November 7, 1999
Samuel: Greetings, dears.
Greetings, Samuel.
S: How are you doing?
Very well, thank you.
S: Good.
[…] Was he a Guardian?
S: In the sense that you are? No.
No, I know that, but in the earthly experiences.
S: I do not think this answer will surprise you. In that sense, all awakened ones are. It doesn’t matter exactly when you wake up either. Aye.
Do you feel like you are in a very busy time in your life?
S: And do you sort of have a sense that perhaps it would be a whole lot easier if you could clone yourself, and be two or three people able to do all of the things that the one of you is trying to?
Well, in a sense tonight, I’m talking about cloning. Sort of. About making the most of your time. About what you need to be doing to be doing what is needed.
It’s a very widely varied group tonight. Let’s do a little bit of something to focus the energy. And remembering that these are also recorded a couple of different ways, let’s set it up so that even if you are listening to this recording six months from now, the same energy will permeate and help. I want you to do a heart tone, a heart sonic. Now, for those of you who are not exactly certain what a heart sonic is, it’s sort of like a big yawn for your body. Aye. You know that situation where you’re just sort of tired, and you know you’ve got good yawn coming, but you can’t quite get it out there. And then, finally, you get a really good yawn, and it stretches out your whole body, and it clears out your head, and it feels really good. You know that, don’t you? See, I’m not as far away from it all as you might think. Aye. I can remember, sort of. Sort of.
It’s centered around your heart. You are creating a sound that allows that area of your body to vibrate. Now, all right, the truth of it is, any sound you make, just as any sound you hear, vibrates every part of your whole body. But it’s the intent, the thought, that you are putting into it, the conscious awareness of the heart area—which is a symbolic word representing that function of love or spiritual essence in you life—that all gets clicked into being when you’re thinking about sending a sound in which this area is activated. And the sound ah or oh or hu or . . . no barnyard sounds—that sort of throws off things. And it goes through at least three breaths. It can go five. It can go four. And the key to it—the key to it—is what you’re thinking while you’re doing it.
In this particular case, I’d like for you to be thinking two things. The first one is thoughts of love. Now, when I ask you to put in mind a thought of love, there’s all sorts of ways you can do that. You can just say to yourself . . . Anybody in here ever talk to themselves? You know what I mean when I say, say to yourself? Sure. Aye. They can relate. [Say to yourself] I am thinking loving thoughts. The thoughts I have right now are thoughts of love. You can do it that way. That’s perfectly fine. You can be remembering a very loving situation, a time in which you felt very, very loved or a time in which you were extremely loving. Perhaps you want to think of the innocent, intense love a child has for a parent, or a lover, or your dog. You think of love.
The second thing is to imagine that that love is spreading out and intermingling with everybody in this room, and everybody hearing or watching. Your thoughts are a frequency. Your frequency mixing with other frequency creates an energy of its own. These are magnetic tapes with an energy of their own. Just imagine it latching on to that tape, because when you hear this again—or for the first time, but you weren’t here for it—I want you too to do this sound again. Driving down the road. And letting the love that is the most essential primary part of each one of you wash over you again, or the person that’s taking part.
And let’s start this night, therefore, with probably the main reason you would clone yourself ever at all: to be able to allow the love you are to have a greater outreach. So give that a try. Put your mind on love. Good deep breath, and sound it out. [Audience tones.]
That was really good for me. Was it good for you? Aye.
You have just recently passed one of your pumpkin holidays, right? Aye. Aye, well isn’t that a season that lasts a while? As long as you have squash, you will have holidays around them? Seems the case. And so I want to begin my opportunity in chatting together tonight by reminding you of a story that very strongly figures in squash, pumpkins. Perhaps, in an alternative reality, this story might seem familiar. In your own reality, I’m not certain the story goes exactly this way, but let’s give it a try and see what happens.
Once upon a time—and I’m going to go very, very, very quickly through this section of the story, because in this alternative reality, this is the least important aspect of the story. Aye. Once upon a time there was a young woman, and she had three step-sisters and a step-mother, and they really put her to work doing a lot of things she didn’t like doing too much—mainly things that they did not want to do, such as cleaning the house, and cleaning out the fire grates, and so forth—to the point that she always seemed to be just a bit smudgy when you looked at her, and so they called her Smudgy—no!—they called her—“Hello, Smudge”—no, not that—they called her Cinder Ella. Right.
So far, worlds have not collided—something like that. Still working on the same reality.
And, as it would be in this particular kingdom, the King had a very lousy son who would not do his duty to the family and get married. And so the King said, “All right. Here is what we’re going to do. We’re going to arrange this marriage for you. We’re going to invite every single woman in the whole kingdom, and they will all come to this ball and, by gum, you will pick one of them and marry her.” That’s much the way it happened for you, wasn’t it? Aye.
And so that ultimately is what happened, with the exception of Cinderella, who was not told about the invitation by her step-sisters, because they knew that if Cinderella were to go to the ball, she would be dirty, and it would embarrass the family. And you know that embarrassing the family is going to cause shame, and that’s going to cause difficulty for everybody. And perhaps you’d know that end of the story.
So, they all got ready, went to the ball, and that was the opportunity for Cinderella to sit around and cry, because she was not able to do what she wanted to, which always seemed like an interesting part of the story to me, because she never actually said she wanted to, did she? It sounded to me like she was getting what she wanted, because she was doing all the work without complaint. Working hard for her martyr’s crown. All right, wrong story. Let me keep going here.
And, as she was sitting in a corner whimpering about her fate, out of the blue there was a bit of a sparkle in the corner, and it turned into her . . .
Fairy godmother.
S: Fairy godmother, which is such an interesting phrase, isn’t it? I cannot make up my mind: is it the fairy, is it the god, or is it the mother? We’ll just put them all together and have a little bit of everything. All right. Fairy godmother.
You’ve got to think a little bit about the nature of a society that just accepts stories like this. It gets better.
The fairy godmother says, “Goodness, why are you sitting here crying?” And Cinderella, of course, says, “Well, it’s because I have not been communicating very well. And I realize that I’ve got some karmic consequences because of it, and I’ve got to make some major changes.” No, that’s not what she said, is it? She said, “I want to go to the ball.”
Isn’t that the case in so many lives? The issue itself is sort of put off to the side, and what you’ll take instead, the fairy godmother arrives in your life, and what do you want to do? I want to go dancing!
You’ve got an expression, “When my ship comes in, I will be bowling,” that fits right there with that. The fairy godmother arrives, and you want a new dress. All right.
“Well, that’s no problem. We can get you to the ball, but you need some clothes, and you need some horses, and you need compliant rats. And don’t you worry a bit, because I can take care of all of these things for you. But I’m going to warn you, if you break my rules, you’re going to end up with a pumpkin, and not a carriage. And you’re going to end up in the clothes you’re wearing now, instead of this lovely ball gown. And what you must be sure that you don’t do, what will break all of the rules is if you have too much fun, and begin to believe that you’re a part of that world.”
You know, you might think I don’t think too much of your fairy tales. Just little morality plays is all they are.
And so Cinderella gets a beautiful gown, and she gets a very lovely coach, and beautiful matching horses. Squash and rats. And smoke and mirrors.
And off they go to the ball where she has a very lovely time, and she meets the prince, and she’s the true belle of the ball and makes everybody jealous. They always bring that out in the story. And she and the prince fall in love, and you can tell that happiness [is] surely on its way, but before you know it, she was having too much fun. She was having too much fun; she forgot the time. She broke the rule. She starts hearing the clock strike twelve midnight, and she runs, runs so far and so fast that one of her little shoes falls off. And as she is making her way to the carriage, it turns into a pumpkin. And she runs out of the way, and pretty soon she’s running in her rags, but it’s all right, she’s out of sight.
And everything is back to its old self. And she’s back to cleaning house. And eventually the story comes around that the prince searches the kingdom all over for her, and eventually finds her, because only she fits into that slipper. And they go off together and live happily ever after. What’s wrong with this story?
In this alternative reality the fairy godmother is a little bit more reality-based, and instead of saying, “Cinderella, darling, what we’re going to do for you is, we are going to make you up, out of magical glamour and fairy dust, this beautiful gown, and we’re going to get the squash out of the garden, and we’re going to get the rats that are willing to take part to be the horses. And we’re going to make up for you, out of my goodness, a special piece of magical life, bound by very specific rules that if broken will be taken away from you, and you will be returned back to this state—which I hope you recognize as the manifestation of manipulation in morality as it is.
And you might even recognize the slight familiarity that that comes packaged as: On your own you are not enough, but out of my goodness I will spin a little magic on you. But if you don’t follow my rules, you will be dropped from this magic kingdom, and you’ll be back in the rags you started out with.
In this one instead, we don’t have a fairy godmother. We’re going to play a bit with our stories, and what we have is a magic mirror. Cinderella is sitting there in the corner, just sort of whimpering. And she’s saying, “Gosh, I really wanted to go. I thought I’d be finished with all of my chores, but I’m not, and I’m late, and I sort of hate to go in late. And I really don’t have anything to wear, because I’ve not been real good about getting out of the house lately. I’ve got that social . . .” What is it that they’re talking about now?
S: That’s the one. I was going to say social disease, but that has another meaning altogether, doesn’t it? I thought so. Aye. That one though. Agoraphobia. “. . . And it’s really hard for me to get out, and so I think I’ll just sort of think about what I might want to do instead.”
And while she’s sitting there in the corner, thinking about all of the things that have brought her to this place right now, she starts thinking, You know, I really have brought a lot of this on myself, haven’t I? Because I realize that, while everybody was getting ready for the ball, all I wanted to do was see what I could do to help them get ready. Now, why was I doing that? Well, let me think; why is it I always do that? I remember. It’s so they will like me. It’s so they will need me. It’s so they will never toss me out of here, because abandonment is such a difficult issue for me. Yes, indeed, that’s the reason it is.
And about that time, she looks up and she looks across the room, and she looks into the mirror. And as she looks into the mirror, an amazing thing happens. She says, you know, my fairy godmother has just arrived right there in that mirror. And she walked over to the mirror, and she said, “Self, we’ve got a bit of work to do,” and proceeded to pick herself up and clean herself up. Clean out her clothes and get to the ball, fresh and happy and ready close to midnight when everyone else was already getting tired, and were sweaty and hungry so they were a bit temperamental, as well. And there she was, happy and sweet and ready to go.
And she walks in, and the prince sees her across the room, and he comes over and says, All right. There’s one more person I’ve got to dance with. I can’t believe I’ve got one more person to dance with, and have these stupid conversations with. And he says to her, “Hello. What is your name?” And she says, “Well, actually, they tend to call me Cinderella. It’s sort of a family joke. What’s your name?” And he says, “My name is The.” Must be. The prince, yes? It could happen. Perhaps they were from the Orient. Then it would be Tay.
And he says, “Well, I don’t seem to remember meeting you before.” And she says, “No. That‘s because I’ve been stuck in this really bad place, and I actually just realized it tonight. I’ve been doing so much to try to do what I can to help my family do what they wanted, which isn’t a bad thing at all, but I realized that I was doing it as a means of avoiding my own self and what I wanted.” And he sort of trips a bit in the dance at that point, because here is somebody actually making some sort of real conversation with him. “Well, what do you mean by that?” “Well, I realize that I’m always hovering about, trying to find out what I can do to help, and I sometimes even get myself in trouble, because rather than waiting to be asked because there’s a real need, sometimes I just take it upon myself to determine what the need is, and I just start doing. And every once in a while it sort of gets things tripped up. And sometimes it even makes things harder for everybody, and I realize that the reason I do that is because I so desperately need to be needed. That, by making certain that everybody cannot do without me, well, that’s going to keep me pretty busy, but at least I’m going to stay needed.”
The prince is realizing that this is a pretty unique person here. Somebody who knows her own mind. Somebody who might actually be of some worth and have some things to say. And along with that, this is somebody who is also touching, just ever so slightly, on a few of the prince’s issues, because, of course, when you’re a member of a very important family, when your father is the King—and isn’t everyone’s?—then you really have to do something to get noticed, don’t you? And it’s not at all unusual to do all sorts of interesting acting out as a means of trying to get the attention of those truly important people. And, of course, he began to realize in his own life that he had a bit that he could probably be learning from this incredibly sensitive and aware young woman.
I told you it was a fairy tale. This isn’t the way it usually works, is it? And although I’m absolutely certain that you’re on the edge of your seat, want to know how this story’s coming out, I actually only wanted to get that far, to the point in which total strangers are having conversations about internal awareness that’s making incredible differences in their lives. Because there was not a thing I said in that conversation that you would not have been able to see, to discuss, to relate to, to understand. It was a conversation you even could have had with one another here, perhaps.
But what made it a fairy tale was that it was as though it were typical behaviors out in the world. You’re having a bad day, you buck yourself up. Buck up, buckaroo. And you get yourself back in order, and you do what you need [to do] to get what you wanted. And while you’re there, you meet “The” himself. And you have a meaningful conversation about how you feel about things and why they’re there, and [it] makes you think and gets . . . it’s a fairy tale. Why? Why?
And I want you to remember that I began all of this conversation with a discussion about, Don’t you wish you could clone yourself? And my point is, you already have. You have a you that’s sitting in the corner whimpering, bemoaning your sad fate and how things just do not work your way. And how difficult it all is, and how hard it is to get the martyr’s crown now that the whole contest has become so busy, with so many people taking part in the contest. Who will be the next Martyr of the Year?
You’ve got that self that has that ability to sit there and move through that, and say, This isn’t what I want. There’s more. What do I need to do to get there? And knows it, knows the answer to that question.
You’ve got that self in the mirror, that one that had those answers for Cinderella. The one that said, Hey girl, what are you doing? Get up off that floor. You’ve got one of those.
You’ve got the one that can make charming conversation with The Prince. You’ve got the one who can discuss your issues so clearly that others learn from them. You have already cloned yourself, and it is a powerful, incredible, wonderful working you have done.
Wait a minute, Samuel. Also within that conversation in which we were discussing how nice it would be if you could be several places at one time, you may be forgetting that the reason was because we were talking about how busy we all are. Sometimes, so busy that it would help if we could be several places at one time, and this doesn’t quite fit that way. Whatever does this have to do with making life easier? That was the question you were thinking right then, wasn’t it?
But, you see, it has everything to do with it, because having all of those selves works perfectly for what those selves were created for. When you are finding yourself overwhelmed, spread too far with too much to do and too little of you to give to the doing of it, it is because you have the wrong person doing it. I promise you—I promise you—that the self that makes delightful conversation with The Prince is not the one that’s good at taking out the garbage. When you continually ask that self to do the garbage job, you’re going to have resistance. Resistance makes you tired. Resistance exhausts you. Overcome resistance by allowing the right one of you to do the job.
How many ones of you are there? Well, give me some ones of you. I’ll start you. There is the son you are. Or the daughter, as the case may be.
S: There is the grandmother you are. Does the grandmother you are behave differently than the daughter you are. Absolutely. Absolutely. How about another.
S: There is the mother you are. Sure.
S: There is the friend. There is the therapist you are. When the therapist you are is also the friend you are, does that ever cause you any trouble? Certainly it can. Professionally, that can cause you some difficulties. Just as that’s so with—perhaps your profession is not therapist—the doctor you are, the nurse you are, the teacher you are, the . . . fill in the blank here. And when the friend you are has to tell the coworker that they have been slacking on their job, that’s really hard, isn’t it, because it’s the friend trying to do the work that the boss should be doing. Do you see what I’m saying? And the friend resists it and doesn’t want to do it, and puts out all of that energy toward not doing something that it shouldn’t be doing anyway. And it makes all the selves get tired.
What if the lover you are is getting mixed up with the friend you are. That can cause some interesting trouble, can’t it? What if the grocery shopper you are shows up at work?
Or the gardener tries to clean the toilet, and says, What a lovely bunch of mildew we have in here.
S: Indeed. Let’s grow a garden right here. Aye.
And now prepare yourself for a huge shift, because I’m going to go to the point of where I’m really at tonight.
The first thing that I want you to do is to think about what I have talked about thus far. The little fairy game there. Why it’s a fairy tale. About tending to feel a bit overwhelmed, particularly now. And you’re about to move into the season of overwhelm, aren’t you? And of therefore cloning yourself so that the right aspect of you can be doing the right job at the time, so that there is less resistance, and therefore more energy.
All right, ready to shift? A little bit earlier, Marion used a word, guardian. She was asking a question about, and I said, “Well, it’s not a guardian in the same way that you are.” You are not here this night, you are not listening to this recording or watching it, by coincidence. You are drawn to it like filings to a magnet, because it’s calling you. Your heart is responding. And what it’s responding to is that part of you that is the word I used, a guardian. Not simply a guardian of your house, your property, your work, although I hope all of those things are a part of what you take care of, but in a much larger picture—listen to this with your heart—you’re a guardian for the planet itself, one of those individuals who has chosen to come here at a time of transition in order to bring about change.
And I want to remind you that it’s not about what you do; it’s about what you are. And what you are is a very high-frequency energy; or to put it in very easy terms that don’t conflict a whole lot with the world, you are spirit, first, working through form. And you are driven to express the highest aspects of that energy that you possibly can.
How do I know you’re driven. Well, actually, I don’t know that you are driven. I do know that you’re miserable when you’re not doing it. It [is] living, expressing love in one way or another. It makes you a guardian of the Plan for the planet itself. And although it would appear that the spirit, the energy function, that high frequency that works in a form, is the cloning I might be talking about, there actually is more than that.
At this time, in this world, right now, at an age in which the nature of the transition is that there is no longer a single, personified avataric energy within this world. That in fact the last such energy said, You, all of you, will do what I do. That in fact that last avataric energy said, I leave you my spirit, and that it may reside in you. It’s talking about, and I’m going to use the word burden, because it takes a while before you recognize it as a privilege. The burden of the mantle that has been passed repeatedly throughout humanity into the chosen life of the one whose work was to come and bring about transition. They have been called gods. They have been prophets. They have been called avatars, but the nature, the potential, for that energy is no longer in this world going to be expressed through one person. The nature of the change within humanity is that that level of frequency becomes a part of all of those who choose, who are aware, of all of those who choose to accept the responsibility of that mantle, of that title.
To say it is called Christ Consciousness hardly expresses it, because it is not a statement that says you are here to express what Christ would think. It’s that you’re here to do. You’re here to be that Christ. And within . . . keep listening with your heart. And within the very nature of your being—those who are functioning at that high frequency—there comes a point in which that high function opens a door that activates that Christ Consciousness, as if it’s a virus inside of you, waiting, waiting, waiting for just the right grouping of environmental changes to spring forth into life that virus, and activate certain changes that will, from that point forward, change forever that vessel.
If you are to follow the leader to function in activated Christ Consciousness, in the truest sense of the word, not the partial word as it’s so easy to think of it, then that means several things, the first of which is you’re here to live the message of love. That’s what you’re not fulfilled unless you’re doing. You are here to live the new covenant, to be the embodiment of the greatest commandment. It means that you are a warrior. It means that you are a speaker of truth. I did not say truth as you know it, for I’m speaking of one that goes beyond the great limitations of “as you know it.”
But probably more important than any of those, it means that you die for a purpose—all right, no purple Kool-Aid jokes—because unlike the avataric energies of the past before the new covenant, unlike those, you who have, if you can imagine it this way, the Christ gene within you activated upon a particular level of awareness, you are not to die the physical death. And the last Christ did say that, you know. You’re to die to . . . to what? Say.
S: That works. The ego. That works. You’re to die to the limitations that have kept you small and whimpering over your dirty, cinder-covered, dancely self.
In the truest sense of the word, a clone is taking the essential matter and replicating it. What essentially matters to you? If you took a bit of time, and you thought about what it would mean in your life—not anywhere in the world, but in your life—what it would mean in your life if you were functioning at your possible frequency, in activated consciousness of the Christ energy, what would that mean in your life? How would your life be different? And here is the big one. It’s there. What’s holding you back from it?
The work that’s coming up in the coming year has to do with re-patterning the grid of energy surrounding this planet in order that the frequency that the vessel, which in this case is the planet itself, is able to hold without destroying that vessel, is able to function higher and higher. To receive and give at higher and higher levels of frequency. The re-patterning of the grid is done by individuals who are functioning at those highest levels of consciousness. Therefore—you heard it here first—you are going to be finding yourself drawn to the highest possible behavior you can express.
Oh, well, that should be easy. I already am. Right.
You’re going to be finding your compulsions oriented more toward a larger picture than the singular picture of your own experience. These are reminders that you are more than this stuff you’re clowning around in.
You don’t need to wait. Act and it’s given. It’s not given and then you act. And when you have access to the—forgive me for this—the Christ clone of you—and of course you know that I’m not speaking of Jesus, you know that. I’m speaking of that energy that’s called the Christ, and has been used as a designation, not simply on one indeed incredibly powerful being on this planet, but as a line of succession across the planet, across time on the planet. When you activate that Christ clone, then doing those things for which that clone best functions, you will be released from the exhaustion that comes from trying to make it all happen with another part of you. Your spiritual experience should take nothing from you, it should only give when it’s the Christ clone doing it. In fact, every aspect of your life that is touched by spiritual experience should be amplified, exonerated, energized, should feel fulfillment and resolution because of the activation of that Christ consciousness in you.
So, let me ask you, what parts of your life are the spiritual parts?
All of them.
S: Hello. And that’s my point. For those of you who have the spiritual things that you do over here, and everything else, you are exhausted, overburdened, overwhelmed. You’re having a hard time of it. You’re confused a lot of the time. You probably have a whole lot of stress difficulties, physically, mentally, emotionally.
I had a recent conversation with some friends. It was called a Steering Committee meeting—just in case you thought it was another one of those big creation conventions or something. And I said, “I am talking to so many people lately who are telling me they’re going through menopause,” and [it] has nothing to do with their age, their hormonal cycles or their gender. They’re simply feeling so emotional, and unpredictable. And it’s not menopause. But it does occur to me that pausing could be of help. It’s that you’re functioning with an activated Christ consciousness that is waiting to work. And those areas of your life that you’re taking on all by yourself are frustrating you and bringing about all of those reactions that you would like to think of as hormonally challenged.
You’re not here to do it alone. So much greater is that which is in you than that which is in this world. Use it. Be it. Do. Clone yourself with the potential that you have come to this world to express at this time, for in so doing it will open doors in the way you think, in the way you feel, and, indeed, in the way you act that have been closed to you. You will become a part of a greater flow that you have come here to be a part of.
And having said that, I want to tell you the ultimate secret. Do you remember that I said that this time it’s not supposed to be the single embodiment of Christ energy, of avataric function personified through form. That’s not how it is this time. But that’s not exactly accurate, because there is only one . . . what does that come from?
The Highlander.
S: Well , there is only one, and it does take you to a higher land, but not the Highlands. And what that one is is not the one that is Marion, or the one that is Angela, or the one that is Jeanean. It is the One which is Marion and Angela and Jeanean and you. And the final activation of Christ Consciousness on this planet, at that point in which everything changes and makes the largest difference, is when that One, those many that come together to make One in intent and thought and word—the Word—and deed—that One function in this world changes the pattern of what is into what can be, what can be into the greater what is. That, by the way, was quantum physics right there.
Hello, Dolly. Thank you. She got it.
It’s time. You are moving into a time in which your physical and your mental and your emotional self is working to either take over or to move into the alignment with that which you are here for. You’ve been feeling it. You’re going to be called on to act it.
Glochanumora. Happy trails.
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