July 15, 2001
Samuel: Well, greetings, dears.
Greetings, Samuel.
S: How has your world been since last we were together. Not how has the planet been; how has your world been?
It’s frustrating.
Full of potential.
S: Nicely said.
S: Enhanced.
S: Intense. Oh, I guess so.
Full of dreams.
S: Aye. Aye. Anybody finding that their world maybe a month ago is not so different than their world right now? And if you are finding that to be the case, does it surprise you? And the last thing that I’m going to ask within this is, What is it you need in your life right now? Anybody thinking, cool air? Aye.
Can I answer that or is that a . . .
S: Well, sure, love, but I was not intending it to be answered. But that’s all right, you’re welcome to go right ahead.
I was going to say, one of the things that I need is a commitment to go within to find out what it is that I need to go with at the time.
S: Well said. Well said. Yes. That’s true.
When last we were together, I said that what I was going to talk to you about was relationships, because relationships are going to be one of the main means by which everything that is going on in your life right now is going to be going on. That is not so different than it was a month or two months ago. In fact, that’s more or less, always the case as long as you are . . . well even if you’re not human, that’s the case.
The way that you experience everything is through a relationship of one sort or another. And right now, when your world and this whole dimension is in the midst of such, not so much change, but irregularity. That sounds like there should be a commercial for that, doesn’t it? Is your planet experiencing irregularity? And whatever would you give it, if that were the case? I will not go there. All right.
During this time in which—you might label it as chaos, or you might label it as frustration, or you might label it as change, or you might see it as transitionl; nonetheless, it is not the time in which you can look back on the patterns of the past and feel confident that that’s how you’re going to be able to manage your life. Nor is it a time in which you know what’s going to be happening tomorrow, to be able to therefore plan out how you’re going to be managing the rest of your life. And for many people that makes for a bit of tension. Have you ever noticed that? A little tension from not knowing what to do, and not necessarily being able to look back at what got you here anyway?
That’s very much the energy right now. And insofar as relationships are concerned, you are going to be called upon one very important function of the work you are here to do, right now, over these next few weeks, few months. And what that is is healing. Healing relationships.
Now, it would be very easy to think that, because Joyous is sitting right in front of me, that would mean that I’m going to be talking about the sort of healing that your physical essence needs when you have become sick. Right? But actually, there is much more to it than simply that. And remember that what I’m talking about is healing relationships.
And with that in mind, think for a moment about all of the things I asked you at the beginning. And then you tell me what you feel you need the most in your life to be able to create an atmosphere of healing in the relationships that affect you the most.
And I will go ahead and tell you what the first one is, and that is for you to know what relationships do affect you the most. Across the board, you’ve got very many sorts of relationships in your life, don’t you? So what relationship or relationships in your life right now are the ones that are affecting you the most? Is it necessarily the ones that you’re around the most? No. Is it necessarily the ones that you have a blood lineage, a blood line, connection, with? Not necessarily. Is it necessarily the person that you have a lifetime commitment with? Not necessarily. How is it you know what your most important relationships are, right now, in your life?
Frank, were you getting ready to answer that?
S: No. No ideas? Thoughts? Guesses? Heidi?
A guess might be the ones that we have the most issues with.
S: Well, actually, that is a very good bottom line for it. And those issues do not necessarily mean negative, they can be positive as well. What are a couple of examples of positive issues? Well, all right, how about you have a very, loving happy relationship, you enjoy things together, you really get along? Those are positive issues.
Negative issues are pretty easy to figure out. What’s an example of negative issues?
S: Control issues that come up, but let’s try to talk about the symptoms, the evidence of them.
Frustration. Impatience.
S: Somebody with whom you’re very frustrated, a person or a situation. Samuel, are you saying that you can have relationships with situations? Yes. Some of you only have relationships with situations, because you cannot establish relationships with people. And we’ll either get to that tonight or at another time. But that’s an important thing. Yes, you can have relationships with experiences, with things like that. And that’s important for you to remember. Further in that direction.
With a person who is not in physical form, and more, is it still possible?
S: Is it possible to have a relationship with somebody who is not even on the earth, who died two years ago? Yes. Why? Now, don’t get airy-fairy on me here, because it’s not an airy-fairy answer. Aye.
In going back and tying it in is, I think, a relationship where you have a strong emotion.
S: Good. Good. Good. Keep going there.
That tells me I have some type of issue or relationship, because I have a strong emotion. It could be love or it could be that if I see that person one more time, I’m going to get really frustrated, or if I think about that person, I still have issues with whatever happened with that person.
S: Perfect. Perfect. Yes. Very, very good.
In your life is there a person, place or thing with whom you have strong emotional responses? Or maybe not responses; maybe strong reactions. Things in your life, situations in your life, people who bring up those things in your life. Strong emotions.
Those whom you have strong emotions with, be it anger or joy, love or frustrated avoidance, this is where you have a breakdown relationship—when it’s frustrated annoyance, avoidance—or where the relationship is teaching you something either way. Hear me, particularly those of you who are dealing with anger issues—there is somebody who brings out the beast in you—and particularly where you have a situation in which you’re never understood.
And the reason that I’m going in this direction tonight is because your world is right now in the midst of a very positive and powerful transition. That transition is bringing into your own orbit—large picture and small picture, your own orbit—high-frequency energy that is bringing about a continued change that is going to show up as an awakening.
Samuel, this is old news. What does it have to do with relationships? And you who have come to this world for the express purpose of helping it—and you can fairly well fill in any blanks from there: helping it be a better place, helping others feel more empowered, here to make a difference—you are going to find your life charged with those who are going through healing crises. And if you don’t know your patterns, if you don’t know what has worked for you, you’re not going to be able to help heal your world. And I will tell you that, when you are faced with something that you want to do and you can’t, you are one miserable camper. No fun. And I like it a lot better when you play fair.
So that’s why it’s important for you first to recognize your own patterns, to recognize your own successes, to be able to know what works for you, because of that marvelous energy maxim “Like attracts like,” because you will attract to you those only you can touch. Remember that.
Into your orbit again will come those who start opening up to you in ways that make you think, Hello, is nobody else around here? in what may even seem to be a totally inappropriate situation. Have any of you had experiences like that? Can you talk a bit about it?
Yes, recently I went to a drive-through to pick up some food, and the fellow at the drive-through window just started talking to me about—it was right after I went to Heidi’s teaching on friendship—hung out the window and started talking to me about how he has a dear friend, and how important that is to him, and how much it meant to him. And how precious friends are. And he was just baring his soul to me, and I was going through the drive-through. It was wonderful, and I was being really supportive and everything, but I just thought it was so interesting that this man felt led to do that. I just ordered a bean burrito.
S: Let’s see, what is the associative process there? Bean burrito and dear friends. I don’t think it was the burrito that made the opening, love. Yes, that’s exactly the sort of example I’m talking about. Have we another one? Suzanne.
When we were flying from Madrid to Amsterdam, a person who was sitting in our row didn’t want to sit on the window side, so he ended up sitting between Jean and I. And . . .
S: That’s somebody who wanted to sit in the middle?
Yes, he wanted to sit in the middle. It turned out that he was terrified of flying, and he was from Rumania. Well, anyway, I got his whole life story, okay. And I ended up translating to the stewardess—nobody spoke Spanish, and this was his second language, Spanish—I ended up helping him in the Amsterdam airport exchange money, and all that kind of stuff. And Jean and I . . . I mean he’s white knuckled on this. He’s going to see his kids he hasn’t seen for two years, I mean it was just the saddest story, and all I could do was just send energy to him. And Jean and I would both hold his hands when we were landing. And Jean was saying, you know, he doesn’t know he’s surrounded by angels, but I think he did by the end.
S: […] And one more version of that.
I have so many people that come to me and start talking, and I just listen. And one person said to me the other day, “Have you ever felt like a mother confessor?”
S: And what did you reply?
I said yes.
S: Aye. So, already in your life you know those situations in which out pops the most interesting information. Why does that happen? All right, one reason that it might happen is simply because the person who pops out with that life story, or with that “aha” experience, or with that confession to make is simply bursting at the seams and anybody that would have crossed the path would have gotten it. All right. That’s a possibility. I’ll go ahead and put it out there simply because it could happen. It’s not very realistic, but it could happen. Why do situations happen? Suzie.
Because they’re ready, and because we’re ready.
S: Because they are ready, and because you are ready.
Because of trust.
S: Because of trust. Now let’s see, what trust is happening there?
I think they trust the person they are talking to that won’t go out and just spread it around.
S: But what if you’ve never seen them before? What if they’re hanging out of the restaurant window?
Well, there’s something about Mary that obviously he just felt that he could trust her with that.
S: What? What is it? Now, wait a minute. One thing that it could be—and again, I’m making sure that I’m putting these out there so that you hear how ridiculous they sound—one reason it could be, of course, is because the person’s crazy, and they would talk to the street or the building if you were not there, and you just happened to be impinging on their reality, so to speak, at the moment. All right, that could be a reason. It’s somebody who would talk to anybody any time, or nobody any time. What’s wrong with that idea?
For one thing, I’ve met enough people that aren’t crazy who do that.
S: Which, love? Talk to themselves or anybody they run into?
Right. I think that there is an energy that is around us that is a magnet. And I think that it’s an energy of safety, it’s an energy of non-judgment, and whether we’re functioning consciously in it or not at the time, there’s a connection that’s made. It’s a like frequency.
S: I don’t disagree with you in the slightest. And what I want you to take a moment and be aware of is what it is you have done to signal the other that you’re okay. Now, just a moment, think about that, because even just driving up to the restaurant window, there was something about Mary Claire that said approachable. Say it.
S: Were you smiling? When you saw that person, did you smile?
Yes, but I think it started before that. I think it started when I ordered that thing. I always make sure that I sound as pleasant as I can on the speaker.
S: So it was a conscious thing.
And I make a point of being really polite and real positive-sounding, because I’m sure there are a lot of people that just kind of bark at them.
S: […] being Guido.
And so it might have started there. And I always smile when I pull up, too.
S: That there was conscious activity to that that put forth an energy that said “approachable.” Paula.
I think that as we choose to consciously express Source in whatever way we can, to express that love, that people who have that hole in them, that want that energy, get pulled to that, because that’s something they’re missing, and something they want to attach to.
S: Those individuals who have a love-shaped hole in their life are drawn to those who are committed to expressing love. And would agree with that as well. I’ll put these two in the same pocket, and come back to that in just a bit. I want you to remember that the point I am making is that you are doing something that allows for that awareness, that connection. Steven.
People will approach you and me when they feel accepted, when they feel like someone’s interested, those two things. And there are a lot of things that can generate that. I think that the merging work we do helps us look for what’s alike when approaching someone so that we come across as accepting and interested in that person.
S: Aye. I would agree with that as well. Bonnie.
I think that sometimes it’s as simple as making that eye contact.
S: Eye contact. Specific eye contact. Do you find that in your everyday life you don’t get a lot of eye contact? Or do you get a lot of eye contact, and what good is it to give you eye contact? And when do you know you’re making it? And several months down the way, somebody’s going to be watching this on video, and saying, I don’t understand. What was that about? Cindy, why am I teasing you this way?
Because you love me.
S: That is true, because I absolutely love you. You are sitting in the front row, which says, I am your target tonight, doesn’t it? And because she’s blind, so I can make jokes about making eye contact. Thank you, love, for playing along with that. Joyous.
I think since 5:3:2—before that, but certainly since that—I want that connection with them. And I want it before I see them. I just want to have a connection all the time, and that’s sort of an ongoing energy that I put. Then when the person gets in that force field, we have it.
S: And in your life you will have those situations in which you do not, in the slightest, desire to have somebody get into your pathway, your force field, and start talking about the things that are going on in their life, because you have your own life to attend to. You’ve got a meeting to go to, you’ve got all manner of things that makes untimely this intrusion in your life. Sometimes it’s not convenient for you, and it happens anyway, because—as you have heard several people say already—you are consciously doing something that makes you approachable, seem interested, trustworthy. You’re doing it consciously, on purpose, or you‘re doing it simply by the nature of the energy that you are that is drawing to you energy that is seeking that sort of compliment.
There are many reasons why you are chosen. It’s not why you’re chosen that matters. Where I’m actually going here is two-fold, that you are chosen and what you do to repel it.
In healing, the very first requirement to be able to express healing energy at all is that you recognize the possibility of it. And in these situations that are coming up in your life, if you recognize them as a possibility for a healing connection, if you recognize it as a healing opportunity they are seeking , and more, that you are seeking as well, you are going to be able to—this may not sound good, I’ll try it anyway—to control the situation differently than you would when it just sneaks up on you.
Healing first requires an acknowledgment, a recognition of the possibility. That’s the same thing; that’s just one thing I’m saying there. In your life, one of the very first things that happens to you, as you are putting out into the world “I want to be here to help in whatever way I can, I choose to be an example of love in the world, my desire since the time that I was aware of desire was”—and all of you have stories like this in one way or another—was that I am here to make a difference.
One of the very easiest ways that the Universe is going to put those opportunities into your lap is going to be watching how you manage strangers, how you are around those with whom you have no known relationship. And remembering that you accelerate in your life that which you consciously make use of, then by your willingness to recognize that everybody who is in your—I’m going to say force field—everybody who is in your force field, there is a possibility for a connection that will bring healing.
That’s a big start, but now that healing needs focus. And the number-one healing need in your life is you. You. It would not be inaccurate, it would not be inaccurate if you were to put into your heart the knowing that every being of life force that comes into your experience is there to initiate a healing action for you, whether they know it or not. Your life could change. You would be putting your whole experience under the spotlight of “here to help me,” so that when you are helped by the person that you cut off in the car who drives by you just talking away, and you’re very glad your windows are up, how is it they are helping you heal?
What about an experience in which you have been told that you have a potentially fatal disease and your relationship is with doctors and nurses who are trying to take away your humanity so that they can deal with the disease? How are they there to heal you other than the most obvious level of pump you full of chemicals and make you exercise more?
What about situations in which you are frustrated, unhappy, and constantly experiencing pain and difficulty with somebody? How is it they are healing you when what they’re really doing is aggravating you? Stuart, is it an answer or are you signaling me about the technology?
The technology.
S: All right. Yes.
I’ve got a question.
S: A question. I was looking for an answer.
It’s kind of surprising, because it seems sort of selfish, you know: we’re looking for healing from all of these people, and we’re so far along, and we should be healing other people.
S: You would think, wouldn’t you? And I would fully agree. I would fully agree, but the reality of it is—I did not pay him to ask that question—the reality of it is you cannot do what you are here to do as long as you are still harboring all of these issues that come up at the drop of the hat, at the buzzing by of a car, at the rejection by somebody you don’t even know or the rejection of someone you do know. As long as you are the victim, if you will, of your circumstances, of your reactions, of your emotions, as long as you have stuff, you cannot do what you are here to do. And that stuff shows up. Winding it back to the beginning, shows up where you have strong emotions.
One of the ways that the Universe helps you is to put in your—here we go again—force field people, situations, experiences that show you your emotions. And, as you recognize them and are then able to take a look and see how it is that it has stayed with you so long, why it is that you feel it that way, you are healing yourself.
Emotions are what?
Feelings and thoughts.
S: Feelings and thoughts, and signposts. Signposts of what.
To let you know what your issues are.
S: Of your beliefs, of your attachments, of your issues. They are signposts. A really good emotion—give me one.
S: All right, let me say that a bit differently. If you’re thinking about emotions that you would think of as positive.
S: Love is a good one, but it’s a very broad one.
S: Absolute joy. Happiness. Great, deep happiness. All right. You are paying attention that you have this intense emotion going on with you. Is there anything wrong with it?
You have to experience the other side to it.
S: Well, actually, that’s not where I’m going with this. There’s nothing wrong with being happy, although I do know that some of you have issues with it. Maybe it’s just too unfamiliar. There is nothing wrong with being happy. Happiness is a good thing. So what is it you want to look at when you realize, Oh, hello, I’m really happy. Frank.
Look at why you’re happy, and the circumstances so you can repeat it.
S: Good.
What’s led up to it.
S: Good. Good. The first thing that you want to ask yourself is, Do I like this reaction I’m having? Is it a good thing? And if your answer is yes, then you want to do something that cuts you off at the knees in most of your life, because you don’t do it.
Let me turn that around to say it another way: One of the biggest reasons that you are not happy in your world—get ready, this is so simple, it’s going to make you say, “Of course!”—that you’re not happy is because you don’t know how to be happy. You’ve never paid attention to your happiness. Because it always sneaks up on you, you don’t know how to create happiness in your life. Pay attention to the good times. Really. Is that just amazingly simple? But it’s not simplistic. It’s not easy.
One reason it’s not easy is because you don’t see it as a healing process, and as a result you don’t see the benefit from it other than what it gives you right then at that moment, usually because it smooths things through for a while in one way or another. Because you don’t see the healing aspect of happiness, you don’t know to give yourself that tonic when you need it. So what is it you do in that moment of happiness or maybe a bit later when you’re looking back on it? What do you do? This isn’t hard. You say . . . Frank, you said it.
What led up to this?
S: What brought this about?
What part did I play in it?
S: Perfect. What brought it about? What was the situation? What are the elements that came together to bring about that sense of happiness? Were other people involved? If so, who were they? Are you always happy around Louise? I would recommend then that you be around her more. Really.
What did you do to make it happen? Well, I made a point of having a pleasant voice and acting positive, and as a result this person just popped their head out of the restaurant—not room—window and said, “Friends are so wonderful.” And it filled you up with joy, and it burned onto your brain the loveliness of that. Pay attention to what you did to make it happen.
And then, very often individuals are willing to go that far, once or twice, and they wonder why nothing happens. And the reason is because they don’t take it the final step. Keep trying it out. Practice it. Give it situations to see if it happens again. Seek ease in repeating the process.
All right, the first time that you learned, what, how to bake a cake—bake a cake?
Drive a car.
S: Or drive a car or whatever, were you perfect at it right away? Is it not accurate that in reality in all of your life it’s all just rehearsal, it’s all practice, you’re always learning? Remember that with happiness. You’re always practicing out this way of bringing it into your life, that way of bringing it into your life.
All right, what about when you have this incredible situation, and so the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time that you try to put those very things into practice, it doesn’t work out that way? How many times do you have to bang your head up against the wall before you realize this isn’t going to be the best road for you to take? How many times? Frank?
I was going to say until you find another way.
S: Well, actually, that’s a very good answer. When I am making reference to it as a negative thing going on in your life brought about by somebody else, I usually say that you want to turn the other cheek—all four of them. It always takes the audience a moment to get that. Which is to say, really, if you’re going to give yourself a generality to work with—if you must, that is—give something four tries. How about [that]?
Don’t beat your head against the wall without having a plan that goes with it. All right? All right, I’m beating my head up against the wall for four good tries here. That consciousness is, in effect, putting the Universe on alert, and it’s putting you on alert as well. That’s another one of those things that people leave out within the process. Because your life happens to you and you’re so happy that you’re such a spontaneous sort of person, you have a lot of negative things happen to you as well, because you’re not paying attention to what works and you’re not consciously putting out what does work. I’m going to give this a try. All right, Universe, I’m going to give this four tries—brain, did you hear that? And you literally give it four tries. It doesn’t count if you look back on it later and say, Oh, I tried it there. That was one. The consciousness is everything, because that’s the next aspect of bringing healing back into your world. What? What? I said it’s the next thing that has to do with bringing healing back into your world. It was the point I was just making there. What was it?
Do it with consciousness.
S: The consciousness of it. Perfect. You give yourself permission to have it there. You put consciousness into the working—whatever it happens to be—consciousness into the working.
All right, so you’ve got this pleasant emotional response. You also have . . . getting back into emotions, negative emotions as well—and anger might be one of those; absolutely—what are other negative responses?
S: Is withdrawal an emotion? Perhaps I should have clarified that it should be emotion, although I really do think that there is something to be said for withdrawal being an emotion for some people, because running is so ingrained that it really is just like happiness, sadness, running. Anger, withdrawal, guilt. You see? So, in a way, it could be, but probably most don’t recognize it as such.
I talked about anger. I mentioned guilt. What are some other of those that are emotions that are very difficult ones.
S: Fear. Sure.
S: Frustration. What causes frustration?
Not getting your way.
S: And you’re absolutely right. Not getting your own way is what causes frustration. You’re frustrated about something because it’s not going your way. Oh, don’t you hate it when it just smacks you up in the face like that? Frustration is the result of your expectations crossing the road—not crossing the road—crossing arms, crossing, getting in the way of somebody’s free will.
S: Intersecting—that’s the one—with somebody else’s free will, in a person-to-person situation. In one way or another, that’s how it’s going to show up for you. And ultimately—hear this—every negative emotional experience that you have hinges on two things. Not just one. Two. It takes fear and it takes your sense of being out of control of the situation. And you may word that in other ways. You may word it as “They are controlling the situation.” You may word it as “I don’t know what to do, I don’t have the skills for the situation,” but it has to do with fear and your feeling out of control in the situation.
You can have a very complex situation. Joyous is absolute fearless facing this just truly amazing—and actually in a real interesting sort of way exciting—sort of situation in her life. She’s absolutely fearless, until it comes time to put in an IV. Yes. Now, I’m using that as an example, but you have that so in your life all of the time. You’re fine with this, this, this and this, but just as soon as that one happens, the whole experience is gone.
Negative emotion breeds drama, because you need the drama to justify letting go of all of this, because of these thing that you feel disempowered with. If you can find the point of disempowerment, if you can find what it is that is frightening you, you can turn things around, because along with acknowledging, along with consciousness, there is also self-empowered action that goes with healing. Self-empowered activity that goes with it. So when that person, out of the blue, coming out of the restroom this time. . . . The form has this theory. Do you find it accurate in your life that women talk to other women in rest rooms, and men do not? Do you think that’s so? And you think it’s a genetic thing do you?
S: So, I don’t know. I imagine they discuss it. It actually has to do with all of those things we just discussed.
So there you are in the rest room, looking over at the person next to you saying something, and all of a sudden you start getting the story of their life. And you acknowledge, and you consciously put forth, and you work toward what? Just said it.
Self-empowered action.
S: Self-empowered action. And those are the three steps that open the door to healing. And those might be things that are coming from you, because you are looking at them in your life. What do I have as an associative process? Humans think in an associative manner. You are looking to see how have I had situations like that in my life? How have I experienced a version of this? I have never experienced a version of this. I will simply back off and see if I can ask questions that will allow them to see their own empowered action in this, because when you are seeking self-empowered activity, you must, you must, you must, have at least one like successful experience. One. That’s all you need. It doesn’t have to be a whole history of them to begin the process of self-empowered activity, or to suggest to somebody self-empowered activity. The important part there is to help them see or to help yourself see where you have a like situation that worked successfully.
Now, in the healing aspect of it, if you are a doctor and you are working with a patient, is it not just as much a part of the situation that way as it is when it’s an emotional thing? And for those of you who are in here that are counselors, psychologists, is it not a part of the process that way? That is a diagram of a healing experience. It’s the diagram of what your world is looking for right now. Whether your world be you, as an individual, or you as a part of this earth dimension right now.
What is it you want to give to the world? What is it you are here to do? What is this experience about for you? Until you are able to say, “It is about me getting over my stuff so I can help others do the same thing,” you’re not acknowledging that there is something that needs healing. Unless in your life you have only happy, positive, emotional experiences—in which case you teach next month, all right—if you only have positive emotional experiences without having to do the “All right, what can I get out of this?” thing—although that is how you will turn it around—then you have in your life something that needs healing.
And that is great, because it means that you are going to be accessible. It means that you are going to be able to have something to relate to when, out of the clear blue, into your space comes somebody saying, “I’m having trouble finding shoes.” Anything that starts a conversation.
Quick question—a side, gravy, portion here—it’s two-fold. Be careful of the answer. Somebody asking for your help to find shoes, does that mean they need healing? [Audience groans.] All right, it’s three-fold, you’re quicker than I am.
Troubled soles.
S: I like that. I like that. Yes. They’re troubled souls. I like that a lot actually.
Is it an opening that the Universe is sticking in front of you to say help is needed? Mary Claire.
Well, maybe they just want help with shoes, or it might mean that you need the healing. It could be.
S: Perfect. Perfect answer. Yes, it means that healing is needed there. It might be yours. The two-fold aspect was, yes, and maybe it’s you. Yes.
Every situation that happens in your life—everything, the tiniest detail—by your wisdom, by your choice, is a part of a greater picture designed for your healing, which is a part of a greater picture designed for your function in this world to help to make a difference to bring about the greater Plan for the planet and all life force upon it, which is the function of love in a living, viable, access, the completion of the sacred plan for this planet.
The way that you will make a difference in this world is going to be through the relationships that you have. Right now look at the relationships in your life. What are you doing with them? Are you conscious at all about the gift that they offer you and the gift that you are for them?
Relationships need a constant awareness of healing activity, given and received. And remember that the healing that I’m talking about there has to do with an awareness of negative emotional impact on your life and turning that around to become a positive focus for your, and their, and its greater good.
Right now, your planet is seeking those who are conscious healers, and not even in the largest picture, but in the picture that has to do with your own life. That’s talking about you. The need now is for you to get over your stuff so that the energy that is coming to this world, the power, the light, the love, that’s coming through right now will not be impeded by the blocks of your open wounds.
Humans are pack animals. It’s the relationship that you have with others that allows you to come to the greatest relationships in your life, with you and with All That Is. Don’t deny what you know.
Glochanumora. Happy trails. Go team.
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