November 4, 2012

  Samuel: Hello, dears.

Hello, Samuel.

S: [To Steven Smith, who is “Source,” the one sitting with Samuel to read questions] Hi, love. Glad you are doing this.

How are you?

S: I am excellent always. And you?

Steven: Good.

S: Well, good. Are you ready to be Source tonight?

Steven: Ready.

S: Aye, good. Questions and answers are one of my very favorite ways to teach. Why do you think that is?

So you can know what we’re thinking.

S: So I can hear what you’re thinking. Well, you don’t have to write it down for that to happen most of the time, at least for most of you.

Because we’re open to the answers after we’ve thought of the questions.

S: Well, that’s very true. If you can ask a question, it’s usually because you know the answer. You just don’t know you know the answer. So when you ask it—I like Gayle’s wording—it makes you open to that answer. That’s pretty nice.

We can ask any question we want, and you can give any answer you want.

S: There’s always that. Usually the way I say it is: “You can ask whatever you want, and I’ll answer whichever I want.”

Things seem to be timely. I never put a question in because my questions—someone always asks them. So they’re not only timely, they seem to be part of the mind—here—that’s on a lot of people’s minds. So it addresses a lot of things that all of us are thinking about.

S: I like that a lot. That it allows the things that many of you are wondering about to get put into a question or two, but it also lets me know where I wasn’t clear enough, or what needs more information put in, or what’s going on in your lives that’s needing a boost or a help. And that’s always good.

Heidi, did you have your hand up?

Yes, but Paula already answered it.

S: Lakshmi?

I wonder if us asking questions lets you know that we’re ready for something and opens the door for you to put out new information.

S: Always. Absolutely always. And then, of course, there is the entertainment value. I really like laughing at your questions. So . . .

You’ve got a lot there. So that means I should probably try to be succinct.

Steven: We’ll start with a relatively esoteric one to keep you sharp. “You said in Malta that the Solar Lord does not have to use the costume of the sun with the transition of Vesta Helios.” Can you describe in detail any form or function changes for the new Solar Lord?

S: Paula, should I hold off on any part of that question, because it’s a part of the interview?


S: I’ll be able to go much more in depth there. So, it could be a little easier to do it that way.

Steven: Hold onto it or flick it?

S: Great flicker.

Steven (flicking the previous question aside): You’re not the first one that’s said that.

“Hi. Samuel.”

S: Hi.

Steven: “Is the Lexington area, or any of the areas Guardians live and work in, going to experience natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, etc., or large-scale electric outages in 2012 or 2013, and if so, when and where?

S: That’s a pretty trusting soul wouldn’t you say? Lexington, last time I looked, is on the planet, correct? So I can guarantee you’re going to get a certain amount of natural disasters, because the planet is going through a lot right now. I don’t know that anybody gets dressed the same way the form does, so I don’t know that everybody can relate, but let’s say you’re putting on a shoe, and you put it on and you wiggle your foot into it, then get it closed up and on it. And the wiggle probably isn’t really necessary, but it makes it more comfortable. Or maybe another version would be if you have been enjoying the Halloween candies a little too much and you put on pants, and they have a little wiggle required to get them on. You’ve got adjusting you are doing, right? Changes require adjustment, no matter what kind of change it is, be it for the planet or be it for your mental self or your physical self. Adjustment. This is about adjustment. And I see it as a very good thing, because the adjustments are due to the planet’s frequency being raised.

Now, you know that the completion of Sacred Status is when there is that balance in the energy of the planet and all of life force on the planet because the life force on the planet, the majority of it, is functioning in spiritual awareness. That’s adjustment. As for when, it’s actually a very, very easy thing to answer, because it’s just a big broad category. You are right now in the autumn moving to winter. That’s putting you in a time period of transition. You move to winter and into spring, that’s also a time of transition. Times of transition are always, for the planet—wherever you are on the planet—the most unstable of times. In addition to that, you have winter coming up. Winter here in Lexington often is wet, yes? And if it is very, very wet and becomes very, very cold, what happens?


S: And if you get too much ice on your electrical lines . . . what happens then? Or the branches of trees or such things as that? You’re very likely to have that kind of experience this coming winter because you are in transition. Can I tell you exactly what and when? No. I am not a soothsayer. That’s not what I do, and it is not what I try to do. But I can tell you just as you could tell you, that as far as the earth is going, it is a time of great change. Pay attention to the information that is out there., earth changes, space changes, Look it up, see what you can find, and stay on top of it.

You’re also going to be having a larger amount of flare activity from that sun than you are supposed to be having right now. That too is a part of the changes going on—this one to the planet instead of from the planet. Sorry I’m not more specific than that, but it’s one of those questions . . .

Steven: ”After the Malta Dragon ritual, you said the Atlantean thing needs to be completed and healed for the completion of Sacred Status. Where are we in that process, and what remains to be done?”

S: Where are we in the process of what? Which part?

Steven: I’m thinking it’s having the Atlantean thing being completed, but it could be asking about the completion of Sacred Status.

S: What happened with Atlantis was a power issue. Now, you tell me, how long to do you think it’s going to be before peoples on your planet are finished with their power issues?


S: Now here is the good news. What I was referring to there was not what that Atlantean trigger did insofar as the planet and the times, as much as for those of you that had a personal connection that way, for you to be able to get over it. What happens amongst Guardians who have that type of connection going is that they tend to either so fear abusing power that they run from it or they seek power constantly to get it right this time. And those are extremes. But when you’re working at something that’s out of balance, it’s because it’s showing up as extremes. It’s about power.

How do you use power? What do you consider power to be? If I say to you that you are a person of great spiritual power, what am I saying? Well, in that case, I might be saying power as in energy, frequency. If I say to you, “You are a very powerful being,” that’s a very different kind of power, isn’t it? Usually the meaning is you have a great ability to influence others. So let me ask you this: What are you doing with your ability to influence others?

And then finally there is the power that comes from being the recipient of somebody else’s power. The ‘power over’ sort of thing, and I am . . . all right, pretending that none of you in here would be the power-over somebody kind. But it’s not true. But for the sake of this, when you think about somebody in your life that you have issues with, and when you are able to seriously look it through and recognize that what you’re dealing with is that you are perhaps too . . . susceptible to that person’s power, and all of your resistance hackles come up—that’s called “issues with authority” when you were a child in school. Guardians deal with that a lot.

And right now, by the way, over the last month and continuing certainly through to the end of this year, those authority issues and power issues are going to be very up-front. Pay attention to that. How are you dealing with your power? How are you dealing with the power of those that have, in one way or another, authority over you, that might be your supervisors, or bosses, or mates? How do you deal with power? Are you afraid of it? Do you fear you’re going to abuse power because something deep in your primal mind says there was a time you really abused power. Or are you learning balance? And that’s when the Atlantean issue will be complete—when enough Guardians have learned to balance.

Steven: Thank you.

S: You’re welcome.

Steven: There were four questions about the presidential race. “This Tuesday Americans will vote for their next president. Please explain what you see as the differences between an Obama presidency and a Romney presidency, and the plan for the planet.

S: ( Laughs) Let’s see if there’s a way for me to answer this and not have Phoenix lose its tax-exempt status? It cannot be a political statement, isn’t that correct, Frank?

Frank: You cannot advocate one or the other.

S: I cannot advocate one or the other.

Steven: But you can tell the truth.

S: But what I can do—listen to Source [Steven]—is tell you something I’m seeing right now. One of the things I did when we were in Malta was I talked very, very seriously to the group that was there about the important of service. And sacrifice. And that you fool yourselves a lot with the way you define service and the things you think you’re sacrificing. It’s involved, and I will be talking about it as a whole to the groups, but leading a country needs to be about service and sacrifice and not about being the leader of the free world. It’s not about the position, although the position is very important. It’s about the person. Your system is such that, frankly, if the Congress is not working with the president, you’re going to have a very difficult time getting anything done. And I think that you’ve had four years of seeing exactly that.

The kinds of things that are able to be done requires a person willing to look for a larger picture and negotiate. What your country is going through right now is, for America, a very hard time. But as some of you have heard me say before, Americans are pretty spoiled and have for the most part . . . even those that are having a hard time are having a better time than three-quarters of your world. With your government dealing with a society in which there is so much poverty and lack of education and lack of infrastructure—and on and on it can go—it takes something very, very special. It takes a compassionate leader.

You have experienced governments that bully their way through, and in fact a lot of the difficulties you’re experiencing in the world as a whole have to do with the bullying-your-way-through and the reactions that come out of that. You need a leader that is compassionate not only for his own people—or her own people, please—but who is compassionate with the situation going on in the world as a whole when speaking to those governments. You have a very, very divided country right now; I find it heartbreaking. And one of the things that divides the most is that whole idea of two parties, or three or four, or however. But right now, particularly what you’re looking at in reality, is that when you go into the booth, whether it’s this party or that party, vote for the one that speaks to your heart as the compassionate leader, because that is what is going to be called out of your president over these next couple of years. Look for the one that thinks through and is willing to hold fast in spite of the slings and arrows of the other side. Let your heart vote. And when your heart votes, vote for the one whose heart you believe in. You need a compassionate leader. Leader. Compassion.

Steven: ”How can we know when we have become inter-dimensional and access other dimensions? Will we even be able to realize it?”

S: You ought to. Two ways. One of them is through your dreams. When you are finding you are having more and more real dreams, that’s because you’re experiencing an altered dimension from this one. The second one is you’re going to be finding that you have more time-space lapse in your day-to-day life. (Laughter) Obviously some of you already know what I’m talking about there. Is that what I’m calling it? (. . .) Not being spacey. I mean in which something you thought was going to take an hour took about fifteen minutes or thirty minutes. Something you thought would take fifteen minutes or thirty minutes took an hour. The slowing down, the speeding up—and not a consistent pattern with that. It’s not always faster than it used to be; no, sometimes it’s a lot slower. More deja-vu type experiences: “I’ve been here but I’ve never been here.” So what’s that about? And probably one of the greatest ways that you know you’re experiencing it is because you have a good relationship with your ultimate Group of Twelve, because then you’ve got all of those access points you’re making use of.

Steven: And while we’re in the space of interdimension, “If we had magical glasses that allowed us to see into other dimensions as you do, what would we be seeing?”

S: Energy. Owen in many different guises.

Steven: This might be a yes-or-no question. “Are the pyramids in Mayan and Egyptian cultures coherence generators, ways to focus direct energy during planetary/astral alignment?

S: Teotihuacan. Some are coherence generators, yes. Excellent, excellent question. The second part of that question—say again.

Steven: Parentheticals. “. . . ways to focus energy during planetary/astral alignment.”

S: That’s not what it’s for, though.

Steven: I think that it says, “More.” Okay, it doesn’t. Let’s see.

S: It’s hard to be Source.

Steven: There’s so much to do. “As far as the universe goes, just how big and important is this transition of earth?”

S: This whole universe is about the transition of Earth. It’s all for that.

Steven: But big universe.

S: Right. It’s matter, right.

Steven: Beyond matter.

S: There isn’t a universe beyond matter.

Steven: Okay. Is it important to the other dimensions?

S: There are dimensions because they are matter. It’s all about you.

Steven: Thank you.

S: You know, one of the hardest things that there is to balance is that you are the center of the universe and you don’t matter; and you are the most important thing in the universe but you don’t matter. Now what do I mean it when I say you don’t matter? Because, you know, I believe you matter a lot. And that everything pretty much hinges . . . but why am I saying that? What am I meaning by, “you don’t matter”?

It will go on without you regardless. The you that’s here.

S: The Plan is bigger than any one individual. That’s right, that’s very true.

A human life led by ego doesn’t matter. Everyday decisions—“Is my hair short, is it long?”—none of those things matter. What does matter is that I be in every moment and do from that. That’s what matters.

S: That’s very right.

Being what we are matters more than who we are.

S: Absolutely. Your brain makes you think that you are looking at solid objects and that solid things are real. So you look at the person next to you and you think they are real. And you look at the glass that is holding the liquid and you think it is real. And yet the important part of matter is what you don’t see. And it’s not what you don’t see because your eyes only see a tiny spectrum—which is true. It’s because, in the greater picture, you have got an atom here and here (in separate locations in space)—there is all of this space. And the power is in the spaces between.

Now, I just said a whole lot there. The power is in the spaces between. In this world of matter, because you see it—I’m going to say the word again, but it means something different—you think it matters . . . in this world of matter. There is that which is greater by far in what you see, and hear, and smell, and taste, and think, and do, and are. And it’s that part that recognizes this is a brief breath, and that it isn’t what matters. Matter doesn’t matter. But you matter. Without you, there is no need for all the rest. And because of that, you are here in masses, so this is the most important time there has ever been. Nothing else matters in the matter of matter.

Steven: We have two questions about December colors. “You have asked us to make stars for the December celebrations, and you asked they be white, silver and gold. What is the significance of those colors?”

S: Um . . . that which pushes, that which pulls, and that which holds it all together. Really. The force of Source.

Steven: That’s it?

S: That’s it.

Steven: “I’ve been consciously working to thank and then release patterns of negative thinking that developed as defense mechanisms long ago and are no longer desired to limit me in the future. As these are released, can there be physical reactions such as chills, fevers, other sensations that may confirm the release from the body and mind?

S: Very, very, very nice question.

Absolutely there can. But you also might have the local virus. So you want to make sure you’re physically healthy, that you don’t have some sort of illness. And then ask yourself that question and look for the simplest answer. And the simplest answer might be you’ve got a cold, or you didn’t get your flu shot when you should have, or something like that. However, having said that, I want to remind you that your body, fully—one hundred percent—believes your mind, your brain. And your body reacts to what your brain tells it is going on. Well, for whatever reason, long, long ago, you, let’s say, built a little wall around your heart so you would not be injured by people who were not nice. But it also caused you to be a little standoffish and kind of hard to get to know, “You know, I’m kind of lonely and I kind of want to bring other people into my life.” And you decide to take some steps to make that happen. And you find that when you’re getting ready to go out, you start feeling really bad. Maybe your stomach: you start feeling nauseated. Obviously, that’s not your stomach. Or maybe you get a headache, and maybe it’s because you’re going against your security system and your body is reacting to it. It’s saying, “Oh no! Oh, no!”

Thank you Gwendolyn. I thought it would get a much better laugh.

And instead, it wants to keep you safe. “Remember, we built this wall. There’s a reason for it. You go out there and you’re going to get . . . Name the negative experience that it’s trying to protect you from: You’re going to get somebody to say something bad to you. You’re going to spill food on yourself. You’re going to . . . whatever it happens to it. You’ve spent your whole life strengthening this belief. You’ve spent your whole life accepting this behavior. You’ve spent your whole life learning how to avoid this thing because it’s dangerous. It makes you unhappy. It make you afraid, it makes you feel “less than,” and your body goes to war. It’s really very touching—no pun meant there—because it’s trying to protect you. You need to let it know you appreciate it, but you don’t need that help right now. And some of you tend to get really stuck, because you’re doing all of the good exercises to release a belief but you forgot to tell body what was coming, that it too can let go.

Now, going back to the beginning once again: Make sure that you don’t have whatever it is that’s going around, but realize that however it is you experience fear is going to be exacerbated and show itself up through your physical body, and that can be shaking or chills, aching. It’s not going to be coughing up nasty stuff; that’s a virus or something. You clench when you’re afraid. Your muscles ache and hurt as you are trying to let go. So yes, absolutely, you can have very strong physical reactions that appear to be an illness when you are in the midst of a lot of emotional and spiritual change. But make sure that it’s not something a whole lot simpler, that you don’t have a cold. If you find you’re dealing with that kind of behaviors, talk to your body. You will be amazed how talking to your body like it’s listening to you—[in a whisper] it is—can make a difference. Get it on your side. Recognize what it has done to help you get to where you are right now. Thank it. And then warn it: “We’re going to be doing more of this.” It’s a big help.

Interesting question.

Steven: This might bring comic relief. “What is it you haven’t told us that we should know?”

S: A lot. There’s a whole lot I’ve not talked to you about. What do you think I’ve not talked to you about?

We’re not getting jet packs.

S: No jet packs coming tomorrow. Or perhaps that’s a suggestion that one of the things I don’t talk to you about is the future. “Here’s what’s going to happen tomorrow.” Why is that?

(. . .)

S: It changes; free will changes, you change it. I’m not in charge of your future. You are. Remember that. I don’t want your power. I don’t need your power. I want you to fully experience and rejoice in your power, and part of that power is that you create your tomorrow. And you have the option of not being held back by yesterday. You’ve got a lot more power here than I do. I might just be a bit better at using it.

Steven: “With several of the Earth’s Dragons having been awakened and activated, what form will the work take on now?”

S: I’m going to be looking into the possibility of opening Dragon seeds without having to go to the area. When will that be possible? I’m not sure. I’m going to experiment at New Year’s Eve. So we’ll see. Well, I said it was going to be a whole lot like what was done at Malta. Heidi, as the ritual goddess, has already talked to me about what was going to be coming up at New Year’s Eve, so when I said that she went, “What?!” No change.

Steven: ”When you said earlier this year . . .”

S: Always dangerous.

Steven: “. . . to us Guardians, that this is the year you became the butterfly, what did you mean by that?”

S: You know, sometimes I say something and I think it’s so obvious. And then you ask a question like, “What does that mean?” and I don’t know whether I should be worried for you or for me. What do you think that means?

The development of the butterfly from the cocoon and into the butterfly is the process of transformation, in which the creature becomes truly what it is, and experiences new abilities and ways of doing things and more freedom in that as well.

A butterfly is a caterpillar’s potential, not its fate. Right? In the very same way you, as a function of spiritual energy in this world, have potential, but you also have free will. Sometimes you get squashed and don’t get back up. The butterfly is a symbol of having made it through so far. Really. How many squashed caterpillars have you seen in your life? They don’t all became butterflies. This year has been doing a lot to let you know what’s getting in the way of your potential. The cosmic shoe. . . (Makes squeezing gesture) And what that means is that it’s a year in which you are going to transform, if you will allow it. Transform. In the heart of every butterfly there is a caterpillar saying, “Wow man, this is really cool. I had no idea.” (Laughter) You do that. So I want you to have less caterpillar moments in the midst of your butterfly-ness.

Steven: ”With the immense size of the universe with over one hundred billion galaxies, when you talk about this earth and our home solar system’s spiritual hierarchy that governs it, it is as if you are saying this is the only spiritual experiment in the universe. Are there other spiritual experiments going on outside our solar system and out into our Milky Way galaxy and beyond to other sectors of others galaxies in the universe? And do any of those experiments look like they will unfold like our own?”

S: Yes and no, and yes.

Steven: Oh, darn.

S: Heh-heh-heh.

I didn’t know what the “no” was associated with.

S: Because the first question is a yes and a no.

Steven: ”Why would an alien need to put lights on his or her space ship”

S: That’s a great question. And are there signals, turning left here, turning right here? I think there is a whole lot of things that have to do with the idea of alien visitation that are all a part of the “create your own reality” issue. A better question might be, “Do you need a spaceship at all?” Because you don’t. You really don’t.

Stuart has told me that time needs to be up. But it looks like you just have a couple more. Is that right?

Steven: No.

S: No, you have thousands more.

Steven: Twenty or thirty.

S: Really?

Steven. Yeah. I think someone took the liberty of handing in a lot.

S: Somebody was busy.

Steven: Yes.

S: Could we turn these to “Responds” in the newsletter? Or, perhaps what newsletter doesn’t want to use we’ll just save up for the next Question and Answer, and I won’t announce it; we’ll just hold the questions.

I can promise you that December’s first-Sunday is not Question and Answers.

So, is that one more?

Steven: ”Hi. Please tell us what Guardians can do to best assist all those in need as a result of the recent storm, [Hurricane] Sandy.”

S: Nice. I want you to ask yourself that question: “What can I do to help those negatively affected by the hurricane Sandy?” Because, you see, you know what you can do. And your self is happy to tell you what you can do. And what you can do is different than what the person next to you can do. Now, on a different level, I would like to remind you that what you think happens in this world [i.e., your thoughts become reality]. So I would ask you to not be filling your head with the death and destruction and instead let yourself be filled with the hope and knowing it’s going to be rebuilt and be all right. That you put out positive thoughts—which through a long process that is easier to explain when there’s a little more time—draws to it similar thoughts and creates a reality. What you think becomes real.

Now, you can call that sending energy or you can all it prayer, but it’s about making real what you’re thinking. You’re good at that. And as you have come to see that what you’re thinking and what you’re doing shows up in the world really quickly, let what you are thinking and what you are doing be for the good of those who are experiencing a time of trouble.

There are many, many practical things you can do. And I am quite certain that there are television shows and Internet websites and places you can go that can tell you those practical things you can do.

But I will tell you that good that comes out of something like this: People come together to help each other. Rebuilding happens. People come to realize it’s not the stuff that made this home, it’s the love, the sharing, the caring. So let your mind send out that beam of hope and love and caring, and a reminder that it’s not the stuff. Choose to see the good, that others will choose to see the good, that [still] others will choose to see the good. Don’t stand around talking about the awful destruction and how terrible things are. Talk about the miracles that are showing up every day, multiple times a day. When even your televised news and newspapers talk about the stories of good that’s coming out of this, that’s a real sign things are changing. Amplify that.

Then the last little bit is for you to remember that what you put out returns to you. And that is a gift, and a promise, and a huge threat. What you put out returns to you. So put out the best you’ve got. You do the best you can where you are with what you have at the time. Give it your best.

You, my love, are an Excellent Source. (Audience claps) I’m impressed. Not too hard?

Steven. Not at all.

S: Amazing how much thinking you have to do.

Steven: A lot of sorting and tossing.

S: I noticed he had files down his legs. Could you see that?

Steven: Diagnosis is OCD, I think.

S: Thank you.

This is a month in which a lot of the energy is directed toward that wonderful family experience of Thanksgiving. Whatever the holiday is for you, it will be the best one ever if you take it upon yourself this year to make that day, and every day leading up to it, a day of thanks-giving, of gratitude for what you have, what you know, what you are. Be grateful. End every day thinking about those things that you are grateful for, those people you are grateful for, those experiences you are grateful for. And when you have difficulties come up this month, the next, the one after, you know you’re complete with it when you know you’re grateful for it. Be grateful. Give thanks. Thanks to each other for being there for you. Thanks to All That Is for being you. It’s an important month. Don’t waste it.

Glochanumora. Happy, happy trails.