January 7, 2007

Samuel: Hello, dears.

Hello, Samuel.

S: So, Happy New Year. Well, I think this is likely to be a fairly interesting evening. There are [sic] an interesting group tonight.

All right, what’s the best thing that happened to you last year? [Long pause] All right, other than that—or is that a statement of some sort? “What was the best thing that happened? Hmmm.” Of course, I know that the reason is because there were so many good things happening that you could not keep up with all of them. Right? So it might be a little bit easier if you just think over the last few months; or, maybe, did anything good happen to you last year? And if so, tell me one.

The Brazil trip was stunning. It was not only being on the trip, but getting there, and all the things that people had to do in order to find that they could get there. It was kind of a set-up for the rest of the year, I think, in terms of the challenges and how to meet them. And so in that respect it was a gift. And just the balance that was there, and the experience itself was a wonderful experience. It was the highlight of the year.

S: That’s good.

It was also the Brazil trip for me, but it was coming together with a group of people who instantly melded into one whole being.

S: Yes.

I don’t think I’ve ever experienced that before so quickly, and it was just an incredible experience to be a part of that.

S: Not on this earth, you’re right. You’re right.

[Looking at papers at his feet] All right, I need you just to explain it a tiny bit. One . . . 

Per person.

S: And they’re all there.


S: Good. All right. Presents for you. [Puts papers on table next to him] Stay!


May I give you the non-holy answer?

S: Is it going to be something like you found a good fitting pair of jeans or something.

No, not that, not that. Something happened just a couple of days ago. I have a short attention span, so when you say the whole year, I kind of go “Errr.” And there really have been so many things. I mean Benjamin graduating from high school, and that was a whole month of celebration. But this one was something I never thought would happen. When I got married to my husband Michael, we would travel a lot, and we would go to all sorts of interesting places. And then once we had the kid, he just stopped wanting to do that. And I would nag him and nag him—you know how wives do that—and then he finally just said, “If you want to travel, go by yourself or with somebody else,” so then I started going on the trips, and that was a good thing. But anyway, every once in a while I’d kind of drop the hint again, and he kind of . . . you know, like this, and so then I don’t do that again. But then we talked the other night, and he said, “I did a lot of work on this topic, and I think I’m ready to take a trip.” And I just went, “Oh!” And then he told me all the reasons why he hadn’t wanted to, which was real sweet because it kind of showed me that all the things I thought the reasons he didn’t want were wrong. He had other reasons, and it was just so sweet, because he said, “I know you keep asking because you love to do this, and you’d love to do it with me, and I want to honor that.” Isn’t that sweet?

S: Tell him he gets points.

I will. Oh, he knows.

It was a great year for me. I quit my job, and I moved off the farm, you know, the dark clouds of Mordor, and then the trip to Brazil. So it was great.

S: Good. Good. The question is what’s the best thing that happened to you this past year?

Last January we had a new addition to our family—a black Labrador puppy, and there has not been a day that she hasn’t brought love and laughter into our lives. She’s been a tremendous gift.

S: That’s nice. That’s nice. And one more. Claudia.

The best thing that happened to me was two recent events that happened in, I guess, December—towards the end of the year. And all of these things happened where the Universe showed me all my issues, and they were in my face and I couldn’t get away from them, and they happened one right after another. And the gift was I was able to see that they were issues, and I was able to see that I was reacting rather than responding, and I was able to change my behavior and be grateful for it. And it was a very freeing experience, and I feel much happier because of it, even though it was difficult at the time.

S: Wow. And the fact of it is they were all the spiritual answers. Why is that?

Everything is spiritual.

S: Because everything about you is spiritual.

[Looking at empty seat on front row] Should we fill up that one as well?

We could.

S: Some brave soul ready to curl up with David here? There you go.

I’ll curl up with David any time.

S: Good, because I needed a nice group right there in front to start punching around in a few moments, so good. I’m glad you’re here.

As you think about the best of things that went on in your life this last year, what would you say are things that you’d rather not see repeated. Now, it’s possible you might not wish to answer that one out loud. “Oh, I’d rather not repeat why I lost my job this year,” or “I’d rather not repeat . . .” But if it’s something that you’re willing to, what would you rather not see repeated? Aye.

Well, there were several little events that I realized probably happened because I didn’t catch it the first time, and so I think I’ve got it now. And I hope that’s true. The first one was our house was broken into, and things that had some sentimental value were taken. And so that was a loss, and this last year I’ve had lots of losses. But that loss, you know, when I got to thinking about it, I was like, “Okay, big deal.” But then it didn’t dawn on me that I’ve got to replace the losses, so that didn’t dawn on me.

So then Steve accidentally ran over our dog that I just . . . was very dear to my heart. And I had some issues around that, and so after I dealt with the issues, was like “Okay. That’s okay. I forgive. Blah, blah.” So then I realized I’ve got to replace that, even though I wanted a dog, that was going to cost money, I had to realize that that emptiness in me was worth filling back up . . .

S: Ooh, nicely said.

. . . with love that I knew that doggie would give me, and the doggie we have is just incredibly loving to everybody. And I hope I don’t have to repeat that lesson.

S: Inevitably you repeat it until you see it coming and sidestep it. Now, that truly was a very deep, important statement, and so hardly any of you immediately start writing that down, but it is the case. Think about it for a moment. Those things in your life that you’ve not quite gotten yet, you get over and over and over until you see it coming and sidestep it.

Now, you sidestep it because you know what it is you need that you’ve not been giving yourself, and you begin practicing a different way of whatever it is it happens to be, or because you have done it enough that you’re good at it, and it’s very easy to just softly replace before you feel the loss that tags onto all kinds of other emotions and reactions, and you fill up that space. You have so many parts of you. For those of you that were at New Year’s Eve, and your little disco balls—disco balls, yes?—all facets of you, there are so many parts of you, every one of which gets through it, every one of which learns it, every one of which masters it. So when you see something coming over and over and over, don’t kick yourself for it, instead be pleased that more aspects of yourself are getting it. And when you’re at the place where you actually can see it like that, you have gotten it.

In thinking about it, probably the worst thing I’ve dealt with this year has been the fact the bulldozer that I used to drive a lot, I thought that I had . . .

S: Metaphorically speaking.

. . . I thought I had parked it and put it in the garage and left it there out of sight, but I fired that sucker up a few times. And it’s out and driving around quite a bit. So.

S: When you are—and I’m not speaking just to you—when you are in bulldozer mode, first, what does that mean?

Feeling insecure and need to be in control.

S: And bulldozing is controlling things. Trying to make things come about in a particular way, the way that you see is how it’s going to work and be better. The way that you know is the easiest to do a thing, or the best way to do a thing, or the way to avoid difficulties in doing a thing, or any number of very good reasons for helping in that way.

It’s true. I do know the best way.

S: You’re never bulldozing because you’re looking across at a group, and you’re saying, “All right here, what can I do to get everybody irritated, stressed out, and make them feel insignificant while I’m still not fulfilling myself.” That’s never what you’re looking at is it?

I do that all the time.

S: That’s exactly what you say, “Oh, all right, let’s see. Who can I make insignificant today?” It’s because you have a deep desire to help, to avoid pain, and you don’t want those you love to have that pain either. And so you’re really just letting them know what works, and if they didn’t quite get it—and you can tell they did not quite get it because it looks like they’re still easing over to the dark side—you can quickly get in touch again and just push it just a little bit further. “Wait a minute! Wait a minute, what about this? What about this?” And then if you find they’re still getting a little bit further over anyway, despite your best efforts, then you can put a bit of emotion and passion into it, because you are saving them and yourself from just a whole lot of trouble. You’re doing a good deed out of love. And pretty soon you notice that they start avoiding you altogether, that they begin to—at this time of great polarity—you find that it is less and less opportunities to interact with them in a loving way, and you’re not feeling any better about it at all. None of it’s working. But if you can remember that you’re doing it for you, you probably can pull yourself up tight.

Looking at the things that have gone on last year—the good, the maybe not so good; the things that you’ve learned; the things that you have loved; the things you’d want to repeat; the things that you might not want to repeat—what about this year? What are the things that you wish to bring into this year? What are the things that you want to change? What are the things that you want to have remain the same? What do you feel really good about? And as you just briefly let that filter through you, I’m going to get to where we are talking tonight.

Tonight I want to talk about time. Not the dimensional aspect of time, but the perceived aspect of it. The what happens every day when you look at your clock and say, “Oh my goodness!” Or the “time is going so quickly!” Have you said that lately? You’ve noticed that it seems to be you have slowed down, it has speeded up—something isn’t quite in sync. You notice it because the amount of time it takes to do the things you’ve always done does not seem to be quite enough to do what it is you need to do. It’s becoming more of a bulldozer. Time.

And what I want to talk to you about is getting more of it, because there is really one key—it’s a big key—to creating more time in your life. And in this coming year, that’s what you’re going to need, more time. And in order to have that time, it is vital that you allow yourself the opportunity tonight to open the door just a little bit to these ideas, with the hope that you’re going to be able to make use of them, and put more time into your life. And why do I care about that?

Well at least one reason is I see in my life, and I hear other people say that when they feel overwhelmed and don’t have enough time to do things, often it’s their “spiritual work” that takes the back seat, and our work helping you fulfill your vision won’t take the back seat when we’re feeling overwhelmed and not enough time. So by feeling like we have enough time it will be helping you fulfill your vision.

S: That’s good. I like that a lot.

Well, when we become overwhelmed, we become less useful.

S: Yes.

We become self-absorbed.

S: Yes.

And move about in crisis mode.

S: That one, topped with that one. You are not only all that is, but all there is. You are everything that is needed, and you have everything that you need. And life as you know it is a continual unfolding of your awareness that you have all that you need.

As you find yourself experiencing more and more opportunities for growth—isn’t that a nice way to call it?—more and more opportunities for change, more and more opportunities to love, as you are living your life day by day, you find that you are successful at some things. You usually recognize that you are successful at them because you are good at it, and you are enjoying it. And so you want to fill up your life with those things that you are enjoying, those things that you are good at, and a lot of times what that means is you spend an equal amount of time avoiding—or trying to—those things that you do not feel successful at and you do not feel so good at.

The more your life is spent doing those things you do not feel successful at, whether it is as simple as tying your shoe or as complex as a very intricate type of job that you have that involves all kinds of thinking that you don’t wish to move into. All of you are computer-savvy nowadays. Do you remember when you were first getting into it? When they were first coming out, was there anyone in here who resisted them, thought it might not be very easy to do? And do you find it’s a whole lot easier now? Really. It’s not a statement that everybody’s going to say, “Oh yes, of course, it’s a lot easier now,” because your skills with whatever you’re doing are adjusted by your desire to do it. Your desire to do it, what do you think it’s based on?

The needs.

S: The needs, but it goes just a little further than that. Your needs at the time.

How it feeds you.

S: Yes. I can go there with that. Your needs at the time coupled with what you are needing at the time, and how those are coming together. Now, think about that for a moment. “I don’t want to learn how to work on a computer, because I don’t need it. I don’t need it.” And so there is no motivation to do it, until for some reason that you really care about you are all of a sudden motivated to take part. And what you care about needs to be something that is a priority in your life, because if it’s not a priority, you won’t get good at it. That’s how it comes around in that circle.

So, in your life you have these things that are opportunities to stretch and grow and change, and they don’t all show up in a box that says “Mac” on it—Macintosh, right? Sometimes they are work; sometimes relationships; sometimes they are your vision about yourself and what you think you are capable of doing and not capable of doing; sometimes they have to do with your trust issues and belief in what you can and cannot accept and trust, and rely on, and do.

And all of those things matter because when you are in a place in your life when what you are experiencing is something that you do not feel successful at, and yet you are very obligated to do it, and there is very much that is relying on you to do it, you don’t have the motivation—that’s not true—you do have a motivation. What is the motivation in that sort of situation. “I don’t enjoy doing, but I have to. The way to ask you what your motivation is to say, “Why do I have to?” And you may find out that the answer is because it’s the income, it pays the rent. And that’s not likely to be enough to feed a Guardian.

In those situations, what you will find is that you do it, and you can do well at it, but it’s not something that you consider important. And when those parts of your life get backed up, you feel overwhelmed, whereas when they are the parts of your life that you enjoy and you are successful at, you might be tired, but it’s exhilarating and you’re not overwhelmed. And you’re a whole lot nicer to be around, too.

Ultimately, for the purpose tonight, it’s really about priorities. What are your priorities? One of the biggest difficulties that I notice you dealing with is time getting away from you, and you think that it’s about being more organized, and “I’ve got to get more organized, and I’ve got to clear out the office. And I’ve got to shovel out the bedroom, and I’ve got to get work a little more productive, and the only way that I can do that is to prioritize.”

But here is the problem: if it doesn’t matter to you, if it’s not something that means something to you, if you are not getting fed from it, it will only be an overbearing weight, never a list of priorities, never a “Here is what I can do, and here is what I can do after that, and here is what I can do from there.”

It’s all about knowing why you do what you do. So just for a moment—and here, these are your gifties. They will come to you in a little bit—front row, be aware. In this coming year, everything that you do is going to be pushed on. The way that you think, the way that you act in every area of your life is going to be pushed on. It is a year in which you are going to feel more successful, fulfilled, in more areas of your life than ever before—really. There isn’t an “if,” a “but” that comes after that. And it’s going to be so for you because it is very needed in the world, but in order for you to make the most of the opportunities that are going to be in front of you, in order for you to know how to best deal with those things that are going to come your way, you need to start by knowing what your priorities are, so that you will end up with enough time in your life to open these doors, to become fulfilled, to experience that success. Right now, the way that you function in this world is, for the most part, amazingly inefficient and rarely fulfilling at the moment. And I would like to help you change that.

And it starts with that general statement once again: What do you need in your life? Now, there are a lot of ways to answer that question. What you need can be, “Well, I need air to breathe, and I need food to eat, and I need . . .” Or it might be a broader classification that says, “I need a working, physical body, and an active body, and I need a fulfilling spiritual life. Or it might be very specific. “I need a car, and I need a lover, and I need . . .” What do you need?

In your life—not just this coming year—in your life what do you need? And as you think about that or write it down, couple it with “What of these things do I enjoy? I really enjoy breathing. I’ve always found it easy to do and I’m fairly successful at it. Breathing is a good thing.” Well, you’re laughing, but really. What do you need.

Now, I’m going to switch that in just a small way. What do you need in order to be who you want to be? What do you need to be who or what you wish to be? And what overlaps?

You’re thinking in two areas here. What overlaps? Well, I need air for both of those, so that’s good. Staying alive is a good part of it. I know, you laugh, but that’s not as easy as you might think.

Now, I’m going to ask you a third thing to look at. In your life, what do you love or who? What are those people, things, ideas? What do you love? What do you need? That’s the first one. Generally, in the big picture, what do you need? The second one is—you’ve got it—what do you need to be the best you can be? The third one is what—who—do you love?

Looking at those three lists, you are going to come up with some overlaps. And for every overlap, ask yourself “Is this important to me? How does it feed me? How does it help me be the best I can be?”

I would like to be able to tell you that the most important parts of your life are going to be found in where those three lists overlap, but the fact of it is, your life doesn’t work quite that simply—darn! But from that list, by your giving yourself the opportunity to truly look at it, to think it through a bit, you are going to be able to see, as a whole, “These are priorities in my life: to stay alive; to live in a way that all of my time is not spent on eating and finding shelter,” as it was when you were a wild poodle roaming the plains. That’s a really odd thought, isn’t it? Wild poodles roaming the range. Can you sort of see them out with the deer and the buffalo?

I think they found footprints with the dinosaurs.

S: A little paw print in there, aye. How did you know it was a poodle?

You could tell.

S: You could tell he says. All right, so “And then I have these parts of my life that I would not ever want to be without. These things feed me in a very different way.

Looking at what matters in your life begins the process of getting control of your day-to-day experience. And I promise you, darlings, it is that simple, and it’s that hard, because this isn’t just saying, “What do I need, and what do I enjoy, and what feeds me and fulfills me, and what would I want to repeat again?” It is what really matters to you, because those three lists ultimately are going to show you that answer, and probably not the one you’re writing right now or thinking right now, but the one that when you write it once and look at it and say, “No, that’s not it.” And you go to bed and you say, “All right, I want to dream about those things that I’m not remembering,” and you wake up and you write another list. And then you look at it during the day, and you say, “Oh wait, I left this out. And wait, I left that out.” It will be a few lists until you get to the one that really answers the question what really matters to you?

But when you can come up with five things that you can look at and say, in one way or the other, “This is what I need. This is what I’m about. This is fulfillment.” Three lists. Three responses. You got that? Then you are going to have your first list in your gift, and that is what generally are your priorities for your life as a whole. When you look at the coming year, and you think about resolutions—I’m never quite sure if that lovely tradition is the result of wanting to take charge, or wanting to let go—nonetheless, what do want to bring into your life in 2007? In this coming year what do you want?

And when you can come to five things, you then have a task to do. You write them down and then you compare them to your first list. “Of the things I want to do in 2007, the things I want to be, the things that I think are my priorities, how does that fit in with my first list? How does it show what I need in life as a whole? How different is what I want for this year from what I want for my life as a whole?”

If you find the lists don’t cross, I can tell you what you will be feeling in 2007. Frustrated, overwhelmed, overburdened, ashamed of yourself, nagging yourself and others, controlling, depressed, unhappy, with a sense that you are treading water, not really getting anywhere. That in a year with so many open doorways you’ve not gone anywhere, because, you see, what you want for the function of that year needs to be related to what you want in your life. What you need, as you look forward, needs to be a part of what you are seeking that matters to you every day, every breath.

Once you have those two lists, and I really want to encourage you, do not give yourself too much time to pull those lists together. Do not give yourself too much time to get it perfect, because you’ll just keep putting it off and putting it off.

And that leads me to the everyday reality of the next part of changing time, and that is, when you have looked at what it is you need in your life and what it is you want in your year, what are your needs and wants for this week? Your life will get filled up with things that do not matter if you do not know what matters. Your time will be filled up with things that are not fulfilling if you don’t know what is fulfilling. What do you want to do this coming week? Well, this coming week—and I’ll just use EarthLight as a good example—there are probably things such as taking down decorations, yes? And rehearse gypsies.

Doctors appointments. Newsletter interview.

S: Do not mistake a list of things you must do with the list of what your priorities are. When you’re looking at this coming week, look at your main list. “What is it that I’m going to be doing this week that serves that first list? What am I going to be doing this week that shows up in the second list?” Who can read it?

The first one is . . .

”These are the things most important to me.” The second one is “These are my priorities for 2007.” The third is “These are my priorities for this week.” And the fourth is “These are my priorities for today.”

S: Now, would you please pass them through [the audience]. And maybe one more, yes, to help get them out. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.

They easily tear into four separate cards.

S: They will easily tear into four separate cards so that you will have your list in front of you. The one that is for “These are the things that mean something to me. This is what matters. This is what I need.” Your first list. You might keep that near your bedside so that you can look at your day and think “In what ways am I fulfilling what I need? In what ways am I feeding what’s really important?” The second thing, the second list, maybe that would be a good one to keep on your desk where you do your work, where you pay your bills. The third one, for the week, that might be one that you’d want to keep in your pocket or in your purse so that you might be able to refer to it: “How am I getting through with these things that are important?” And the last one, the one we’ve not covered yet, “What are my priorities for today?” Now, the fact of it is, you can do it tonight and have it fit for tomorrow.

One of the things that you’re going to be seeing is that your lists begin rather general and that they become more specific. Your lists become more mundane. Your lists become more of a teaching implement to show you what you resist as they move from the greater to the least.

Now, why would I say “As they move from the greater to the least, they become more of a teaching implement showing you what you resist”? I’ll give you a hint: It doesn’t have to do with what you write down. Thoughts? Stuart.

It’s what you actually end up spending your time on?

S: Kathy.

It’s the responsibilities that are being avoided because of fear.

S: Could be. Could be.

I know for myself, there are things I resist doing and don’t like to do, but when I really stop and look at it, they would help me fulfill the priorities I have. So it would also let me see the things I’m resisting that are sabotages because they’re keeping me from what I want.

I think that the things that I resist would be coming up continuously because the Universe wants me to deal with them.

S: Don’t you love that part?

No, not really.

S: As you get closer to the everyday . . .

I think also it would show your true beliefs about yourself.

S: Yes.

If you’re not really doing what you say you’re going to do because you don’t think you’re worth it.

S: Say it again.

I think it relates to your beliefs, because if you’re not really doing what you think is important, then it’s a self-worth thing. You don’t think you deserve it.

S: That’s right. In your life, there are so many things you must do to manage all of the things that you are a part of. What do you really need in your life? What really matters?

I’m going to use an old illustration here as a reminder, and I think probably, in one way or another, most Januarys I remind you of this. You go to the doctor, and the doctor says, “All of your tests have come back, and I’m afraid that I’ve got to tell you that you’ve only got a month to live.” What are you going to do? And in all likelihood, before you just shove it aside because you know that you’ve thought it over and over and over, in all likelihood, what you are really going to do if you were faced with that would be not “What am I going to do?” but “What am I not going to do?”

And there is where your time is getting sucked—like a vampire—leaving you overwhelmed, underpaid, unhappy. It’s what really matters. Now if you had a month to live, it probably would still matter that you have to be able to eat and you need a place to stay, and so the basic necessities are still there, and that is a priority. But what in your life right now really doesn’t need to be there? And why is it there? Because it’s giving you something. It’s giving you something that you believe you need. “If I was told I just had a month to live, I would probably run up all of my credit cards, and give gifts to everybody I know so that they will like me, and remember me well when I go.” Well, now you know you’re laughing at it under these circumstances, but in a hundred thousand different ways you live like that. You may not have a month to live. Gracious, it’s wet and cold outside. It makes driving those vehicles sort of dangerous, and who’s to say how aware the person coming right at you is, and . . . and . . . and . . . you could walk out of your house tomorrow and have a meteorite fall on your head.

You wouldn’t know about that would you?

S: When they happen so often that you see them coming you’ll . . .


S: Because you don’t have any guarantees. Well, all right, a few of you do.

The things that you would let go out of your life if you knew that your days were numbered, that you only had a short time left, those are the things that are killing you right now. If you cannot do without it, know why you keep it. If what it is that’s killing you is something that you cannot do without, know why. Know what it is it’s giving you. Take a look and see if it fits with the general priorities about what you need. If you had only a month left, what would you change in your life?

Now I’m going to turn it around and offer it another way. If you were to break your life down to the people that you love, who can you not do without? Why? And is that “why” on your first list?

The areas of your life where you spend the most money—now that might involve having to look into your accounting. It might not. You might know offhand. In those areas where you spend the most of your money, are any of those things on your first list? The things that are not pleasant because they’re not successful, because they’re hard, are the ones you resist and procrastinate about.

Go ahead, Stuart.

I don’t have another tape.

S: All right, I’ll just talk really, really fast. And it is those things that you are dealing with on your large-scale look at your life [that] are the very things that in the day-to-day must be accounted for for you to be successful in that day. How can you make those aspects that do not feed you, but sure enough they’re on your list because you’ve got to have them there, more workable? How can you make those things better reflect more of what you really are, what you really want, what you really need?

In your life you prioritize by what matters to you or your life is prioritized for you based on your resistance. When you take the proverbial bull by the horns—not a safe thing to do—when you take that bull by the horns and you pull it together, the first list shows up in the second, which shows up in the third, which shows up in the fourth, when you put them together, you’re not functioning in resistance . . . [Looking at video camera] It’s not blinking at me any more though . . . you’re not backing off, because it’s not making you happy, it’s not pleasant enough, it’s not giving you what you need to live, when you are doing those things that matter to you, you stop wasting your time. And when you stop wasting your time, you begin to see that you are creating more.

The nature of Guardians in this coming time is all about being able to move through the doorways, not only those doorways of opportunity, but those doorways of dimensional reality—I’m sorry, [I] had to get a little airy-fairy in there—and with those opportunities, you are either going to be able to make time to be what is needed to do what you’re here to do, or you’re going to find you don’t have time because your life is absolutely filled up with meaningless, vital pieces of you.

“Samuel, you said ‘meaningless vital,’” but that’s exactly what I meant. You don’t need to continue spending the rest of your life on somebody else’s dream for you, even if it was you. You don’t need to continue spending your time on what you don’t want, can’t afford, has nothing to do with what you really are about, because you really don’t have any idea what you are about, and what you need to fulfill what you are about.

This coming year is going to be a lot about time. What matters to you? What’s worth it? What’s not and why? Knowing what works for you, knowing what matters to you, knowing what you need, can keep you from wasting a whole lot of time.

Priorities are only meaningless roads to what really doesn’t matter if they are somebody else’s priorities. When you know what yours are, you are able to put into order your time.

[Cell phone buzzing] Sounds sort of like a cow out in the field. It’s a telephone?

You have a great gift in front of you, and I don’t mean that paper, and that is a year of great promise, and you know it. You feel it already. You’ve got to have time to experience it. And right now, you don’t. And if it’s because your life is filled with fulfilling, love-filled, delightful experiences that’s great. But the reality of it is it’s not. And this great gift will be gone, and you will not know where the time went, because you spent it doing things that don’t matter instead of those things that really do. Do you have any more space in your life?

Now, because Stuart got to change the tape, I’m going to just go a little further. Can you remember back to when you first fell in love, when you were first in love—passion. You could stay up all night having fun. You could just talk forever and you found a way to fit it in, make it there. You do that, in one way or another, you do that every day. You make time for what you really want. I encourage you to figure out what it is you really want, and let the time, by way of your prioritizing, bloom for you. Find what you really want, and your life will open up the time.

You can do this. No excuses.

Glochanumora. Happy, happy trails. Good work, Frank.