October 6, 2013

Samuel: Greetings dears. All right. So, how has your month been?

Short. You mean the last thirty days?

S: Yes.


S: Fast?


S: Fast.


S: Communication? There are two things that I’m going to be talking about tonight. One of them is communication, and the other one of them is ghosts. And you can put them together and have communication with ghosts because that will be in there too. But it seems that October is so often Halloween in this society, very focused on that, yes? So I am going to give you a Halloween talk. Mind you, I am not giving you an official and truthful Halloween talk. I am giving you the cultural version of it, because what you have with children going door to door demanding food, and decorations of spider webs and skeletons, and sheets that flap in the wind and blood that drools out of the house—or something like that—is not Halloween. It’s not the end of the holy year for the ancients. It’s the beginning of fun for the children. And it seems as though all month you tend to have frightening movies and opportunities for purchasing sugar products by far greater than any other time of the year, so I thought I’d just take a little time and put that in there.

But first I wanted to talk a bit about communication. And why would I want to talk about communication?  I have talked to you in the past few months about the way that you use your time, relationships, and this third one, communication, because these are the three greatest issues that you deal with in your life. Now that is not to say you would necessarily put them in that category, but the way you choose to prioritize your life, how you use your time, how time uses you, is the way that you spend your life, and relationships and communications are the way that you give your life.

Ultimately, you’re here for the purpose of creating relationships. “Samuel, that’s not right. For years you’ve said to us that why we’re here is to live love.” But you do that through your connections with others, be they somebody you’re going to simply pass in the street or somebody that you have a long-term relationship with. Relationships tend to be the means by which all of your issues are going to come up. And that’s a great thing, isn’t it? To have your issues come, it is a great thing. Why?

It gives you an opportunity.

S: Perfect! Because it gives you the opportunity to make better choices, to make changes, to get rid of what is underneath the issue. And what is underneath issues? Now I’m looking for the big answer.


S: Beliefs, yes.


S: That’s the one I’m looking for. Fear. Of what? Again, big picture.

The answer I was going to give was ego, but fear of not saving face, or things not working out the way you wanted them to, or loss of something you use to define who you are in the world.

S: And all those things are what, Kathy?

Not being enough.

S: That’s right. The fear of not being enough. So to pull that together, the issues that you have not worked out in your life show up by way of your relationships. And where they are founded, the foundation of them, is your worry that you are not good enough, capable enough, smart enough, wise enough, spiritual enough—that you’re not enough. And that fear creates reactions. And the first reaction shows up in the way you communicate. And that’s why it’s so important to take a little time and talk about communication.

Communication doesn’t require a voice. What does it require? A choice. A choice. A choice to present yourself in a particular way. And that might be happy, loving, energetic; it might be angry, passive, aggressive. Those often go together, don’t they? Why does it not need your voice?

Because we communicate in so many different ways. The way we look, body language, attitude projection.

S: Yes. Lillibeth said—for those who could not hear—because we communicate in many ways beyond voice. You communicate in how you choose to look. You communicate by how your body is behaving. You communicate by the intent behind what you are thinking, saying, wanting to get across. You communicate without words and, if it is without thought, dangerously.

I’ve got a big black dog trying to sleep through this. That’s right, Buddy. Before we’re finished love, you’ve got to be sure to bring him up, all right?

I wanted him one time to experience the energy.

S: Well, it looks like he’s just lying there sucking it up. I never know what I’m going to see when these eyes adjust.

So words, physicality, and mentality rule your communications. And yet, there is actually more to it than those. Those happen to be the big three. If you are angry, how does your body tend to look? Show me, show me.


S: Keep showing me. Face scrunched up [laughter], maybe there’s a fist, maybe there is power behind that fist. When you are happy, wait—put yourself into that angry kind of position but do it very quickly. Now move it to happy. What did you do to switch that out?


S: You’ve relaxed. You set up more, you open up, perhaps you thought about opening the heart.

Released that tension.

S: Released some of that tension, good, good.

Most of all, we made a choice there. As simple as that. All those things we are saying when we are relaxed are not conscious, just a consequence of making that single choice.

S: You chose to express happy. And something that you all did in expressing happy is you moved your mouth, didn’t you, because smiling goes with happy, doesn’t it? Now, give me smiles, give me the hi-it’s-so-good-to-meet-you smile. “I can’t wait to get out of here.” When you get that one, what do you think? Perhaps you think, when you get that one, perhaps you’re thinking, This person is just not interested in getting to know me, or meet me. Or, depending upon where your personal sense of self is, it might be, Ooh, what have I done wrong, I’m making this person upset. I’m not good enough. What about the oh-it’s-great-to-see-you-it’s-been-so-long! kind of smile. Yes, your whole face tends to open up, because it’s listening to your brain say, “Hello!!” Your mind rules the body. But your body works out of habit if the mind is not ruling it.

I gave this exercise some time back and I’m going to give it again: This week try to catch yourself at different times of the day, just freeze your expression and run to the mirror, because you may find that what you think of as a very pleasant, happy face isn’t so much. You might find that what you think of as a big smile is kind of a grimacy looking thing. You might find that your normal, every moment-by-moment expression is something like this [demonstrates]. And that’s not unusual. You’ve got to seriously retrain your face for your natural expression to be a more pleasant one. The older you get, and it doesn’t matter if you are four or forty listening to this, gravity causes your facial muscles to start going down. And it’s easier to frown without realizing it.

Back in college when I was taking my first acting class, our assignment was to have a hand mirror with us, or if we’re sitting in traffic or a stop light, whatever, to freeze your face when you think it’s neutral, and flip the mirror down to look. It was an epiphany! I had no idea. People used to ask me what was wrong when I was in college and I’d say, “I’m fine.”

S: “Nothing’s wrong!”

I was doing that. I had the hand mirror, sitting there reading, thought I felt really neutral, I picked up the hand mirror and what I saw was horrible! It looked like somebody had lost their best friend or something. I’ve noticed, though, as I’ve gotten older, the face that I retrained it into it was really positive. I have to do it again because gravity is making the corners of my mouth droop down this way and I’ve got to work a little more to make it look positive and happy.

S: Or you could stick [. . .] in the corners of your mouth and they’ll always stick up.

Are you okay, Mary Claire? [Laughter]

S: Perfect. Yes. It can be a very powerful exercise that can surprise you, because you do not realize what your face is showing to others. Try to get a variety of what you think of as your mood at the time. “Oh, I’m frustrated!” Freeze the face and run in and check it out. “I’m really feeling good!” Check it out. “This is my everyday, moment-by-moment face.” Check it out. Then retrain.

Now, there’s a lot of ways you can retrain. How many of you have a cord on your wrist from a ritual we’ve done? Many of you. And the purpose of those cords is, anytime you see it you will remember the work that was done. And whether you are consciously doing it or not, energy is going to go toward whatever it was that was being done—that Dragon ritual or whatever—because you are putting yourself back there. You might want to put a cord around you so that every time you see it you will remember to retrain your smile. Or a rubber band or something out of your typical routine, so that whenever you notice, you can put some consciousness into place. Consciousness is the key to right communication. The physical body tells a story, but it’s only a small part of the story. It’s what’s going on in your mind that the body and the words and the brain respond to.

Communication coming from the heart and communication coming from the brain are two different things. What do I mean by communication from the heart? What do I mean when I’m saying that?

With love.

S: Yes, yes. Consciously focusing on expressing yourself in the highest and best way possible. What is it when I say from the brain? Because obviously words even coming from the heart are from your brain, because it’s all intent. But what do I mean when I’m saying from your brain? Interestingly enough, it’s when you’re not intending a loving communication, you’re simply acting out of habit. How many of you talk to yourself? Of course, every hand in here ought to be up. How many of you catch yourself—no, don’t raise your hand for this one—talking to yourself, not realizing you were doing it out loud? There’s a whole lot more of you who do that than would admit to it. And that’s the kind of communication from the brain that I’m talking about. You’re not really thinking about it, you’re not fully engaged into it, you’re not listening to yourself.

I also want to say rationalized, that it’s easy to take twists and turns in thinking to rationalize something that doesn’t have . . .

S: Yes, that’s true because the brain functions on an instinctual level that’s motivated by fear. If you fear going into the woods by yourself, then you won’t go and the bears won’t get you. Right? So fear motivates the instinctual brain. You’ve got to bring up, well, I will say you’ve got to bring up the spiritual brain, but then a month or two from now in questions and answers somebody’s going to say, “Samuel, you said that was the spiritual brain. Is that by chance the black hole?” That’s not what I’m saying.

The conscious mind, partnered with right intent—and that right intent should be a loving intent—is going to create a spiritual mind. Remember that the things in your life that are spiritual are those things through which you are doing the best you can with love because that’s what your spirit self is here to do. Communication with rocks, plants, and animals teaches you how to communicate better with humans. “Samuel, I’m not sure I quite get how talking to a rock is going to help me learn how to talk to humans.”

Well, you don’t expect anything back. You are giving, you are asking, you are open with your communication. You don’t have preconceived notions of how it should go or what it would be and what you will get out of it.

S: Come to the head of the class. That’s absolutely right. Plants. Well, you can ditto a lot of that, but your plants react to you. The rocks think about you, the plants react to you, the animals talk back to you, and the humans do all of that. So, whose rocks am I totally throwing off here? So with a plant, it reacts. How does a plant react to you? You know the experiments that have been done—sticking wires onto a plant, and you yell at the plant and it just withers? Frank threatened one of his plants.

I just explained something to it.

S: Tell me that story.

We have a hibiscus plant that had lost its leaves, and all summer I’ve been trying to get it to fill out. And I said, “Well, if you don’t fill out, I’m not going to take you in this winter and it’s going to be the end.”

S: Doesn’t that sound like a threat? And what happened? What was the result of that?

The leaves started withering and it’s completely dead.

S: Don’t be sad about that. All cycles need a beginning and an ending or you would just be stuck in that. Which would be a very good leap for me to talk about ghosties, now wouldn’t it. Give me just a moment and I’ll go there.

They’re also happy and grow lushly and well, they are drawn to energy in a happy house. Many of you come to the Wednesday-morning toning at Earthlight’s house and you notice how the plants keep trying to grow into the front door. They used to crawl up across the porch and to the door. Now there are large pots, and the really full happy side is right next to the door. They want that energy. Of course animals will talk back to you. What am I talking about? Pictures, yes, body language, yes. Sounds, yes. Anybody . . . an example?

Some will pull their leash along saying they want to go out and take a walk, they’ll go to the door. All kinds of signals.

S: That’s right!

I get a lot of stories in my head.

S: You’re just minding your own business and there it is.

Our dog Hapi, as he’s getting older, he doesn’t want to do the steps and go room to room to follow Lea around. So if she goes somewhere, and he’s by himself, he’s, “Where are you?” and he’s wanting her to come back in. He’s communicating.

S: “Come back!” But following around is also part of that communication, too. I want to be attached to your leg. No, that’s not what that means. Who said pictures? That’s really the biggest way to communicate with you, because they figure very quickly that you don’t know their language so they’re going to have to learn some of yours. So they learn some of your words. You know great apes have learned sign language, dogs have learned sign language. You know if Gwendolyn was here she’d tell you how she learned to manage her deaf dog. She has hand signals that she uses. But the pictures are the biggest part of it.

I encourage you when you are around animals to do two things. The first one is you imagine yourself as totally harmless. If you can, imagine that you’re sucking in your energy. You are totally harmless. And then send a visualization. A very easy one that nearly any animal will respond to in one way or the other is visualize them filling up with love. “I’m harmless, I’m filling you with love.” You might picture a heart bursting over them, showering them with love, or you might picture them in a balloon of pink light. However you imagine it, simply picture that you are filling that creature with love. You’re going to have one of two responses. One of them is, “Run!” because you frightened it. They’re used to these big people things being kind of deaf to them, unable to communicate with them. You’ve really scared them at one end. The other end is, attracted to it. They might just take a look and then keep on their way. They might come closer. Birds, squirrels, dogs, cats—fill them with that love.

Now, if you have a domesticated animal you are around quite a bit, it knows your facial expressions and it knows a few of your words. Try not to use the words and call it to you. And you do that by seeing in your mind the dog coming to you. Don’t stare—“I’ve got to really focus on this.” In fact you might even need to not look. You’re being harmless, remember? Once your cat or your rat or your lizard or your dog or your horse, whatever, realizes that you’re talking to it, don’t be surprised. Most domesticated animals are chatterboxes, and you’ll get a lot. And as Jean said, she often will get a whole story. But she’s an animal communicator, so she should. All of the skills that you learned by working with the other kingdoms help you as you consciously communicate with love to those who are around you.

Now, what about those who aren’t around you in bodies—ghosts? All right.

First thing is, do I believe in ghosts? Seems kind of silly, eh? Here I am.

You function in a dimensional reality that is fully based on frequency—the rate at which particular energy moves, as opposed to what your physical body is capable of deciphering. Energy that is moving faster or slower than the scale in which you are capable of seeing something as form doesn’t appear to you. And the closer its frequency is to yours, the more able you are to see it. How many of you have had an experience in which it’s particularly easy—somebody you really care about has moved out of this dimension—but have had an experience in which you did not see anything, but you knew? You fully knew that your mother or your friend was there? Have any of you had that? Many of you have had that. You would think of that if you listened to this culture as a ghost.

But there’s no such a thing as a ghost, a ghost that isn’t finished with what they have to do so they must stay in the house they died in until somebody releases them. And this is why ghostbusters never calls me. It’s simply working at a slight shift from what you are capable of recognizing as form. It’s easier to provide aroma or sound than it is sight. So it’s not unusual that where there is a dimensional cross-over the place will have an associated smell or sound.

If there is an individual that you are wanting to connect with, use sound or smell. How could you use smell if you wanted to talk to your father who’s gone?

Your brain has a memory of that scent, and so if you think about that scent and then you intensify it, sometimes you can taste the way that scent is, you can sometimes actually get to a place where that scent is. You can get it to the point it’s real to you and send that.

S: What kind of smells might you find?

I associate certain smells with my dad: popcorn, after shave lotion, certain soap.

S: So when he goes and you are minding your own business in your kitchen and you smell his aftershave, what will you think?


S: Hi, Dad! Because it’s such an easy way to communicate. Turn it around. Your friend always wore this perfume, so start wearing that perfume because that like is going to draw that like. It’s a familiar connection. My question is, why? Why? Why do you want to keep talking to somebody who’s not there or is there but not seeable, who has already died? Why?

It might be for getting encouragement. It might be to resolve some things that were not finished when that person was alive. My grandfather was at my wedding and—before I met you—and I knew my grandfather—this phrase went in my head, that he’d say to me, and I knew he was there: “I wasn’t going to miss your wedding.” I could contact them after all, and it was for comfort, and it built my confidence that I could do that kind of thing. I have some raspberries planted into my yard that connect to him.

S: The raspberry plant garden and the bathroom. That’s where grandpa hangs out. But if it works, sure, use it.

I think it’s because the love doesn’t die.

S: That’s very true.

Sometimes it’s just, “Hey, how are doing?” I don’t think of my father as being the same personality, but his essence is the love we have for each other. He was an oil geologist. Every so often there’d be a wafting-through of crude oil, because I’d sit on oil wells when I was a child with him. Touch in. Same with Denise. Such a good friend, and sometimes I just feel that effervescence of her. She had that kind of personality—“Hi, glad you’re around.”

S: And Lilibeth said the love. I want to make a point of that. What you are thinking draws what you are thinking about. So if you are stressed, and upset, and emotional, and unhappy, you’re not going to draw to you a loving, comforting connection. You’re going to either touch into the frustrating times and get that piece of that person, or you’re going to draw to you energy that is just totally neutral and not able to communicate. Love is a function of Source in this world. It’s the easiest bridge to cross. So by filling your mind, your heart, your words, with that kind of loving Source connection, you’re going to move out of the small human sphere of knowledge and you’ll be able to open yourself up to that love returning. Do I encourage you to do that? No, I do not. I do not. I think there are much better things you could be doing with your time. But I recognize that the human condition often seeks that touch, often seeks that “Hold my hand and tell me things are all right,” or “You are still around,” or “It’s not over when it’s over.” And I get that.

I’ve also seen people who keep an energy that should be translating into a time for rest and review stuck in the emotional bondage of someone who is fully unable to let go. The personality essence doesn’t die even though the body, thank goodness, does. And that personality essence, functioning at a different frequency altogether, is capable of connecting with you, but you have a built-in safety mechanism. Do you know what it is?

[. . .]

S: Disbelief, probably. If you’re not ready for that communication, you are almost always unable to get it. It’s not always, but almost always, unable to get it until you are ready. So what does it take to be ready and able to communicate outside of your energy spectrum? A bridge of love.

So, here is what I have said tonight: I have said communication is so important, and it involves, by far, more than simply the words. I know you have been waiting for me to say this. Communication is the art of being heard. It’s not what you say, it’s what the other person hears. So right communication requires consciousness, intent, thought, words, and the deeds to back it up. You can communicate and learn from the mineral, the plant, and the animal kingdoms to help you better prepare for truly communicating with the human kingdom. I know, you kind of figure, since you know the language, you have communication with humans down pat. Trust me, not so much.

Beyond that, there is also communication outside of life as you tend to know it. Now, there is a lot more I could say about that. Maybe next time, because it will be right around Samhain. But it’s all about connecting with a frequency, and when you figure out what best makes that connection for you, love it into being. And you can. Love never ends. Life doesn’t end. It changes; it’s a metamorphosis. And communication is always available as you become released and ready for it. And that’s true with the living as well as those who are not.

So, while you practice your facial expressions this week, you might also practice walking into empty rooms and saying hello, because your world is so much more full than you can possibly imagine. And do not fear; never forget that what you are is greater than what is out there. The only thing you can be is disappointed. You cannot be hurt, you cannot be endangered. If a sprit is making enough of an effort to be known to you, there is a reason. So seek out that reason that you’ve got a good one.

This morning my grandson, who is almost a year old, was staring off into space. The comment was made, “He’s always looking at things we can’t see.” He watches things in the room that move around.

S: And unfortunately he will realize pretty soon, “Nobody else is seeing that, are they?’ and learn to cover it up. You did. Watch your cats, your dogs; they do the same thing: “What was that?”

They do the same thing when someone is dying. If they are seeing things, it’s a real kindness to say you see them even if you don’t. Or “I didn’t see that but I believe that you did.” It’s a reverse. They are starting to see things.

S: They are becoming less human and the . . . that which is usually unseen becomes seen.

When I brought Revilo [the black dog referred to earlier] in, there’s a place just on the other side of the tree near the wall, he goes over there, looking at something, has a raccoon in there—or it’s where you live. Something over there—just a wall, but he was totally fascinated with it.

S: [To the dog] What were you seeing dear? What was it that you were seeing? “Nothing, Don’t look at me!”

He’s a beauty. Looks like Jack [EarthLight’s dog of years ago], don’t you think?

So, communication. Communication from the heart opens doors, from the brain alone leaves you at a loss. Stay conscious.
