November 2, 1997

Samuel: Well greetings, dears.

Greetings, Samuel.

S: So where are you these days? Where are you these days?

Planet earth.

S: Feels like it? He says planet earth. Is that a common thought?


S: And where are you?

Seems like everything’s moving so fast that it’s hard to feel like I’m anywhere where I’ve ever been before. Yeah, I’m on this planet, but in a very different place, and feeling like I need to be involved in the human experience, but from a very recalibrated place in order to make it count.

S: Everything’s moving so fast, Joyous says, that everything’s different because of it, with the recalibrated difference ultimately. Everything’s moving so fast. Anybody else feeling that? Aye.

Everything’s out of phase.

S: Out of phase. Out of sync. You think?

Well, places and things that are familiar, and we can recognize them, but they’re really not the same anymore.

S: You recognize things. They’re familiar, but they’re not the same. And, of course, in the largest sort of picture what you’d say here is you are changing. But you know very much your world is.

My desire tonight is to talk to you a bit, just a bit—truly—about becoming extremely prosperous. So quickly ask your true self what brought you here tonight, because that’s what it’s wanting to hear. Be aware, however, that I very rarely talk about something the way you think you’re going to be hearing it. So you may as well set yourself up for that now. That the direction that I go with it is going to be just probably slightly off to the side from what you might be thinking.

And I want to start by talking about treasure. What’s treasure? Treasure.

Something precious.

S: Something precious. Something of value.

Something you hold dear.

S: Something you hold dear. Oh, I like that. Sure, because that makes it valuable. That makes its precious.

Something you find at the bottom of the ocean.

S: It’s something you might find at the bottom of the ocean. And why might you find a treasure at the bottom of the ocean? Because it’s known that the sands at the bottom of the Mariana Trench are much more rare. Is that it? Why might there be a treasure at the bottom of the ocean? Because a pirate ship might be there with it. Aye?

All right. Talk to me quickly for a moment about pirate ships at the bottom of the ocean.

Well, they found Blackbeard’s ship.

S: They found Blackbeard’s ship. Aye. Blackbeard. Yo ho ho? Pirate. Let’s go there then. Pirate.

They’re after the treasure.

S: Those seeking treasure found in other places, other ships. Good, good, good there. Good there.


S: Opportunists, oh. That would be—today’s version—entrepreneurs, right?

[…] and say treasure is what somebody else wants.

S: Treasure is valuable, because others find it dear as well. It’s something someone else wants. So the treasure to the pirate who’s seeking it off of other ships or other places or other people or whatever may not be something that’s necessarily valuable to you, correct? That’s a very important point right there. Tell it to me. Go ahead, translate and tell it to me.

Treasure’s in the eye of the beholder.

S: The treasure is in the eye of the beholder. All right. You can go with that. That’s fairly easy.

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

S: Well, I like that. All right. That’s also true. One person’s trash might be another person’s treasures. Gracious.

Well, sometimes, like maybe in the case of […] you want to get that buried treasures or those riches because of something else you think it might give you.

S: All right. I’m not quite ready to go with that one. But I want a spiritual principle out of that trash and treasure idea here, and the eye of the beholder sort of thing. And there is one, and it’s not hard to make the leap for. All right, Frank.

You can get things of great value from others.

S: You can find things of great value that other people have.

Like learning from them.

S: Like learning from them, right. Right. Learning from them. And gaining great value as a result of that. Or maybe one version of that is everyone else has what’s valuable, and therefore you must seek what everyone else has, aye, in order for you to have the value as well. And you laugh as I say this, but that is essentially one of the major road blocks to your prosperity, to your having abundance, because so very often the idea of treasure is wrapped up in “It’s something out there that I don’t have.” And yet the guiding principle within this Universe is, That which you have, you will be given more of. Look at your life right now and tell me why that can be very scary. And shall I presume that your laughter says you’re getting it?

Let me turn it into a more accurate understanding. That to which you give intensity, that which you own, that which you embrace, that which is yours, to which you give intensity, you’re going to manifest. That is to say, your beliefs about not having enough, not being enough, it’s not spiritual to have, it’s not spiritual to want, that you firmly own whether you wish you did or not, and that you fret about and work so hard to resist that all you’re really doing is giving attention and power to it, that’s what the Universe allows you to manifest. Tell a way that one works. Does not have to be related to money as you think of it.

I want to give an example, because I’ve been trying to teach this to my son Benjamin, who’s almost ten. He’s a very intense person and he has very intense beliefs that are intensely and loudly proclaimed.

S: Where do you think he got that from?

Surely you don’t think from me? Okay. Anyway, he’s scared of insects, and sometimes when he goes to sleep at night he’ll start going—you know I’m tucking him in—”I’m afraid. The insects are going to crawl all over me when I’m going to sleep.” And I say, “Oh no they’re not.” And then we’ve talked about … he just works himself up and works himself up, and then we go to bed and of course five minutes later he screams there’s a spider on the wall. I mean it’s amazing! So we talk about this, I said, you know the more you think of something, even though you don’t want it to be there, and especially with all that strength of your imagination, the more you think of it, it just acts like a magnet, it comes right to you.

S: Aye.

And so with your strong imagination, you could think of something happy and nice and then your fear would go away. And so he said the next morning, “Mommy, it works.” So he’s working on that right now.

S: Good for you. How many of you have found that principle work in your life. Might be you start thinking of somebody and all of a sudden they call you, or you see them somewhere. Or you think of something, perhaps you’ve gotten something very wonderful and precious and new, and you start seeing it everywhere around you, because your awareness of it has amplified your awareness of its energy. The amplification of that energy, therefore, allows it to come your way.

Now, quickly, tell me all of the things in this world that are made up of really negative energy. All right? Negative as in bad, nasty, terrible, evil, should not be on this planet. All right?

Energy is energy, and it’s our perception of it that … is that what you’re going for?

S: Bonnie wants to know if the bottom line here is that energy is energy, and whether it be good energy, or bad energy, it’s energy. And as it is energy, what that means is that it’s your perception of it that determines whether it is good or bad. Have you ever had anything in your life that started out bad and ended up good, or started out good and ended up bad, and it was the same thing. Maybe two different experiences of it. Have you ever had that happen? Can you think offhand of something that could be an example of that that you’d be willing to say, Well, how about this sort of example.

Well, when I worked at Eastern State I thought it was a really bad thing.

S: That’s good.

And just recently I’ve been able to look back on that experience and see all the things that I gained from and that it was a good thing.

S: All right. Maybe an experience that at the time you were experiencing it, you would say, this is not a good thing, and yet when you look back on the experience you see how it could be a good thing. How about something as absolutely mundane as water? Water is a very good thing when you’re very thirsty. It’s not a good thing when you’re already saturated.

Or in your basement.

S: When it’s flooding your basement. It’s not the water, it’s where it’s fitting in at the moment. Aye. Where it’s fitting in has to do with your perception of the need. And that also fits with the abundance ideas of money as well, doesn’t it? Do you remember a time when you thought that if you had a hundred dollars you’d be rich? And now the definition is a whole lot more than that. Maybe it’s a hundred and twelve. Point made.

Energy itself is simply that. It’s energy. Whether that energy is at a frequency that shows itself up as something solid, whether it be a frequency of a feeling that you are receiving, whether it be the energy of a common thought or a fear, that energy is not a good or a bad thing, but it holds a punch. Its own punch. [Punches fist into other palm] Like this punch. All right. That punch is the same either way, but when that punch is thought of as a good thing, you’re happy to receive it, and if you think of it as a bad thing, you’re not happy to receive it and then it hurts more.

Your beliefs about should have, could have, don’t have, won’t have, fear of not having, could have, etc. are a thought energy. And that thought energy draws like energy to it. Physics 101. So it is. That easy. So when you’re putting forth your great fear of poverty, what are you drawing? Fear and poverty, aren’t you? When you’re putting out how worried you are that you’re going to lose your job, what are you going to receive? Worry and losing your job. And because the Universe is not necessarily all that specific—so sorry about that one—it may not be that you’re losing your job per se, as what you do instead—and here is where it fits into your prosperity consciousness—you lose instead what your job is for you. Much to your dismay you may get to stay working out at the coal mines, whatever, for the next eighty years—that’s not what you lose. What you lose is the … and then you’ve got to fill in the blank there. The ability to sustain a consistent income that allows you to support yourself and those you love in the way that you desire, if that is what a job is to you. Now move that to money. I’m afraid I don’t have enough. So you get to have fear and not enough. And maybe it won’t be not enough dollars. Maybe it will be not enough—and here you fill in the blank—of what dollars represent to you. And this is a very important part of this statement, because when you lose your security insofar as what that object means to you—a glass of water means satisfaction when you have need, money means safety when you have need—then what it is you don’t have enough of is what it is that object means, bottom line to you. What does money mean to you? What is it it offers you that causes you to think of it as a treasure? Why is it precious? Why is it rare? What is it you think it fulfills that you do not have?

And then to turn that around to bring it into your life instead, you just turn the formula around in exactly the same way. Instead of worrying about what you don’t have, you begin expressing gratitude for what you do have. And when you are seeking it through that which is precious and that which is a treasure to you, then you begin fulfilling the principle of abundance in your life altogether and draw abundance to you.

Samiel, excuse me, it’s not that simple! Yes it is. It absolutely is. And that’s where I’m going tonight, because this is your month for thanksgiving. Right? And your understanding of the power of gratitude and the magic of giving is one of the most powerful keys to creating a wholeness of positive abundance in your life, prosperity, treasure, without being a pirate to have it.

So, as it is my wont, let’s do it again. Somebody, quickly, give me a line of what I’m teaching tonight. Give part of the message. Go ahead. Make that spiritual leap.

Like attracts like.

S: Like attracts like. A principle of energy. A principle of thought. What you are doing is going to be what multiplies around you that you do more of. What you are thinking is going to multiply around you. What you give is what you’re going to be able to receive. It opens a pathway. Like attracts like. I’ll go further with that a bit later. More.

I read this in a book many years ago, but it seems a propos, the key to the treasure is the treasure.

S: Why?

Well, what it said to me was that you are your own treasure, and you have the key to that treasure, and you have the key to unlock and manifest.

S: And in the most powerful essence, absolutely what you’re saying is very, very accurate, but “the key to the treasure is the treasure” also absolutely speaks that what you are seeking is what you are drawing to you. Look at your life, darlings. What is it you’re drawing to you? What does that say about what you are seeking? If you do not like what you have been drawing to you—physically, mentally, spiritually—look at what you’re seeking.

Quick side message here. What is it I’m doing when I put on thick socks, hiking boots, warm clothes, spikes, ropes, in a rucksack—backpack—and have done endurance and leg training for the last six months? What am I doing?

Mountain climbing.

S: Probably mountain climbing. Why would you think that?

The preparation.

The equipment.

S: Because what I have pulled together tends to work for mountain climbing. It could also work for swimming, but it would not be quite so convenient, would it? And your belief systems in this world tend to have you swimming dressed for climbing mountains, or climbing mountains in your bathing suits. Your beliefs about what matters to you, about what is worth the effort, about what you’re drawing to you. Your beliefs about what abundance is, what prosperity is, about what money is determine what you’re finding.

Well, I believe that in order to have abundance you’ve got to suffer, and you’ve got to work very, very hard. And so you have found in your life that you’re either working all of the time or you’re not abundant. Right? And when you find you’re working all the time, you find it doesn’t matter that you’re abundant, doesn’t it? Because you never have time to do anything with it.

Perhaps what you believe is that there’s not enough for everybody, and certainly not enough for you, and therefore it’s extremely important to not seek what you cannot have anyway. And you may not think that you believe that, but if you look at your life as a whole and you notice that you always cut yourself off before the full opportunity, because you’re afraid you might lose it if it’s going too well, if you’re one of those who cannot commit, not necessarily to the responsibility of keeping up a bank account, maybe it’s keeping up a relationship, it’s all essentially the same thing. That which is precious to you shows up in that which is precious to you. Be it family. Be it friendships. Be it work. Be it your bank account. Your treasure is your treasure, and what your treasure is, what you seek, is what you’re going to be finding and gaining more of. What is it you’re seeking? What is it you’re gaining?

Most individuals in this society have a belief, first, that money is what will make them happy, and as a result your life is on hold until you have a specific numerical amount that determines happiness. It’s treasure up to this point, and after that or before that it’s not treasure. When does it become treasure? When is it precious? When is it enough? The very proof that it’s not the bank account that establishes your abundance is that there is no one number that does it.

How many of you in your life—and all of you that could relate to when I said there was a time you thought a hundred dollars would do it—how many of you now can relate to what I’m saying about there is not a specific number, because it’s an important point I’m going to move with. It’s not a specific number, because there was a time you thought the number was five thousand dollars, and then maybe you thought it was ten thousand dollars, and now it’s fifty thousand dollars, it’s…. Or it’s the stuff. It’s not the money, it’s the stuff. It’s having the accouterments that shows you are rich. And even then, how many of you know those who have the bank account and who have the stuff, and you’re richer than they are without it?

It’s not the numbers that makes you prosperous; it’s the flow that does it. It’s how little you need it. That’s it. It’s not how much you have, it’s how little you need it that makes you abundantly prosperous, a part of the flow. All right, what do I mean by that? Those of you who liked that, got it. I saw the little explosion of light around your head, wrote it down—oh, that’s a good one!—what is that saying to you? [Pause] That clear was it?

If you’ve done enough to get it …

S: If you’ve done enough to get it. Oh! All right.

… to the point that the need is not there any more, you’ve created the flow.

S: When the need is not there, you’ve created the flow. In dollar amounts you might think of that as, you have so much of it that you don’t have to worry about it for whatever you need. That could be a version of it.

That perhaps your security is within yourself or your happiness is not dependent on the money or whatever, and so therefore the needing of it is … it’s not central to your welfare in life.

S: What determines your happiness is not based upon any particular thing, and as a result, whether the things are coming or going easily does not determine your welfare. That works. Roberta.

Well, also as you said earlier, your awareness of it allows it to come to you.

S: Good.

And so if your awareness of all of those things … it comes to you, but you’re not attached to any of it, so therefore what comes and passes in front of you has very little to do with your version of treasure.

S: Your attachment to it does not determine the necessity for it; therefore your lack of attachment keeps you from needing. I live this way, I live that way, it doesn’t matter, I’m living. What counts isn’t the outward factors. That works. David.

Just a little different aspect of what Roberta said: While you’re needing it you are focussed on the lack of it and so that’s what you’re manifesting.

S: When you are … very good … when you are needing something, when you need something it’s because you’re focussed on not having it. How does the Universe translate that?

You don’t need it.

S: Don’t have it then. All right. Don’t have it. Have it your way, don’t have it. You’re putting so much intensity into not having this, so all right, don’t have it. You’re drawing that energy of depletion, not enough.

But as long as there’s a sense of self, which is the past, as long as that is there and it comes from a center, you are never letting go.

S: Never letting go of …?

The past. Your beliefs. Changing over was the icing on the cake. Oh yes, I believe and I release …

S: Good.

But to the core, it never is.

S: Which goes back to what I was saying about the intensity through which your beliefs say, “Cannot have, do not have, should not have, not right to have.” They’re going to by far outweigh your putting out there “Oh yes, I do too want it. I should have it.” And that’s true. You cannot simply deny to have in order to change a belief, particularly one that has served you through your life either by assuring you, sure enough you are unworthy, if that’s what it is you’re wanting. Or that you are whole and wonderful and magnificent, if that’s what you’re wanting to keep it around for. Your belief can only be changed by one thing. What?


S: Replacing it. You cannot deny it. You cannot ignore it. You can only replace it, and that also falls into the abundance of thanksgiving. Giving thanks isn’t enough. That’s not what thanks is about. It is an understanding of gratitude. That is a totally different animal. Or fruit. Or story.

Let me explain what I mean. So in order to bring about a positive doorway to open up for yourself, in order to release the old patterns of dysfunctional non-abundance, you determine that your desire is to put forth positive expressions, recognition of everything that you have in order that you might open the door to more. Right? Being the bright, clever humans that you are, it’s very easy to make that very fast leap and say, All right, all I’ve got to do then is deny those thoughts. Ignore them, maybe they’ll go away. Replace them with a positive affirmation instead, because replacing it with a positive affirmation, if I say enough, that’s going to work. Right?

It takes a lot longer.

S: Aye, that’s scary, isn’t it? It’s scary because this room is saying right, wrong, maybe. Stuart.

It would be like faking it until you make it. You may say it now and you may not believe it, you may not feel within yourself that it’s true. But if you do it long enough, hopefully it will become part of your subconscious or there will be enough things reinforcing it. You’ll see it being reinforced by the people or by the situations in the world around you to where eventually you will get to the point where you actually, truly believe it. So you may have to fake it till you make it for a while.

S: Let me tell you something about faking it until you make it, all right. It does not work. It does not work when all it is is changing a pattern of words. It’s not enough if you do not have action that’s going with it. You may not be at that destination, but you’re purposefully, consciously working to get there. That’s very, very different than simply saying, “I am a marvelous being of love and light” and doing nothing to actually put that into your life.

[Microphone falls off] I am a marvelous being of love and light who cannot keep microphones […] [Microphone is pinned back on] Thank you, love. And did you like that?

I am not an angry person. I am not an angry person! [Shouting] I am not an angry person! I am not, not, not, angry! It does nothing. I am rich and filled with great abundance, and therefore because faking it until you make it surely does mean that you need to act like you have what it is you want to have, you should therefore go out and fill up your charger cards to have the lifestyle that shows that you are making it. Right. No. A belief is not changed by changing the words. The energy is not affected, because the energy of sound that is related to your language is meaningless without intent behind it. Intent is the first step. The impact from that intent comes when there is wisdom that comes with it. Wisdom is the result of knowledge, thought, belief, put to the test and made real in your life. Saying ultimately then that it is not simply your saying, “I now open the door to a full flow of riches, I see abundance everywhere in my life, thank you for the sunshine, thank you for the cloudy sky, thank you for that person that cut me off in the car, thank you for …” It’s not going to do it. It’s the gratitude.

If wisdom is knowledge tried, tried out, worked through—aye, something that you know you have worked out becomes wisdom—then gratitude is thanks known. Known. What is the difference between thanks and gratitude then? Your words. Stuart.

Gratitude might be seeing how it works in the bigger picture of your life. Like Kathy was saying earlier, her job that she had at the time, she didn’t see the gift in it. Now she’s seeing all the things she received from it, so she’s grateful that it was there.

S: Gratitude, then, involves more than simply seeing what was good about it so that you’re thankful for it. It’s also seeing how it smacked you on the side of the head when you weren’t looking, and you understand how that helped you. Gratitude is seeing a larger picture, because you’ve acted it out. You have known it. You are grateful for an effect. You are thankful for a thing. Do you understand that?

[…] physical because in this dimension things have to affect the physical. So gratitude might mean that you would build on that experience to show that you took it for what it was worth and did something more with it.

S: Gratitude as the deeper layer of a thing is what I’ll go with from that. And it’s gratitude that opens the door to abundance. Why? Again, take that spiritual leap here. If I just hand it over it won’t be the same. Aye.

To me gratitude gets my heart going. I love what I’ve got.

S: It’s a greater opening is a part of it. The heart is involved with it, perhaps. I can go there.

We’re back to the principle of like attracts like. You’re now vibrating with that thing you are grateful for.

S: Good.

You’re on the energy level, the vibration level, and that vibration is what attracts like vibrations.

S: You are vibrating with that which you are grateful for. You have reached it on a much keener level, and that is why it is so important that you be grateful for all of the things that have happened and are happening in your life, because it is the gratefulness that shows that the belief is changing. Your gratefulness for something that you might have looked at as a particularly negative experience is based … your understanding of it as a negative experience is based on a belief that involves that negativity. You cannot release the belief until it has allowed itself completion. Until the belief has worked through its initial energy. So the belief that I am not enough is going to keep you not having enough until you can complete that negative belief by recognizing its empowerment factor for you.

Now take it [further, it’s ] a hard one. Give me gratitude for the suffering in Bosnia, because it’s the same principle there. You cannot have the abundance of peace and love on the planet when your whole focus is on ending a negative situation. All you’re going to do is perpetuate the negative situation until, by the power of gratitude, you have resolved it, you have completed it. You have seen an empowerment factor through it. So tell me one.

Through a negative situation you see the gift of it that it has brought you and own it and actually change the energy into positive.

S: Absolutely. Absolutely that’s what you’re doing. Very much that’s what you’re doing. Turn that into Bosnia. You’re not there. You’re sitting in your fat little homes, warm and dry, they’re not. And please don’t tell me that’s what you’re grateful for, all right.

That even your awareness of that suffering. I mean truly to be grateful, the gratefulness could come from the ability to see and allow your heart to be open when you allow yourself to be touched by it.

S: All right. You recognize that that suffering has allowed your heart to be open, your heart to be touched. That could be a step. That could be something. Your recognition there.

Tell me the good of that war. Tell me why this planet is grateful for that horrible situation. Dan, tell me why you’re grateful there were earthquakes in your home town in Italy.

For the lessons they get to learn.

S: Such as? See, he comes all this way and I put him on the spot like that. Somebody. Give me one.

Opportunity to change.

A chance to not constantly live in fear.

S: Not showing fear. It’s not the only thing. Might show you compassion. Might show you unity. Might show you opportunities you’ve not seen before. Might show you a confirmation that recalibration is happening, constructs are falling—literally and figuratively. It’s an opportunity to rebuild in a different way, in a different mind-set. There are many ways you can do it, and for every one of you it’s going to be unique. But without that ability you cannot complete the negative energy. The pain and the suffering are terrible, but through the pain and suffering in your own life, you have found—if indeed you have, because if you have not, you will not be able to see it—through the pain and suffering in your own life, you have seen ways in which it has helped bring about growth. And so you can see, in a larger picture, that this suffering can be an opportunity with the Universe for growth, and therefore you put forth into the Universe, May there be growth that comes from this that appears to be a disaster. And then what gets to come into your life rather than “oh the pain, oh the suffering,” but growth, the ability to look on larger level. Because what you are comes out in what you think, what you think comes out in what you do, what you do changes your world. Therefore, faking it until you make it means you are doing in acts of completion that which leads you to making.

Thanksgiving is giving thanks—meaning gratitude, not simply thank you, thank you, thank you—it is expressions of gratitude as a means of affecting energy to an open flow rather than continuing energy that closes a flow.

Giving proves it. You cannot give what you do not have. Ask any tired mother how true that one is. You cannot give what you do not have, can you? I am going to give you a million dollars tomorrow, Heidi love, because I want you to have it. You don’t mind that it’s just going to be in construction scrip, do you? Oops!

You cannot give what you do not have, and all you do give is what you have. The value of what you give insofar as giving back to you things of value then means that what you do needs to be where your heart is, what matters to you. When you are filling your time with that which does not matter to you, you get to continue experiencing in your life no change, that which does not matter. Whereon immediately a third of this audience sighs, you see? My work does not matter to me. I don’t like it. I don’t enjoy it. I go there and I’m really tired of it, I’m ready for a change. I don’t want to be there. And so naturally what I’m saying of course is you’ve got to immediately go in tomorrow and just quit it, because that’s surely going to bring the abundance that you need, isn’t it? No. No. Because that shows you’ve not gotten it about what you’re doing. You’re not grateful for what it offers. You’re not able to be a part of the flow of it. There are things in your life—hear this, it’s one of those statements that smacks in the face major metaphysical teachings that are out there in the world today. I love it when I do that. Come here darling, let me just step on your toes for a minute here.

Bumper sticker material?

S: Not likely. You are responsible for what you’ve committed to. You committed to it because it gave you something you wanted at the time, maybe still. It may not be what you want to define your life by, but it only defines you if that’s the only person you are. There are things—here it comes—in this world—hear it now—that you have no control over.

Excuse me, Samiel, I can create my own reality. And you can. Stay in that closet will you? Because you can create your own reality in only one way. By your responses to the reality you’re in. And that is one of the biggest reasons you are out of the flow of abundance. It’s one of the biggest reasons you have so much lack in your life, why you don’t have enough, why you’re not a part of the evergiving flow of All That Is. Because you, beloved one, are a victim. Subject to the whims of those around you, and unable therefore to get out of all of these terrible situations that your bills and your commitments and responsibilities and your ego have gotten you into, making life a miserable thing and drawing to you further misery.

You can’t create your reality; you can create your reaction to it. And that’s all you can create. You are in charge of your reactions because you’re in a world of free will, and that means that the person you married has a say-so that’s as worthy as yours. It means that your boss or your landlord or your mother have their own ability to create their reality, and now and again it’s going to cross yours and get in your way, and if you have not learned how to find gratitude and be able to express it from your heart, that person’s reality is going to be a wall on yours, and it will stop that flow. Because for everything in your world that you allow to be determined by something outside of yourself, you stop the flow of abundance into your life.

Well, as soon as that thing happens I will have what I need and can do what I wish. As soon as I have this much money, as soon as, once, by the time, well, if only, if I had not, if this had not happened. For every one of those unresolved beliefs, incomplete beliefs, for every one of those you have a brick making up the wall that keeps the abundance from coming to you.

I was saying you cannot give what you do not have. When you’re happy, you exude it. When you have plenty of water, you’re feeling free to hand it out. When you have lots of shoes, you don’t worry so much when one pair is lost. That’s the theory. Right? When you are in a space in which everything that is around you is that for which you can be grateful because it adds to your life, your heart, your knowing, then what you have is the energy of multiplying abundance in your life. You give, which allows you to receive. You’ve heard that forever. Do you understand the principle? Because your giving it is saying that you have released the need to hoard it out of fear there is not going to be enough. Giving recklessly is no different than saying, “All right, I’m not afraid of insects any more.” It’s not going to do it. Replacing it by the gratitude, the understanding of the whole function, allowing yourself to move out of the you that cannot accept into this moment’s experience of it.

Three weeks ago the insect crawled upon him, so he is afraid it will do it again, but gratitude allows one to see the beauty of it not crawling on you now.

Thanksgiving is a principle of abundance, and I’m going to be discussing abundance more when next we’re together, essentially because this happens to be a time in your calendar in which you tend to get rather tense about funds. And it’s the season of giving at that.

“Samuel, I’m giving and giving and giving and having less and less and less.” Why are you giving? What is it you’re giving? Are you giving what it is you desire to be receiving, and what’s the purpose of it that you’re doing that? Well, I’m giving because it’s expected. All right. Then you get to have what? More expectations! Oh boy. I love it when that happens. Well, I’m giving because it’s the right thing to do. Oh good, more responsibility. I’m giving because I desire to show my absolute appreciation for this person. And sure enough, what do you get to have? Oh, that’s nice! Appreciation and love. Now let’s see, what is the symbology of appreciation and love? How do you express such a thing? Well, it’s obvious, Samiel, the more expensive it is, then the more appreciation there is. Whoops! Lost it altogether right there.

So I would like to suggest to you until we are together again an assignment, a means of practicing this preaching. The sermonettes for Christianettes. That is very obviously, first, practice gratitude. I’ve got to warn you, it’s not going to be easy. You’re used to being thankful, and I’m telling you that’s not enough. Start with just putting a little note by your bedside that reminds you before you go to bed to think of one thing, just one thing, that you can allow yourself to see the full circle of thanks into gratitude. In order to do that you might need to be thinking about that difference. As Kathy said earlier, she could look back and see something that once did not appear to be so good, how it was a very good thing. And you might need to practice some of that thinking in order to be able to prime yourself into gratitude. But to allow yourself full gratitude for one thing a day. Or if you can do more than one you can go to two, do that. Go to three, that’s even better. You might even reach the point before the next month is over that you can actually set one of those beepy watches into an hour and you can be grateful for something in that past hour. But to practice gratitude as a means of consciously opening abundance to you, creating an energy that draws energy of full flow. No barriers. Aye.

One way to practice that is every day to find something to laugh about. Humor is an expression of abundance. Your ability to laugh is directly tied into your feeling of personal wealth, as in well-being. When you are free and relaxed and can laugh—not at, with—when you see the humor, when you’re tickled at life, when you’re not dragged down by the energies of worry that you’ve been sucking to you like a black hole for the last forty-five years—you are the vacuum in the Universe—you’re able to laugh. And laughter builds, laughter frees. Laughter builds. So in order to express gratitude try seeking your humor, your laughter, finding your joy. Those two things that sound very simple are meant to fatten you up into the flow of All That Is.

And when we’re next together, I’m going to speak more specifically about the energy, and particularly exercises surrounding the money aspect. Particularly money. When you have it, it’s not enough. When you don’t have it, it’s what you want. I’ve already set you up that abundance is a lot more, treasure is a lot more, than the dollar amount, but when next together let’s talk dollars. And I’m going to talk to you about two things particularly, hopefully in a way that you’re not going to turn off and automatically think that you’ve already heard this, because I’m coming from a very different direction with it. I’m going to be talking to you about your relationships with your father, because that’s money to you, by the way, by the way. And I’m going to be talking to you about the abundant flow of pure Source energy through your father, for you to understand why you are so miserly and cannot give.

And as I close, I want to remind you of one final thing. I want you very much this night to remember that I started out talking to you about treasure, and there was a brief discussion about pirates seeking treasure, and that what they do is they seek that which another has because that’s where it is. The treasure is what someone else wants as well, and so many of you have done that in your own life. You’ve determined that what you want, what you have is not enough, what you want is what someone else has told you is worthy that you should be seeking. You’re not satisfied because you were told you should not be. And we spoke briefly that money, wealth, financial, bank accounts, abundance, is a symbol of something else that you’re seeking and that by finding what that something else is you can begin bringing into your life everything in that flow, including money, dollars.

Giving is a part of that, but in the very same way that giving does not mean give your dollars—all right, have you got the hat, Frank? It’s time to pass it—so is also the giving of your time, of your thoughts, of your creativity, of your love. That in fact giving of anything out of anything other than a generous spirit is not going to draw back to you abundance.

So give, dear ones. Give, give, give, give, give out of a generous spirit that which you know you have to give, that which you are willing to give. Give your smiles. Gives your gifts. Give your talents. Give your love. Give what your heart can do. Give, because that’s putting the feet on the gratitude, and it’s the completion of the gratitude, as the gratitude is the completion of the belief.

I’m setting you up to change your world. Are you brave enough to do it? I’m setting you up to take excuses away. Are you brave enough to face the world without them? If you believe you have nothing to give, you’ve spent your whole life proving it.

You’ve way too much to offer. Abundance is your birthright. You would not be here if you were not meant to have access to all that here can offer. The only thing that holds you from it is a wall of energy that’s doing its best to give you what you want. You created it. This is the time for thanksgiving. Don’t be a turkey.


I’d like to share something. Everything you’ve been talking about …

S: But very quickly.

Everything you’ve been talking about this evening, happened to me today. I was walking along the park where we’ve got the motor home, and I was thanking the Universe for letting me be here and be a part of this and see all the beauty and everything, and then I also said thank you for even the challenges and the other things that I didn’t particularly like, but I’ve learned and experienced here. So then on my way back I was walking … then of course I worry a lot, so I’m sitting here thinking—our financial situation. I’m like we wouldn’t work so much if we lived in a smaller house and stuff like that, and then something hit me up the side of the head that said don’t worry, the Universe will provide for me. So just then a truck was coming my way so I stepped off the road and I had to look down because it was muddy, and I walked real fast. I walked over a ten dollar bill. And then I stopped, and I realized what I just saw, backed up, picked it up, and then I picked it up and went on back to the motor home. And I said, “Thank you Universe, I really appreciate that,” because I was sitting here thinking I appreciate everything, even the good things and the bad things, and to me it was kind of like a real quick confirmation of Don’t worry, the Universe provides if I just let it.

S: And it’s a good beginning. A good beginning. First it’s ten, aye.

Glochanumora, my friends. Make it big. As big as your heart. Happy trails.