March 5, 1995
Samuel: Well, greetings, dears.
Greetings, Samuel.
S: Should be fun tonight. How many here feel squeezed. Sort of like fresh oranges maybe, eh? You feel a bit like you’ve been juiced a bit? Sort of like your life has been on somebody’s juicer.
Tonight I want to talk about healing. Healing on the most basic life levels. Well, let’s begin with a couple of gifts, eh? Oh, yes, dear. One, two. Go just like that. There we go. Good.
Several months ago I had a session with you, and you explained that one of the reasons I was feeling frustrated was because I was bored.
S: Dangerous place to be.
Yes. A friend of mine called and was sponsoring a workshop in Cincinnati, and I went up. It was called, “Updating Your Professional Image,” and it was very empowering, and I came back very rejuvenated. And one of the things I decided to do was to put on a similar workshop to the one in Cincinnati for black women, and I’ve spent several months trying to get a mailing list and trying to get a spot and trying to get speakers and trying to get money. And the Sunday before last we did the first mailing and we mailed out three hundred brochures, and I mailed one to myself. Well, the day it came to my house, when I opened it, there was also a brochure from Steve from the Tracks meeting from Monday night which was our homework that he had forgot to give to us which was a questionnaire about your image, your personal image. So there were two brochures, one that I mailed to myself and one from the Tracks program.
S: […] mailed to yourself.
So I think, what a coincidence here.
S: Of course.
Right. So I got to thinking, I said well, is Samuel stealing my stuff? [Laughter]
S: Of course I am.
Or am I […] the idea of the workshop in my mind, and I asked myself, what’s going here? What’s the message? And what I got was that we’re co-creating, that it’s teamwork, and that our concept of time as we know it is linear, and that I’m working for you and you’re working for me and it’s a joint effort.
S: How lovely. Thank you. Yes. You know, of course, that personal image is very much a part of healing, isn’t it? Because when an individual is able to see and love what they see of themselves, to understand how you work and why you work that way, to be able to increase what works and decrease—let’s not try to ignore it or get rid of it altogether, but just decrease what does not work—you begin to see successes. And there is so much that you can do to add to your store of good personal image, be it how you look and how you talk and the body language that you use to fake it until you make it and then make it far beyond your wildest dreams, all the way around to working on taking care of what you eat and to learn to do what it is your greatest dreams allow you. All that gives you such a store of positive energy, literally energy, allowing you to create success as far as you believe you can have—that’s a threat, by the way—to create success as far as you believe you can have and all of that too is a healing. Good work, my love. Everything that is done on this planet is a small version of the greater co-creative process that humanity is about, of the co-creative process that you specifically are about. Good work.
Another Terry. It is Terry night.
I’ve been working very, very hard lately, and a part of me is happy to do it, because I’m working on something that I want very much.
S: Big key right there. Big key right there.
Yeah. But I also …
S: Heard the “but.”
Things started to become out of balance because I was only working, and this weekend was a gift to me. Accepting gifts from someone else and kind of returning to my refuge. And my refuge was like something I’ve been ignoring, because I’ve been working so hard, because I want this thing so much, and this weekend I had the opportunity to, you know, go over to Kathleen and take my yoga class that I haven’t been taking and take that time for myself and just stop and say I can’t make that sacrifice any more. You know, I have to have that in my life and work, and allow that to feed me. And so this weekend was just another reminder of not forgetting the things that are real important to me and that serve me.
S: This weekend was your opportunity to self-heal.
S: It was an opportunity which you took—good for you—to come back to the home of you, and it is a sacred place. Welcome back, my love. Aye.
Two gifts. Two gifts you have heard. Now, what are the gifts you received from them. Remember that that is as much a part of the whole act of teaching one another, to be able to learn from every situation, including other people’s situations. Interesting way to by-pass karma, by the way, to learn from what others do instead of you.
Jennifer, then Heidi. Aye.
The second Terry gift …
S: Aye. It’s a good way.
For two. I’ve also gone through a perspective shift of what’s important and what isn’t important in viewing my life, and how to view my life and to know what’s important, what’s not, where to put emphasis and hold on, and when not to. And I’m finding more and more it’s not to.
S: Aye, love, you’re also finding you’re not the only one. You’re not alone in that stage in life. Aye.
But how we manifest so many different of the “sames” is very interesting.
S: Aye. Aye. Power in that.
I think it’s very easy to just take for granted things that go on in our lives, and I think it’s also easy for us to think of gifts as having to be something majorly physical and miraculous and …
S: Well now, aren’t they?
Well, they are, but in the small ones. They’re things that happen to us every day.
S: Yes.
And that we fail to see even the most simple things as gifts, and both of those gave me that part of my life that I need to work out more carefully and more often as gifts.
S: Lovely. Very nice. Very nice. Aye. This world is changing so fast. This world is changing so fast that, as we spoke last about making changes yourself in a specific purposeful way, it’s going to allow you to feel that you’re doing more to keep up with those changes, but the world around you—well, it sounds rather silly to say it’s not what it used to b, but it’s not what it used to be. It’s not what it was a month ago, a year ago, ten years ago. It’s not what it was a week ago.
And I want you for a moment to think about yourself in the constructs of the world as you work. What do I mean by that? In the constructs of the world as you work. What is that?
The environment.
The things which make up your life.
Your attitudes.
S: The way you perceive things. The constructs. The way that you perceive the building of your life. I want you, for a moment, to think about how well you fit in the world. You ever had a sore toe, and you did not know exactly how much you walked or how many things you hit, until your toe was sore and every time it got hit you noticed? You sometimes feel like a sore toe … oh, it’s a sore thumb, isn’t it? It’s a sore thumb. Well, they look the same. All I had was the picture of a … it’s a sore thumb. You ever feel like a sore thumb? Sticks out like a sore thumb? Aye. Why? What is it that makes you feel like your particular puzzle piece, which was designed to fit in this large picture, that your particular puzzle piece doesn’t quite fit. What is it?
And the bottom line answer is your attitude is different. It might be how you feel about the way you look, or the jobs that you have, or the type of company you travel in. But still, bottom line, that’s your attitude. Your attitude is different. Perhaps it’s different because you eat differently, but the reason that you eat differently is because of your attitude in a larger picture. Can somebody give me an example of that somewhere, somehow, please?
Being a vegetarian.
S: Thank you. That is a different sort of way to eat than most of your western society here in the United States, wouldn’t you say? And yet the attitude about it, why are you a vegetarian—and, of course, everybody has many different reasons, some of which is because Samuel made me do it and I didn’t like it, but I’m doing it for one year and that’s all! That’s good. Your attitude when somebody says to you, why are you a vegetarian, it’s your attitude that comes through that’s showing how you’re different.
Perhaps it’s something else in your life. Maybe it’s the reason that you pray or the way that you pray. Tell me a typical way that the world prays. I’ll give you a hint. You go to church, you go into church, somebody opens the book, they begin reading it, you follow along. That’s called prayer. I call it a good first grade teacher. Teaching you how to read. Come on, wake up tonight! All right, front row, I’m relying on you now. Come on.
But there are other ways of doing it too. What are other ways to pray.
S: A meditation. And there are many ways to meditate. What’s one way to meditate?
Five minute meditation.
S: The five minute meditation. A remarkable, marvelous, good one. So kind of you to mention that one that I highly recommend. What’s another way?
Well, you’ve got me confused a bit.
S: Good. Confusion is good.
Whatever you do should be in earnest, but I thought praying is when you were reaching out and meditation was when you were drawing in.
S: Ah, but meditation can be both, and that’s what the five minute meditation is about, actually, because meditation is an attitude of prayer, and prayer, as you know, is both active and passive. It’s a time to ask and a time to receive.
So it’s […] cause and effect.
S: At its highest and best level. Aye. Absolutely. So there is the five minute meditation. There is sit quietly and repeat over and over and over, I am remarkable, I am remarkable … that one works. Count to ten, count all of your breaths from one to ten. A focus meditation. Sure. Meditation is one way to pray. What else?
Recognize the Source in everything.
S: Recognizing Source in all things as a conscious activity. That when you are walking through the garden, you are consciously grateful for the life force of that tree and grateful for the god or the goddess—doesn’t matter what label you use, by the way. Is it important to be clear with those labels? Do you think that the Source of all things is keeping a book, checking off when you use the right name? Doesn’t matter what you call it, just call it.
When you want dinner.
S: When you want dinner, aye.
Sending love to somebody.
S: A sending out of love is a form of prayer. Sure it is. Sure it is.
When I journal, for me it’s a form of prayer.
S: Aye. When you’re talking to the Universe. Sure. And the way that you choose to express yourself in that fashion has to do with your attitude, which may be somewhat different than what you grew up with. May be somewhat different than what everyone who lives around you practices. May be somewhat different than what even you practiced not a very long time ago. What makes you keep an attitude?
S: Yes! Right there. Say it again.
S: Success. It works. It works to reinforce what you believe is going to happen. Cause and effect. It works in that I have an attitude that I am a rotten, low-down scum of the earth and I keep that attitude because it works to get me what I want. What might I be wanting if my attitude is I am a rotten, low-down scum of the earth? What is it I might be wanting?
S: Sympathy. Maybe sympathy.
S: Abuse. Maybe abuse, that’s true.
To continue to get away with your bad behaviors.
S: To continue to be able to get away with the behaviors that you enjoy.
Not having to take responsibility.
S: Not having to take responsibility. Very good. By being such, sure. That attitude works for you. The attitude that I am an incredible being of love and magnificent Source-light come here to give love to the world, here to learn to receive it in every way possible. What’s that going to bring you for success? If “I’m the scum of the earth” can allow you to continue with attitudes of irresponsibility and struggle and difficulty, what is “I’m a magnificent being of love and light” going to be building up in you?
Magnificent love and light. Ascension.
S: Perhaps magnificent love and light. Ascension. Other beings around you who believe that same thing. Quickly, somebody remind me please—you know in this magnificent old age that I have, I tend to be forgetful now and again—will you remind me, please, about how you bet on a racehorse. Come now. You’ve heard the story. How does it work?
You gather information.
S: You go maybe to the track, I understand that you’re in Kentucky, you don’t really have to do that. All right, so you go to the track and you gather information. What sort of information?
Jockey. Whether the jockey’s had a lot of wins and stuff.
S: You gather information about the success rate of this creature and about anything that has to do around it. It’s medical history, as much as you can. It’s jockey’s history, as much as you can, because it’s just as important to see how the horse is doing by seeing who’s riding it, by the way, in your own life, by the way, by the way. It’s not only what it is you’re doing, but it’s those that are involved in the doing it with you, by the way, by the way.
Sure. And once you have found that everything that you can, you go and you place your bet. Now, I have a question for you. In a typical situation of working at a horse track, is it that you can only bet on who’s going to win?
S: No. Well now, there are other options. It’s not just flat win or lose? What are the other choices? Can you place a place bet? Is that what you said?
Yes. Second place.
S: All right. You put in a bet for second. You can do that and not put in a bet for first. So it’s not necessarily that you’re saying I believe that this is the one that’s going to come in first, you’re saying this is the one that’s going to satisfy what I’m looking for at this point, right? It’s not always that it has to be the one that going to shine the brightest. It’s not necessarily that it’s going to be the one that’s going to take off with everything. Sometimes what you’re betting on is who’s going to hang on and do their very best and come in second, because you can make an awful lot of money in being right on that one too, can’t you? Interesting system, don’t you think? Why do you think it is you forget that in life?
You’re so bound and determined to get number one, you don’t look at other options.
S: Forgetting, of course, that once number one has been established, everything after that is one, and then one, and then one, and then one, for that particular instant in time. Absolutely.
You are going to the track and betting on a horse based upon the information that you have at that moment, based on its history, and on the coming together of many different elements, including how you feel at that moment. That may be you go to the track and you go to the circle and you look at all the horses, straight in the eye, and you say, are you going to win? And the one that goes “Prrrrr,” you go for. Everybody has their own system, but you’re doing it based on what you know is best at that moment.
Attitude is very much like any given horse race. Someone want to tell me how before I go into it? How? Why? However do those two metaphors work together?
You get what you expect.
S: Well, one thing is you’re going to get what you expect. I expect this horse to win; in a horse race it’s not always so accurate, but close, eh? That could be in there.
Well, when you bet on the winner, mass consciousness is right there betting with you all the time. It brings the odds way down, and if you want to explore, because we’re sort of different than a horse, […] we might want to explore the place and show, because you may actually gain more by not being … by not trying to stay in the mainstream.
S: And I like that too. That works also. More.
Well I think that if you prepare for any and all outcomes, you start with the best hand, because you’ve got to remember that when you go to a racetrack the odds are constantly changing. If too many people bet to show on too many different horses, then the odds keep changing around. I’ve seen forty-to-one go down to five-to-one, and I was a little perturbed because […] so you try to have some alternatives when you go in there.
S: Excellent. Because the attitude that you have at any given moment is based on every bit, every element of your experience. It is not only how you feel at that moment based on what the horse just told you that creates your expression out of the horse’s mouth, correct? I’ll just learn how to do this communication bit at the office, to do better and have better relationships, and it’s changing my whole attitude about people, and I got the information right out of the horse’s mouth. Meaning some sort of expert, eh? It’s also based—your attitude at any given time—on the track history of what you’ve experienced in this situation before. Upon your personal track history in this situation. It’s based upon the beliefs of others, mass consciousness or the odds as they show up, which … how many of you have been at a horse race and have found yourself [saying], Oh, the odds look good on this one; maybe they know something I don’t know. You ever done that? Do you do that in your life, too? Oh, look what everybody’s doing now. Maybe they know something I don’t know. Well, in this room it’s probably just the opposite, isn’t it? Look what everybody’s doing, wonder how far I can get away from that, because I know something they don’t know. Still, the attitude prevails. And very, very much also the horse that is believed to be the winner, it’s very much carried along in very many ways by the energy of all of those who are voting, betting, putting up their life behind it. And so do you find that your attitudes allow you to be a winner as mass consciousness, unfortunately, tends to support you as a winner, also? So what do you need to do to ensure that your attitudes are going to allow you to win?
Well, I said that what I was talking about tonight was healing, and the greatest healing that is required for an individual today is a healing of rigid attitude-itis. A rigid heart. A rigid mind. It is a very deadly dis-ease that seems to be somewhat epidemic these days. Your life on this planet is designed to do one thing for you, to make you flexible. Love, my friends, is flexible. So somebody tell me the difference between a palm tree and an oak tree.
A palm tree will withstand the wind, the oak will not; it will break.
S: That’s right. And why will an oak tree break when a palm tree will not?
It’s rigid.
S: Aye. That’s right. Well, of course, the other end of that is there’s not so many oak trees on the beach, are there? But that’s its own point too, don’t you think? Aye. To be where you need to be. To be the best. And then to be as flexible as possible while you grow. Anybody ever been to one of those climes and watched a hurricane blow through, and watched the palm trees in a big wind bow down and kiss the ground for maybe two or three hours straight. Yes, some of you have. And in a couple of days standing upright in the sun once again.
How many remember that was going on last winter with your great storms? Mother Nature pruning your trees. Limbs down. Great trees. Ancient, warrior trees, broken, because they were not strong enough, or maybe because they were too strong.
One of the greatest needs for healing from the inside out, my friends, is first for you to be able to recognize that there is a disease. And in this society today, the rigid heart is a great dis-ease. Being too strong, unable to say, There is a co-creatorship going on here, I am not doing it alone. You don’t have to do it alone. To recognize that just maybe, just maybe, there’s something else out there for you to learn, and somebody else out there that, maybe, can teach you something or from whom, maybe, they could learn from you. That just, perhaps, the way that you’ve always done things is not necessarily the way that it’s needed to be done now. That you don’t have to be the only one and you don’t have to do it all.
You can be too strong, and that’ll snap your limbs just as much as being too weak. Very much, being too strong shows up in your lives as a very immediate stress effect. When you are driving down the road and the person at the traffic signal next to you is doing their morning shaving, eating their breakfast at the same time on their way into work, you can say that person might be too strong. That person might be just a bit rigid.
You know the symptoms in your own self. When you’re stressed out, are you like this? Oh, you tend to be like this, don’t you? And you’ve got a very highly developed jaw muscle, because that’s a part of that rigidity. Someone who is too strong tends to smile. Show me how someone who is too strong smiles. Is that a sign? Does that work? Is that not? Sure.
And the palm tree bends. Do you think that before the palm bends it looks around [and says], is anybody else bending yet, I’m not sure if I should. I’ve got the picture that it’s bend time. Or, if not that, do you think that, when it’s being blown about, the palm tree says, Oh, do you think they’ll think less of me for bending? Do you think the ground will take advantage? There I am, laying down like that, do you think the ground’s going to come up and start taking advantage of me for being such a weight on it for so long? Aye, I’d better not bend down because you never know, as soon as you’re vulnerable once, from there on it just starts, everybody takes advantage of you. Do you think the palm tree does that?
The palm tree survives. It doesn’t think through that way. Its attitude is based on a priority, and those of you who tend to live your life so stressed out and so rigid that you can’t let anybody else in lest it have an effect on your system, your constructs, your sacred fashions of just moving through life, piece by piece, minding your own business, doing your own thing. Wishing everyone else would do the same thing. I’m onto you, aren’t I?
Do you think that prioritization could help that stressed-out individual, because the palm tree’s desire is to survive that moment. It does what comes absolutely natural to it. Those palm trees that had been artificially braced will either pull up the ropes or they’ll die from the bracing. And many people in their lives have artificially braced themselves. What are things that will artificially brace somebody? And I will remind you that I am using a palm tree as an example here, and for those of you who have been fortunate enough to see them, you know that they often are roped up, sort of what many of you do to your Yule log trees at Christmas time; you rope them up. The ropes in life.
Unrealistic expectations of others.
S: Unrealistic expectations of others. Can you do just a bit more with that? What might an example be?
Expecting them to behave or react a certain way in a situation through your own belief system, your own filters.
S: And a good one there is I am being so good, nothing bad will ever happen to me.
It’s gone into denial.
S: Which is probably why what I hear from most of you is, Why did that happen? I was doing everything right. Because you forget that everything that you do is affected by something very important. Can you remind me?
Free will.
S: That’s right. Free will. Everything you do is affected by things everyone else does. Don’t you hate that? Absolutely. Your expectation that things should go a particular way, that individuals should behave in a specific fashion. That the technology of your perfect spiritual life—one, two, three, four, five, I have followed the rules and done what I should, which means that the outcome should be a particular way—is one of those rigid ropes holding you up to get battered a bit more by the wind, taking away your flexibility. Give me another.
S: Yes. Two directions there, though. Can you go with it?
Not enough and too much.
S: Yes. Fairly simple, but very accurate, wouldn’t you say? How many of you here have either had the pleasure or know somebody who is absolutely rolling in it, loving it, having a grand time, having so much money? Question: Do they have a perfect life?
S: Sometimes. Oh, I keep hearing very many of you say, Just give me a chance, I promise, I’ll be the example! I could show everybody what it is to be the perfect millionaire. Somebody’s got to do it. Money very much can be one of those ropes. Sweet loves, I’ve got an incredible life secret for you about money. There’s never enough of it, because it doesn’t buy what you need.
Tell me another thing that keeps the palm tree of life from bending.
Well, some ropes would be permatizing home, property, job to reduce your […]
S: All the things that you needed so badly in order to be able to have what you wanted and be who having what you wanted would make you—did you keep up with that one—all of a sudden make you responsible for keeping them up. Amazing.
Not being willing to change what you need. I mean the relationship with the job or the amount of money or the …
S: My heart’s desire always was to be an attorney and you got there and had it and stuck with it, and stuck with it, saying—as Gwendolyn would say—there’s got to be a pony in here somewhere—quickly, darling, tell that one.
The story about the pony?
S: Aye.
Well, these two little boys—one’s an optimist, one’s a pessimist—and they’re going to test these children, and they put the pessimist in the room with a bunch of toys, and the optimist in a room full of manure. And they go and check on the pessimist and he’s just … none of the toys work, the plastic is broken, the batteries are out, everything’s bad.
S: It’s not good enough.
And they go in the room where the optimist is and there’s manure flying all over the place, and [they say], “What are you doing with all this manure?” “With all this manure, there’s got to be a pony somewhere!”
S: So you’re struggling through that which at one time was your heart’s desire, finding that it’s not as much your heart’s desire, but you do not change it because you figure there’s got to be a pony somewhere. Well, darlings, it might just be a room full of manure. And far be it from me ever to try to take from you hope, because that’s not the point. Attitude allows the healing that says something in this is good and I choose to find what it is.
Flexibility is the major medical for healing attitude. I like that one! I come to teach in bumper stickers. What do you do? And your ability to be flexible is what makes all the difference.
Let’s talk about two kinds of flexibility. One of them is truly, literally, physical flexibility. Talk to me about why flexibility is important to the physical frame, the body itself.
S: Agility. That’s good.
Well, different parts of your body affect different parts of your ability to use your mind.
S: That’s right. Very good. And so the ability to use it to its greatest is going to allow your mind also to function at its greatest. Sure.
It lets your energy systems flow.
S: Your energy flows better. You think better. You move better.
Prevents injury.
S: Very good. You don’t get hurt so much. Very good. And you’re more able to flow. You feel better. You look better. You act better. I like that one. Literally, physical flexibility has a marvelous effect, not only in the primary focus of getting the body to move better, but in many secondary, tertiary, abilities also, making you a healthier person simply by becoming more flexible in the way that you move.
But internal flexibility. What does that give you? Peace of mind. A limitlessness. The curiosity of a child and the willingness to risk. It gives you more choices, greater opportunities as a result of more choices. It makes you less fearful, because everything that you’re doing is not based on one particular version of how it’s going to be. A solid and strong oak. Well, the world needs its oaks, mainly because the world likes to watch the limbs break off! And your ability to heal your heart, the ability for the planet to heal its heart, the ability for the masses of people on this planet, for mass consciousness, to heal its heart is going to come by putting forth the idea not of come on the first Sundays to Phoenix Institute, watch a remarkable teacher there. It’s not going to come because somebody found the cure for AIDS or because somebody found the right mantra. It’s going to come because the teachings of being flexible get out there.
How can you help heal yourself by putting the idea of flexibility into your life? Don’t answer out loud, just think for a moment. Where can you be more flexible? Now help, toss this idea around for a bit: In the world as a whole, what are examples of flexibility that are needed now? Examples of flexibility. Where does the world need more flexibility?
Human relationships.
S: Human relationships. Absolutely. Let’s be more specific please. Much more specific.
Wherever there is war.
S: Anywhere there is war going on. More flexibility. And where might that flexibility be needed? In a very strong way.
S: Government. Leadership. Where the decision for war is being made. In the regimental leaders, perhaps, or the warlords … they don’t do that anymore, do they? To have flexibility as a way of thinking, or maybe this isn’t the only option. Perhaps there’s something else in there. So sure, that’s one. Let’s bring it closer to home.
Act, don’t react.
S: One way of becoming more flexible and a thing that the world could use as an example is individuals who are able to act instead of react. Reaction is a dis-ease response. It is a response of that stuff, there is only one thing to do and it has been threatened therefore … aye. Act instead of react. What else?
Be less judgmental.
S: Less judgmental. Beautiful. Aye.
Well this is like a practical example, but when you’re driving, you know, let people in front of you and little things like that.
S: Yes! Look for ways to offer kindness, because that is flexibility. Sure.
Well, that’s one, but the opposite of all of that is just learn how to say no sometimes.
S: And absolutely, that can be a gift of flexibility. Yes.
I’m thinking of specifically where you always say yes, yes, yes, or you always think of the other person, sometimes just say no. And I’ll expand a little on that. I used to go out with a friend and we used to like to go and party together and everything. And I’m very easygoing, and I’d say, “Well, where do you want to go, shall we do this?” “Oh it don’t matter, don’t matter, don’t matter, so okay, we’ll do this, we’ll do that.” One time we saw a friend, so I said, “Do you want to stop and call on our friend?” “Oh, I don’t know.” And usually I would always stop anyway, because this is the kind of person I am, but this different time she said, well, it didn’t matter. And I’m unpredictable, I just drove on. I drove a block and she said, “Oh wait, stop.” And I looked at her, it just blew my mind because I blew her mind because I drove on, where ordinarily if she said, doesn’t matter, I would stop, but I’m unpredictable and she never expected me to drive on. I just decided I usually do, so this time I won’t. It makes a difference, you find out a lot.
S: There is a place for, absolutely, for recognizing that there is a time for no, but where I was going is that there is a place for also recognizing that individuals look for patterns to make use of them. Flexibility is not staying rigid to a pattern. Very good.
How is this healing? How is this healing the planet? How is this an opportunity for self-healing—and you just heard an example of that one—and for planetary healing? How? Aye.
It reduces conflict and stress, and it doesn’t … it scatters your energy around in places that it doesn’t need to go.
S: Yes. This planet tends to work in an instinctual fashion, and generally speaking that means caring for three things: sex, money and body fat. Well, it is in your practice, wouldn’t you say? Sort of boils down in the energy.
All right. We’ll give it different titles. Relationships, finances and personal esteem—very often in this society based on the financial connection there, and a personal view of self. Do you like that better? And when one of those things is threatened, the individual moves into instinctual, automatic, reactive behavior. Closes down. Builds the walls around the heart, builds the walls to keep your systems safe. Most individuals work out of instinct, and it will continue to be so if there are not individuals who are willing to move beyond that. Must be a conscious action, to move beyond that even when your old self, your own attitudes, are kicking and screaming and holding onto the door with everything they’ve got, saying no, no, no change. No, no, no change. To consciously change that attitude into one of flexibility.
Love is open. Love does not bind. Love says come in, fear says stay out. Love says I’ll try something new because it might open a door that’s not been open before. Fear says it’s not worth the risk. Love is flexible. And there needs to be on this planet right now examples of flexibility. The […] in your own life where you know that opening more, even very small steps, can make a difference for you. Try it out. See. You know where in your life being more flexible is needed, and if you don’t, ask a few people around you. They’re probably real willing to tell you a couple of places where you could use a bit more flexibility. I’ll tell you. And those to whom I’m speaking tomorrow are saying, no, I don’t want to know.
One of the greatest healings you can offer yourself and your planet today is the healing of the dis-ease of the rigid heart. Dis-ease from a rigid heart. This week look for ways to be flexible. The palm tree will bend, it does not lose its roots. I’m not saying move away from what you know to be right or your true, moral sense of what love should be. Keep those roots, but be willing to bend and see if it helps. Do it in your dealings with others. Be the example, be the conscious example of what the new mind is.
You are moving into the season of the spring plantings, a time in which the seed learns to adapt to whatever ground it’s given. You know the glory of the story of the seeds sown on rocky ground and the seeds sown on good ground is not that if you have all the right elements and you’re really paying good attention and you’re surrounding yourself with good people and you’re getting good teachings and you’re in the perfect ground for the seed that you are, you’re going to grow up to be a beautiful plant. Darling, that’s not the glory of that parable. The glory, I believe, is that there are seeds that will sprout in rocky soil. And this world, my friend, tends to be pretty rocky, and you are a seed of new light and new love and a new way of thinking, unlike anything this planet has ever had. Your attitude is different. Make it a healing one. Be flexible in your love. Be willing to sprout wherever you are planted. Grow, baby, grow.
Glochanumora and happy trails to you.
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