December 7, 1997
Samuel: Hello, dears.
Hello, Samuel.
S: ‘Tis the season to be jolly and you look so serious. Your energies are in protection mode around you. What’s that about? Usually that’s only the front row. Help! Help!
Complimentary peanuts in the front row.
S: Again.
Complimentary peanuts in the front row. It’s a joke that Mary Claire told us.
S: Oh gracious. Is that like the peanut gallery.
Guilty as charged.
S: It’s all that energy moving for protection. Aye. What I’d like for you to be thinking about right now is an experience that you’ve had that made you happy. And I want you to think for a moment what was involved in that happiness. And I want you to think of another time. And then, beloved ones, I do hope you can do this, one more. Happy. Feeling good. What were those experiences about for you? Were there other people involved? Were they different experiences altogether? What was the degree of happiness? Were you deliriously, out of your mind, happy? Was it contentment? Loving, heartfelt joy? Was it childlike, playful happiness? What was the nature of that happiness? Is there a pattern to the experience? Did you do anything to bring it about? What was your part in those experiences that allowed you to put that label happy on it as you look back now? How long ago were those experiences? And did that say anything, by the way? And before I go any further, this whole night is about your life being filled with experiences like that.
Ultimately, abundance is a symptom of happiness. Or happiness is, perhaps, a symptom of what it takes to make abundance. You note that I did not say, A symptom of abundance, because it too is one of those things in which it is the journey, rather than the destination. Because this is December and it is the end of your month—Year. Calendar year.
It also tends to be a time of year in which very many people start closing down. And a lot of the reason for that closing down has to do with financial issues, doesn’t it? Because there’s so much money going out, in order to ensure your place in other people’s hearts. You laugh, because you know it. If it was simply because you delighted in having the opportunity to express your love to others, then I suppose that you’d be doing it all year, wouldn’t you? The reason that there tends to be such financial difficulty surrounding this season of giving is because all of the giving tends to be oriented around giving something with a monetary value, and that value is somehow an expression of your relationship with that individual. Throws things off tremendously, don’t you think?
[Singing] ‘Tis the season of expectation. You must give to me or I won’t give to you. [Laughter] That’s a first, isn’t it? You never know. Hey, it’s your fault, isn’t it?
Now Samuel sings.
S: The Universe desires you to have a life filled with happiness, and abundance of those things which allow you to best function with the gifts and the abilities that you have brought here to offer the world. It’s so much easier to work with you when you’re happy. Have you not heard that one all your life? You’re so much more pleasant when you’re happy. And so it is.
And yet you’re here in the middle of a society—and I really am directing it to this society. That’s not to say there are not others. It is to say that you’re living in this one—you’re here in the middle of a society in which a season whose total direction from time before written record into the time of legend, a season speaks of giving, of expansion, of fullness. And it has become very much a time of stress and financial worry, and a tendency to let go of those things that are absolutely what you know in regard to communication, expectation, your issues of safety and security, and your confidence in your love and those whom you love.
My desire, for the first time in years of doing this work, is not to use this December Sunday as an opportunity to give you a new view of the story of Christmas or Hanukkah or Quanza or the Festival of Lights. It’s to talk to you about giving yourself the gift of abundance by working through the issues that are keeping you from it. And the purpose, beloved ones, is of course—you can count on it—very selfish. Because you’re slowed down by your inability to handle these issues. Your happiness. Your desire to serve as soon as your ship comes in, as soon as this job is over, as soon as you have enough money, you will do what you really want. It’s stopping you from being alive while you live. It creates issues with other people. It creates issues with your families. It makes it so that this precious time is a difficult one.
And so my desire this night is to do some plain talking about money. Last time we were together we talked about principles of prosperity. We talked about abundance, but as promised, it’s the hard stuff. The way it shows up in your world. The dollars. All right. Let’s go for it.
The first thing that I’d like to point out is the love of money is the root of all evil. Right. Therefore, it’s very important that what you do is just empty out your purses and not think about it ever again. Aye. And that would be perfectly fine if it were possible to live in this world that way, and there is something within your being that has a belief that that statement is true, so that your issues around money have a tendency to be filtered with a bit of guilt in all of your workings. If I have it, do I deserve it? If I don’t have it, did I deserve that? Right? If I have it, is it enough? Is it ever? Money is like closet space, isn’t it? Never enough. You fill up what’s there and then you need more. Isn’t that how it works? And although it buys you stuff, is the stuff enough? Does it buy you what you wanted with the stuff?
Now, in order to be able to expand that into something that’s a bit more workable in your life, I want to point out one of the greatest hindrances to your being able to have the money that you think you need. Let me back off and change that statement. You have the money you think you need. How about, to have the money you think you want.
Samiel, wait a minute here, let’s back up. What do you mean by that? I have the money I think I need. I don’t think so. What do I mean by that?
It’s a belief.
S: Yes, it’s a belief. What’s that belief about?
Well, the Universe is very kind and gives us exactly what we want and what we say we want in our lives, and when we believe that we don’t have anything, that’s what the Universe gives us.
S: When your focus and all of the energy goes toward “I don’t have this! I don’t have this! I don’t have this!” you are putting out so much intention on it, on not having, that it looks very clear that that’s what you want. That’s true. But what is the statement that I’m making here, that you have what you need.
I don’t know that I’m going to say it any differently, but I do find that one way or another, everything comes together, money-wise and provision-wise, and those who help provide for me see that I do have what I need to get by.
S: Aye. And there is where the division in the road begins to happen. You will have what you need to get by. You have what you need. You don’t have what you want. And a small change in language can do a lot toward helping you get a little bit more clear about those needs and those wants. What you need and having it is a reflection of the power you’ve that you’ve come here with, and bluntly speaking, have very little to do anything about. What you need is not what will allow you to remain in the same golf club—now that’s an interesting picture, isn’t it? Sort of an Alice in Wonderland thing, to get in a golf club. Sorry. A little diversion there- -because you’re sitting here in a society that has means available, but more than that, you have means available. Looking across this room, I see individuals who have literally pulled themselves up with their fingernails to make things meet, who have struggled in ways some of you can’t ever imagine.
But the key to this statement is, have pulled themselves up and made it work. It is so important, beloved ones, that you do not, in the desire to have more of what you want, negate the incredible power that has come out of your ability to satisfy the needs to survive here in this world. The power that you have used and the means that you have used to pat yourself on the back, and to use it as an “if I have done this, then I can do this as well.” Because some of you have struggled in ways that, as sorry as I am that it has been hard, I can say nothing but how much I admire what you have come through to make happen what you wanted.
And you know very much—I’ve told it too many times for it to be unknown to all of you—the story of the great master who had a student that said to that master, “What can I do to have enlightenment?” Well, let’s change it just a bit. “What can I do to have what I need in this world, to have the money that I desire? What do I need to do, great one?” And that master said, “Well, you’ve got to meditate for twenty minutes every day, and you’ve got to visualize very clearly what it is you’re after, and when you can visualize it very clearly, you repeat it very, very often, and the repetition and intent puts it all together, and then you will have it.” Right?
Well, that does work to a certain extent. That certainly is there. There is a lot to be said for the many types of technology that allowed you to focus your mind to get done what you need to, but that’s not what that master said. What the master did instead was to give somewhat of a show and tell example. And said, “Come with me.” And they left the temple and walked down the path to the horse trough, and the master started looking at the horse trough, and the student, being very curious, thinking, Well, maybe the master dropped the great answer into the bottom of the horse trough there. Or maybe there’s a gold piece, or a dollar, or whatever it is you use these days, down there. And so he looked over, and that master grabbed a hold of that student and just held him under. And, of course, being the good student—you can relate to this one now, can’t you?—the good student very calmly just kept his head under for a bit and started saying, Well, all right, this must be some sort of test. Right. Isn’t that what you do when the Universe sticks your head under the water? You say, All right, this must be a test. What do I need to do to do it well? And you start visualizing air, or something. Right? That’s what you do. You laugh, because it is what you do.
But pretty soon that student started finding that the master seemed to have a much firmer grip than he thought that an old person like that should be able to have. [He] kept that head down, and the student started struggling, because he wasn’t able to breathe, and he could tell that his air was starting to run out, and that he was going to need to take another breath. And there he was, under the water, and started struggling harder and harder. And the master held him down that much harder. That is, by the way, a principle of energy, isn’t it? Equal force for equal force. He held him down that much harder until finally the student struggled so hard that he broke loose of the grip, got up and with a gasp said, “What did you do that for? There’s not any money down there or anything.” And the master said, “Well now take a moment here. Get your breath. Now what was it you were asking me about?” And the student said, “Just a moment. Just a moment. I’ve got to breathe here a moment.” And he said, “That’s it! You’ve got it. You’ve got the answer.” And the student said, “What are you talking about?” “When you want the money as much as you wanted to breathe just then, you did it.”
And many of you know the truth of that. The reality of it is, it’s not that that’s unknown to you; it’s that you don’t want the struggle for it. Samiel, what it is is I want all of my needs to be met, but I do not want to have to—and here you start filling in the blanks—I don’t want to have to work for it. I don’t want to have to work this hard for it. I don’t want to be working this for it. I don’t want to have to ask for it. I don’t want to have to be in a crisis and allow my ability to manifest power show up only in crisis.
And what I would like to remind you of, first thing round, is to look at the crises in your life. To take a good hard look at those times that you have had difficulty, where you have wondered where it’s going to come from. And then ask, what was it I did? What was the key that unlocked that great mystery then. How hungry did you have to be? How starved for air were you before you put into effect your share of the process?
Now, I also want to remind you that you live in—and here comes the New Age spiel. I’m telling you that particularly that way, because I hope you realize it’s not something I particularly agree with. It’s also very important that you remember that you live in a Universe full of abundance, in a Universe in which there is so much out there that all you’ve got to do is latch in through some sort of amazing and marvelous merger process—that was yesterday. If you missed it, you’ll never have your money now, will you? Maybe not. All right—into that great flow that’s there and waiting for you. And so what do you do? You do everything you can to enhance your spiritual wellbeing in order to assure that you are a part of that great and marvelous flow of All That Is, because you’re firmly aware that your ability to have money is absolutely connected to your ability to recognize your partnership with Source. And forgive me, dear ones, here is what I would say about that. [Gives Bronx cheer] And just in case you missed it, let me say it again. [Gives another one]
Because you are here in an absolutely abundantly flowing Universe, you are absolutely here on the planet that has huge, beautiful variety, unlimited flow. It also has droughts and predator animals and famine and pestilence and boils. Well, I thought we were just going through the listing there. And it’s very possible, beloved ones, that as you’re hooking into the abundance of All That Is, you are hooking into maybe the drought and pestilence end of it, because there’s a lot more to it than that. You have come here in this remarkably abundant world, a part of an unending Source connection, with amazing limitations. There it is, plain and simple. You are magnificent spirit, co-creator with Source, but unlike Source you have two eyes only, two arms only, two legs only, one mouth only. The connection between your brain sending the word—so to speak—and your heart pumping the liquid keeps you alive. You are dependent upon form, not only for how you live, but that you live. And you are a part of the laws of form here. That means that when you jump, you are guaranteed to come back down to earth. It was thought of as a safety mechanism. It means that you’re not going to be stuck in this body forever. Like everything else in form here, it will eventually break down and release what you truly are, but until then it is the opportunity for you not to learn your limits, although that does become a part of the process—and for many people that’s the whole journey—but for you to stretch beyond and see how far you can go. That’s the joy of it, and I would go so far as to say that I would imagine where we began asking you about happiness, that your happiness was directly related to opportunities in which you did stretch your known world. To be able to love more or receive that love more. To be able to do more. To move beyond the limit of your thought, which is often a great limitation.
You are here in a world specifically because it is a world as it is, one that is very much filled with conflict as a means to grow beyond it. Friction which brings about growth in all living things. The plant must burst out of the seed pod to grow. And what does this have to do with money? Because, beloved ones, humanity is designed not to rule earth, to have rulership, control, over earth, but to have leadership here. Leadership, as in guardianship of that which is form. And, beloved ones, here is where it fits in, money is form. It’s a form of what though. What is it?
S: And this is an important part of the whole experience as well, because as long as money is a symbolic means of lighting a fire, as long as it’s a symbolic means of having stuff, then you’ve missed the point. It’s going to control, and you’re not going to have leadership and guardianship of it. What is it that it does? What is it a symbol of? It is …
S: Exchange. Absolutely. Exchange of what?
Freedom. Choice.
S: It really is freedom of choice, because it allows a freedom of choice in a certain amount of ways, but what is it?
S: Energy. Absolutely. Very good. Energy for energy. Big picture. Now let’s make it a small picture. You have this dollar, because in one way or another you did something to get it. And you’re giving it, because somebody did something to get it. It’s a transaction. It is energy for energy, but for you to be able to understand the workings of it in the greatest sort of way, it’s important that you get down and dirty with it, and you recognize that it’s “I’m giving you something so that you’re giving me something.” It’s the age-old exchange that form is about. Giving and receiving. A principle that is so important to recognize, especially where it doesn’t fit with money. Because in order to have the happiness that you were remembering, you were giving something, weren’t you? And you were receiving as well.
What happens with money is that the giving and the receiving is not balanced. What is being given is so much more than the worth of what is received, perhaps. What is being received is not equal to what is given. Do you know that there are large support groups for individuals who have inherited large amounts of money, because they have such difficult self- esteem issues, because this society, the one you came into, this society, the one you have chosen to work in, this society has a very firm system that says you earn it or it’s not worthwhile. No pain, no gain. Same thing.
Now, I told you that this also related to fathers. And here is where it comes in. Most of you here have parents. All of you had, at one time or another. Here comes the statement, your relationship with your father is exemplary of the relationship you have with money. Remember that what I was saying was you live in a world of form, everything has to do with, it is a symbol of giving and receiving, an exchange of energy for energy. As form, in that sense, it has a direct relation to your connection with masculine energy, and masculine energy is most easily understood in your life as a father energy.
Let me explain what I’m talking about here, because this is absolutely a crux issue. A crux issue. Now is that even accurate? Crucial, anyway.
The crux of it.
S: The crux of it is that everything is energy. Money is an exchange of energy, in the largest picture. Energy is neither masculine nor feminine, but in this world as form has dichotomized things, energy expresses itself as a masculine and a feminine expression. That does not mean masculine and feminine gender, although that is accurate as well. It means masculine, which is usually recognized as outward and feminine which is inward. Feminine energy expressions are such things as … can you help me here?
S: Internal. Creative. The beginning. Unseen. The intuitive. Nurturing. Masculine energy is …
S: Outward. The active. The frame. The shell. The construct rather than the concept. The construct. Aye. The concept of money, oh, let’s barter. I will do this for you, you will do this for me. The concept is a feminine use of energy. The construct—and here we will use this as the medium of exchange is the construct—masculine energy ultimately then is the active version, the way by which it is expressed in this world.
In your life, coming into this world, with father and mother persons in your life, for the most part the genders in this society have a tendency to express themselves stereotypically generally in those same directions. Feminine females—aye—are thought of as creators, aye, are thought of as intuitive. The male energy is the active expression, the “go out and do it.” Now, of course, that is a stereotype, nonetheless, real world here again; you grew up with it. Therefore, within the beginnings of your brain soaking up this society, father and mother both influenced the way that you looked at different things in your life. How many of you here grew up either with it as your experience or knowing that it was considered the common thing that the father worked outside of the home—brought home the bacon, is that it?- -and the mother stayed home and took care of the other creations. Aye. How many of you had that or know of that? Because you’re just coming out of a major economic structure within your society that did not go on for the last fifty years, it went on for the last five thousand years, across your planet for the most part, in which patriarchal energy, masculine energy, ruled the constructs of society, including money. Therefore growing up with the understanding, fully awarized or not, but because this society offers it, money comes from daddy. Money is a male sort of thing.
Let’s take it one step further. How many of you grew up as well with not being smart enough to figure out the money stuff. Leave that to the gentlemen. Well, I won’t even go there. That’s not what I’m after. But here is what happens. What gets projected onto money, daddy, masculine energy, is that the relationship that you had with your father, becomes the relationship you have with the outward construct of form, particularly money, because parents are absolutely a security issue foundation for every child, and so the issues of money and security are father.
But, Samiel, just a moment, my mother raised me. Which means your mother was the masculine as well as the feminine projection in your life. It did not necessarily have to be male gender.
Furthermore, for the many of you who lost a father early on or did not have one at all, the next place that that takes you is the projection onto male personages into your life, whether it was a father or not, because the society still sets up the construct. Men with money. Now, here is where it shows up. Without thinking money, what kind of relationship did you have with your father? For many children, the very first things that their father taught them is abandonment. That wasn’t what the father was trying to do. The father was going off to work every day. But to the small child who lived very much in that now, that beloved piece of personal security was gone. And so the first thing that the child learned was abandonment. Perhaps another thing was that you had to earn that love. How many of you learned to be the trick pony for the father, to be the dog tricks, stupid human tricks, learning to please the father, because he was not there that much and he was tired, and you learned very early on to cozy up and bring slippers, and be kind, and tell the things that they wanted to hear, and make them love you, because you needed him. And how many of you found, again—and although it is sadly so very true that for some of you it was not a loving parental experience—but for the most part it was a typical parental experience. It wasn’t that the father wasn’t loving, it was just that the father was not expressive in a way that you as a child needed. Again, that’s not always true, but it’s often true, because the child’s need is touch me, love me, give me. The parents need is break, please. Go to bed. Feed it. Put it away. You want to have these things, then I’ve got to have the energy to go to work, and the times became very precious because of their rarity. For how many of you were weekends special, because that’s when you got the time?
It’s what happens with your thoughts of money too. Because what it tells you is that in order to have the security that you need, you’ve got to learn the dog and pony show. You’ve got to expect a certain amount of abandonment and betrayal. That sometimes no matter how hard you work at it, it’s not going to be enough. You’ve learned that if you’re really good, you’ll get that extra dollar or two, or the toys that you want, or the treats that you were looking forward to, and you spend the rest of your life seeking that person who will buy you the toys when you’re good, because money is associated with being good, and that if you learn the right tricks, that you’re going to have what you need. And therefore, you’re going to go from organization to organization to organization taking all of the great expensive workshops about how to do the right technology to get the money you need, because you know that if you learn the right pony trick, you’ll have it.
[…] it’s the benefits
S: The benefit.
Yes, the fringe benefits.
S: Which? […]
[…] that if you do good, you’ll also get extra benefits. You’ll get fringe benefits.
S: Aye. Your […] will get raised and you’ll get special points. Aye. Exactly. The benefits.
You learn that your security has nothing to do with your being enough. You learn that when you are enough and you’re doing the things that are right for you and that make you happy, if it doesn’t make that person happy, whether it’s a father or a mother that had to be a father for you, you learn that you don’t get to have what you want.
And how about for those individuals who had abusive relationships, or relationships in which they have shame surrounding them? Then they have fear and shame regarding money as well, and you can see it tied together there.
What was your relationship with masculine energy in your life? Well, did you even get to have a passing acquaintance? And then I’ve got to ask you, do you, by the way, have a passing acquaintance with money now? What was your relationship with masculine energy in your life? Did you find that it was a means to control, because you’re certainly controlled by it. And as a result now, you have a constant fight going on within your own self about I should not have it because I will abuse it, and so you sabotage your own having of it, because all you’ve seen of masculine energy is control and manipulation. As a result of it, you stay away from it, because your experience of it is improper use. You’ve seen it. You know it. You know how you should stay away from it.
The primary function of your belief system was built in the early years of your relationship with your parents, but I’ve got some really good news for you and money. You’re not a child any more. You don’t need to be stuck in that system. You do not need to have yourself in a place in your life as an adult in which you’re still doing the dog and pony show, because it does more to get you what you want than what you believe yourself capable of.
Everything that you have in your life—everything you don’t have in your life; it’s all right—is because you have it that way by your belief system. Your belief system can change. It can change. The relationship that you have with masculine energy has changed through the years in some ways. It can change now.
And what does it require? A couple of months ago I spoke about…. Nobody remembers?
S: Reconciliation. Accept what was, as it has led you to who you are now, which is somebody wise enough to at least want change. So much of this world is swimming in the bliss of ignorance. Pain and suffering and difficulty is so much easier than change that they would rather take that than even think there might be change possible. You’re here because you are an individual that believes that there’s something else out there, whatever it is. Whether this is the pathway for it or not, there’s something else out there, because you know there’s more. And that’s a change. You could not have ever moved out of being an absolutely dependent four-year-old if you had not changed to become a more independent seven-year-old somewhere along the way. And maybe you’ve stopped somewhere about there, but reconciliation does it. And the most important facet of reconciliation, the greatest thing to change the issues of money going on in your life, is with full recognition and acceptance to say, Yes! The mess is mine. I did it. I chose to accept, to believe, to continue a process of pay more difficulty, or co-dependency, or total dependency—no ‘co-’ about it—or I chose to not seek before now. I chose to expect, to demand, to … I chose it. It’s what it was. I chose to believe that my security was dependent upon a pattern that no longer fits me. A pattern that wasn’t true last week, last year, twenty years ago, forty years ago, but that I have held onto. Reconcile the understanding that your life is filled with a whole lot of beliefs that are doing you no good now. But this is a key: they served you well until this very moment. Because you will not make a change if you simply reject and deny. Reconciliation is about recognizing how it has served you, because it is only from there that you can move on from it. All right. What this did is make me a totally difficult person in the world, and that served me because it kept me from having to be in the world. And I recognize the advantage of that, but that’s not what I want any more. All right, I recognize that being so dependent upon my family has allowed me to not have to … fill in the blank, but it’s not where I want to be any more. Being poor and pitiful or poor and courageous, or poor and poor, has served me, because it helped me constantly believe that I wasn’t enough, but that doesn’t serve me any more. And I’m ready for change. Reconcile that your life has been filled with beliefs that have not served you, and forgive yourself for choosing them. Take that responsibility. And I chose them because it gave me what I obviously thought I needed then. Forgive yourself that.
Reconcile yourself with your father. That does not mean, “Dad, we’ve got to talk. I’ve got a lot of issues we need to work out together.” No, that means you reconcile that as a four-year-old. Your view of the world did not understand that there may be a whole lot of things that you created, total life belief systems around, that really are not accurate, and your adult mind knows it. Think them through, and then allow yourself to say, It’s served me long enough, I don’t need it, because you cannot move from where you are until you let go of all that’s holding you there.
Release. Reconcile. Be responsible, acknowledge what you’ve been, what you’ve been through, what you have made out of it, and release it. Reconcile it. And then recreate it. Look at those situations of happiness and those situations of crisis that you have used in your life, and put the two technologies together, because they serve you to create what you want. They serve to create what you need. Happiness is what you want, and overcoming crisis as you have done throughout your life in so many ways, in the nick of time. Superman did not show up; you did. Mighty Mouse did not save the day; you put on the cape and went to the banker. Well, you stuffed the cape under your jacket so that they would be sure to give you the loan, and then you took a second job and you worked it out. You made the miracle and you can do it again.
It’s the season of miracles. Your whole society’s mass consciousness is working right now with the idea that miracles are happening all around you, why don’t you claim one?
What is it you need? What is it you want? What would make the difference? The Universe wants you happy, because you’re so much easier to work with then. And if what makes you happy is having an abundance of money, then you show the Universe that you’ve not yet attached to it all sorts of stringy, sticky things that giving you that money is going to dig a hole and cause you to fall in it, you show the Universe that you know what to do with it. Oh, I do, I buy lottery tickets every day. That’s what I should do with it, right?
Your security and your money sleep together.
S: They are bedfellows, that’s what it is. Thank you.
You’re welcome.
S: Which is to say that your issues about security and the foundation of what your security is about, the need to work as hard as your daddy did, the need to recognize money as the dangling treat that makes you take part in that dog and pony, or recognizing money as what allows you to live and be the person that you should be, do not come from any spiritual teaching you’ve ever heard. They come from the primary source of security that your baby-self took in, tried on. And even though you may have grown out of it, you’re still learning it.
Your relationship with your father is everything to do with your security issues, and in this society your security is dependent upon money. You have created miracles in times of crisis in your life. Allow yourself some time—give yourself an hour—to sit down quietly and look through the miracles you have made happen. You think that we are in the habit of dumping blessings on you, because you’re not doing anything to deserve it. I don’t think so. You have in your life, exactly what you deserve. Exactly.
Make a miracle. Look at your happiness and what you have done to make happiness in your life, to create the pattern. Look at what defines happiness for you, because that is what the Universe is in partnership with you to have. Did those three things that you looked back on, by the way, involve someone handing you a blank check? Oh, goodness.
Do not end this year with the same patterns that held you back last year, and the year before, and the year before. Take responsibility. Change what can be changed. And become the weaver. Adapt that which you cannot change. Security was always you. And it still is.
You’re learning it the hard way or you’re learning it the easy way, but that’s what you’re here to do, to learn that one. You always have what you need. And you determine what you need simply by looking at what you have. What you want requires working things through. Reconciliation. Reconstructing. Responsibility. Making miracles.
And I do apologize to those who were hoping for a gentle little sermonette tonight about how to be abundant and make yourself a part of that great flow. Your assignment now is to go home and call your daddy, and say, “I’m going to be rich all by myself, thank you.”
I’m kidding! Take it and use it. You’ve done it before. Multiply it. Don’t need it to be hard because your daddy worked through the Depression.
Be well. Now is the time that you turn those off. Goodbye.
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