April 4, 2004

Samuel: Greetings, dears.

Greetings, Samuel.

S: All right, did you chase someone away?



S: Well good, although I’m going to fill it up for you. If anybody wants a front and center, take advantage.


S: Well now, Oma likes to run about and be able to suck in all of your energy. That’s a nice thing. I’m not sure she’d settle long enough for that. No brave souls? Ah, Frank. That’s always scary. All right, the two of you are charged with something very important.

I’m not responsible.

S: You’ve got to keep him in line.

Maybe […] should sit between them.

S: This is a very exciting time in your world. Are you feeling it? Are you feeling the push of change, very positive change, creation, moving through? Are you doing something with it? Good. Good.

This is. . . you’re moving into—don’t laugh too hard—three months of great energy outpour[ing]. Now, the good news about a great outpouring of energy is that you have an opportunity to create, in many, many ways, that you may not have had such an easy time of before. The good thing about it is that it always works as a purifier, helping you get more focused, helping you get more clear on what it is you’re wanting, what it is you’re doing, why it is you’re doing it. And the bad news, for those who choose to see it that way, is that any time you’ve got a large outpouring of creation energy, you have two other things that come with it. What might they be?

Chaos and free will.

S: Chaos and free will. All right, that’s three things. Steven.

It’s bringing death of the old to give birth to the new.

S: Very good. Very good.


S: Unfortunately. Unfortunately.

Self purification.

S: Self purification. What you have is the opportunity to perhaps better see open doors, but on the other hand you also have the opportunity to see those parts of yourself that do not want to go through those doors.

So the good news is you’ve got a lot of manifestation energy dumping in your lap. The bad news, maybe the not quite so good, or the challenging news, is that with that energy you also have an opportunity to see what you need to do to allow that to show up, to manifest, to become a part of your life. And the even better news through all of this is that the purifying property, if you will, has the effect of knocking the scales off your eyes so that you are both better able to see those doors and know your choices, but you’re also better able to see what you’re challenges are going to be.

And right now across this room, you’ve had enough time to adapt a bit. I can tell you, happily tell you, maybe warn you, that what you’re going to experience is a view of yourself, a view of yourself, in ways you have not seen before. Guardianship energy responds, human security reacts. Guardianship is where you want to draw your control. It’s a very powerful time, a very good time—got to, is that it?—and now I’ll get to the meeting.

Are you feeling all right these days? How’s your physical essence doing? [Are] you doing all right? [There’s] been a lot of illness this time of year, hasn’t there? And have you been noticing in your own life that when you’re not feeling so well, for whatever reason—you live in the valley of pollen, but you should fear no evil, because your nasal spray and your pills go with you. Or perhaps it’s because you’ve made friends with a virus or you have sat down on a bacteria, or whatever that theory is about little tiny things in the air that affect your physical body—only because your mind is not strong enough to move by them.

[To Frank] You are behaving aren’t you? You’re not even thinking much there. Aye.

A blank mind’s a good mind.

S: I’m not so sure he ever has a blank mind.

The physical experience is preparatory, be aware of that. For those of you who have been responding to the difficulties of life in form by, oh how about out and out physical rebellion, you’re going to see that let up. You’re going to see that change, because right now you are in a time of renewal. And what I want to talk to you about tonight is how, why, to make the changes that give you a new life. Renewal. And how many of you want renewal? And how many of you are ready for a new life? Aye. Your timing could not be better.

Well, it’s very exciting. Truly, it is. You’ve not had this much creation energy impacting your ready heart in a very long time. For those of you who have been taking part in the Guardianship Program, you’re a step ahead already—beautifully designed as it is—is all about creating, not a blank slate, but a ready one, because the difficulties that you have in your life—[Oma groans] you see? People changed their energy just then when I said a ready one. About fifteen people went, “Oh!” and Oma said, “Oh!” You see?

One of the things that you’re going to be looking at [Oma groans again]—don’t take them all seriously—is how you resist what you don’t know, how you fear the unknown and what that does to hold you back from the sort of change that is waiting for you right now. Right now, at this time in your life, I would venture easily to say that most of you in here, and I am saying most for your brain. What do I really. . .


S: That’s right. All of you in here have been feeling like a butterfly at the very last stage before breaking out of that cocoon. You know, you feel it, you know that you are ready for more. You know it. Of course, when that sense of hope mixed with a dash of power and a few dreams to stir it all up, when that comes to you, depending upon what you believe about yourself, you shuffle that into new creation or old fear.

Now, what’s the problem with fear? It’s a trick question. Not brave, are you? All right.

Well there’s a lot of things, I think. It keeps us from acting generally, but it’s . . . you’ve often said that the opposite of love is fear, so if we’re acting or reacting with fear, we’re not acting with love, we’re not using love as our motivating force and our intent is not love at that point.

S: More or less, yes. Good.

Well, fear keeps us separated from our sense of power, our source of […]

S: Very good. Yes, yes indeed. Stuart.

Fear is often based on past experiences and the now is always different, so when we are living in fear, we are limiting ourselves.

S: It’s not now. So you figure it’s not good.

Well, the biggest problem with fear is that you see it as a problem instead of a friend. It’s because you see it as trouble, a marker for not doing right. When you fear you think something is wrong, and you move into all of the symptomatic difficulties that you’ve just experienced, that you’ve just said.

Now, in all of these years of using this form, have I ever said fear is your friend.


S: Name it, claim it, send it away. Transform it into something different. Use its energy for something else. Sure, all of those things, but fear as your friend? Now, think about it for a moment. How is that so? Kay.

It can be a precursor for courage.

S: Hopefully, actually. It’s one of those little buttons that you punch and you say, “All right, on to Oz.” Heidi.

Well, it’s a signpost.

S: Yes.

If every time you felt fear a light could go on, and you can go “Oh, it’s time to look at something differently.”

S: Precisely. Precisely. If you’re spending your time fighting fear, you’re missing the point, because you see your fear is your friend. That sounds so second grade, doesn’t it? Fear is your friend. Because it shows you what you have in your personal bag of tricks. And when those tricks are strengths and courage, it becomes a means to act on it. But when what you have in your bag of tricks is fear, is meaning you’re not doing enough, you’re not being enough, when fear is a sign of failure rather than a traffic signal, then fear stops, closes down. A traffic signal, right? It’s not the push behind the vehicles, it’s simply a sign along the way that says here is a way to increase the flow in the best possible way. Stop here. Let those go. Be careful here. Keep moving. A traffic signal, that’s what fear is.

So, in order to begin a process of recreating your life to bring to you life a new creation—you—one of the very first things that you need to do is to stop resisting your fears, but instead looking to see what it is they are telling you. Most of the time your fear is going to be the result of an assault on your personal security system. Do you know what those assaults are about? Do you know what your personal security system is about? What might be a good signal or way marker or buoy for fear?

Becoming extremely nervous when there’s no apparent reason.

S: Nervous for no apparent reason, and not just jittery, but that in the pit of your stomach oh. Sure.

When I go into “what ifs.” Oh, my God, what if this’ll happen, and this happens. Thinking about the future in “what ifs.”

S: Moving—as Stuart had said—finding yourself moving into the unknown, not with boldness, but with “What if . . . what if the worst possible scenario came about?” And, of course, in order to come up with the worst possible scenario in your future, it is because you have moved out of your present moment, and you’re judging that present moment by your past.

Now it’s all right to do that if you are the same person now that you were then. Otherwise it doesn’t fit. Otherwise it’s not going to be helpful. Ninety-five percent of the things you have impacting your life negatively—this is a very bold statement I’m making here—this work draws very bright, very intelligent people, so those of you, the psychologists, the teachers in here, listen to this for you already know it—ninety-five percent of the things that are bothering you right here in your present have nothing to do with your present. It has everything to do with the what ifs that Suzanne mentioned or the looking back and trying to put your whole life in a tiny box in which everything is just a repeat of everything else, in which you are looking at you as if you don’t change every moment, as if everyone around you doesn’t change every moment.

In your life have you ever wished somebody would give you a second chance? Looking at your life right now, can you see that there is a time in which you felt like. . . [Oma starts running around the room] you were running around in circles without a whole lot of . . . nowhere to go, nothing to do, just start spinning your energy in circles? Have you ever felt like that too? All right, that’s not really where I was going to go.

The reason that I love having Oma charge about like this is because she is an absolute reflection of this group’s energy. She’s a service dog. She’s trained very well. She knows how to lay down right next to Cindy and give her attention. I do not lie, dear, she knows these things. This is her chance to be my barometer for you. I like that.


S: I know, and I truly do appreciate your willingness to let me have my fun with her. Cindy hates it. It’s like having a toddler running about and destroying the restaurant for everyone else. But it’s not, it’s not. And whenever it’s necessary it’s quite easy to just knock her back and put her to sleep. She’s a very good dog, and she holds a lot of love in her heart, and she wants to give it to a piece of all of you, because you’re all giving a piece of yourself to her and it excites her. She feels you, because that’s what she’s been trained to do. To be totally connected to humans. Now, particularly a human. You are a wonderful experience for her, and I like that, because I don’t think her right to be here is any less than yours. All right, lecture over.

So where was I going with that? Do you have that end part already, or just where it was at the moment.

Moments in which life stood still, those static moments.

S: You wish that there were static moments. You’re looking at your life—thank you—as if you don’t ever change. You’re not honoring you, because you’re not using your fear, you’re adding to it by being afraid of it.

Ninety-five percent of the difficulties in your life are because you are not handling your moment. You are afraid of what you used to be, what you used to feel, what you used to experience, and you do not want to bring that into your present moment. You are afraid of your current ability to manage what comes your way, physically, mentally, emotionally, and probably even spiritually.

It constantly amazes me—I’ve gotten over the absolute horror of it—it absolutely amazes me how easy it is for you to judge your spiritual nature as if it is that same as your human nature. How little you take advantage of what is offered, because you think it offers what you do. You think it has the limitations you do.

What does this have to do with creating a new life? When you are so busy maintaining the current one, you’re not doing anything toward creating a new one. When you are constantly in security mode because your practical function in the day to day reality of life in this world right now seems somehow to be beyond you—did I say that nicely?—you get stuck here. You get stuck here because of one great law. What law would that be? Cause and effect. You put something into action and you must see it finish.

Unfortunately, some of the things you put into action you don’t want to see finished. And as a result of that, you begin setting up ways to wall off that completion. Or to spin it. Spin it? A politician has something very bad happen in their lives, their careers, whatever, and they find a way to make it sound like it was done on purpose and was very good. That’s a spin right?


S: A spin, all right, that’s a spin. Yes. Or you begin finding a way to spin it so that you’re still not dealing with it. You have put into action things far into your past that because you have walled it off, and walled it off, and walled it off, and is like a persistent weed, it’s going to find a crack somewhere and show up, and it might show up at a time you don’t have any more bricks handy to make a wall around it, and as a result of that, you have in your life at this moment, or any moment that you don’t have that extra brick, you have in your life those undone conclusions, not quite completions, you have what you were sticking its head up in the middle of what you are. And that’s why you fear it, because when you were twenty and stupid—and someday you’ll be twenty and stupid too, don’t worry. Aye, there’s a couple of you in here who are still looking toward that one, and some of you can’t even remember it any more. So when you were twenty and stupid, and you did all manner of things and just figured out ways to get around it and to stop, but you’ve left a trail of dead bodies, not what might that trail of dead bodies be for you?

Police reports.

S: All right, those dead bodies could be police reports. It could be things you’ve run out on, people you’ve run out on. Relationships you’ve run out on. And when I say you’ve run out on, it does not necessarily mean that you’ve put on your Nikes—thank you—and ran, it might mean you simply never dealt with it. Some of you find that the easiest way to get through life, you just don’t deal with it.

Everything that you experience in your life—hear this carefully please, because this is so important in regard to the manifestation of abundance that you are so ready for in your life—everything in your experience, everything, is a part of you. Every word you regret, attitude you try not to think about. Every person you hurt. Every bit of anger you’ve ever felt. That’s a part of you.

Look at. . . well, maybe there’s not any here. Can you show me an arm here? Every one of these wee hairs here, little hairs—yes?—every one of these little hairs here, you could think of every one of them as an experience, a piece of you.

Now, you’ve got a choice in front of you. Shave it all of and let it run down the drain. Aye.

It’s a good thing you used his arm instead of his head.

S: Ignore it. Let it go. Forget about it. And just like those hairs they will pop right back. Every day, yes.


S: Oh, is it? That’s because you really have hair. Aye. Most every culture’s greatest magicians shaved all of their body hair, because the work that they were doing did not lend to a very high maintenance life. So just think of yourself as in very good company.

Right now, while you are in a place to open up to abundant recreation, you’re not going to find that door open until you have cleared the deck. The more unfinished business you have in your life, the more fear you have in your life, because those walls and those choosing not to look, and those. . . hold you in your past. They are a tentacle that you have become so accustomed to, you don’t feel it any more until you try to move too far and get jerked right back, back into the pain and the suffering and the fear and the anger and the depression and the sadness. And as I continue looking about the room, I’ll come up with even more versions of it, because you know it.

Manifesting abundance in your life begins with clearing the deck. Every action creates action. Cause, effect. What needs to be complete in you?

Samuel, what if this really rotten relationship that I’ve been hauling around for all of these years, through which I judge every other relationship and it constantly brings up the fears, what if they’re dead or maybe not physcially dead, but dead to you in many other ways that that is possible, what about if there’s no way to be in contact any more? What do you do? What do you do—nothing most of the time?

You can still make contact.

S: Yes, precisely so. You still make contact. Now, if the person is actually not dwelling upon this earth with you anymore, or at least not in any sort of version that you recognize readily, talk to them, work it out. Think of it as talking to yourself. It really doesn’t matter, but you’ve got to do it from your heart.

You’ve got issues with your mother and brother, and they’re not available to you. Maybe it’s simpler than that. Maybe you just know—of course, it’s based on the old and you don’t really know, but it’s a first step anyway—you just know that they’re going to shut you off, and you’re going to fall back into old patterns, and it’s going to end up being a war and it’s just not worth it. What do you do for a completion then? What if it’s somebody that you were friends with long, long ago, and you have no idea in this world where they are or how to make contact, what do you do for all of those situations.

Write it down and burn it, or bury it, or talk to yourself and work it out.

S: You do it anyway. And all of those are really good ways to do it.

There’s a little voodoo technique I’d like to offer you for that—and, I know, you laugh, but I’m serious. Make. . . [to Teetee] all right, a little huffy these days, aren’t you? You make a replica of the person, the thing, the place, and you make it consciously. What I mean by that is that you are making it as an activity of completion. You are putting forth at the very beginning that, to the best of your ability, this is a sacred act for the purpose of bringing healing to a part of your past.

Darlings, you are only beginning in this world to have a sense of how interwoven you and this world are—the dimensions of your reality and the dimension of the reality of the person next to you. You are beginning to be aware that there is not one thing you can do here that does not touch farther and farther out. And that is what this working is for, because you are putting, with as much clarity, purity—meaning innocence, honest change—you are putting everything you know and feel into that replica. You are putting those things that hurt and those things that did not. You’re putting the crux of the problem, as well as the joys that problem once hid from [you].

Now, you can write it out, and for some of you that might be effective enough, but, you know, for most of you it would not. High frequency beings are very creative, and the more creativity and the more sensual—not sexual, eyes, ears, hearing, feeling.


S: Yes, those were working. Sensory. The more senses you can put into it, the real it’s going to be, and you want to see yourself while you are doing it, releasing the strings that tie it on to you. Then you’re going to—fully done, fully made—you’re going to have a completion with it. And a completion is not done until you are at a place in which you can say thank you. When you recognize the gift, you’ve moved beyond the pain. You’ve cut the greatest bound of imprisonment. When you can say thank you, when you are grateful for the gift of that pain, difficulty, that caused you t run, to be less than what you wish to be now, when you can do that, it’s time to let it go.

If you have made an organic replica, I recommend that you put it in running water. Now, don’t make your little plastic doll a part of the local water system, that’s not a good idea. You’re not trashing things. You make it, knowing that it’s going to go back to its most basic element. You let it go. Or you might put it on fire and just scatter the ashes. Or you might bury it. But you are officially relieving yourself of it.

Does it end there? Well, you’ve already opened a whole new door there in this psychological exercise, because that’s what it is. It doesn’t end there, because there is one last thing you must do. You’ve learned to be grateful for it, to see the gift of it, and now for that person, for that situation, for that place, that experience, open your heart and love it.

Now, as a Guardian, you are able to open your heart and love it now, but that’s not where the difficulty is. It’s when you have totally looked at it, recognized the gift of it, when you’ve experienced yourself working all of that through, then, to love it then, at that point you’re not doing that spiritual “I can love everything, because all things are love, and we are all one,” things. Then you are coming from the heart, the heart of God, Goddess, Source, and you are saying, “through the good and bad, I choose love.” Then you have cut a bay’unz, an emotional bond that has exchanged itself for your life, cut it away that way. And I will threaten you by telling you that if it doesn’t end with love, it’s not over.

So what do you do if somebody is here? What if it’s somebody you do have contact with? What if it’s something that they might not have even known, because you were such a good weasel back then.

The thing is don’t put them under running water or burn them.

S: It’s not a good idea. Then you get what Katherine spoke of—police reports. What you do, the first thing that you want to say as you’re asking yourself what is it you should do, remember this, you are not doing this to make you feel better at the expense of the other. “I am so sorry that I had a six-year affair with your wife.” No! “I am so sorry that I was the one who has caused you this pain and anguish for the rest of your life, and you never even knew, and. . . “ No! No, no, no, no! You don’t cause pain to clear up your pain, because, you see, that runs back into the action is going to have another action that goes with it. You’re going to be opening doors instead of closing doors, so that’s what you want to look at. This isn’t about refreshing your conscience, it’s about completing what was not complete.

And what you can do in a situation that’s tricky, but with somebody whom you know you’ve got to have completions with, apologize for any behavior that could have made their pathway difficult, anything that you might have done—and I’m not asking you to make it explicit—to have created harm. Is that a good thing to do for everyone? No. This is for those where you must withhold what it was. And before you make the decision that you must withhold it, you need to ask yourself why am I doing this? Where am I coming from with this. You must be absolutely sincere, and you’re going to have to give an explanation. “I’m working to rebuild my life and I realize that there are parts of that life that I can’t build on. It’s the weakness that has come from the difficulty we’ve had together, and I’m not asking you to do anything or change in any way, I just want to let you know that I realize that I have been a part of pain in your life and I regret that.” What?

I was going to say sometimes I may not have been a source of pain in their lives, but it’s been my attitudes or my thoughts towards that person that I’m needing to clear up, and they don’t even know that I’ve had them.

S: And if it’s your attitudes, your bigotry, your prejudice, your attitudes, clean that one up on your own. You don’t need to get somebody else involved with “I want to tell you how sorry I am that I’ve always thought you were such a jerk.” You’re just doing that to make yourself feel better. Listen to your heart, because your heart will tell you won’t it?

And if it is somebody that you’re with on a regular basis, and it is somebody that, theoretically, you have a relationship with now, maybe one that’s not very good and you want it to be better, that’s where it becomes a sincere “I want to see this grow in love, and I have had attitudes, issues, actions that have not been loving.” And very sincerely, you apologize for that.

This is not a light activity. This is not something you go home tonight and can do. This requires looking over your life, and that might be a quick activity, not because your life is not very long, but because you know already, you know right now, those things that are gaping wounds in your life. You know those areas that don’t have completion, because your heart doesn’t forget when you create pain.

And, Samuel, I thought you were going to talk about starting over, starting new, and instead you’re kind of hitting us over the top of the head with we’ve got some very serious, painful stuff to work through that can’t be good. And I will assure you that if, indeed, that is what you’re thinking, you’ve got a lot more to work on, because that’s a very direct sign of avoidance.

You cannot start fresh on a gaping, filled-with-holes, lightly spread to disguise it, foundation. And it is your incompletions. What makes up a completion? Quickly.


Thanking it and loving it.

S: Reaching that point where you are grateful for the experience, and a final cut of that tentacle is to be able to honestly love.

David, quickly.

I can think of lots of instances where I can reach back to people and stuff, but there’s some instances where I think an apology is like giving my head on a platter or a weapon to the other person. And I’m just curious if self-preservation is one of those reasons for using a whatever.

S: Sure it is. Sure it is. The brick self-preservation.

There are a lot of very tentacle-filled aspects of many of your lives, situations that are so deeply entangled that, indeed, to open yourself up is going to provide that very ammunition, and in that case I suggest a two-step process, with the first one being the replica, and seeing if that does not bring to you enough of a spot of peace that you no longer react to that person, because that alone will change the dynamics. And through those dynamic changes you may then begin to find that the opportunity will present itself for you to be able to do that next step allowed.

You are sitting on the edge of a miracle. You are sitting at the top of the mountain and looking at a vista you have never seen before. The energy you have available to you now should be used by every bit of you.

Resurrect. Use the energy of this Christian Easter, of this Buddha’s Wesak, of this pagan recreation, use the energy that’s in the earth right now for starting new. Don’t plant the seeds in a dirty bed. 

Next step very soon. Glochanumora. Be brave. You can do this. And it’s worth the effort. Happy trails.

[To Oma] You’re free now. Run like the wind!