June 3, 2012
Samuel: Hello dears.
Hello, Samuel.
S: Well aren’t you a perky group already? I would say. Sort of bouncing off the ceiling here, which is always nice, always very nice. Welcome.
June—June signifies your year is about partway through. Can you believe that?
Time flies when you’re having fun.
S: Time flies whether or not you’re having fun. It’s the nature of the beast these days. It flies. You wish you were.
Usually the first six months of the year have to do with what?
S: All right, all right. A little more information than that.
Planning, when you intend to envision what you want to actively accomplish in the second half of your year.
S: Very nice, very nice.
I’d say it’s also the beginnings of action. We start taking the initial steps. I think of like the plants, they’re starting to come up. We’re starting to see a little bit of what our planning has started to bring us, and we’re still at the point we can start changing and modifying if what we see needs changing from what we thought it was going to be.
S: Very good, very good.
This year, your first six months have had a little twist to go with it. And what has that been? Anyone?
Well, a lot of dross coming to the surface to see those things that we’d like to identify and be clear on what they are so we can release them and not have to experience them in the second half of the year.
S: Very good. Aye.
The little twist you’re talking about—is it the energy that’s coming from Cygnus . . .
S: That as well.
. . . amplifying and accelerating things?
S: You have been experiencing, this past six months, two very big things. One of them is you’ve been seeing, hopefully, a whole lot of the best of you and hopefully a whole lot of the worst of you. “Samuel, that’s a terrible thing to say. That sounds a bit like a curse: ‘I hope you’re seeing the worst of you.’” Why would I say that? Why would I say I hope you’ve been seeing the worst of you? Heidi?
Well, because if you’re actually seeing it consciously and not just reacting at it, then you can control it and re-do it.
S: Lovely. Very good. Lillibeth.
Well, by doing what Heidi’s saying, then we’re available for more of the best of us to be working.
S: Good, good. Steven.
You can’t change what you don’t see.
S: That’s right. That’s right. I say it because—all right, big picture: You are perfect—big picture—magnificent, wonderful, filled with magic, a creator of all that is good. Smaller picture: all of that functioning as human means that you spend a lot of time having forgotten that you are magnificent, that you are perfect, that you are all that you need to be for everything that you need to do, because you get squashed down into this little cellular structure, and there’s so much energy being sent to just keeping you moving that remembering what you are isn’t that high on the priority list. I guess that explains a lot, too, doesn’t it?
Because of that, to just say it a little more bluntly, as long as you’re functioning in this human skin, as long as you’re wearing the costume, you are going to be dealing with the issues that come with living in a world of free will, where sometimes you’re doing everything you can to be the best you can where you are with what you have at the moment, but the person choosing to run that red traffic signal is expressing their free will in a way that crashes into yours. It’s a life of free will crashing into yours constantly. And of course, it’s what you do with those crashes that makes the biggest difference. If you choose to wither and see yourself as the fault and the problem or get angry because of it or have expectations because of it, well, then you’re missing the point, because the idea is that everything—everything—that comes into your path is an opportunity to allow the best of you to shine. And if the best of you has never shone in that particular piece of you, then you’re going to get to learn how. And if you don’t learn it the first time, don’t worry; this experience will keep coming back, giving you the opportunity to shine. Eventually. Hopefully. Ideally.
This past six months has been one in which you have been seeing more of what is not yet complete in you, and you’ve also been seeing it in people around you. If you’re honest, you would say that you have felt yourself more judgmental over these last few months than you have in a very long time. It’s a security reaction, being judgmental. You feel that you’re not functioning at your very best, so if you point out how others are not as well, you don’t feel quite so badly about it. It’s one of those stupid human tricks. Never quite makes it on that late night show, does it?
This past six months you have also seen your world experiencing its same version of that. A whole lot of the worst of behaviors showing themselves up; people hurting people. People hurting creatures and plants and not remembering that this is an opportunity to learn to express unity, and to work together as one rather than separately, trying to climb over the heap to the very top. You’ve seen governments look the other way while horrible things were being done to their citizens; you’ve seen people behaving in ways that—well, I guess it becomes a struggle not to want to judge. And yet, I say this is a good thing! I’m not by any means saying that those actions are good. I’m saying that by their showing up a choice is available. And that choice is what?
It’s to recognize that this type of behavior is not working in unity, it’s not working to the highest good, and to correct it and to never do it again.
S: Hopefully somebody is seeing it and saying, “You know, this isn’t working. Maybe something else would work better.”
And also when you recognize these things in yourself or in others, you send energy for that change.
S: And it becomes a lovely opportunity for you who are awake and watching to send energy for change for the higher good in any situation such as those that come up that you see. That’s what you read the paper for, right? That’s why you watch that news channel that never stops—so that you see the situations that are going on and you send energy. What does that mean, send energy? Yes, you do know what I’m saying there. What is it?
To send energy is to open your heart and wish the very best to come about and to ask the Universe to help you with that.
S: Lovely, lovely! It’s a prayer, if you like that word; it’s the opening of your heart, if you like that one; it’s speaking to the Universe, if that one works for you, asking that this resolve to the highest and best. It’s—and this one has a rather intense effect that comes with it, so don’t use it lightly—but another version is to visualize that you have a cord of light moving from your heart to the heart of that person that is struggling or in pain or doing abominable acts against humanity, and you visualize that you are sending love as if it is a pipe and water is flowing through it, but it’s love flowing from your heart to their heart. That’s sending energy.
We start these meetings with a request for energy requests as well as gratitudes. Gratitude opens your heart to amplify the energy that’s going to be going out, so gratitudes are always a part of that. What are you grateful for? You could change the way you function in any moment of your life; when you start feeling the slightest bit down, you can change that by giving yourself a moment, quieting yourself down, and simply letting yourself remember what you are grateful for. The more aware you are of that in your life which you are grateful for, the less energy you are inadvertently sending when you are worrying about the things you’re not grateful for. You are manifesting more of what you don’t like when you focus on those things, so change it to gratitude, amplifying what you are putting out.
So we are asking for requests. And what are those requests? And the requests are something such as, “My beloved brother has died and I ask that his transition continue easily and well, and it is, and thank you because it was very easy and a good opportunity to come together and celebrate,” and so forth. And in your mind you are perhaps asking the Universe simply to allow that being to move into wholeness, into what he truly is—transition from this life into the wholeness that moves beyond this life. And it doesn’t matter how you put that out there. The energy of it, the frequency, literally goes out into the world and finds its like function. In this case it is, “This is going to John!” And out it goes and it goes to John. And at this point there’s so much of it all building up that it draws a lot more to it. Or say instead it’s—Bonnie has . . . what is it called?
Spinal meningitis.
S: Spinal meningitis. Just doesn’t even sound pleasant, does it? And it makes her crazy. So you put out something like—what are you thinking when something like that comes up? What are you sending?
Because she’s experiencing a lot of pain, and she’s had a high temperature, I’m asking for wholeness and balance for her, and whatever is needed for her to heal.
S: So do you know that . . . I suddenly wasn’t too sure exactly how to word that, remembering that this was going out beyond this place.
(You were saved just now, you in television land. It’s very pretty. Yes, her chest sparkles [referring to Lea’s sequins].)
So where was I before I distracted myself so badly with that? I think that it was, she’s putting out the thought of wholeness and healing for her. Actually, what Lillibeth said was she asks for wholeness and healing for her. But you’re asking what? Trick question. Paula.
I don’t think you’re actually asking; you’re claiming the power to have that.
S: That’s good. Ideally, in the beginning what you’re doing is you’re sort of talking to the Universe, because in this culture you grew up talking to the Universe. You had other names for it, but that’s what you were doing, talking to the Universe, aye? Talking to Source, talking to God, saying, “Please help this person.” But becoming awake and aware, you are learning that there is only oneness that has these little tentacles that are called “you.” I love that thought. Or it is many cells that create this great body of Source, that you are a function of Source in this world. And so in that sense you’re asking yourself to do something, aren’t you, in that bigger picture? And you take that a step further and you realize, Then what I should not be doing is asking. What I should be doing is claiming: “I claim healing, wholeness, balance and ease for her.” Very nice.
So, you put out there, you send energy, and you do it in a way that works the best for you, because that’s the way that you’re going to do it the most often, and you make it a constant habit to stay in that place of easy awareness of your connection with All That Is so that when any situation comes up in your life you’re already there, able to name it and claim it, use it in a way that not only brings balance and power and wholeness and goodness to the object you are sending that energy to, but as is the nature of energy, it returns to you.
Now, that is an act of simple power. Doing it constantly changes you—changes you—helping you become more able to function at your highest and best for longer and longer periods of time. And what would be the advantage of that? Thought? This is not a trick question. It’s a very easy one. What would be the advantage of functioning at your highest and best for longer and longer periods?
Then we get to express more of who we truly are, more and more, and healing those parts of ourselves that are functioning more in humanity as well.
S: Very good, very good. Frank.
On a very practical level for me, life’s better. I’m happier. It’s living life as it should be.
S: And makes living with you a lot easier as well. Well, I did not mean him specifically. I meant generally. Oops.
It think it allows you to be used as part of The Plan in ways that you can’t really anticipate.
S: Yes!
I did this workshop in Las Vegas about two years ago, and I think I told you about all the crystals in there. And a lady wanted to do a book . . . I mean do a chapter about me. So the book came out just last week and it’s called […]. It’s like twenty-one chapters of ordinary people that touch people’s lives. And so what’s funny is, you know how Samuel talked about how we were becoming a hybrid, like Clark Kent? So the front cover is this person opening their shirt, like Superman. So I’m Chapter 20, and it’s called, “Terri Ruff, A Learner in the World.” It’s about twenty-two different people. I got a chance to tell the pony story, and be the best you can where you are. It was like I had no idea that I could be used like this, but it’s like, wow, this is incredible. Putting that intent out there. It’s a way.
S: Because it’s easier to move an object that’s already in motion. When you’re already in that place of “I’m functioning as one with the Universe. I’m functioning at my best and my highest,” you are drawing to you that same kind of good energy. And it gets noticed, which makes some people a little uncomfortable. Some people end up having very long visits in the produce department because the strangers walk up and start talking. Some people have books written about them. When you are in motion, it’s very simple to direct you. But when you are holding on with everything you’ve got—“No change! No change!”—it’s very, very difficult for you to be led. Mary Claire and then David.
It kind of goes along with what Terri was saying, but not only being used for The Plan and being in motion, but also the energy of you functioning at your best that much creates a model that goes into the Grid for humanity functioning at its best, mass consciousness at its best, for longer and longer periods of time.
S: Good, good. You become the way-shower. You become an example. No, let me change that. You are always an example. You can become a good example. When you live the love that you are you show that it can be done. And those who—you may never know—were on the brink of stopping and resisting and becoming stubborn and blind and deaf saw that it can be done and took one more step, and one more step. You may never know the effect you have.
The infamous “they” say that practice makes perfect. But one of the ways to look at that is that practice also gets you to change and adapt to how other things are changing, because if you decide to be static and to be clinging to your chair, the world is still moving ahead, so in effect, you’re moving backwards. Practice helps you at least stay the same, hopefully get better.
S: Well, there were several of you in this room who, when you were a child, had the opportunity to learn to play an instrument or learn a skill of some sort. I think that is what school is supposed to be about, right, you’re learning things? The propaganda. And the more you do it, the faster you reach that point where you do not have to think about it so hard to come up with the result of it. When you begin anything, it’s not a lot of fun. You finally get a bicycle, and you get on that bicycle and you take off the little training wheels—training wheels, but they’re little wheels that stick out on the edges and hold it in balance, right? Such an interesting thought, isn’t it? And you ride about two feet, and you lose your balance, and you fall, and you skin your knee. And of course you determine, “I’m never getting on that bicycle again. I’m never going to put myself in a place where I can be that embarrassed, that horrified, that much pain. I’m never going to be in that much pain again ever!” Don’t you wish? And you put the bicycle away and you never look at it again. Right? [..]
When you were a child you were fearless, you were deathless, weren’t you? Or maybe not as an only child in New York City, maybe not then, all right Heidi. Many of you just got right back on the bicycle and tried again. And again. And again. And it wasn’t that the bicycle changed, it’s that you did. You learned how to balance yourself. You learned how much motion to push forward and how to slow things down. You learned how to steer, hopefully. And as a result of all of those things, the time came that you were pretty confident on that bicycle.
Practice changes you. Sometimes what practice does is it makes it clear what you don’t want. But until you’ve really given it a good shot, you can’t say what you don’t want. You give it your best, and you find you’re not drawn to continue, and in all likelihood, it’s not one-hundred percent, but in all likelihood, that’s because you’re really not that good at it. There’s something else you’re probably going to be better at because you enjoy the things you’re good at. And it’s really not a whole lot of fun practicing something you’re not good at.
So even as a child you learn pretty quickly that the joy that’s found in a thing is a good signal. But you’ve got to give it a try to know if that joy is going to be there. Humans miss that one a lot because they want the end product at the beginning and they want to bypass all that’s involved to get to that end product. I’m saying you don’t need to follow it all the way down to the end of the road if you continue to find that it’s just not working for you, but you’ve got to give it enough time to find out if it could. And what you want to look for in there is that joy. Maybe that joy is not the bicycle, but the motorcycle really works for you. Still requires balance, still requires steering. Not so much with the pedals though, eh?
You are going through a time right now in which what you are is trying to come to the surface and stay there. And on its way to the surface, it’s sort of knocking aside a lot of the old beliefs and the old versions of you, and when it knocks them to the side it causes them to sort of fling up to the surface where you see it in total abject horror, “I thought I was finished with this one!! I never thought I’d have to deal with this one again,” or, “That’s not me, I did not do that. That was not me. That was Suzie’s fault.”
I say that all the time.
S: And does it work? Not so much, right. So you end up seeing these negatives and you can focus on that, and let yourself get further and further down on you, and be more and more unhappy, and not be an example of what can be, instead be an example of more of the same that’s out there everywhere else. You can do that. Or you can let that greater self come to the surface. And that greater self is coming to the surface because of a kind of outpouring of energy back to you that was sent a very, very long time ago. And that energy calls to what you are and opens an internal door, if you will. And when that door is open, it takes up more, and more, and more space until finally every cell of your being is touched by that ancient call. And that energy is changing you.
And what you are doing in these next six months is practicing. Practicing that transitioned and transitioning life. The things that you spent the first six months becoming aware of, these things are going to open doors for you in this next six months. But the only way they will succeed is if you go through those doors as that more highly enlightened being. Not the old way; the new way.
This next six months is about the most basic principles of this universe. You’re going to be learning more about energy as a whole, how it works in this solar system, in this universe; how it works in the universe that is found in every cell of your being. Science is going to step forward with information that has been held back. That which has been hidden is going to begin showing up. You see through the eyes of love, and you see the power and the good that this change is about. You see through the eyes of fear and resistance and stubbornness, and it’s all chaos. And hard. And it’s not. It’s not! It is more promise than there has been since the beginning of this Plan. And you, you are the light on the journey so that others can see their way to that same kind of glorious world.
So you are desperately needed at your best. Whatever your life is experiencing is not the issue. It is your being your best self no matter what is going on around you. You are here to live love. And as you live love, you get to learn that that’s not always easy. It’s not easy. Hah!–let me tell you! It’s not easy when you’re focused outside of gratitude; it’s not easy when you’re being stubborn; it’s not easy when you’re not moving so that you can be directed; it’s not easy when your focus is what’s happening in everyone else’s life and not minding your own; it’s not easy when your life is filled with expectations about what you deserve and how it should be because you’ve done all of this. That’s right, “I paid my dues already!” But when you take this life one small step at time, it’s the most natural thing for you. You are always loving in this moment. It’s when you start looking to the past or worrying about the future that that changes. Step by step by step.
I want to tell you three things that will help tremendously over this next six months. When you’re working with very high frequency energy, all of the rules of the universe are accelerating. And one of those rules is, what you put out comes back to you. So the very first thing that I recommend is that you become totally aware of what you are putting out. That means what you are putting out in the things that you say, and the things that you do, and the things that you think. Your vision, which is another way of saying those things you are intending. It is so easy to lose that one, to forget that everything you put out there is going to come back to you. Therefore, resolve that everything you put out there is, from its first intention, a function of your greatest self. A function of love.
Second: give; be generous. Now, yes, obviously that is an “abundant prosperity in your wallet” thing because you give that will return back to you. But that’s not really what I’m talking about here. What I am meaning is, give of yourself. Be the friend you want to have. Be the helper, be the leader; give of your time, give of your knowledge. Give. And you know, the Universe totally doesn’t care if you’re giving so that you’ll receive. Doesn’t mind at all. That doesn’t nullify anything. “Oh, well you were giving only so you’d get back!” “That’s right!” That’s like saying you were only breathing out so you could breathe in. That’s how it works. Give that you will receive.
Now, I will tell you this part about it. Here is the caveat I will give you. If you start thinking, “All right, what is it I want to receive, therefore that’s what I’m going to give . . .” it’s going to be a lot slower coming around. You know why?
S: Right. Because you are effectually saying, “I only want this stuff,” when the Universe wants to give you this stuff. When you look into the mirror—I talked a little bit about this at the Lifescapes, for those who were there—when you look into the mirror and you see kind of like yourself looking back at you—right? Kind of. Because it’s opposite, isn’t it? Your right eye is that one’s left eye. Right? You see what I mean? It’s switched. It is a reflection, it’s not a duplicate.
When you are giving what you want to receive, you’re also focusing on what you don’t have so it’s going to not necessarily have the effect that you want.
S: When you are giving in order to receive, it’s because you’re focusing on what you don’t have. “I want to have this and this and this, because I don’t have this and this and this.” Like I warned you earlier, you put your focus on that, you get to have more of that. “I don’t have . . . I don’t have . . . I don’t have . . . I am . . . oh woe . . . oh, oh!” And that’s where all your energy is going, well that’s what you’re going to get more of. Lot of power in that.
It is an incredible opportunity for you, this coming six months, for you to see how much falls into place, how much flows the way you’ve been wanting it to. How much returns to you. Not necessarily exactly in kind, because it’s not a duplicate. “Here, you gave me ten cents, I give you ten cents.” The Universe sees it more as you are giving unselfishly, you will receive unselfishly. And so you shall.
Sometimes I think when you’re giving what that person needs, in that person’s life it may be of greater magnitude than what you’re seeking. And so because you’ve given something of such great magnitude, the Universe is going to give that back in a great magnitude. And you’re only looking at this one little thing.
S: The Universe is going to give back to you in great magnitude, but not necessarily that back. And really, that’s great. Really great. Because there’s a whole lot of things that you could use in your life that you have no way of giving out exactly. If you don’t have a dime, you can’t give a dime, but you can give of yourself.
Next one—am I on the second or the third. What was that?
S: The first wave and the second wave created the third wave. Mary got it. Torsion.
Teamwork. Team work. Working together. It’s not the time for struggling to the mountain and standing at the top and surveying your world. Lonely. Talk someone else to going up there with you. Don’t do it alone. Don’t insist on doing it alone.
Now here’s where I’m going to say something kind of like a smack on the head, all right? Guardians have such a tendency to have to do it alone. You are constantly proving to yourself that you can. And you have this horribly outmoded belief that if you are working with anyone else that means you won’t get your credit for it. Give the credit away. Quit seeking it; you get a lot more of it. It’s a secret of great leadership—the more you brag on others, the more they brag on you. Although that’s not where I was going with that. Working together. Can you give me a really good example of what one can do versus what many can do? Suzie?
As a matter of fact, I can! Let’s say you have a bunch of arrows all together and you would like to break those arrows. If you tried to break them by yourself, it’s not going to be very easy to do that. But if you have help, like three other brothers, and you all stand there, you can probably break that whole cache of arrows together.
S: That’s nice. Another version of that? Oh, more versions of that. All right, let’s do the whole back row, then.
S: Good. Yes! More.
I don’t know the specifics, but how an ant can pack way more than its body weight.
S: Lovely. I’ll give you one about ants. Amazonian ants. Nasty critters. They cross the river. If they do it singly they drown. But what they do is they cling to each other and make a raft that floats across. True thing. Ants!
Temple team. Many hands make light work and then getting a wonderful meal. It’s really wonderful to be on the Temple Team.
S: And Temple Team wins all the Lifescapes. Got a little magic going on there. Mary Claire.
I was going to give the same example. It used to be in Phoenix where it took one person all day to do it. But with Temple Team we all work two hours, it’s all done and it’s almost like a deep cleaning every month, and we get to be together and enjoy each other. Great.
S: Yes, very nice.
The old fashioned mythical barn raisings.
S: Yes, yes. Very good example. And barn raising. Anybody here not know what one is? Pretty good with it? Many people coming together, making it happen.
Frank, Kathy, and Terri.
There’s a phenomenon that’s been going around for a while, flash groups, where a group like in a mall suddenly they’ve pre-arranged and start a dance together, start a performance one-by-one and it becomes an event that is entertaining to people and helpful, and it’s much different than if one person just suddenly started dancing.
S: They have a whole other name for that person, don’t they, when that’s the case? You’re right. Yes, yes, very true.
Community garden. We started one. There are several Guardians that are putting together their talent and sweat equity. I’m doing the land part because I don’t have the expertise. Coming together to grow stuff and share in that process
My son started a food truck. He’s always been so stubborn about, “I can do this by myself, I don’t need any help.” And it bothered me. And the Universe taught him he can’t do it by himself. Just this past weekend he wanted to go to a party, and the party required that you have this all-white outfit. And after working all day, he had no time or money for an all-white outfit. He came over and changed his attitude. My partner, Ray, had an all-white outfit laying on the counter, or chair. And, “Rashaad, ask Ray if you can borrow his all-white outfit?” And Ray said, yes, took it to the cleaners, and he was the sharpest guy there at the party.
S: That’s because he was willing to reach out to not have to do it himself.
It’s a very wonderful six months coming in front of you. I cannot guarantee that the awarenesses of the first six months won’t continue, because if you did not get them all, there may still be a few to show up. Think about yourself over the last few days. Might there be a few things to still show up? But it is a profoundly wonderful time. You would never have wanted to miss it.
I was just telling Bonnie in an email, “Stick around, it’s about to get better.”
S: Be generous with yourself through this. And I know that makes it four, but I always throw in a little extra.
When you’re saying be generous with yourself, you’re saying be generous to yourself.
S: That, too.
I’m trying to understand what you mean by “be generous with yourself.”
Give of yourself; give yourself a break.
S: All of these are good things, but really what I had in mind was, you have a tendency to look onto yourself as something distasteful. You’re very hard on you, and you separate yourself from that. And I’m saying be generous with you, the human you. Be good to all of you. Keep going. Don’t stop. The sun is coming up, and there is a lot to celebrate in this new day.
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