Samuel: So, don’t tell, I’m here.
Oh, my gosh, it took five minutes, we were so quiet, sending energy and just…
S: Greetings dear, and hippy hoppy new year. So, what do you plan to do this year?
Be reborn.
S: That’s a good one. Be reborn. Born again, pagan.
I was thinking more of Phoenix born again.
S: Rebirth, yes, yes. Rebirth is a good thing. What do you plan to do day to day?
Be reborn every day, that works.
Well, last night before I came to the ritual, I decided to do some decluttering in my bedroom because I didn’t want to wake up to that, and . . .
S: Because you’re actually Asian and you knew that you had to get rid of everything old before the new year began.
I felt so pushed, I did it in about 20 minutes. I was on the run to get this out of my room, and I wanted to wake up in this very, very clear space. So, I was racing to get here. And then I also decided that this morning I was going to resume some of the practices that I used to do a lot in the mornings.
And I did those today and I was consciously saying to myself, don’t go do this yet. Do this first. And so, it was a very good conversation that I had working with the crystal. Thank you. And it was just a setting up of patterns that I want to resume. And I think doing that is going to achieve the larger goals that I want to do. It will make them easier. You know, kind of laid out a few of those for this year as well. But to me, it’s the foundational things that keep me level that I really, really want to re-incorporate.
S: Doing what you know works for you. It’s amazing how quickly we let those things go. Continuing the good consciously. I choose to follow those practices that fill help, keep you happy. You remember happy, right? 2016 didn’t take that out of you, did it? And that’s because why? Why can 2016 or any other year or experience be unable to take happy from you?
I’m choosing not to let it go.
S: Choosing not to let it go. That’s good, that’s good.
Happiness is always a choice.
S: There. That’s why you can choose not to let it go, because happiness is a choice. You choose to be happy. Does that mean the converse is also true? You choose to be unhappy? Ask every therapist in here, they’ll tell you. Yes, that’s true as well.
So generally, on New Year’s Day, people make resolutions. And those resolutions are about, I am going to mow the lawn once a week instead of once a month, and I’m going to lose five pounds, all those things, right? Resolutions are about choosing to do things that you feel will be good for you. Yes? Who here still makes resolutions? Who here follows the resolutions they make? When something isn’t working for you, you’re not motivated to continue with it.
Which is to say that when you make resolutions, you might be making them in such a way that you don’t really believe it’s going to be possible, or you don’t really want that change in your life. When your resolutions are based on your spiritual activity, it’s hard to fail them. When they’re based on physical or mental, emotional, much easier to fail them, because those are the parts of you that are directed by the world as much as by yourself.
Now, ideally, they’re directed only by yourself, but the world gets in the way, have you noticed? And it brings about an emotional response, a mental response, a physical response or reaction. Whereas when your resolutions are built upon, I choose to grow and change. Spiritually this year I choose to live love in all that I do. I choose to be conscious and aware of the people around me, the love that is here, the good that is in the world. I choose to pass it along, help. You’ve got the universe on your side and that means you’ve got a constant reminder you can’t turn off.
So, in this day of resolutions, I want you to think if you would about revolution because your world is in revolution. Have you noticed that? And the revolution is showing up in many different ways. Most of what you are seeing by way of your media is a military revolution happening in different parts of your world. Next, you’re seeing a technological revolution happening very much in your world. Lately you’ve seen a governmental revolution happening in your world. That’s a little different than the military version although they work very much together. You are seeing massive change and you’re either going to be left behind or you’re going to be ahead of it because you don’t function in the herd. Like packs of animals herd.
You don’t function in the average way. You are spirit. And that is saying that again. And the spirit you are is constantly changing. It’s never out of touch. That puts you usually one step ahead. But when you find that you’re in a place in which you have been challenged too many times, when your heart has had too many hardships, you have a tendency to be a step behind the herd.
And that’s when you start running into a lot of difficulty, you begin questioning yourself. You begin questioning what’s going on around you. Now, questioning isn’t a bad thing by any means. Questioning is a good thing. But when you are questioning, Is it worth it? Am I making a difference? Am I doing any good at all? Should I be here? That’s when your spirit is not being heard because you are not functioning at your best.
So, functioning at your best is going to allow for a revolution from the inside out personally. And because of that revolution, a better revolution in the world. Instead of might is right, love and light. I like that. I think it’s a great bumper sticker.
All right, what’s going to be happening in this coming year? That’s what I do on the first Sunday in January. You have a really big year in front of you. So, energetically speaking, the work that you did through 2016, well, the work that you’ve been doing over the last few years, but particularly in 2016, is going to come to your advantage. I think that’s the way I should be saying that.
As I mentioned a moment ago, being slightly ahead of the game usually means that you work as an example, and you know you do. You work as an example; you help doors open. In 2016, you showed the way to create community, to experience unity in the midst of hardship and difficulty. You learned the power of choosing happiness in spite of what you were feeling, what you were experiencing, the mayhem around you, the questions the change. As I said last night [at his New Years Eve ritual], part of what creates strength in your life, in that combination of things that it takes, one of them is looking back on past experience and recognizing I made it through and adding that to your list of strengths.
What did you make it through in this past year? Don’t answer me, I want you to answer yourself. What did you make it through? Simple things, hard things, things that were very complex and involve multiple parts of yourself, things that caused you to question, am I ever going to be finished with this? Am I ever going to be rid of this layer of the onion? What did you learn from yourself this year? What did you learn about yourself this year? What did you learn about how you function in this world this year?
S: If who you are right now could be back at the first Sunday of January of 2016, what advice would you give yourself for making it through the year? What would you tell yourself to create an easier road? Anybody want to share what they would tell themselves? Patience is something that isn’t finite.
There really is a whole lot more of it out there, Marian, and all you have to do is stay with it and focus.
S: Nice. Nice.
Letting go doesn’t mean not having.
S: Yes. Good. Good. Yes. I watched you last night read many, many words off of a paper this big. And I thought, isn’t she surprised? One, two.
That compassion for yourself and everyone else will get you through anything.
S: Very nice. Great.
Oh, yeah. And use your heart over your head.
S: Nice.
And if you know that you’re about to do something that doesn’t feel right, it’s OK to slow down and ask for help.
S: Yes. That’s very good.
Hi. There’s kindness, and then there’s weakness. And in order to avoid being trampled by yourself and others, you have to establish boundaries and hold to them.
S: Very good.
Which is kindness to yourself and another person. And it prevents the weakness from debilitating both. And that line between kindness and weakness can get very blurry. So, you really need to know what is going on with your own motor. to be sure that you’re not just people pleasing, you’re not just doing what everybody else is doing, but you’re doing what your heart wants you to be doing.
S: That’s very good.
I think I learned, I would give myself the advice to stay flexible and adaptable and to go with the flow.
S: Good, good. Yes. You have another.
S: Yes.
Oh, I would say forgive and accept those who don’t see you the way you want to be seen.
S: Nice. Yes, very nice. Rebecca.
I would tell myself the future is built on the now, so make a good now, and that love is really the only thing that matters, and it transcends all dimensions of space and time. So, focus on that.
S: Don’t you know it? Very good. Still no hands back there, eh?
That the universe has your back.
S: Nice. Very nice. And I see that. Is that Brandi? Aye.
I would tell myself to work hard to respond first instead of react because there are all kinds of surprises that come with responding first.
S: Very nice. Lakshmi.
Not to be so attached and invested in who you are, but to be focused on what you are, because who you are is just a lesson. Who you are passes day by day, changes constantly. When you’re stuck in, here is who I am, and everything has to be this.
S: You get frozen, stuck. Chris.
You don’t have to know why something is happening to make a difference in what is happening.
S: Very good. Very good. Stephen.
Remember that this is a dream as much as I can, as often as I can.
S: It’s illusion. It’s an illusion with a mirror on the face of A. What you see is not what you are. Objects in the mirror are closer than you think. So I want you to play a little game with me. I want you to do that very same exercise, but I want you to go forward in time, and I want you to be at the last first Sunday of 2017. I want you to pretend that time is linear, which it is not, and move into the future, or I want you to remember that it’s just one big wrinkly ball and just and I want you to tell me some of the gifts that you have received in 2017.
I’m grateful for impeachment.
S: I’m glad to hear it. Unfortunately, impeachment does not necessarily mean one is out of office. Since that’s where you were going with that.
I would be grateful with all these pieces that have been floating around in an amorphous somewhere that they all coalesced and to create what it was that I wanted to create.
S: Alright, so you looked back, and you saw how grateful you were for all of those. How grateful you are. All those pieces that were floating around and my strengths, my abilities, my connections with other people that have brought them together so that they can deal to make this.
Good. Good. Rebecca, then Kathy.
I am so grateful that I was able to find those other pieces of my soul that were still out there.
S: Lovely.
And knowing that I was so much a better person for everything that I went through.
S: Good. Good. Yes.
I’m grateful for dreaming big and not limiting my options based on narrow thinking.
S: Very good. Very good.
I’m grateful that you were right. The universe does like completions, and it changes everything.
S: It does. It does. I like that you got to the end of the year and said I was right.
I’m grateful that the wisdom of compassion has taught me to not be reactive.
S: Nice, good. Aye.
I’m grateful that I’ve learned to balance giving and receiving and that I’ve learned to take care of myself as well as others and that the abuses of power that exist in our world have been softened to compassion and love and unity and that we’ve been successful for being a part of making that shift.
S: Lovely, lovely.
I’m grateful that I chose to be Phoenix’s director in 2017.
S: I’m very glad you chose that.
I’m grateful that I took action and put best practices to use.
S: Yes, good.
I’m grateful that I daily chose to live my truest self and let go of the parts that weren’t working.
S: Nice, David.
I’m grateful it happened because I’ve had the sense that there will be something that happens almost overnight that brings back great change and so I’m grateful it happened.
S: Me too. Kathy.
I’m grateful for all the star energies I got to connect with this year.
S: You are a stardust. There was a hand here, Louise, no, Elizabeth, good.
I’m grateful that the aliens landed, and we became a unified earth versus unified countries.
S: Ah. Well, something’s going to make that happen, so we’ll see if it’s the mothership or not.
I’m grateful for the magic that has revealed itself more and more and my own willingness to step up and shine.
S: Yes, good, good. You were just scratching; you weren’t waving your hand. Let’s see, yours would be, I’m just so grateful that Charlotte’s in such great health and so am I.
I’m grateful that Charlotte’s in such great health and so am I.
I’m grateful that I aligned every day with what was needed so that my transition to Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Densities was just easy, joyful and powerful.
S: Good. David’s and Lakshmi’s is going to shift my course again to speak a little bit about that. You are constantly bombarded with energy, constantly. Ancient energy that has been coming your way for quite some time and once it hits your planet it continues out into space. If your whole planet was a still pond and that proverbial rock was thrown into it, those ripples would spread all the way across the planet, rather than the confines of a typically small pond.
S: And those ripples become more ripply when more rocks are thrown in on top of the old ripples, and that’s very much what the energy does with your planet all the time. But what it’s about growth and change and help.
S: But as many of you know, once upon a time, long, long ago, if there was time, Source had an intent, and that intent became a thought. That thought became a word. The word became everything you see around you at this point, as the deed.
A release of energy created an information field of energetic frequencies so high that they were able to attract and draw each other, very, very, very low frequencies can be made to attract, but they do not naturally attract. It takes a higher frequency. really not that much higher, to begin the attraction process. Do you know why? Because within it contains the entire range of what’s in its frequency range. Well, that is true, but it’s because the vibration that frequency creates is a friction, and it takes friction for growth, for change. So there has been a lot of friction in the universe, but that friction can be as simple as one hand passing another, which you know done often. Great calluses, well I was thinking warmth, but yes it would create calluses, you’re right. Creates energy.
Friction is a part of the energy creation. It is a very necessary aspect. Every energy transmission that moves toward your planet has the effect of bringing about growth and change. You have been going through energy transmissions that have been about awakening.
And through 2016 you have been awakening to aspects of yourself, aspects of the world, aspects of those you have relationships with, that have brought about change and growth in you. 2017 is going to continue that process and for the first three months you’ll be continuing with that awakening energy force
So, what you want to do in that first three months is awaken to everything you can.
As I’ve said often, keep your heart open, keep your mind open, but not so open your brain falls out. So, the first three months follow that pattern. You are moving toward the equinox, which is going to have a very large outpouring of energy, setting up for the solar eclipse in August.
The solar eclipse in August is probably going to be the biggest thing happening on your planet this year because that energy is going to allow a great push not only in completing the awakening process but stimulating that activation process. It is fully about moving the density of the frequency levels of this planet from Third to Fourth and those who have been functioning at Fourth and Fifth automatically moving to Fifth and Sixth. That is massive change, and you are either going to fight it and reject it and I promise hate yourself for it or you are going to flow with it and grow with it and your life will be radically changed.
Now, Jerry’s in the audience let me be clearer about how it’s going to be changed. (I love you dear.) Right now, you are attached to the illusion because there are so many people in this world dreaming the same dream using the example that Stephen used. You are attached within the illusion so much that you actually believe that this is what your life is. And this is who you are, you wish.
Detached from the illusion gives you the freedom of your spirit self functioning in this world. Now think about that for a moment. What if you were not stuck in this body? Already you have seen, you are speaking with somebody who is going through painful experiences, and you find yourself really channeling, you find yourself connected into a higher part of you and knowing what’s going on and what to say and what is needed. You already are experiencing that.
Imagine taking that up a few notches. And imagine taking that up a few notches and not being constantly armored just to function through a day. Your dreams are going to be changing tremendously this year as you move toward this August eclipse. Your dreams will become more real as you recognize this reality’s illusions. You’re going to be very effective when you let go of thinking and simply allow, without thinking, what to do, where to go, how to act, how to do it.
Your ability to move through the dimensions of time and space will increase but only to the level you are comfortable. So, start now getting comfortable, so that you don’t reject the gifts that are possible when you’re not resisting. There is a oneness at the Fifth and Sixth Densities. Remember that the world really needs the Sixth and Seventh, but still, it’s a good start. There is a oneness at those higher densities.
You will understand exactly what Quinn [a standard poodle] is needing. Not so much because he learned to talk human or human learned to talk dog, although that kind of communication, if you haven’t noticed, is becoming by far more common than you ever thought. No, it’s because that oneness lets you know what is needed.
Now, there is a downside. When you’re not functioning at your best, you know it. Now you can get away thinking that you didn’t really know it, but you will know it. The good news is that means it will be much, much more difficult to do anything but function at your best. I think that’s a great thing. This isn’t about the Density changes, and if people aren’t at that frequency, they won’t notice kind of thing. This can’t be missed. This is a world changer. And it has been in the making for The Plan for this planet for eons.
The United States makes a difference in your world, and your country has been in a very narcissistic state. Well, wouldn’t you say? The energy of this eclipse is for your country. If you look at the path from your Pacific coast to your Atlantic coast, you are right in the middle of its path. The stimulation that will come from this is why I’m calling this the year of the Phoenix. the rebirth.
From, they say, 1776, but it really wasn’t that year, to 2016. You’ve had a country that was growing and changing and holding a plateau and becoming stagnant. The energy that the United States produced 30, 40, 50 years ago, which stunned the world, has become a point of reference and a roll your eyes, make a joke, until the last five years. And in these last five years, not the physical idea behind this culture, not the mental and emotional process of this culture, but the spiritual body of the American people has been changing. And that has been led, not by those who were here thirty and forty and fifty years ago, but by those who have been here fifteen, twenty, twenty-five years. The generation of the generation is leading the way to change this world back to its spiritual focus. And so many of you are here to teach and support and lead those leaders.
The higher Density you are functioning now, the more what you are merges with the spirit of a place, the spirit of a culture, the spirit of an idea, the spirit of hope and change and renewal and regeneration and rebirth. And you are capable of guiding that spiritual revolution out of pockets of staleness and bigotry and closeting and into an open heart and an open mind. Which is what this country needs right now. You will be able to focus and bring about change.
I don’t want to set you up for disappointment if you don’t find it easy to do this but Fifth and Sixth Density creates immediate manifestations. You’ve experienced some of that. What you are needs to become what this world needs. Not just what you need, but what your world needs. It needs individuals who get it. Individuals who recognize how to live love, how to share love, how to merge in love, who love, love.
What you are is going to show up faster than any other other kind of manifestation out there. So, when you walk into a room, what you are experiencing will become what the room is experiencing. Watch out. This is a year of great hope and great promise. It’s a year in which you are going to experience change based on the work you have been doing. The clearing and releasing you have been doing allows you to step up, accept, and renew by far more easily.
It’s so much better to come to the universe with your hands open and willing, rather than closed and fearful. In the last newsletter Interview, I spoke with all of you, but David and Paula, about the effect this country had. After August, you’re going to see many, many changes in the way the world sees your country. Ideally, it will be a force for that which is good instead of that which is laughable and flimsy and unable.
That means you need to be strong and whole and able. March, July, and August, and a big culmination in December are going to be the largest energy releases coming to you. Of course there is always a multitude of smaller ones.
You have opened the central Stargate. You have access you’ve never before had. You’re already feeling the effects. You’re already experiencing the kind of power that comes in and helps you. This is your year. Know what you want. Be available with what is given. Remember the advice that you gave yourself. Remember the gratitudes that you gave. Let those guide you because the experiences you have taken and changed into wisdom become the reason, become the road to the gratitudes of 2017. Questions? Misha.
I have experienced a lot of conversation, I would say, with dead people, for spirit. She sees dead people. I don’t know. I explained to you that 30 years ago, when my father passed away, I had this teaching with a person channeling in France, and the spirit told us what was going to happen.
And so I’m experiencing what this channeling spirit said right now and the telepathy conversation I have is very uplifting and I feel that I’m not alone in the room. That when I do my meditation and I have this conversation or this teaching, it’s opening a door to my future.
I can see image and realization and it’s very peaceful.
S: That’s how it should be.
It’s peaceful and it’s very loving.
S: But where is the question in here?
My question is, I would like to know if the pituitary gland is the same word as we use in French for telepathy?
S: The pituitary opens you up to your telepathic gateway, but your brain and your body is also used in a telepathic reception. You are not only processing through the pituitary, you’re also processing because of the crystalline structures within your cells that recognize resonance and create that reception transmission effect that you’re able to energetically use and that you call telepathy. The pituitary, the pineal, the adrenal, the parasympathetic nervous system all work together for your receptivity. So, the clearer you are in these particular areas are going to have a profound effect on how clear your reception is.
So, make sure you’re staying clean and clear. Next piece of that is whenever you are sitting in meditation and you are receiving, when it’s not kind and loving, stop what you’re doing. Shake it off, start over, or do something else and come back to it.
Well, Samuel, does that mean I’m getting bad energy? No, it means you are involving yourself into it. And your associative process and the stresses that come with your day-to-day living turned very simple positive emanations into something bigger and more stressful. So, remember, as long as you are receiving the loving growth, you’re on the right track. And that’s what you want. That’s good. It’s really good. Jerry.
So, with 2017, will we reach that 51% tripping point of spiritual recognition and reach the conclusion of sacred status?
S: Jerry is referencing that the energy of the planet and the energy on the planet has reached a balance in which more than half is awake. And you are, for all practical purposes, there. That’s why there is going to be such a profound effect with this energy transmission in August.
Last year I said that one of the things you are going to be finding is that people, creatures are going to be leaving in droves. Many because they do not wish to continue with their compact. Some because they have other jobs to do and of course there is natural attrition. Do you say attrition for humans? Not very often but you know what I am saying, right? If all continues as it is at this point right now and I do not see a reason why it would not. Then there should be that point of full awakening of more than half within the next few months. But that’s not the completion of The Plan.
Ultimately. So, if what you’re asking is, do we get to go soon, you’ll have that choice. You will have that choice. You will have experiences through this year in which you recognize, I’m going to fulfill my compact or I’m not. I have a very hard time imagining you saying no, you never have. You’re suckers for a mission. But when the majority have reached activation, then you are complete. So, awakening starts the process, activation which leads toward ascension, ends it. Once you have awakening, activation is very quick.
One more. All right.
Just listening to…
Love those lights, Stuart. Just love them.
As we were speaking throughout, describing the energy, it just… I couldn’t remember the word for torsion. I kept thinking it’s that Tesla thing.
The series of energetic blasts hitting us and creating the new thing. And so, my question is, on each blast, has the new thing been different with a different function and purpose? Or has it just been a continual same function and purpose but getting bigger and bigger?
Both, actually. Both. Because you are… as I said at the beginning, constantly being hit with energy and very specifically directed energy transmissions are not the majority of what you are receiving, even though it may seem like that over the last year and a half or so. Much of that energy is just, this is not accurate, alright, it’s just handy to say it this way, it’s just wild bursts from here and there working like one of those games with balls that just flip through touching everything it can.
S: Where is the pin? There is a pin.
There are bunches of pins.
S: Alright, I like that, well that’s what the picture was doing but I could . . .
You can save them from going back into the thing with little flippers. Flip them back up and start all over again. Get up as far as you can and get more points.
S: They called him Flipper.
However, specifically directed energy transmissions have been coming since 2012 but much more frequently and with much more strength over the last nine months, over the last 18 months, over the last two years with great strength. Those energy transmissions have two forces behind them. One of those forces is your planet is recognized as moving toward its missions. If I say completion that’s going to sound totally not like what I’m wanting to say. Its frequency is raised to the point that it is capable of becoming a part of a greater grouping of planets that are ascended and awakened. It is a process just like joining a club. You put in your application, so to speak, name: Terra, name, occupation: handling human messes, which moves then through a series of tests, which is what you are experiencing right now and then is accepted or not.
This is the time for acceptance. The second thing that specifically directed energy is about is activation energy. That activation has been for awakening. It has been for stimulation and renewal of your genetic material that you think of as a latent, a reforming of the blueprint that you are about.
Your energy raises, your Density changes. It’s not just happening with high frequency individuals, it’s happening across the board, but it happens at the same time, so that gap tends to stay, unfortunately. August should be changing that, because it’s removing the Third Density, instinctual, fear-based, force-controlled function of your world. It’s very huge. It’s very huge. For this earth, right. So, I think I’ve answered your question about the kinds of energy coming through, and how it comes through, and… what it shows, but I think that it was something that came after that. Was there?
Well, my thought was, is there anything we can do to support that or direct it or make it a tool to use consciously?
S: You need to be. You need to be. Clear, open, aware, ready. You need to be what this world needs. That’s not so hard, it’s your nature anyway. But doing it consciously. And the reason that I said, give your past self-advice and give your gratitudes from the future, is because those are the things that will help guide you as you work to be what is needed.
So that’s good. All right, I’m letting you go. I love you. I am so grateful that you are here. I am so grateful that 2017 has finally arrived. I suspect that with the second most massive change coming at the winter solstice, yes, you will have a fully different world adjusted and ready.
This is a remarkable year. Be remarkable people. Better still, be remarkable Guardians.
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