September 5, 1999

Samuel: Hello, dears.

Hello, Samuel.

S: I’ll do it again. Hello dears!

Hello, Samuel.

S: Since last time we had the opportunity to do this, your world has changed a lot. Now, I’m not simply speaking things that are going on on your planet. I mean your world. The one you live in. The one you really are the center of.

And it is so important that you allow yourself the opportunity to do two things regularly for those things that are affecting you personally. The one thing is that you allow yourself to be aware of what the changes are. It’s very cool and pleasantly dark down there with your head in the sand, but it’s being able to see what’s going on, and to see the patterns that are a part of all of that, that allow you to be able to make choices that are to your advantage, instead of to have choices made for you. Be aware.

And right on the heels there of being aware is, allow yourself to learn from the parts that did not work out and to gain strength from those that did. Now that’s a different sort of awareness, so you could say it’s Awareness 101 and 102—or maybe that’s 101 and 201, or however it is that it works—because one of the things too many individuals neglect is that you’re so willing, and you’ve become so good at figuring out what does not work. Something’s happened, and you have an amazing ability to think it to pieces. What went on here? How did it go this way? What have I learned from it? What else could I have done? And on and on and on, so that any sort of negative thing that happens in your life, well, you’re really going to figure it out quickly, learn from it, gain wisdom. That’s a good thing. Hopefully you’re going to do those things anyway. But what too many are not so good at is doing the very same thing with the good things that came your way. What was this about? What did I do to make it happen? What can I learn from it? What’s an additional wisdom? Is this a pattern? How can I use this strength, having accomplished? How will I be able to use that in other areas. Awareness of what is going on around you, and then an awareness of what did not work and what did.

In your own world, these are things that help you, I would say, stay sane—but it’s a little late for that, don’t you think? That allow you to feel that way, anyway. But let’s move it out, broaden that picture a bit to the planet itself.

I’ve been talking to you over the last little bit of time—oh, just fourteen, fifteen years, something like that, but certainly over the last few times we’ve had the opportunity to be together this way—that there are some very big changes coming up in your world. And as you have been seeing, there have been some very massive changes that are going on. Tell me what a few of those changes are.

The earthquake in Turkey.

S: A very, very obvious one. Tell me a bit about that.

It was a massive, massive, earthquake.

S: More than one, yes.

And still there are earthquakes going on that, because of the magnitude and the poor building codes, killed over twelve thousand people, and had made homeless thousands and thousands, hundreds of thousands of people.

S: There is such an interesting lesson in there, isn’t there? Probably one of the largest ones is how little it has affected you. I find that so amazing. How convenient that such an incredible catastrophe did not happen in Lexington, Kentucky. Or Pittsburgh, or Atlanta or Arizona or California. How little it affected the lives of those who were not directly in the path of such catastrophe. Something of such amazing magnitude.

But an interesting parallel that you can draw from it is that lesson about what you’re building. How safe is your structure. It sort of reminds me of a story that you have. Yes.


S: Precisely. That’s the one. Somebody give me a quick recap of that story. It has to do with three pigs, three houses, one wolf. Yes.

I should be the one to do that, shouldn’t I?


S: With proper sound effects in. Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. [Someone in the audience snorts like a pig.]

I’ll let somebody else do that.

S: But the quick version of it is, one had built a house of . . .


S: And one of . . .


S: And one of . . .


S: And for some reason, there was a big, bad wolf. You have dreams of . . .

Baby […]

S: Baby back ribs? That’s a quick spiral. Eating your own, are you? Baby back ribs. I was thinking perhaps more of a bacon and egg breakfast, and so first went to . . .

The house of straw.

S: The house of straw. And knocked on the door and said, “Come, my darling, I would like to eat you up.” And the wee pig immediately said, “Bonnie?”

“Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin.”

S: “I will not let you in. You think I’m crazy?” And the wolf said, “Well, I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down.” And indeed did, and there it went. And the same thing happened with the house of sticks. And then, finally, the house of bricks.

You know why, though, the straw and twig pigs made their house of straw.

S: Do tell.

Because they wanted to go off and play, and they didn’t want to spend all the time making their house of bricks. They wanted to play, so they quickly threw their houses together.

S: Gets deeper. Perhaps we should do a study on the three pigs and the wolf at our next time together. However, aside from that interesting little piece about the importance of working rather than playing, there is this house of bricks. But this particular house of bricks, unfortunately, was built on a fault line by construction workers who were not building to code. And in this particular case, all of the little pigs had gathered into what looked like the safest structure so far, those that were left of them anyway. And when the wolf came to the door this time, and said, “I’m going to shake or I’m going to rumble, and your house will come a-tumble”—close enough?—it did, and the house did tumble. And everybody that was on the other side of the river, watching, said, “Oh, how awful! What a catastrophe. That truly is a horrible thing to have happen. So, what’s for lunch do you think? Any more of that good bacon left over?”

Like the three little pigs whose houses were not of particularly good construction, and the wolf who was taking advantage, ultimately, I think there is a lesson as a whole for people all over the world right now looking at not only that, but how about the million homeless in China. Or the hundreds of thousands, perhaps million, starving in North Korea, or the torture in Timor. Or the constant state of war in so many areas of your world, that because they do not have products that feed and clothe you, you hear very little about.

Well, beloved friend, that makes you the wolf, because the wolf saw what he wanted, she wanted, and it wasn’t a bad thing. Everybody needs to eat, right. It wasn’t wrong. In fact, perhaps the wolf was the building inspector, whose job—whose job for Pete’s sake—was to knock on the doors of substandard structures and say, “You know, if you don’t let me in to inspect, you never know; the time might come that your house just might fall right down.” Perhaps it was one of those wolf relatives across the river, sorry that it happened to the pigs. Sorry they did not have a society in which they could build better. Sorry that they were the victims of their own stupidity. Sorry that they were having a hard time of it now. So very sorry that it happened, and so grateful that it was not to them.

But there’s a part of this story that I think people forget about. As it turns out, the reason that the little pigs built out of straw and stick and brick was not so much that they were not minding business, and therefore out playing; it’s that the nature of their lifestyle was such that a house of straw that could easily be let go and built back up, or one of stick that did not take too much work, but allowed for more time for this very gentle and spiritual pig to have in serving the world in whatever way.

They built their houses out of that which best reflected the nature of their society. For those of you who have been, for instance, to Mexico, and you have seen so many of those very unstable looking houses, that certainly are built of mud and straw, aren’t they? Or so many places in the world in which a house is not built out of brick, siding, and paint, and . . . help me here. Wood.


S: Concrete. It fits the needs of the people at the time. When it works that way, you’re going to have housing that’s designed for the nature of the weather, of the trembles in the ground, and trouble happens when, instead of flowing with what works best for the area, instead a design is not particularly well executed. Likely because there’s not a lot of experience in that direction. As a desire to move out of the old—that’s not a bad idea—but without knowing what to do to maintain the best of the old in the new. Trouble happens when they do not think about why the old housing stayed for a thousand years, and the new for twenty. It would be just as wrong for those in Turkey to quickly build without understanding what they were building about—because they run into exactly what they did—as it would be to never change.

How many people do that? One of two choices. You never change or you leap right into it without working it out, thinking it through, being responsible for what it’s going to create. Perhaps the pigs weren’t so stupid. Perhaps the watching wolves might learn.

One of the things that’s happening in that area, and in so many others, is—to move off of the pig story and on to a closer version of the point I’m going for this night—is that humanity is proving a very terrible point. Humanity is doing two things that are so heartbreaking, in the midst of this turmoil that is being experienced so strongly across your planet over the last few weeks. Now, I’m sure that if I asked, what do you think those two things are, there would be a lot of very fine thoughts as to what they might be, but rather than take the time for that, I’ll say that the first thing that they’re doing is they are showing, once again, that catastrophe creates unity. That loss, heartache, abandonment, betrayal, pain, suffering create unity and community.

Why would I say it is heartbreaking for that one? Surely it seems obvious.

Because if we are to attain unity and community, and can only get it through catastrophe, that’s what we will get.

S: Very good. That’s right. In your own life, can you relate to that? And I, too, wish that it would be a statement regarding how it used to be, instead of how it is, but for reasons I’ll discuss in a bit, even a small sliver of it will be yours. It’s there.

The second thing that humanity is doing that is so heartbreaking is it is proving, once again, that if it does not happen to you, it did not happen. For many that is a survival response. You’re a sensitive and loving being, and so empathetic that to feel it would be so much that it would be overwhelming, and therefore it’s best not to think about it. Aye.

[…] in Lexington, like for example, if you go by the Salvation Army, you’d see whole families on the street. No clothing. No food. And I guess I take it upon myself personally […] anyone that I see, the downtrodden, it gets to me so, even though it’s not a major earthquake. Those people are suffering.

S: They’ve had a major earthquake. Maybe a major heartquake. Maybe a major home quake, but they’ve had their disasters.

And people drive by, not being smart, in their fancy cars, and they look straight ahead.

S: Or not fancy. And you know, yes, I agree love, Lexington does have . . .

It happens everywhere, and there’s children that are suffering, animals that suffer.

S: Those who are experiencing their own post-war shock. What is that?

Post-traumatic stress

S: From post-traumatic stress. Those who have had personal catastrophes, who are experiencing them […] in the right now. Yes, indeed. And so you are a step ahead of me with that one.

I’m sorry.

S: Don’t be sorry. My point being, how handy for those who are so sensitive to be able to have a means of not seeing, of not being touched, of not being affected. Be it reading the news, or watching the news, or driving by the homeless shelters. And I’m not saying that what you should be doing is stripping out your closets, and giving over your extra funds, but I am saying take off your blinkers. Take off the shades that keep you from seeing your world, because until you see it, you cannot be fully functioning in it. And that’s where I’m going this night.

Donna, love, I’m going to take advantage of you.


S: How long ago was your car accident?

Oh, a little over three years now.

S: Three. Aye. How time flies when you’re having so much fun. And absolutely, three years ago, Donna’s life radically changed. Radically changed. And one of the things that happened is Donna, all of a sudden, had to learn how to walk all over again. Oh, not like some, which was part of what was so frustrating about it. Wasn’t as though they said to her, “Child, you will never walk again.” It was that there was enough crushed bones in the foot and ankle and the lower leg, that the healing was very slow, and the pain was very strong. And until Donna—go ahead, dear, try to correct me if you notice it’s needed—and one of the things that she had to do in order to begin truly healing was to reach that point where she could say, All right, this is where it is. I cannot do what I once could do. Is that right?

And in your life, that is the most important message that your world, your world, the one you live in day-to-day, and your world, the greater planet as a whole, is needing to recognize and learn. The beginning incorporates an ending, but there will not be a beginning until there has been an ending. That is the glorious, wonderful, sad, heartbreaking truth. And that ending can be the crumbling of the structures you have worked so hard to become a part of, with one slight shift of the earth. It can be a change that affects your whole country. It can be a change that affects your whole household. But change it will be.

And when last we spoke, I said to you that over the next about six weeks you would be finding that your issues were coming up in your life in such a way, such a glorious gift to you, that you would know what were your weaknesses and what were your strengths, that you would be able to become strong by knowing what did not work and what did. But it would only happen—and will only happen, I tell you now—when you are able to release what has been, or you will be forever judging the experience and yourself by what was. And you will, therefore, not find out what is and what could be.

The Universe does not put into your journey great boulders with your name on them, no matter how much it might seem so. This is the Joyous boulder, and this is the Heidi boulder, and this. . . . It doesn’t really work that way. You recognize those boulders that you’re ready to move over, because the nature of human experience, as I said just a bit earlier, is that you don’t see what you’re not ready to deal with.

Your reality is based on your strengths. Did you know? Now sometimes you don’t see them as strength. All right. Sometimes it’s going to take looking back where you can say, Oh, that is a strength, isn’t it? But because you only deal with what you’re ready for—and I promise you that is true—because you only see what you are ready for, perhaps a change in perspective would allow you to see it as a whole life of strength, an opportunity, a foundation on which to build, rather than difficulties and failures to try to ignore and not see.

Over the last two months, massive amounts of the population on your planet have had a very big wake up call. I think Americans have hit the snooze alarm. If it does not jump into my face, it is not a part of my reality. But you are here because there is something you can do.

And I’m going to move into fast forward now. I’m going to be talking very quickly, because I’m going to shove a lot of stuff into a small period of time. Much of what I say is going to be extremely familiar to many of you. Please do not stop paying attention or projecting into thinking that you know why I’m saying what I’m saying. Just as if we were talking together in a private time, you’re getting this on more levels, especially if you’re familiar with it, because that means you’re going to be able to absorb more of those levels.

Basic knowledge: two sorts of individuals on this planet, those who have come here by a matter of choice, who are here because, having mastered in other arenas, have chosen to come to this planet at a time of transition because this planet is in a massive state of change. It’s at a time, the planet itself is at a time in which it is moving to what I call Sacred Status. The planet is as alive as you are. It has an energy as you do. It is spirit as you are. It is a functioning being within a massive scale. And the planet itself is working on a spiritual pathway in the same way that the life force upon it is.

The second sort of individual upon the planet is those who are choosing the path of the planet as their sacred path, those who have chosen the experience of the earth as the means by which they would gain the mastery. This is the dimension in which they work, and have worked.

At both of those choices, there are those who have chosen to be a part of what I call the transition team. They are spiritual midwives helping to birth a new experience here.

Everything that there is is energy in one way or another. That’s what it’s about. Energy is recognized by the form which the frequency uses. Frequency, meaning vibration, determines the nature of the form that can use it. You do not pour boiling water into plastic. Well, into thin plastic, because it will reshape itself, won’t it? The boiling water might even burst out and drain away. It’s not a stable vessel. For a frequency that’s so slow that it’s water, but so fast that the water is boiling. Aye.

On a purely physical level, cosmic energy, meaning energy from stars, for instance, has a much higher frequency than that which you recognize as a flower. Everything is working in a cycle, beginning at the highest frequency as a part of All That Is, moving into a realm of form—again, I’m talking about your physical dimension here—moving into the realm of form where it goes very slowly, and slowly moves back to the end of the cycle, where it’s moving once again very quickly, at a very high frequency.

You recognize that frequency by measurement first. You have created technology that allows you to measure energy even that you cannot see, but once you are able to see it, you tend to call it colors of light. And then a little further down the road, you call it sound. And eventually, you start calling it solid. Science lesson over.

Those who have chosen a form that is designed to hold a particularly high frequency over the last ten years have been making very big changes in that form, because the physical body in high-frequency individuals has to be able to hold that high frequency if those individuals are possibly going to work at that high frequency. There are those who are just now beginning that process, because a particular frequency stimulates those changes. The activation of the changes was made at a time that I call Recalibration. But those changes did not go into effect until individuals continued raising their vibration at higher levels. How do you raise the vibration? Well, the bottom line is simply that affirmative awareness does it. You act at a high function, and you get to work, live, be, at a higher function.

What’s the use of It? What good does it do you? Living your life at a higher frequency gives you more to know. It’s a definite disadvantage. That’s why so many people reject it. You know, for instance, what you should do and the choice you should make. You know to the point that if you’re driving down the road, and you’re not certain if you should go to the left fork or the right fork, and you ask, Shall I go left or the right fork? you’ll even get such mundane stuff as that. If you listen. If you care. If you dare. And, of course, many do not dare, because you know what that does. It makes you responsible for what you know, because the more you know, the more you’re responsible for what you know, which is why most people pretend they do not know, because they don’t want to be responsible for it. It comes with the territory.

Another thing that happens is the body begins functioning at polarity, at widely swinging polarities. There’s not a whole lot of that nice, gentle in-between time. Tends to be one extreme or the other. And a lot of people don’t want that. A lot of people are on medication for that very thing. But that’s a different sort of thing than what we’re talking about here. You find that you start becoming particularly opinionated. This is how it is. This is not how it is.

Just as you absolutely change the way that you eat, because you’re so aware of what your body wants, and you start giving it what it wants, you also stop exercising. I’m going with just a few made-up sorts of examples here. May not be your individual one. You find that you really enjoy your friends, and you love to laugh, and you’re more social than you’ve ever been. And if you’d just get out of your house sometime, you might be able to have some fun.

You find that you have an amazing ability to heal everything that doesn’t matter to you. You find that all the small children and wee creatures are drawn to you, and you’re allergic to them all. Baby anything. Or that they are drawn to you, and you’re really not drawn to them, be it men, women, children, dogs, squirrels, doesn’t matter. Sparrows are drawn to you, too. That everybody knows you as the most incredible shining light of love, but you know how angry you really get, what your thoughts are really about. Tend to live at extremes, because the energy is literally bouncing off the walls. That lovely place that’s thought of as harmony and balance isn’t yours, not because you’re not in harmony and you’re not balanced, but because you’re not standing still. I don’t mean you’re fretting. I don’t mean you’re jittery. I mean you are moving at such a fast rate, you are growing in your spiritual frequency, you are moving so quickly along the path to remembering fully what you are about so that you can activate totally what you’re here to do that every one of your issues shows up and gets acted on. It shows up, it gets acted on. Those are what causes those extremes.

Be careful, because there are those in this world whose desire is to huff and puff and blow your house down in order to prove that your method of building isn’t good enough. They do it by making you need them. Wait a moment, Samiel. Just a moment. Something’s wrong here. Isn’t that a good thing? They make you need them so you will know you are you. You live your life through what they think of you. You need them to make you enough. And so what you do and what you say, and how you do it, and how you say it, you judge the intensity of what you will allow to be based on what will keep you accepted and acceptable, even if it means letting go of what you’re here to do.

This is in the part in which I’m talking about things you can do. And I moved into energy first in reminding you that you are energy, but that the frequency of that energy needs a specific form, a form that is strong enough to manage the energy in order for you to be able to do what you’re here to do.

There is more, because there are things that can help you be able to use the energy that you have now. And by doing that, it can help you to open the internal door, if you will, to be able then to use a greater energy that you have the potential available to you to use.

The danger, of course, is that it will work. The danger, of course, is that your energy will move up to that higher frequency, and as a result of that, you will know more. And you know what happens then.

You’re responsible.

S: Right, you become responsible for more. And for every one of you in here who has in your life known a nag—and I do not mean a horse—I promise you there is no bigger nag, is no bigger nag, no bigger nag, than you, for you. And by awakening yourself to a higher function of frequency, you will be on to you. So, start humming and don’t listen. Those of you who are really just happy right where you are, doing as you are, and do not desire to be moving into higher frequency, even if it’s just to see if perhaps there is a little more you’re here to do, because one of the easiest ways—this is the time [makes humming sound].

Do that in A, please.

S: It’s just where I’m going, because one of the most satisfying things that you can be doing, one of the easiest things that you can be doing to make a difference, and one of the most powerful things you can be doing, is to force your frequency into those extremes in a pattern that is a recognized pattern of higher-level creation structure in your world. And that is through sound, and through the visual.

The sound literally is Huuu, Aaah, Huuu. Just sound. Sound. Not hard. It incorporates, it uses, two—right now—specific tones, A and F-sharp, which isn’t hard to do. That establishes a particular frequency, and without going into all of the detail—musicians in here can do it, explain to you how sound has a specific registered frequency, and that when you put several sounds together it establishes an even different sound. That the way those sounds are put together, which is what you think of as music, could also be said the way certain vibrations are put together, is very much a statement of how you and you and you have been put together. A statement about an individual, and an individual coming together to create something stronger. It’s a means by which your physical body remembers what it is at A, and what it’s here to do at F sharp.

The visual of a tetrahedron, [holds up a model] sort of, has its own interesting magics, but essentially it’s a point of creation at the higher level. It lets your physical blueprint know the road to take to be able to maintain a higher frequency. It’s a doorway. 

And what is the purpose for doing that? Why does it matter? It matters because your planet is at this place where it’s going to work or it’s not, just like you are. In which every change it makes is having a profound effect right now. The mind of the average human on your planet right now is so caught up in fear—fear of survival or not surviving, both. Afraid of not making it, and just as afraid of making it. But that, as you recognized when we first started talking, that is what for most individuals opens doors to higher awareness. And that’s very much where things are right now.

For so many, even in Lexington—even in this room—it’s bleak.

But, my friends, it’s where you begin your work. You open your eyes and you open your heart, and you say, This is how things are. It’s dry, and there’s very little growth there, and that’s just the heart. It’s scary. I can’t do a lot of what I once could do, and it makes me angry. I cannot do what I think I should be doing already. That makes me sad. And all of the other things that go through the minds of person after person at the point where most say, it’s not worth it.

While a million Korean people are wondering if the bark on the tree has enough nourishment to gain life from, many Americans or Western Europeans are thinking about Y2K. [Member of audience chuckles.] I’m so grateful you see the humor of that, the absurd humor of that.

While humans on your planet are starving, and worrying about having electricity and water for a few days, your planet is wondering if it’s going to stay around. It’s all perspective, you see. Every bit of it is perspective. And it’s all the perspective that comes from the life you’ve lived, and how you know it. The awareness that you have, based on the experiences you have had. Samiel has just made a circle in what he’s been talking, about, so he must be finally reaching his point.

I said earlier, you are midwives helping to birth a brand new world, but if in your own life you are afraid to birth a brand new life, you’re not going to be much use for birthing a brand new world. If you have lost hope individually, if you have more of the down side of the polarity scale than the up side, if you have found that you have chosen unawareness and lack of responsibility for so long that it’s become a lifestyle, that’s the world you’re going to be living in then. Promise. Again.

You are here to birth the new world, not out of your own loins. To help the process be easier by what you know. That’s what they do. To remind the planet and those whom you are in contact with that it might seem bleak now, and as sorry as I am that it’s bleak, well, you know, humans tend to learn from those situations, don’t they? You can relate. You already said, As bleak as it may seem right now, spring comes after every winter.

I want you to think about winter for a moment. In this climate, which is a very mild one—not as mild as they come though—you get snow and cold, don’t you? And many of the trees lose their leaves, and they look dead don’t they? And it’s easy to look out at the landscape and say it’s bleak. And if it was the first time you ever saw it, you might think it’s all dead, there’s no hope. As people all over this world, as people in your own world, as you sometimes in your own world say, There’s no hope for this relationship, for this situation, for this job, for this part of me, for this person, for this life, for this organization, for this. . . . It’s bleak. It’s dead. But you’ve been through this before. You know differently, don’t you? That, in fact, sometimes it’s the very harshness of the winter that allows some of the most beautiful parts of the spring to happen. Many of the animals need the rest. Many of the plants actually need that awful cold to stimulate their patterns of growth to be able to flower and move forth again. The things that are going on in your world that are a smashed ankle causing the planetary limp, the things that are going on in your world can get a lot worse. They can. Goodness knows, they might even start affecting you. I recommend that you start giving now, what you wish to receive when it’s your turn.

I ask you to remember that as change continues to happen on your planet, that you don’t let yourself get caught up in the sadness, in the horror, in the loss. That you don’t allow yourself to get caught up in the death, but that you remember spring does come, that the intensity of the fire through which the vessel is purged allows those vessels that are unable to meet the needs of the time to be released and changed and those who remain to be stronger and better.

All of these potentials [holds up crocus bulbs] won’t make it. They will not all make it. But they all hold a reminder that you are a part of those who hope for a spring. These are, Frank?

Crocuses, or croci.

S: Tell me what is a crocus.

One of the first spring flowers to grow.

They flower in the snow sometimes.

S: Yes. They are the first smile of the season. They are the first smile of the season. As they come up through the snow and remind you, life exists in beauty even while it’s still cold out. And so that’s what I want to give you, a reminder that life exists in beauty. Now the warning is that if you plant this, it might not grow into a beautiful flower, because everything you plant isn’t going to grow; everything you do isn’t going to work. That’s not how it happens. It might grow into a flower. This is where your planet is right now. This is where mass consciousness is right now. This is where those who have the potential to bring about the awakening are right now. This is it. DC, love, just take one and pass it along, and let everybody take it, because you might just want to not take one. You should hold just a moment, you three are pretty safe, but I should explain before it goes to too many here. You’re taking this as a commitment that, no matter what, you won’t stop seeking spring. That you will not get caught up in the drama of winter, but that you will remember there is spring.

Glochanumora, my friends.

Thank you.

S: You are very welcome. Be well.