April 6, 2014
Samuel: Greetings, dears. Not quite fitting today. So, was March great?
[. . .]
S: And what made it great for you, for those of you that said, yes.
March Madness
The Retreat.
S: That was pretty far at the end of it. April made March good. Well, I’m glad for that. Did you notice any sense of time being wonky on you? Did you notice perhaps feeling a bit less stressed? No? Yes? No. Did you notice world news being a little more frightening? See, I told you. March is a good month.
[. . .]
S: Lot of dreams that you remember. Anybody else find their dreams opening up a little? When some of that energy is coming in from solar flares and from ancient energy coming your way, and the earth responding to it with earthquakes and volcanoes and storms—it lightens things up a bit when that pulls back some. But as always, as always, in your personal life and the universe as a whole, as always, the reactions to it have everything to do with where you are at the moment. And most of the time, those reactions show up at extremes, which would be “Things are just great” or “Whoa, things are harder.” Now I explained recently why I considered the wild things going on in different countries right now not such a bad thing. Does anybody remember what it was I said? Frank?
You said most of it had to do with the people realizing they wanted to begin taking some actions for their destiny rather than putting up with the status quo of the governing systems or the ruling systems.
S: Why would I consider people standing up for themselves a good thing?
Because there have been abuses of power all over the planet, and when people stand up they are empowering themselves to try to create change in a way that they will be more empowered by those who lead them.
S: Right. Does it mean that standing up for change is going to make all the difference and that everything will be different from then on? No. Darn, hate that part, don’t you? But it is a personal sacrifice that leads to a personal empowerment. They’re able to find that standing up for something they believe in makes them feel better. Do you have an experience of that in your life? Tell me one. A time that you stood up to the norm and said, “This isn’t what I want.” Bonnie. And coming here counts, but it wasn’t what I had in mind.
Today I was out in my yard and some very sweet young women came to up to my house to offer to me an invitation to come to their church. Invitation to come to the church. And one of the first things that was said was about the condition of the world and all the things that were going wrong with it, such as homosexuality. And about that time, my gay son was driving up my driveway. I tried to be very nice and sweet, and I said, “Well, I don’t have a problem with that, and I’ll introduce you to my gay son.” That changed the subject real quick. They were very young, and I just said that, “You may find as the years go by, some of your ideas and things may change. But until that time, whatever works for you, I’m all for it.” I wasn’t mean.
S: What a loving statement. And when you said it, did it feel good to say that?
Oh, yes!
S: Mary Claire.
This is an example of standing up and things not necessarily going . . . made me feel better. I went twice to Washington, D.C., to march for peace before the war in Iraq. I don’t know if it was the first time or the second time we went, there were over 200,000 people with us. Feeling unity, voicing their concerns, was a very profound thing. Turns out that all the things that came out in the wash after the war, the real reasons behind it, were clear to people. It gave me hope that people cared enough in twenty-degree weather to spend the whole day outside marching in Washington, D.C.
I come from a long line of Republicans and have been solicited recently for campaign contributions, and I got a solicitation, which I abhor, from a Republican I didn’t like very much either. And they said, “You’ve supported us in the past and hope we can count on you this time.” I said, “You know, the problem is the Republican Party has lost its way and my family has been Republican for many generations and they wouldn’t recognize this party. You won’t see a dime from me until it changes.” I was standing up for change in two ways, I thought.
S: Did it feel good?
Well, yes.
I’d recently gone to this group, and there’s a guy that tells a lot of jokes that are racist jokes, which bothers me a lot, and I said to him, “What do you call a black guy that flies a plane?” And he said, “What?” And I said, “A pilot, you racist.” Everybody laughed and it pointed out the obvious.
S: Did it feel good? Yes it does.
I’d recently received an email from a Republican saying, “What is the most important thing for me to do?” And I looked at his record and wrote him back and said, “Resign.”
I had a discussion with Guardians and they were obviously berating: “The Democrats did this and this . . .” And instead of engaging them, I parried a bit and said, “Wouldn’t it be good if everybody worked for joint solutions?” They shut up. I’m hoping it was because they were thinking about it versus thinking “a rabid Democrat!”
S: Did it feel good?
S: And the great thing about standing up is that it lets you know that the next time the opportunity presents itself, it doesn’t hurt to step out and say something. It actually feels good. So do it more often. You can’t do it, however, if you don’t know what you believe, can you, if you just have a vague sense of “This is what it’s about for me.” So I encourage you in this month, in which so much in this area is about planning the planting, be thinking of your beliefs as those plants. Plan what it is you want to stand up for. Think about what you want your issues to be. Think about what your issues are. Know you. And then educate yourself on those things. It can take you away from ever standing up for yourself again if what you do is stand up and someone knocks you down, even with faulty logic, and you have nothing to come back with. So remember, that’s part of it, too. Then the big part: remember how good it feels when you stand up for what you believe is right. It’s so important.
. . . dream I was having. Last night I dreamed I was overhearing a group of African-American people in a waiting room and someone in the back of the room was making racist remarks, and in my dream, I got on my bulldozer and started butting heads, and carrying on and so forth, and making an issue out of it. And one of the African-American women took me aside and thanked me but said, “In the future, you might want to tone down a bit.”
S: I’d say that’s pretty good dream.
She was saying, “I appreciate what you did, but . . .”
S: Not so violent.
Not so out there.
S: April starts with a reminder that the calendar has changed, and it’s no longer New Year’s, and if you’re still celebrating New Year’s at the equinox, then you are indeed a fool, right? Or else it’s the day you play stupid human tricks on all of your friends. What else is April? Easter. Is it always . . . so it is a calendar issue, yes? But this month, indeed it is. What else?
Time of taking stock of your income from the past year, your expenses, looking at those, being clear about them and maybe even thinking about the next six months of this year and any changes you want to make over last year.
S: Very good.
Planting and growth.
S: Planting and growth, absolutely.
Yard clean-up, pruning, hauling stuff away. For me and Fred, we have been turning the house upside down for a couple months now.
S: Good work, good work.
They call it spring cleaning for a reason.
S: Or tearing the house upside down for a couple of months, yes?
I know it’s true for me. During the winter I don’t want to mess with anything, but now open the windows, move all this junk . . .
S: It’s often inside and out spring cleaning, yes?
S: Yes, that would have a problem. Passover, yes. If you’ve got the one, you’re going to have the other right near it, yes? So, what else is April?
More light.
S: More light. Very nice.
The month we hope to get our Christmas decorations put away.
S: He’s not kidding.
Rains a lot. That’s why they have that, “April showers brings May flowers.”
S: Stormy. Kentucky very loud, yes? Sometimes tornadoes, yes.
[. . .]
S: Warmer weather, yes, yes.
[. . .]
S: Good time to keep the golf going. Masters and golf go together very well, yes.
New birth and the foals.
S: And that new birth and the foals comes about why? Something else with spring . . .
S: Fertility. It’s about fertility. April is a month in this end of the world that is very much about fertility. The fertility of the land, the fertility of the animals, the fertility of your bank account. And that’s where I’m going for just a few minutes tonight.
Fertility. Now I’m not talking about making babies, although that does involve fertility. It’s just not quite the one I’m talking about. What is it when something is fertile? What does that mean?
It’s ripe and ready to begin.
S: Say that word again.
S: A lot of potential there. Good. Does it represent little bits or lots?
[. . .]
S: It represents fullness, wholeness, abundance. If you plant a single seed, wait a minute . . . nowadays this isn’t necessarily true. There was a time that you could plant a single seed and out of that single seed harvest more seeds and be able to plant a garden out of that single seed.
April is all about more. And I want you to think about that this month. What is it you want more of in your life? What do you want more of? Now it’s very, very easy in this society to move it to a negative. “I’ll tell you what I don’t want more of.” I want you to think about what you do want more of in your life. And I want you to think about how your life would be different if you had this more. Have you got that pictured in your head yet? Are you thinking about it? For those of you that are writing, are you writing it down? “What do I want more of? What would it look like in my life? How would it come to me?”
What is the more you wanted? Don’t answer out loud. Some of the things some of you wanted I’m not going to say out loud. Was it something in the world? Was it something for your own world? Was it something for somebody? Was it something for yourself? Think about what you want has to say to you.
Remember, as I’ve said before, you can look at everything as a subconscious way of giving you information, and this is just one more part of that. If you know that the things that you put down that you want more of tend to be things you want for yourself, you have to ask a question: “Have I been denying myself? And why? Or is this a pattern I’ve given to myself?”—and not looking others. Maybe you notice they seem to be pretty general and not very specific at all: “I want world peace,” which is such a lovely thing to say. However, world peace happens pretty much one person at a time, one country at a time. Being specific says what your interest is about and where you might be able to do more good by your thoughtful aware-ized conversations or your directed energy focus. So maybe it would be, instead of “peace on earth,” maybe “peace in Syria,” “peace in western Lexington.” If yours tends to be more other-people-oriented—“I want more of Martin’s laughter”—I want to remind you, you don’t have control over others. And if you spend your life wanting somebody else to be doing something you’re wasting your life, because you cannot change another; you only have power to change yourself. That’s right.
But in this case, you’re looking at “What do I want more of?” And we’re going to take it another step. What are you doing now to bring it into your life? And that’s important, because why is it you think the Universe is just going to all of a sudden drop something on you that you’re not the slightest bit prepared for? “Because I’ve been very good, and when I’ve been very good, the things I want should happen.” Right? Wrong. Life is about becoming the person that can manage all of those desires. You have a great desire for a really full bank account but you’re rotten with your finances now. Why do you think the Universe would give you more to waste? You want more friends, but you don’t do anything to get together with others and make new friendships now. So why would they start knocking at your door? What are you doing to bring that more into your life now, to open that doorway? Remember that you’re letting the Universe know that you’re ready every day of your life. So you might want to ask yourself, “Looking at my life, what is it I’m telling the Universe I’m ready for?” “Well, looking at my life, I’m really ready for chaos. I’m really ready for lots of stress.” You’re not always in charge of what happens to you day to day, what goes on in your life. You are in charge of what? How you react to it, how you respond to it—the response is the conscious one; the reaction is the unconscious one. So, whatever comes in front of you, it’s all about your response to it.
So, you have, let’s say, more that you want. You’ve looked at where that comes from and what it might say. You also have been doing parts of it all along, making the way ready. Then it’s time to ask yourself a really big, important question: what’s keeping you from having it now? This is a trick question. What’s keeping you from having it now? And this is going to give you some information.
One bit of information it might give you: into your mind is going to come up the little voices that bite on you and say nasty little things like you don’t deserve it, you’re asking too much, you’ve not worked hard enough, you’ll never amount to anything, what makes you think . . . , and on and on and on. And by asking yourself “What’s stopping me?” you’ll be able to look those little biters in the face. Think of them as little Chihuahua dogs. They do that. And what do you do when a Chihuahua dog is biting on you? You probably just pick it up and say, “I’m moving you to elsewhere. This isn’t very convenient.” I’m wanting you to think of it that way. This isn’t a huge, dramatic, painful, terrible thing that’s happened to you. It’s just a little unruly dog that needs to be put outside for few minutes. Then maybe a little training. It’s so easy that when something is going on with you for it to become the worst, the most irritating, the most terrible. “Nobody has ever suffered through this like I have.” But if you can think of those things as just the obnoxious little dog that it is—“Hey you, we’re going to retrain, all right? But right now, I’m going to put you aside while I continue on thinking through, doing, what is actually needed.”
Remind me, please, how to get rid of a fear in your life. Now, I’m going to go ahead and say, yes, replace it, but tell me the practical routine that makes it much easier to replace.
First you have to have clarity that you have a fear. Then say okay . . .
S: My fear is . . . that I’m not enough to have these things that I want. It’s gnawing at my ankles.
In many instances, it’s helpful to know where it began, especially if it’s one someone has had for a very long time. Then kind of give it a name, talk to it, thank it and let it know it’s no longer needed in your life.
S: Chico.
Thank it for helping you stay safe in your life, that you no longer need it.
S: Claim it, name it, thank it, and bank it. Bank it, you know, like you bank a fire. You put it aside. Claim it, name it. Claim it is take a look at it. Figure out why it’s there. I guarantee it’s there to protect you somehow. So what is it that needs protecting now? Maybe nothing. Maybe when you were fourteen, but not now. Knowing where your fear begins is the start to knowing where it ends. I’m just full of bumper stickers tonight, aren’t I? Is this you, Bonnie?
So put Chico in his place. Welcome change into your life. Chaos is unbounded creativity, which is to say that you need to give your creative self some time and attention, because that is a means of bringing abundance into your life. Your creative self needs attention based on how you work your creativity. Does that mean you’re going to sit down and write that book? It might. But not if that creativity shows up as cooking or playing music or sculpting or training little Chihuahua dogs.
So I have this vision of four or five little Chihuahuas probably right from the Crystal Palace, just right there saying, “You’re not going to do this. You’re not really bemoaning Chihuahua-dom are you? We were temple dogs in Chihuahua.”
Were they small temples?
S: They just lurked in the shadows.
I thought they were like cats. They’re the same size, you can’t train them. You just get what you get.
S: I think a lot of people do that with most anything in their life that isn’t so bad that it’s actually hurting you, and it’s not too hard to just shuffle aside and not deal with. That’s why so many small dogs are so out of hand. And if you do it with your small dogs, I bet you do it with yourself, too, don’t you. “Aw, this isn’t so bad. I can put up with it a little longer.”
All right, so, where were we? The creativity, as a part of an abundant flow. That was from asking yourself if you are ready for this, if you want this, what it is you’re doing to bring it into your life, how you’re opening doors for it.
In your life you will notice that pretty much everything you deal with has to do with a relationship. It might be the relationship between you and yourself, how you talk to you. Do you respect you, yourself? What do you believe about what you’re capable of? It might be your relationship with yourself. It might be your relationship with your partner. It might be the relationship to do with businesses. It might be the relationship with the driver in the next car—and that relationship is just for a few seconds. It might be your relationship with Source. But it’s all about relationships. And having more of what you want is going to come to you by way of fulfilled relationships. I want you to think about that. Even if what you wrote down was more beautiful booties. There’s booties down here, if what you want is more booties
[. . .]
S: I think I should have said more shoes. But they’re not big boots; they’re little boots. So that’s booties, right? Even if what you wanted was more shoes, it’s going to be coming to you through the fulfillment of a relationship. Just for a quick amount of making my point, tell me the relationships that might come into play getting more shoes.
Well, you have a relationship with your budget, you know if . . .
S: And I put that into the relationship with yourself, how you work with finances.
How creative you are in finding the boots you want, being clear with what you want, and going out and actually making the purchase. They might come as a gift.
S: Let’s try it this way. There would be the relationship with yourself, know things, what you want, how your finances are. Then there will be the relationship with . . .
Relationship with your sister-in-law, and her feet become too big and she has a pair of boots . . .
S: Excellent. So do you have to give them back when she . . . ? That’s a great story.
Your relationship with your clients to make more money so you can buy the shoes, or those people you work with to create more financial abundance.
Standing up for what you believe in. “I will not wear those shoes. They are uncomfortable.” When you go to the store a relationship exists between you and the clerk from whom you purchased the shoes.
S: Claudia.
Communicating clearly to the clerk helping as to what you want.
Makes me think of relationship with the bus driver. Had to take the bus to buy shoes.
Relationship with providers of shoes. Maybe a cheap discount, or relationship with computer to get shoes.
S: Lovely.
The relationship with the carpenter who’s going to add on to your house.
S: So you’re getting the point that ultimately everything you’re wanting is coming by way of relationship. Having more in your life says it would be good to make sure your relationships are healthy and good. And I remind you again, it starts with your relationship with yourself. Are you good to you? Do you love you? Do you even like you? Do you trust you? Do you respect you? Do you believe that you are worth taking care of? Do you believe that you are worthy of friends? Do you believe that your life should be filled with abundance of all good things—all good things—laughter, love, financial prosperity?
And if you have looked at what you want more of and you have gone through all of this wavy road, playful road of asking yourself questions and asking to look to see more about “Why did I write this down, what is this about?” then you ought to be able to follow through to bring it into manifestation.
And the follow-through asks you to do several very easy things. The first is know what you want, and second, put emotional energy to it, the energy of past successes. Look back at times in your life in which you have wanted to bring something into your life and you did. Something as simple as a parking place or a raise, something complex as a special relationship, but you wanted it. And if you’re looking at those successes, pick out the one that makes you feel the best and put yourself right back into that time and place, and remember it in Sensurround. This is what it looked like, this is what it felt like. See if you can get your heart beating faster with the joy of the success of it. Put it out there. Depending on how tightly you want it as a set of rules, you can make it a prayer, you can make it a sending it forth, flinging it into the universe, make it a scientific proposition with the Source Field and pulling from that, torsion energy, making a space of change, stepping away from that place . . . you can do all that.
I always found it worked for me to put it into some form of ritual. Not that ritual brings it, but it forces me to think that I really want this and to define what I want and to express it in a way that I can then continue to work on it. It’s the old curse of “may you have everything you wished for.” I always decided if I’m going to really wish for something, I want to make sure that I know that I’m really wishing for it.
S: That’s a good warning to toss in there as well. The ritual does much to tell your brain this is something you really want. But in looking at it that thoroughly, you might want to look at what it might look like once you really have got it. It might set some things off you really don’t want. Or it might be exactly what you want. Have you ever had anything in your life you really wanted that when you looked back you said, “That wasn’t such a great thing?” Have you ever heard, “Don’t meet your heroes?” So, look at it thoroughly. Put it out there. David’s suggestion of making it a ritual is a good one. You’re having to reset your brain, which is all about why you can’t have it, or, by the way, you would have it now.
If you’re going with where we started here, you’re starting with something you want more of. So you at least have a bit of it. You’re not having to totally rewire things—which you can do, by the way. You are simply opening that pathway a little wider so that more can flow through. But it’s a brain thing.
And ritual, everybody has rituals—some are high holy rituals, and some are just “the first thing I do when I get up in morning is brush my teeth.” Do you? Maybe it’s not the first thing you do, but it’s a ritual, it’s how you do it. You create a ritual that says, “This is a picture of what I want and this the good that will come from it and the successes that I’ve had in things much like it.” And you give yourself that picture and you put it somewhere that you’ll you see it often. Creating a treasure map can be a ritual that helps you bring into your life.
Something that that pops up for me: a decade or so ago, you told a story of a beggar on the street that got a penny every day, and that took care of what he needed every day. When he got a bag of gold he couldn’t take it. He wouldn’t let go of that copper penny. I find that I do that. I have a job that pays me and it’s killing me. Am I ready to say, “If that goes away, I’m good. Bring me something else.”
S: Something that would be particularly useful for you would be to look at your successes. The times that you have had a need and they have been taken care of. How you have wanted work and it did show up. How the focusing on the positive worked to bring more positive to you. And looking at those successes can help you be more open.
It’s an excellent segue into the next part.
You do that ritual, you put it out there, you’ve thought it through, you’ve banished the fears—“Chico, go home.” And now you’re going to let it go. Give up that penny. And you’re going to be able to do that because you’ve been asked for more. You’re not coming out of a place of nothing. You’re coming out of a place of something. Darlin’s, you live in this country, you wake up in the morning and you eat breakfast if you want to. You come from a place of more. So with that in mind, let it go with, “This or something better for the highest good of all concerned.” And being human, ten minutes from now, you’re going to think, “It’s not going to happen!” And you just say, “Cancel. Chico, back! Into your dog house!” You’re going to let it go. Letting it go means you’re not letting the thought run you. Your brain works in patterns so of course you’re going to think about it when it shows up. All you want to go with is, “I’m not obsessing about it. I am constantly reminding myself ‘this or something better.’” That’s the best cancel-cancel there is. And then you consciously look for the way more begins showing up in your life. And that’s important. More shows up in your life because you are looking for it. Yellow Volkswagen—you never see one until you’re thinking about a yellow Volkswagen and then you start seeing them. You’re putting out that “I want to bring this into my life,” that you want that fertile, abundant experience, and if not that, something even better. You don’t let it grab ahold of you and force your mind into negative thinking,
“This or something better for the highest good.” And you’ll see a picture of a yellow Volkswagen, or someone will tell you of theirs. And you’ll know the Universe is bringing it up, bringing it up. And your response is gratitude.
Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude. When you’re in the process of manifestation, gratitude has to be huge part of the way that you think. Grateful for everything, whether it has to do with this more or not. Speak it. Tell people, “Thank you.” At dinnertime, list gratitudes. Before you go to sleep at night. “I’m so grateful for these things in my day.” Gratitude opens the door that you’ve been pushing on. And when you see those little pieces of what you’re manifesting coming into your life: picture of a yellow Volkswagen? “I’m so grateful! Thank you! My friend’s got a yellow Volkswagen. I’ve got one coming, too!” Gratitude.
What do you want more of? Do you want it enough to bring it into your life on purpose? It’s very easy to live with the “let this drop in my lap.” But this is a life in which you are supposed to be functioning with empowerment, and that means, “I want more of this and I’m going to follow through with making it happen.”
This is April. The whole community, the whole state, the whole this-end-of-the-country, of the world, is working with you. Everything’s getting ready for abundantly showing up. You’re just tapping into that rushing flow. It’s not hard.
Questions and Answers next month.
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