August 3, 2003
Samuel: Greetings, dears.
Greetings, Samuel.
S: Well, hello. How are you? How is life treating you now? Did you have a good July?
S: Aye. What made it good?
What made it good was feeling a part of everything around me. A feeling of one with the plant kingdom, animal kingdom, and even the rocks, you know, that were dug up in my yard to plant a tree thing. “No, no, don’t take me! I want to stay here.” Just an absolute connection and feeling of oneness with all those. And the joy, the absolute joy that brings me is incredible, and it’s been a fantastic summer.
S: That’s really good news. Why was it good for you? What did it bring you? What did you bring it? What made it good?
Everything comes together. There’s a sense of real balance, but a sense of strength, that everything in my life, outside and inside, seems to be blossoming.
S: Lovely. Lovely. It’s nice when the outside and inside are working together, don’t you think? When things that you know from within are showing up in your world, when things that are a part of your world are balanced by, enhanced by, what’s going on within you, that creates a much easier walk in this world. And that counts for a lot in the everyday living of love, which is, of course, the reason why you are able to have the inside balance with the outside.
More. Aye.
A sense that there is so much abundance, with friendships and being with people and love. It was nonstop. It was just a wonderful place to be, to really enjoy relationships.
S: I think you’re a group of people who need to spread your joy around the world a bit. You’re a very nice group of people to be around these days. That’s really good.
More. Aye.
Just life has brought changes for me in my diet, and emotional changes with relationships, and I’ve come to find out that if I choose myself, if I feel like I’m worthy of love, then other people will know that I am worthy of love.
S: You know, that is such a simple statement. It makes sense. It resonates inside and out, and yet it is one of the most difficult stumbling blocks that most work to get over. Note I did not say actually do get over. That’s good work to bring that out into your life, to claim that verbally, to amplify it that way. Good work. Yes, indeed, very true.
I’ve had joy in the small things, and my life has been made up of a lot of big events, and I would usually plan for the next major concert, the next major trip, and I don’t have those things as much in my life anymore. But I’ve been enjoying the little things. “Oh, that bagels good,” or “That’s good,” or “Oh, that flower.” Not even just the whole garden; that one thing. And what I found when I did this is that certain big things that I’d wanted for a long time, I just kind of let go, and then they started coming up in very different ways. Because I wasn’t making them happen, they came through in other directions. I never would have imagined it would have happened that way. But then I could just even go . . . just enjoy it, and not even worry about trying to make other things happen.
S: That it came up in different ways than you would have thought, and as a result of that, probably faster than you would have thought, which is very much the gift of it. What makes up an hour? Sixty minutes. And what makes up a minute?
Sixty seconds.
S: And which one of those is the most important?
Everything that makes it all up.
S: Every piece makes up your hour, and allowing yourself to gain joy from the seconds, or the minutes, or the hours, is very much a key to allowing more happiness to come into your life.
One of the things that happens with human nature—living a life filled with expectation of one sort or another, being very happy that this or that is happening in your life, very sad when it stops, the emotional gamut that comes with life in the costume of form—one of the things that happens is that you get very, very focused. I ought to say this better. I’ll try it in a moment if you don’t understand it. You get very focused on ignoring the small steps, because you consider it reaching a goal or being successful when you have the big one, forgetting that the journey is made up of every step. And any step left behind keeps you that much short within the journey.
So you are reaching a place of mastery in your spiritual experience when you come to that rare and wonderful place in which you recognize it’s the little things that add up to the awareness of abundance, of joy, of happiness. It’s the small steps, the single plant, rather than the whole garden. But when you make that connection with that single plant, you are taking in the joy of the whole garden. And then when, plant by plant, you have learned that garden, the whole garden is that much more real to you.
That is a secret in life. Should it be? No. It should be sung out from the housetops, but you see it’s a mastery that requires it to see that way, to act that way. It’s mastery, and there just aren’t that many of those.
I had surgery, a hysterectomy, and the amount of love that came from this group was incredible. And I know that that’s what this group is about. The amount of love that came to me from people not in this group was just incredible. I mean, I was like, “Where has this come from?” People from my work, they were just there. They were there. They had food, you know, constantly calling to see what I needed, what I wanted. It was just amazing. And it’s been, from that time—and I blame it on hormones, but I know that it’s the Universe hitting me over the head with a two-by-four, because so many things have come all of a sudden for me to have to learn, to ask for help, which I have resisted, and it’s not easy. I screwed up a paint job, and I was able to cry about it, to let some hear me cry—which I haven’t done in years and years and years—it’s just like I’m opening to receive, in a nutshell. And, you know, that’s been hard.
S: Sounds like a whole lot of people in this world ought to have a hysterectomy. One of the gifts in life is when you are able to see what you have given returned to you. The thing is, that doesn’t happen all that often, and when that’s why you do a thing, it’s that much more likely not to happen. To do something “because I’ll get this from it” is pretty well an easy way to ensure that the Universe is going to go all around the block and back in getting it to you. What you give out is going to come back to you. To be able to see it return in your lifetime is unusual enough, within a month is very powerful news. But do not forget, love, you who have given so much provided a doorway for others to give back. You live in the world you create every day.
Now, is that that wonderful old lesson about you create your own reality? Well, yes and no. Yes, of course it is. You create your own reality in the very large scale of it all, but I mean insofar as the law of cause and effect—also known as “throw the rock in the pond and watch the ripples hit the edges”—what you do has an effect, and it returns to you in kind. How fortunate you are when you are able to see the effect of what you do, but do not fool yourself—you must never do it and then sit back and wait to watch it come back, because, for most that you do, you are not so likely to see the return to you. But as I said earlier in regard to another statement, one who is functioning in mastery sees it. You have given, and you receive in kind. That’s impressive. Good work.
It really is a time of miracles in many, many ways, and this year is a magnificent one. And you have opportunity after opportunity to experience that magnificence, but based on what we have said just this evening, what might you say would be a key to experiencing that magnificence?
Staying in your now.
S: Yes.
It has been very important for me.
S: So that you do not get lost in the “what ifs?” Or, you box it up based on what was. Yes.
Well, first of all, I can’t say it any better than Janet said it, because I’ve experienced much of what she said.
S: Good.
But in this . . . with the idea of magnificence, letting go of your expectations of what that magnificence is to be.
S: Well said. Well said. Yes. Don’t need it to come in your label. That lets it come that much faster. That’s good.
Knowing that it’s there. I feel it. Looking for it, being with that expectation, that norm, that it’s there.
S: It’s going to be a magnificent day. I’m going to experience magnificence throughout that day. You put it forth. This is a time of miracles and magic. This is a time of magnificence. And you will see through the filter of “It’s magic! It’s wonderful. It’s magnificent.” As opposed to the filter of, “Ho hum, another day.” Or worse. Absolutely.
More, yes.
Being willing, but more than that, wanting to step outside of those boundaries that I set up for myself.
S: Being willing and wanting to step outside of that box, those boundaries, that say, Oh, it’s not magnificent. That’s good. Yes.
It kind of goes along with being in the moment, but recognizing those moments of unconsciousness, and then stopping that behavior in order to be in the flow.
S: Recognizing those very fleeting moments of unconsciousness. Does that mean in which you are not . . . unconsciousness, that you are in a coma state?
S: Unaware. All right, unaware of the magnificence, perhaps. Consciousness of what’s not working. Now, be careful with that one. Particularly in this society, what’s not working is very easily the whole thing that anybody looks through, the whole filter, the whole way of looking at something. The change here, though, is that when you are working at high frequency, what happens instead is that little voice in your head that says “Oh, not good” is a whole lot louder than it used to be. That little voice that, when you say, “Am I doing the best I can, where I am, with what I have at the moment?” and it says “No,” and you can’t ignore it like you could so easily before—that is what provides the awareness that opens the door into magnificence, because when you are aware of what does not work, well, one thing is you are able to move around it, hopefully avoid it, certainly not feed it. And you can come up with another plan.
In your life you have experiences that you look back and you very easily say, “This is good. I am happy. This works.” And you have those situations in which you do not feel happy, in which you are, perhaps, . . . oh, pick a number, miserable, feel uncomfortable? When you look at your life, at those behaviors, actions, beliefs that take you from the heart of happiness, when you have in your life—and you’re looking at, “You know, I’m really angry right now,” or any other negative version of living in this world, stop! Stop right there and look at it, because you are getting the blueprint of what doesn’t work for you, of a sabotage into a land without magnificence.
And that’s actually where I want to go this night. The sorts of sabotages that so easily come into your life, and it’s because you have just gone through a holiday of sorts, haven’t you? And what day was that?
Martin’s birthday.
S: Always something to celebrate, but long before there was one named Martin, they celebrated him in a different way, and it was called . . .
S: Lughnassadh, yes. That was not lunacy. Although . . .
What’s that holiday about?
The first harvest.
S: First harvest. First harvest. Now wait a minute, Samuel, we have the most remarkable agricultural system in the world, and there is no such thing as a first harvest. It’s a continual harvest now. All right, maybe that’s so. But just bear with the ancient thinking that brought that particular day into a major event in life. And as I am saying these things, relate them, symbolically speaking, to your own life.
Lugh-nassadh. Now there’s a hint right there about what that’s for.
The god, Lugh. The sun god.
S: All right. The god. The sun god, Lugh. Now, let’s take just a moment and step over the incredibly pagan obstacle of a god named Lugh. Anybody want to explain it all? Is that saying that Source has a name, and its name is Lugh?
It’s an aspect of the Source.
S: Well said. Well said. Yes. The sun. Have you noticed in your life that it matters.
That’s why I left Pittsburgh.
S: Not enough of it. You have noticed in your life that you physically respond to sunlight, that you mentally respond to sunlight, and as you are well aware of—particularly during the summer when you have so many things growing and taking advantage of all of that sunlight—you have the sun providing a big component of life force energy into the world.
The sun has been recognized since the earliest of times as being a life force that provided, literally, life. To celebrate life, one personified the life force into what was the most understandable version for that time. Does that mean that was not a god named Lugh? There is one named Lisa, and one named Gayle. And here is one named Suzie. And, indeed, one named Martin. Characteristics of a greater whole, and it’s important that you realize that. So beginning with a recognition of life force as it affects human nature, as well as the elemental world, there is a celebration of that power. But particularly, as Bonnie said, first harvest, particularly as it is a generous and giving force that brings into your life what you need to survive, which would be . . .
S: Food, yes. That works. That fits, that works. Which is to say, that brings abundance to you. Samuel, are you saying that Lughnassadh is about abundance? Yes, I am.
And you have touched it as you have been able to look back on what your month has been, and you have seen the positive, the powerful, as you have chosen to see the good, the miracles, as you have chosen to express a magnificence, you have received the gift and you have expressed the gift in turn. And that is where I want to go tonight.
I want to talk for a bit about your first harvest, and about your expression of Lugh, the sun. Let’s begin first, however, with: Put on your imagination hat and guess—although there’s a whole lot of you in this audience who don’t need to guess at all—guess what it is first harvest is about. First harvest.
Well, plants mature in a process; they don’t just all mature at one point. And some will go on to the fall and into the winter. So the celebration was about the fact that the first crops were maturing and were coming to fruit.
S: The first crops. When would they have been planted?
S: Say it again.
S: At the very early part of the spring, most likely. What might that be, Martin?
S: Might even be March. It might be those crops that can withstand a bit of cold, might can manage with a lot of spring storming. You might even say that they are perhaps a bit more hardy. Yes. What sort of crops is that in this area? I’m asking.
S: Broccoli.
S: Peas.
S: Spinach, lettuce.
S: Carrots.
S: Turnips. Aye, well you’ve got quite a list of them then, don’t you? And is that because this is a fairly southern locale? You’re able to manage it better, whereas if you lived in Toronto, it might not be quite that selection. But you get the point, right?
You’re planting at a time that’s risky, therefore you make a point of planting those things that are hardy enough to withstand the risk. All right, right there is about five years of spiritual awareness. I’ll say it again. You’re planting early enough that it’s sort of risky, therefore you carefully choose what you’re planting. You choose those that are hardier. Now, teach that back to me. Make that real. Put that into your world, your words. What’s it saying?
There’s planning, there’s preparation of all sorts.
S: Good.
There’s discrimination of what will and won’t make it. It’s knowing what is around you, what is the probability, the likelihood, of something making it, and then taking care to time things correctly so that . . .
S: Hold a moment. Let’s keep up with this. There is planning. There is timing. There is discernment. There is decision-making as to what will and will not work. You are also evaluating what you are capable of managing and what you are not. You are . . . now, continue with that.
I lost track of where I was going.
S: Sorry. Sorry. Others will perhaps pick it up and keep it going, but you are putting into the simple choice of turnips or broccoli wisdom you have gained from the past. You have looked to see how that information can fit for the present, and you are taking appropriate action to go with it. Excellent.
Well, one of the things when you plant those crops is, you are aware that the weather might turn against you, and so you have to be prepared to do it again later on when it gets warmer. So I think you have to have a willingness to turn a corner or change in the direction you’re going, and be prepared to do that.
S: You do not set it up with expectations that “This is it, I can ignore it now and go my own way.” You are constantly keeping your eye on it to ensure that its needs are met without putting it in a box that says, “and it’s going to be just this way.” Because when the storm is letting out too much rainfall and those seedlings get washed away, you have a choice in front of you. You can curse the rain. You can stomp around and be angry, and make it difficult on everybody because you’ve got this big task ahead of you. You can make yourself and everyone pretty miserable, or you can say, “it’s all right, I planned for that. I’m going to plant some more.”
Pay attention to that one in your life, because so often when something gets in the way of your ability to see the magnificence, when something gets in the way of your version of how this crop should look—this crop called life—you get so focused on what made it rain. You get so focused on how upset you are, which really is just a signal that you were not prepared for everything—not speaking very well of you, of course. You put out there this or something better, and when that crop gets washed away, you look to see, “All right, what is it I can do now? What’s in front of me now? What’s possible now?” You don’t look at “By now I should have broccoli up to my waist.” Is that possible?
For Heidi it is.
S: She is standing. All right, turnips. They would not. I know that one. What might be to your waist that plants early? Lettuce? No.
S: Corn. Is that an early one?
S: No. All right, maybe we should say, “By now it should be to my ankles.” Now I’ve got to start all over. This is intolerable. And you can focus on that. You can focus on how things didn’t go your way, even though you did everything right. You planted just so. You prepared that seed bed. You talked to the seeds, and you recognized their life force, and you said, “Go! Go! Go!” before you put them to bed. You did everything right, and yet that awful rain came in, even though you had asked that it not wash things away and it did. How dare it? Frank.
And I’m at risk, not being a farmer, but if the bad weather comes late enough, you may also want to be in a position that you say, “Oh well, I’m not going to have kale this year. I’ll expand my beans, instead of planting kale, because the weather will be too hot and it won’t ever mature again. I’ll use that part of my land to grow something that would be a late-planting crop, and I’ll have more of something else, and no kale this year.”
S: And in this particular society, another version of it might be that you call Paula, whose kale came in just fine because she lives at a different place than you do, and you say, “Can I trade you some beans for some kale?” And I’m serious, because that’s a part of experiencing the magnificence as well. As Frank very beautifully said, even though he’s not a farmer, it is possible that when your kale is washed out—sometime, do show me what kale is, all right—when your kale is washed out, it may be too late to replant a crop that needs what? Chilly feet?
Cool air.
S: Cool air. Aye. That’s right. Its roots are its feet, don’t you think? You knew what I was saying, didn’t you? And you will have to say, “All right, I’m not going to have that. But look, that means that this seed bed is available for something else.” And instead of seeing it as a painful rejection, you see it as an opening.
Gwendolyn, what is the phrase I am thinking of now? It has to do with Christmas.
There must be a pony in there somewhere.
S: That’s the one.
It’s Gwen’s thing, I’m sorry.
S: Tell me the story about getting a pony for Christmas.
I don’t know about the pony for Christmas, but the story is that these children . . . one was put in a room where there wasn’t anything but manure, and another was put in a room with all kinds of presents, and packages, and toys to play with. And they went to check on the children, and the one was very unhappy. There wasn’t anything that didn’t break in all the collection, and there’s nothing here worth fooling with.
S: Hold a moment. Can anybody here relate to that? Not only, perhaps, because you are a parent, and you remember those Christmases in which the box got more use than the toy, but also in your own life in which you looked around and said, “This isn’t enough. This isn’t what I signed up for, is it?” And . . .
So then they went and checked on the child that had been placed in the room with the manure, and the manure was flying all over the place. “And what are you doing?” “With this much manure, there’s got to be a pony in here somewhere.”
S: That’s the one.
I must be getting a Clydesdale.
S: May you not be allergic to horses, yes. Because you see it’s that attitude that takes you out of “I don’t have” and puts you in the way of “I will have.”
One of the greatest sabotages that you have in your life is a lack of trust. A lack of trust, obviously, in Source. You are not here alone. “I feel all alone.” You have all the help you need. “Nobody helps me.” Everything that you need is going to be provided for you so that you can do what you are here to do. “I don’t know what I’m here to do. I’m useless,” which is to live love. “That just seems too easy. I know it has to be a lot harder than that, because life is so hard,” and do it the best you can, where you are, with what you have at the time. Always excuses, because you don’t see that the room full is actually a room full of possibility, you don’t see that the rain that washed out your kale opened the door for the prize pumpkins. You’re stuck, because you don’t trust.
Now, what is the most important thing for you to trust in this life. And I must say that for everyone of you in here, there is a different answer for that. It’s not what you trust that makes it appear a part of your life or not, it’s why. Why. If you are coming from a place that says, “I live a wonderful life. I look at this basil plant and it is a miracle. I woke up this morning, and that was a miracle—especially after last night. Life is good.” To come from a place that sees that beauty, opens the door for trust.
This world is not here to prove its beauty to you, you are here to see it. You ruin your life—and that is a heavy word, isn’t it? Life, of course. No, ruin!—you ruin your life, blow your chances, you separate yourself from the abundance when you insist that the beauty drop in your lap and show itself to you, rather than you consciously seeking it. Seek and you shall find, not sit and you will find.
I’d like to share a little story that . . .
S: Fits right with this. Yes, it does.
I drive a long distance very often. My foundry where I go to is a long drive. Now, I can make that difficult for myself, and very often I feel myself kind of starting out, “Oh boy, I’ve got to make that drive. The traffic! The big trucks make my vehicle wave around on the road.”
S: And in your own life you have those things that you know, “I’ve got to do this. Gosh, I don’t want to!” So keep relating here.
What I try to do is change how I feel about the whole thing. I changed my route so that I go down the western parkway, and I avoid some of the heavy traffic around Nashville and so forth, but it’s gorgeous. It is so beautiful as you’re driving through that area that I just get rolling along, and I think it’s so magical and wonderful.
I was on my way to the foundry recently—I was gone almost a month—and then I go on from there to New Mexico, which is another long trip, where I’m teaching a class. And I worry, this starts again, ”I wonder who I’m going to have in the class. I’ve had a couple of times when I’ve had students that . . . now wait a minute, this is not the way I’m going to do this. I am going to have wonderful people in my classes. They’re going to love them.” One of the classes I had never taught before, but I know what goes on with it. I met the most wonderful people from all parts of this country. They came to my classes: I mean, they were magical, and wonderful things happened. And I looked back and said, “You know, you could have made it a really rough time for yourself,” and in turn that would have affected my class. But as it was, it was a wonderful experience, and I was going along with it even when I turned around and started going home. Things just went beautifully, just beautifully. But I had to make that adjustment in myself to have that happen like that.
S: Now, does that mean that, if you have the attitude of “this is going to be fun, this is a new experience,” it’s going to go well, that things will all go well?
S: No. it doesn’t. It does not mean that you won’t get a flat tire. It does not mean you will not have grumpy people in your class. It means, though, that you have chosen to work through the filter of “this is good; I will seek what is good of it.”
Now the Universe is constantly—thanks to a world in which free will rules—is constantly tossing in your direction opportunities to see the beauty or curse the lack of it, for you to be coming from a place that says, “I choose to see the beauty.” Eventually your trust is going to rule, and all you will see is why it works so well, even though there were these challenges, instead of there were these challenges and there were some things that worked well.
And that seems way too simple for very complex lives, and yet it is the foundation of abundance. It is the foundation of abundance. You are constantly telling the Universe what you believe you are due by what you see in the world. “There is so much pain. There is so much hatred. It’s so painful. I don’t like to listen to the news any more, because it’s so depressing,” versus “I watch the news because it’s an opportunity to know where the hot spots are, and have the opportunity to be sending energy that way. I am amazed by how open the world is to talk about what’s going on, and it allows me the opportunity to practice my listening skills or to give comfort where it’s possible.”
It’s all about your determination that this is a time to harvest the best of what the sun has to offer, to celebrate the harvest. Now, if you’ve spent the last thirty, forty, ten, fifteen years just noticing what isn’t there, you’re going to have a hard time. You’re going to have a very hard time experiencing abundance, except the abundance of those things that are hard, because that is where your focus is.
One of the most destructive aspects of your magnificence is taking the creation energy that is pouring forth into this world right now, and instead of looking at what is possible, looking at what is not happening, what is not there, what is not possible for you at this moment. Instead of creating a pathway to a door that will open, you are putting up barriers, making it harder for that open door to work for you.
Trust is one of the biggest sabotages, and I want to go back to what I said earlier. It’s not what, it’s why.
Are you signaling me time, or speaking? You did this earlier. All right, that was a signal. Yes? All right. Good.
One of the things that you want to ask yourself is why? Why? Why do I trust? What does that mean? What does it mean? It’s not what you trust, it’s not, “I trust the Universe that everything’s going to work out the way it should,” it’s why? Why? I’m asking. Why?
Because there’s a part of us that’s always connected into Source.
S: Right the first time, right there. Because you are amplifying the part of you that in another version of yourself wears a big tag that says Source, because it amplifies the part of you that isn’t human, right here, right now, in this world. It amplifies the part of you that is forever connected into All That Is, and as a result has access to all there is, because you are amplifying the greatest of you. And that is the key. You trust because it’s what you’re about. You are not buying into the separation, in which case you would need the “you must trust Source,” because it’s not you. In releasing the separation, you are activating the one, the connection you have with that Source, and that’s very important.
Another major hurdle to your ability to experience the whole crop—these planting stories are really way too far dated with what you can do today—one of the other great sabotages in your life to the magnificence that is there for you—now this is going to be particularly unfriendly, so go ahead and brace yourself right now—it’s because you’re too lazy to do anything about it. Ouch! So the farmer says, “All right, I planted the kale, the broccoli” whatever it is, “Now, you do well. Adios.” And it’s those who plant who are laughing right now, because you know better. What’s required?
Water. Food. Nurturing. All the things that help those plants grow and develop.
S: A whole lot of things. In fact, so many things that you could not generally just say, “Oh well, it requires water.” No, it’s more than that. It requires pulling weeds up. I could really go off on weeds in your life, couldn’t I? Making sure that it has its essential needs met, which may mean that you give it water, which may mean that you take some of the water away, don’t water it for a couple of days, that you feed it what it needs. You make sure that it’s growing in a ground that is healthy for it, fertile for it, that has all of the elements that come together to create the most healthy specimen possible that is given.
What do you think is required to grow a healthy specimen of Guardianship energy? Well, I will tell you this much: it’s more than just recognizing your Guardianship. It might have to do with paying attention to what the plant is being fed.
I’m going to toss this out as an option for you, but I will go ahead and warn the leadership who see this in all three cities that this is going to be coming to you as an official assignment. I’d like to suggest to you that you give yourself one day a week eating only raw food. One day a week, that’s all. Now, for those of you who already eat mainly raw, why don’t you give yourself three days? See what it does for you, and when we are together again in a couple of weeks, I’m going to discuss the why about that, but it has to do with preparing your bed with optimal conditions for growth. It has to do with getting your physical body more ready.
Now, moving on from that, lazy shows itself up in your life in this sort of way: What’s the most important thing you can be doing between now and the completion of Sacred Status?
S: And how often do you attend? What do you do to make it a possibility in your life? How much effort do you give it? You give it all the effort that is an expression of your belief in its importance. Ouch! That one was for me, because it does hurt.
What are you putting into your body so that it can function optimally? What are you doing to make sure that you’re not a hothouse flower that fades right away? Are you exercising and stretching that body? Are you giving it what it needs, physically, mentally—that’s where a particular number of the weeds get pulled—emotionally, and spiritually.
The two biggest sabotages you come to, keeping you from the magnificence that is waiting for you, are a lack of trust in what you are and a lack of willingness to do what you need [to do] to be what you are.
Lughnassadh is about the first harvest. That means that you have time now to plant what is needed to make use of the second one, just in case the first one is already gone. This year should start all that you have been waiting for. Do not be the reason it doesn’t come your way.
Glochanumora. See you, then, in a couple of weeks. Yes? And leadership, even before that.
Happy trails.
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