April 5, 2015

Samuel: So, do you feel sprung?


S: And are you ready?


S: This is one of the most important times of your life, and you have been waiting for this. So it’s time.

Was March everything you wanted it to be? Do you feel like somebody poked you with a taser? Let’s not think cattle prod please. Taser. Right? Bang, tzz, tzz, tzz. Can you just feel it?


S: Right. Do you feel it? Time after time after the time. So was it good for you?


S: Then why is it you’re just sitting there going “Mmm?”

Well, it is a little different.

S: In what way?

It requires some adjusting.

S: True.

In that I feel like I went from having a pretty stiff current running through me to having something extraordinarily strong running through me, and my form has found various ways where it wants to throw up some resistance to that.

S: Naturally.

And I get to work with it to find our way through that or around it, and get going with the current.

S: Well said. Very well said. That’s exactly what’s going on.

Over the last year and a half or so, I have been telling you—not to brag or anything, of course, much—that all of your buttons are going to be coming up. Everything that isn’t complete in you is going to be showing up—any little dirty secret; any little unfinished business; any big unfinished business; any little hidden thing in the back of your heart that you’re hoping nobody but you knows about; anything that you don’t know about is going to come up like a bloated corpse.


S: Say that again. Floating at the top of a river. And that’s the good news! Because it lets you know what needs to be cleaned up, cleaned out, changed. Because change is possible, and, in fact, change is a point of power. Change happens and change is good.

And over that time many of you have been working on making many of those changes, and as a result of that some of you have been going through the issues that come up when you’re working through many of those changes.

What are the kinds of issues that come up when you are dealing with personal issues that require change? Now, you all know the answer to this.

You think you are not enough compared to other people.

S: All right. One of the things is you go through a period of comparative judgment, and comparative judgment sits itself in the midst of “I am not enough.”

Resistance and denial.

S: Oh resistance and denial!


S: Fear, yes.


S: Guilt.


S: Shame.

Security issues.

S: Turning to comfort behavior.

Controlling behavior.

S: Controlling behavior. Security issues. Anger. Separation.


S: Impatience. Blaming.

Authority issues.

S: Authority issues.


S: Avoidance. Depression. Black holes.


S: Greed, and its evil twin.


S: Ego. Somebody listened at the Retreat.


S: Sadness, sure. So you’re getting the idea there.

So one of the things that can easily happen is instead of continuing in that process of recognizing that, “Oh, I’m dealing with a whole lot of issues; therefore I’m feeling a lot of this really crummy stuff,” what can happen instead is you get really focused on all this crummy stuff and you stay there.

Amazing how many people are willing to do that. Why do you think that happens?

It’s familiar.

S: It’s familiar, sure.

Well, it’s not being in the now, too. I mean if you . . . you know, I find myself, if I’m getting in a place of fear, I have to go back in the now or I’ll stay there.

S: That’s right.

A lack of creativity.

S: A lack of creativity. That’s really good. That’s right. That’s right.

And I think sometimes when there’s so much overwhelm with it, people can become paralyzed and be kind of in a rut with it and not moving.

S: It’s a rut. It’s familiar. It’s handy. It’s paralyzing.

I think a lot of times also we spend so much of our life avoiding pain and discomfort that we focus on trying to figure out how to get rid of it without really thinking about the process and moving on.

S: Good point. Very good point.

There’s also identifying with that and believing that’s what we are, because if we’ve had that pattern a long time, it’s easy to say, “Well this is who I am. This is just the way I am.”

S: Unfortunately. Very true.

Paula and then Kathy and then Donna.

Well, if you keep it around, part if it has got to be there’s a payoff in it somewhere for you.

S: A pony in here somewhere. Two inches from the answer and yet . . . yes, very true.

It’s an adult indulgence that keeps you from having to take responsibility.

S: Ah, so nice. So nice.

Also, if people realized that they do need the change, but they’re not sure how to make the change because they don’t know how to move into the future, out of it, with an unknown.

S: Ah, hold on to that for a moment. “I want a guarantee. I’m not moving from where I am until I know what I’m going to. I want a guarantee, because I am so comfortable here in the slop, I’m so comfortable here in the misery; I’m so comfortable here in the . . .”—fill in the blank with life as you know it—that may simply be fine but is a rut, but is more likely fine but is a rut that involves anger, judgment, lack of control; not feeling good about yourself, knowing you could be and are better—needless to say all of those other things we’ve discussed. “But I’m not going to change anything until I know what might be out there.” What’s that about? And yet so many people . . . not you of course.

Of course not.

S: Of course not. So many people will not risk changing the comfort of misery because they don’t have a guarantee if they change.

What is it you do have a guarantee for?

That nothing will change if you don’t do something.

S: Go to the head of the class, except that there are no chairs here. You can sit here.

Thank you. [. . .] I might do it.

S: Any time you want. Been there, done that.

I am very excited for you right now. You are in a great place. You’re looking at the pot of gold. Now, I don’t mean you’re chasing leprechauns, and I don’t mean you’re getting ready to rob a bank, so maybe that wasn’t the best metaphor.

So many things are coming together right now that it’s very hard to miss out. It would be very, very hard to not be able to make use of it. You’re at a banquet table. You cannot starve. It’s a really good time. All you need to do is decide what it is you want and reach.



S: Yes. What is it you want?

To be love.

S: You already came that way. That is the thing. This banquet table is about functioning as what you are, but all of this energy that’s been coming through is about this world and all life force on it functioning at its best and highest. And naturally, it’s going to affect those who have come here to bring that about. It’s going to affect them first. Those who are most sensitive to it are going to notice it, feel it, respond to it, be affected by it, and that’s you.

And so, you, you have that banquet table in front of you, and that banquet table is choices. What is it you want to do with what’s in front of you—now, and now, and now, and now, because you are going to be constantly faced with decisions, as usual, but you are also going to have a different set of options available to you, and a different kind of power working with you. The power of community and the function of One, more so by far, by far, the power of community, and activated within you, as of the early-March activations, the function of One.

What are you choosing to do? Between now and September there are going to be three important activations of energy.

I had a talk recently in which I discussed change, and I said I was going to be asking for a lot of changes. I wanted to do things to make things happen, bring you together, stir the pot. Are you willing?


Hell, yes. Let’s use it.

S: Because it means even little things like getting out of comfort levels. Now, the fact of it is maybe nothing will change, but your willingness to say yes is a huge change, because what I’m looking for is people willing to get out of a rut, because that’s the only thing that’s going to get this world out of a rut, because that’s what’s happening right now. Look at your news. It’s all the same stuff. It’s all a rut. Same stuff. Not for a hundred years, for a thousand, for thousands. Humanity has to change. Out of the rut.

And your willingness to change is how it’s going to start. Not by a change having to happen, but by your willingness for it to happen. You see? Not because I have a guarantee, because it doesn’t matter. You trust in the moment, because in that moment you are living love, and doing the best you can where you are, with what you have at that time. Because that’s what the Universe asks of you—that. That. You’re willing?



S: How many of you were at the Retreat? Maybe I should do it the other way around. How many of you were not? Then I have something for you. I gave these at the Retreat, so first I want these to go to those of you who were not there. So those of you who were not, please come here. Oh, I know, you hate this on the video. This is representing that you are going to bloom. These are . . . some of these are tiny, tiny, tiny. They are organic. They are . . .


S: . . . heirloom. They are not garlic. They are going to bloom in a pot, or in a garden, or in anything. And Greg and Heidi had to look far and wide to make sure they could find them for me, so these are very precious. These say “I believe that I can make a change.”

Now, I want you to notice that there are many more here . . .

Thank you.

S: You are welcome, my love.

[. . .]

S: He must have. Therefore, what I would also like is to make sure that the rest of these go as far as they can for another round, because, being seeds, they won’t go forever, they won’t last forever. Thank you, love.

Now if you know that all they’re really going to do is sit on shelf at your house and just become some kind of relic, don’t keep them, all right? Give them to farmer Martin, who really will plant them, right?

I will.

S: All right. Good.

And till them and water them.

S: And you’ll have the bees and the butterflies, and make them very happy because they need to be happy. They need to come back.

And the reason that I wanted these at the Retreat was because I wanted something to represent into the world—Lakshmi needs some too—I needed some to represent into the world something that said, “I choose to plant something new, something that says I’m growing something new. I’m planting a new life. I’m planting new choices. I’m planting . . . I’m growing anew.” That’s what I want for you.

It’s time. April to September, a very powerful time.

Sanat, would you be willing to share your puppy with me?

Oh yes! Hello, my dear. I will not hurt you. Oh, you’re so brave. And what do you call me?


S: Are you a brave little soul?

Sanat, what kind of dog is that?


Cutest dog.

S: Very, very smart. So how are you liking this? You’re a brave little soul, aren’t you? What are you thinking of all this? Does it feel familiar to you?

Now, you choose a very special home. You did.

Samuel, do the creatures recognize that they’re experiencing something very special when you hold them or touch them? Do they?

S: Well, sure they do, but they know that when such as Guardians do any time. This one knows that it’s got a very special home, and he says that he talks to you and that you talk to him. Do you know that? But he says you talk to him. Not like communicating that you know what each other is saying, but you are talking to him.


S: Like “Hello, Febo.”


S: But you will learn to talk to him—you will. For instance, right now what do you think he is thinking?

Do that until your hands fall off.

S: No, right now he is thinking “I wish I was back with him.” He is feeling a little high up and far away from he whom he is happy with. Yes, his human. Yes, I know you like being here, but you like being there better.

He has adapted amazingly well.

S: He’s a very loving little guy. You’re a good little soul.

Beware, my soul, smart dogs are trouble.

Oh, gosh.

S: No, no, no. Enjoy the love. Thank you for that puppy fix.

Puppy love.

S: That’s what they call it.

So, out of the void, into the fire, it’s time to burn. You good for it?


That’s what we say now.

S: Nothing to fear. It’s what’s you’re here for.
