October 7, 2001
Samuel: Greetings, dears.
Hi, Samuel.
S: How have your weeks gone? Your world’s in a very tricky time right now. How are you doing through it?
S: Good. Good. One good. That’s it? Aye.
I’m finding that in all this chaos and death, I’m being encouraged to make some major changes in my life, major decisions. It just seems a time that I’m being pushed along to tie up a lot of loose ends and do some different things that I’ve held back from. So, possibly using this opportunity, with all the energy coming in and all its chaos, to make some good decisions about changes in my life.
S: Good for you. Good for you. More. Aye.
You can even see on the collective, the big level, with all that happened the need for healing and opportunities to be there and to give that. And also on an individual level with some of our lives here, coming together in unity.
S: Good. Good. Are many of you seeing opportunities to love, to put out energy for healing, for help. Are you finding opportunities to be of service right now? And how is that for you?
With my little white ribbon as a reminder, it’s very helpful for me. The Universe is just laying that right out, easily. I mean, a newspaper with headline might be right on the table between the two of us as we’re meeting, you know, for me to be able to make a very loving remark about things, and to open up an opportunity for someone to say, Yeah, I am really hopeful. I really do see the good in what’s happening, and seeing people coming together. To be able to open that dialogue. Someone maybe wants the opportunity to talk about it. Or, if they haven’t, I’ve found that they want to hear it, they want to hear another perspective.
So I’m not one to really, unless I’ve got a group of people who come to hear what I have to say, I’m not one in a conversation to open up a dialogue like that. And I’ve done that, and as someone said in the last meeting that we had with you, that she’s been coming out of the closet and putting forth her Guardianship in the world and finding out that she’s been met with acceptance. And that’s what I’ve been experiencing, and it’s wonderful. It really is wonderful. And it doesn’t have to be a lot. It can just be a few words, just one or two words even, and it sets off a whole dynamic in energy that’s wonderful.
S: Good. Good. Somebody else. Talk along that line for a moment. You are finding opportunities to serve. How is it showing up in your life? Aye. Aye.
I was in Los Angeles, and I went to work out one day at a local club there. And I was just walking from the locker room into the rest room to dry my hair, and this woman came straight up to me. I’d never met her before in my life, and she said, “I’m just so upset today.” And this was shortly after the events on September 11. And I said, “Would you like to talk.” And she said yes. And so we just sat down and talked. And right after that two more people came up, two teachers, and we started talking about some of the things that they were doing with their students. And I was so encouraged and so happy to know that they were in our school systems anywhere in this country, because they were teaching their students about communication and about how emotionally we respond to people with differences. Three-year-olds, four-year-olds and five-year-olds. They’re teaching them this through experiential types of things. And it was a really interesting perspective, not only to share opportunities to talk about alternative ways of dealing with things and how we as one on one on one can help each other, but to hear what was going on out there on an everyday basis, from the ground up, with children. So it was just a link. It was wonderful.
S: Lovely. Good. Listening to what Lillibeth just said, think for a moment about the gifts she gave. I asked about your service. Before I go into my questions about that, I want to ask you, what do I mean when I say “your service?” Somebody put it in a definition word.
Giving what is needed in a situation that would bring about healing.
S: Perfect. Perfect. Giving what is needed in a situation in order to bring about healing. When we were together last, the second version of last—does that make sense? Good—one of the things that I talked about was that what is needed right now in your world, in every way, is healing. And you are going to be seeing the desire for that healing. It is a means for you to serve. Now, why the heck would you care about serving?
It’s what we’re here to do.
S: Because it’s what you’re here to do. What if you’ve never been here before? Does that mean that’s what you’re here to do? Yes. You don’t get out of it. Why don’t you get out of it.
We made the commitment a long time ago.
S: Well, Gwendolyn says because the commitment was made a long time ago.
And our natural . . .
S: Go there.
. . . leanings are . . . we are drawn to it. And in that way it comes to us, the opportunities.
S: Well said. Because what fills you? Thrills you? All right. I won’t go there. Because what truly makes you happy? And I can tell everyone in this audience relates to what I’m about to say. This is not something that is a guess that most of you can relate to it. You are here on this planet, you relate to this. What makes you happy in this world, under any circumstance, no matter what is going on with you?
Loving and being loved.
S: It is to give love. It truly is the only satisfaction. It might come in a lot of different disguises, but the bottom line is search all you want, the only thing you’re going to find that satisfies is giving love, even more than receiving it.
And love has many, many costumes, if you will, that it can wear. Healing is one of them. Now, when you say, or when I say—let’s go that direction—when I say what your planet is really needing right now, what am I saying?
There’s many levels of healing.
S: All right. There’s many levels of it, so automatically you know that there’s several definitions that come up. I’ll give you a brief hint. We just talked about loving, Now I’m asking about healing. Aye.
What people are needing is love, and that love helps bring about the healing.
S: The love helps bring about the healing. Aye. Precisely.
Healing love,
S: Again.
Healing love.
S: Healing love. So there is somebody who needs healing and you’re going to send them love. How effective is that?
S: Very. Why? Why? It sounds as though you are just not giving them what it is they want. They need healing. You’re giving love. How is it that works?
Love is healing.
S: Love is healing. Healing is love. That’s very true. Frank?
Well, healing is the highest vibration, highest energy, in this dimension, and therefore when we’re sending healing, sending love, healing can be pulled out of . . . physical healing can be pulled out of that, mental and emotional healing can be pulled out of that.
S: I’m going to make a small switch in the way you said what you did. Love is the highest vibration of Source. Love is, indeed, what Source is about. Love is the highest frequency that can be manifested here, but it shows itself up in many ways, depending upon the focus, the intent, at the moment.
Love, being the common denominator of Source in this world, would also then encompass that. Healing, meaning making whole, is also a function of love, which makes whole. It is in fact love in action. And the healing that is brought about is a healing of somebody who needs to talk, the healing of somebody who needs to act, the healing of the way one thinks, the way one feels about themselves. There are so many ways.
Your learning to love unconditionally is strengthening the whole function right now in this world. It’s setting up new precedents, if you will, for indeed there has been a time in your world in which simply loving was enough, but it’s loving unconditionally that you have made a very large leap into in this last month. Not simply loving. The healing that is needed now requires loving unconditionally.
In your life, what are those situations in which you love unconditionally? In all likelihood, if you don’t fall prey to the trap of making a large general statement in which you say, “Everything,” you will likely recognize that there are not a whole lot of situations in your life that you can say you have the opportunity to love unconditionally, because it’s not a human trait. Unconditional love, however, is a symptom of a healed heart. And how do you heal a heart? With love, don’t you know it.
Lillibeth, when I asked about service, gave her gift. Think about that gift again now, and tell me a few things you got from that.
One of the biggest things that I got that I think is helpful for me, at least, to remember is that . . .
S: Well said.
. . . at first she said, “Do you want to talk”? She didn’t just start talking to this other person.
S: Yes.
She asked if this person wanted someone to talk with.
S: Good. Good.
It’s a big first step.
S: And what’s a lesson about that? What is a word to the wise in that regard? As you’re going out there, “All right world, I’m going to love unconditionally and put healing into the world right now. Here I come!”
Well, two things. Being aware and alert that there’s an opportunity, and second, requesting permission.
S: Very nice. Being aware and alert that there is an opportunity. How hard was it to figure out there was an opportunity?
Not at all.
S: Not so difficult at all, and something that I’ve said to many of you is that in your life you have a whole lot of those sorts of situations that fall into your lap, don’t you? You know why that is, don’t you? Because you’re here to do that. That’s right. Because when the teacher’s ready, the student appears. That’s right. That works. Because those who are here to make a difference on this planet, at this time of transition, right now, put out—oh, I was going to make a big joke about it, but I think I won’t—put out an energy, subtle as it may be, that calls to others. And that’s why you have situations in the locker room in which somebody just starts talking to you about their life. It’s why you stand in line at the grocery store and somebody starts telling you about their break up. It’s why all of your life probably you have had things fall in your lap.
If you know that you take to Gwendolyn a blank piece of sketching paper, and you say, “Gwendolyn, I want to learn how to work on drawing this horse.” and you know that she’s a very loving being, and she’s going to do it, the next time that you have a need to draw a horse, are you going to go to Cynthia?
[Cynthia] I hope not.
S: When you know what works, you make use of it. And in this particular case, the Universe knows that you have said, I’m here to love. Maybe even better, maybe you’ve said, I’m here to help. Maybe even better than that, you’ve said, Let me. Show me how. I want that opportunity. And there it is. You keep your eyes open. You look for it. But once you look for it, you don’t take over. Instead you make sure that it’s wanted. Can I help? Do you want to talk? That’s right. More from there. Aye.
She put her own needs aside and made time for that person.
S: Very good. Very good. Time is one of those very difficult things. It’s such a reality for you, isn’t it? It’s the greatest gift you offer others. I know that. It’s easy to give money, it’s not easy to give time. It’s hard when a life is filled to the gills to make time.
So let’s take just a moment. What if something comes up, and it’s an opportunity to serve, and you really don’t have time. What can you do? Aye.
Negotiate when you can.
S: Sure. Sure. Can somebody give me an example of what a negotiation is for? When you can, how that might show itself up? An example.
When someone wants to talk, and you can’t talk that night, then say, “Well I’m available at this time if you’d like to call me.”
S: Sure. It’s that simple. “I really want to talk to you about this, I really do. Right now, I can’t. Can we get together in an hour, in a day?”
Giving time is fully blessed activity. Do you know what I mean by that? Fully blessed activity. That’s insinuating that there are some activities that are not, so think about it for a moment. What would be a fully blessed activity?
It’s got the backing of Source.
S: Got the backing of Source! Don’t you know it? It’s one of those things that you do that is in such a complete connection with what Source is putting out into the world. What is it that you have that Source does not?
S: Right. And with form, what does that mean you have that Source does not?
S: Well, yes, touch is one of those things.
Time and space.
S: And time is another one of those things. In this world in which love is needed so much, the outpouring from Source comes without time and space, and the ability for it to be used where it is needed the most needs you, because you can pull it into this reality in the increments of now that only you have access to. Really.
I’m not sure that this is going to be a really good example, but it seems very workable to me. That’s always a little scary. There is sunshine and there is a light bulb. The sunshine might be out there, but for one reason or another may be covered over. Maybe the planet’s moved over and it’s night for you. Only you can get out of the darkness by turning on the light. The small package of sunlight, if you will, is a creation out of your need. That really is what your time’s about too, you know. It’s a small package that allows a means to deliver what is needed—the love of Source. Time, it’s a very great gift on all levels.
What else from that gift? Aye.
When the teachers came, she was willing to listen to their perspectives, and she realized that they were doing something and that she was not necessarily doing it alone, and there was a gratefulness.
S: Very good. So, good. What’s that about?
It’s about not being alone, and realizing that . . .
S: Not needing to be alone. Not having to do it all by yourself.
. . . you’re not under pressure of doing everything, and that every part counts.
S: Aye. Allowing yourself to recognize that there are others out there. You’re not alone. You don’t have to do it all by yourself, but in order to make that connection with others that are out there, there is something very important that you’re likely going to have to do. What might that be? Aye.
See similarity in differences.
S: You might need to be seeking what is alike instead of what is not alike. It might help a whole lot if you let go of your complacent, solid little box that says, Only one right way, this is it. Anything that fits in this box is acceptable, and anything else is not. You might have to give that one up. I guarantee it.
It’s a very hard thing to do. Why?
Because you’re comfortable.
S: Well, one reason is because you’re comfortable. That’s right. Your way of doing things is the one that you know works for you, but there is a long difference between “you know it works for you” and “it’s the only way that works.” And too often people in our world, like right now in your world, have a very strong tendency to need that box. Why?
It’s their security.
S: It’s their security, yes. And when people’s security is threatened, what happens?
They pull in.
S: They pull in. They don’t seek what is alike any more; they take in the security of their box.
They act out.
S: Sometimes they act out. Moving out of counseling language, what does that mean?
You tend to strike out from fear and from the need to control your environment to a very large extent.
S: Out of that fear, they have a strong need to control their environment, for it to be something that is acceptable for them. Something that looks like that box. And so there is a tendency in that case to do what they can, what you can. Do not sit there, smugly knowing that I’m talking about people across the world from you. I am talking about you. Know that. That when things are not going in a way that you are comfortable, when it’s causing you to move out of the box, the natural human tendency out of security is to close down and affirm to oneself all that you know that works and right, set up that division that says, this is right, this is not. By affirming what you know and not allowing yourself anything about anything else out there, you’re going to remain safe, as long as you never get out of that box. Aye.
Would identity and security be the same thing?
S: It’s not the same thing, but identity is a means of maintaining one’s security. You cannot always say, though, that the identity is the security. But by emphasizing your security you are going to be expressing at least one of your identities that way. Aye.
I was going to say, when I find myself insecure and tending to become a little afraid because of that insecurity, I find that I don’t look at my responsibility in bringing about the action, and I tend to look to blame outside of myself.
S: No! Is that something that other people can relate to? Is that something that you know happens in this world? That when you’re feeling a bit insecure, you seem to start seeking blame out around you. [Knocks microphone] Hello. Start seeking blame out around you for messing up your system, getting in your way. Sure it is. It’s a very natural response. Aye.
I have another comment about Lillibeth’s example.
S: All right, just a moment then. Your world is at a time right now in which what needs to be noticed is what is the same. Lillibeth listened to other people’s responses in regard to what they’re doing to help, what works for them. She was, in fact, inspired by it, which implies—we will ask of her in just a moment so see if indeed it is true—but it sort of implies that there might be more than one way to do things. Is that possible?
S: There you go.
Can I make another comment?
S: Sure.
This first teacher that I was talking about, one of the things she was doing was she was using an exercise with her class. These are tiny little children, and what she did was she had one of the children come up and start muttering.
S: Muttering.
Muttering in front of the class.
S: What is that?
S: All right.
Meaning that you could not really understand what was being said. And so she asked all of these children how they felt about what was going on, and to get in touch with what they were feeling, because what they were feeling was, some were trying to help to get the person to talk to them in a way they could understand, some were getting angry because they were feeling so separated—because they couldn’t understand—and some were trying to teach. And so she got them . . .
S: As in take over, and do it for them. Aye.
And so they were trying . . . it was a wonderful exercise. It was absolutely beautiful. And it told me that she was starting from the ground up with getting these children to start thinking about how they respond to someone who is not giving them information in the way they’re used to hearing it, and that is world-changing.
S: If what you said is world-changing, I absolutely agree.
And we started exchanging exercises that did similar things.
S: Is that because when you found that that exercise that you hadn’t thought about sounded so good and so workable, you wanted to offer as well something that was good and workable?
Yes, and we went back to some exercises in Wings about communication, and I was amazed because I really thought that they would only work with adults, and just automatically she said, “I’m going to use all of those.”
S: Do you think, dear ones, that it’s possible that an exercise that is designed for a four-year-old can possibly be used by a forty-year-old? Do you think?
S: You think those same . . . well, perhaps so. Perhaps so. By moving out of your box and allowing yourself to—if you will give me a few moments to start enumerating a couple of things—and allow yourself to, number one, think that there may be somebody out there that might have something that can be offered to you, that’s a very large step right there. To seek what is common—not meaning what is worthless; meaning what is in common—is an act of love. It is, in fact, active love that does that. The ability to see outside of your box with loving acceptance, as it fits with where you are at that moment. Don’t push yourself beyond where you are at this moment. Don’t live your whole life regretting the past and future, which is what you’re doing when you wish you could be more or have more or. . . . Let love function in your life as you understand it now, and by doing that an amazing thing will happen: The way you’re able to do it tomorrow will be different. And the tomorrow after that will be different yet again. The idea “how about this?” the recognition “what about that?” comes as you do the activity. It’s not as soon as you hit forty you all of a sudden know and have and are these things. If you started at four, it would not have taken until you were forty, because love expands when used. And what it expands is you. It grows you. And indeed it also prunes you.
What else? Jill.
I think, you know, a real important thing is that Lillibeth recognized that she had something to give.
S: Yes.
And I know there have been times in the past where I just didn’t have anything to give, forgetting that just compassion and holding someone’s hand is such a gift.
S: Aye.
And, I know that a lot of us—and I’m going to include myself in this—in the past have thought that our service means something, this big thing.
S: Very tangible, with a beginning, a middle and an end, and a result that you can write on your tombstone with pride.
Yes, and I think a lot of us assume that it’s like some kind of career or job with a paycheck attached to it too, or would like it to be, but it isn’t. It’s a moment-to-moment living love, and that’s the easiest thing to do.
S: And the hardest.
What we’re here to do, and we don’t need to do anything else but be present.
S: Aye. And one of the reasons that’s the hardest . . . no, you tell me. Why is that so hard? Why is that so hard? Look into your own life for a moment. Why is it so hard to accept that living love the best you can, where you are, with what you have, at that moment is enough? Why?
We have poor self-esteem.
S: Poor self-esteem might be a reason for that.
It’s not what our society says.
S: It’s not what the society says, and it’s so hard to move out of that box, isn’t it? Aye.
It requires trust, and to be in the moment doesn’t always feel like I’m in control.
S: Right. Being in the moment does not necessarily feel like you’re going to be able to master everything in that moment, do it the way that you know is going to succeed, function at the way that you think of as your highest and best. There are parts of it that you’re not necessarily familiar with. Sure. What else.
To feel effective, we want to see something tangible that we’ve created or mastered, and sometimes hand-holding and being there for someone doesn’t feel tangible, like we’ve done something.
S: Good. Yes. How many of you in your experience have received what you needed through a touch. [Gestures for people to hold up hands.] Do this. Oh, maybe it works. How many of you have felt loved without words? Gosh. How many times have you been served by somebody who did not give you the fifteen points of living love in this world? Did not give you the teachings, so to speak. Maybe what they did is they just were with you. How many of you have had that one? Oh, my goodness.
Knowing that, how many of you have conveniently forgotten it, in order to think that you don’t serve in this world simply by doing what you do best? Oh, chicken now, aren’t you? That’s right. That’s right. Aye.
Sometimes we think we have to be at a certain level or it’s that being fixed or completely healed, rather than . . . I remember you once said—at Pipestem I think it was; no, it was Pine Mountain—that the healing is a process that may go on. You might not be entirely fixed, and it is a process that you can still do self-esteem-enhancing things or healing things all along the way. So we don’t have to be at a certain level before we can do this, and when we heal or put love in the action of healing, we are healed also.
S: Well said, love, very well said. Heidi.
I think sometimes we believe that in order . . . that healing and curing are the same things.
S: Say that again.
That sometimes we believe that healing and curing are the same things, and they’re not. And because we can’t cure, we don’t believe we can heal.
S: Right. Right. Aye.
We project our judgments and beliefs onto others, so we think that our love will be misconstrued.
S: You project your beliefs onto others in—as a for-instance, “I am not good enough”—and therefore, when you give to them, you assume they think the same thing about you that you think about you, which is, aye, you’re not enough, which does not allow you to see what’s going on. It’s not that there’s nothing to see; it’s that you’re blinded by your beliefs that say, I can’t do anything, I’m not enough.
I think . . . I’ll use me, when I realize that my every interaction and reaction with people is an opportunity to heal or to bring disharmony, it . . .
S: To heal or, on the other side, bring disharmony.
It makes me responsible for every action and interaction I have.
S: Uh-oh.
And it’s much easier to go through life not being responsible for your actions.
S: Sure. How many of you remember those good old days? And, you know, that’s one of the interesting things about spiritual mastery. I say, as an example of it, that what’s going on is that you lose your free will. Is it possible, actually, for you to lose your free will? No, it’s not. But in that sense that you know better and you know you know better, that as soon as the word escapes your mouth, you immediately know. The amount of time that it takes you to clean it up from the time it left to the time it takes you to clean it up tells how much longer you have in the lesson process. That is, just in case you missed it, a threat. And a promise. And it is—the amount of time that it takes for it to reach your mouth—a statement of your mastery as well, because what happens as you become stronger and functioning at a higher and higher frequency is that the very thought begins to be where you stop something that isn’t useful, that isn’t the loving thing.
It is intent and then thought and then word and then deed. And most of humanity only recognizes the deed, and there’s a lot to be said for that. If you want to know the truth of what somebody believes, look at their life; don’t listen to their words. Deed is ultimately the common denominator of, I’m going to use the word judgment, but the closer you are to the love that you’re here to live, then the further back you go in that list. It’s not deed; it’s word. It’s not word; it’s thought. It’s not thought, but you’ve purified the intent.
What is it that you can do to help your world right now? Let me tell you. You are in . . . how big can you say the word very?
S: Humongous. That’s such an inelegant word.
Humongous is bigger than very.
S: Say that again.
I said humongous is bigger than very.
S: Humongous.
S: Enormous, massive. You are in one of the most very important times that your world has had. Now, you know why the group laughed, don’t you? Because you are, as long as you are in a world that is ruled, if you will, by time, then you are going to be constantly stuck by judgments of incremental experience. Or, let me change that to say, the illusion of incremental experience, which creates for you a situation in which you begin to say that, well, this one is better than this one, which is better than this one, or turned the other way around, this one is bigger, better, more important.
Hear me very carefully. Listen now. Don’t hear what I’m about to say with your ears. Give yourself a moment to try to listen with your heart. Your world has always had times of great need. There have always been wars, and rumors of war. There have been situations of great pain, of great suffering, of power turned in the wrong direction. It is, ultimately, the plague of your planet. That has always been there, but what has not always been there is you.
The different part of this equation now, that which has never been there to turn the tide from a humanity that must abuse power and not accept love, what has never been in that equation before, is you, which is why I say you are the hope. You hold in your hands an opportunity right now, and, beloved souls, the good news is, you can do something, something so powerful and so effective that a change will happen as if you had a huge pond and you threw a rock in the middle of it. Everything’s changed, including the far reaches of the edge where the slightest ripples still touch that shore. You are the new part of this equation. How?
Well, as we have said many, many times this night, the number-one how is by loving. Is it enough? Is there anything else? That was the answer. Is it enough? There is nothing else. But that love and the intent of it into the world needs to be healing. There are magical doctors in this room. There are mental doctors in this room. Is the healing that is being discussed the same thing that is needed when that baby has the flu? No. Yes. No. Yes. Say that.
You can’t separate it.
S: Right.
I explained that to a doctor on Friday.
S: Did you?
S: Oh, Joyous, single-handedly, working to turn the local medical centers upside down. She insists that they look at her and see her, as opposed to a disease. You’re doing it. What does it mean by that, though? What does that say, that it’s the same thing? What are you saying there? I really liked what you wrote.
Thank you. He was creating a very healing atmosphere, and I was explaining to him about why what he was seeing was different than what he thought he was going to see. I explained Phoenix and healing, and how important I think all that is to the healing process, and he got very excited and started writing it down. And wants me to come in tomorrow after my healing friends have worked on the situation with my foot and see. . . . He marked it. He said, “I want to see what changed.”
S: Oh, yike! We’d better do something then.
He asked me what I thought allopathic versus laying-on of hands, which was better, and I told him you couldn’t separate it.
S: Good.
I said, “If you are an allopathic healer and you love me, then the layin- on of your hands is going to enhance what you do medically, and there’s just no separation.”
S: There you go. There is no separation. And that is what the key with that love has to be. Yes, the answer is, what you are here to do is to love. Is it enough? Yes. Is it all? Yes. Is it all the same version of that love? No.
Your world needs healing energy right now. And all you need to know how to do is to love. It does not need you to hop on one of those transports, get yourself across the country or over to New York, it does not require that. In fact, doing that might take you away from the very connection that needs it the most. Maybe, that connection is the one that’s going to hop the transport. You can’t judge that. You can only love.
Is it enough? It’s all there is. If you insist on knowing the result, that’s saying you’re putting it in a box. And how do you know if what you’ve done is enough? All you are asked to do is the best you can, where you are, with what you have. And that healing moment might be the music you gave that touched a heart, or excited one or made it laugh. It might be the joke you told that allowed there to be a little break in the tension and allowed that thought of love you had to touch a heart that hasn’t had enough. By being the best possible you, you have more opportunity to affect masses, because you are real and you are here. And let me say that one again, just to make sure you get it. And you are here.
The more that you do to open the doors to love in this world, the less fear there is room for. The more you open the doors of your life to give love in this world, the fewer people, situations, are hopeless, without strength. Of all of the things that we have discussed over these years, ultimately the message continues to be at its very bottom, Live love. Do it. Do it the best you can. Give it with all your heart. Don’t stop. And, by your doing so, the situations that come to you come to you as a means for you to be able to do more of it. And the good news is, It’s fulfilling. It makes you feel good, and it opens doors into all of the things that fit under that great canopy of love, of Source, those good things of abundance and joy that you wish for in your life, because when you are giving your life to giving love, well, the Universe is on your side. It wants to help.
Wait a minute! I do give my life to love! I do it all of the time. I’m not rich, famous and happy yet. What’s that supposed to mean? It probably means that you’re still insisting on doing it your way with ego attached. That you’ve gotten as far as the deed of it, but you might not have the word of it. Maybe you’ve got the word of it, but you don’t truly have the thought of it. You’ve not reached the point that your intent is filled with it.
Your world is not on the verge of war. It’s facing its last one. Hear that. Do not mistake what I’m saying. You have never been more needed. Not to send your thoughts across the world, to send your thoughts to your neighbor.
There is a great transition of energy as a whole in this world right now. I can tell you that every one of you in this room has been experiencing a massive transition in your life. A transformation in your intents and thoughts and words and deeds. Start over. Allow yourself to be new. Try it. Give it your best, because, you know, if it does not work, it won’t matter pretty soon anyway. And if it does work, you’ve done what you’ve come here to do.
Spirit cannot do. Only form. It’s not me, it’s you.
Glochanumora, dear ones. Be well. Happy trails.
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