July 23, 2006
Samuel: Greetings, dears.
Greetings, Samuel.
S: So how are you?
S: Great! That’s a nice change. When did great start happening? Been going on? Great. All right, well, if great is so, make it show a bit more in your energy.
My responses have been great.
S: Your responses have been great.
Things have been happening, but I’ve not been reacting to them, so that’s what makes it great.
S: That is great. One of the few things in this world you have total choice over is your reactions, and to choose reactions that are appropriate to what you are, as opposed to appropriate to what you’re in the middle of, is the work of a master. And that’s important.
[Sees the dog, Oma] There’s my girl! Oma says, “Great? Well I’m going to check that out.”
I thought that, when I spoke with you tonight, one of the things that I would do is talk about a garden. But looking at the group, I’m not so certain that’s how I want to spend the time. Maybe I’ll do just a little bit of garden and then open up for some questions and answers. All right. So be thinking of one that I really can answer. All right? And that’s one, not one of those that goes, “I want to know . . . and then that makes me ask this . . . and as a result of that what about this, and then finally this piece,” and that’s not one. Think of one and I’ll get to it.
But first let me start with a garden. Where are you now in your year? You are in July. Summer time. July. That’s right. And July is very, very close to—there it is—a very important holiday.
S: Lughnassadh. Lughnassadh. Aye, nobody says that right. Aye, I probably say it incorrectly to the way it’s said here now, so nobody says that right.
And Lughnassadh is about what?
S: About harvest. Now, theoretically it’s about the first harvest, but [it] depends on where you live for that to be true, doesn’t it? There’s a lot of places in this side of the world that have been harvesting pretty much all along already. And just in some of those colder climes are you just now coming to a harvest.
So I want you to think for a moment, if you were going to create a garden—all right, you’re going to plant something—what would you plant? No, just think it. And now I want you to ask yourself, about what you would plant, why that choice? Now, other than those of you who seem to be quite adept at growing trouble—little seeds of malice thrown about here and there—what have some of you thought about planting?
S: Strawberries. Yes. Yes. Strawberries. Lovely. And?
I would plant sweet potatoes.
S: Sweet potatoes. Big, yellow-orange . . .
S: Yes, yes. Frank?
S: Flowers. You would plant flowers.
S: Pumpkins. Pumpkins. Pumpkins and sweet potatoes. Lakshmi.
S: Herbs, yes. Yes. [A] particular kind?
Things that I used to have in India that I can’t get here.
S: Well, and would they grow here?
Probably not. Not all of them. I would have to take them inside during winter, and things like that.
S: Maybe if you planted them in an exceedingly sandy soil they could come through. That’s a thought. And, anybody over here planting anything. Lillibeth?
S: Asparagus. And Gwendolyn.
Well we’ve put in quite a few things. Melons, and zucchini, and yellow squash, and tomatoes, and peppers. It’s been so hot it’s been difficult, but they seem to be really taking off now that we’ve had some cool and a lot of rain.
S: Taking off. You are bearing the results. Aye.
[ . . . ]
S: Now, why did you choose what you did?
I chose flowers because of the beauty.
S: The beauty. The beauty. Quickly, may I ask if any of these other plants look beautiful when they are being a part of the growing process? Surely their mother would think so, don’t you think? I’m not so certain about asparagus, though. I suppose it gets delicate fern-like, yes? Why does the form think it looks like sticks in a field?
Just spears come up.
S: The question was, Why have you planted what you’ve planted in your mind?
I was a little late getting started, and it got so hot quickly so I was trying to put in things that would survive this heat. And, you know, your cool plants—we’d try to [ . . . ] the lettuce as everybody knows. We’ve had times when we just harvest lettuce for several months, you know, but this was a difficult year for that sort of thing.
S: In what way?
Because of the heat hitting. We had a cool spring. I didn’t get help to get the garden turned over and weeded and so forth, so that had a later planting. By that time it was hot. We went from a cool spring to a super-hot summer.
S: Remember what she said. All right. Just remember that. Now, why did you choose what you chose? Suzie.
Well, not only are they beautiful—the plants—but they nourish me. I had a meal tonight from the stuff from my garden, and it just feels great to eat it. It just nourishes me a lot, and—a little bit different than Gwen—my experience has been this is the biggest garden I’ve ever had, because it’s been raining just about enough times, and it’s nice and warm to grow vegetables.
S: Well, she said that she did get a late start in it all, so that would make a difference. Yes. Jean.
I chose sweet potatoes because I was thinking back to when I was a child, and I would go out into the garden with an adult, and he would say, “Okay, let’s see if there’s something under this plant.” And it was just a thrill to get the trowel and, you know, dig in the dirt, and it was like a treasure hunt. Then all of a sudden there would be this big, wonderful sweet potato. It was fun. It’s what it was.
S: I like that. Lakshmi, and then Kathy.
As a child in India, I remember just eating so many of those herbs as just part of every day life, and looking back I can see how it was helping us just balance in so many different ways. It was not something you did out of the way. It was just part of life. And like if you have a small hint of a cold, you’ll just reach into that and take a couple of leaves and munch it away, and there the cold is gone. I just miss that.
S: Aye.
My grandfather used to be an incredible farmer, and he would always raise pumpkins, and he would grow these huge, gigantic ones. And I loved going to the farm, seeing the abundance of pumpkins everywhere, and they were so beautiful because they were bright orange, and it was real exciting to see the harvest of what he created.
S: So some things you plant because they have lovely memories for you. And some things you plant because you associate it with things that you want—good health, beauty, the opportunity to help something grow, and live, and appreciate the life of it.
If you were planted, what would you be? And the reason that I ask you that is because Lughnassadh is all about reaping what you have sown. And sometimes what you put into the earth is not exactly what you get up. Have you ever had that happen? You plant something and it’s not what the package looked like, or it’s not what the farmer said you would have from it. Or sometimes you go out into your garden and you have things that you know you did not plant, but the birds planted it for you. I said that delicately, didn’t I? Or the last years crop planted it for you.
And so that is, as well, with your life. Most of the time farming is simply about your doing what is needed to keep it living. And depending upon what you want from that plant, you might get fancy with it. You might give it extra fertilizer or change the composition of the ground that it’s in, or you might plant it near something else that will help work with it—all so that you can have the harvest, or the results that you’re looking for.
In your life you are not always that careful, not always that aware that what you are doing at this moment is going to come back as a harvest to you. That the ground you are digging up right now, without paying a whole lot of attention to it, might have a few rocks in it that you missed, and it causes the plant to have to grow around it.
Now you have grass that can come through concrete, don’t you, which is a really odd thing? But, still, you have grass that can grow through concrete. You have flowers that can show up in the middle of a boulder. You can see those same things in your own life when the rocks show up, but if the preparation is done well to begin with, you do not have to expend all of that energy shifting around the rock to grow through the concrete, to grow through the boulder. Indeed, it makes a stronger plant or not. Sometimes all of that energy is used just getting to the light that there really isn’t a whole lot left for any sort of vitality in that life.
You prepare the ground, and you prepare it according to what you choose to grow. Now, do you prepare differently, for instance, for flowers than you do pumpkins? In what way? Well, a for-instance might be that you would use a different sort of growing solution—not growing solution—fertilizer. You would want a certain kind of fertilizer to get the largest, prettiest blooms, whereas that same fertilizer on a pumpkin might cause the vines to wither somewhat, or not to have the blooms that are needed to end up creating pumpkins. So, yes, you do give it certain preparations differently depending upon what it is you are wanting to harvest.
So, of course I have to ask you, What have you done to prepare the soil in your life to harvest what you have going on right now? Because, you see, right now you are the flower of yesterday’s planting, and that yesterday is a lot of yesterdays. What does your life say now about the preparation that you did? What does your life say now about the worthiness of the harvest you have? Do you have one or two really good asparagus? Would that be asparagi? Do you have a few good pumpkins, and that’s about all that happened? Did you get four tomatoes and they cost you about sixty dollars apiece?
Look at your life right now. What have you been planting? Why did you choose it? What is its purpose in your life? What did you do to allow it to grow as it has been? And if you had before you the opportunity to plant it all again, what would you do differently? And that one, you see, is important because when you have the first harvest it means that you now are able to plant again. Or maybe you’re not planting again. Maybe what you’re doing is you are cutting back in order to stimulate the growth and get what’s already going, going again.
This is what you have in front of you. The opportunity to start again. So what do you need to do? What do you need to do to make that happen? Do you want to continue eating the fruit of your previous planting?
Now, that’s important for a reason, that interesting little homily. “We went to listen to Samuel tonight and he talked about gardening. Old farmer—can’t help it.” But you see you’re at a time in your life right now in which you really don’t have time to keep wasting on what isn’t working for you. Some of you have been harvesting bitter fruit. Some of you have been nurturing weeds. Some of you have not had the production you could have with different—what do you call it?—with different techniques, methods. I thought it probably wasn’t politically correct to say that you had been husbanding.
S: Spousing. Is that it? Spousing. Be afraid. They’re saying it at the same time now.
What do you want to have bloom into your life? What do you want to open the door of your heart to? Why do you choose what you have? What do you need to do to make it what is worthy of you?
Now, that was the sermonette. Who has a question? Kathy.
A while ago, you talked to us about having a personal relationship with our Dragon, and I would like to know how that personal relationship with the Dragon ties into the work of unity that is needed for Sacred Status.
S: All right, first let’s do a little bit of explaining to begin with. What the heck is a Dragon? Nobody knows! No wonder you have that question. Suzanne.
Well, there are a lot of different levels to it. A dragon is a—maybe mythical, we’re still not sure about that—creature who guards treasure, and is kind of a symbol for magic and mystery.
S: And prosperity.
Prosperity. Wisdom.
S: The keeping of accumulated power.
Good. And so you use the Dragon as a focus for the energy that we’re awakening in various countries, the work that we’re doing now. And I see it as making all that accumulated power and creative energy accessible to the people around the rivers, and where we’re awakening that.
So there’s the dragon of mythology, then there’s the Dragon as Samuel sees it.
S: Which might just be another mythology. That’s good. That’s very good.
You’ve often talked of Dragon energy being creation energy. So I often think of my Dragon as a representation of creation energy. So by creating a relationship with my Dragon, I’m trying to access that pure force—creation energy—that I can be, and as I do that it’s easier for me to see, if we are one, that the creation process is learning to see that in each situation.
S: Good. Very good. I want to ask you a question: Now, what might be today’s version of that? You have a single cup of oil. All right. A single cup, that’s all, just one cup of oil. It doesn’t matter what kind. And you dump it into a bowl of water, a big bowl of water. A kettle of water! What does the oil do?
It sits on the top.
S: It goes to the top. It covers the whole surface, doesn’t it? Well, what if instead of a large kettle, you put it into a lake? Just one cup of oil. It would ultimately affect the whole lake, wouldn’t it? What if that lake was a part of the water system for northern Kentucky? Does that mean that it would actually get into the water supply? Sooner or later. Imagine if that’s a tanker of oil that spills into the Gulf of, we’ll say, Mexico. Now that’s an awful lot of water there. And comparatively speaking, even with a whole tank of it, you’ve still got a lot more water. And yet, what happens?
Some’s on the surface.
S: All right, let’s change it now. Suppose you have chemical waste, and you dump that chemical waste into the local river. What happens?
The river becomes unusable.
S: The river becomes unusable. And it follows the course to the point that the river eventually makes it out into the ocean. Flowing through, flowing through, flowing through, and in the meantime going through innumerable communities.
And my point with all of that is that when you do something to the water system, you have a profound effect. Anything that is done through the water has a very big reach, and with that very big reach a lot of damage can be done.
Go back in time, in your imagination I suppose. Where do communities tend to arise? Around water. Around rivers. Around supplies of water. All right, now, put on your airy-fairy hat here. Got it on? Some of you never took it off to begin with. Put your airy-fairy hat on and translate this in whatever way seems to work best to you, but I’m just going to just give it the same old way I have been. So into this world there came a time in which what was desired was to bring into the world awareness, change, an evolution—if you will—of humanity as it has been into that which it can be. And with that charge to this world came those whose job was simply to seed into the world—farmers, you see, farmers; that’s why I always tell you I’m a farmer—seed into the world that which would be needed to help humanity move to the next level, the next layer, and that was done by seeding the major waterways of your planet. And it was done—change that; let’s move backwards—it was done to the major waterways of your planet, and every one of those waterways now—interestingly enough—has Dragons in its history. So you pretty much can look for Dragon mythology and find the river that it goes with, because that is so across the planet.
Now, you have therefore a great keeper of special energy, knowledge. Well, that really doesn’t matter. It’s not the point we’re going at anyway. But each of these waterways holds a part of a greater whole.
Frank, they’re not cold enough in here. Aye, well the Form can only drip so much you see. All right, if you would think really cool thoughts. Poor D.C. It’s the first time she’s not been sitting here in the hat and mittens.
Into this world as a whole there is the treasure of what will make the next leap happen. And that treasure—I call it a seed—was covered over in just such a way so that when the proper time came it would blossom. The world would have its harvest.
Well, you know, you have seeds in your world that might drop in the ground and hang around for twenty years or so before the exact right conditions come about that call it to burst forth and live. Well, what does it for these seeds is a particular frequency being met. And with that frequency being met, the release of the force that the ancients called “Dragon force” is brought into the world.
Now, I have suggested to you that you come to know your own Dragon. Now, one of the ways that I make use of that illustration is simply for you to think about what you treasure the most in the world? What do you treasure about you? What is it about your life, your being, about your community, about your friends, what is it about your life that you treasure? And if the answer is “Well, there’s not anything out here that I treasure,” you need to meet your Dragon, and maybe your Dragon will tell you what it is you treasure.
If what you say is, “Well, what it is that I treasure is . . . ” and here is your list, whatever it happens to be, in one way or another ultimately that answer will be “What I treasure is life, the opportunity to be here, doing what I am, running around and entertaining the world,” which is a pretty good thing to be doing. When you know what it is you treasure, I still would say to you, “You should get to know your Dragon.” And now Kathy has said “Great. How do you do that?” And now I’ll answer your question. Well, that was pretty good, wasn’t it? Getting all that good stuff.
The first thing that you’ve got to do in order to meet your Dragon is to take off your adult, human head and put it aside. And in its place put on that head of you when you were full of imagination and play, and maybe yesterday’s head, or maybe it’s the head from when you were four, and it cut off about then, and you’ve not been playful ever since. And that’s true for some of you, unfortunately.
And then I want you to think about Dragons. Now for some of you that might involve doing an Internet research on Dragons, and you start accumulating all kinds of words about Dragons, and you get a real sense of, Here is Dragons throughout history. And I know that you’re laughing because you did that. Or, for another, it might be when you were a child you watched Dragon cartoons, or you read comic books about Dragons. Comic books? Comic books. They are now called . . . ?
Graphic novels.
S: Graphic novels, which is a lot different than a “graphic novel.” Or Puff. You know Puff, not Poof. Puff.
The Magic Dragon.
S: Puff the Magic Dragon. You are singing to me. [Audience starts singing “Puff the Magic Dragon.”]
S: It’s a lot better than Rudolph [the Red-nosed Reindeer.] A lot better. Puff the Dragon lived by the sea—well, of course. And so you just think about what comes up in the idea of Dragon.
Now, here is where you’re going to get creative. You’re going to just in your head think, I would like to meet my Dragon. Now, if that isn’t something that works for you—you don’t know until you’ve tried it though, so don’t automatically say, I’ve done that kind of thing before and it’s not going to work. Because I would like to assure you that your Dragon wants to meet you. It’s looking for an excuse, so just try it. “I would like to meet my Dragon.” And into your thoughts is going to come a Dragon. Really. Now, depending upon how creative you are, or—maybe creative isn’t the word—how adept you are, you might see it just as if you were looking at a film of Dragons. Or you might take a pencil and start sketching, and before you know it, you’ve sort of drawn a picture of—hello—your Dragon. Or maybe it takes a day or two, but pretty soon you have a sense, a picture, in your brain of Dragon. Or maybe you dream it. By the way, how many of you have dreamed of your Dragon? Several. Several.
Once you have an image, it gets difficult, and it gets difficult because you start interfering. Now, I want you to think for a moment, if your Dragon wanted to say something to you, it would have to use your brain, wouldn’t it? There are difficulties with that, believe me. And as a result of that your Dragon says, “Hi there, I’m Puff.” And your brain pops in just on the other side of that and says, “Puff! All right, this just isn’t working at all. That’s the song.” Or the Dragon pops in red, scaly, winged, fire and it sort of startles you, and you think, “I don’t want a Dragon like that. Never mind.” Or, “That’s the Dragon I saw in this movie,” and your brain starts cutting away from that Dragon. That’s always a good sign that you forgot and put your adult head back on. Put that creative head back.
The Dragon shows itself to you, and you just accept it. That’s all. Just accept it. Don’t let the way that you’re seeing it get in the way, and try talking to it. Don’t let the way you’re hearing it get in the way. I’m going to say that one again. Don’t let the way you are hearing it get in the way. It’s using your brain. It’s going to sound like you’re talking to yourself. If you simply don’t listen to it the way you don’t listen to yourself, you’re not ever going to learn the voice of your Dragon. Ask a question. Try not to ask things like “What do you look like? What’s your name? How old are you? What are you doing next Thursday?”
[ . . . ] that the Dragon comes to you unbidden. Now what do I mean by that? You didn’t say, “All right, I’ve done all of that stuff. I’m remembering Dragon again. Sing a couple of verses of Puff, and here you are. All right. I’ve been waiting on you.” No, none of that. You’re just minding your own business. You look up in the sky, and there is the most obvious Dragon cloud you’ve ever looked at. You’re wandering through the grocery store, and clear as can be your mind just zooms right back to Dragon. “Hello, what was that for?” Unbidden it comes. Carefully, you listen. And you don’t ask it “What is your zodiac sign? What shoe size do you wear? What do you eat for breakfast?” You ask, “What do you need me to know?” Because, you see, the Dragon represents a part of you. Little did you know when they called you the Dragon lady that’s what they meant. It represents a part of you that is a part of something much, much greater, in this small spit of human time—it’s quite a crowd up here, isn’t it? Allow yourself to respect the process when the Dragon comes unbidden. Listen. Ask what is needed. Listen.
Now, I would never suggest that the Dragon says to you, “What you need right now is to go to aisle four and pick up a cake.” “All right, my Dragon told me to do this! I’ve been trying to let go of sugar, but I obviously have a sweet Dragon here!” You only wish you had that one, don’t you? “The Dragon made me do it.”
You listen to what it says, and then you put it aside, and you keep living your life, because what you’re doing is you are allowing that information to settle into you. Let your brain translate it into something that your human self knows what to do with, because that’s the way the activation of Dragon force opens into the world around the river that it has been keeping. The proper frequency opens the door and the energy flows, sort of like the oil on the water, covering the whole stream or river, all the way to the ocean. And each piece of Dragon seed holds a fraction of the greater whole. The keeper of the seed is the greater Dragon, and it is the Dragon of that spirit that is yours and greater than you, of that part of you that said yes to being here, that knows that you have work to do to help this place. You see, the Earth is the treasure. Not the planet, although the planet is quite remarkable, the whole of Earth.
So if, for instance, you were one of those specifically choosing to go and do some Dragon work, one of the things that you might do to prepare yourself best for it is not so much getting a better relationship going with your Dragon, but getting a better relationship going with what your Dragon is here to do. The Dragon of Brazil is guarding the waterways of Brazil. Your Dragon is here to meet that Dragon. That which you do of and for the Earth, for all of life force on the Earth, adds to the more soon completion of the whole Dragon Force coming about.
Now that was a really long and varied answer for something that really was a pretty simple question. I could have just said something like, “Introduce yourself and start talking. Accept it, and let it be there.” So take all of that in there, too. But I want you to see that this time of planting, and gardening, and harvesting is actually a part of a cycle so much greater, and that what you are doing is that you are taking part in a treasure.
How about another? A quick one. A question that is.
What might be the hoped-for results of the mission in Brazil as far as humanity is concerned?
S: With every activation, the memory of the world grows longer. That said a whole lot right there. With every activation, more and more [of your] excuses stop working. With every activation, chaos is created in the area all around that particular river system, which may sound like maybe not such a good thing, and perhaps we should stop going around and activating these Dragons because it’s creating chaos in the world. No, chaos is creative energy, creation energy. With every activation, Ellic force, the Avataric function line and Guardians are forced into another step in their continuing awareness of their connection as a part of the whole.
In Brazil, which is a roaring, ready, powerful beast that holds all of the southern continent in its grasp—southern America in its grasp—you are going to see massive change, not only in Brazil, but throughout South America. You are going to see change that has to do with awakening, growing, consciousness, awareness, chaos that needs direction.
Now, very quickly I’ll stick in with that: So remember that as Guardians it would help your planet a whole lot if you started sending energy that the best use—most positive function—come through, because wading through chaos seems to be dangerous in your world right now. Chaos is creation energy. What can be created? Well, I guess you’ll see.
You are a farmer in so many ways. You farm your life; you farm this world; you farm even the next one. How does your garden grow? What are you doing as you are reaping what you have sown on a physical level? And on a spiritual level, while Dragon-force activation is creating an opportunity for the world as a whole to reap what was sown worlds away.
You know that this is a remarkable time in your world, and you know that not only because you see chaos, but because you also see positive change. And I want to remind you as I go that you see what you are. So if you are not seeing positive change, take a look at what you planted. It’s a remarkable time to be alive. It’s a remarkable time to be here.
First harvest. Right. These words tonight were very important. Don’t miss the nuances.
Glochanumora. Thank you for your time.
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