October 1, 2006

  Samuel: Greetings, dears.

Greetings, Samuel.

S: So how are you? Getting brave, are you? It’s worth it. Your energy looks [good] tonight. You must have had a weekend you enjoyed. So what was it?

The weather.

S: The weather?

I’m glad it wasn’t raining.

S: So the weather alone does this for you, does it?

Good music. Fun with friends.

Community with Temple Team, and sleep.

S: Getting used to that are you?

It feels so good, but in comparison [. . .] awful the other felt even more. You know, it’s like how did I tolerate this?

S: When it’s all you know, you deal with it. And, of course, that’s true for so many things going on in your life. If it’s all you know, you deal with it, but when you know different that might bring some changes.

So where are you now?


S: October, and you have just passed the equinox, yes, which is a great celebration of Gwendolyn, correct? And now you are moving into . . . ?

Samhain and Heidi’s birthday.

S: You are moving from a place of seeking balance to a time of seeking completion. And if you do not have the balance, you are not going to be prepared for the completions. October is an opportunity to start getting ready, and in the end of October you are going to have a very large change. And I could say that to any audience in the world. The end of October you are going to have a very big change, because your tuning is very connected into this hemisphere, and in this hemisphere, you end the growing cycle unless you live in Florida—maybe. But for all practical purposes you are ending the growing cycle, and you are beginning an extended period of what? Be careful. Probably only the true farmers should answer. You move from growing, harvest, to . . . ?

[. . . ]

S: Well, that’s what you’d think. And introspection, and preparing the ground.

You’re kind of cleaning up all the loose ends that are left over from the summer. Putting things away to rest for the winter; preparing for the spring.

S: What you’re doing is you’re going to work. You are going to work to prepare for what’s going to be coming. You are going to work to put away those things you no longer need. You are going to work to save those things you do. You’re going to work.

So, through this year, when you’ve just had such an easy flow with it all, traipsing along like retired people [laughter]. Even retired people in here work pretty hard. Aye. It’s true. What you’re going to be doing is getting to work. But before you can get to work, before you can do anything that begins to look like work, what do you need to do?

Get organized.

S: Get organized. That’s good.

After balance and getting organized then you have to have a plan or a vision.

S: Excellent. You’ve got to have something that you’re going for, or else you won’t get going. Now that may have sounded like a very simple statement. I noticed that all of those who write did not write that one down at all, and yet that probably is about the most important thing I ever tell you. Say it. Tell me. What did I just say.

The vision.

Plan. Have goals.

Unless you have a goal, there’s no motivation; there’s nothing to push you to get there. You have to want something. You have to be working toward something. You have to have something to work for.

S: That’s good. Aye.

I typically don’t feel creative without a goal or a vision, so for me it sparks creativity [in] moving toward that which I’m trying to manifest.

S: And that would be one of the benefits of it, perhaps, it allows you to function creatively when you know what it is you’re moving toward. David.

I always liked the story from Alice In Wonderland [when she] goes up to the Cheshire cat. She asks him—there’s a fork in the road—and she asks him, “Do you know which way I should go?” And he says, “That would depend on where you’re going.” And she says, “I don’t really know.” And he says, “In that case it doesn’t really matter.” And without goals, without focus, you can be going anywhere, in any which way, and you’ll never know when you’ve arrived, and you’ll just have spent a lot of energy.

S: That’s good.

There’s a line from a song in “South Pacific.” It says, “If you don’t have a dream, you’ll never have a dream come true.”

S: I like that.

I think before I put that together, I need a time of introspection, I need a time where I can think about where it is I really want to go, and look at the options, and say, “You know, this is going to be better for me than that.”

S: Good. Let’s say that you are getting ready to take a trip—any trip—no, not any trip. Let’s make it a special trip. You have just won the lottery, finally, and you determine that the first thing that you’re going to do, once you get that money, is that you’re going to take a trip. Now with that mindset, I want you for a moment just to think where would you go? No, don’t tell me where you would go; tell you where you would go.

Now, you might find, off hand, there are three or four places that you would go to—three or four, or ten, or eleven that come up into your mind. So with that, what do you need to do to narrow it down to one? And I’ll go ahead and say, maybe one of the things you’ve got to do is promise yourself that when you finish with the one you’ll start on the next, and once you’ve started on that one, you’ll go for the next. What is it you need to do once you have determined “I am going to Antarctica,” or wherever it happens to be.

Determine which place will give me that which I’m seeking, that which means the most to me, that I value the most.

S: You are determining which one of those places. But let’s say you’ve got that place. Now you’ve got that place. You’ve thought it through, you know where it is you’re going to go. What do you do? Bonnie.

Well, you first decide what you’re going to do for the trip. You have to make plans. Be sure that you have a road map, or a plane schedule, whatever. You have the right clothing.

S: You’ve got to make sure that you have what you need for the trip; know where it is that you’re going and how it is you’re going to get there, and the clothes that you need. Yes, you’ve got to look at what you need to go there, but why do you need to do that? What does it matter?

It just makes it easier when you’re prepared for the trip.

S: It makes it easier if you’re prepared. Maybe I’m not asking this one very well. Colleen.

Well, it makes a difference whether you’re going on a plane, as far as time, you know; it’s a whole different way of going, and you’ll use your time differently if you go on a plane. Or, are you going to enjoy the process of a very long ship [journey], a ride in the ocean which would take quite a bit of time, and do you want to spend that much time going there and the things that would be different along the way. It would be a whole different [experience]—entertainment on the ship, whatever—but it would be a whole different process to go that long way than going on the plane. There are different needs in mind as far as tolerating a boat ride or a plane ride.

S: So for the actual mechanism of the journey itself, you’ve got to think about what it is you want to help you decide how it is you’re going to go there. That’s good. David.

Do research, because you want to know what’s there, when the things that I might want to see might be available, because they might be seasonal things. There might be seasonal things I don’t want to be there for like the high [. . .] time in Ireland.

S: Too late.

Right. Whether or not you’re going to need a visa, passport, all that stuff. I need to know what I need and what I’m going to be doing, and then I can start figuring out and gathering it all together. But since I won the lottery, I’ll have somebody else do all that.

S: You’ve got to look and see what all of the requirements are for where it is that you’re going, and you’ve got to ensure that in order not to run into difficulty, you are meeting those particular requirements.

What if one of the requirements is unacceptable? What do you do then?


S: Adjust. All right, that’s an option. And that adjustment might mean that . . .

Well, I was just saying that also you have to decide how important that requirement is to you. I mean, you have to decide whether it’s something you’re willing to adjust with, whether that be something you all of sudden change your plans around, or change what you’re going to take. But if that requirement’s not acceptable to you, you find, “Well, okay, I have a list of three places I want to go. Does the second place that I want to go have that requirement or not?” And you just have to really prioritize and decide if that requirement’s important or not for you.

S: And—thank you—and that is adjusting, but on a very particular level. It’s adjusting realizing that it might mean you’re not going to go where it is you had determined you were going to go, that you might be going somewhere else altogether.

And I want you to remember what he said, and I want you to think about what the key was there. Why would you come to a point where you said, “I wanted to go to Tasmania, and I’m not going to now.” Frank.

Well, once you look into it further, you may decide that the negatives are stronger than the positives. If I don’t like camping and I don’t like roughing it in one-star or two-star hotels, there’s a lot of places in the world that, once I do the research, I’m not going to want to go there. So, I mean that you need to look at not only what you want to do, but like Matthew said, what you don’t want to do.

S: You’ve got to look at your priorities, and you’ve got to figure out, “Is this going to be worth the time? Is it going to be worth the money? Is it worth the . . . ” And what I want you to think about right now is, What are the things that would determine that for you? What are the things that are on your list that when you have won the lottery, and you have where you want to go, and you start seeing little walls coming up—some of those walls are little hops, no problem. Some of them are immobile.

One hundred and twenty below in Antarctica.

S: And all you packed are clothes for Hawaii. That could be a problem, couldn’t it?

What is it that stops you from going for what you want? And I’m not asking you to answer that out loud, I’m asking you to think about it. And although you are thinking about it in response to a very pretend, imaginary, creative, hypothetical situation, the fact of it is, the way that you handle the little things is the same way you handle the big things. The way that you manage the hypothetical, you manage because you’ve had success, in one way or another, in it in the past, and that success causes you to say, “All right, here is how I will act.”

I want to give you a very little example of this. All right. You have alphabet—a and b, yes? I am going to create chaos in here for a few moments, because I want you all to do this, but I want you all to do it aloud, because I want you to hear what you’re doing. Maybe you’ll murmur it or something so that it’s not too chaotic, but you know chaos isn’t too bad to deal with. Sometimes it’s fun. What I want you to do is put a—if you are a female, use a female name; if you’re a male, use a male name; if you’re neither one of those, think animals—a name for every letter. A is . . .


S: Anne. Agnes. Abigail, whatever. And b then is . . .


S: You get the idea. All male or all female, or animals. And I want you just to do it quickly. Not sit and playing with it, just go with it. I will never have you do this out in public. [Audience begins.]

All right, I’m going to stop you here now. And there’s two things that I want you to realize from that quick little game. The first one—well, actually, there’ll probably be more than two. The first one is that the names that you said are not likely to be the same names that anyone else in here said. The second thing is, you used names you know, and when you would run into trouble—“Oh, what’s an x?”—you would start flipping through your head, probably getting into early literature and coming up with names out of that, unique to you, out of what you know, or in this case who you know, and when you run into trouble, you did not lean over and say, “Have you got anything for an r yet?” Well, let me change that then: Very few of you said, “Have you got an r?” you just kept wrestling with it, or here in Kentucky, you just kept . . .

Rastling with it.

S: That’s it: rastling with it. What’s my point there? We were talking about preparing what you need to go on this trip, and I started you in the alphabet of names.

Well, it’s an example of how we get to something that we don’t know, or that we don’t have something for it. We don’t have to have a very big stressful dramatic experience to come up with what we need. We can just flip through the mind or ask a neighbor, you know.

S: I like that. That’s good. I like that.

In football they call it punt.

S: Punt?

Yes. Where, you know, you’re at the fourth down, and you’ve got to come up with a solution so you punt the ball out. You come up with a quick solution.

S: When all else fails, punt. What do you do when you’re on a barge?



S: That’s a punt, isn’t it?


We choose each in our unique life experience, based on what is in our particular lake of the known.

S: Yes. Who got through the alphabet? How many would have if you’d had just a bit more time? That’s good.

How many of you pulled names out of you don’t know where they came from, but you knew that they were names and that they fit where you were going at the time? How many of you had to stop and say to yourself, “R, r, r,” or “q, q, q,” or “l, l, l?” or whatever?

That was me, “E, e, e.”

S: Some lives are easier than others. And that too is a part of your pattern. The “I got stuck. I fix on it,” or you keep going and come back to it, or you make something up. You handle it in a way that allows you to not be stuck.

Now, when you got stuck, what did you do? A couple of you leaned over and said, “Help!” A couple of you repeated it in your head, “Let me remember. Let me remember. Oh, yes.” Anyone else have another?

I moved to the next letter.

S: You move on knowing you’ll come back to it. Aye.

Mine tended to be people I know, and so I moved out into authors, and foreign languages. You know, there’s a name there somewhere.

S: Yes. Yes. Precisely. These are problem-solving skills. So not think that I’m just being fully silly here, although silly is always nice. And they all had to do with what I’m actually talking about tonight, but I think I might can play around with it before I tell you what it is, and get a little more out of you with it. A lot more, I hope.

I want you to think over—well, you make the choice here—think over the last few weeks, or the last few months, or the last few years, or as far back as you can remember. If you’re going as far back as you remember, I would like for you to remember your earliest friend that you can remember. As early as you can remember—your friend at that time, or one of them at that time, amidst the adoring masses. If it’s the last few weeks, or the last few months or years, think about somebody that is a friend. And, of course, I’m going to ask if is this somebody you’re going to pay to take on your trip with you? Well, they’re your friend.

All right, now, why was that person your friend? Or, why is that person your friend? What do you get out of that friendship, or did you get out of that friendship? And if that’s somebody you no longer see, why is that person no longer a part of your life? And that probably is more workable if you’re looking years away, or many years away. If you’re looking over the last few weeks or months, you might look at it this way: how often have I been with this friend? And if it’s not so often, why is that?

Now, you’ve put all of this together, yes? You’ve thought about where you’re going to go and what you’re going to pack and how you’re going to get there and what you need to know to get there. And you’ve determined that it’s really where you want to go, or you’ve changed your mind and you’ve gone somewhere else instead, because it fits what it is you’re after better. You recognize that a couple of tools that you have always at your disposal—it’s either a tool for destruction or construction—either way, you use it constantly—is to rifle through the files of your mind—scary thought—and you tend to relate to what you already know, and you have had companionship, and this is what you’d like in a companion. Got all of that?

This would be a really good time for me to just change the subject altogether and go in a thoroughly different direction only because you’re so expecting right now.

It’s all you. It’s all you. It’s all about how you make decisions. It’s all about how you order your life. It’s all about what causes you to do or not do, and all of those are vital, important things for you to know about you, and by putting it into a scenario that is rather . . . a little unrealistic, you’re not putting the pressure on it of coming up with a holy answer, you’re coming up instead with an answer. And here is what I’m going for: Over the last few months you have been learning a lot about the importance of bringing balance into your life, and although you have heard me say over and over and over that in this life you do what you want, you do what pays you the coin that you want. And sometimes that means that you’ve got to go stand in a corner for a while and figure out why it is you wanted that. You laugh, but it’s true. “Wait a minute, Samuel, I did not want . . .” and here you fill in your blank. And yet who you are sitting here, right now, at this moment, you are who you are because of that, and whether or not you think it, it has given you skills. Maybe those skills are a little dangerous, but they’re skills that you make use of when you start going through the files in your head. And those files might be files about how magnificent and magical, how delightful and filled with love, how powerful and aware you are. Or they might be the files that say, “Oops. Can’t. Shouldn’t. Not good enough, smart enough, worthy enough.” But they’re your files, and you hold on to them as you need to, because it all has to do with what you believe you deserve with regard to happiness in your life. And that’s the trip you’re going on—to Happy. Well, I should have Hapi here to come and . . . yes?

What do you need to get there? It’s true, but you have given yourself directions all of your life, and you know they might be the round-about way and not the most effective way to get there.

Better directions.

S: Better directions, and the directions come with birth. You have directions to Happy, and throughout your life you have given yourself little signposts to remind you how to get there. Sometimes though you walk through life this way, so that you cannot see those signposts. Sometimes you walk through life looking, looking, looking, looking, and miss it right here.

Have you ever heard that expression about—oh, I’m not sure I’m going to do this one right at all—it’s, I will do this when my ship comes in? My ship comes in? Where do you think that comes from? When my ship comes in.

My parents used to say that a lot.

S: We will do this when the ship comes in.

There used to be a program called “The Millionaire” years ago, not like the ones now, and there was this man—you only saw the back of the wing chair—and he was like. . . he gave a million dollars. And so people used to . . .

S: He was a ship, in that case.

And this was like in the fifties, and when he gives me my, you know, I’m going to do it when he gives me my million.

S: And in today’s currency that would be a billion?

Yes, probably.

S: But the expression has been played with quite a bit of late, and now it’s something like when my ship comes in I will be at the train station or something like that.

Now it’s “When I win the lottery.”

S: When I win the lottery. You have the instructions to Happy, but it’s possible that you did not realize that they were instructions, and so you missed them. While you were out, working so hard—key right there—working so hard to live your life and do what it is you are supposed to do, you forgot how to get to Happy.

Now, wait just a moment. I am sitting in a room full of wise and loving, amazing people. People who love to laugh. People who give to each other, and give to themselves. How dare I say that somewhere along the way you have forgotten how to get to Happy? But I do dare to say that. And the reason that it matters to me, because you need to know that I have ulterior motives for everything just like you do . . .

An agenda.

S: An agenda. I don’t know, Kathy, is that like an agenda?

Kind of.

S: Kind of? All right. I’m saying it as an observer. I’m wondering if maybe we have two different definitions of Happy. Into your life right now, to take you through to balance, you need a vehicle for the decisions that you have in front of you, for the adaptations and changes that come into your day every fifteen or twenty minutes.

It’s very important for you to realize—and here is going to be the boring part where I just start into lecture mode, sorry—to realize that, just as we played with at the beginning of this evening, everything that you do in your life you do it because you get something out of it. Hopefully that something is what lifts you up, allows you to be fulfilled, allows you to feel balanced and joyful.

You have certain beliefs about what is required for you to have that feeling. You have certain beliefs about what makes up those feelings. You have certain beliefs about the reality of your experiencing them. And it all has to do with what you believe you are worthy of. Every plan you make, every goal you set, every step you take, every phone call you answer or ignore—or ignore and ignore and ignore—every trip that you take to the grocery and everything that you pick out when you go there, every, every, every tiny bit of your life is based on what you believe you are worthy of. And worthy is defined by—and here is where I’m going to refer you back to when I asked you to think about a friend—the people that you allow into your life are reflections of you. They are reflections, maybe, of the best in you, or maybe they are reflections of the secret you, or maybe they are reflections of the painful you.

Everyone in your life is a reflection of you. And those whom you call “friend” have a particular connection. I’ve got a little story that goes with that connection in just a few moments, but what I’d like for you to think about for a moment is who you were thinking of when I asked you, particularly for those of you who were able to go back as far as possible, and remember maybe your first friend, what was it about them that made them your friend? Maybe you just looked at last week. Maybe you just looked at today. What is it about that person that calls them to mind when you think friend? And do you see how that is you? Because as you are able to see that shining love—because that’s what friend is—and your worthiness for that, and the reflection of it for you, that’s going to help quite a bit with where I’m going.

Once upon a time in the land of Happy—which is not like Martin’s country—it’s the land of Happy.

[. . .]

S: Is that it? There were one, two, three little pigs. Oh, now I see, you think you know the story already. Three little pigs. What would that have sounded like? [Snorts]

Go ahead, Bonnie.

S: Do it again. That’s quite lovely. That’s a gift you’ve got there. Can you do other animal impressions as well?

Well, that’s my best one. It’s all your fault.

S: Absolutely. Recognize it and admit it. It’s true. So you’ve got three of these little pigs. Three little pigs living in the land of Happy, and they are somewhat wealthy little pigs, and a little bit more capable than the animals in your world that are called pigs. Although you need to realize that pigs are guardian creatures. They’re highly intelligent. Some of you would learn a few things from a pig.

These particular pigs were builders, and they determined that they needed shelter. Now, in the land of Happy, I’m not sure why anybody would need shelter but, sure enough, everybody needs shelter. So the first little pig went out, and what did that little pig do?

He built a house with straw.

S: That little pig looked out across the fields, and said, “You know, I think that I could get a house built up pretty quickly if I just used the straw that is right here in the field. I’m going to do that.” And that little pig went and probably got a friend to collect because those little arms aren’t so good for . . . and built that house out of straw.

And the next little pig said, “Straw? Who would ever build a house out of straw? That’s crazy. Everybody knows that you build houses out of wood. You get the sticks. So trot out into the forest, pick up a stick, bring it back. Go out into . . . or maybe that one got a friend to help with the process, and eventually built up a house out of sticks.

And the third pig?


S: Was a mason—a handy little pig—said, “Straw? Sticks? Those aren’t good. No. Those won’t last through the first storm. This house needs to built out of . . . bricks.” I was going to say mud, but I guess bricks it is. And it either contracted a brick-maker or indeed learned how to make bricks, and built a house out of brick. All right. So the three little pigs are living filled with joy and enjoying their lives in Happy so very much, until one day into town comes the wolf.

Living high on the hog.

S: One day, living high on the hog, they met the wolf. No, that’s her belief system. The wolf comes to town and says, “I’d like to have a little tour of the neighborhoods.” And the wolf passes the house made out of straw, and looks at it, and says, “You know, I believe I could be of help to this homeowner, because they probably do not realize that a house of straw is not as secure as they really would like to be when the storms of life prevail. I’m going to go and see if I cannot show them the importance of buying this insurance policy, or investing in this house-saving feature.” And [he] started up the walk, and the little pig inside looked out and said, “Oh, wolf!” And there was a knock on the door, and the pig says, “Wolf!” and there’s another knock on the door, and the wolf is thinking, “Well now, what are we going to do here, because I’ve got to make this point. This little creature isn’t going to be safe like this, and I’ve got to let it know somehow. Well, here’s what I’m going to do, Mr. Pig. I want you to open the door so that I can talk to you, but if you’re not going to do that, here’s what I’ll do, I’m going to . . . ”

[Audience] “Huff and puff and blow your house down.”

S: And you tell these stories to children. “I’m going to take a really deep breath, and I’m going to just to blow it out, and your house is going to fall right down.” The little pig says, “Wolf!” And it heard the wolf go [takes a deep breath]. Well, the little pig was over next door in the house of sticks by that point, looking out the window at its little house just falling into pieces.

The wolf was disappointed to find that the pig was not home and went on the little tour, and came across the next house and said, “Oh, my goodness. This is a house built of sticks. I could think for fifteen minutes on why a house of stick is no good. This just isn’t helpful at all. I’ve got to let them know the error of their ways. I’ve got to let them know why they have been foolish. I’ve got to let them know that they are not using the newest and most important security measures to keep themselves enthroned in a home here in Happy.”

It starts up the walk; little pig looks out and says, “Wolf!” and starts backing up already. “I built a back door. You go first!” because the first pig’s there you know. The same thing happens. Knock! Knock! Knock! Nobody’s there. Maybe little squeaks behind the door now and again. And eventually, the very same thing happens. Great big deep breath. Just a puff of wind, and there goes the house.

Goes up the road to the next house. This one is made out of brick. The whole process continues. By this point there are three pigs in the house. The first pig is saying, “This is the most incredible wolf. It’s so strong and so powerful, it’s just going to tear everything apart! Nothing can make it past this wolf. It’s horrible. I have nothing left! Everything I had spent so long building is gone.” The second pig says, “It’s true! Every bit of it’s true. I knew that that poor, stupid cousin pig that just built out of straw probably deserved to have his house blown down just so he’d know better, but my house got blown down too. That’s not just any wolf, this is Katrina wolf. This is . . . ” I was thinking of something a bit more politically charged. I’ll be polite instead. You don’t send me those things. Don’t say those things. And the little pig who built out of bricks said, “Well, you really thought that what you were doing was right, and it wasn’t. And you really thought that what you were doing was right, and it wasn’t, and so now I’m really worried because my house is made out of brick, but, you know, brick has straw in it, and brick has stick in it, and maybe my house is going to fall down too! Oh, I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do. Maybe before he gets here, we can take the house apart, and at least when it blows down, we can put it back together. Maybe we should just . . . ” And little pig number one is saying, “Hide! Hide!” Pig number two is saying, “Run! Run!” Pig number three is saying, “I don’t know what to do! I don’t know what to do!”

Now in the fairy tale, the wolf comes up the walk, goes through the process, takes a deep breath, and does not blow the house down. And probably in the fairy tale that’s where it ends. There, the moral of this story is, build out of bricks and not straw or sticks, but it’s not the same fairy tale.

This is the town of Happy, and the first pig had all of his security in what was handy and nearby. This was a collector pig. This was a pig that felt safe with all of its stuff. It’s time to go and fill up the basement with toilet paper, because it’s on sale. And it’s time to go and fill up the closet with shoes, and the house with utensils, and the . . . it’s handy and it’s there and it’s easy to do and life is about doing what’s easiest, and here is my house of Happy.

And the second pig had sticks, but I’m going to take a much different leap with that stick. All right. Sticks as in throw it for the dog. The dog comes back with the stick. Sticks as in “you’re not good, I’ll beat you with it.” Sticks as in a particular revelation with regard to emotional being. Second little pig thought that as long as he had his stick he would be able to keep going. The sticks of friends, and family, and successes. The sticks of those things that make up life.

[Oma makes banging noise with her tail.] No, the knocking part’s already over, Oma.

She kind of looks like a wolf.

S: And the third little pig putting its faith in the bricks. The third little pig was looking at everything that has been that will be again. “This is the known,” whether it’s good or bad—doesn’t matter. “This is the steady,” whether it’s good or bad—doesn’t matter. “This is consistent and worked before, and maybe it makes me miserable, but at least it’s not something I don’t know about, so it’s control,” and it’s the wall around the heart so that you’ll never be hurt again. It’s the ceiling that keeps you from doing better, getting more. It’s the limitations that you and culture and family and work put on you. And that wall keeps you safe in the land of Happy, away from any hurt, in your home.

Two of those houses blew right down. Little pigs did not realize that the wolf was helping them out, did they? Wolf knew. Wolf probably sold flood insurance or something. Storm protection. First big wind—knocks right down. And when your life and your Happy is built upon your collection of stuff—physical, mental or spiritual stuff, it does not matter—but when who you are is proven by what you have, that house blows down fast enough.

When you look in your closet and see shoes you’ve never worn, look at your collection and see objects you forgot you had, when you look at your stuff and all you see is stuff, that house is made of straw. It won’t last. You won’t find Happy there.

When your house is built of the size you are in the world carrying a big stick, the what you do to make sure you get to have the fun you want to—that was the dog carrying the stick—when it’s about making sure you have what you need, it doesn’t sound like a bad thing does it? Except you forget that what you think you need may not be based on what you really need. And that’s not to say that what you really need is a wall around your heart, because I don’t believe that the third pig was the winner either.

Every pig built shelter according to what it needed shelter for. And every pig found out that it was either right or wrong. Each of the pigs was afraid of the wolf.

Now, did the house of bricks stand because by then the wolf had gotten tired? Or did the house of bricks stand because, maybe, all three of them were together and it was a function of unity, and out of unity, of course, they would have a strength from the inside that protected the outside. It would be nice, but that’s not it either.

No. Here is the twist to this story. You see the fact of it is, in the land of Happy, it’s not about the house you have, it’s not about the things that you fill your house with—this house, or this house—it’s not about who you know, or the relationships you have, or who you keep out, or who you keep in. Happy’s all about the wolf. You see, those pigs lost their Happy because they were convinced the wolf was there for dinner. They were convinced that they were in danger. There’s not a line in that story that says a one of them said, “Mr. Wolf. Anything I can do for you? Why are you here?” They assumed the worst and got it. And that’ll take you out of Happy every time.

You’re at a time right now where you’re seeing a lot of extremes. What you’re dealing with are a lot of what seem to be wolves. You’re seeing your precious shelter trembling. You’re seeing enemies coming up the walk. Or, that’s not how your strength shows up. It’s not based on how many and who and how hard. Maybe your Happy is based on taking the moments without fear that you are not enough to make through—get through.

Between now and the new year—doesn’t matter which one, just pick one—you are going to be seeing a lot about the houses you’re building in your life. You’re going to be aware that this is the straw and these are the sticks and these are the solid brick walls, and you’re going to be finding yourself to be wondering if it would not be just a whole lot easier if you just moved out of Happy and quit trying to build a house that will last there. And those things aren’t going to be coming to you because there is some mystical energy coming through that is going to make you see all of that—even though that is true. It’s going to be because your soul longs for fulfillment and joy and deep and truly loving connections, laughter. Happy.

And you’re going to be seeing all of the things that you have been building, and you will keep building them unless you recognize that what all of those things really are are ways to avoid the responsibility of your happiness.

What makes you happy? As a being of spirit, to give love. As a human, to be loved. You build happiness in your life by building bridges. Bridges to each other.

Over these next few weeks, you would benefit from doing what you can to make yourself healthy. Clearing from your life the thousand and one things that really don’t feed you, unless you’ve got to keep them around because it gives you something you want, knowing it’s not what really feeds you. What might be an example of that?


S: Work. Make friends. Be a friend. Experience intimacy, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Do something stupid every day because you can. Do something that makes you laugh. That’s separate from the stupid. Laughing is not stupid. Give yourself permission to be happy. Give yourself permission to be magical. Give yourself permission to—[Oma moans] I agree—know where you’re going so that you can get there. You need to clean up the mess—the straw, the sticks, brick dust—and it would take a big weight off if you would make friends with the wolf.

It would be very easy tonight to just have enjoyed these words, but tonight you and I have given you an easy couple of years of teaching. What I mean by that is, every piece is for you. You can uncover what’s being said to only you. No whimsy at all. Every bit with purpose. Don’t miss it. You want to live in Happy? Well, you see, the Universe wants you to live there too, and way too often the Universe looks like the wolf coming up the walk, blowing down your carefully created securities. Things never change if you don’t. Three pigs in Happy.


Thank you, Samuel.

S: Absolutely my pleasure.