August 4, 2013

Samuel: Hello, dears.

Hello, Samuel.

S: All right, how has your summer been? Busy? Fun?


S: Fast.

Flying by.

S: Part of that, love, is because you never stop. Always going.


S: Weather. Yes, yes. Rain, rain. Remember, there is no such thing as climate change.


S: Social. Good, good.

It’s been a refreshing summer, you know? A lot of change, both personally and in the world. The weather has been very kind, in that we have had rain, but the vegetation is so lush and vibrant, and we’re getting this beautiful northern air coming in and kind of blowing out the humidity. It’s been the nicest July in that way that I can ever remember in my life. Beautiful.

S: Nice. Very nice.

A lot of nice surprises. On a lot of different levels, as someone else said, it has been very social, very busy, in and out of town, a lot of personal insights, and amazement at others people’s positive change.

S: Yes. And that was very much the kind of thing I was looking for because I have been seeing it in you. You are different. And I know that that shows up in different ways. I think you’ve passed the age where “you’ve grown another inch since I saw you last.”

Depends on which part of your body.

S: All right, there is that, but what I see going on has more to do with results of changes you have chosen to make, things that you have wanted to make different in your life, and you have been. It’s really a pleasure, because so often when there is a whole lot of change going on and I say, “Well, how are you doing?” the answer is so often, “Aargh! It’s so hard.” To have change that is good change is a delight.

Having said that, what is it you’re seeing in the world right now? I’ll say it, it’s also change, but a little different. It tends to be change based in chaos. And what is chaos?


S: It’s potential, that’s right. It’s creative energy. And when there is a great outpouring of creative energy—or I will say in this particular case, opportunity—if you do not know what you’re about, what you want, if you do not have a vision, then that opportunity turns into chaos. So looking at where you are right now in your life, I would say that you have a greater sense of vision, or sense of self, or what you want. And the world needs that, desperately.

So, how do you know what it is you want? How do you teach the world, “Here is how to make positive energy out of this chaos”? What do you do?

The other day I had a situation with someone who I knew was coming from a place of fear, and so their responses were very judgmental, very finite. And I just said, “You know, I try not to not look at things quite that way. I try to think the best of the situation, I try to send love to that person, because your thoughts can change things, maybe not consciously, but they get the opportunity to have more available to them when they’re going through chaos. This person is very religious that I was speaking with, and said you can call that prayer in a sense. So I try to find where the person is in their belief systems and use language that will resonate with that belief system and to offer another view.

S: A different perspective. That’s right. That’s right. Sometimes that’s all it takes—somebody willing to offer another perspective. But I’ve got to tell you, if you’re not living that perspective yourself it’s just a bunch of words.


In the past few months, I have had many actionable insights, insights that have not just stayed as theories in my head, but where I could take actions. Most of the time I would hope this would be less and less going forward, most of the time, because the pain was unbearable and I had to do something. And every time it came to what is it that I want out of this? Every time what caused pain was that the human in me wanted validation; the human in me wanted to prove something, to do something. I had to shift that perspective and bring a different [. . .] changes it completely. And sometimes it’s been just this thought that pops up in my head and then I go, “Oh! I can make that work,” and make that a vision, not out of pain but out of joy.

S: In this world, usually change happens because you hit that point where there has been so much pain you don’t want that anymore. You’re willing to seek out something else. When a Guardian, one in mastery, is experiencing pain there are choices in front of you. One of those choices is, “Oh, my life is so awful. There’s so many difficulties, so many hardships. Life . . .” And the other one is, “All right, what do I need to do to turn this around?”

Good work. [Looks at dragon sculpture on the dais.] Did you see this? I was a bit worried I was going to kick it off, but whew! I kept ahold of it. You think it’s easy. You use them [hands] all the time. It’s not so easy.

Mary Claire.

This isn’t anything new, but it still works for me. There are some constants that never change in my life about what I want. But to stop and just take a little time and write down all those things I want and then take that list and create a little vision statement with it and type it out and have it somewhere I can see it. And then create goals from that. It does keep me on track because it gives me something to check back to. “Is this activity really in that vision statement? Are you getting diverted? Are you getting distracted?”

S: How does it work with what is important to me?

I’ve been doing it for years and it still works. And my to-do lis—based on my every day and making it the goal of what to do for the week and the day—it does keep me on track, especially when there is a lot of change going on around me or within myself. It helps me stay on track with what my vision is.

S: Good, good. And speaking of a lot of change, look what’s happened to my puppy!

Grown another six inches and another ten pounds, probably.

S: I think he looks like a dog now. Don’t you think? Come, come! [To Quinn] This is a picture of a very happy dog. He’s just radiating happiness. You liked that, did you? Look! Oh, yes! These are your fans, you see? Well, I think he’s grown up. You’ve done a good job. He’s still a puppy, just a really big one.

Well, two things that puppies remind me of is that they do indeed constantly change, and those that are fortunate enough to, for instance, to be Mary Claire’s and Cam’s dog, or one of your dogs, that’s going to be a pleasurable experience. And yet even puppies living in the best of circumstances don’t always get it right, do they? They’ve got things to learn with regard to living with others, right? Now, I have said that there are two great lessons that your experience in this world is about: one of them has to do with . . .


S: Communication, that’s right. And that naturally leads to the second one, relationships. Communication and relationships. And when you are learning to live with humans, what are the big issues? Communication and relationships. Puppies are an excellent example, but I would say that this one has been quite a surprise to me. He’s just big. He’s big.

And that leads me very, very easily into the reasons you function in the world, because that’s really what your vision is about—why you are doing what you’re doing, why you are here, what you want to do with why you’re here. Those reasons need to include communication and relationships. Now if you’re clever enough to figure out a way for that to be one thing instead of two, “It is my vision to communicate well in all of my relationships,” you can do that. You’re going to find your path a whole lot easier, because, I promise you, every day of your life you are going to be tried on those two vital issues. And if you don’t have clarity as to what it is you want to be expressing—the communication—and as to what you want your relationships to be about, they will run you instead of you running them. Do you understand what I mean by that?

With communication, if you are not consciously communicating, then it’s just a bunch of words that will get away from you. In relationships, same thing. If you do not consciously choose to make this relationship work and be good, it will disintegrate and not be good. Both of those are issues that require constant maintenance—like a poodle—constant attention. And I will go so far as to say that if you look into your life and you find those places where things have been difficult, it is most likely because you lost that focus, you lost that attention. Maybe you started taking things for granted, you assumed somebody would know what you meant, you figured that everything was fine and had been for twenty years, so why keep cooking brownies? Consciously and constantly.

And right now you are running into a time in which greater changes than what you have seen this summer are going to be coming about. There has—well, I can’t say there’s never been a time, because that wouldn’t be true—but it is rare to have a time with this much change happening across the world.

Theoretically, with the autumnal equinox coming up sometime soon, the idea is that energy is kind of balanced. Not. Not. Right now in your world, things are gravely out of balance. Now, I’m being dramatic. I’m being dramatic mainly because it works. So when I say gravely out of balance . . . Let me pull back on that one a bit. How about desperately? [. . .] You’re getting the point, though. Change often creates fear. And as Lakshmi gave in her illustration, it often comes from a place of pain, and that tends to escalate if you chose the wrong door, right? Behind door number one, ease the pain; behind door number two, things stay the same; behind number three, something positive. Which door do you think most people choose? [. . .] They’d rather have things stay the same than risk making a mistake. What happens when you make a mistake? Hopefully you learn.


There’s the potential for wisdom.

S: Then you can gain from it.

Others can learn from it as well.

S: Not only for yourself, but for others who are watching you—because others are watching you. People tend to choose the easiest path—they think. And I’ve got to say that some of you have done that very thing. You have chosen the path that you felt would be the easy one because you were too tired, or in too much pain, or too much difficulty to take specific action. Running from pain is not an action that’s going to change things. It will just empower your pain threshold. “Oh look, I can take even more than I thought.” It requires a positive choice. Conscious and consistent.

Now, moving off of you and back into the world, I’d like for you to take a moment and to think about a place in the world that you know is having a hard time, and you can throw a rock and hit a place having a hard time. Do you have a place in mind there? What I want you to imagine, if you will, is that there is a cord running from your heart—a cord, a string— a cord of gold that goes to that place, and I want you to imagine, if you will, that you are just pouring love there. Now, how does it make you feel to do that?


S: Good. Is it painful to do?


S: Is it hard to do? Is it easy to do? This, as simple as it is, is something that you can do every day through this change. Imagine a spot, fill it with love. Be warned: It comes back to you. Which is to say, every day you’re sending something, it comes back to you.

Now, tonight I’ve been going for simple. And probably even on the “heard this before, heard this before, heard this before” line. I actually, last time we were together I thought I ought to start talking about inter-dimensional travel on a very general level since that’s what the Lifescapes are about.” But since that time—June—too much has been thrown into the works. You are needed not only by others in this world but by this world.

This dimension needs us. So if you’re teaching us to travel in other dimensions, is it because of what we’re going bring back with us energetically with this dimension, speed it along?”

S: That’s a good question. No, although there is certainly an effect like that. When you can function invisibly, outside of your body, then you are functioning at a level that is only about Source creation. To reach that place where you are capable of interdimensional travel says that you are doing more for this world than you’ve ever been able to do before. Getting to that place is both easier and harder than you would think. When you’re doing it imaginatively, it’s easy. But when you are doing it specifically, it’s a little harder.

What do you mean “specifically”?

S: When you are traveling with your current consciousness to bring yourself along so that you think things through is a much more difficult act than to simply leave the body. You do that in your dreams most nights, don’t you?

Give us an example of what that might be like.

S: Of which “what might be like”?

Taking the consciousness with you with a purpose.

S: Oh, Jerry, come to the Lifescapes.


S: You don’t need forewarning; you’re just wanting a little piece of carrot. You have conscious dreams where you watch yourself doing whatever, and you think, “I don’t want to keep dreaming this. Stop it. Wake myself up.” Sort of? And now I’m going to give you another scenario. When you are doing a visualization, such as I asked you to do just a moment ago, in which you put a gold cord at a place on the earth that needed some help. Put the two of those together so that you are both perfectly aware of what’s going on but you’re not here. You are there.

An example would be . . .

S: I’m looking. I don’t have one. It’s not an act of mind.

But it takes an act of mind to do it, doesn’t it?

S: No. It takes purposefully releasing that mind, and that’s what makes it so hard. And those of you who have listened to the Atlanta Lifescapes, you’ll hear me talk about how important it is to stop thinking, stop the chatter, stop directing yourself, because this isn’t mind. It’s spirit. How does this self know when your spirit is functioning? I don’t know. Tell me, how does your self know when you’re functioning in spirit?

Experience of relation?

S: Sometimes, yes.

When I’ve done things like this before, and I feel that I’m actually there when I’m sending that cord, it’s like the difference between imagining a place in California, and it’s like being in a conscious dream. And you are there.

S: You see it, you hear it, you smell it you feel it.

When I know I am actually functioning at the level you’re talking about is when my mind isn’t trying to interfere in the situation. So I’m just there. The only way I can say I know that is because, when my mind steps in, there’s a part of me that says, “Step away. Let this be, you being here with this energy, and send exactly what you came here for, which is to send the love.”

S: If I may phrase that, the lack of interference lets you know The lack of the human justification, and coloring. It simply is. And all of that works in there.

Now, I’m not trying to hijack beyond that. We will talk more about that, but right now you, you, the person sitting in this chair, that chair, are very needed. The way you function in this world with positive conscious, consistent choices, yes, is so needed right now. Those of you in birthday energy take advantage. You’re at a very powerful time right now. Focus for the best, the highest, the most loving, in your communications and in your relationships. Specifically look at ways to make loving choices, to be at your best, because what you do happens in this world. You’ve noticed that, haven’t you? The choices you make show up around you. These—well, it has to do with changing consciousness, and so I cannot say these next few days, few weeks, few months, few years. The time you’re in right now needs you to be functioning through your purpose for being. So what you can do to help bring about positive change is vital.

So what can you do?

And that’s what you go home with. Think about, “What can I do?” One very easy thing: visualize that cord. Another thing, not quite so easy all the time: make positive choices. Remember that you are an example; remember that you open doors, or windows, or portals that others may move through. You have come to this world for a very specific purpose.

You are here at a time in which what you have to offer is so needed. You are in this world to guard and guide all of life force. And that’s what you need to do. So yes, that’s right. Just do it.
