January 6, 2013
Samuel: Hello, dears.
Hello, Samuel.
S: How’s your new year going so far?
S: It’s a dog. Hello, dear, how are you? Can I hold you there? You are a Pixie? [Lea had been told the puppy’s name.] Hello, there. [Pixie licks Samuel’s face.] Little doggie kisses. It smells quite good here, doesn’t it?
Look at those ears.
She has ears like a little lamb.
S: When was the last time you saw a lamb, dear?
It’s been a while, but I’ve seen pictures.
S: Well, she’s got quite a story with her, doesn’t she? Are you keeping her?
Oh, no. We’ve got four already.
We’ve got four and stopped counting.
I’ve heard that before.
Now when I take them for a walk I have to count to make sure that I’ve got everybody.
S: Well, she’s quite young.
We’ll foster her until she is able to be adopted, until she’s old enough to be adopted.
S: This is the best seat in the house, isn’t it? So, who’s looking for a puppy?
If Duchess liked dogs . . .
S: Well dear, if you’re sitting here too very long you’re going to be something that I can’t hold on to. She says that this feels really good, that I like looking around up here and I feel like it’s time to start moving around.
And how did your new year begin? Was it a rough one?
What do you think? Look like anyone you know?
Matthew, love, come here a moment. Now you remember the healing process with them? Won’t you give her a good dose of puppy healing? You smell interesting. There, that feels good, doesn’t it?
Are you arranging a marriage here?
S: Not at all, not at all. Matthew has a touch with the creatures, and I thought it might be good to remind him and give her the benefit of it. Good.
And while he’s doing that, I will talk to you. This is a very important year. Now it’s true they all are, absolutely. But first you remember that by some accounts this wasn’t even supposed to happen—not by my accounts. But it is recognized across the world as a time of great change and new beginnings.
And during the Festival of Light and New Year’s Eve, I talked to you somewhat about new beginnings and things you wanted to bring into your life and things you wanted to see come into the world. I’m not going back there. I want to talk to you a bit about what you are going to need—your arsenal, if you will, for this year. Think for a moment about this puppy. Now what is this puppy’s story?
She was found on Main Street in Lawrenceburg by someone who brought her up to Animal Control by someone who did not have the abilities to keep her overnight as she needed to be kept, so they brought her over to the Adoption Center, where Paula happened to be, and it wasn’t long before she was in our house.
S: So she had been abandoned?
Or lost.
S: Or somehow got out on her own and started wandering around Main Street, not very likely.
But there she is a tiny, tiny, young creature. I’d like you to think about that for a moment. What does this creature need? Well, clearly, something that she needed was somebody to help her and to take her in. And, that’s why whoever found her scooped her up and took her to the Humane Society.
Contact, connections, are so important, not only for a newly born puppy, but also for a human going through a rebirth, a world starting fresh and new. Why is it so important for the puppy, or the person, to have a community, a contact a relationship? What good does it do? How does it help?
It helps them overcome fear and it also helps them understand that their love can come in very many different ways.
S: Very good.
And in very many different guises that the world is safe.
It is very difficult to fulfill all your needs by yourself.
S: Absolutely, especially when everything is new, when everything is new. It looks old, it looks familiar, but you’re not the same.
A community is like a growing medium, and it allows someone to flourish.
S: Yes.
It shows us in so many different ways and being, and the new puppy would probably have this problem but the new me, for instance, would have the problem of “I don’t want to fall back on my default behaviors, but I’m not quite sure what to do with this new me.” So in this community of like-mindedness I get all these wonderful examples, and all these things that have been tried out, and I get the support in not falling back in the old me.
S: Yes, yes. So vital, so vital.
It helps to build trust.
S: Good. It helps to build trust. One of the things that you are going to be hit with on every side this coming year are issues of trust. And having companionship that is looking out for your highest good is vital to that. When you find you don’t trust yourself—you don’t trust the decisions that you’ve got to make, the choices that are in front of you, that you are going to be at your best doing what you need to—having somebody that you trust leading you on the path, maybe behind you pushing, maybe holding your hand and walking it with you, will make a big difference.
Additionally, when you find you trust yourself just fine—and this tends to be a Guardian’s issue—“Oh, I trust myself just fine. I am, (ego here) great, everything I want to do is just right. I don’t trust,” and here comes the list, “everything out there,” for instance, your spiritual nature. Then it really helps to have a community of those who are holding the trust for you, who are an example of that trust for you. Who in the same situation show a different perspective and allow that trust to work for you.
Here is the issue about creating a community, establishing relationships, creating companionship: you must get out of yourself to do it. You must get out of yourself to do it. Yes, sometimes relationships just fall into your lap, that’s true; sometimes that happens. More often, however, you have to make it happen. And how do you do that, how do you make a friend? How do you create friendships? I’m not asking you to answer that aloud, but I am going to point out that if you’re not real sure what the answer is then that ought to be telling you something real important.
Most people do not have close relationships, they have close acquaintanceships. Most people don’t have friends, they have acquaintances, that’s what I’m saying. The people you work with, you’re all friendly with each other; “They are my friends.” What is it they say? They’re really your friends if they help you move? Is that it? Is that how you know?
And most people surround themselves—here it comes—with negative, unthinking acquaintances. In this particular culture, complaining about something makes it easier to find something in common, then turning it into a conversation. So complaining about the boss, the weather, the basketball team, the coach, the politics, establishes a common negativity that becomes normal, acceptable, and deadly, absolutely deadly, because most—and I’m going to say Guardians here—in their average relationships do not even realize that they are falling into traps of negative thinking without even realizing it, because it is so common to shift away from a positive frame of mind in everyday short-term connections.
To choose to be positive means you’re going to stand out. Now, I think that’s a good thing. You know how I feel about normal: normal is scary; what is considered acceptable is considered normal. But to move out of that, to stand up with a different attitude, requires trust. Trust where?
In yourself.
In Source.
S: In yourself, in Source.
In the big picture.
S: In the big picture. It requires your willingness to not need the approval of others in order to be your best self. “I’ve got to fit in; I’ve got to get the approval of this person I will probably never see again as long as I live because I am talking to them while I am at the grocery store and will not likely see them.”
Are you going to be able to stand up and stand out in your relationships this year? Now, when I say relationships a lot of you make that automatic connection to the idea that I am talking about intimate relationships, and I’m not. I’m taking about the five-minute relationship that Frank likes so much: the yard-sale relationship you call it, yes? Five minutes, it’s over, and everyone is happy, go on. Or, anything up to and including your intimate relationships.
Relationships are going to be quite an issue for you. “Oh well, Samuel, that’s not new.” For some of you, you need to remember that they are going to be quite an issue for other people too. And for most of you, you want to not be the person that’s creating the issue for the other people who are having trouble with relationships. Did that make sense, did that work?
This is a year in which you are going to be dealing a lot with your passion, and if you are not living something that you feel passionate about you are going to know it very quickly. And you’re going to be unhappy, very deeply. You have spent too much of your life accepting drama as passion. If that doesn’t change this year, you will want to leave, because it will be unbearable.
What are you passionate about? What do you enjoy? What do you love? What brings you happiness and laughter? What are you good at? Now I am going to toss in a commercial here, all right? The Guardianship Program is all about that. It is worth your time—and you in TV-land too—it is worth your time to make the effort to spend nine weeks focused on what is going to come up for you throughout this whole year. Start the first quarter knowing the answer so that the second and the third and the fourth quarters won’t be so hard.
Now these things relate to the whole world as well as to you, but they show up a bit differently. “Relationships” could be speaking about between countries, between factions within a country. Trust is a global issue keeping you from peace and unity and a lack of passion, so that people are making up something that gets them a little bit excited, dumping so much of themselves into it. But because it’s not their deep passion, they are easily swayed and manipulated. You get crowd . . .
Mob mentality.
S: Mob mentality, hysteria.
Over the years, I have asked you very, very often, what makes you happy? And when is the last time you did that? This is a good year to ask yourself that question. What makes you happy? What are you good at? Does it make you happy?
A lot of times you’re good at things because you enjoy them. That’s not always the case. Some of you are really good at stuff that doesn’t serve you at all, but because you do not have a passion, you do not have guidance as to what to do instead. You know that idea, that idea of “do what makes you happy and the money will come”? You know that’s not true, right? You figured that one out, didn’t you?
You also know that whatever you are doing, you can be happy at it. This is not the kind of happy that I am talking about. I’m talking about that satisfying deep joy that bypasses emotion and drama; the happy that you become, not that you have while you are doing. Make sense?
What makes you that kind of happy?
Did you say that it doesn’t make you happy while you’re doing it, but makes you happy after you are doing it?
S: Yes, and what I’m saying is, while you’re doing a thing you might be happy, but once you’re finished, maybe not so much; it’s over, that’s it. I’m talking about the kind of happy that is not about what you are doing; it’s about the feeding of what you are. And what you do allows the what you are to be expressed; that is the deep joy-filled happy that brings passion into your life.
So how do you get that type of happy?
I think for me it’s in service. Even when it’s not something I like to do I can see the result of putting out that effort in that service.
S: Paula says that for her she has found that it’s service. Not that every little thing that she does in service is fun: taking down all of these beautiful decorations is not nearly as fun as putting them up.
Wrecking crew, let’s go! [Audience laughs]
S: Asked the wrong crowd, absolutely asked the wrong crowd. [More laughter] forgot that sitting right in front of me is the, “I hate decorating.”
All right, cleaning out the dog pen is not nearly as fun as petting the puppies.
Right. Nobody likes the cat box duty.
S: It’s not always delightful in every moment of that service. The ego insists that it be delightful in every moment; takes its toys and goes home when it’s not having fun. The ego has to have it its way, but in serving, you’re getting something else out of it; you’re working with a much bigger picture. And this is a year in which service is going to matter to you.
Two reasons: Because giving love is the only thing that satisfies a Guardian, and yes, you are a Guardian. And because you get back what you give, and you might find yourself in need of someone else. So you might want to store some up. Not kidding.
And all of that is because this year is about creating a new pattern. And I’m not talking the repatterning that takes a sliver of life, turns it inside out and changes it. I’m talking about the definition of life being turned inside out and changed—this year. If you don’t have a direction in your own life, if you don’t have a pattern that you’re able to follow, what kind of pattern are you setting for the world?And that’s going to show up a lot.
This is a very important year. It is indeed a new beginning. Not because the Mayan calendar has shifted; the fact is the Mayan calendar shifted a few months ago. It is going to continue in that shift for another couple of months. It’s not because your Julian calendar has shifted; it’s not because the Gregorian one has shifted. It’s because you have shifted.
You are living a life that includes the impossible. For some of you, a lot of your life includes the impossible. For some of you, just small portions of your life includes the impossible. Maybe I should say it another way: the miraculous, the magical, the amazing, the not-what-you-see-on-every-corner, and I’m not just talking about me. All right, I must have thought that was much funnier than you did.
Laughter’s good.
S: Occasionally the Form says that I channel her, and this is going to be one of those times because I like this idea and I want to pass it along. She has a very big jar. How big is that jar?
Five gallons?
S: Maybe a gallon, maybe two? I don’t know; it’s just a big jar. It’s about that big. And for every awareness of a miracle, a magical experience, a delightful happening, a good thing, it gets written down and put in that jar. And then at the end of the year or any down time that you need it, anytime your trust is wobbly, reach in and grab a handful of those and read them. At the end of the year, dump them all out and be reminded of what a magical life you live. Be reminded of how protected and cared for and watched over, how special, you are.
When you talk about repatterning, you don’t repattern the great parts, the relationships based in love and miracles. You are trying to amplify that and make it more wide spread in this repatterning. Is that close?
S: Trust and passion are vital this year and of course they are very much the same thing. Trust. When you pay attention to the good going on, when you allow yourself to see the miracles and the joy and the good, then you are giving yourself a reminder of why you trust. And that’s needed.
Now, is that jar going to help you create a new pattern? If regularly focusing on the positive helps you create a new pattern, then yes. But that new pattern is based upon the hybridization of the spirit and the union that you are.
Hybridization? Is that a word?
S: And as that new being comes into effect, everything that it does, just like now, is opening the door for mass consciousness to follow. As a being beyond human, what you are capable of seeing is going to be quite different than what the average human sees. So, in a sense, it will have an effect on the pattern, but the pattern I’m talking about is a world repattern. Don’t mistake, I’m not saying it’s you getting repatterned. It’s a planetary thing.
I think one of the things that pushes me out of the positive is I see the resistance that is going on either in the world or even within myself or other people, and it’s sometimes hard to deal with that, it’s sometimes overwhelming.
S: Resistance is a function of fear. What changes fear?
S: Resistance is a function of fear. So if you can stop and look at the situation and say, “All right, there is a lot of resistance happening here, what might the fear be?” remember to look at it two ways: look at yourself, because it’s all a mirror to you. So first, ask yourself, What am I worried about here? and put yourself in that other person’s shoes. What could it be from where they are coming from? What are they afraid of losing that is causing this resistance? Fear of loss, very often. Personal power is a very big reason for resistance.
So if you choose to put love into the equation, it might not mean that you’re going to say just the perfect thing that makes it all work out. It might mean that you don’t say anything, but on your own, back at home, you do some heart-to-heart cord work, for instance, filling them with love from your heart to theirs. It changes things. Some of you have found that out rather startlingly: people from way in your past show up all of a sudden. But begin putting love into that situation that you know now.
So remember, resistance is fear. And love can cancel fear, even if you [looking at Pixie] have four legs and you’re furry. Aye, well you’re two legs and furry.
All right, that’s a start. It’s a very important year. You’re going to be called on a lot by maybe even strangers, because, you see, you are the light in the dark room, and people see that and they just start blurting out their life’s story and what’s happening and what’s surprising them right now. And it’s opportunities for you to turn a stranger into a friend even if it’s just for a little while, to show them what love looks like, to help direct them toward trust and living their passion.
Can you imagine what this world would be like if everyone you ran into was living their passion and living in love? Well, if you live that, that’s what you’ll put into the pattern, so it can happen. But that means you need to be able to live that.
And you, you cute little thing, were you trying to go to sleep there and I got you woken up again? So, just a little sleepy.
Be well. You have a life full of love ahead of you.
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