November 3, 2013
Samuel: Hello, dears.
Hello, Samuel.
S: [whispers] I never left. I always sort of float around.
Welcome, and to you, too.
A great, great trip [referring to the recent group trip to Nevis]. For those of you who put energy into those that were going to be doing the work, you did a fabulous job. And for those of you who were there and yet made it here tonight, good for you! You did a fabulous job. It was a wonderful, remarkable trip. And now you are in for probably the most important couple of months that you have had in years and years, and years. And it is my hope that you are going to know what to do with them. So with that in mind, let me first start with a couple of expected things and then I’m going to shift into what might be slightly less expected; nonetheless, all about ghost talking. Sort of.
This is the beginning, perhaps, of a very big time of holidays with just passing your Halloween, just coming up to Samhain, Day of the Dead—they call it that rather than All Saints Day, because they ran out of saints, maybe? Not enough to celebrate. Diwali—anybody besides Lakshmi remember?
In India, it’s called the Festival of Light. Several goddesses. We were there during that time, and it’s really a wonderful time.
S: You want to put little boats into the river, and put your wishes on them. Write on that paper what you wish your new year to be, light it up, and put it out to float. Some of you are more creative than that. You can make a pretty little boat, just something really simple. The key is the earth, the water, and the air. Where does the Earth get in with that? The paper! So, think about the prosperity you want in your life that the goddess will go for, the prosperity you want to bring into your life, the areas you want prosperity. That doesn’t just mean money, you know. That’s like saying abundance doesn’t just mean money. An overflowing of what in your life? How about an overflowing of good health?
An overflowing of laughter, lovely. Of . . .
Friendship, love. How about money? An overflowing of . . .
S: Energy. Sure, sure. Excellent. Good. An overflowing of your spiritual enrichment, enlightenment, an overflowing of your spiritual connection with Source, with your Group of Twelve.
S: Creativity was mentioned, yes. All good things for all time. Prosperity. You’ve got to make that little boat, you’ve got to put it in water, and you’ve got to burn it up. That’s my version of Diwali.
There’s more than that. What else do we have?
S: Always a popular time. A celebration of . . .
S: Yes, gluttony.
S: Family. There’s somebody being nice about it. Very often it is a challenging holiday, because I would tell you it’s centered on the wrong things. Instead of following its name, which is giving thanks—it’s Thanksgiving, and a focus on what you are grateful for—it becomes a mad cooking spree, cleaning spree, good behavior spree, while often to long-lost, gather together and continue the argument they started last Thanksgiving. So this year, how about focusing it on the giving thanks part, and if you’re looking for homework, I would like to.
And several people said, “Was I looking for homework?” If you were looking for homework, something you can do, starting tonight: write down either something you have been grateful for that day or a miracle that happened to you that day, and yes, both is certainly all right. And by the time your Thanksgiving comes, you’re going to have a little box or a little jar that you can pull out of wonderful memories. If you have been keeping that since the beginning of the year, Thanksgiving will be wonderful time to reach in and pull some out to remind yourself.
I will tell you, gratitude is a powerful, powerful act. Gratitude requires you to let go of your ego. In Nevis I spoke quite a bit about releasing ego. Why is it gratitude requires you to let go of ego?
Because you’re recognizing how someone has come to you, nourished you, instead of looking for something that was missing, something that didn’t go well, and that comes from ego, and expectations.
S: It’s positive. It doesn’t involve looking at things through expectations and outworn beliefs, and it’s about something good going on. Maybe it had something to do with you, but in all likelihood that something good that you’re really grateful for will direct you to someone or something else. This is going to sound preachy and I don’t mean it to, but I don’t have a better phrase at this point: That “attitude/gratitude”—even I don’t like that one—changes you. It puts you in a place of power because you are focused on what is good. Gratitude changes you because it puts you in the habit of positive seeing and thinking and hearing and speaking, and helps redirect those negative habits. Gratitude changes the way you think, the way you act, and—here is a big one—your gratitude changes the way people act toward you, because you have become a more positive, pleasant person, and that draws people.
So practice aware-ized gratitude.
Now, I’m not going to get into it right here, but there is a lot that I spoke about recently regarding how thoughts have their own energetic double and the more you create a mindset of positive thought, the more you draw that positive energy to you. There is nobody in this room who couldn’t use a little more positive force coming your way. And all you need to do for the next twenty days: every day refocus your mind, reframe your brain, reroute your neurons, release your habits by focusing on the positive that you are grateful for, the miracles that you have allowed yourself to see day by day.
You’re also opening it up to what starts those Christmas, Festival of Light, Kwanza and New Year’s Eve celebrations, so you’re opening up to a time of even more celebration. All of that is to say that this seems to be something of a doorway that the ancient ones from many belief systems thought of as the end of the old and the beginning of the new. It’s a time for you to be able to look at what has been and learn from it. Arrange—and this is a conscious choice—arrange to continue those things that work. Arrange to release those things that have not. And this, this specific day, is a time of great power within the energy system of your solar system. You have gone through massive solar energy releases, and today you had a solar eclipse and you had solar and lunar activity going on. It’s a perfect way to welcome the new. And I would say that your system has already been celebrating.
So those are the expected, right? It’s the first Sunday of November, so Samuel’s going to talk about Thanksgiving and the holidays, right? I’m also going to talk about this. [He wads up a sheet of paper to use as a graphic illustration.] Does that give you a hint?
S: You’re right, it’s time. Now. This is the way you usually think of time. A line. And one side is the beginning, and the other side is the end, and you are somewhere on that line. Right there. You see? And that line continues, but it has its ups and downs and ins and outs. Look, there’s a little piece of you, and another piece of you there. Because time doesn’t actually work like a line—starts at A and ends at Z; here is where you were born and here’s where you die. It doesn’t work that way at all. You are everywhere on that line. And that means every one of these little creases, wherever they happen to be, within this ball, there is a piece of you. And, I’m going to ask you tonight to think back in time. I’d like for you to think back to when you were about twenty. And I’d like for you to think about—and if you’re making notes this is a good one for the notes—I’d like for you to think about the three things the who-you-are-now would say to who you are then. What advice would you give your twenty-year-old self based on what you know now that you did not know then? What warning would you offer? What direction might you give? Three things that can help your twenty-year-old self better live.
Now, since you are looking backward that way, you may realize that there are a lot more than three things you’d like to give your twenty-year-old self advice about. So feel free to go further than three. It is not my intention to do this night in rhyme, it just keeps doing it. And this is what I’m calling “ghost talking.” Ghost talking. Because right about now your twenty-year-old self is saying, “Who said that?” Or maybe it’s sitting there thinking, “Wow, that’s a really good idea,” or perhaps it’s more along the lines of, “That sounds really dumb,” because you know twenty-year-olds . . . Now of the things you thought about, the three things you’d be sure to tell that self, anybody want to share? Bonnie.
The things that happen to you that you consider just disasters are gifts that you haven’t opened yet.
S: The things you will think are disasters are gifts you just haven’t opened yet. That’s wisdom. Another?
There was a time of a lot of searching for me at twenty. I think it probably would have been helpful to say, “You’re Source trying to be human. You’re a powerful being of light in this world.”
S: And don’t give up because it won’t be long before you’ll find that out. David.
I would say to buy stock in Apple. [Laughter]
I’d really try to emphasize there’s no tomorrow. I spend a lot of time pushing things off till tomorrow.
S: Lovely. There is no tomorrow. Buy Apple now.
Yes. Suzanne.
You will be loved so much more than you know now. Don’t be desperate about it.
S: Beautiful.
I’d tell her that life doesn’t have to be just about pleasing people around her because she is here to make a great many changes in the world.
S: And making great changes in the world very often comes with not needing to please everybody, because you won’t. Never forget that change means you’re stepping out of the comfort zone of most everyone you know. And your choice to change effects them. So if your life is based on the approval of others, you will stay the same that you are right now and never change because they won’t approve of it. Everyone needs everyone to stay just the same as you are right now. But no great things happen without turning your back on the approval of others and being willing to do what you know is best for yourself, for this world, and stepping out of that very cozy embrace. Very nice.
I would tell myself that I don’t have to do it all by myself, that asking for help is a strength.
S: Yes. That’s a very hard lesson at twenty, isn’t it? Another.
I don’t know about others, but I have this nagging feeling that, why do I feel so different. I’d tell myself that there are others like you and that you’ll find them.
I’d tell myself that I trust to know what I need.
S: Trust yourself. You do know what you need. Yes.
The love that you put out, turn it inward and love yourself, too.
S: Yes! You are so willing to put love out, do not forget to start it with yourself.
Bonnie, David
I think I would have told my twenty-year-old to not try to talk myself out of or disregard intuition, feelings, and those kind of things. I would just think it was something I had for supper or whatever. Trust what you’re thinking or feeling.
S: Trust your inner voice. Learn to listen to it. It’s very big.
I would tell myself that sacrifice is sacrifice of the self. Don’t give away yourself when you sacrifice.
S: Yes.
I’d tell myself things will get better and to focus on the positive and see the power in that. I’d also say to let go of those relationships that don’t work.
S: That’s right. A little earlier, that’s right!
These are your personal bumper stickers. These are the things you live by.
I have a question. If your twenty-year-old self were to shift around on this big ball of time and find you now, what would the twenty-year-old say to you about the life you have given it? What would it say to you about how it is, and who it is? Sometimes the twenty-year-old self is a little frightened, a little unclear. But you know, sometimes that twenty-year-old self is full of dreams and hopes. Some of your twenty-year-old selves were already married and making babies. What would your twenty-year-old self say life was about? And to you, what would that twenty-year-old self say?
I hope it would say, “You’ve come a long way.”
S: You’ve come a long way. That’s a good one.
I can’t believe that you made lemonade out of lemons.
S: Because that twenty-year-old self is living in lemon land. Lillibeth?
I think mine would say, “I’m glad you kept your wild side.”
S: Glad you kept your wild side. Cam.
Wow! You found love!
S: Ooh, nice, nice. Kathy and then David.
Do I know you?
I’m not doomed to this, am I? I’ll change, I’ll change.
My twenty-year-old would say that they were really proud I followed my instincts to keep searching for more. But it would also say you still haven’t let go of some of the stuff that went on when you were twenty.
S: Wise, wise, very wise.
Twenty is kind of an awkward time. But you know, every life has certain awkward times, and since what I’m asking you to do tonight is to be the ghost in another part of your life, I’d like for you to think about any major point in your life, a time in which you had a decision to make. Might have been a decision that you later regretted, might be a decision you were really happy about.
[Dog whimpers] He said he’s not old enough to have decisions he’s regretted. He’s actually saying, “I really want to see Paula’s dog!”
I want you to think back to a time that you were on a precipice so to speak, a time of change, when you were going to have to make an important decision. You could have been two, you could have been twenty, you could have been fifty. I know some of you aren’t that old yet. I want you to fully imagine yourself at that time. And as you’re imagining yourself, what were you wearing? What did your hair look like? What do you see surrounding you at that time? I’m wanting you to put this into as much of a clear picture as possible. The more of your senses you can engage into this, and by all means, make it up. What are you smelling? Well, back then, you were eating a lot of meat, maybe you’re smelling bacon. Maybe you’re smelling a perfume you always used to wear. Maybe you are smelling the dog. What are you hearing? Seeing? The more you can put into it–color, detail. Put yourself at that time and place, looking at that self.
Now that self knows who you are . . . I know, on television they always act like, “Who are you?” They know who you are. You are a greater part of them. In the same way that the greater part of you talks to you, what do you, as the greater part of that person, what do you need to say to that one at such an important time? Does that self need encouragement? Advice? Comfort? A dose of reality? A little direction? What does that self need from you that only you at this place in your life right now, that only you can give to that self?
And when you’ve thought about what it is you would say, I want you to do an experiment. I want you to imagine there’s a golden cord moving out of your heart going to the heart of that self, and the information that you are wanting to pass along travels on that golden cord from your heart to your heart.
Now I want you to think about how that life could change based upon what you have offered, on how things could be different by following what you had to say.
Frank, did you have a question?
I’m having somewhat of a problem with this because I know that everything I experienced and the decisions I have made brought me to where I am. I don’t know that I’d change any of it because I’d maybe not end up where I am now.
S: That’s a very, very healthy way to look at it; it’s just not playing my game. It’s good, but where I want you think of it is, pull the wisdom out of yourself that it would have been nice to have. I’m not asking you to change that person, I’m asking you . . . yes.
Now, having had time to think that through, I want you to think about things that are going on in your life right now and to realize that even though it seems to you time is constantly passing, patterns are always there, life lessons always show up – many, many different perspectives are required before something is ever fully complete. Which is to say that the things that were going on with you at twenty are showing up in certain ways in your life right now. Decisions that were so important to you, and what would have been helpful to have known then, are helpful now for the things in front of you.
If you are here tonight specifically with a big decision in front of you, realize that your higher self is giving you that information in the costume—Halloween—of your younger self. There is no time. There is only what is learned in the now and the memory that brings it up.
So, for those of you who wrote notes, look at what you have written. See it as a big fortune cookie and give yourself some information that’s helpful to you right now. Not only the good things that were said earlier: “Things are going to get better. Don’t give up. You’re going to be so loved.” Remember to love yourself. But the next time you have a big choice in front of you, what is your higher self telling you to do?
This is the information you are giving yourself this night. Ghost talking.
So what is it you are telling you? You know, so often I hear you say, “It’s just so hard to know the answer,” so push yourself forward in time and go back and give yourself the answer.
This exercise is a gift. It gives you a way to talk to you. Not only are you giving yourself a way to help your past self, but you’re also giving yourself a way to help your current self to know what you think, to recognize your wisdom, to know your answer. It also helps you become aware of what patterns are still there and gives you the opportunity to make those changes before another few years pass and that self says, “Still?! Still?!”
Ghost talking makes you the ghost. Well, the last time we were together, we talked about talking to ghosts, didn’t we? Now you’re the ghost. “I see live people.” Right. Got it.
These next two months are going to be filled with opportunities for you to talk to you, or at least to wish you did. You’re going to be seeing a lot of change on a global scale. It’s a time in which your ability to pull out your encouragement and your wisdom and your answers and your knowledge and your comfort and your love can be really important. Now that’s not saying it’s going to be a bad time, not at all. But it’s a time in which throughout the world there is so much going on. So many people having to make life-changing decisions. You are at a cusp. That which has been must pass away so that that which is new may have a place.
You are here to guide and guard life force to bring about the conclusion of Sacred Status on this planet. For all life force on it. And everything that you do in your life becomes an example to others. You are a function of Source in this world and as a result of that, you are here to live a life centered on love. When you come to a time of choice, ask yourself, “What is the loving thing?” Not the easy thing, the loving thing. And with that, you are on the path you are destined for. And that makes your road much easier.
Don’t forget your homework.
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