October 5, 2014

Samuel: Greetings, dears.

Hello, Samuel.

S: All right, how are you?


S: I decided I was here now so I could probably say something. Has it been good? How would it be better?

If George Clooney wouldn’t have gotten married.

S: What would make it better? A real answer this time.

Having my hip not to be a problem.

S: Get tired of dragging it around with you? On the other hand, if it was a choice of which of the problems you’re going to deal with, the hip, the breast . . . The hip?

As far as I know the breast is okay.

S: It is. It is. So you’ve got one down, one to go.


Things are going really well, but I would love to have at all times a balanced perspective. To be able to see in a balanced way, and have it right off the bat, instead of sometimes, working hard to get at that perspective.

S: Well said. This side of the room is awake.

I’d like to have more money, more income. And just because I know money doesn’t buy you happiness but it does buy you opportunities, and it would be nice to have a greater income than what I currently have—which is very small.

S: I was going to say, that wouldn’t be hard right now.

That would make it a little bit better.

S: All right. All right.

Generally I see myself going to bed with a smile, literally, going to bed with a smile, the waking up thinking, “Oh, this is good,” and setting my intent for the day. For those times when I’m off, it’s really off. And I wish I had more laughter, and take things less seriously, and just have fun living this life rather than struggling with it.

S: Nice. Very Nice. Anybody else relate to that one? Anybody else relate to the hip? A few What about balance, wanting balance? A few more. What else?

Maybe a little more focus. Stuff could fall through the cracks real easily, you know, if I didn’t . . . it couldn’t but it . . . focus just seems to be a little tenuous.

S: Focus. Focus. More. This really is going somewhere.

I really have trouble identifying with the Source qualities of the aspects, and I have a hard time keeping them in my head. I think that’s a real challenge for me. Especially identifying with them [. . .]

S: Is this a self-esteem issue or a memory issue?

I think it’s self-esteem, or could be.

S: So, remember that, all right?

I think for me personally it would be easier if my body stabilized what it can and cannot tolerate as far as food goes. It seems to change all the time, and something that was safe last week is not safe now.

S: Does it go the other way, something that was not safe now is?

I haven’t  . . . Maybe. I don’t know. It would be interesting to [. . .]. Probably not.

S: You’ll all end up eating two things every day for the rest of your life. It will be different for all of you. A carrot and a Builder Bar, right? [Laughter]

I have recently had a disappointment and I would like to be able to handle it in the best possible way.

S: Nice, for those who are watching this as a streaming, you just as well need to be thinking in your own mind, “Things are good; what would make it better? Things are not good; what would make it better?” That’s the question: “What would make it better?” And right now at this point, it’s been sort of divided between the mental and physical, for the most part, and because spiritual is the best of your mental and your physical, we can throw that one in too. Anyone else?

I would like to feel more consistency in several areas of my life.

S: Consistency. Consistency.

I think that if I could remember to be aware of my connection with Source and be in the hamster ball of love . . . When I remember that connection, I feel better. I do better. Even if I’m physically and emotionally not feeling well, if I remember that hamster ball of love, I feel better.

To simplify, get rid of things.

S: Um-hmm . . .

I think it would be better if I would take more action steps, follow through on things that come to me sooner rather than later.

S: Is that based on overwhelm, procrastination, or something else?

Probably mostly overwhelm, a pinch of procrastination.

S: So, maybe we need to reframe that one as prioritizing. Maybe. Your decision.


Perseverance. I seem to lack perseverance in learning the lessons that I’m learning and that have been here for me to learn for many years.

S: I’m not sure that I would necessarily agree with perseverance. I think it’s patience—needing the patience to deal with it more than perseverance. But again, you think it through and if that fits, go with that one in a few minutes. But look at it as patience.

I need to get with it.

S: I like that.

And we’re good?

I’d like to have more boundaries with those I deal with and knowing my worth.

S: Nice, nice. Going . . .

I’d like to have more ways to use my talents and gifts into the world. I feel very limited right now. I’d like to have more options.

S: So when we do this, think about feeling limited, and sort of imagine a blooming flower that opens up, spreads out.

I have a large project and I am having a difficult time working with it smoothly. I have always felt I can just go in, go to work. But now my physical self is changing that whole thing, and I get very frustrated because I know what to do but I’m really not up to working the long hours. I haven’t got a clue how to make this get more in step, to smoothly move. If I could get to a completion . . .

S: Turn the clock back a few years.

That would do it. It’s about getting back in the rhythm of how I used to do this kind of work. I take time out to get physically acclimated, and when I do that and go back to work, I don’t get much for that. Seems like . . .

S: Like maybe the adaptation process, adapting to where you are at the time, isn’t necessarily doing its job. More ability to adapt to where you are, what you can do, getting it done.

I’m not aware of being resistant to adapting.

S: I agree.

But I guess I need to plan it a little bit better. I let things pop up around me that changes the whole deal.

S: Are you related to any of those things? [Laughter]

I might be.

I’d like to be able to release the things I feel guilty about.

I’d like to be able to ask for and accept help.

S: Big one.

[. . .] experience joy for a little longer periods of time in my daily life, [. . .] of course giving thanks for that, and not sabotage with feelings of worry, what-ifs, that there’s not going to be enough time, there’s not going to be enough money, there’s not going to be enough “me” to go around, when actually I’m still just in this one day. I know in my mind that doesn’t matter. I can change my thoughts back to the joy—living the gratitude—but it doesn’t take very long for that self-sabotage moment to ruin it for me, when it’s all so beautiful.

S: Knowing a thing is ninety-five percent of curing it. And you know it. You’re on to you. Very wise.

So when we do this, let’s work on expanding and holding that joy. Now, just quickly remember that as far as I am concerned, joy is different than happiness. Happy is a choice. Joy comes from the spirit working through the heart. Joy comes from loving and giving that love. And you’re absolutely right, it’s not right off the horse when fear, not remaining in the moment, sticks its ugly little head up.

Anymore? All right.

I want that input because when you or somebody else looks at this a little later down the road, the sort of things that you have come up with will trigger within yourself or within somebody else who’s looking at this, “Ooh, I can relate to that one,” and the next day, looking at it again, “Ooh, now I can relate to that one.” By your expressing what’s going on with you, you’re actually helping yourself and others have a sense of, “All right, this is what I’m looking at. These are the kinds . . . Ah, that one connects.” So I’m wanting to get as many of those thoughts as possible. Now I think it’s time to tell you why and where I’m going with that.

Tonight am doing something quite different than usual. What I’m going to do tonight is a healing visualization. But before I get to it, I want to explain a bit about why. The first part of it is, anything taking you away from your best self is something that needs healing, because if it can take you from your best self it is a physical or a mental or a spiritual illness. Temporary, long-term, does not matter. It needs healing. And that includes things as “I would like to have a job that pays me enough to live comfortably,” just as much as it does “I need my hip to work.”

Life gets in the way of your best intentions. And that’s to say your life needs healing. Healing, however, is about regeneration. On a physical level, that might be regenerating the skin cells to heal that abrasion. It might be regenerating the liver that’s had some very hard living put upon it. Healing is about regeneration on the mental and the spiritual level as well.

Regeneration. Think about that for a few moments. Now when you think of regeneration, a lot of time you think it’s if your finger gets cut off and like that salamander or chameleon or lizard, the tail is gone and, poof, it comes back. The finger is gone and poof, there it is, it’s back. Right? It regenerated; it’s back.

Well, think about that. What are you regenerating? Now, when you think about what it is that you are wanting to put healing to, think about what is it that needs to be regenerated. What needs to be brought back to life within me? Is it bone cells? Is it lung capacity? Is it . . . ? What needs to be regenerated? Is it beliefs based on a time when you were truly happy, in balance, feeling physically, mentally, and spiritually right? A time perhaps when you were freely giving and receiving love? Remember that giving love fulfills the joy of you, but receiving it in balance fulfills the human of you. The spirit needs to give it, the human needs to know that you are receiving it. You need to know you are loved as much as you need to give that love out.

Remind me what is the opposite of love is.


S: Fear. Fear. Now, I’m about to make a really big statement here. Big, as in “Uh-oh, hold your horses!” Why that isn’t hold your dogs, or herd the cats? Hold onto your hat? That one’s not going to work for anyone in here. But no different than “Hold your horses.” There aren’t too many in here who can do that.

Physically speaking you can relate to parts of your body that need regeneration. Spiritually speaking you can relate to love and you have a sense of giving and receiving, and that balance. Mentally speaking, it all relates to fear. So for those issues that have to do with something to do with something going on up here [head], what you want to heal is the fear that is sitting behind it; be it a self-esteem issue . . . What’s the fear? And to heal it, to regenerate it, well, of course you don’t want to multiply those fears, do you? Of course not. You want to look at when you did not have that fear. Now some of you may not be able to remember that far back, because it’s been that long. Truly. Sometimes depending upon the fear, you cannot remember that far back. Abandonment is one of those that starts so early.

Healing the fear. Regenerating a new way of seeing and then being.

There are many ways to do a healing visualization, but what I’m going to share with you tonight is a very simple regeneration visualization. And that’s why it’s important for you to know what it is that would make things better, and what is needed to regenerate whatever is behind the need. Do you see where I am with that? Now sometimes in a visualization, I ask you to get yourself all comfortable and relaxed and close your eyes, and half the room falls asleep. I want you to be comfortable, but I also want you to be able to hear and actively participate.

Now, somebody in Pittsburgh gave me a new name, but I always go back to the one everybody never fails to know: Tom Cruise. Now I’m asking you to know what Tom Cruise looks like, and either you have a picture in your head or you have a description in your memory. It’s only a matter of the way you perceive that determines how you visualize. And where I’m going with this is just that it doesn’t matter if you don’t see a movie going across your closed eyelids. All you’re working to do here is alert the mind what you’re thinking about. That’s all it takes. So if, when I say, “What does Tom Cruise look like?” your memory, with no picture at all says, “Well, he’s got brown hair, and is about this tall and this wide, and has these features.” It’s perfectly fine if your on-going voice in your head is telling you, “Brown hair, and this height, and this build . . .” It doesn’t matter. Your brain is doing the play-by play, but it’s your spirit that makes the connections and here’s why that is the case.

If you’ve been to the last few Lifescapes, you know I’ve been talking about the Source Field—the energy plane, if you want to think of it that way—in which your thoughts trigger an attraction mechanism that slowly builds from other life energy to bring into manifestation what your mind is giving attention to. That should scare some of you. If you’ve been wondering what’s been going on in your life, look at what you’ve been putting into and out of your head. Too many horror movies maybe make your life horrible; it can happen. It’s about that attraction that builds. Now that’s true for your hip. As you are putting out there that you want to draw a pain-free hip, a digestive system that works the way it should, and you start thinking about the system itself. All right, the hip is a socket, its bones, its attachments, its cells within the bone, its cells within the muscles. As you start thinking, and that automatic process of drawing like starts up, you start getting even more. You’ve had this happen, yes? You’re thinking about, “All right, I don’t know too much about hips and tendons, but before you know it, you’re recognizing all kinds of pieces that you did not know were up there as it pulls out more and draws to you more. As you think about things that could be behind a fear—same thing. You’re thinking about it, it draws more to you, more things come into play, more thoughts, beliefs you thought were gone, long gone, come to remind you. Experiences that might be behind it come to remind you. It’s not some magical thing. It’s the signal that you’re connected into the Source Field. It’s that simple.

Now, as you think about regenerating, you might want to go piece by piece, cell by cell, but I tell you, that really will take a long time. That’s all right. It can be very, very helpful for you to spend five or ten minutes every day simply regenerating that digestive system cell by cell, not because that’s what’s required to fix it, but because it’s good for you to have that down time. Something that might be a little more effective thought is as long as you’re going to be working in that energy field, why not draw to you the complete, whole, bottom line of what you’re after? Bring that to you right off the bat. And let it change whatever is needed to bring about that state of wellness, of wholeness, that you’re needing. And that works just as much for letting go of too much stuff in your life as it does letting go of pain and sorrow and guilt and anger in your life, as it is for letting go of illness, and even day-to-day difficulties.

You’d have to shoot her.

S: You’d have to shoot her; well, there is that.

Generally speaking, when I do a healing meditation, the first thing that I do is have you work on healing yourself. And that’s what we’re doing tonight. But the reason for that is because it’s only then that you’re going to be effective in putting healing out into the world, which is what I want you to do. So this is win-win. Right? You function in wholeness means the energy you’re putting out is going to be whole, and the world benefits. I always try to tell you what my agenda is. I was going to say “my hidden motives.” What my agenda is—same one, always. The better you are, the happier, the more joyful, whole, fulfilled, complete, this world benefits.

So when life puts a hole in the road in front of you, as it does, you know what to do to get around it. And life doesn’t have to be what gets you down.

Some of you need to seek healing wholeness on a broad, general past and future that you might better function in your now. All right, all of you do. You don’t heal the past, you release it. You don’t heal the future. You heal your present moment. But that requires letting go of that past and that future so that you can be in that now. Your fears come from the past; your worries come from the future. And you have let go, you have released when they’re not running you, but you’re onto them. That’s all letting go means, that’s all release is about; reaching that point they’re no longer running you. “Oh, what about, what about, what about . . . ?” put aside.

Now, if you have a happy place, go there. If you don’t it doesn’t matter. But if you have a happy place, go ahead and go there. Ultimately what that means, is find yourself a place where you are relaxed enough that you can breathe easily, not be uncomfortable so that, “Oh, those darn pants need to get shifted,” or . . . just comfortable.

I want you to think about a time in your life in which you felt loved, really loved. Now, that might be years ago, it might be right now at this moment, but try to put it in a particular experience in which you, as if you are a watcher, can look at it and say, “Yes, I felt very loved then.” And if you can, put on those thoughts. Let your senses remember what it felt like. Now, if you are thinking about a time you were truly loved, you probably have a little smile on your face, and if you don’t, you might look to another time. And I’m looking across a room in which there are a lot of Mona Lisa smiles going on here, but there are a few that haven’t gotten there yet. So think about a time in which you felt fully loved. Don’t let yourself get into, “But that was then . . .” or anything like that. Be in that place. That is your happy place.

Now I want you to shift that to a time in which you were giving love. You felt so much love for this person or creature or experience, you were giving it fully. From a place of love you are recognizing a time in which you were freely giving love—no strings, no conditions, just love. That may be a memory of earlier today, it may be a memory of earlier in this life. But you are giving love.

What you’ve just done is you have primed your Source connection. Love is a function of Source in this world, so your recognizing a time in which you felt very loved and a time in which you freely gave love is you functioning in your Source self. You are making that connection—priming the Source pump.

Now, from that place I want you to imagine a light, perhaps a candle glowing, maybe a campfire, but a flame, a light. And I want you to imagine that you are pouring into that flame everything that takes you from this place of Source love, those things that need healing. Why is it you need balance? Pour your answer into that flame. Why is it? What’s worrying you? What is holding you up? Pour that into the flame. The worries, the fears. Pour them into that flame and see that flame taking it and changing that fear, absorbed into the flame, burned up and sent out.

Now, here comes the scary part. I also want you to put into that flame those thing that are working just fine, that aren’t a problem, those places in which you do have joy, and happiness, and completion, and good health, and easy eating, and a great job. And put that, those things, into the flame as well. What you’re doing with this is you are releasing all of the little holds the world has on you, because what you see as a need in your life is a place that the world has a hold on you. Let it go, put it all in there until you are only one thing: a function of Source love, a being of love, only love. Let your mind go back to that earlier time of receiving love, of giving love, be nothing but that love. And with that love, I want you to imagine that you are casting that love out across the universe, through the solar system, the galaxy, the universe, and one more time, the universes. Send it out until in your mind, in your heart, you see there in the distance a place that you seem to be drawn to, a place that calls to you. Maybe it is a light, maybe it’s a sound, maybe it’s nothing but simply that thought, “This is where I’m going. This is where those thoughts are going.” And let the love that you are find that energy connection. Like attracts light. Let love find love. The moment you have that connection, I want you to see it attract more and more energy of Source love to it, going from a tiny spark and building and building and building a manifestation of Source love.

Now, you’re sitting in a room right here in which you are surrounded by people doing the same thing, and so that manifestation should be happening as your mind is letting you see it, go pretty quickly because there is so much love going on in here; so much to find attraction with, so much to draw into itself. Don’t put anything but love out there. “All I’m doing right now is putting forth pure Source love.” Or maybe for you it is a visual. You see pink hearts flowing out into the universe.

Once your mind allows you to say, “There’s something building here,” when you have that sense that something has started, I want you to think, “Regenerate.” Put an Intent onto that object, that manifestation in process, and that Intent is regenerate. Regenerate is going to speed up that process, that creation. “Regenerate me.” Take it the next step because you have put out there already what it is within yourself that needs regeneration so claim, it. “Regenerate me.”

Take it another step. “I claim regeneration.” And when you claim the creation, the energy starts coming back to you. So see, call it, claim it. “I claim regeneration,” and see that energy creating a circuit. What you are putting out, the creation itself and that energy coming back to you. You have three points there: what you put out; where it went; and it coming back. “I claim regeneration for my physical self. I claim regeneration for my mental/emotional self. I claim regeneration for the spirit I am functioning in the world. I claim regeneration for my physical self. I claim regeneration for my mental/emotional self, I claim regeneration of the sprit I am in this world.”

Let that energy flow out, come back , flow out, attract more, create, send back, flow out, create more, send back . . . “I claim healing wholeness.” “I claim healing wholeness.” Here it comes. “For the past, which I forgive; for the future, which I release. Healing wholeness now.”

Now, let that cycle . . . give it a few moments to just work through you. You may be finding, and hopefully you are going to do this on your own when you can really give it time, you can really think it through. But give it a few moment to tell you what you need. It maybe something you need to do; it’s more likely something you need to know. “I claim healing wholeness.”

What you’ve done here is created a living thing, an active function of energy. You have tuned it to yourself at your best. You have shaped it with what you feel you need, and you have energized it into life by attraction of energy.

Now tell it, “This process will continue until the manifestation is complete.” This process—sending out the love, drawing like to create a manifestation that has been intended for healing wholeness, and that energy coming back to you—that process will continue until the manifestation is complete. Think of that as the gecko.  “It’s true, it’s true, it’s true.”

Now, one last thing. Now, forget about it, let it go. Don’t think about it. Let it go. If you wake up tomorrow and you find, “Not quite there yet,” or maybe ten minutes from now, remember that it’s still active, it’s still manifesting. Your job is to keep going back to seeing that manifestation process in action. It doesn’t mean that your days are all of a sudden going to become perfect, and poof! you’re bloomed into full answer of what’s needed to change everything in your life to that full healing wholeness, although, that does happen. More likely, your day tomorrow will go on like they usually do, and you’ll see a pothole and sometimes you’ll step in it and sometimes you won’t, but you’re going to constantly remember: healing wholeness is a process and it is in process. It’s going to be on your mind. You’re going to recognize that when this manifestation is complete, it’s because you have what you were seeking. And if you don’t have what you were seeking, it’s still working.

Now, the universe shifts in that Source Field when you are creating like this. And that means that coincidences are going to start coming up related to what you are manifesting. Somebody drops you an email with “Of course, great hip information.” Or you just get the sense that you should put in an application here. Or you suddenly feel very motivated to do something about this issue that you’ve not been very motivated to do something about at all. Now, you know that I say there are no coincidences at all. It’s all a part of that healing going on into that place of wholeness.

Tonight you focused on one thing that would make things better. But you could do this every day for the rest of your life on something else and set it up that it’s going to continue until the manifestation is whole, and release it and let it go. I have never set you up with a healing manifestation right out of the Source Field. You are a good audience for it. Give it a try. Let it bring what you need. Don’t cut yourself off from getting those answers either. The Universe talks to you all the time, just waiting for you to listen. Play with this.

And the reason I wanted to do this, well, there’s a couple of reasons. Tomorrow, right? All right, Wednesday night is a full-moon ritual based on the ancient Celtic New Year. I wanted you to be set up for that, to make good use of the ritual energy, and then of course you’re going to be coming up on that new year. What is that?

High, holy day.

S: That high, holy day, also known as Heidi’s birthday on one side of it and Catherine’s on the other. What bookends, eh?

You have been drawing into your world tremendous forces of energy through the sun and beyond your galaxy. That energy has been working on your very genetic structure. It’s had a lot do with chaos going on in your world, and there is a lot of that. You are being changed. Right now, you’re in chrysalis. By the end of the year you’ll be butterflies. So what I’d like to suggest is that you do this so you’ll be a whole butterfly, not a limping one, the wings don’t quite work. A butterfly of wholeness.

All right? I claim it to be so.
