I think if I can ask a question that may . . . you talk about the end times, and you talk about Absorption. Are they the same thing, and if not, what are the differences?

S: They are not the same thing. The end of the world as you know it, the end, and absorption are three different things. The end of the world as you know it is a joke, because ultimately, it’s all the end of the world as you know it no matter what you’re experiencing, isn’t it? Be it Absorption or be it the end of the Plan, be it death. That’s the end of the world as you know it, isn’t it? It’s a joke.

The end of the Plan is that time in which Sacred Status has been completed. At that point, Absorption will happen. One happens first. The other happens second.

Absorption is that point in which, upon total completion of the physical experience, the only thing necessary in this dimension is the spiritual experience. That’s what that means. No longer is it required to have form, be that form planetary or personal. And I will not go into all of the steps required to reach any one of those particular places, because not only was that not the question, but they are their own long discussions.

What I have heard you say is that over our life experience we add to our capsule those instances and events that are alike, and we may choose to release aspects that are no longer serving us. Does this mean that those aspects which we have released are no longer held in our physical body?

S: Yes. Yes, they are no longer held in your physical body. That wasn’t the right question.

“Tell us about the other earths that experienced the level of energy that is now functioning on this earth. How does this relate to our work now?”

S: What?

I read that wrong.

S: Good.

“Tell us about the other earths that experienced the level of energy that is a new function in this earth. How does this relate to our work now?” I think in the workshops you stated that in prior earths there was similar energy.

S: Entity expresses itself through personality, each of which you would consider a life. This was this life, and this was another, and this was another. They are personalities expressed by a specific spirit entity. That entity has a particular function through which it’s working. Those life experiences that are a part of that particular entity’s function, as opposed to supporting it in one way or another, will be repeated through any personality experience it offers. The previous expressions of earth are the equivalent of the personalities for the entity.

So the answer in the short version would be something to the effect of, Within the blueprint, you gain. Within the detailing in the experience, you don’t. It doesn’t last through that way.

Stuart will say there is no more time. [Indicating the remaining questions] Retreat and newsletter.

These are basically the same questions.

S: Good.

But we can probably condense it down into a . . .

S: Good. David and Paula love to do that. That’s good. This was fun. We’ll do it again. All right. When? I’ll look into that.

This is one of the most important times your life has had the opportunity to be experiencing. And when I say life, I mean any of the versions. You’re here for this; make use of it. Don’t waste your time doing what does not translate to love. That’s all that’s needed. That’s all there is.

Glochanumora. Happy trails. Hoppy trails. Aye.

Thank you, Frank, good work.